/* Copyright (c) 1998-2015, Enno Rehling Katja Zedel Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. **/ #include #include #include "reports.h" #include "guard.h" #include "laws.h" #include "spells.h" #include "travelthru.h" #include "lighthouse.h" #include "donations.h" /* attributes includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* kernel includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "move.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900 # pragma warning(disable: 4774) /* TODO: remove this */ #endif #define SCALEWEIGHT 100 /* Faktor, um den die Anzeige von Gewichten skaliert wird */ bool nocr = false; bool nonr = false; bool noreports = false; const char *visibility[] = { "none", "neighbour", "lighthouse", "travel", "far", "unit", "spell", "battle" }; const char *coasts[MAXDIRECTIONS] = { "coast::nw", "coast::ne", "coast::e", "coast::se", "coast::sw", "coast::w" }; const char *options[MAXOPTIONS] = { "AUSWERTUNG", "COMPUTER", "ZUGVORLAGE", NULL, "STATISTIK", "DEBUG", "ZIPPED", "ZEITUNG", /* Option hat Sonderbehandlung! */ NULL, "ADRESSEN", "BZIP2", "PUNKTE", "SHOWSKCHANGE" }; bool omniscient(const faction *f) { static const race *rc_template; static int cache; if (rc_changed(&cache)) { rc_template = get_race(RC_TEMPLATE); } return (f->race == rc_template); } static char *groupid(const struct group *g, const struct faction *f) { typedef char name[OBJECTIDSIZE + 1]; static name idbuf[8]; static int nextbuf = 0; char *buf = idbuf[(++nextbuf) % 8]; sprintf(buf, "%s (%s)", g->name, itoa36(f->no)); return buf; } const char *combatstatus[] = { "status_aggressive", "status_front", "status_rear", "status_defensive", "status_avoid", "status_flee" }; size_t report_status(const unit * u, const struct locale *lang, char *fsbuf, size_t buflen) { const char * status = LOC(lang, combatstatus[u->status]); size_t len = 0; if (!status) { const char *lname = locale_name(lang); struct locale *wloc = get_locale(lname); log_warning("no translation for combat status %s in %s", combatstatus[u->status], lname); locale_setstring(wloc, combatstatus[u->status], combatstatus[u->status] + 7); len = strlcpy(fsbuf, combatstatus[u->status] + 7, buflen); } else { len = strlcpy(fsbuf, status, buflen); } if (fval(u, UFL_NOAID)) { len += strlcat(fsbuf + len, ", ", buflen - len); len += strlcat(fsbuf + len, LOC(lang, "status_noaid"), buflen - len); } return len; } const char *hp_status(const unit * u) { double p; int max_hp = u->number * unit_max_hp(u); if (u->hp == max_hp) return NULL; p = (double)((double)u->hp / (double)(max_hp)); if (p < 0.50) return mkname("damage", "badly"); if (p < 0.75) return mkname("damage", "wounded"); if (p < 0.99) return mkname("damage", "exhausted"); if (p > 2.00) return mkname("damage", "plusstrong"); if (p > 1.50) return mkname("damage", "strong"); return NULL; } void report_item(const unit * owner, const item * i, const faction * viewer, const char **name, const char **basename, int *number, bool singular) { const resource_type *rsilver = get_resourcetype(R_SILVER); assert(!owner || owner->number); if (owner && owner->faction == viewer) { if (name) *name = LOC(viewer->locale, resourcename(i->type->rtype, ((i->number != 1 && !singular) ? GR_PLURAL : 0))); if (basename) *basename = resourcename(i->type->rtype, 0); if (number) *number = i->number; } else if (owner && i->type->rtype == rsilver) { int pp = i->number / owner->number; if (number) *number = 1; if (pp > 50000 && dragonrace(u_race(owner))) { if (name) *name = LOC(viewer->locale, "dragonhoard"); if (basename) *basename = "dragonhoard"; } else if (pp > 5000) { if (name) *name = LOC(viewer->locale, "moneychest"); if (basename) *basename = "moneychest"; } else if (pp > 500) { if (name) *name = LOC(viewer->locale, "moneybag"); if (basename) *basename = "moneybag"; } else { if (number) *number = 0; if (name) *name = NULL; if (basename) *basename = NULL; } } else { if (name) *name = LOC(viewer->locale, resourcename(i->type->rtype, NMF_APPEARANCE | ((i->number != 1 && !singular) ? GR_PLURAL : 0))); if (basename) *basename = resourcename(i->type->rtype, NMF_APPEARANCE); if (number) { if (fval(i->type, ITF_HERB)) *number = 1; else *number = i->number; } } } #define ORDERS_IN_NR 1 static size_t buforder(char *buffer, size_t size, const order * ord, const struct locale *lang, int mode) { char *bufp = buffer; bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", \"", size); if (mode < ORDERS_IN_NR) { char cmd[ORDERSIZE]; get_command(ord, lang, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, cmd, size); } else { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, "...", size); } if (size > 1) { *bufp++ = '\"'; --size; } else { WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } return bufp - buffer; } /** create a report of a list of items to a non-owner. * \param result: an array of size items. * \param size: maximum number of items to return * \param owner: the owner of the items, or NULL for faction::items etc. * \param viewer: the faction looking at the items */ int report_items(const unit *u, item * result, int size, const unit * owner, const faction * viewer) { const item *itm, *items = u->items; int n = 0; /* number of results */ assert(owner == NULL || viewer != owner->faction); assert(size); if (u->attribs) { curse * cu = get_curse(u->attribs, &ct_itemcloak); if (cu && curse_active(cu)) { return 0; } } for (itm = items; itm; itm = itm->next) { item *ishow; const char *ic; report_item(owner, itm, viewer, NULL, &ic, NULL, false); if (ic && *ic) { for (ishow = result; ishow != result + n; ++ishow) { const char *sc; if (ishow->type == itm->type) sc = ic; else report_item(owner, ishow, viewer, NULL, &sc, NULL, false); if (sc == ic || strcmp(sc, ic) == 0) { ishow->number += itm->number; break; } } if (ishow == result + n) { if (n == size) { log_error("too many items to report, increase buffer size.