forked from github/server
- implemented unicode_utf8_strcasecmp function - fixed some xml files - code compiles and runs on the console TODO: * switch from xmlChar to char again * eliminate remaining warnings * report.[hc] are still disabled OPTIONAL: * handle latin1 input?
407 lines
11 KiB
407 lines
11 KiB
/* vi: set ts=2:
* +-------------------+ Christian Schlittchen <>
* | | Enno Rehling <>
* | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel <>
* | (c) 1998 - 2007 |
* | | This program may not be used, modified or distributed
* +-------------------+ without prior permission by the authors of Eressea.
/* wenn config.h nicht vor curses included wird, kompiliert es unter windows nicht */
#include <config.h>
#include <eressea.h>
#include "summary.h"
#include "laws.h"
#include <kernel/alliance.h>
#include <kernel/calendar.h>
#include <kernel/faction.h>
#include <kernel/item.h>
#include <kernel/race.h>
#include <kernel/region.h>
#include <kernel/reports.h>
#include <kernel/save.h>
#include <kernel/skill.h>
#include <kernel/terrain.h>
#include <kernel/terrainid.h>
#include <kernel/unit.h>
#include <util/base36.h>
#include <util/language.h>
#include <util/lists.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct summary {
int waffen;
int factions;
int ruestungen;
int schiffe;
int gebaeude;
int maxskill;
int heroes;
int inhabitedregions;
int peasants;
int nunits;
int playerpop;
double playermoney;
double peasantmoney;
int armed_men;
int poprace[MAXRACES];
int factionrace[MAXRACES];
int landregionen;
int regionen_mit_spielern;
int landregionen_mit_spielern;
int orkifizierte_regionen;
int inactive_volcanos;
int active_volcanos;
int spielerpferde;
int pferde;
struct language {
struct language * next;
int number;
const struct locale * locale;
} * languages;
} summary;
static char *
pcomp(double i, double j)
static char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%.0f (%s%.0f)", i, (i>=j)?"+":"", i-j);
return buf;
static char *
rcomp(int i, int j)
static char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%d (%s%d,%s%d%%)",
i, (i>=j)?"+":"", i-j, (i>=j)?"+":"",j?((i-j)*100)/j:0);
return buf;
static void
out_faction(FILE *file, const struct faction *f)
if (alliances!=NULL) {
fprintf(file, "%s (%s/%d) (%.3s/%.3s), %d Einh., %d Pers., $%d, %d NMR\n",
f->name, itoa36(f->no), f->alliance?f->alliance->id:0,
LOC(default_locale, rc_name(f->race, 0)), magietypen[f->magiegebiet],
f->no_units, f->num_total, f->money, turn - f->lastorders);
} else {
fprintf(file, "%s (%.3s/%.3s), %d Einh., %d Pers., $%d, %d NMR\n",
factionname(f), LOC(default_locale, rc_name(f->race, 0)),
magietypen[f->magiegebiet], f->no_units, f->num_total, f->money,
turn - f->lastorders);
static char *
gamedate2(const struct locale * lang)
static char buf[256];
gamedate gd;
get_gamedate(turn, &gd);
sprintf(buf, "in %s des Monats %s im Jahre %d %s.",
LOC(lang, weeknames2[gd.week]),
LOC(lang, monthnames[gd.month]),
LOC(lang, agename));
return buf;
static void
char zText[MAX_PATH];
FILE *f;
sprintf(zText, "%s/datum", basepath());
f = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!f) return;
fputs(gamedate2(default_locale), f);
sprintf(zText, "%s/turn", basepath());
f = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!f) return;
fprintf(f, "%d\n", turn);
report_summary(summary * s, summary * o, boolean full)
int i, newplayers = 0;
faction * f;
char zText[MAX_PATH];
if (full) {
sprintf(zText, "%s/parteien.full", basepath());
} else {
sprintf(zText, "%s/parteien", basepath());
F = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!F) return;
printf("Schreibe Zusammenfassung (parteien)...\n");
fprintf(F, "%s\n%s\n\n", global.gamename, gamedate2(default_locale));
fprintf(F, "Auswertung Nr: %d\n\n", turn);
fprintf(F, "Parteien: %s\n", pcomp(s->factions, o->factions));
fprintf(F, "Einheiten: %s\n", pcomp(s->nunits, o->nunits));
fprintf(F, "Spielerpopulation: %s\n",
pcomp(s->playerpop, o->playerpop));
fprintf(F, " davon bewaffnet: %s\n",
pcomp(s->armed_men, o->armed_men));
#ifdef HEROES
fprintf(F, " Helden: %s\n", pcomp(s->heroes, o->heroes));
if (full) {
fprintf(F, "Regionen: %d\n", listlen(regions));
fprintf(F, "Bewohnte Regionen: %d\n", s->inhabitedregions);
fprintf(F, "Landregionen: %d\n", s->landregionen);
fprintf(F, "Spielerregionen: %d\n", s->regionen_mit_spielern);
fprintf(F, "Landspielerregionen: %d\n", s->landregionen_mit_spielern);
fprintf(F, "Orkifizierte Regionen: %d\n", s->orkifizierte_regionen);
fprintf(F, "Inaktive Vulkane: %d\n", s->inactive_volcanos);
fprintf(F, "Aktive Vulkane: %d\n\n", s->active_volcanos);
for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; i++) {
const race * rc = new_race[i];
if (s->factionrace[i] && rc && playerrace(rc)
&& i != RC_TEMPLATE && i != RC_CLONE) {
