forked from github/server
972 lines
23 KiB
972 lines
23 KiB
/* vi: set ts=2:
| | Enno Rehling <>
| Eressea PBEM host | Christian Schlittchen <>
| (c) 1998 - 2008 | Katja Zedel <>
| | Henning Peters <>
This program may not be used, modified or distributed
without prior permission by the authors of Eressea.
#include <config.h>
#include "bindings.h"
#include "bind_unit.h"
#include "bind_faction.h"
#include "bind_region.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include <kernel/eressea.h>
#include <kernel/alliance.h>
#include <kernel/skill.h>
#include <kernel/equipment.h>
#include <kernel/calendar.h>
#include <kernel/unit.h>
#include <kernel/terrain.h>
#include <kernel/message.h>
#include <kernel/region.h>
#include <kernel/reports.h>
#include <kernel/building.h>
#include <kernel/plane.h>
#include <kernel/race.h>
#include <kernel/item.h>
#include <kernel/order.h>
#include <kernel/ship.h>
#include <kernel/teleport.h>
#include <kernel/faction.h>
#include <kernel/save.h>
#include <gamecode/creport.h>
#include <gamecode/summary.h>
#include <gamecode/laws.h>
#include <gamecode/monster.h>
#include <spells/spells.h>
#include <modules/autoseed.h>
#include <modules/score.h>
#include <attributes/key.h>
#include <util/attrib.h>
#include <util/base36.h>
#include <util/language.h>
#include <util/lists.h>
#include <util/log.h>
#include <util/rand.h>
#include <util/rng.h>
#include <util/storage.h>
#include <tolua.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
int tolua_orderlist_next(lua_State *L)
order** order_ptr = (order **)lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
order* ord = *order_ptr;
if (ord != NULL) {
char cmd[8192];
write_order(ord, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
tolua_pushstring(L, cmd);
*order_ptr = ord->next;
return 1;
else return 0; /* no more values to return */
int tolua_spelllist_next(lua_State *L)
spell_list** spell_ptr = (spell_list **)lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
spell_list* slist = *spell_ptr;
if (slist != NULL) {
tolua_pushusertype(L, slist->data, TOLUA_CAST "spell");
*spell_ptr = slist->next;
return 1;
else return 0; /* no more values to return */
int tolua_itemlist_next(lua_State *L)
item** item_ptr = (item **)lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
item* itm = *item_ptr;
if (itm != NULL) {
tolua_pushstring(L, itm->type->rtype->_name[0]);
*item_ptr = itm->next;
return 1;
else return 0; /* no more values to return */
static int
tolua_autoseed(lua_State * L)
const char * filename = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
int new_island = tolua_toboolean(L, 2, 0);
newfaction * players = read_newfactions(filename);
if (players!=NULL) {
while (players) {
int n = listlen(players);
k = n / k;
n = autoseed(&players, k, new_island?0:TURNS_PER_ISLAND);
if (n==0) {
return 0;
static int
tolua_getkey(lua_State* L)
const char * name = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
int flag = atoi36(name);
attrib * a = find_key(global.attribs, flag);
lua_pushboolean(L, a!=NULL);
return 1;
static int
tolua_setkey(lua_State* L)
const char * name = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
int value = tolua_toboolean(L, 2, 0);
int flag = atoi36(name);
attrib * a = find_key(global.attribs, flag);
if (a==NULL && value) {
add_key(&global.attribs, flag);
} else if (a!=NULL && !value) {
a_remove(&global.attribs, a);
return 0;
static int
tolua_rng_int(lua_State* L)
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)rng_int());
return 1;
static int
tolua_read_orders(lua_State* L)
const char * filename = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
int result = readorders(filename);
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_message_unit(lua_State* L)
unit * sender = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
unit * target = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 2, 0);
const char * str = tolua_tostring(L, 3, 0);
if (!target) tolua_error(L, TOLUA_CAST "target is nil", NULL);
if (!sender) tolua_error(L, TOLUA_CAST "sender is nil", NULL);
deliverMail(target->faction, sender->region, sender, str, target);
return 0;
static int
tolua_message_faction(lua_State * L)
unit * sender = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
faction * target = (faction *)tolua_tousertype(L, 2, 0);
const char * str = tolua_tostring(L, 3, 0);
if (!target) tolua_error(L, TOLUA_CAST "target is nil", NULL);
if (!sender) tolua_error(L, TOLUA_CAST "sender is nil", NULL);
deliverMail(target, sender->region, sender, str, NULL);
return 0;
static int
tolua_message_region(lua_State * L)
unit * sender = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
const char * str = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
if (!sender) tolua_error(L, TOLUA_CAST "sender is nil", NULL);
ADDMSG(&sender->region->msgs, msg_message("mail_result", "unit message", sender, str));
return 0;
static void
free_script(attrib * a)
lua_State * L = (lua_State *)global.vm_state;
if (a->data.i>0) {
luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, a->data.i);
