forked from github/server
- completed i18n for combatspells and battle adding the filereader header (the implementation is on my PC which is still in transit to Germany)
641 lines
13 KiB
641 lines
13 KiB
#include <config.h>
#include <eressea.h>
#include "list.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "bindings.h"
#include "event.h"
// Atributes includes
#include <attributes/racename.h>
#include <attributes/key.h>
// kernel includes
#include <kernel/building.h>
#include <kernel/faction.h>
#include <kernel/item.h>
#include <kernel/magic.h>
#include <kernel/movement.h>
#include <kernel/order.h>
#include <kernel/pool.h>
#include <kernel/race.h>
#include <kernel/region.h>
#include <kernel/ship.h>
#include <kernel/skill.h>
#include <kernel/spell.h>
#include <kernel/unit.h>
// util includes
#include <util/attrib.h>
#include <util/base36.h>
#include <util/event.h>
#include <util/lists.h>
// lua includes
#include <lua.hpp>
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
#include <luabind/iterator_policy.hpp>
# include <luabind/operator.hpp>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
using namespace luabind;
class bind_spell_ptr {
static spell_list * next(spell_list * node) { return node->next; }
static spell * value(spell_list * node) { return node->data; }
static eressea::list<spell *, spell_list *, bind_spell_ptr>
unit_spells(const unit& u) {
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
if (mage==NULL) return eressea::list<spell *, spell_list *, bind_spell_ptr>(NULL);
spell_list * splist = mage->spells;
return eressea::list<spell *, spell_list *, bind_spell_ptr>(splist);
class bind_spell_list {
static spell_list * next(spell_list * node) { return node->next; }
static spell * value(spell_list * node) { return node->data; }
class bind_orders {
static order * next(order * node) { return node->next; }
static std::string value(order * node) {
char * cmd = getcommand(node);
std::string s(cmd);
return s;
static eressea::list<std::string, order *, bind_orders>
unit_orders(const unit& u) {
return eressea::list<std::string, order *, bind_orders>(u.orders);
static eressea::list<std::string, item *, eressea::bind_items>
unit_items(const unit& u) {
return eressea::list<std::string, item *, eressea::bind_items>(u.items);
static unit *
add_unit(faction * f, region * r)
if (f->units==NULL) return addplayer(r, f);
return createunit(r, f, 0, f->race);
static void
unit_setnumber(unit& u, int number)
if (u.number==0) {
set_number(&u, number);
u.hp = unit_max_hp(&u) * number;
} else {
scale_number(&u, number);
static void
unit_setracename(unit& u, const char * name)
set_racename(&u.attribs, name);
static int
unit_getnumber(const unit& u)
return u.number;
static int
unit_getitem(const unit& u, const char * iname)
if (iname!=NULL) {
const item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
return i_get(u.items, itype);
return -1;
static int
unit_additem(unit& u, const char * iname, int number)
if (iname!=NULL) {
const item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
item * i = i_change(&u.items, itype, number);
return i?i->number:0;
} // if (itype!=NULL)
const item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
item * i = i_change(&u.items, itype, number);
return i?i->number:0;
return -1;
static int
unit_usepooled(unit& u, const char * iname, int number)
const resource_type * rtype = rt_find(iname);
if (rtype!=NULL) {
return use_pooled(&u, rtype, GET_DEFAULT, number);
return -1;
static int
unit_getpooled(unit& u, const char * iname)
const resource_type * rtype = rt_find(iname);
if (rtype!=NULL) {
return get_pooled(&u, rtype, GET_DEFAULT, INT_MAX);
return -1;
static int
unit_getskill(const unit& u, const char * skname)
skill_t sk = sk_find(skname);
if (sk!=NOSKILL) {
skill * sv = get_skill(&u, sk);
if (sv==NULL) return 0;
return sv->level;
return -1;
static int
unit_effskill(const unit& u, const char * skname)