\n"); return -1; } result[n].number = itm->number; result[n].type = itm->type; result[n].next = (n + 1 == size) ? NULL : result + n + 1; ++n; } } } if (n > 0) result[n - 1].next = NULL; return n; } static void report_resource(resource_report * result, const resource_type *rtype, int number, int level) { assert(rtype); result->rtype = rtype; result->number = number; result->level = level; } void report_race(const struct unit *u, const char **name, const char **illusion) { if (illusion) { const race *irace = u_irace(u); if (irace && irace != u_race(u)) { *illusion = irace->_name; } else { *illusion = NULL; } } if (name) { *name = u_race(u)->_name; if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_SHAPESHIFTANY)) { const char *str = get_racename(u->attribs); if (str) *name = str; } } } void report_building(const struct building *b, const char **name, const char **illusion) { if (name) { *name = buildingtype(b->type, b, b->size); } if (illusion) { *illusion = NULL; if (b->attribs && is_building_type(b->type, "illusioncastle")) { const attrib *a = a_find(b->attribs, &at_icastle); if (a != NULL) { *illusion = buildingtype(icastle_type(a), b, b->size); } } } } int report_resources(const region * r, resource_report * result, int size, const faction * viewer, bool see_unit) { int n = 0; if (r->land) { int peasants = rpeasants(r); int money = rmoney(r); int horses = rhorses(r); int trees = rtrees(r, 2); int saplings = rtrees(r, 1); bool mallorn = fval(r, RF_MALLORN) != 0; const resource_type *rtype; if (saplings) { if (n >= size) return -1; rtype = get_resourcetype(mallorn ? R_MALLORN_SAPLING : R_SAPLING); report_resource(result + n, rtype, saplings, -1); ++n; } if (trees) { if (n >= size) return -1; rtype = get_resourcetype(mallorn ? R_MALLORN_TREE : R_TREE); report_resource(result + n, rtype, trees, -1); ++n; } if (money) { if (n >= size) return -1; report_resource(result + n, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), money, -1); ++n; } if (peasants) { if (n >= size) return -1; report_resource(result + n, get_resourcetype(R_PEASANT), peasants, -1); ++n; } if (horses) { if (n >= size) return -1; report_resource(result + n, get_resourcetype(R_HORSE), horses, -1); ++n; } } if (see_unit) { rawmaterial *res = r->resources; while (res) { int maxskill = 0; const item_type *itype = resource2item(res->rtype); int minskill = itype->construction->minskill; skill_t skill = itype->construction->skill; int level = res->level + minskill - 1; int visible = -1; rawmaterial_type *raw = rmt_get(res->rtype); if (raw->visible == NULL) { visible = res->amount; level = res->level + minskill - 1; } else { const unit *u; for (u = r->units; visible != res->amount && u != NULL; u = u->next) { if (u->faction == viewer) { int s = effskill(u, skill, 0); if (s > maxskill) { maxskill = s; visible = raw->visible(res, maxskill); } } } } if (level >= 0 && visible >= 0) { if (n >= size) return -1; report_resource(result + n, res->rtype, visible, level); n++; } res = res->next; } } return n; } int bufunit(const faction * f, const unit * u, unsigned int indent, seen_mode mode, char *buf, size_t size) { int i, dh; int getarnt = fval(u, UFL_ANON_FACTION); const char *pzTmp, *str; building *b; bool isbattle = (bool)(mode == seen_battle); item *itm, *show = NULL; faction *fv; char *bufp = buf; int result = 0; item results[MAX_INVENTORY]; const struct locale *lang = f->locale; assert(f); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, unitname(u), size); fv = visible_faction(f, u); if (!isbattle) { if (u->faction == f) { if (fval(u, UFL_GROUP)) { attrib *a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_group); if (a) { group *g = (group *)a->data.v; bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, groupid(g, f), size); } } if (getarnt) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "anonymous"), size); } else if (u->attribs) { faction *otherf = get_otherfaction(u); if (otherf) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, factionname(otherf), size); } } } else { if (getarnt) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "anonymous"), size); } else { if (u->attribs && alliedunit(u, f, HELP_FSTEALTH)) { faction *otherf = get_otherfaction(u); if (otherf) { int result = snprintf(bufp, size, ", %s (%s)", factionname(otherf), factionname(u->faction)); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } else { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, factionname(fv), size); } } else { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, factionname(fv), size); } } } } bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, snprintf(bufp, size, "%d ", u->number))) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); pzTmp = get_racename(u->attribs); if (pzTmp) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, pzTmp, size); if (u->faction == f && fval(u_race(u), RCF_SHAPESHIFTANY)) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, " (", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, racename(lang, u, u_race(u)), size); if (size > 1) { strcpy(bufp++, ")"); --size; } } } else { const race *irace = u_irace(u); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, racename(lang, u, irace), size); if (u->faction == f && irace != u_race(u)) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, " (", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, racename(lang, u, u_race(u)), size); if (size > 1) { strcpy(bufp++, ")"); --size; } } } if (fval(u, UFL_HERO) && (u->faction == f || omniscient(f))) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "hero"), size); } /* status */ if (u->number && (u->faction == f || isbattle)) { const char *c = hp_status(u); c = c ? LOC(lang, c) : 0; bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp += report_status(u, lang, bufp, size); if (c || fval(u, UFL_HUNGER)) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, " (", size); if (c) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, c, size); } if (fval(u, UFL_HUNGER)) { if (c) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); } bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "unit_hungers"), size); } if (size > 1) { strcpy(bufp++, ")"); --size; } } } if (is_guard(u)) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "unit_guards"), size); } if ((b = usiege(u)) != NULL) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", belagert ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, buildingname(b), size); } dh = 0; if (u->faction == f) { skill *sv; for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) { size_t bytes = spskill(bufp, size, lang, u, sv, &dh, 1); assert(bytes <= INT_MAX); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, (int)bytes) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } } dh = 0; if (f == u->faction || omniscient(f)) { show = u->items; } else if (mode >= seen_unit) { int n = report_items(u, results, MAX_INVENTORY, u, f); assert(n >= 0); if (n > 0) { show = results; } } for (itm = show; itm; itm = itm->next) { const char *ic; int in; report_item(u, itm, f, &ic, NULL, &in, false); if (in == 0 || ic == NULL) continue; bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); if (!dh) { result = snprintf(bufp, size, "%s: ", LOC(lang, "nr_inventory")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); dh = 1; } if (in == 1) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ic, size); } else { if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, snprintf(bufp, size, "%d %s", in, ic))) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } } if (u->faction == f) { spellbook *book = unit_get_spellbook(u); if (book) { selist *ql = book->spells; int qi, header, maxlevel = effskill(u, SK_MAGIC, 0); int result = snprintf(bufp, size, ". Aura %d/%d", get_spellpoints(u), max_spellpoints(u->region, u)); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) { WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } for (header = 0, qi = 0; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { spellbook_entry * sbe = (spellbook_entry *)selist_get(ql, qi); if (sbe->level <= maxlevel) { int result = 0; if (!header) { result = snprintf(bufp, size, ", %s: ", LOC(lang, "nr_spells")); header = 1; } else { result = (int)strlcpy(bufp, ", ", size); } if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) { WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } /* TODO: no need to deref the spellref here (spref->name is good) */ bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, spell_name(sbe->sp, lang), size); } } for (i = 0; i != MAXCOMBATSPELLS; ++i) { if (get_combatspell(u, i)) break; } if (i != MAXCOMBATSPELLS) { int result = snprintf(bufp, size, ", %s: ", LOC(lang, "nr_combatspells")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); dh = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXCOMBATSPELLS; i++) { const spell *sp; if (!dh) { dh = 1; } else { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); } sp = get_combatspell(u, i); if (sp) { int sl = get_combatspelllevel(u, i); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, spell_name(sp, lang), size); if (sl > 0) { result = snprintf(bufp, size, " (%d)", sl); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } } else { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "nr_nospells"), size); } } } } if (!isbattle) { int printed = 0; order *ord;; for (ord = u->old_orders; ord; ord = ord->next) { keyword_t kwd = getkeyword(ord); if (is_repeated(kwd)) { if (printed < ORDERS_IN_NR) { int result = (int)buforder(bufp, size, ord, u->faction->locale, printed++); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } else break; } } if (printed < ORDERS_IN_NR) for (ord = u->orders; ord; ord = ord->next) { keyword_t kwd = getkeyword(ord); if (is_repeated(kwd)) { if (printed < ORDERS_IN_NR) { int result = (int)buforder(bufp, size, ord, lang, printed++); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } else break; } } } } i = 0; str = u_description(u, lang); if (str) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, "; ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, str, size); i = str[strlen(str) - 1]; } if (i != '!' && i != '?' && i != '.') { if (size > 1) { strcpy(bufp++, "."); --size; } } pzTmp = uprivate(u); if (u->faction == f && pzTmp) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, " (Bem: ", size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, pzTmp, size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ")", size); } dh = 0; if (!getarnt) { if (alliedfaction(rplane(u->region), f, fv, HELP_ALL)) { dh = 1; } } if (size <= 1) { log_warning("bufunit ran out of space after writing %u bytes.\n", (bufp - buf)); } return dh; } size_t spskill(char *buffer, size_t size, const struct locale * lang, const struct unit * u, struct skill * sv, int *dh, int days) { char *bufp = buffer; int i, effsk; if (!u->number) return 0; if (sv->level <= 0) { if (sv->old <= 0 || (u->faction->options & want(O_SHOWSKCHANGE)) == 0) { return 0; } } bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); if (!*dh) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "nr_skills"), size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ": ", size); *dh = 1; } bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, skillname(sv->id, lang), size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, " ", size); if (sv->id == SK_MAGIC) { sc_mage *mage = get_mage(u); if (mage && mage->magietyp != M_GRAY) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, mkname("school", magic_school[mage->magietyp])), size); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, " ", size); } } if (sv->id == SK_STEALTH && fval(u, UFL_STEALTH)) { i = u_geteffstealth(u); if (i >= 0) { if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, snprintf(bufp, size, "%d/", i)) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } } effsk = eff_skill(u, sv, 0); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, snprintf(bufp, size, "%d", effsk)) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); if (u->faction->options & want(O_SHOWSKCHANGE)) { int oldeff = 0; int diff; if (sv->old > 0) { oldeff = sv->old + get_modifier(u, sv->id, sv->old, u->region, false); } oldeff = MAX(0, oldeff); diff = effsk - oldeff; if (diff != 0) { if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, snprintf(bufp, size, " (%s%d)", (diff > 0) ? "+" : "", diff)) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } } return bufp - buffer; } void split_paragraph(strlist ** SP, const char *s, unsigned int indent, unsigned int width, char mark) { bool firstline; static char