attrib_type at_script = {
NULL, free_script, NULL,
static int
call_script(lua_State * L, struct unit * u)
const attrib * a = a_findc(u->attribs, &at_script);
if (a==NULL) a = a_findc(u->race->attribs, &at_script);
if (a!=NULL && a->data.i>0) {
lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, a->data.i);
if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, 0)!=0) {
const char* error = lua_tostring(L, -1);
log_error(("call_script (%s): %s", unitname(u), error));
lua_pop(L, 1);
return -1;
static void
setscript(lua_State * L, struct attrib ** ap)
attrib * a = a_find(*ap, &at_script);
if (a == NULL) {
a = a_add(ap, a_new(&at_script));
} else if (a->data.i>0) {
luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, a->data.i);
a->data.i = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
static int
tolua_update_guards(lua_State * L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_get_turn(lua_State * L)
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)turn);
return 1;
static int
tolua_atoi36(lua_State * L)
const char * s = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)atoi36(s));
return 1;
static int
tolua_itoa36(lua_State * L)
int i = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 1, 0);
tolua_pushstring(L, itoa36(i));
return 1;
static int
tolua_dice_rand(lua_State * L)
const char * s = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
tolua_pushnumber(L, dice_rand(s));
return 1;
static int
tolua_addequipment(lua_State * L)
const char * eqname = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
const char * iname = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
const char * value = tolua_tostring(L, 3, 0);
int result = -1;
if (iname!=NULL) {
const struct item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
equipment_setitem(create_equipment(eqname), itype, value);
result = 0;
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_season(lua_State * L)
int turnno = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 1, 0);
gamedate gd;
get_gamedate(turnno, &gd);
tolua_pushstring(L, seasonnames[gd.season]);
return 1;
static int
tolua_learn_skill(lua_State * L)
unit * u = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
const char * skname = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
float chances = (float)tolua_tonumber(L, 3, 0);
skill_t sk = sk_find(skname);
if (sk!=NOSKILL) {
learn_skill(u, sk, chances);
return 0;
static int
tolua_update_scores(lua_State * L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_update_owners(lua_State * L)
region * r;
for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) {
return 0;
static int
tolua_update_subscriptions(lua_State * L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_remove_empty_units(lua_State * L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_get_nmrs(lua_State * L)
int result = -1;
int n = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 1, 0);
if (n>=0 && n<=NMRTimeout()) {
if (nmrs==NULL) {
result = nmrs[n];
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_equipunit(lua_State * L)
unit * u = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
const char * eqname = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
equip_unit(u, get_equipment(eqname));
return 0;
static int
tolua_equipment_setitem(lua_State * L)
int result = -1;
const char * eqname = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
const char * iname = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
const char * value = tolua_tostring(L, 3, 0);
if (iname!=NULL) {
const struct item_type * itype = it_find(iname);
if (itype!=NULL) {
equipment_setitem(create_equipment(eqname), itype, value);
result = 0;
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_levitate_ship(lua_State * L)
ship * sh = (ship *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
unit * mage = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 2, 0);
double power = (double)tolua_tonumber(L, 3, 0);
int duration = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 4, 0);
int cno = levitate_ship(sh, mage, power, duration);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)cno);
return 1;
static int
tolua_set_unitscript(lua_State * L)
struct unit * u = (struct unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
if (u) {
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
setscript(L, &u->attribs);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return 0;
static int
tolua_set_racescript(lua_State * L)
const char * rcname = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
race * rc = rc_find(rcname);
if (rc!=NULL) {
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
setscript(L, &rc->attribs);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return 0;
static int
tolua_spawn_dragons(lua_State * L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_spawn_undead(lua_State * L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_spawn_braineaters(lua_State * L)
float chance = (float)tolua_tonumber(L, 1, 0);
return 0;
static int
