forked from github/server
261 lines
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261 lines
9.5 KiB
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct message;
struct selist;
union variant;
/** more defines **/
#define FS_ENEMY 1
#define FS_HELP 2
/***** Verteidigungslinien.
* Eressea hat 4 Verteidigungslinien. 1 ist vorn, 5. enthaelt Summen
#define NUMROWS 5
#define SUM_ROW 0
#define FIGHT_ROW 1
#define BEHIND_ROW 2
#define AVOID_ROW 3
#define FLEE_ROW 4
#define MAXSIDES 192 /* if there are ever more than this, we're fucked. */
typedef struct bfaction {
struct bfaction *next;
struct side *sides;
struct faction *faction;
bool attacker;
} bfaction;
typedef struct tactics {
struct selist *fighters;
int value;
} tactics;
#define SIDE_STEALTH 1<<0
#define SIDE_HASGUARDS 1<<1
typedef struct side {
struct side *nextF; /* next army of same faction */
struct battle *battle;
struct bfaction *bf; /* battle info that goes with the faction */
struct faction *faction; /* cache optimization for bf->faction */
const struct group *group;
struct tactics leader; /* this army's best tactician */
# define E_ENEMY 1
# define E_FRIEND 2
# define E_ATTACKING 4
unsigned char relations[MAXSIDES];
struct side *enemies[MAXSIDES];
struct fighter *fighters;
unsigned int index; /* Eintrag der Fraktion in b->matrix/b->enemies */
int size[NUMROWS]; /* Anzahl Personen in Reihe X. 0 = Summe */
int nonblockers[NUMROWS]; /* Anzahl nichtblockierender Kaempfer, z.B. Schattenritter. */
int alive; /* Die Partei hat den Kampf verlassen */
int removed; /* stoned */
int flee;
int dead;
int casualties; /* those dead that were real people, not undead! */
int healed;
unsigned int flags;
const struct faction *stealthfaction;
} side;
typedef struct battle {
struct selist *leaders;
struct region *region;
struct plane *plane;
bfaction *factions;
int nfactions;
int nfighters;
side sides[MAXSIDES];
int nsides;
struct selist *meffects;
int max_tactics;
unsigned char turn;
signed char keeploot; /* keep (50 + keeploot) percent of items as loot */
bool has_tactics_turn;
bool reelarrow;
int alive;
struct {
const struct side *as;
const struct side *vs;
int alive;
int row;
int result;
} rowcache;
struct {
struct side *side;
int status;
int alive;
int minrow, maxrow;
int enemies[8];
} fast;
} battle;
typedef struct weapon {
const struct weapon_type *type;
int attackskill;
int defenseskill;
} weapon;
/*** fighter::person::flags ***/
#define FL_TIRED 1
#define FL_DAZZLED 2 /* durch Untote oder Daemonen eingeschuechtert */
#define FL_PANICED 4
#define FL_COURAGE 8 /* Helden fliehen nie */
#define FL_SLEEPING 16
#define FL_STUNNED 32 /* eine Runde keinen Angriff */
#define FL_HIT 64 /* the person at attacked */
#define FL_HEALING_USED 128 /* has used a healing potion */
typedef struct troop {
struct fighter *fighter;
int index;
} troop;
typedef struct armor {
struct armor *next; /* TODO: make this an array, not a list, like weapon */
const struct armor_type *atype;
int count;
} armor;
/*** fighter::flags ***/
#define FIG_ATTACKER 1<<0
#define FIG_NOLOOT 1<<1
typedef struct fighter {
struct fighter *next;
struct side *side;
struct unit *unit; /* Die Einheit, die hier kaempft */
struct building *building; /* Gebaeude, in dem die Einheit evtl. steht */
status_t status; /* Kampfstatus */
struct weapon *weapons;
struct armor *armors; /* Anzahl Ruestungen jeden Typs */
int alive; /* Anzahl der noch nicht Toten in der Einheit */
int fighting; /* Anzahl der Kaempfer in der aktuellen Runde */
int removed; /* Anzahl Kaempfer, die nicht tot sind, aber
aus dem Kampf raus sind (zB weil sie
versteinert wurden). Diese werden auch
in alive noch mitgezaehlt! */
int magic; /* Magietalent der Einheit */
int horses; /* Anzahl brauchbarer Pferde der Einheit */
int elvenhorses; /* Anzahl brauchbarer Elfenpferde der Einheit */
