forked from github/server
3137 lines
79 KiB
3137 lines
79 KiB
/* vi: set ts=2:
* Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003
* Christian Schlittchen (
* Katja Zedel (
* Henning Peters (
* Enno Rehling (
* Ingo Wilken (
* This program may not be used, modified or distributed without
* prior permission by the authors of Eressea.
#define INDENT 0
#include <config.h>
#include <eressea.h>
/* modules includes */
#include <modules/score.h>
/* attributes includes */
#include <attributes/overrideroads.h>
#include <attributes/viewrange.h>
#include <attributes/otherfaction.h>
#include <attributes/alliance.h>
#ifdef AT_OPTION
# include <attributes/option.h>
/* gamecode includes */
#include "creport.h"
#include "economy.h"
#include "monster.h"
#include "laws.h"
/* kernel includes */
#include <kernel/alchemy.h>
#include <kernel/alliance.h>
#include <kernel/border.h>
#include <kernel/build.h>
#include <kernel/building.h>
#include <kernel/calendar.h>
#include <kernel/faction.h>
#include <kernel/group.h>
#include <kernel/item.h>
#include <kernel/karma.h>
#include <kernel/message.h>
#include <kernel/movement.h>
#include <kernel/objtypes.h>
#include <kernel/order.h>
#include <kernel/plane.h>
#include <kernel/pool.h>
#include <kernel/race.h>
#include <kernel/region.h>
#include <kernel/render.h>
#include <kernel/reports.h>
#include <kernel/resources.h>
#include <kernel/save.h>
#include <kernel/ship.h>
#include <kernel/skill.h>
#include <kernel/teleport.h>
#include <kernel/terrain.h>
#include <kernel/terrainid.h>
#include <kernel/unit.h>
#include <kernel/alliance.h>
/* util includes */
#include <util/bsdstring.h>
#include <util/goodies.h>
#include <util/base36.h>
#include <util/nrmessage.h>
#include <util/translation.h>
#include <util/message.h>
#include <util/rng.h>
#include <util/log.h>
/* libc includes */
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
extern int quiet;
extern int *storms;
extern int weeks_per_month;
extern int months_per_year;
boolean nocr = false;
boolean nonr = false;
boolean nosh = false;
boolean nomer = false;
boolean noreports = false;
static size_t
strxcpy(char * dst, const char * src) {
size_t s = 0;
while ((*dst++ = *src++)!=0) ++s;
return s;
static char *
gamedate_season(const struct locale * lang)
static char buf[256];
gamedate gd;
get_gamedate(turn, &gd);
sprintf(buf, LOC(lang, "nr_calendar_season"),
LOC(lang, weeknames[gd.week]),
LOC(lang, monthnames[gd.month]),
LOC(lang, agename),
LOC(lang, seasonnames[gd.season]));
return buf;
static char *
gamedate2(const struct locale * lang)
static char buf[256];
gamedate gd;
get_gamedate(turn, &gd);
sprintf(buf, "in %s des Monats %s im Jahre %d %s.",
LOC(lang, weeknames2[gd.week]),
LOC(lang, monthnames[gd.month]),
LOC(lang, agename));
return buf;
rpc(FILE * F, char c, size_t num)
while(num > 0) {
putc(c, F);
rnl(FILE * F)
fputc('\n', F);
static void
centre(FILE * F, const char *s, boolean breaking)
/* Bei Namen die genau 80 Zeichen lang sind, kann es hier Probleme
* geben. Seltsamerweise wird i dann auf MAXINT oder aehnlich
* initialisiert. Deswegen keine Strings die laenger als REPORTWIDTH
* sind! */
if (breaking && REPORTWIDTH < strlen(s)) {
strlist *T, *SP = 0;
sparagraph(&SP, s, 0, 0);
T = SP;
while (SP) {
centre(F, SP->s, false);
SP = SP->next;
} else {
rpc(F, ' ', (REPORTWIDTH - strlen(s)+1) / 2);
fputs(s, F);
putc('\n', F);
static void
rparagraph(FILE *F, const char *str, ptrdiff_t indent, int hanging_indent, char mark)
static const char * spaces = " ";
size_t length = REPORTWIDTH;
const char * end, * begin;
/* find out if there's a mark + indent already encoded in the string. */
if (!mark) {
const char * x = str;
while (*x == ' ') ++x;
indent += x - str;
if (x[0] && indent && x[1]==' ') {
indent += 2;
mark = x[0];
str = x + 2;
hanging_indent -= 2;
begin = end = str;
while (*begin) {
const char * last_space = begin;
if (mark && indent>=2) {
fwrite(spaces, sizeof(char), indent-2, F);
fputc(mark, F);
fputc(' ', F);
mark = 0;
} else if (begin==str) {
fwrite(spaces, sizeof(char), indent, F);
} else {
fwrite(spaces, sizeof(char), indent+ hanging_indent, F);
while (*end && end<=begin+length-indent) {
if (*end==' ') {
last_space = end;
if (*end==0) last_space = end;
if (last_space==begin) {
/* there was no space in this line. clip it */
last_space = end;
fwrite(begin, sizeof(char), last_space-begin, F);
begin = last_space;
while (*begin==' ') {
if (begin>end) begin = end;
fputc('\n', F);
static void
report_spell(FILE * F, spell *sp, const struct locale * lang)
int k, itemanz, costtyp;
int dh = 0;
char * bufp;
centre(F, spell_name(sp, lang), true);
rparagraph(F, LOC(lang, "nr_spell_description"), 0, 0, 0);
rparagraph(F, spell_info(sp, lang), 2, 0, 0);
bufp = buf;
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(lang, "nr_spell_type"));
*bufp++ = ' ';
if (sp->sptyp & PRECOMBATSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "Pr<EFBFBD>kampfzauber");
} else if (sp->sptyp & COMBATSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "Kampfzauber");
} else if (sp->sptyp & POSTCOMBATSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "Postkampfzauber");
} else {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "Normaler Zauber");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
sprintf(buf, "%s %d", LOC(lang, "nr_spell_level"), sp->level);
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
sprintf(buf, "%s %d", LOC(lang, "nr_spell_rank"), sp->rank);
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
rparagraph(F, LOC(lang, "nr_spell_components"), 0, 0, 0);
for (k = 0; sp->components[k].type; ++k) {
const resource_type * rtype = sp->components[k].type;
itemanz = sp->components[k].amount;
costtyp = sp->components[k].cost;
if (itemanz > 0){
if (sp->sptyp & SPELLLEVEL) {
bufp = buf + sprintf(buf, " %d %s", itemanz, LOC(lang, resourcename(rtype, itemanz!=1)));
if (costtyp == SPC_LEVEL || costtyp == SPC_LINEAR ) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " * Stufe");
} else {
if (costtyp == SPC_LEVEL || costtyp == SPC_LINEAR ) {
itemanz *= sp->level;
sprintf(buf, "%d %s", itemanz, LOC(lang, resourcename(rtype, itemanz!=1)));
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 2, '-');
bufp = buf + strxcpy(buf, LOC(lang, "nr_spell_modifiers"));
if (sp->sptyp & FARCASTING) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " Fernzauber");
dh = 1;
if (sp->sptyp & OCEANCASTABLE) {
if (dh == 1) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, ",");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " Seezauber");
dh = 1;
if (sp->sptyp & ONSHIPCAST) {
if (dh == 1){
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, ",");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " Schiffszauber");
dh = 1;
if (sp->sptyp & NOTFAMILIARCAST) {
if (dh == 1){
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, ", k");
} else {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " K");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "ann nicht vom Vertrauten gezaubert werden");
dh = 1;
if (dh == 0) bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " Keine");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
rparagraph(F, LOC(lang, "nr_spell_syntax"), 0, 0, 0);
if (!sp->syntax) {
if (sp->sptyp & ISCOMBATSPELL) {
bufp = buf + strxcpy(buf, LOC(lang, keywords[K_COMBAT]));
} else {
bufp = buf + strxcpy(buf, LOC(lang, keywords[K_CAST]));
/* Reihenfolge beachten: Erst REGION, dann STUFE! */
if (sp->sptyp & FARCASTING) {
bufp += snprintf(bufp, sizeof(buf)-(bufp-buf), " [%s x y]", LOC(lang, parameters[P_REGION]));
if (sp->sptyp & SPELLLEVEL) {
bufp += snprintf(bufp, sizeof(buf)-(bufp-buf), " [%s n]", LOC(lang, parameters[P_LEVEL]));
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " \"");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, spell_name(sp, lang));
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "\" ");
if (sp->sptyp & ONETARGET){
if (sp->sptyp & UNITSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "<Einheit-Nr>");
} else if (sp->sptyp & SHIPSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "<Schiff-Nr>");
} else if (sp->sptyp & BUILDINGSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "<Geb<65>ude-Nr>");
} else {
if (sp->sptyp & UNITSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "<Einheit-Nr> [<Einheit-Nr> ...]");
} else if (sp->sptyp & SHIPSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "<Schiff-Nr> [<Schiff-Nr> ...]");
} else if (sp->sptyp & BUILDINGSPELL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "<Geb<65>ude-Nr> [<Geb<65>ude-Nr> ...]");
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 0, 0);
} else {
rparagraph(F, sp->syntax, 2, 0, 0);
sparagraph(strlist ** SP, const char *s, int indent, char mark)
/* Die Liste SP wird mit dem String s aufgefuellt, mit indent und einer
* mark, falls angegeben. SP wurde also auf 0 gesetzt vor dem Aufruf.