tolua_planmonsters(lua_State * L)
faction * f = get_monsters();
if (f!=NULL) {
unit * u;
for (u=f->units;u;u=u->nextF) {
call_script(L, u);
return 0;
static int
tolua_init_reports(lua_State* L)
int result = init_reports();
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_write_report(lua_State* L)
faction * f = (faction * )tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
time_t ltime = time(0);
int result = write_reports(f, ltime);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_write_reports(lua_State* L)
int result;
result = reports();
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_process_orders(lua_State* L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_write_passwords(lua_State* L)
int result = writepasswd();
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 0;
static struct summary * sum_begin = 0;
static int
tolua_init_summary(lua_State* L)
sum_begin = make_summary();
return 0;
static int
tolua_write_summary(lua_State* L)
if (sum_begin) {
struct summary * sum_end = make_summary();
report_summary(sum_end, sum_begin, false);
report_summary(sum_end, sum_begin, true);
return 0;
return 0;
static int
tolua_free_game(lua_State* L)
return 0;
static int
tolua_write_map(lua_State* L)
const char * filename = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
if (filename) {
return 0;
static int
tolua_write_game(lua_State* L)
const char * filename = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
const char * mode = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
int result, m = IO_BINARY;
if (mode && strcmp(mode, "text")==0) m = IO_TEXT;
result = writegame(filename, m);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)result);
return 1;
static int
tolua_read_game(lua_State* L)
const char * filename = tolua_tostring(L, 1, 0);
const char * mode = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
int rv, m = IO_BINARY;
if (mode && strcmp(mode, "text")==0) m = IO_TEXT;
rv = readgame(filename, m, false);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)rv);
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_faction(lua_State* L)
int no = tolua_toid(L, 1, 0);
faction * f = findfaction(no);
tolua_pushusertype(L, f, TOLUA_CAST "faction");
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_region(lua_State* L)
int x = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 1, 0);
int y = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 2, 0);
struct plane * pl = findplane(x, y);
region * r;
assert(!pnormalize(&x, &y, pl));
r = findregion(x, y);
tolua_pushusertype(L, r, TOLUA_CAST "region");
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_region_byid(lua_State* L)
int uid = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 1, 0);
region * r = findregionbyid(uid);
tolua_pushusertype(L, r, TOLUA_CAST "region");
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_building(lua_State* L)
int no = tolua_toid(L, 1, 0);
building * b = findbuilding(no);
tolua_pushusertype(L, b, TOLUA_CAST "building");
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_ship(lua_State* L)
int no = tolua_toid(L, 1, 0);
ship * sh = findship(no);
tolua_pushusertype(L, sh, TOLUA_CAST "ship");
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_alliance(lua_State* L)
int no = tolua_toid(L, 1, 0);
alliance * f = findalliance(no);
tolua_pushusertype(L, f, TOLUA_CAST "alliance");
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_unit(lua_State* L)
int no = tolua_toid(L, 1, 0);
unit * u = findunit(no);
tolua_pushusertype(L, u, TOLUA_CAST "unit");
return 1;
static int
tolua_alliance_create(lua_State* L)
int id = (int)tolua_tonumber(L, 1, 0);
const char * name = tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0);
alliance * alli = makealliance(id, name);
tolua_pushusertype(L, alli, TOLUA_CAST "alliance");
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_regions(lua_State* L)
region ** region_ptr = (region**)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(region *));
luaL_getmetatable(L, "region");
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
*region_ptr = regions;
lua_pushcclosure(L, tolua_regionlist_next, 1);
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_factions(lua_State* L)
faction ** faction_ptr = (faction**)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(faction *));
luaL_getmetatable(L, "faction");
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
*faction_ptr = factions;
lua_pushcclosure(L, tolua_factionlist_next, 1);
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_alliance_factions(lua_State* L)
alliance * self = (alliance *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
faction_list ** faction_ptr = (faction_list**)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(faction_list *));
luaL_getmetatable(L, "faction_list");
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
*faction_ptr = self->members;
lua_pushcclosure(L, tolua_factionlist_iter, 1);
return 1;
static int tolua_get_alliance_id(lua_State* L)
alliance* self = (alliance*) tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