buf[REPORTWIDTH + 1]; /* FIXME: static buffer, artificial limit */ size_t len = strlen(s); assert(width <= REPORTWIDTH); width -= indent; firstline = (mark != 0 && indent > 2); *SP = 0; while (len > 0) { unsigned int j; const char *cut = 0, *space = strchr(s, ' '); while (space && *space && (space - s) <= (ptrdiff_t)width) { cut = space; space = strchr(space + 1, ' '); if (!space && len < width) { cut = space = s + len; } } for (j = 0; j != indent; j++) buf[j] = ' '; if (firstline) { buf[indent - 2] = mark; firstline = false; } if (!cut) { cut = s + MIN(len, REPORTWIDTH); } memcpy(buf + indent, s, cut - s); buf[indent + (cut - s)] = 0; addstrlist(SP, buf); /* TODO: too much string copying, cut out this function */ while (*cut == ' ') { ++cut; } len -= (cut - s); s = cut; } } void sparagraph(strlist ** SP, const char *s, unsigned int indent, char mark) { split_paragraph(SP, s, indent, REPORTWIDTH, mark); } void lparagraph(struct strlist **SP, char *s, unsigned int indent, char mark) { /* Die Liste SP wird mit dem String s aufgefuellt, mit indent und einer * mark, falls angegeben. SP wurde also auf 0 gesetzt vor dem Aufruf. * Vgl. spunit (). */ char *buflocal = calloc(strlen(s) + indent + 1, sizeof(char)); if (indent) { memset(buflocal, ' ', indent); if (mark) buflocal[indent - 2] = mark; } strcpy(buflocal + indent, s); addstrlist(SP, buflocal); free(buflocal); } void spunit(struct strlist **SP, const struct faction *f, const unit * u, unsigned int indent, seen_mode mode) { char buf[DISPLAYSIZE]; int dh = bufunit(f, u, indent, mode, buf, sizeof(buf)); lparagraph(SP, buf, indent, (char)((u->faction == f) ? '*' : (dh ? '+' : '-'))); } struct message *msg_curse(const struct curse *c, const void *obj, objtype_t typ, int self) { if (c->type->curseinfo) { /* if curseinfo returns NULL, then we don't want to tell the viewer anything. */ return c->type->curseinfo(obj, typ, c, self); } else { message *msg = cinfo_simple(obj, typ, c, self); if (msg == NULL) { const char *unknown[] = { "unit_unknown", "region_unknown", "building_unknown", "ship_unknown" }; msg = msg_message(mkname("curseinfo", unknown[typ]), "id", c->no); log_error("no curseinfo function for %s and no fallback either.\n", c->type->cname); } else { log_error("no curseinfo function for %s, using cinfo_simple fallback.\n", c->type->cname); } return msg; } } const struct unit *ucansee(const struct faction *f, const struct unit *u, const struct unit *x) { if (cansee(f, u->region, u, 0)) return u; return x; } int stealth_modifier(const region *r, const faction *f, seen_mode mode) { switch (mode) { case seen_spell: return get_observer(r, f); case seen_unit: return 0; case seen_lighthouse: return -2; case seen_travel: return -1; default: return INT_MIN; } } static void transfer_seen(selist ** dst, selist ** src) { assert(!*dst); *dst = *src; *src = NULL; } int cmp_faction(const void *lhs, const void *rhs) { const faction *lhf = (const faction *)lhs; const faction *rhf = (const faction *)rhs; if (lhf->no == rhf->no) return 0; if (lhf->no > rhf->no) return 1; return -1; } static void add_seen_faction_i(struct selist **flist, faction *f) { selist_set_insert(flist, f, cmp_faction); } void add_seen_faction(faction *self, faction *seen) { add_seen_faction_i(&self->seen_factions, seen); } typedef struct address_data { faction *f, *lastf; selist **flist; int stealthmod; } address_data; static void cb_add_address(region *r, unit *ut, void *cbdata) { address_data *data = (address_data *)cbdata; faction *f = data->f; if (ut->faction == f) { unit *u; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { faction *sf = visible_faction(f, u); assert(u->faction != f); /* if this is see_travel only, then I shouldn't be here. */ if (data->lastf != sf && cansee_unit(ut, u, data->stealthmod)) { add_seen_faction_i(data->flist, sf); data->lastf = sf; break; } } } } static void add_travelthru_addresses(region *r, faction *f, selist **flist, int stealthmod) { /* for each traveling unit: add the faction of any unit is can see */ address_data cbdata = { 0 }; cbdata.f = f; cbdata.flist = flist; cbdata.stealthmod = stealthmod; travelthru_map(r, cb_add_address, &cbdata); } void get_addresses(report_context * ctx) { /* "TODO: travelthru" */ region *r; const faction *lastf = NULL; selist *flist = 0; transfer_seen(&flist, &ctx->f->seen_factions); ctx->f->seen_factions = NULL; /* do not delete it twice */ selist_push(&flist, ctx->f); if (f_get_alliance(ctx->f)) { selist *ql = ctx->f->alliance->members; int qi; for (qi = 0; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { add_seen_faction_i(&flist, (faction *)selist_get(ql, qi)); } } /* find the first region that this faction can see */ for (r = ctx->first; r != ctx->last; r = r->next) { if (r->seen.mode > seen_none) break; } for (; r != NULL; r = r->next) { int stealthmod = stealth_modifier(r, ctx->f, r->seen.mode); if (r->seen.mode == seen_lighthouse) { unit *u = r->units; for (; u; u = u->next) { faction *sf = visible_faction(ctx->f, u); if (lastf != sf) { if (u->building || u->ship || (stealthmod > INT_MIN && cansee(ctx->f, r, u, stealthmod))) { add_seen_faction_i(&flist, sf); lastf = sf; } } } } else if (r->seen.mode == seen_travel) { /* when we travel through a region, then we must add * the factions of any units we saw */ add_travelthru_addresses(r, ctx->f, &flist, stealthmod); } else if (r->seen.mode > seen_travel) { const unit *u = r->units; while (u != NULL) { if (u->faction != ctx->f) { faction *sf = visible_faction(ctx->f, u); bool ballied = sf && sf != ctx->f && sf != lastf && !fval(u, UFL_ANON_FACTION) && cansee(ctx->f, r, u, stealthmod); if (ballied || is_allied(ctx->f, sf)) { add_seen_faction_i(&flist, sf); lastf = sf; } } u = u->next; } } } if (f_get_alliance(ctx->f)) { faction *f2; for (f2 = factions; f2; f2 = f2->next) { if (f2->alliance == ctx->f->alliance) { add_seen_faction_i(&flist, f2); } } } ctx->addresses = flist; } typedef struct report_type { struct report_type *next; report_fun write; const char *extension; int flag; } report_type; static report_type *report_types; void register_reporttype(const char *extension, report_fun write, int flag) { report_type *type = (report_type *)malloc(sizeof(report_type)); type->extension = extension; type->write = write; type->flag = flag; type->next = report_types; report_types = type; } void reports_done(void) { report_type **rtp = &report_types; while (*rtp) { report_type *rt = *rtp; *rtp = rt->next; free(rt); } } int get_regions_distance_arr(region *rc, int radius, region *result[], int size) { int n = 0, i; if (size > n) { result[n++] = rc; fset(rc, RF_MARK); } for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) { region *r; int dist; r = result[i]; dist = distance(rc, r); if (dist < radius) { region *adj[MAXDIRECTIONS]; int d; get_neighbours(r, adj); for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++d) { r = adj[d]; if (r) { if (size > n) { if (!fval(r, RF_MARK) && dist < distance(rc, r)) { result[n++] = r; fset(r, RF_MARK); } } else { return -1; } } } } } for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) { freset(result[i], RF_MARK); } return n; } selist *get_regions_distance(region * root, int radius) { selist *ql, *rlist = NULL; int qi = 0; selist_push(&rlist, root); fset(root, RF_MARK); ql = rlist; while (ql) { region *r = (region *)selist_get(ql, qi); region * next[MAXDIRECTIONS]; int d; get_neighbours(r, next); for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++d) { if (next[d] && !fval(next[d], RF_MARK) && distance(next[d], root) <= radius) { selist_push(&rlist, next[d]); fset(next[d], RF_MARK); } } selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1); } for (ql = rlist, qi = 0; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { region *r = (region *)selist_get(ql, qi); freset(r, RF_MARK); } return rlist; } static void add_seen(region *r, seen_mode mode) { if (r->seen.mode < mode) { r->seen.mode = mode; } } static void add_seen_nb(faction *f, region *r, seen_mode mode) { region *first = r, *last = r; add_seen(r, mode); if (mode > seen_neighbour) { region *next[MAXDIRECTIONS]; int d; get_neighbours(r, next); for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++d) { region *rn = next[d]; if (rn && rn->seen.mode < seen_neighbour) { rn->seen.mode = seen_neighbour; if (first->index > rn->index) first = rn; if (last->index < rn->index) last = rn; } } } update_interval(f, first); update_interval(f, last); } /** mark all regions seen by the lighthouse. */ static void prepare_lighthouse_ql(faction *f, selist *rlist) { selist *ql; int qi; for (ql = rlist, qi = 0; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { region *rl = (region *)selist_get(ql, qi); if (!fval(rl->terrain, FORBIDDEN_REGION)) { add_seen_nb(f, rl, seen_lighthouse); } } } static void prepare_lighthouse(faction *f, region *r, int range) { if (range > 3) { selist *rlist = get_regions_distance(r, range); prepare_lighthouse_ql(f, rlist); selist_free(rlist); } else { region *result[64]; int n, i; n = get_regions_distance_arr(r, range, result, 64); assert(n > 0 && n <= 64); for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) { region *rl = result[i]; if (!fval(rl->terrain, FORBIDDEN_REGION)) { add_seen_nb(f, rl, seen_lighthouse); } } } } void reorder_units(region * r) { unit **unext = &r->units; if (r->buildings) { building *b = r->buildings; while (*unext && b) { unit **ufirst = unext; /* where the first unit in the building should go */ unit **umove = unext; /* a unit we consider moving */ unit *owner = building_owner(b); while (owner && *umove) { unit *u = *umove; if (u->building == b) { unit **uinsert = unext; if (u == owner) { uinsert = ufirst; } if (umove != uinsert) { *umove = u->next; u->next = *uinsert; *uinsert = u; } else { /* no need to move, skip ahead */ umove = &u->next; } if (unext == uinsert) { /* we have a new well-placed unit. jump over it */ unext = &u->next; } } else { umove = &u->next; } } b = b->next; } } if (r->ships) { ship *sh = r->ships; /* first, move all units up that are not on ships */ unit **umove = unext; /* a unit we consider moving */ while (*umove) { unit *u = *umove; if (u->number && !u->ship) { if (umove != unext) { *umove = u->next; u->next = *unext; *unext = u; } else { /* no need to move, skip ahead */ umove = &u->next; } /* we have a new well-placed unit. jump over it */ unext = &u->next; } else { umove = &u->next; } } while (*unext && sh) { unit **ufirst = unext; /* where the first unit in the building should go */ unit **umove = unext; /* a unit we consider moving */ unit *owner = ship_owner(sh); while (owner && *umove) { unit *u = *umove; if (u->number && u->ship == sh) { unit **uinsert = unext; if (u == owner) { uinsert = ufirst; owner = u; } if (umove != uinsert) { *umove = u->next; u->next = *uinsert; *uinsert = u; } else { /* no need to move, skip ahead */ umove = &u->next; } if (unext == uinsert) { /* we have a new well-placed unit. jump over it */ unext = &u->next; } } else { umove = &u->next; } } sh = sh->next; } } } static region *lastregion(faction * f) { if (!f->units) { return NULL; } return f->last ? f->last->next : NULL; } static region *firstregion(faction * f) { region *r = f->first; if (f->units == NULL) return NULL; if (r != NULL) return r; return f->first = regions; } static void cb_add_seen(region *r, unit *u, void *cbdata) { faction *f = (faction *)cbdata; if (u->faction == f) { add_seen_nb(f, r, seen_travel); } } /** set region.seen based on visibility by one faction. * * this function may also update ctx->last and ctx->first for potential * lighthouses and travelthru reports */ void prepare_report(report_context *ctx, faction *f) { region *r; static int config; static bool rule_region_owners; static bool rule_lighthouse_units; const struct building_type *bt_lighthouse = bt_find("lighthouse"); if (bt_lighthouse && config_changed(&config)) { rule_region_owners = config_token("rules.region_owner_pay_building", bt_lighthouse->_name); rule_lighthouse_units = config_get_int("rules.lighthouse.unit_capacity", 0) != 0; } if (f->age <= 2) { if ((f->flags&FFL_PWMSG) == 0) { /* TODO: this assumes unencrypted passwords */ f->flags |= FFL_PWMSG; ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("changepasswd", "value", f->_password)); } } ctx->f = f; ctx->report_time = time(NULL); ctx->addresses = NULL; ctx->userdata = NULL; /* [first,last) interval of regions with a unit in it: */ if (f->units) { ctx->first = firstregion(f); ctx->last = lastregion(f); for (r = ctx->first; r != ctx->last; r = r->next) { unit *u; building *b; int br = 0, c = 0, range = 0; if (fval(r, RF_OBSERVER)) { int skill = get_observer(r, f); if (skill >= 0) { add_seen_nb(f, r, seen_spell); } } if (fval(r, RF_LIGHTHOUSE)) { /* region owners get the report from lighthouses */ if (rule_region_owners && f == region_get_owner(r)) { for (b = rbuildings(r); b; b = b->next) { if (b && b->type == bt_lighthouse) { /* region owners get maximm range */ int br = lighthouse_range(b, NULL, NULL); if (br > range) range = br; } } } } b = NULL; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { /* if we have any unit in this region, then we get seen_unit access */ if (u->faction == f) { add_seen_nb(f, r, seen_unit); /* units inside the lighthouse get range based on their perception * or the size, if perception is not a skill */ if (!fval(r, RF_LIGHTHOUSE)) { /* it's enough to add the region once, and if there are * no lighthouses, there is no need to look at more units */ break; } } if (range == 0 && u->building && u->building->type == bt_lighthouse) { if (u->building && b != u->building) { b = u->building; c = buildingcapacity(b); br = 0; } if (rule_lighthouse_units) { --c; } else { c -= u->number; } if (u->faction == f && c >= 0) { /* unit is one of ours, and inside the current lighthouse */ if (br == 0) { /* lazy-calculate the range */ br = lighthouse_range(u->building, f, u); } if (br > range) { range = br; } } } } if (range > 0) { /* we are in at least one lighthouse. add the regions we can see from here! */ prepare_lighthouse(f, r, range); } if (fval(r, RF_TRAVELUNIT) && r->seen.mode < seen_travel) { travelthru_map(r, cb_add_seen, f); } } } /* [fast,last) interval of seen regions (with lighthouses and travel) * TODO: what about neighbours? when are they included? do we need * them outside of the CR? */ ctx->first = firstregion(f); ctx->last = lastregion(f); } void finish_reports(report_context *ctx) { region *r; selist_free(ctx->addresses); for (r = ctx->first; r != ctx->last; r = r->next) { r->seen.mode = seen_none; } } int write_reports(faction * f, time_t ltime) { bool gotit = false; struct report_context ctx; const unsigned char utf8_bom[4] = { 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf, 0 }; report_type *rtype; if (noreports) { return false; } prepare_report(&ctx, f); get_addresses(&ctx); log_debug("Reports for %s", factionname(f)); for (rtype = report_types; rtype != NULL; rtype = rtype->next) { if (f->options & rtype->flag) { int error = 0; do { char filename[32]; char path[4096]; sprintf(filename, "%d-%s.%s", turn, itoa36(f->no), rtype->extension); join_path(reportpath(), filename, path, sizeof(path)); errno = 0; if (rtype->write(path, &ctx, (const char *)utf8_bom) == 0) { gotit = true; } if (errno) { error = errno; log_fatal("error %d during %s report for faction %s: %s", errno, rtype->extension, factionname(f), strerror(error)); errno = 0; } } while (error); } } if (!gotit) { log_warning("No report for faction %s!", itoa36(f->no)); } finish_reports(&ctx); return 0; } static void write_script(FILE * F, const faction * f) { report_type *rtype; char buf[1024]; fprintf(F, "faction=%s:email=%s:lang=%s", itoa36(f->no), f->email, locale_name(f->locale)); if (f->options & (1 << O_BZIP2)) fputs(":compression=bz2", F); else fputs(":compression=zip", F); fputs(":reports=", F); buf[0] = 0; for (rtype = report_types; rtype != NULL; rtype = rtype->next) { if (f->options & rtype->flag) { if (buf[0]) { strlcat(buf, ",", sizeof(buf)); } strlcat(buf, rtype->extension, sizeof(buf)); } } fputs(buf, F); fputc('\n', F); } static void check_messages_exist(void) { ct_checknames(); } int init_reports(void) { region *r; check_messages_exist(); create_directories(); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { reorder_units(r); } return 0; } int reports(void) { faction *f; FILE *mailit; time_t ltime = time(NULL); int retval = 0; char path[4096]; const char * rpath = reportpath(); log_info("Writing reports for turn %d:", turn); report_donations(); remove_empty_units(); join_path(rpath, "reports.txt", path, sizeof(path)); mailit = fopen(path, "w"); if (mailit == NULL) { log_error("%s could not be opened!\n", path); } for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { if (f->email && !fval(f, FFL_NPC)) { int error = write_reports(f, ltime); if (error) retval = error; if (mailit) write_script(mailit, f); } } if (mailit) fclose(mailit); return retval; } static variant var_copy_string(variant x) { x.v = x.v ? strdup((const char *)x.v) : 0; return x; } static void var_free_string(variant x) { free(x.v); } static variant var_copy_order(variant x) { x.v = copy_order((order *)x.v); return x; } static void var_free_order(variant x) { free_order(x.v); } static variant var_copy_items(variant x) { item *isrc; resource *rdst = NULL, **rptr = &rdst; for (isrc = (item *)x.v; isrc != NULL; isrc = isrc->next) { resource *res = malloc(sizeof(resource)); res->number = isrc->number; res->type = isrc->type->rtype; *rptr = res; rptr = &res->next; } *rptr = NULL; x.v = rdst; return x; } static variant var_copy_resources(variant x) { resource *rsrc; resource *rdst = NULL, **rptr = &rdst; for (rsrc = (resource *)x.v; rsrc != NULL; rsrc = rsrc->next) { resource *res = malloc(sizeof(resource)); res->number = rsrc->number; res->type = rsrc->type; *rptr = res; rptr = &res->next; } *rptr = NULL; x.v = rdst; return x; } static void var_free_resources(variant x) { resource *rsrc = (resource *)x.v; while (rsrc) { resource *res = rsrc->next; free(rsrc); rsrc = res; } x.v = 0; } static void var_free_regions(variant x) /*-V524 */ { free(x.v); } const char *trailinto(const region * r, const struct locale *lang) { static char ref[32]; const char *s; if (r) { const char *tname = terrain_name(r); size_t sz; sz = strlcpy(ref, tname, sizeof(ref)); sz += strlcat(ref + sz, "_trail", sizeof(ref) - sz); s = LOC(lang, ref); if (s && *s) { if (strstr(s, "%s")) return s; } } return "%s"; } size_t f_regionid(const region * r, const