* Vgl. spunit (). */
int i, j, width;
int firstline;
static char buf[REPORTWIDTH + 1];
width = REPORTWIDTH - indent;
firstline = 1;
for (;;) {
i = 0;
do {
j = i;
while (s[j] && s[j] != ' ')
if (j > width) {
/* j zeigt auf das ende der aktuellen zeile, i zeigt auf den anfang der
* n<>chsten zeile. existiert ein wort am anfang der zeile, welches
* l<>nger als eine zeile ist, mu<6D> dieses hier abgetrennt werden. */
if (i == 0)
i = width - 1;
i = j + 1;
while (s[j]);
for (j = 0; j != indent; j++)
buf[j] = ' ';
if (firstline && mark)
buf[indent - 2] = mark;
for (j = 0; j != i - 1; j++)
buf[indent + j] = s[j];
buf[indent + j] = 0;
addstrlist(SP, buf);
if (s[i - 1] == 0)
s += i;
firstline = 0;
hat_in_region(item_t it, region * r, faction * f)
unit *u;
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->faction == f && get_item(u, it) > 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
static void
print_curses(FILE *F, const faction *viewer, const void * obj, typ_t typ, int indent)
attrib *a = NULL;
int self = 0;
region *r;
/* Die Sichtbarkeit eines Zaubers und die Zaubermeldung sind bei
* Geb<65>uden und Schiffen je nach, ob man Besitzer ist, verschieden.
* Bei Einheiten sieht man Wirkungen auf eigene Einheiten immer.
* Spezialf<6C>lle (besonderes Talent, verursachender Magier usw. werde
* bei jedem curse gesondert behandelt. */
if (typ == TYP_SHIP){
ship * sh = (ship*)obj;
unit * owner = shipowner(sh);
a = sh->attribs;
r = sh->region;
if (owner) {
if (owner->faction == viewer){
self = 2;
} else { /* steht eine person der Partei auf dem Schiff? */
unit *u = NULL;
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->ship == sh) {
self = 1;
} else if (typ == TYP_BUILDING) {
building * b = (building*)obj;
unit * owner;
a = b->attribs;
r = b->region;
if((owner = buildingowner(r,b)) != NULL){
if (owner->faction == viewer){
self = 2;
} else { /* steht eine Person der Partei in der Burg? */
unit *u = NULL;
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->building == b) {
self = 1;
} else if (typ == TYP_UNIT) {
unit *u = (unit *)obj;
a = u->attribs;
r = u->region;
if (u->faction == viewer){
self = 2;
} else if (typ == TYP_REGION) {
r = (region *)obj;
a = r->attribs;
} else {
/* fehler */
for(;a;a=a->next) {
int dh = 0;
if (fval(a->type, ATF_CURSE)) {
curse *c = (curse *)a->data.v;
if (c->type->curseinfo) {
if (c->type->cansee) {
self = c->type->cansee(viewer, obj, typ, c, self);
dh = c->type->curseinfo(viewer->locale, obj, typ, c, self);
if (dh == 1) {
rparagraph(F, buf, indent, 2, 0);
} else if (a->type==&at_effect && self) {
effect_data * data = (effect_data *)a->data.v;
if (data->value>0) {
sprintf(buf, "Auf der Einheit lieg%s %d Wirkung%s %s.",
(data->value==1 ? "t" : "en"),
(data->value==1 ? "" : "en"),
LOC(default_locale, resourcename(data->type->itype->rtype, 0)));
rparagraph(F, buf, indent, 2, 0);
static void
rps_nowrap(FILE * F, const char *s)
const char *x = s;
size_t indent = 0;
while (*x++ == ' ');
indent = x - s - 1;
if (*(x - 1) && indent && *x == ' ')
indent += 2;
x = s;
while (*s) {
if (s == x) {
x = strchr(x + 1, ' ');
if (!x)
x = s + strlen(s);
rpc(F, *s++, 1);
static void
rpunit(FILE * F, const faction * f, const unit * u, int indent, int mode)
attrib *a_otherfaction;
char marker;
int dh;
boolean isbattle = (boolean)(mode == see_battle);
if (u->race == new_race[RC_SPELL]) return;
dh = bufunit(f, u, indent, mode);
a_otherfaction = a_find(u->attribs, &at_otherfaction);
if (u->faction == f) {
marker = '*';
} else {
if (a_otherfaction && f != u->faction && get_otherfaction(a_otherfaction) == f
&& !fval(u, UFL_PARTEITARNUNG)) {
marker = '!';
} else {
if (dh && !fval(u, UFL_PARTEITARNUNG)) {
marker = '+';
} else {
marker = '-';
rparagraph(F, buf, indent, 0, marker);
if (!isbattle) {
print_curses(F, f, u, TYP_UNIT, indent);
static void
rp_messages(FILE * F, message_list * msgs, faction * viewer, int indent, boolean categorized)
nrsection * section;
if (!msgs) return;
for (section = sections; section; section=section->next) {
int k = 0;
struct mlist * m = msgs->begin;
while (m) {
/* messagetype * mt = m->type; */
if (strcmp(nr_section(m->msg), section->name)==0) {
char lbuf[8192];
if (!k && categorized) {
const char * section_title;
char cat_identifier[24];
sprintf(cat_identifier, "section_%s", section->name);
section_title = LOC(viewer->locale, cat_identifier);
centre(F, section_title, true);
k = 1;
nr_render(m->msg, viewer->locale, lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), viewer);
rparagraph(F, lbuf, indent, 2, 0);
m = m->next;
static void
rp_battles(FILE * F, faction * f)
if (f->battles!=NULL) {
struct bmsg * bm = f->battles;
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "section_battle"), false);
while (bm) {
RENDER(f, buf, 80, ("battle::header", "region", bm->r));
centre(F, buf, true);
rp_messages(F, bm->msgs, f, 0, false);
bm = bm->next;
f_regionid(const region * r, const faction * f, char * buffer, size_t size)
plane * pl = NULL;
if (!r) {
strncpy(buffer, "(Chaos)", size);
} else {
pl = getplane(r);
strncpy(buffer, rname(r, f->locale), size);
if (pl==NULL || !fval(pl, PFL_NOCOORDS)) {
sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer), " (%d,%d%s%s)", region_x(r,f), region_y(r,f), pl?",":"", pl?pl->name:"");
return strlen(buffer);
static char *
f_regionid_s(const region * r, const faction * f)
static int i = 0;
static char bufs[4][NAMESIZE + 20];
char * buf = bufs[(++i)%4];
f_regionid(r, f, buf, NAMESIZE + 20);
return buf;
static void
prices(FILE * F, const region * r, const faction * f)
const luxury_type *sale=NULL;
struct demand * dmd;
message * m;
int n = 0;
if (r->land==NULL || r->land->demands==NULL) return;
for (dmd=r->land->demands;dmd;dmd=dmd->next) {
if (dmd->value==0) sale = dmd->type;
else if (dmd->value > 0) n++;
m = msg_message("nr_market_sale", "product price",
sale->itype->rtype, sale->price);
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
if (n > 0) {
char * bufp = buf + strlen(buf);
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_trade_intro"));
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " ");
for (dmd=r->land->demands;dmd;dmd=dmd->next) if(dmd->value > 0) {
m = msg_message("nr_market_price", "product price",
dmd->type->itype->rtype, dmd->value * dmd->type->price);
nr_render(m, f->locale, bufp, sizeof(buf)-(bufp-buf), f);
bufp += strlen(bufp);
if (n == 0) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_trade_end"));
else if (n == 1) {
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_trade_final"));
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
} else {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_trade_next"));
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
/* Schreibe Paragraphen */
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
see_border(const border * b, const faction * f, const region * r)
boolean cs = b->type->fvisible(b, f, r);
if (!cs) {
cs = b->type->rvisible(b, r);
if (!cs) {
const unit * us = r->units;
while (us && !cs) {
if (us->faction==f) {
cs = b->type->uvisible(b, us);
if (cs) break;
return cs;
const char *
trailinto(const region * r, const struct locale * lang)
char ref[32];
const char * s;
if (r) {
const char * tname;
if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_MAELSTROM, 0)) {
/* das kostet. evtl. w<>re ein FL_CURSED gut? */
tname = "maelstrom";
} else {
tname = terrain_name(r);
strcat(strcpy(ref, tname), "_trail");
s = locale_string(lang, ref);
if (s && *s) {
if (strstr(s, "%s")) return s;
return "%s";
static void
eval_trail(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* (int, int) -> int */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct locale * lang = (const struct locale*)opop(stack).v;
const struct region * r = (const struct region*)opop(stack).v;
const char * trail = trailinto(r, lang);
const char * rn = f_regionid_s(r, f);
variant var;
char * x = var.v = balloc(strlen(trail)+strlen(rn));
sprintf(x, trail, rn);
opush(stack, var);
static void
describe(FILE * F, const region * r, int partial, faction * f)
int n;
boolean dh;
direction_t d;
int trees;
int saplings;
attrib *a;
const char *tname;
struct edge {
struct edge * next;
char * name;
boolean transparent;
boolean block;
boolean exist[MAXDIRECTIONS];
direction_t lastd;
} * edges = NULL, * e;
boolean see[MAXDIRECTIONS];
char * bufp = buf;
for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; d++) {