skill_t sk = sk_find(skname);
if (sk!=NOSKILL) {
return effskill(&u, sk);
return -1;
static int
unit_setskill(unit& u, const char * skname, int level)
skill_t sk = sk_find(skname);
if (sk!=NOSKILL) {
set_level(&u, sk, level);
return level;
} // if (sk!=NULL)
return -1;
static const char *
unit_getrace(const unit& u)
return u.race->_name[0];
static void
unit_setrace(unit& u, const char * rcname)
race * rc = rc_find(rcname);
if (rc!=NULL) {
if (u.irace==u.race) u.irace = rc;
u.race = rc;
static void
unit_castspell(unit& u, const char * name)
spell_list * slist = spells;
while (slist!=NULL) {
spell * sp = slist->data;
if (strcmp(name, sp->sname)==0) {
castorder * co = (castorder*)malloc(sizeof(castorder));
co->distance = 0;
co->familiar = NULL;
co->force = sp->level;
co->level = sp->level;
co->magician.u = &u;
co->order = NULL;
co->par = NULL;
co->rt = u.region;
co->sp = sp;
if (sp->sp_function==NULL) {
log_error(("spell '%s' has no function.\n", sp->sname));
co->level = 0;
} else {
static void
unit_addspell(unit& u, const char * name)
bool add = false;
spell_list * slist = spells;
while (slist!=NULL) {
spell * sp = slist->data;
if (strcmp(name, sp->sname)==0) {
struct sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
if (add) log_error(("two spells are called %s.\n", name));
add_spell(mage, sp);
add = true;
if (!add) log_error(("spell %s could not be found\n", name));
static unit *
unit_isfamiliar(const unit& u)
attrib * a = a_find(u.attribs, &at_familiarmage);
if (a!=NULL) {
return (unit*)a->data.v;
return NULL;
static unit *
unit_getfamiliar(const unit& u)
attrib * a = a_find(u.attribs, &at_familiar);
if (a!=NULL) {
return (unit*)a->data.v;
return NULL;
static void
unit_setfamiliar(unit& mage, unit& familiar)
create_newfamiliar(&mage, &familiar);
static void
unit_removespell(unit& u, const spell * sp)
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
if (mage!=NULL) {
spell_list ** isptr = &mage->spells;
while (*isptr && (*isptr)->data != sp) {
isptr = &(*isptr)->next;
if (*isptr) {
spell_list * sptr = *isptr;
*isptr = sptr->next;
static int
unit_hpmax(const unit& u)
return unit_max_hp(&u);
static void
unit_setregion(unit& u, region& r)
move_unit(&u, &r, NULL);
static region *
unit_getregion(const unit& u)
return u.region;
static void
unit_setship(unit& u, ship& s)
leave(u.region, &u);
if (u.region!=s.region) {
unit_setregion(u, *s.region);
u.ship = &s;
static ship *
unit_getship(const unit& u)
return u.ship;
static void
unit_setbuilding(unit& u, building& b)
leave(u.region, &u);
if (u.region!=b.region) {
unit_setregion(u, *b.region);
u.building = &b;
static building *
unit_getbuilding(const unit& u)
return u.building;
static int
unit_getid(const unit& u)
static void
unit_setid(unit& u, int id)
unit * nu = findunit(id);
if (nu==NULL) {
| = id;
static const char *
unit_getname(const unit& u)
static void
unit_setname(unit& u, const char * name)
| = xstrdup(name);
static const char *
unit_getinfo(const unit& u)
return u.display;
static void
unit_setinfo(unit& u, const char * info)
u.display = xstrdup(info);
static bool
get_flag(const unit& u, const char * name)
int flag = atoi36(name);
attrib * a = find_key(u.attribs, flag);
return (a!=NULL);
static void
set_flag(unit& u, const char * name, bool value)
int flag = atoi36(name);
attrib * a = find_key(u.attribs, flag);
if (a==NULL && value) {
add_key(&u.attribs, flag);
} else if (a!=NULL && !value) {
a_remove(&u.attribs, a);
static std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const unit& u)
const char * rcname = get_racename(u.attribs);
stream << << " (" << itoa36( << "), " << u.number << " " << u.race->_name[0];
if (rcname) stream << "/" << rcname;
return stream;
static bool
operator==(const unit& a, const unit&b)
static int
unit_getaura(const unit& u)
return get_spellpoints(&u);
static void
unit_setaura(unit& u, int points)
return set_spellpoints(&u, points);
static faction *
