2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <platform.h>
#include "recruit.h"
#include "alchemy.h"
#include "direction.h"
#include "donations.h"
#include "guard.h"
#include "give.h"
#include "laws.h"
#include "randenc.h"
#include "spy.h"
#include "study.h"
#include "move.h"
#include "monsters.h"
#include "morale.h"
#include "reports.h"
#include <attributes/reduceproduction.h>
#include <attributes/racename.h>
#include <spells/buildingcurse.h>
#include <spells/regioncurse.h>
#include <spells/unitcurse.h>
/* kernel includes */
#include "kernel/ally.h"
#include "kernel/attrib.h"
#include "kernel/building.h"
#include "kernel/calendar.h"
#include "kernel/config.h"
#include "kernel/curse.h"
#include "kernel/equipment.h"
#include "kernel/event.h"
#include "kernel/faction.h"
#include "kernel/item.h"
#include "kernel/messages.h"
#include "kernel/order.h"
#include "kernel/plane.h"
#include "kernel/pool.h"
#include "kernel/race.h"
#include "kernel/region.h"
#include "kernel/resources.h"
#include "kernel/ship.h"
#include "kernel/terrain.h"
#include "kernel/terrainid.h"
#include "kernel/unit.h"
/* util includes */
#include <util/base36.h>
#include <util/goodies.h>
#include <util/language.h>
#include <util/lists.h>
#include <util/log.h>
#include "util/param.h"
#include <util/parser.h>
#include <util/rng.h>
/* libs includes */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
static int rules_recruit = -1;
typedef struct recruit_request {
struct recruit_request *next;
struct unit *unit;
struct order *ord;
int qty;
} recruit_request;
typedef struct recruitment {
struct recruitment *next;
faction *f;
recruit_request *requests;
int total, assigned;
} recruitment;
static void recruit_init(void)
if (rules_recruit < 0) {
rules_recruit = 0;
if (config_get_int("recruit.allow_merge", 1)) {
rules_recruit |= RECRUIT_MERGE;
static void free_requests(recruit_request *requests) {
while (requests) {
recruit_request *req = requests->next;
requests = req;
void free_recruitments(recruitment * recruits)
while (recruits) {
recruitment *rec = recruits;
recruits = rec->next;
2019-08-10 05:12:46 +02:00
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
/** Creates a list of recruitment structs, one for each faction. Adds every quantifyable production
* to the faction's struct and to total.
static recruitment *select_recruitment(recruit_request ** rop,
int(*quantify) (const struct race *, int), int *total)
recruitment *recruits = NULL;
while (*rop) {
recruitment *rec = recruits;
recruit_request *ro = *rop;
unit *u = ro->unit;
const race *rc = u_race(u);
int qty = quantify(rc, ro->qty);
if (qty < 0) {
rop = &ro->next; /* skip this one */
else {
*rop = ro->next; /* remove this one */
while (rec && rec->f != u->faction)
rec = rec->next;
if (rec == NULL) {
rec = (recruitment *)malloc(sizeof(recruitment));
if (!rec) abort();
rec->f = u->faction;
rec->total = 0;
rec->assigned = 0;
rec->requests = NULL;
rec->next = recruits;
recruits = rec;
*total += qty;
rec->total += qty;
ro->next = rec->requests;
rec->requests = ro;
return recruits;
2021-03-11 19:26:50 +01:00
void add_recruits(unit * u, int number, int wanted, int ordered)
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
region *r = u->region;
assert(number <= wanted);
if (number > 0) {
unit *unew;
char equipment[64];
int len;
if (u->number == 0) {
set_number(u, number);
u->hp = number * unit_max_hp(u);
unew = u;
else {
unew = create_unit(r, u->faction, number, u_race(u), 0, NULL, u);
len = snprintf(equipment, sizeof(equipment), "new_%s", u_race(u)->_name);
if (len > 0 && (size_t)len < sizeof(equipment)) {
equip_unit(unew, equipment);
if (unew != u) {
transfermen(unew, u, unew->number);
remove_unit(&r->units, unew);
2021-03-11 19:26:50 +01:00
if (number < ordered) {
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("recruit",
2021-03-11 19:26:50 +01:00
"unit region amount want", u, r, number, u->wants));
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
static int any_recruiters(const struct race *rc, int qty)
return (int)(qty * 2 * rc->recruit_multi);
static int do_recruiting(recruitment * recruits, int available)
recruitment *rec;
int recruited = 0;
/* try to assign recruits to factions fairly */
while (available > 0) {
int n = 0;
int rest, mintotal = INT_MAX;
/* find smallest production */
for (rec = recruits; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) {
int want = rec->total - rec->assigned;
if (want > 0) {
if (mintotal > want)
mintotal = want;
if (n == 0)
if (mintotal * n > available) {
mintotal = available / n;
rest = available - mintotal * n;
/* assign size of smallest production for everyone if possible; in the end roll dice to assign
* small rest */
for (rec = recruits; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) {
int want = rec->total - rec->assigned;
if (want > 0) {
int get = mintotal;
if (want > mintotal && rest < n && (rng_int() % n) < rest) {
assert(get <= want);
available -= get;
rec->assigned += get;
/* do actual recruiting */
for (rec = recruits; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) {
recruit_request *req;
int get = rec->assigned;
for (req = rec->requests; req; req = req->next) {
unit *u = req->unit;
const race *rc = u_race(u); /* race is set in recruit() */
int number;
double multi = 2.0 * rc->recruit_multi;
number = (int)(get / multi);
if (number > req->qty) number = req->qty;
if (rc->recruitcost) {