/* Nachbarregionen, die gesehen werden, ermitteln */
region *r2 = rconnect(r, d);
border *b;
see[d] = true;
if (!r2) continue;
for (b=get_borders(r, r2);b;) {
struct edge * e = edges;
boolean transparent = b->type->transparent(b, f);
const char * name = b->type->name(b, r, f, GF_DETAILED|GF_ARTICLE);
if (!transparent) see[d] = false;
if (!see_border(b, f, r)) {
b = b->next;
while (e && (e->transparent != transparent || strcmp(name,e->name))) e = e->next;
if (!e) {
e = calloc(sizeof(struct edge), 1);
e->name = strdup(name);
e->transparent = transparent;
e->next = edges;
edges = e;
e->exist[d] = true;
b = b->next;
bufp += f_regionid(r, f, bufp, sizeof(buf)-(bufp-buf));
if (partial == 1) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " (durchgereist)");
else if (partial == 3) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " (benachbart)");
else if (partial == 2) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " (vom Turm erblickt)");
/* Terrain */
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, ", ");
if (is_cursed(r->attribs,C_MAELSTROM, 0)) {
tname = "maelstrom";
} else {
tname = terrain_name(r);
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, tname));
/* B<>ume */
trees = rtrees(r,2);
saplings = rtrees(r,1);
if (production(r)) {
if (trees > 0 || saplings > 0) {
bufp += sprintf(bufp, ", %d/%d ", trees, saplings);
if (fval(r, RF_MALLORN)) {
if (trees == 1) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_mallorntree"));
} else {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_mallorntree_p"));
else if (trees == 1) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_tree"));
} else {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_tree_p"));
/* iron & stone */
if (partial == 0 && f != (faction *) NULL) {
struct rawmaterial * res;
for (res=r->resources;res;res=res->next) {
int level = -1;
int visible = -1;
int maxskill = 0;
const item_type * itype = resource2item(res->type->rtype);
if (res->type->visible==NULL) {
visible = res->amount;
level = res->level + itype->construction->minskill - 1;
} else {
const unit * u;
for (u=r->units; visible!=res->amount && u!=NULL; u=u->next) {
if (u->faction == f) {
int s = eff_skill(u, itype->construction->skill, r);
if (s>maxskill) {
if (s>=itype->construction->minskill) {
level = res->level + itype->construction->minskill - 1;
maxskill = s;
visible = res->type->visible(res, maxskill);
if (level>=0 && visible >= 0) {
bufp += snprintf(bufp, sizeof(buf)-(bufp-buf), ", %d %s/%d",
visible, LOC(f->locale, res->type->name),
res->level + itype->construction->minskill - 1);
/* peasants & silver */
if (rpeasants(r)) {
int n = rpeasants(r);
bufp += sprintf(bufp, ", %d", n);
if(fval(r, RF_ORCIFIED)) {
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, n==1?"rc_orc":"rc_orc_p"));
} else {
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, n==1?"peasant":"peasant_p"));
if (rmoney(r) && partial == 0) {
bufp += sprintf(bufp, ", %d ", rmoney(r));
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, resourcename(oldresourcetype[R_SILVER], rmoney(r)!=1)));
/* Pferde */
if (rhorses(r)) {
bufp += sprintf(bufp, ", %d ", rhorses(r));
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, resourcename(oldresourcetype[R_HORSE], (rhorses(r)>1)?GR_PLURAL:0)));
strcpy(bufp++, ".");
if (r->display && r->display[0]) {
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, r->display);
n = r->display[strlen(r->display) - 1];
if (n != '!' && n != '?' && n != '.') {
strcpy(bufp++, ".");
const faction * owner = region_owner(r);
if (owner!=NULL) {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " Die Region ist im Besitz von ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, factionname(owner));
strcpy(bufp++, ".");
if (!is_cursed(r->attribs, C_REGCONF, 0)) {
attrib *a_do = a_find(r->attribs, &at_overrideroads);
if(a_do) {
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, (char *)a_do->data.v);
} else {
int nrd = 0;
/* Nachbarregionen, die gesehen werden, ermitteln */
for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; d++)
if (see[d] && rconnect(r, d)) nrd++;
/* Richtungen aufz<66>hlen */
dh = false;
for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; d++) if (see[d]) {
region * r2 = rconnect(r, d);
if(!r2) continue;
if (dh) {
if (nrd == 0) {
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_nb_final"));
} else {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, "nr_nb_next"));
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, directions[d]));
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += sprintf(bufp, trailinto(r2, f->locale),
f_regionid_s(r2, f));
else {
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
MSG(("nr_vicinitystart", "dir region", d, r2), bufp, sizeof(buf)-(bufp-buf), f->locale, f);
bufp += strlen(bufp);
dh = true;
/* Spezielle Richtungen */
for (a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_direction);a && a->type==&at_direction;a=a->next) {
spec_direction * d = (spec_direction *)(a->data.v);
strcpy(bufp++, " ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, d->desc);
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " (\"");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, d->keyword);
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "\")");
strcpy(bufp++, ".");
dh = 1;
} else {
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " Gro<72>e Verwirrung bef<65>llt alle Reisenden in dieser Region.");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
if (partial==0 && rplane(r) == get_astralplane() &&
!is_cursed(r->attribs, C_ASTRALBLOCK, 0)) {
/* Sonderbehandlung Teleport-Ebene */
region_list *rl = astralregions(r, inhabitable);
region_list *rl2;
if (rl) {
/* TODO: Avoid buffer overflows */
char * c = buf;
c += strxcpy(c, "Schemen der Regionen ");
rl2 = rl;
while (rl2) {
c += f_regionid(rl2->data, f, c, sizeof(buf)-(c-buf));
rl2 = rl2->next;
if (rl2) {
c += strxcpy(c, ", ");
strcpy(c, " sind erkennbar.");
/* Schreibe Paragraphen */
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
n = 0;
/* Wirkungen permanenter Spr<70>che */
print_curses(F, f, r, TYP_REGION,0);
/* Produktionsreduktion */
a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_reduceproduction);
if(a) {
sprintf(buf, "Die Region ist verw<72>stet, der Boden karg.");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
if (edges) rnl(F);
for (e=edges;e;e=e->next) {
char * bufp = buf;
boolean first = true;
for (d=0;d!=MAXDIRECTIONS;++d) {
if (!e->exist[d]) continue;
if (first) bufp += strxcpy(bufp, "Im ");
else {
if (e->lastd==d) bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " und im ");
else bufp += strxcpy(bufp, ", im ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, LOC(f->locale, directions[d]));
first = false;
if (!e->transparent) bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " versperrt ");
else bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " befindet sich ");
bufp += strxcpy(bufp, e->name);
if (!e->transparent) bufp += strxcpy(bufp, " die Sicht.");
else strcpy(bufp++, ".");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
if (edges) {
while (edges) {
e = edges->next;
edges = e;
static void
statistics(FILE * F, const region * r, const faction * f)
const unit *u;
int number, p;
message * m;
item *itm, *items = NULL;
p = rpeasants(r);
number = 0;
/* z<>hlen */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->faction == f && u->race != new_race[RC_SPELL]) {
for (itm=u->items;itm;itm=itm->next) {
i_change(&items, itm->type, itm->number);
number += u->number;
/* Ausgabe */
m = msg_message("nr_stat_header", "region", r);
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
/* Region */
if (fval(r->terrain, LAND_REGION) && rmoney(r)) {
m = msg_message("nr_stat_maxentertainment", "max", entertainmoney(r));
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 2, 0);
if (production(r) && (!fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION) || f->race == new_race[RC_AQUARIAN])) {
m = msg_message("nr_stat_salary", "max", wage(r, f, f->race));
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 2, 0);
if (p) {
m = msg_message("nr_stat_recruits", "max", p / RECRUITFRACTION);
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 2, 0);
if (!TradeDisabled()) {
if (buildingtype_exists(r, bt_find("caravan"))) {
m = msg_message("nr_stat_luxuries", "max",
