Enno Rehling 62a51a8bf0 scores are now an optional module.
spoils are moved to the XMl data, and the racespoils functions are greatly reduced (less LOC -> less bugs).

phoenix feather is a wdw-only item
2005-07-31 16:07:02 +00:00

558 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

/* vi: set ts=2:
* Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003
* Christian Schlittchen (
* Katja Zedel (
* Henning Peters (
* Enno Rehling (
* Ingo Wilken (
* This program may not be used, modified or distributed without
* prior permission by the authors of Eressea.
#include <config.h>
#include <eressea.h>
#include "arena.h"
/* modules include */
#include "score.h"
/* attributes include */
#include <attributes/giveitem.h>
/* items include */
#include <items/demonseye.h>
/* kernel includes */
#include <kernel/building.h>
#include <kernel/faction.h>
#include <kernel/item.h>
#include <kernel/magic.h>
#include <kernel/message.h>
#include <kernel/movement.h>
#include <kernel/order.h>
#include <kernel/plane.h>
#include <kernel/pool.h>
#include <kernel/race.h>
#include <kernel/region.h>
#include <kernel/reports.h>
#include <kernel/skill.h>
#include <kernel/unit.h>
/* util include */
#include <base36.h>
#include <resolve.h>
#include <functions.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <goodies.h>
/* libc include */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* exports: */
plane * arena = NULL;
/* local vars */
static unsigned int arena_id = 0;
static region * arena_center = NULL;
static region * tower_region[6];
static region * start_region[6];
static int newarena = 0;
static region *
arena_region(int magic) {
return tower_region[magic];
static building *
arena_tower(int magic) {
return arena_region(magic)->buildings;
static int
leave_fail(unit * u) {
sprintf(buf, "Der Versuch, die Greifenschwingen zu benutzen, schlug fehl. %s konnte die Ebene der Herausforderung nicht verlassen.", unitname(u));
addmessage(NULL, u->faction, buf, MSG_MESSAGE, ML_IMPORTANT);
return 1;
static int
leave_arena(struct unit * u, const struct item_type * itype, int amount, order * ord)
if (!u->building && leave_fail(u)) return -1;
if (u->building!=arena_tower(u->faction->magiegebiet) && leave_fail(u)) return -1;
assert(!"not implemented");
return 0;
static resource_type rt_gryphonwing = {
{ "griphonwing", "griphonwing_p" },
{ "griphonwing", "griphonwing_p" },
static item_type it_gryphonwing = {
&rt_gryphonwing, /* resourcetype */
ITF_NOTLOST|ITF_CURSED, 0, 0, /* flags, weight, capacity */
NULL, /* construction, score */
static int
enter_fail(unit * u) {
sprintf(buf, "In %s erklingt die Stimme des Torw<72>chters: 'Nur wer ohne materielle G<>ter und noch lernbegierig ist, der darf die Ebene der Herausforderung betreten. Und vergi<67> nicht mein Trinkgeld.'. %s erhielt keinen Einla<6C>.", regionname(u->region, u->faction), unitname(u));
addmessage(NULL, u->faction, buf, MSG_MESSAGE, ML_IMPORTANT);
return 1;
static int
enter_arena(unit * u, const item_type * itype, int amount, order * ord)
skill_t sk;
region * r = u->region;
unit * u2;
int fee = u->faction->score / 5;
if (fee>2000) fee = 2000;
if (getplane(r)==arena) return -1;
if (u->number!=1 && enter_fail(u)) return -1;
