forked from github/server
rules should be in their own modules. here: upkeep is a concept all by itself, should have its own tests, etc. movement code should be in move.c. cleaning up some superfluous include directives.
308 lines
9.3 KiB
308 lines
9.3 KiB
#include <platform.h>
#include "upkeep.h"
#include <kernel/types.h>
#include <kernel/faction.h>
#include <kernel/config.h>
#include <kernel/item.h>
#include <kernel/messages.h>
#include <kernel/plane.h>
#include <kernel/race.h>
#include <kernel/region.h>
#include <kernel/ship.h>
#include <kernel/unit.h>
#include <util/rand.h>
#include "alchemy.h"
#include "economy.h"
#include <assert.h>
int lifestyle(const unit * u)
int need;
plane *pl;
static int gamecookie = -1;
if (gamecookie != global.cookie) {
gamecookie = global.cookie;
if (is_monsters(u->faction))
return 0;
need = maintenance_cost(u);
pl = rplane(u->region);
if (pl && fval(pl, PFL_NOFEED))
return 0;
return need;
static bool help_money(const unit * u)
if (u_race(u)->ec_flags & GIVEITEM)
return true;
return false;
static void help_feed(unit * donor, unit * u, int *need_p)
int need = *need_p;
int give = get_money(donor) - lifestyle(donor);
give = _min(need, give);
if (give > 0) {
change_money(donor, -give);
change_money(u, give);
need -= give;
add_spende(donor->faction, u->faction, give, donor->region);
*need_p = need;
static bool hunger(int number, unit * u)
region *r = u->region;
int dead = 0, hpsub = 0;
int hp = u->hp / u->number;
static const char *damage = 0;
static const char *rcdamage = 0;
static const race *rc = 0;
if (!damage) {
damage = get_param(global.parameters, "hunger.damage");
if (damage == NULL)
damage = "1d12+12";
if (rc != u_race(u)) {
rcdamage = get_param(u_race(u)->parameters, "hunger.damage");
rc = u_race(u);
while (number--) {
int dam = dice_rand(rcdamage ? rcdamage : damage);
if (dam >= hp) {
else {
hpsub += dam;
if (dead) {
/* Gestorbene aus der Einheit nehmen,
* Sie bekommen keine Beerdingung. */
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("starvation",
"unit region dead live", u, r, dead, u->number - dead));
scale_number(u, u->number - dead);
deathcounts(r, dead);
if (hpsub > 0) {
/* Jetzt die Sch<63>den der nicht gestorbenen abziehen. */
u->hp -= hpsub;
/* Meldung nur, wenn noch keine f<>r Tote generiert. */
if (dead == 0) {
/* Durch unzureichende Ern<72>hrung wird %s geschw<68>cht */
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("malnourish", "unit region", u, r));
return (dead || hpsub);
void get_food(region * r)
plane *pl = rplane(r);
unit *u;
int peasantfood = rpeasants(r) * 10;
static int food_rules = -1;
static int gamecookie = -1;
if (food_rules < 0 || gamecookie != global.cookie) {
gamecookie = global.cookie;
food_rules = get_param_int(global.parameters, "", 0);
if (food_rules & FOOD_IS_FREE) {
/* 1. Versorgung von eigenen Einheiten. Das vorhandene Silber
* wird zun<75>chst so auf die Einheiten aufgeteilt, dass idealerweise
* jede Einheit genug Silber f<>r ihren Unterhalt hat. */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
int need = lifestyle(u);
/* Erstmal zur<75>cksetzen */
freset(u, UFL_HUNGER);
if (u->ship && (u->ship->flags & SF_FISHING)) {
unit *v;
int c = 2;
for (v = u; c > 0 && v; v = v->next) {
if (v->ship == u->ship) {
int get = 0;
if (v->number <= c) {
get = lifestyle(v);
else {
get = lifestyle(v) * c / v->number;