(p * 2) / TRADE_FRACTION);
} else {
m = msg_message("nr_stat_luxuries", "max",
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 2, 0);
/* Info <20>ber Einheiten */
m = msg_message("nr_stat_people", "max", number);
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 2, 0);
for (itm = items; itm; itm=itm->next) {
sprintf(buf, "%s: %d",
LOC(f->locale, resourcename(itm->type->rtype, GR_PLURAL)),
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 2, 0);
while (items) i_free(i_remove(&items, items));
static void
durchreisende(FILE * F, const region * r, const faction * f)
if (fval(r, RF_TRAVELUNIT)) {
attrib *abegin = a_find(r->attribs, &at_travelunit), *a;
int counter = 0, maxtravel = 0;
char * str = buf;
/* Wieviele sind aufzulisten? F<>r die Grammatik. */
for (a = abegin; a && a->type==&at_travelunit; a = a->next) {
unit * u = (unit*)a->data.v;
if (r!=u->region && (u->ship==NULL || fval(u, UFL_OWNER))) {
if (cansee_durchgezogen(f, r, u, 0)) {
if (maxtravel==0) {
/* Auflisten. */
*str = '\0';
for (a = abegin; a && a->type==&at_travelunit; a = a->next) {
unit * u = (unit*)a->data.v;
if (r!=u->region && (u->ship==NULL || fval(u, UFL_OWNER))) {
if (cansee_durchgezogen(f, r, u, 0)) {
if (u->ship != NULL) {
if (counter == 1) {
str += strxcpy(str, "Die ");
} else {
str += strxcpy(str, "die ");
str += strxcpy(str, shipname(u->ship));
} else {
str += strxcpy(str, unitname(u));
if (counter + 1 < maxtravel) {
str += strxcpy(str, ", ");
} else if (counter + 1 == maxtravel) {
str += strxcpy(str, " und ");
if (maxtravel == 1) {
str += strxcpy(str, " hat die Region durchquert.");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
str += strxcpy(str, " haben die Region durchquert.");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
static int
buildingmaintenance(const building * b, const resource_type * rtype)
const building_type * bt = b->type;
int c, cost=0;
static boolean init = false;
static const curse_type * nocost_ct;
if (!init) { init = true; nocost_ct = ct_find("nocost"); }
if (curse_active(get_curse(b->attribs, nocost_ct))) {
return 0;
for (c=0;bt->maintenance && bt->maintenance[c].number;++c) {
const maintenance * m = bt->maintenance + c;
if (m->rtype==rtype) {
if (fval(m, MTF_VARIABLE))
cost += (b->size * m->number);
cost += m->number;
return cost;
static int
report_template(const char * filename, report_context * ctx)
faction * f = ctx->f;
region *r;
plane *pl;
FILE * F = fopen(filename, "wt");
seen_region * sr = NULL;
if (F==NULL) {
return -1;
rps_nowrap(F, "");
rps_nowrap(F, LOC(f->locale, "nr_template"));
rps_nowrap(F, "");
sprintf(buf, "%s %s \"%s\"", LOC(f->locale, "ERESSEA"), factionid(f), LOC(f->locale, "enterpasswd"));
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
rps_nowrap(F, "");
sprintf(buf, "; ECHECK %s-w4 -r%d -v%s", (f->options & want(O_SILBERPOOL)) ? "-l " : "",
f->race->recruitcost, ECHECK_VERSION);
/* -v3.4: ECheck Version 3.4.x */
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
for (r=ctx->first; sr==NULL && r!=ctx->last; r=r->next) {
sr = find_seen(ctx->seen, r);
for (;sr!=NULL;sr=sr->next) {
region * r = sr->r;
unit *u;
int dh = 0;
if (sr->mode<see_unit) continue;
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->faction == f && u->race != new_race[RC_SPELL]) {
order * ord;
if (!dh) {
rps_nowrap(F, "");
pl = getplane(r);
if (pl && fval(pl, PFL_NOCOORDS)) {
sprintf(buf, "%s; %s", LOC(f->locale, parameters[P_REGION]), rname(r, f->locale));
} else if (pl && pl->id != 0) {
sprintf(buf, "%s %d,%d,%d ; %s", LOC(f->locale, parameters[P_REGION]), region_x(r,f),
region_y(r,f), pl->id, rname(r, f->locale));
} else {
sprintf(buf, "%s %d,%d ; %s", LOC(f->locale, parameters[P_REGION]), region_x(r,f),
region_y(r,f), rname(r, f->locale));
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
sprintf(buf,"; ECheck Lohn %d", wage(r, f, f->race));
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
rps_nowrap(F, "");
dh = 1;
sprintf(buf, "%s %s; %s [%d,%d$", LOC(u->faction->locale, parameters[P_UNIT]),
unitid(u), u->name, u->number, get_money(u));
if (u->building != NULL && fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) {
building * b = u->building;
int cost = buildingmaintenance(b, r_silver);
if (cost > 0) {
#if TODO
if (buildingdaten[u->building->typ].spezial != 0) {
} else if (u->ship) {
if (fval(u, UFL_OWNER))
if (lifestyle(u) == 0)
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
for (ord = u->old_orders; ord; ord = ord->next) {
/* this new order will replace the old defaults */
strcpy(buf, " ");
write_order(ord, u->faction->locale, buf+2, sizeof(buf)-2);
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
for (ord = u->orders; ord; ord = ord->next) {
if (u->old_orders && is_repeated(ord)) continue; /* unit has defaults */
if (is_persistent(ord)) {
strcpy(buf, " ");
write_order(ord, u->faction->locale, buf+2, sizeof(buf)-2);
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
/* If the lastorder begins with an @ it should have
* been printed in the loop before. */
if (u->lastorder && !is_persistent(u->lastorder)) {
strcpy(buf, " ");
write_order(u->lastorder, u->faction->locale, buf+2, sizeof(buf)-2);
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
rps_nowrap(F, "");
sprintf(buf, LOC(f->locale, parameters[P_NEXT]));
rps_nowrap(F, buf);
return 0;
static void
show_allies(const faction * f, const ally * allies)
int allierte = 0;
int i=0, h, hh = 0;
int dh = 0;
const ally * sf;
for (sf = allies; sf; sf = sf->next) {
int mode = alliedgroup(NULL, f, sf->faction, sf, HELP_ALL);
if (mode > 0) ++allierte;
for (sf = allies; sf; sf = sf->next) {
int mode = alliedgroup(NULL, f, sf->faction, sf, HELP_ALL);
if (mode <= 0) continue;
if (dh) {
if (i == allierte)
scat(" und ");
scat(", ");
dh = 1;
hh = 0;
scat(" (");
if ((mode & HELP_ALL) == HELP_ALL) {
} else
for (h = 1; h < HELP_ALL; h *= 2) {
if ((mode & h) == h)
switch (h) {
hh = 1;
hh = 1;
if (hh)
scat(", ");
hh = 1;
if (hh)
scat(", ");
hh = 1;
if (hh)
scat(", ");
hh = 1;
if (hh)
scat(", ");
hh = 1;
if (hh)
scat(", ");
hh = 1;
static void
allies(FILE * F, const faction * f)
const group * g = f->groups;
if (f->allies) {
if (!f->allies->next) {
strcpy(buf, "Wir helfen der Partei ");
} else {
strcpy(buf, "Wir helfen den Parteien ");
show_allies(f, f->allies);
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
while (g) {
if (g->allies) {
if (!g->allies->next) {
sprintf(buf, "%s hilft der Partei ", g->name);
} else {
sprintf(buf, "%s hilft den Parteien ", g->name);
show_allies(f, g->allies);
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
g = g->next;
#ifdef ENEMIES
static void
enemies(FILE * F, const faction * f)
faction_list * flist = f->enemies;
if (flist!=NULL) {
strcpy(buf, "Wir liegen im Krieg mit ");
for (;flist!=NULL;flist = flist->next) {
const faction * enemy = flist->data;
if (flist->next) {
scat(", ");
} else {
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
static void
guards(FILE * F, const region * r, const faction * see)
/* die Partei see sieht dies; wegen
* "unbekannte Partei", wenn man es selbst ist... */
faction* guardians[512];
int nextguard = 0;
unit *u;
int i;
boolean tarned = false;
/* Bewachung */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (getguard(u)) {
faction *f = u->faction;
faction *fv = visible_faction(see, u);
if(fv != f && see != fv) {
f = fv;
if (f != see && fval(u, UFL_PARTEITARNUNG)) {
} else {
for (i=0;i!=nextguard;++i) if (guardians[i]==f) break;
if (i==nextguard) {
guardians[nextguard++] = f;
if (nextguard || tarned) {
strcpy(buf, "Die Region wird von ");
} else {
for (i = 0; i!=nextguard+(tarned?1:0); ++i) {
if (i!=0) {
if (i == nextguard-(tarned?0:1))
scat(" und ");
scat(", ");
if (i<nextguard) scat(factionname(guardians[i]));
else scat("unbekannten Einheiten");
scat(" bewacht.");
rparagraph(F, buf, 0, 0, 0);
static void
rpline(FILE * F)
static char line[REPORTWIDTH+1];
if (line[0]!='-') {
memset(line, '-', sizeof(line));
line[REPORTWIDTH] = '\n';
fwrite(line, sizeof(char), sizeof(line), F);
static void
list_address(FILE * F, const faction * uf, const faction_list * seenfactions)
const faction_list *flist = seenfactions;
centre(F, LOC(uf->locale, "nr_addresses"), false);
while (flist!=NULL) {
const faction * f = flist->data;
if (f->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) {
sprintf(buf, "%s: %s; %s", factionname(f), f->email, f->banner);