if (get_pooled(u, r, R_SILVER) < fee && enter_fail(u)) return -1;
for (sk=0;sk!=MAXSKILLS;++sk) {
if (get_level(u, sk)>1 && enter_fail(u)) return -1;
for (u2=r->units;u2;u2=u2->next) if (u2->faction==u->faction) break;
#ifdef NEW_ITEMS
assert(!"not implemented");
for (res=0;res!=MAXRESOURCES;++res) if (res!=R_SILVER && res!=R_ARENA_GATE && (is_item(res) || is_herb(res) || is_potion(res))) {
int x = get_resource(u, res);
if (x) {
if (u2) {
change_resource(u2, res, x);
change_resource(u, res, -x);
else if (enter_fail(u)) return -1;
if (get_money(u) > fee) {
if (u2) change_money(u2, get_money(u) - fee);
else if (enter_fail(u)) return -1;
sprintf(buf, "In %s <20>ffnet sich ein Portal. Eine Stimme ert<72>nt, und spricht: 'Willkommen in der Ebene der Herausforderung'. %s durchschreitet das Tor zu einer anderen Welt.", regionname(u->region, u->faction), unitname(u));
addmessage(NULL, u->faction, buf, MSG_MESSAGE, ML_IMPORTANT);
new_use_pooled(u, &rt_gryphonwing, GET_SLACK|GET_RESERVE, 1);
use_pooled(u, r, R_SILVER, fee);
set_money(u, 109);
move_unit(u, start_region[rand() % 6], NULL);
return 0;
static resource_type rt_arenagate = {
{ "eyeofdragon", "eyeofdragon_p" },
{ "eyeofdragon", "eyeofdragon_p" },
static item_type it_arenagate = {
&rt_arenagate, /* resourcetype */
ITF_NONE, 0, 0, /* flags, weight, capacity */
NULL, /* construction, score */
** Szepter der Tr<54>nen, Demo-Item
static int
use_wand_of_tears(unit * user, const struct item_type * itype, int amount, order * ord)
int i;
for (i=0;i!=amount;++i) {
unit * u;
for (u=user->region->units;u;u=u->next) {
if (u->faction != user->faction) {
int i;
for (i=0;i!=u->skill_size;++i) {
if (rand()%3) reduce_skill(u, u->skills+i, 1);
ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("wand_of_tears_effect",
"unit", u));
ADDMSG(&user->region->msgs, msg_message("wand_of_tears_usage",
"unit", user));
return 0;
static void
const char * names[2] = {"wand_of_tears", "wand_of_tears_p"};
const char * appearances[2] = {"wand", "wand_p"};
item_type * itype = it_find(names[0]);
int i;
if (itype==NULL) {
/* Dieser Teil kann, nachdem sie ausgeteilt wurden, g<>nzlich verschwinden. */
resource_type * rtype = new_resourcetype(names, appearances, RTF_DYNAMIC|RTF_ITEM);
itype = new_itemtype(rtype, ITF_DYNAMIC|ITF_NOTLOST, 1, 0);
itype->use = use_wand_of_tears;
for (i=0;i!=6;++i) {
unit * u = tower_region[i]->units;
if (u==NULL) continue;
i_change(&u->items, itype, 1);
* Tempel der Schreie, Demo-Geb<65>ude **/
static int
age_hurting(attrib * a) {
building * b = (building *)a->data.v;
unit * u;
int active = 0;
if (b==NULL) return 0;
for (u=b->region->units;u;u=u->next) {
if (u->building==b) {
if (u->faction->magiegebiet==M_CHAOS) {
active ++;
add_message(&b->region->msgs, new_message(NULL, "praytoigjarjuk%u:unit", u));
if (active) for (u=b->region->units;u;u=u->next) if (playerrace(u->faction->race)) {
int i;
if (u->faction->magiegebiet!=M_CHAOS) {
for (i=0;i!=active;++i) u->hp = (u->hp+1) / 2; /* make them suffer, but not die */
add_message(&b->region->msgs, new_message(NULL, "cryinpain%u:unit", u));
return 1;
static void
write_hurting(const attrib * a, FILE * F) {
building * b = a->data.v;
fprintf(F, "%d ", b->no);
static int