int afford = get_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT,
number * rc->recruitcost) / rc->recruitcost;
if (number > afford) number = afford;
if (u->number + number > UNIT_MAXSIZE) {
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, req->ord, "error_unit_size",
"maxsize", UNIT_MAXSIZE));
number = UNIT_MAXSIZE - u->number;
assert(number >= 0);
if (rc->recruitcost) {
use_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT,
rc->recruitcost * number);
if (u->number == 0 && fval(u, UFL_DEAD)) {
/* unit is empty, dead, and cannot recruit */
number = 0;
2021-03-11 19:26:50 +01:00
add_recruits(u, number, req->qty, u->wants);
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
if (number > 0) {
int dec = (int)(number * multi);
if ((rc->ec_flags & ECF_REC_ETHEREAL) == 0) {
recruited += dec;
get -= dec;
return recruited;
/* Rekrutierung */
static void expandrecruit(region * r, recruit_request * recruitorders)
recruitment *recruits;
int orc_total = 0;
/* peasant limited: */
recruits = select_recruitment(&recruitorders, any_recruiters, &orc_total);
if (recruits) {
int orc_recruited, orc_peasants = rpeasants(r) * 2;
int orc_frac = orc_peasants / RECRUITFRACTION; /* anzahl orks. 2 ork = 1 bauer */
if (orc_total < orc_frac)
orc_frac = orc_total;
orc_recruited = do_recruiting(recruits, orc_frac);
assert(orc_recruited <= orc_frac);
rsetpeasants(r, (orc_peasants - orc_recruited) / 2);
/* no limit: */
recruits = select_recruitment(&recruitorders, any_recruiters, &orc_total);
if (recruits) {
int recruited, peasants = rpeasants(r) * 2;
recruited = do_recruiting(recruits, INT_MAX);
if (recruited > 0) {
rsetpeasants(r, (peasants - recruited) / 2);
assert(recruitorders == NULL);
static int recruit_cost(const faction * f, const race * rc)
if (is_monsters(f) || valid_race(f, rc)) {
return rc->recruitcost;
return -1;
message *can_recruit(unit *u, const race *rc, order *ord, int now)
region *r = u->region;
/* this is a very special case because the recruiting unit may be empty
* at this point and we have to look at the creating unit instead. This
* is done in cansee, which is called indirectly by is_guarded(). */
if (is_guarded(r, u)) {
return msg_error(u, ord, 70);
if (rc == get_race(RC_INSECT)) {
2019-08-25 15:14:21 +02:00
/* in Gletschern, Eisbergen gar nicht rekrutieren */
if (r_insectstalled(r)) {
return msg_error(u, ord, 97);
/* in W<>sten ganzj<7A>hrig rekrutieren, sonst im Winter nur mit Trank */
if (r->terrain != newterrain(T_DESERT) && calendar_season(now) == SEASON_WINTER) {
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
bool usepotion = false;
unit *u2;
for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) {
if (fval(u2, UFL_WARMTH)) {
usepotion = true;
if (!usepotion) {
return msg_error(u, ord, 98);
if (is_cursed(r->attribs, &ct_riotzone)) {
/* Die Region befindet sich in Aufruhr */
return msg_error(u, ord, 237);
if (rc && !playerrace(rc)) {
return msg_error(u, ord, 139);
if (fval(u, UFL_HERO)) {
return msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_herorecruit", "");
if (has_skill(u, SK_MAGIC)) {
/* error158;de;{unit} in {region}: '{command}' - Magier arbeiten
* grundsaetzlich nur alleine! */
return msg_error(u, ord, 158);
return NULL;
static void recruit_cmd(unit * u, struct order *ord, recruit_request ** recruitorders)
region *r = u->region;
recruit_request *o;
int recruitcost = -1;
const faction *f = u->faction;
const struct race *rc = u_race(u);
int n;
message *msg;
2020-08-13 16:50:29 +02:00
init_order(ord, NULL);
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
n = getint();
if (n <= 0) {
syntax_error(u, ord);
if (u->number == 0) {
char token[128];
const char *str;
str = gettoken(token, sizeof(token));
if (str && str[0]) {
/* Monsters can RECRUIT 15 DRACOID
* also: secondary race */
rc = findrace(str, f->locale);
if (rc != NULL) {
recruitcost = recruit_cost(f, rc);
2021-03-11 19:26:50 +01:00
u->wants = n;
2019-07-29 23:53:59 +02:00
if (recruitcost < 0) {
rc = u_race(u);
recruitcost = recruit_cost(f, rc);
if (recruitcost < 0) {
recruitcost = INT_MAX;
if (recruitcost > 0) {
int pool;
plane *pl = getplane(r);
if (pl && (pl->flags & PFL_NORECRUITS)) {
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_pflnorecruit", ""));
pool = get_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, recruitcost * n);
if (pool < recruitcost) {
cmistake(u, ord, 142, MSG_EVENT);
pool /= recruitcost;
if (n > pool) n = pool;
if (!n) {
cmistake(u, ord, 142, MSG_EVENT);
if (has_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY)) {
if (faction_count_skill(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY) + n > faction_skill_limit(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY)) {
cmistake(u, ord, 156, MSG_EVENT);
msg = can_recruit(u, rc, ord, turn);
if (msg) {
add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg);
u_setrace(u, rc);
o = (recruit_request *)calloc(1, sizeof(recruit_request));
if (!o) abort();
o->qty = n;
o->unit = u;
o->ord = ord;
addlist(recruitorders, o);
void recruit(region * r)
unit *u;
recruit_request *recruitorders = NULL;
if (rules_recruit < 0)
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
order *ord;
if ((rules_recruit & RECRUIT_MERGE) || u->number == 0) {
for (ord = u->orders; ord; ord = ord->next) {
if (getkeyword(ord) == K_RECRUIT) {
recruit_cmd(u, ord, &recruitorders);
if (recruitorders) {
expandrecruit(r, recruitorders);