unit_getfaction(const unit& u)
return u.faction;
static void
unit_setfaction(unit& u, faction& f)
u_setfaction(&u, &f);
static const char *
unit_getmagic(const unit& u)
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
return mage?magietypen[mage->magietyp]:NULL;
static void
unit_setmagic(unit& u, const char * type)
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
magic_t mtype;
for (mtype=0;mtype!=MAXMAGIETYP;++mtype) {
if (strcmp(magietypen[mtype], type)==0) break;
if (mtype==MAXMAGIETYP) return;
if (mage==NULL) {
mage = create_mage(&u, mtype);
static void
unit_addorder(unit& u, const char * str)
order * ord = parse_order(str, u.faction->locale);
addlist(&u.orders, ord);
u.faction->lastorders = turn;
static void
unit_clearorders(unit& u)
static int
unit_weight(const struct unit& u)
return weight(&u);
typedef struct fctr_data {
unit * target;
luabind::object * fptr;
} fctr_data;
#include <exception>
fctr_handle(struct trigger * tp, void * data)
trigger * t = tp;
event * evt = new event(NULL, (event_arg*)data);
fctr_data * fd = (fctr_data*)t->data.v;
try {
fd->fptr->operator()(fd->target, evt);
catch (luabind::error& e) {
lua_State* L = e.state();
const char* error = lua_tostring(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
delete evt;
return 0;
static void
fctr_init(trigger * t)
t->data.v = calloc(sizeof(fctr_data), 1);
static void
fctr_done(trigger * t)
static struct trigger_type tt_functor = {
static trigger *
trigger_functor(struct unit& u, const object& f)
luabind::object * fptr = new luabind::object(f);
trigger * t = t_new(&tt_functor);
fctr_data * td = (fctr_data*)t->data.v;
td->target = &u;
td->fptr = fptr;
return t;
static void
unit_addhandler(struct unit& u, const char * event, const object& f)
add_trigger(&u.attribs, event, trigger_functor(u, f));
static int
unit_capacity(const struct unit& u)
return walkingcapacity(&u);
static void
unit_addnotice(unit& u, const char * str)
addmessage(u.region, u.faction, str, MSG_MESSAGE, ML_IMPORTANT);
bind_unit(lua_State * L)
def("get_unit", &findunit),
def("add_unit", &add_unit),
class_<struct unit>("unit")
.def(self == unit())
.property("name", &unit_getname, &unit_setname)
.property("info", &unit_getinfo, &unit_setinfo)
.property("id", &unit_getid, &unit_setid)
.property("faction", &unit_getfaction, &unit_setfaction)
.def_readwrite("hp", &unit::hp)
.def_readwrite("status", &unit::status)
.property("weight", &unit_weight)
.property("capacity", &unit_capacity)
.property("is_familiar", &unit_isfamiliar)
.property("familiar", &unit_getfamiliar, &unit_setfamiliar)
// orders:
.def("add_order", &unit_addorder)
.def("clear_orders", &unit_clearorders)
.property("orders", &unit_orders, return_stl_iterator)
// key-attributes for named flags:
.def("set_flag", &set_flag)
.def("get_flag", &get_flag)
.def_readwrite("flags", &unit::flags)
.def_readwrite("age", &unit::age)
// items:
.def("get_item", &unit_getitem)
.def("add_item", &unit_additem)
.property("items", &unit_items, return_stl_iterator)
.def("get_pooled", &unit_getpooled)
.def("use_pooled", &unit_usepooled)
// skills:
.def("get_skill", &unit_getskill)
.def("eff_skill", &unit_effskill)
.def("set_skill", &unit_setskill)
.def("add_notice", &unit_addnotice)
// npc logic:
.def("add_handler", &unit_addhandler)
.def("set_racename", &unit_setracename)
.def("add_spell", &unit_addspell)
.def("remove_spell", &unit_removespell)
.def("cast_spell", &unit_castspell)
.property("magic", &unit_getmagic, &unit_setmagic)
.property("aura", &unit_getaura, &unit_setaura)
.property("building", &unit_getbuilding, &unit_setbuilding)
.property("ship", &unit_getship, &unit_setship)
.property("region", &unit_getregion, &unit_setregion)
.property("spells", &unit_spells, return_stl_iterator)
.property("number", &unit_getnumber, &unit_setnumber)
.property("race", &unit_getrace, &unit_setrace)
.property("hp_max", &unit_hpmax)
.property("objects", &eressea::get_objects<unit>)