faction * f, char *buffer, size_t size) { size_t len; if (!r) { len = strlcpy(buffer, "(Chaos)", size); } else { plane *pl = rplane(r); const char *name = pl ? pl->name : 0; int nx = r->x, ny = r->y; int named = (name && name[0]); pnormalize(&nx, &ny, pl); adjust_coordinates(f, &nx, &ny, pl); len = strlcpy(buffer, rname(r, f ? f->locale : 0), size); snprintf(buffer + len, size - len, " (%d,%d%s%s)", nx, ny, named ? "," : "", (named) ? name : ""); buffer[size - 1] = 0; len = strlen(buffer); } return len; } static char *f_regionid_s(const region * r, const faction * f) { static char buf[NAMESIZE + 20]; /* FIXME: static return value */ f_regionid(r, f, buf, sizeof(buf)); return buf; } /*** BEGIN MESSAGE RENDERING ***/ static void eval_localize(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* (string, locale) -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = f ? f->locale : default_locale; const char *c = (const char *)opop_v(stack); c = LOC(lang, c); opush_v(stack, strcpy(balloc(strlen(c) + 1), c)); } static void eval_trailto(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* (int, int) -> int */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = f ? f->locale : default_locale; const struct region *r = (const struct region *)opop(stack).v; const char *trail = trailinto(r, lang); const char *rn = f_regionid_s(r, f); variant var; char *x = var.v = balloc(strlen(trail) + strlen(rn)); sprintf(x, trail, rn); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_unit(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* unit -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct unit *u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = u ? unitname(u) : LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_unit"); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_unit_dative(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* unit -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct unit *u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = u ? unitname(u) : LOC(f->locale, "unknown_unit_dative"); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_spell(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* unit -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct spell *sp = (const struct spell *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = sp ? spell_name(sp, f->locale) : LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_spell"); variant var; assert(c || !"spell without description!"); var.v = strcpy(balloc(strlen(c) + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_curse(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* unit -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct curse_type *sp = (const struct curse_type *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = sp ? curse_name(sp, f->locale) : LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_curse"); variant var; assert(c || !"spell effect without description!"); var.v = strcpy(balloc(strlen(c) + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_unitid(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* unit -> int */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct unit *u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = u ? unit_getname(u) : LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_unit"); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_unitsize(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* unit -> int */ const struct unit *u = (const struct unit *)opop(stack).v; variant var; var.i = u->number; opush(stack, var); } static void eval_faction(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* faction -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = factionname(f); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_alliance(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* faction -> string */ const struct alliance *al = (const struct alliance *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = alliancename(al); variant var; if (c != NULL) { size_t len = strlen(c); var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); } else var.v = NULL; opush(stack, var); } static void eval_region(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* region -> string */ char name[NAMESIZE + 32]; const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct region *r = (const struct region *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = write_regionname(r, f, name, sizeof(name)); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_terrain(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* region -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct region *r = (const struct region *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = LOC(f->locale, terrain_name(r)); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_ship(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* ship -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct ship *u = (const struct ship *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = u ? shipname(u) : LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_ship"); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_building(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* building -> string */ const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct building *u = (const struct building *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = u ? buildingname(u) : LOC(f->locale, "an_unknown_building"); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_weight(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* region -> string */ char buffer[32]; const struct faction *f = (const struct faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = f->locale; int weight = opop_i(stack); variant var; if (weight % SCALEWEIGHT == 0) { if (weight == SCALEWEIGHT) { sprintf(buffer, "1 %s", LOC(lang, "weight_unit")); } else { sprintf(buffer, "%d %s", weight / SCALEWEIGHT, LOC(lang, "weight_unit_p")); } } else { if (weight == 1) { sprintf(buffer, "1 %s %d", LOC(lang, "weight_per"), SCALEWEIGHT); } else { sprintf(buffer, "%d %s %d", weight, LOC(lang, "weight_per_p"), SCALEWEIGHT); } } var.v = strcpy(balloc(strlen(buffer) + 