fprintf(F, "%14sv<73>lker: %s\n", LOC(default_locale, rc_name(rc, 3)),
pcomp(s->factionrace[i], o->factionrace[i]));
if(full) {
fprintf(F, "\n");
struct language * plang = s->languages;
while (plang!=NULL) {
struct language * olang = o->languages;
int nold = 0;
while (olang && olang->locale!=plang->locale) olang=olang->next;
if (olang) nold = olang->number;
fprintf(F, "Sprache %12s: %s\n", locale_name(plang->locale),
rcomp(plang->number, nold));
fprintf(F, "\n");
if (full) {
for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; i++) {
const race * rc = new_race[i];
if (s->poprace[i]) {
fprintf(F, "%20s: %s\n", LOC(default_locale, rc_name(rc, 1)),
rcomp(s->poprace[i], o->poprace[i]));
} else {
for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; i++) {
const race * rc = new_race[i];
if (s->poprace[i] && playerrace(rc)
&& i != RC_TEMPLATE && i != RC_CLONE) {
fprintf(F, "%20s: %s\n", LOC(default_locale, rc_name(rc, 1)),
rcomp(s->poprace[i], o->poprace[i]));
if (full) {
fprintf(F, "\nWaffen: %s\n", pcomp(s->waffen,o->waffen));
fprintf(F, "R<EFBFBD>stungen: %s\n",
fprintf(F, "ungez<EFBFBD>hmte Pferde: %s\n", pcomp(s->pferde, o->pferde));
fprintf(F, "gez<EFBFBD>hmte Pferde: %s\n",
fprintf(F, "Schiffe: %s\n", pcomp(s->schiffe, o->schiffe));
fprintf(F, "Geb<EFBFBD>ude: %s\n", pcomp(s->gebaeude, o->gebaeude));
fprintf(F, "\nBauernpopulation: %s\n", pcomp(s->peasants,o->peasants));
fprintf(F, "Population gesamt: %d\n\n", s->playerpop+s->peasants);
fprintf(F, "Reichtum Spieler: %s Silber\n",
fprintf(F, "Reichtum Bauern: %s Silber\n",
pcomp(s->peasantmoney, o->peasantmoney));
fprintf(F, "Reichtum gesamt: %s Silber\n\n",
pcomp(s->playermoney+s->peasantmoney, o->playermoney+o->peasantmoney));
fprintf(F, "\n\n");
newplayers = update_nmrs();
for (i = 0; i <= NMRTimeout(); ++i) {
if (i == NMRTimeout()) {
fprintf(F, "+ NMR:\t\t %d\n", nmrs[i]);
} else {
fprintf(F, "%d NMR:\t\t %d\n", i, nmrs[i]);
if (age) {
if (age[2] != 0) {
fprintf(F, "Erstabgaben:\t %d%%\n", 100 - (dropouts[0] * 100 / age[2]));
if (age[3] != 0) {
fprintf(F, "Zweitabgaben:\t %d%%\n", 100 - (dropouts[1] * 100 / age[3]));
fprintf(F, "Neue Spieler:\t %d\n", newplayers);
if (full) {
if (factions)
fprintf(F, "\nParteien:\n\n");
for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) {
out_faction(F, f);
if (NMRTimeout() && full) {
fprintf(F, "\n\nFactions with NMRs:\n");
for (i = NMRTimeout(); i > 0; --i) {
for(f=factions; f; f=f->next) {
if(i == NMRTimeout()) {
if(turn - f->lastorders >= i) {
out_faction(F, f);
} else {
if(turn - f->lastorders == i) {
out_faction(F, f);
if (full) {
printf("writing date & turn\n");
nmrs = NULL;
summary *
faction *f;
region *r;
unit *u;
summary * s = calloc(1, sizeof(summary));
for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) {
const struct locale * lang = f->locale;
struct language * plang = s->languages;
while (plang && plang->locale != lang) plang=plang->next;
if (!plang) {
plang = calloc(sizeof(struct language), 1);
plang->next = s->languages;
s->languages = plang;
plang->locale = lang;
f->nregions = 0;
f->num_total = 0;
f->money = 0;
if (f->alive && f->units) {
/* Problem mit Monsterpartei ... */
if (f->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) {
/* Alles z<>hlen */
for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) {
s->pferde += rhorses(r);
s->schiffe += listlen(r->ships);
s->gebaeude += listlen(r->buildings);
if (!fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) {
if (r->units) {
if (fval(r, RF_ORCIFIED)) {
if (rterrain(r) == T_VOLCANO) {
} else if(rterrain(r) == T_VOLCANO_SMOKING) {
if (r->units) {
if (rpeasants(r) || r->units) {
s->peasants += rpeasants(r);
s->peasantmoney += rmoney(r);
/* Einheiten Info. nregions darf nur einmal pro Partei
* incrementiert werden. */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) freset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT);
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
f = u->faction;
if (u->faction->no != MONSTER_FACTION) {
skill * sv;
item * itm;
s->playerpop += u->number;
if (u->flags & UFL_HERO) {
s->heroes += u->number;
s->spielerpferde += get_item(u, I_HORSE);
s->playermoney += get_money(u);
s->armed_men += armedmen(u);
for (itm=u->items;itm;itm=itm->next) {
if (itm->type->rtype->wtype) {
s->waffen += itm->number;
if (itm->type->rtype->atype) {
s->ruestungen += itm->number;
s->spielerpferde += get_item(u, I_HORSE);
for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) {
skill_t sk = sv->id;
int aktskill = eff_skill(u, sk, r);
if (aktskill > s->maxskill) s->maxskill = aktskill;
if (!fval(f, FFL_SELECT)) {
fset(f, FFL_SELECT);
f->num_total += u->number;
f->money += get_money(u);
s->poprace[old_race(u->race)] += u->number;
return s;