tolua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)self->id);
return 1;
static int tolua_get_alliance_name(lua_State* L)
alliance* self = (alliance*) tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
tolua_pushstring(L, self->name);
return 1;
static int tolua_set_alliance_name(lua_State* L)
alliance* self = (alliance*)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
alliance_setname(self, tolua_tostring(L, 2, 0));
return 0;
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <util/functions.h>
#include <util/xml.h>
#include <kernel/spell.h>
static int
tolua_write_spells(lua_State* L)
spell_f fun = (spell_f)get_function("lua_castspell");
const char * filename = "magic.xml";
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0");
xmlNodePtr root = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "spells");
spell_list * splist;
for (splist=spells; splist; splist=splist->next) {
spell * sp = splist->data;
if (sp->sp_function!=fun) {
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "spell");
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST sp->sname);
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST magic_school[sp->magietyp]);
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "rank", xml_i(sp->rank));
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "level", xml_i(sp->level));
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "index", xml_i(sp->id));
if (sp->syntax) xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "syntax", BAD_CAST sp->syntax);
if (sp->parameter) xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "parameters", BAD_CAST sp->parameter);
if (sp->components) {
spell_component * comp = sp->components;
for (;comp->type!=0;++comp) {
static const char * costs[] = { "fixed", "level", "linear" };
xmlNodePtr cnode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "resource");
xmlNewProp(cnode, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST comp->type->_name[0]);
xmlNewProp(cnode, BAD_CAST "amount", xml_i(comp->amount));
xmlNewProp(cnode, BAD_CAST "cost", BAD_CAST costs[comp->cost]);
xmlAddChild(node, cnode);
if (sp->sptyp & TESTCANSEE) {
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "los", BAD_CAST "true");
if (sp->sptyp & ONSHIPCAST) {
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "ship", BAD_CAST "true");
if (sp->sptyp & OCEANCASTABLE) {
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "ocean", BAD_CAST "true");
if (sp->sptyp & FARCASTING) {
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "far", BAD_CAST "true");
if (sp->sptyp & SPELLLEVEL) {
xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "variable", BAD_CAST "true");
xmlAddChild(root, node);
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root);
xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(filename, doc, "utf-8", 1);
return 0;
static int
tolua_get_spell_text(lua_State *L)
const struct locale * loc = default_locale;
spell * self = (spell *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
lua_pushstring(L, spell_info(self, loc));
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_spell_school(lua_State *L)
spell * self = (spell *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
lua_pushstring(L, magic_school[self->magietyp]);
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_spell_level(lua_State *L)
spell * self = (spell *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
lua_pushnumber(L, self->level);
return 1;
static int
tolua_get_spell_name(lua_State *L)
const struct locale * lang = default_locale;
spell * self = (spell *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
lua_pushstring(L, spell_name(self, lang));
return 1;
static int tolua_get_spells(lua_State* L)
spell_list * slist = spells;
if (slist) {
spell_list ** spell_ptr = (spell_list **)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(spell_list *));
luaL_getmetatable(L, "spell_list");
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
*spell_ptr = slist;
lua_pushcclosure(L, tolua_spelllist_next, 1);
return 1;
return 1;
tolua_eressea_open(lua_State* L)
/* register user types */
tolua_usertype(L, TOLUA_CAST "spell");
tolua_usertype(L, TOLUA_CAST "spell_list");
tolua_usertype(L, TOLUA_CAST "order");
tolua_usertype(L, TOLUA_CAST "item");
tolua_usertype(L, TOLUA_CAST "alliance");
tolua_usertype(L, TOLUA_CAST "event");
tolua_module(L, NULL, 0);
tolua_beginmodule(L, NULL);
tolua_cclass(L, TOLUA_CAST "alliance", TOLUA_CAST "alliance", TOLUA_CAST "", NULL);
tolua_beginmodule(L, TOLUA_CAST "alliance");
tolua_variable(L, TOLUA_CAST "name", tolua_get_alliance_name, tolua_set_alliance_name);
tolua_variable(L, TOLUA_CAST "id", tolua_get_alliance_id, NULL);
tolua_variable(L, TOLUA_CAST "factions", &tolua_get_alliance_factions, NULL);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "create", tolua_alliance_create);
tolua_cclass(L, TOLUA_CAST "spell", TOLUA_CAST "spell", TOLUA_CAST "", NULL);
tolua_beginmodule(L, TOLUA_CAST "spell");