rparagraph(F, buf, 4, 0, (char)(ALLIED(uf, f)?'+':'*'));
if (f->shortpwds) {
shortpwd * spwd = f->shortpwds;
while (spwd) {
if (spwd->used) {
sprintf(buf, "Vertretung: %s", spwd->email);
rparagraph(F, buf, 6, '-');
flist = flist->next;
report_building(FILE *F, const region * r, const building * b, const faction * f, int mode)
int i;
unit *u;
const char * bname;
const struct locale * lang = NULL;
const building_type * type = b->type;
static const struct building_type * bt_illusion;
if (!bt_illusion) bt_illusion = bt_find("illusion");
if (f) lang = f->locale;
sprintf(buf, "%s, %s %d, ", buildingname(b), LOC(f->locale, "nr_size"),
if (b->type==bt_illusion) {
attrib * a = a_find(b->attribs, &at_icastle);
if (a!=NULL) {
type = ((icastle_data*)a->data.v)->type;
bname = LOC(lang, buildingtype(type, b, b->size));
strcat(buf, bname);
if (type!=b->type) {
unit * owner = buildingowner(r, b);
if (owner && owner->faction==f) {
/* illusion. report real type */
char lbuf[32];
bname = LOC(lang, buildingtype(b->type, b, b->size));
sprintf(lbuf, " (%s)", bname);
strcat(buf, lbuf);
if (b->size < type->maxsize) {
scat(" (im Bau)");
if (b->besieged > 0 && mode>=see_lighthouse) {
scat(", belagert von ");
scat(" Personen ");
if (b->besieged >= b->size * SIEGEFACTOR) {
} else {
scat("(unvollst<73>ndig belagert)");
i = 0;
if (b->display && b->display[0]) {
scat("; ");
i = b->display[strlen(b->display) - 1];
if (i != '!' && i != '?' && i != '.') {
scat(", ");
if (b->type == bt_find("pyramid")) {
unit * owner = buildingowner(r, b);
scat("Gr<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>enstufe ");
if (owner && owner->faction==f) {
const construction *ctype = b->type->construction;
int completed = b->size;
int c;
scat(" Baukosten pro Gr<47><72>enpunkt: ");
while(ctype->improvement != NULL &&
ctype->improvement != ctype &&
ctype->maxsize > 0 &&
ctype->maxsize <= completed)
completed -= ctype->maxsize;
ctype = ctype->improvement;
assert(ctype->materials != NULL);
for (c=0;ctype->materials[c].number;c++) {
const resource_type * rtype = ctype->materials[c].rtype;
int number = ctype->materials[c].number;
if(c > 0) {
scat(", ");
scat(" ");
scat(locale_string(lang, resourcename(rtype, number!=1?GR_PLURAL:0)));
scat(" Erforderlicher Talentwert: ");
if (i != '!' && i != '?' && i != '.')
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 0, 0);
if (mode<see_lighthouse) return;
print_curses(F, f, b, TYP_BUILDING, 4);
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->building == b) {
assert(fval(u, UFL_OWNER) || !"you must call reorder_owners() first!");
rpunit(F, f, u, 6, mode);
u = u->next;
for (;u!=NULL && u->building==b;u=u->next) {
rpunit(F, f, u, 6, mode);
report_plaintext(const char * filename, report_context * ctx)
int flag = 0;
char ch;
int dh;
int anyunits;
const struct region *r;
faction * f = ctx->f;
building *b;
ship *sh;
unit *u;
char pzTime[64];
attrib *a;
message * m;
unsigned char op;
int ix = want(O_STATISTICS);
int wants_stats = (f->options & ix);
FILE * F = fopen(filename, "wt");
seen_region * sr = NULL;
if (F==NULL) {
return -1;
strftime(pzTime, 64, "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M", localtime(&ctx->report_time));
m = msg_message("nr_header_date", "game date", global.gamename, pzTime);
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
centre(F, buf, true);
centre(F, gamedate_season(f->locale), true);
sprintf(buf, "%s, %s/%s (%s)", factionname(f),
LOC(f->locale, rc_name(f->race, 1)),
LOC(f->locale, mkname("school", magietypen[f->magiegebiet])),
centre(F, buf, true);
if (f->alliance!=NULL) {
centre(F, alliancename(f->alliance), true);
buf[0] = 0;
dh = 0;
for (a=a_find(f->attribs, &at_faction_special); a && a->type==&at_faction_special; a=a->next) {
char buf2[80];
if (fspecials[a->[0]].maxlevel != 100) {
sprintf(buf2, "%s (%d)", fspecials[a->[0]].name, a->[1]);
} else {
sprintf(buf2, "%s", fspecials[a->[0]].name);
if(dh > 1) strcat(buf, ", ");
strcat(buf, buf2);
if(dh > 0) centre(F, buf, true);
if (f->karma > 0) {
sprintf(buf, "Deine Partei hat %d Karma.", f->karma);
centre(F, buf, true);
dh = 0;
if (f->age <= 2) {
if (f->age <= 1) {
ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("changepasswd",
"value", f->passw));
RENDER(f, buf, sizeof(buf), ("newbie_password", "password", f->passw));
centre(F, buf, true);
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "newbie_info_1"), true);
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "newbie_info_2"), true);
if ((f->options & want(O_COMPUTER)) == 0) {
f->options |= want(O_COMPUTER);
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "newbie_info_3"), true);
if (f->options & want(O_SCORE) && f->age > DISPLAYSCORE) {
RENDER(f, buf, sizeof(buf), ("nr_score", "score average", f->score, average_score_of_age(f->age, f->age / 24 + 1)));
centre(F, buf, true);
m = msg_message("nr_population", "population units", count_all(f), f->no_units);
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
centre(F, buf, true);
if (f->race == new_race[RC_HUMAN]) {
int maxmig = count_maxmigrants(f);
m = msg_message("nr_migrants", "units maxunits", count_migrants(f), maxmig);
nr_render(m, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
centre(F, buf, true);
#ifdef HEROES
int maxh = maxheroes(f);
if (maxh) {
message * msg = msg_message("nr_heroes", "units maxunits", countheroes(f), maxh);
nr_render(msg, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
centre(F, buf, true);
if (f->items!=NULL) {
message * msg = msg_message("nr_claims", "items", f->items);
nr_render(msg, f->locale, buf, sizeof(buf), f);
centre(F, buf, true);
if (f->age > 1 && f->lastorders != turn) {
if (turn - f->lastorders == 1) {
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "nr_nmr"), true);
} else {
"Deine Partei hat seit %d Runden keinen Zug abgegeben! Wenn du"
" drei Runden nacheinander keinen Zug abgibst, wird sie"
" automatisch gel<65>scht.",
turn - f->lastorders);
centre(F, buf, true);
/* Insekten-Winter-Warnung */
if(f->race == new_race[RC_INSECT]) {
static int thisseason = -1;
if (thisseason<0) thisseason = get_gamedate(turn+1, 0)->season;
if (thisseason == 0) {
strcpy(buf, "Es ist Winter, und Insekten k<>nnen nur in W<>sten oder mit "
"Hilfe des Nestw<74>rme-Tranks Personen rekrutieren.");
centre(F, buf, true);
} else {
static int nextseason = -1;
if (nextseason<0) nextseason = get_gamedate(turn+2, 0)->season;
if (nextseason == 0) {
strcpy(buf, "Es ist Sp<53>therbst, und diese Woche ist die letzte vor dem "
"Winter, in der Insekten rekrutieren k<>nnen.");
centre(F, buf, true);
sprintf(buf, "%s:", LOC(f->locale, "nr_options"));
for (op = 0; op != MAXOPTIONS; op++) {
if (f->options & want(op)) {
scat(" ");
scat(LOC(f->locale, options[op]));
#ifdef AT_OPTION
if(op == O_NEWS) {
attrib *a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_option_news);
if(!a) {
/* Zur Altlastenbeseitigung */
f->options = f->options & ~op;
} else {
int sec = a->data.i;
int i;
for(i=1; sec != 0; i *= 2) {
if(sec & i) {
sec = sec & ~i;
if(sec) scat(",");
if (flag > 0) {
centre(F, buf, true);
rp_messages(F, f->msgs, f, 0, true);
rp_battles(F, f);
a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_reportspell);
if (a) {
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "section_newspells"), true);
while (a && a->type==&at_reportspell) {
spell *sp = (spell *)a->data.v;
report_spell(F, sp, f->locale);
a = a->next;
ch = 0;
for (a=a_find(f->attribs, &at_showitem);a && a->type==&at_showitem;a=a->next) {
const potion_type * ptype = resource2potion(((const item_type*)a->data.v)->rtype);
const char * description = NULL;
requirement * m;
if (ptype!=NULL) {
const char * pname = resourcename(ptype->itype->rtype, 0);
m = ptype->itype->construction->materials;
if (ch==0) {
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "section_newpotions"), true);
ch = 1;
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, pname), true);
sprintf(buf, "%s %d", LOC(f->locale, "nr_level"), ptype->level);
centre(F, buf, true);
sprintf(buf, "%s: ", LOC(f->locale, "nr_herbsrequired"));
while (m->number) {
scat(LOC(f->locale, resourcename(m->rtype, 0)));
if (m->number) scat(", ");
centre(F, buf, true);
if (description==NULL) {
const char * potiontext = mkname("potion", pname);
description = LOC(f->locale, potiontext);
centre(F, description, true);
centre(F, LOC(f->locale, "nr_alliances"), false);