if (get) {
change_money(v, get);
c -= v->number;
u->ship->flags -= SF_FISHING;
if (food_rules & FOOD_FROM_PEASANTS) {
struct faction *owner = region_get_owner(r);
/* if the region is owned, and the owner is nice, then we'll get
* food from the peasants - should not be used with WORK */
if (owner != NULL && (get_alliance(owner, u->faction) & HELP_MONEY)) {
int rm = rmoney(r);
int use = _min(rm, need);
rsetmoney(r, rm - use);
need -= use;
need -= get_money(u);
if (need > 0) {
unit *v;
for (v = r->units; need && v; v = v->next) {
if (v->faction == u->faction && help_money(v)) {
int give = get_money(v) - lifestyle(v);
give = _min(need, give);
if (give > 0) {
change_money(v, -give);
change_money(u, give);
need -= give;
/* 2. Versorgung durch Fremde. Das Silber alliierter Einheiten wird
* entsprechend verteilt. */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
int need = lifestyle(u);
faction *f = u->faction;
need -= _max(0, get_money(u));
if (need > 0) {
unit *v;
if (food_rules & FOOD_FROM_OWNER) {
/* the owner of the region is the first faction to help out when you're hungry */
faction *owner = region_get_owner(r);
if (owner && owner != u->faction) {
for (v = r->units; v; v = v->next) {
if (v->faction == owner && alliedunit(v, f, HELP_MONEY)
&& help_money(v)) {
help_feed(v, u, &need);
for (v = r->units; need && v; v = v->next) {
if (v->faction != f && alliedunit(v, f, HELP_MONEY)
&& help_money(v)) {
help_feed(v, u, &need);
/* Die Einheit hat nicht genug Geld zusammengekratzt und
* nimmt Schaden: */
if (need > 0) {
int lspp = lifestyle(u) / u->number;
if (lspp > 0) {
int number = (need + lspp - 1) / lspp;
if (hunger(number, u))
fset(u, UFL_HUNGER);
/* 3. bestimmen, wie viele Bauern gefressen werden.
* bei fehlenden Bauern den D<>mon hungern lassen
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u_race(u) == get_race(RC_DAEMON)) {
int hungry = u->number;
/* use peasantblood before eating the peasants themselves */
const struct potion_type *pt_blood = 0;
const resource_type *rt_blood = rt_find("peasantblood");
if (rt_blood) {
pt_blood = rt_blood->ptype;
if (pt_blood) {
/* always start with the unit itself, then the first known unit that may have some blood */
unit *donor = u;
while (donor != NULL && hungry > 0) {
int blut = get_effect(donor, pt_blood);
blut = _min(blut, hungry);
if (blut) {
change_effect(donor, pt_blood, -blut);
hungry -= blut;
if (donor == u)
donor = r->units;
while (donor != NULL) {
if (u_race(donor) == get_race(RC_DAEMON) && donor != u) {
if (get_effect(donor, pt_blood)) {
/* if he's in our faction, drain him: */
if (donor->faction == u->faction)
donor = donor->next;
/* remaining demons feed on peasants */
if (pl == NULL || !fval(pl, PFL_NOFEED)) {
if (peasantfood >= hungry) {
peasantfood -= hungry;
hungry = 0;
else {
hungry -= peasantfood;
peasantfood = 0;
if (hungry > 0) {
static int demon_hunger = -1;
if (demon_hunger < 0) {
demon_hunger = get_param_int(global.parameters, "hunger.demons", 0);
if (demon_hunger == 0) {
/* demons who don't feed are hungry */
if (hunger(hungry, u))
fset(u, UFL_HUNGER);
else {
/* no damage, but set the hungry-flag */
fset(u, UFL_HUNGER);
rsetpeasants(r, peasantfood / 10);
/* 3. Von den <20>berlebenden das Geld abziehen: */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
int need = _min(get_money(u), lifestyle(u));
change_money(u, -need);