read_hurting(attrib * a, FILE * F) {
int i;
fscanf(F, "%d", &i);
a->data.v = (void*)findbuilding(i);
if (a->data.v==NULL) {
log_error(("temple of pain is broken\n"));
return AT_READ_FAIL;
return AT_READ_OK;
static attrib_type at_hurting = {
"hurting", NULL, NULL, age_hurting, write_hurting, read_hurting
static void
make_temple(region * r)
const building_type * btype = bt_find("temple");
building * b;
if (btype==NULL)
btype = bt_make("temple", BTF_UNIQUE | BTF_NOBUILD | BTF_INDESTRUCTIBLE, -1, 2, 50);
else {
b = r->buildings;
while (b!=NULL && b->type!=btype) b = b->next;
if (b!=NULL) return; /* gibt schon einen */
b = new_building(btype, r, NULL);
b->size = btype->maxsize;
b->name = strdup("Igjarjuk's Tempel der Schreie");
b->display = strdup("Ein Schrein aus spitzen Knochen und lodernden Flammen, gewidmet dem Wyrm der Wyrme");
a_add(&b->attribs, a_new(&at_hurting))->data.v=b;
* Initialisierung T<>rme */
static void
int i, first = newarena;
for (i=0;i!=6;++i) {
region * r = tower_region[i] = findregion(arena_center->x+delta_x[i]*3, arena_center->y+delta_y[i]*3);
if (r) {
start_region[i] = findregion(arena_center->x+delta_x[i]*2, arena_center->y+delta_y[i]*2);
if (r->terrain!=T_DESERT) terraform(r, T_DESERT);
if (!r->buildings) {
building * b = new_building(bt_find("castle"), r, NULL);
b->size = 10;
if (i!=0) {
sprintf(buf, "Turm des %s",
LOC(default_locale, mkname("school", neue_gebiete[i])));
else sprintf(buf, "Turm der Ahnungslosen");
set_string(&b->name, buf);
if (first && !arena_center->buildings) {
building * b = new_building(bt_find("castle"), arena_center, NULL);
attrib * a;
item * items;
i_add(&items, i_new(&it_gryphonwing, 1));
i_add(&items, i_new(&it_demonseye, 1));
a = a_add(&b->attribs, make_giveitem(b, items));
b->size = 10;
set_string(&b->name, "H<EFBFBD>hle des Greifen");
static void
guardian_faction(plane * pl, int id)
region * r;
faction * f = findfaction(id);
if (!f) {
f = calloc(1, sizeof(faction));
f->banner = strdup("Sie dienen dem gro<72>en Wyrm");
f->passw = strdup(itoa36(rand()));
f->override = strdup(itoa36(rand()));
set_email(&f->email, "");
f->name = strdup("Igjarjuks Kundschafter");
f->race = new_race[RC_ILLUSION];
f->age = turn;
f->locale = find_locale("de");
f->options = want(O_COMPRESS) | want(O_REPORT) | want(O_COMPUTER) | want(O_ADRESSEN) | want(O_DEBUG);
f->no = id;
addlist(&factions, f);
if (f->race != new_race[RC_ILLUSION]) {
assert(!"guardian id vergeben");
f->lastorders = turn;
f->alive = true;
for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) if (getplane(r)==pl && r->terrain!=T_FIREWALL)
unit * u;
freset(r, RF_ENCOUNTER);
for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) {
if (u->faction==f) break;
if (u) continue;
u = createunit(r, f, 1, new_race[RC_GOBLIN]);
set_string(&u->name, "Igjarjuks Auge");
set_item(u, I_RING_OF_INVISIBILITY, 1);
set_order(&u->thisorder, NULL);
set_order(&u->lastorder, NULL);
set_money(u, 1000);
static void
block_create(short x1, short y1, char terrain)
short x, y;
for (x=0;x!=BLOCKSIZE;++x) {
for (y=0;y!=BLOCKSIZE;++y) {
region * r = new_region(x1 + x, y1 + y);
terraform(r, terrain);
static int
caldera_handle(trigger * t, void * data)
/* call an event handler on caldera.