#ifdef ENEMIES
enemies(F, f);
allies(F, f);
anyunits = 0;
for (r=ctx->first;sr==NULL && r!=ctx->last;r=r->next) {
sr = find_seen(ctx->seen, r);
for (;sr!=NULL;sr=sr->next) {
region * r = sr->r;
boolean unit_in_region = false;
boolean durchgezogen_in_region = false;
int turm_sieht_region = false;
switch (sr->mode) {
case see_lighthouse:
turm_sieht_region = true;
case see_far:
case see_travel:
durchgezogen_in_region = true;
case see_unit:
unit_in_region = true;
anyunits = true;
/* Beschreibung */
if (unit_in_region) {
describe(F, r, 0, f);
if (!TradeDisabled() && !fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION) && rpeasants(r)/TRADE_FRACTION > 0) {
prices(F, r, f);
guards(F, r, f);
durchreisende(F, r, f);
else {
if (sr->mode==see_far) {
describe(F, r, 3, f);
guards(F, r, f);
durchreisende(F, r, f);
else if (turm_sieht_region) {
describe(F, r, 2, f);
durchreisende(F, r, f);
} else {
describe(F, r, 1, f);
durchreisende(F, r, f);
/* Statistik */
if (wants_stats && unit_in_region == 1)
statistics(F, r, f);
/* Nachrichten an REGION in der Region */
if (unit_in_region || durchgezogen_in_region) {
message_list * mlist = r_getmessages(r, f);
rp_messages(F, r->msgs, f, 0, true);
if (mlist) rp_messages(F, mlist, f, 0, true);
/* Burgen und ihre Einheiten */
for (b = rbuildings(r); b; b = b->next) {
report_building(F, r, b, f, sr->mode);
/* Restliche Einheiten */
if (sr->mode>=see_lighthouse) {
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (!u->building && !u->ship) {
if ((u->faction == f) ||
(unit_in_region && cansee(f, r, u, 0)) ||
(durchgezogen_in_region && cansee(f, r, u, -1)) ||
(sr->mode==see_far && cansee(f, r, u, -2)) ||
(turm_sieht_region && cansee(f, r, u, -2)))
if (dh == 0 && !(rbuildings(r) || r->ships)) {
dh = 1;
/* rnl(F); */
rpunit(F, f, u, 4, sr->mode);
/* Schiffe und ihre Einheiten */
for (sh = r->ships; sh; sh = sh->next) {
faction *of = NULL;
/* Gewicht feststellen */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->ship == sh && fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) {
of = u->faction;
if (of == f) {
int n = 0, p = 0;
getshipweight(sh, &n, &p);
n = (n+99) / 100; /* 1 Silber = 1 GE */
sprintf(buf, "%s, %s, (%d/%d)", shipname(sh),
LOC(f->locale, sh->type->name[0]), n, shipcapacity(sh) / 100);
} else {
sprintf(buf, "%s, %s", shipname(sh), LOC(f->locale, sh->type->name[0]));
assert(sh->type->construction->improvement==NULL); /* sonst ist construction::size nicht ship_type::maxsize */
if (sh->size!=sh->type->construction->maxsize) {
sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), ", %s (%d/%d)",
LOC(f->locale, "nr_undercons"), sh->size,
if (sh->damage) {
int percent = (sh->damage*100+DAMAGE_SCALE-1)/(sh->size*DAMAGE_SCALE);
sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), ", %d%% %s", percent, LOC(f->locale, "nr_damaged"));
if (!fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) {
if (sh->coast != NODIRECTION) {
scat(", ");
scat(LOC(f->locale, coasts[sh->coast]));
ch = 0;
if (sh->display && sh->display[0]) {
scat("; ");
ch = sh->display[strlen(sh->display) - 1];
if (ch != '!' && ch != '?' && ch != '.')
rparagraph(F, buf, 2, 0, 0);
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->ship == sh && fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) {
rpunit(F, f, u, 6, sr->mode);
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->ship == sh && !fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) {
rpunit(F, f, u, 6, sr->mode);
if (f->no != MONSTER_FACTION) {
if (!anyunits) {
rparagraph(F, LOC(f->locale, "nr_youaredead"), 0, 2, 0);
} else {
list_address(F, f, ctx->addresses);
return 0;
region * r;
for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) {
unit * u;
for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) {
if (forbiddenid(u->no)) {
u->no = newunitid();
#define FMAXHASH 1021
struct fsee {
struct fsee * nexthash;
faction * f;
struct see {
struct see * next;
faction * seen;
unit * proof;
} * see;
} * fsee[FMAXHASH];
#define REPORT_NR (1 << O_REPORT)
#define REPORT_CR (1 << O_COMPUTER)
#define REPORT_ZIP (1 << O_COMPRESS)
#define REPORT_BZIP2 (1 << O_BZIP2)
#ifdef HAVE_STAT
stat_type st;
if (stat(reportpath(), &st)==0) return 0;
if (makedir(reportpath(), 0700)!=0) {
if (errno!=EEXIST) {
perror("could not create reportpath");
return -1;
return 0;
unit *
can_find(faction * f, faction * f2)
int key = f->no % FMAXHASH;
struct fsee * fs = fsee[key];
struct see * ss;
if (f==f2) return f->units;
while (fs && fs->f!=f) fs=fs->nexthash;
if (!fs) return NULL;
while (ss && ss->seen!=f2) ss=ss->next;
if (ss) {
/* bei TARNE PARTEI yxz muss die Partei von unit proof nicht
* wirklich Partei f2 sein! */
/* assert(ss->proof->faction==f2); */
return ss->proof;
return NULL;
static void
add_find(faction * f, unit * u, faction *f2)
/* faction f sees f2 through u */
int key = f->no % FMAXHASH;
struct fsee ** fp = &fsee[key];
struct fsee * fs;
struct see ** sp;
struct see * ss;
while (*fp && (*fp)->f!=f) fp=&(*fp)->nexthash;
if (!*fp) {
fs = *fp = calloc(sizeof(struct fsee), 1);
fs->f = f;
} else fs = *fp;
sp = &fs->see;
while (*sp && (*sp)->seen!=f2) sp=&(*sp)->next;
if (!*sp) {
ss = *sp = calloc(sizeof(struct see), 1);
ss->proof = u;
ss->seen = f2;
} else ss = *sp;
ss->proof = u;
static void
region * r;
static boolean initial = true;
if (initial) for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) {
unit * u;
for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) {
faction * lastf = u->faction;
unit * u2;
for (u2=r->units;u2;u2=u2->next) {
if (u2->faction==lastf || u2->faction==u->faction)
if (seefaction(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) {
faction *fv = visible_faction(u->faction, u2);
lastf = fv;
add_find(u->faction, u2, fv);
initial = false;
kann_finden(faction * f1, faction * f2)
return (boolean)(can_find(f1, f2)!=NULL);
/******* summary *******/
int dropouts[2];
int * age = NULL;
typedef struct summary {
int waffen;
int factions;
int ruestungen;
int schiffe;
int gebaeude;
int maxskill;
int heroes;
int inhabitedregions;
int peasants;
int nunits;
int playerpop;
double playermoney;
double peasantmoney;
int armed_men;
int poprace[MAXRACES];
int factionrace[MAXRACES];
int landregionen;
int regionen_mit_spielern;
int landregionen_mit_spielern;
int orkifizierte_regionen;
int inactive_volcanos;
int active_volcanos;
int spielerpferde;
int pferde;
struct language {
struct language * next;
int number;
const struct locale * locale;
} * languages;
} summary;
summary *
faction *f;
region *r;
unit *u;
summary * s = calloc(1, sizeof(summary));
for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) {
const struct locale * lang = f->locale;
struct language * plang = s->languages;
while (plang && plang->locale != lang) plang=plang->next;
if (!plang) {
plang = calloc(sizeof(struct language), 1);
plang->next = s->languages;
s->languages = plang;
plang->locale = lang;
f->nregions = 0;
f->num_total = 0;
f->money = 0;
if (f->alive && f->units) {
/* Problem mit Monsterpartei ... */
if (f->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) {
/* Alles z<>hlen */
for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) {
s->pferde += rhorses(r);
s->schiffe += listlen(r->ships);
s->gebaeude += listlen(r->buildings);
if (!fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) {
if (r->units) {
if (fval(r, RF_ORCIFIED)) {
if (rterrain(r) == T_VOLCANO) {
} else if(rterrain(r) == T_VOLCANO_SMOKING) {
if (r->units) {
if (rpeasants(r) || r->units) {
s->peasants += rpeasants(r);
s->peasantmoney += rmoney(r);
/* Einheiten Info. nregions darf nur einmal pro Partei
* incrementiert werden. */
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) freset(u->faction, FL_DH);
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
f = u->faction;
if (u->faction->no != MONSTER_FACTION) {
skill * sv;
item * itm;
s->playerpop += u->number;
if (u->flags & UFL_HERO) {
s->heroes += u->number;
s->spielerpferde += get_item(u, I_HORSE);
s->playermoney += get_money(u);
s->armed_men += armedmen(u);
for (itm=u->items;itm;itm=itm->next) {
if (itm->type->rtype->wtype) {
s->waffen += itm->number;
if (itm->type->rtype->atype) {
s->ruestungen += itm->number;
s->spielerpferde += get_item(u, I_HORSE);
for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) {
skill_t sk = sv->id;
int aktskill = eff_skill(u, sk, r);
if (aktskill > s->maxskill) s->maxskill = aktskill;
