Enno Rehling d2094d6205 Unicode WIP:
- completed i18n for combatspells and battle
adding the filereader header (the implementation is on my PC which is still in transit to Germany)
2007-07-20 07:28:11 +00:00

641 lines
13 KiB

#include <config.h>
#include <eressea.h>
#include "list.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "bindings.h"
#include "event.h"
// Atributes includes
#include <attributes/racename.h>
#include <attributes/key.h>
// kernel includes
#include <kernel/building.h>
#include <kernel/faction.h>
#include <kernel/item.h>
#include <kernel/magic.h>
#include <kernel/movement.h>
#include <kernel/order.h>
#include <kernel/pool.h>
#include <kernel/race.h>
#include <kernel/region.h>
#include <kernel/ship.h>
#include <kernel/skill.h>
#include <kernel/spell.h>
#include <kernel/unit.h>
// util includes
#include <util/attrib.h>
#include <util/base36.h>
#include <util/event.h>
#include <util/lists.h>
// lua includes
#include <lua.hpp>
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
#include <luabind/iterator_policy.hpp>
# include <luabind/operator.hpp>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
using namespace luabind;
class bind_spell_ptr {
static spell_list * next(spell_list * node) { return node->next; }
static spell * value(spell_list * node) { return node->data; }
static eressea::list<spell *, spell_list *, bind_spell_ptr>
unit_spells(const unit& u) {
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
if (mage==NULL) return eressea::list<spell *, spell_list *, bind_spell_ptr>(NULL);
spell_list * splist = mage->spells;
return eressea::list<spell *, spell_list *, bind_spell_ptr>(splist);
class bind_spell_list {
static spell_list * next(spell_list * node) { return node->next; }
static spell * value(spell_list * node) { return node->data; }
class bind_orders {
static order * next(order * node) { return node->next; }
static std::string value(order * node) {
char * cmd = getcommand(node);
std::string s(cmd);
return s;
static eressea::list<std::string, order *, bind_orders>
unit_orders(const unit& u) {
return eressea::list<std::string, order *, bind_orders>(u.orders);
static eressea::list<std::string, item *, eressea::bind_items>
unit_items(const unit& u) {
return eressea::list<std::string, item *, eressea::bind_items>(u.items);
static unit *
add_unit(faction * f, region * r)
if (f->units==NULL) return addplayer(r, f);
return createunit(r, f, 0, f->race);
static void
unit_setnumber(unit& u, int number)
if (u.number==0) {
set_number(&u, number);
u.hp = unit_max_hp(&u) * number;
} else {
scale_number(&u, number);
static void
unit_setracename(unit& u, const char * name)
set_racename(&u.attribs, name);
static int
unit_getnumber(const unit& u)
return u.number;
static int
unit_getitem(const unit& u, const char * iname)
if (iname!=NULL) {
const item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
return i_get(u.items, itype);
return -1;
static int
unit_additem(unit& u, const char * iname, int number)
if (iname!=NULL) {
const item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
item * i = i_change(&u.items, itype, number);
return i?i->number:0;
} // if (itype!=NULL)
const item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
item * i = i_change(&u.items, itype, number);
return i?i->number:0;
return -1;
static int
unit_usepooled(unit& u, const char * iname, int number)
const resource_type * rtype = rt_find(iname);
if (rtype!=NULL) {
return use_pooled(&u, rtype, GET_DEFAULT, number);
return -1;
static int
unit_getpooled(unit& u, const char * iname)
const resource_type * rtype = rt_find(iname);
if (rtype!=NULL) {
return get_pooled(&u, rtype, GET_DEFAULT, INT_MAX);
return -1;
static int
unit_getskill(const unit& u, const char * skname)
skill_t sk = sk_find(skname);
if (sk!=NOSKILL) {
skill * sv = get_skill(&u, sk);
if (sv==NULL) return 0;
return sv->level;
return -1;
static int
unit_effskill(const unit& u, const char * skname)