* data.v -> ( variant event, int timer )
building *b = (building *)t->data.v;
if (b!=NULL) {
unit ** up = &b->region->units;
while (*up) {
unit * u = *up;
if (u->building==b) {
sprintf(buf, "%s springt in die ewigen Feuer des Kraters.", unitname(u));
if (u->items) {
item ** ip = &u->items;
strcat(buf, " Mit der sterblichen H<>lle des Helden vergl<67>hen");
while (*ip) {
item * i = *ip;
char zText[10];
sprintf(zText, " %d %s", i->number, locale_string(default_locale, resourcename(i->type->rtype, i->number!=1)));
strcat(buf, zText);
i_remove(ip, i);
if (*ip==i) ip=&i->next;
if (i->next) strcat(buf, ",");
strcat(buf, ".");
addmessage(u->region, NULL, buf, MSG_MESSAGE, ML_IMPORTANT);
set_number(u, 0);
if (*up==u) up = &u->next;
} else
log_error(("could not perform caldera::handle()\n"));
return 0;
static void
caldera_write(const trigger * t, FILE * F)
building *b = (building *)t->data.v;
fprintf(F, "%s ", itoa36(b->no));
static int
caldera_read(trigger * t, FILE * F)
char zText[128];
variant var;
fscanf(F, "%s", zText);
var.i = atoi36(zText);
t->data.v = findbuilding(var.i);
if (t->data.v==NULL) ur_add(var, &t->data.v, resolve_building);
return AT_READ_OK;
struct trigger_type tt_caldera = {
static trigger *
trigger_caldera(building * b)
trigger * t = t_new(&tt_caldera);
t->data.v = b;
return t;
static void
building * b;
region * r = arena_center;
if (r->terrain!=T_DESERT) return; /* been done before */
terraform(arena_center, T_VOLCANO_SMOKING);
b = new_building(bt_find("caldera"), r, NULL);
b->size = 1;
b->name = strdup("Igjarjuk's Schlund");
b->display = strdup("Feurige Lava flie<69>t aus dem Krater des gro<72>en Vulkans. Alles wird von ihr verschlungen.");
add_trigger(&b->attribs, "timer", trigger_caldera(b));
short x;
arena_id = hashstring("arena");
arena = getplanebyid(arena_id);
if (arena!=NULL) return;
score(); /* ist wichtig, damit alle Parteien einen score haben, wenn sie durchs Tor wollen. */
guardian_faction(arena, 999);
if (arena) arena_center = findregion(plane_center_x(arena), plane_center_y(arena));
if (!arena_center) {
newarena = 1;
arena = create_new_plane(arena_id, "Arena", -10000, -10000, 0, BLOCKSIZE-1, PFL_LOWSTEALING | PFL_NORECRUITS | PFL_NOALLIANCES);
block_create(arena->minx, arena->miny, T_OCEAN);
arena_center = findregion(plane_center_x(arena), plane_center_y(arena));
for (x=0;x!=BLOCKSIZE;++x) {
short y;
for (y=0;y!=BLOCKSIZE;++y) {
region * r = findregion(arena->minx+x, arena->miny+y);
freset(r, RF_ENCOUNTER);
r->planep = arena;
switch (distance(r, arena_center)) {
case 4:
terraform(r, T_FIREWALL);
case 0:
terraform(r, T_GLACIER);
case 1:
terraform(r, T_SWAMP);
case 2:
terraform(r, T_MOUNTAIN);
if (arena_center->terrain!=T_DESERT) terraform(arena_center, T_DESERT);
rsetmoney(arena_center, 0);
rsetpeasants(arena_center, 0);
register_function((pf_generic)use_wand_of_tears, "use_wand_of_tears");
register_function((pf_generic)enter_arena, "enter_arena");
register_function((pf_generic)leave_arena, "leave_arena");
#endif /* def ARENA_MODULE */