if (!fval(f, FL_DH)) {
fset(f, FL_DH);
f->num_total += u->number;
f->money += get_money(u);
s->poprace[old_race(u->race)] += u->number;
return s;
static char *
pcomp(double i, double j)
sprintf(buf, "%.0f (%s%.0f)", i, (i>=j)?"+":"", i-j);
return buf;
static char *
rcomp(int i, int j)
sprintf(buf, "%d (%s%d,%s%d%%)",
i, (i>=j)?"+":"", i-j, (i>=j)?"+":"",j?((i-j)*100)/j:0);
return buf;
static void
region *r;
building *b;
building *buildings[7] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
int size[7] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int i, j, ra;
int count = 0;
unit *owner;
for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) {
for (b = r->buildings; b; b = b->next) {
if (b->type == bt_find("monument") && b->display && *b->display) {
freset(b, FL_DH);
if(b->size > size[6]) {
for(i=0; i <= 6; i++) if(b->size >= size[i]) {
for(j=5;j >= i; j--) {
size[j+1] = size[j];
buildings[j+1] = buildings[j];
buildings[i] = b;
size[i] = b->size;
for(i=0; i <= 6; i++) if(buildings[i]) {
fset(buildings[i], FL_DH);
char zText[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(zText, "%s/news-monument", basepath());
F = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!F) return;
fprintf(F, "\n--- maintitle ---\n\n");
for(i = 0; i<=6; i++) {
if (buildings[i] != NULL) {
fprintf(F, "In %s", rname(buildings[i]->region, NULL));
if ((owner=buildingowner(buildings[i]->region,buildings[i]))!=NULL && !fval(owner,UFL_PARTEITARNUNG)) {
fprintf(F, ", Eigent<6E>mer: %s", factionname(owner->faction));
fprintf(F, "\n\n");
report_building(F, buildings[i]->region, buildings[i], findfaction(0), see_neighbour);
fprintf(F, "\n\n");
fprintf(F, "\n--- newcomer ---\n\n");
if(count > 7) {
ra = rng_int()%(count-7);
j = 0;
for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) {
for (b = r->buildings; b; b = b->next) {
if (b->type == bt_find("monument") && b->display && *b->display && !fval(b, FL_DH)) {
if(j == ra) {
fprintf(F, "In %s", rname(b->region, NULL));
if ((owner=buildingowner(b->region,b))!=NULL && !fval(owner,UFL_PARTEITARNUNG)) {
fprintf(F, ", Eigent<6E>mer: %s", factionname(owner->faction));
fprintf(F, "\n\n");
report_building(F, b->region, b, findfaction(0), see_neighbour);
fprintf(F, "\n\n");
static void
faction *f;
char zText[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(zText, "%s/adressen", basepath());
F = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!F) return;
for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) {
if (f->no != MONSTER_FACTION && playerrace(f->race)) {
fprintf(F, "%s:%s:%s\n", factionname(f), f->email, f->banner);
static void
char zText[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(zText, "%s/news-subscriptions", basepath());
F = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!F) return;
#ifdef AT_OPTION
faction *f;
for(f=factions; f; f=f->next) {
attrib *a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_option_news);
if(!a) {
fprintf(F, "%s:0\n", f->email);
} else {
fprintf(F, "%s:%d\n", f->email, a->data.i);
static void
FILE *forwardFile;
region *r;
faction *f;
unit *u;
char zText[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(zText, "%s/aliases", basepath());
forwardFile = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!forwardFile) return;
for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) {
if (f->no != MONSTER_FACTION) {
fprintf(forwardFile,"partei-%s: %s\n", factionid(f), f->email);
for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) {
for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) {
if (u->faction->no != MONSTER_FACTION) {
fprintf(forwardFile,"einheit-%s: %s\n", unitid(u), u->faction->email);
static void
char zText[MAX_PATH];
FILE *f;
sprintf(zText, "%s/datum", basepath());
f = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!f) return;
fputs(gamedate2(default_locale), f);
sprintf(zText, "%s/turn", basepath());
f = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!f) return;
fprintf(f, "%d\n", turn);
static void
out_faction(FILE *file, faction *f)
if (alliances!=NULL) {
fprintf(file, "%s (%s/%d) (%.3s/%.3s), %d Einh., %d Pers., $%d, %d %s\n",
f->name, itoa36(f->no), f->alliance?f->alliance->id:0,
LOC(default_locale, rc_name(f->race, 0)), magietypen[f->magiegebiet],
f->no_units, f->num_total, f->money, turn - f->lastorders,
turn - f->lastorders != 1 ? "NMRs" : "NMR ");
} else {
fprintf(file, "%s (%.3s/%.3s), %d Einh., %d Pers., $%d, %d %s\n",
factionname(f), LOC(default_locale, rc_name(f->race, 0)),
magietypen[f->magiegebiet], f->no_units, f->num_total, f->money,
turn - f->lastorders, turn - f->lastorders != 1 ? "NMRs" : "NMR ");
report_summary(summary * s, summary * o, boolean full)
int i, newplayers = 0;
faction * f;
char zText[MAX_PATH];
if (full) {
sprintf(zText, "%s/parteien.full", basepath());
} else {
sprintf(zText, "%s/parteien", basepath());
F = cfopen(zText, "w");
if (!F) return;
printf("Schreibe Zusammenfassung (parteien)...\n");
fprintf(F, "%s\n%s\n\n", global.gamename, gamedate2(default_locale));
fprintf(F, "Auswertung Nr: %d\n\n", turn);
fprintf(F, "Parteien: %s\n", pcomp(s->factions, o->factions));
fprintf(F, "Einheiten: %s\n", pcomp(s->nunits, o->nunits));
fprintf(F, "Spielerpopulation: %s\n",
pcomp(s->playerpop, o->playerpop));
fprintf(F, " davon bewaffnet: %s\n",
pcomp(s->armed_men, o->armed_men));
#ifdef HEROES
fprintf(F, " Helden: %s\n", pcomp(s->heroes, o->heroes));
if (full) {
fprintf(F, "Regionen: %d\n", listlen(regions));
fprintf(F, "Bewohnte Regionen: %d\n", s->inhabitedregions);
fprintf(F, "Landregionen: %d\n", s->landregionen);
fprintf(F, "Spielerregionen: %d\n", s->regionen_mit_spielern);
fprintf(F, "Landspielerregionen: %d\n", s->landregionen_mit_spielern);
fprintf(F, "Orkifizierte Regionen: %d\n", s->orkifizierte_regionen);
fprintf(F, "Inaktive Vulkane: %d\n", s->inactive_volcanos);
fprintf(F, "Aktive Vulkane: %d\n\n", s->active_volcanos);
for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; i++) {
const race * rc = new_race[i];
if (s->factionrace[i] && rc && playerrace(rc)
&& i != RC_TEMPLATE && i != RC_CLONE) {
fprintf(F, "%14sv<73>lker: %s\n", LOC(default_locale, rc_name(rc, 3)),
pcomp(s->factionrace[i], o->factionrace[i]));
if(full) {
fprintf(F, "\n");
struct language * plang = s->languages;
while (plang!=NULL) {
struct language * olang = o->languages;
int nold = 0;
while (olang && olang->locale!=plang->locale) olang=olang->next;
if (olang) nold = olang->number;
fprintf(F, "Sprache %12s: %s\n", locale_name(plang->locale),
rcomp(plang->number, nold));
fprintf(F, "\n");
if (full) {
for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; i++) {
const race * rc = new_race[i];
if (s->poprace[i]) {
fprintf(F, "%20s: %s\n", LOC(default_locale, rc_name(rc, 1)),
rcomp(s->poprace[i], o->poprace[i]));
} else {
for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; i++) {
const race * rc = new_race[i];
if (s->poprace[i] && playerrace(rc)
&& i != RC_TEMPLATE && i != RC_CLONE) {
fprintf(F, "%20s: %s\n", LOC(default_locale, rc_name(rc, 1)),
rcomp(s->poprace[i], o->poprace[i]));
if (full) {
fprintf(F, "\nWaffen: %s\n", pcomp(s->waffen,o->waffen));
fprintf(F, "R<EFBFBD>stungen: %s\n",
fprintf(F, "ungez<EFBFBD>hmte Pferde: %s\n", pcomp(s->pferde, o->pferde));
fprintf(F, "gez<EFBFBD>hmte Pferde: %s\n",
fprintf(F, "Schiffe: %s\n", pcomp(s->schiffe, o->schiffe));
fprintf(F, "Geb<EFBFBD>ude: %s\n", pcomp(s->gebaeude, o->gebaeude));
fprintf(F, "\nBauernpopulation: %s\n", pcomp(s->peasants,o->peasants));
fprintf(F, "Population gesamt: %d\n\n", s->playerpop+s->peasants);
fprintf(F, "Reichtum Spieler: %s Silber\n",
fprintf(F, "Reichtum Bauern: %s Silber\n",
pcomp(s->peasantmoney, o->peasantmoney));
fprintf(F, "Reichtum gesamt: %s Silber\n\n",
pcomp(s->playermoney+s->peasantmoney, o->playermoney+o->peasantmoney));
fprintf(F, "\n\n");
newplayers = update_nmrs();
for (i = 0; i <= NMRTimeout(); ++i) {
if (i == NMRTimeout()) {
fprintf(F, "+ NMRs:\t\t %d\n", nmrs[i]);
} else {
fprintf(F, "%d %s:\t\t %d\n", i,
i != 1 ? "NMRs" : "NMR ", nmrs[i]);
if (age) {
if (age[2] != 0) {
fprintf(F, "Erstabgaben:\t %d%%\n", 100 - (dropouts[0] * 100 / age[2]));
if (age[3] != 0) {
fprintf(F, "Zweitabgaben:\t %d%%\n", 100 - (dropouts[1] * 100 / age[3]));
fprintf(F, "Neue Spieler:\t %d\n", newplayers);
if (full) {
if (factions)
fprintf(F, "\nParteien:\n\n");
for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) {