skill_t sk = sk_find(skname);
if (sk!=NOSKILL) {
return effskill(&u, sk);
return -1;
static int
unit_setskill(unit& u, const char * skname, int level)
skill_t sk = sk_find(skname);
if (sk!=NOSKILL) {
set_level(&u, sk, level);
return level;
} // if (sk!=NULL)
return -1;
static const char *
unit_getrace(const unit& u)
return u.race->_name[0];
static void
unit_setrace(unit& u, const char * rcname)
race * rc = rc_find(rcname);
if (rc!=NULL) {
if (u.irace==u.race) u.irace = rc;
u.race = rc;
static void
unit_castspell(unit& u, const char * name)
spell_list * slist = spells;
while (slist!=NULL) {
spell * sp = slist->data;
if (strcmp(name, sp->sname)==0) {
castorder * co = (castorder*)malloc(sizeof(castorder));
co->distance = 0;
co->familiar = NULL;
co->force = sp->level;
co->level = sp->level;
co->magician.u = &u;
co->order = NULL;
co->par = NULL;
co->rt = u.region;
co->sp = sp;
if (sp->sp_function==NULL) {
log_error(("spell '%s' has no function.\n", sp->sname));
co->level = 0;
} else {
static void
unit_addspell(unit& u, const char * name)
bool add = false;
spell_list * slist = spells;
while (slist!=NULL) {
spell * sp = slist->data;
if (strcmp(name, sp->sname)==0) {
struct sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
if (add) log_error(("two spells are called %s.\n", name));
add_spell(mage, sp);
add = true;
if (!add) log_error(("spell %s could not be found\n", name));
static unit *
unit_isfamiliar(const unit& u)
attrib * a = a_find(u.attribs, &at_familiarmage);
if (a!=NULL) {
return (unit*)a->data.v;
return NULL;
static unit *
unit_getfamiliar(const unit& u)
attrib * a = a_find(u.attribs, &at_familiar);
if (a!=NULL) {
return (unit*)a->data.v;
return NULL;
static void
unit_setfamiliar(unit& mage, unit& familiar)
create_newfamiliar(&mage, &familiar);
static void
unit_removespell(unit& u, const spell * sp)
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
if (mage!=NULL) {
spell_list ** isptr = &mage->spells;
while (*isptr && (*isptr)->data != sp) {
isptr = &(*isptr)->next;
if (*isptr) {
spell_list * sptr = *isptr;
*isptr = sptr->next;
static int
unit_hpmax(const unit& u)
return unit_max_hp(&u);
static void
unit_setregion(unit& u, region& r)
move_unit(&u, &r, NULL);
static region *
unit_getregion(const unit& u)
return u.region;
static void
unit_setship(unit& u, ship& s)
leave(u.region, &u);
if (u.region!=s.region) {
unit_setregion(u, *s.region);
u.ship = &s;
static ship *
unit_getship(const unit& u)
return u.ship;
static void
unit_setbuilding(unit& u, building& b)
leave(u.region, &u);
if (u.region!=b.region) {
unit_setregion(u, *b.region);
u.building = &b;
static building *
unit_getbuilding(const unit& u)
return u.building;
static int
unit_getid(const unit& u)
static void
unit_setid(unit& u, int id)
unit * nu = findunit(id);
if (nu==NULL) {
uunhash(&u); = id;
static const char *
unit_getname(const unit& u)
static void
unit_setname(unit& u, const char * name)
free(; = xstrdup(name);
static const char *
unit_getinfo(const unit& u)
return u.display;
static void
unit_setinfo(unit& u, const char * info)
u.display = xstrdup(info);
static bool
get_flag(const unit& u, const char * name)
int flag = atoi36(name);
attrib * a = find_key(u.attribs, flag);
return (a!=NULL);
static void
set_flag(unit& u, const char * name, bool value)
int flag = atoi36(name);
attrib * a = find_key(u.attribs, flag);
if (a==NULL && value) {
add_key(&u.attribs, flag);
} else if (a!=NULL && !value) {
a_remove(&u.attribs, a);
static std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const unit& u)
const char * rcname = get_racename(u.attribs);
stream << << " (" << itoa36( << "), " << u.number << " " << u.race->_name[0];
if (rcname) stream << "/" << rcname;
return stream;
static bool
operator==(const unit& a, const unit&b)
static int
unit_getaura(const unit& u)
return get_spellpoints(&u);
static void
unit_setaura(unit& u, int points)
return set_spellpoints(&u, points);