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "__tostring", tolua_get_spell_name);
tolua_variable(L, TOLUA_CAST "name", tolua_get_spell_name, 0);
tolua_variable(L, TOLUA_CAST "school", tolua_get_spell_school, 0);
tolua_variable(L, TOLUA_CAST "level", tolua_get_spell_level, 0);
tolua_variable(L, TOLUA_CAST "text", tolua_get_spell_text, 0);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_region_by_id", tolua_get_region_byid);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_faction", tolua_get_faction);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_unit", tolua_get_unit);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_alliance", tolua_get_alliance);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_ship", tolua_get_ship),
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_building", tolua_get_building),
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_region", tolua_get_region),
// deprecated_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "add_faction");
// deprecated_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "faction_origin");
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "factions", tolua_get_factions);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "regions", tolua_get_regions);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "read_game", tolua_read_game);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "write_game", tolua_write_game);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "free_game", tolua_free_game);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "write_map", &tolua_write_map);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "read_orders", tolua_read_orders);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "process_orders", tolua_process_orders);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "init_reports", tolua_init_reports);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "write_reports", tolua_write_reports);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "write_report", tolua_write_report);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "init_summary", tolua_init_summary);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "write_summary", tolua_write_summary);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "write_passwords", tolua_write_passwords),
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "message_unit", tolua_message_unit);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "message_faction", tolua_message_faction);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "message_region", tolua_message_region);
/* scripted monsters */
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "plan_monsters", tolua_planmonsters);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "spawn_braineaters", tolua_spawn_braineaters);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "spawn_undead", tolua_spawn_undead);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "spawn_dragons", tolua_spawn_dragons);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "set_race_brain", tolua_set_racescript);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "set_unit_brain", tolua_set_unitscript);
/* spells and stuff */
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "levitate_ship", tolua_levitate_ship);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "update_guards", tolua_update_guards);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_turn", tolua_get_turn);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_season", tolua_get_season);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "equipment_setitem", tolua_equipment_setitem);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "equip_unit", tolua_equipunit);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "add_equipment", tolua_addequipment);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "atoi36", tolua_atoi36);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "itoa36", tolua_itoa36);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "dice_roll", tolua_dice_rand);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_nmrs", tolua_get_nmrs);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "remove_empty_units", tolua_remove_empty_units);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "update_subscriptions", tolua_update_subscriptions);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "update_scores", tolua_update_scores);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "update_owners", tolua_update_owners);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "learn_skill", tolua_learn_skill);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "autoseed", tolua_autoseed);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "get_key", tolua_getkey);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "set_key", tolua_setkey);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "rng_int", tolua_rng_int);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "spells", tolua_get_spells);
tolua_function(L, TOLUA_CAST "write_spells", tolua_write_spells);
return 1;