struct item *loot;
int catmsg; /* Merkt sich, ob Katapultmessage schon generiert. */
struct person {
int hp; /* Trefferpunkte der Personen */
int flags;
int attack; /* weapon skill bonus for attacker */
int defense; /* weapon skill bonus for defender */
char damage; /* bonus damage for melee attacks (e.g. troll belt) */
unsigned char speed;
unsigned char reload;
unsigned char last_action;
struct weapon *missile; /* missile weapon */
struct weapon *melee; /* melee weapon */
} *person;
unsigned int flags;
struct {
int number; /* number of people who fled */
int hp; /* accumulated hp of fleeing people */
} run;
int kills;
int hits;
} fighter;
/* schilde */
enum {
typedef struct meffect {
fighter *magician; /* Der Zauberer, der den Schild gezaubert hat */
int typ; /* Wirkungsweise des Schilds */
int effect;
int duration;
} meffect;
extern const troop no_troop;
/* BEGIN battle interface */
side * find_side(battle * b, const struct faction * f, const struct group * g, unsigned int flags, const struct faction * stealthfaction);
side * get_side(battle * b, const struct unit * u);
/* END battle interface */
void do_battles(void);
/* for combat spells and special attacks */
int get_unitrow(const fighter * af, const side * vs);
troop select_enemy(struct fighter *af, int minrow, int maxrow,
int select);
troop select_ally(struct fighter *af, int minrow, int maxrow,
int allytype);
int count_enemies(struct battle *b, const struct fighter *af,
int minrow, int maxrow, int select);
int natural_armor(struct unit * u);
const struct armor_type *select_armor(struct troop t, bool shield);
struct weapon *select_weapon(const struct troop t, bool attacking, bool ismissile);
int calculate_armor(troop dt, const struct weapon_type *dwtype, const struct weapon_type *awtype, const struct armor_type *armor, const struct armor_type *shield, bool magic);
int apply_resistance(int damage, struct troop dt, const struct weapon_type *dwtype, const struct armor_type *armor, const struct armor_type *shield, bool magic);
bool terminate(troop dt, troop at, int type, const char *damage,
bool missile);
void message_all(battle * b, struct message *m);
int hits(troop at, troop dt, weapon * awp);
void damage_building(struct battle *b, struct building *bldg,
int damage_abs);
typedef bool(*select_fun)(const struct side *vs, const struct fighter *fig, void *cbdata);
struct selist *select_fighters(struct battle *b, const struct side *vs, int mask, select_fun cb, void *cbdata);
struct selist *fighters(struct battle *b, const struct side *vs,
int minrow, int maxrow, int mask);
int count_allies(const struct side *as, int minrow, int maxrow,
int select, int allytype);
bool helping(const struct side *as, const struct side *ds);
void rmfighter(fighter * df, int i);
struct fighter *select_corpse(struct battle *b, struct fighter *af);
int statusrow(int status);
void drain_exp(struct unit *u, int d);
void kill_troop(troop dt);
void remove_troop(troop dt); /* not the same as the badly named rmtroop */
bool is_attacker(const fighter * fig);
struct battle *make_battle(struct region * r);
void free_battle(struct battle * b);
struct fighter *make_fighter(struct battle *b, struct unit *u,
struct side * s, bool attack);
int join_battle(struct battle * b, struct unit * u, bool attack, struct fighter ** cp);
struct side *make_side(struct battle * b, const struct faction * f,
const struct group * g, unsigned int flags,
const struct faction * stealthfaction);
int skilldiff(troop at, troop dt, int dist);
void force_leave(struct region *r, struct battle *b);
bool seematrix(const struct faction * f, const struct side * s);
const char *sidename(const struct side * s);
void battle_message_faction(struct battle * b, struct faction * f, struct message *m);
double tactics_chance(const struct unit *u, int skilldiff);
#ifdef __cplusplus