static faction *
unit_getfaction(const unit& u)
return u.faction;
static void
unit_setfaction(unit& u, faction& f)
u_setfaction(&u, &f);
static const char *
unit_getmagic(const unit& u)
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
return mage?magietypen[mage->magietyp]:NULL;
static void
unit_setmagic(unit& u, const char * type)
sc_mage * mage = get_mage(&u);
magic_t mtype;
for (mtype=0;mtype!=MAXMAGIETYP;++mtype) {
if (strcmp(magietypen[mtype], type)==0) break;
if (mtype==MAXMAGIETYP) return;
if (mage==NULL) {
mage = create_mage(&u, mtype);
static void
unit_addorder(unit& u, const char * str)
order * ord = parse_order(str, u.faction->locale);
addlist(&u.orders, ord);
u.faction->lastorders = turn;
static void
unit_clearorders(unit& u)
static int
unit_weight(const struct unit& u)
return weight(&u);
typedef struct fctr_data {
unit * target;
luabind::object * fptr;
} fctr_data;
#include <exception>
fctr_handle(struct trigger * tp, void * data)
trigger * t = tp;
event * evt = new event(NULL, (event_arg*)data);
fctr_data * fd = (fctr_data*)t->data.v;
try {
fd->fptr->operator()(fd->target, evt);
catch (luabind::error& e) {
lua_State* L = e.state();
const char* error = lua_tostring(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
delete evt;
return 0;
static void
fctr_init(trigger * t)
t->data.v = calloc(sizeof(fctr_data), 1);
static void
fctr_done(trigger * t)
static struct trigger_type tt_functor = {
static trigger *
trigger_functor(struct unit& u, const object& f)
luabind::object * fptr = new luabind::object(f);
trigger * t = t_new(&tt_functor);
fctr_data * td = (fctr_data*)t->data.v;
td->target = &u;
td->fptr = fptr;
return t;
static void
unit_addhandler(struct unit& u, const char * event, const object& f)
add_trigger(&u.attribs, event, trigger_functor(u, f));
static int
unit_capacity(const struct unit& u)
return walkingcapacity(&u);
static void
unit_addnotice(unit& u, const char * str)
addmessage(u.region, u.faction, str, MSG_MESSAGE, ML_IMPORTANT);
bind_unit(lua_State * L)
def("get_unit", &findunit),
def("add_unit", &add_unit),
class_<struct unit>("unit")
.def(self == unit())
.property("name", &unit_getname, &unit_setname)
.property("info", &unit_getinfo, &unit_setinfo)
.property("id", &unit_getid, &unit_setid)
.property("faction", &unit_getfaction, &unit_setfaction)
.def_readwrite("hp", &unit::hp)
.def_readwrite("status", &unit::status)
.property("weight", &unit_weight)
.property("capacity", &unit_capacity)
.property("is_familiar", &unit_isfamiliar)
.property("familiar", &unit_getfamiliar, &unit_setfamiliar)
// orders:
.def("add_order", &unit_addorder)
.def("clear_orders", &unit_clearorders)
.property("orders", &unit_orders, return_stl_iterator)
// key-attributes for named flags:
.def("set_flag", &set_flag)
.def("get_flag", &get_flag)
.def_readwrite("flags", &unit::flags)
.def_readwrite("age", &unit::age)
// items:
.def("get_item", &unit_getitem)
.def("add_item", &unit_additem)
.property("items", &unit_items, return_stl_iterator)
.def("get_pooled", &unit_getpooled)
.def("use_pooled", &unit_usepooled)
// skills:
.def("get_skill", &unit_getskill)
.def("eff_skill", &unit_effskill)
.def("set_skill", &unit_setskill)
.def("add_notice", &unit_addnotice)
// npc logic:
.def("add_handler", &unit_addhandler)
.def("set_racename", &unit_setracename)
.def("add_spell", &unit_addspell)
.def("remove_spell", &unit_removespell)
.def("cast_spell", &unit_castspell)
.property("magic", &unit_getmagic, &unit_setmagic)
.property("aura", &unit_getaura, &unit_setaura)
.property("building", &unit_getbuilding, &unit_setbuilding)
.property("ship", &unit_getship, &unit_setship)
.property("region", &unit_getregion, &unit_setregion)
.property("spells", &unit_spells, return_stl_iterator)
.property("number", &unit_getnumber, &unit_setnumber)
.property("race", &unit_getrace, &unit_setrace)
.property("hp_max", &unit_hpmax)
.property("objects", &eressea::get_objects<unit>)