out_faction(F, f);
if (NMRTimeout() && full) {
fprintf(F, "\n\nFactions with NMRs:\n");
for (i = NMRTimeout(); i > 0; --i) {
for(f=factions; f; f=f->next) {
if(i == NMRTimeout()) {
if(turn - f->lastorders >= i) {
out_faction(F, f);
} else {
if(turn - f->lastorders == i) {
out_faction(F, f);
if (full) {
printf("Schreibe Liste der Adressen (adressen)...\n");
printf("writing date & turn\n");
nmrs = NULL;
/******* end summary ******/
static void
eval_unit(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* unit -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct unit * u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = u?unitname(u):LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_unit");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_unit_dative(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* unit -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct unit * u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = u?unitname(u):LOC(f->locale, "unknown_unit_dative");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_spell(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* unit -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct spell * sp = (const struct spell *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = sp?spell_name(sp, f->locale):LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_spell");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_unitname(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* unit -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct unit * u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = u?u->name:LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_unit");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_unitid(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* unit -> int */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct unit * u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = u?u->name:LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_unit");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_faction(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* faction -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = factionname(f);
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_alliance(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* faction -> string */
const struct alliance * al = (const struct alliance *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = alliancename(al);
variant var;
if (c!=NULL) {
size_t len = strlen(c);
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
else var.v = NULL;
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_region(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* region -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct region * r = (const struct region *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = regionname(r, f);
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_terrain(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* region -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct region * r = (const struct region *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = LOC(f->locale, terrain_name(r));
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_ship(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* ship -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct ship * u = (const struct ship *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = u?shipname(u):LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_ship");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_building(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* building -> string */
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct building * u = (const struct building *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = u?buildingname(u):LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_building");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_weight(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* region -> string */
char buffer[32];
const struct faction * f = (const struct faction *)userdata;
const struct locale * lang = f->locale;
int weight = opop_i(stack);
variant var;
if (weight % SCALEWEIGHT == 0) {
if (weight==SCALEWEIGHT) {
sprintf(buffer, "1 %s", LOC(lang, "weight_unit"));
} else {
sprintf(buffer, "%u %s", weight/SCALEWEIGHT, LOC(lang, "weight_unit_p"));
} else {
if (weight==1) {
sprintf(buffer, "1 %s %u", LOC(lang, "weight_per"), SCALEWEIGHT);
} else {
sprintf(buffer, "%u %s %u", weight, LOC(lang, "weight_per_p"), SCALEWEIGHT);
var.v = strcpy(balloc(strlen(buffer)+1), buffer);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_resource(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata)
const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata;
int j = opop(stack).i;
const struct resource_type * res = (const struct resource_type *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = LOC(report->locale, resourcename(res, j!=1));
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_race(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata)
const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata;
int j = opop(stack).i;
const race * r = (const race *)opop(stack).v;
const char * c = LOC(report->locale, rc_name(r, j!=1));
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_order(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* order -> string */
const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata;
const struct order * ord = (const struct order *)opop(stack).v;
static char buf[256];
size_t len;
variant var;
write_order(ord, report->locale, buf, sizeof(buf));
len = strlen(buf);
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), buf);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_resources(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata) /* order -> string */
const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata;
const struct resource * res = (const struct resource *)opop(stack).v;
static char buf[256];
size_t len = sizeof(buf);
variant var;
char * edit = buf;
while (res!=NULL && len > 4) {
const char * rname = resourcename(res->type, (res->number!=1)?NMF_PLURAL:0);
int written = snprintf(edit, len, "%d %s", res->number, LOC(report->locale, rname));
len -= written;
edit += written;
res = res->next;
if (res!=NULL && len>2) {
strcat(edit, ", ");
edit += 2;
len -= 2;
*edit = 0;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(edit-buf+1), buf);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_direction(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata)
const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata;
int i = opop(stack).i;
const char * c = LOC(report->locale, (i>=0)?directions[i]:"unknown_direction");
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_skill(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata)
const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata;
skill_t sk = (skill_t)opop(stack).i;
const char * c = skillname(sk, report->locale);
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
static void
eval_int36(struct opstack ** stack, const void * userdata)
int i = opop(stack).i;
const char * c = itoa36(i);
size_t len = strlen(c);
variant var;
var.v = strcpy(balloc(len+1), c);
opush(stack, var);
/* register functions that turn message contents to readable strings */
add_function("alliance", &eval_alliance);
add_function("region", &eval_region);
add_function("terrain", &eval_terrain);
add_function("weight", &eval_weight);
add_function("resource", &eval_resource);
add_function("race", &eval_race);
add_function("faction", &eval_faction);
add_function("ship", &eval_ship);
add_function("unit", &eval_unit);
add_function("unit.dative", &eval_unit_dative);
add_function("", &eval_unitname);
add_function("", &eval_unitid);
add_function("building", &eval_building);
add_function("skill", &eval_skill);
add_function("order", &eval_order);
add_function("direction", &eval_direction);
add_function("int36", &eval_int36);
add_function("trail", &eval_trail);
add_function("spell", &eval_spell);
add_function("resources", &eval_resources);
register_reporttype("nr", &report_plaintext, 1<<O_REPORT);
register_reporttype("txt", &report_template, 1<<O_ZUGVORLAGE);
int i;
for (i=0;i!=FMAXHASH;++i) {
while (fsee[i]) {
struct fsee * fs = fsee[i]->nexthash;
fsee[i] = fs;