1), buffer); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_resource(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { const faction *report = (const faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = report ? report->locale : default_locale; int j = opop(stack).i; const struct resource_type *res = (const struct resource_type *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = LOC(lang, resourcename(res, j != 1)); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_race(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { const faction *report = (const faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = report ? report->locale : default_locale; int j = opop(stack).i; const race *r = (const race *)opop(stack).v; const char *c = LOC(lang, rc_name_s(r, (j == 1) ? NAME_SINGULAR : NAME_PLURAL)); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_order(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* order -> string */ const faction *f = (const faction *)userdata; const struct order *ord = (const struct order *)opop(stack).v; char buf[4096]; size_t len; variant var; const struct locale *lang = f ? f->locale : default_locale; UNUSED_ARG(userdata); write_order(ord, lang, buf, sizeof(buf)); len = strlen(buf); var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), buf); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_resources(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* order -> string */ const faction *f = (const faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = f ? f->locale : default_locale; const struct resource *res = (const struct resource *)opop(stack).v; char buf[1024]; /* but we only use about half of this */ size_t size = sizeof(buf) - 1; variant var; char *bufp = buf; while (res != NULL && size > 4) { const char *rname = resourcename(res->type, (res->number != 1) ? NMF_PLURAL : 0); int result = snprintf(bufp, size, "%d %s", res->number, LOC(lang, rname)); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, result) != 0 || size < sizeof(buf) / 2) { WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); break; } res = res->next; if (res != NULL && size > 2) { strcat(bufp, ", "); bufp += 2; size -= 2; } } *bufp = 0; var.v = strcpy(balloc((size_t)(bufp - buf + 1)), buf); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_regions(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* order -> string */ const faction *report = (const faction *)userdata; int i = opop(stack).i; int end, begin = opop(stack).i; const arg_regions *aregs = (const arg_regions *)opop(stack).v; char buf[256]; size_t size = sizeof(buf) - 1; variant var; char *bufp = buf; if (aregs == NULL) { end = begin; } else { if (i >= 0) end = begin + i; else end = aregs->nregions + i; } for (i = begin; i < end; ++i) { const char *rname = (const char *)regionname(aregs->regions[i], report); bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, rname, size); if (i + 1 < end && size > 2) { strcat(bufp, ", "); bufp += 2; size -= 2; } } *bufp = 0; var.v = strcpy(balloc((size_t)(bufp - buf + 1)), buf); opush(stack, var); } const char *get_mailcmd(const struct locale *loc) { static char result[64]; /* FIXME: static return buffer */ snprintf(result, sizeof(result), "%s %d %s", game_mailcmd(), game_id(), LOC(loc, "mailcmd")); return result; } static void eval_trail(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { /* order -> string */ const faction *report = (const faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = report ? report->locale : default_locale; int i, end = 0, begin = 0; const arg_regions *aregs = (const arg_regions *)opop(stack).v; char buf[512]; size_t size = sizeof(buf) - 1; variant var; char *bufp = buf; #ifdef _SECURECRT_ERRCODE_VALUES_DEFINED /* stupid MS broke snprintf */ int eold = errno; #endif if (aregs != NULL) { end = aregs->nregions; for (i = begin; i < end; ++i) { region *r = aregs->regions[i]; const char *trail = trailinto(r, lang); const char *rn = f_regionid_s(r, report); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, snprintf(bufp, size, trail, rn)) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); if (i + 2 < end) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, ", ", size); } else if (i + 1 < end) { bufp = STRLCPY(bufp, LOC(lang, "list_and"), size); } } } *bufp = 0; var.v = strcpy(balloc((size_t)(bufp - buf + 1)), buf); opush(stack, var); #ifdef _SECURECRT_ERRCODE_VALUES_DEFINED if (errno == ERANGE) { errno = eold; } #endif } static void eval_direction(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { const faction *report = (const faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = report ? report->locale : default_locale; int i = opop(stack).i; const char *c = LOC(lang, (i >= 0) ? directions[i] : "unknown_direction"); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_skill(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { const faction *report = (const faction *)userdata; const struct locale *lang = report ? report->locale : default_locale; skill_t sk = (skill_t)opop(stack).i; const char *c = skillname(sk, lang); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); } static void eval_int36(struct opstack **stack, const void *userdata) { int i = opop(stack).i; const char *c = itoa36(i); size_t len = strlen(c); variant var; var.v = strcpy(balloc(len + 1), c); opush(stack, var); UNUSED_ARG(userdata); } /*** END MESSAGE RENDERING ***/ int stream_printf(struct stream * out, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int result; char buffer[4096]; size_t bytes = sizeof(buffer); /* TODO: should be in storage/stream.c (doesn't exist yet) */ va_start(args, format); result = vsnprintf(buffer, bytes, format, args); if (result >= 0 && (size_t)result < bytes) { bytes = (size_t)result; /* TODO: else = buffer too small */ } out->api->write(out->handle, buffer, bytes); va_end(args); return result; } typedef struct count_data { int n; const struct faction *f; } count_data; static void count_cb(region *r, unit *u, void *cbdata) { count_data *data = (count_data *)cbdata; const struct faction *f = data->f; if (r != u->region && (!u->ship || ship_owner(u->ship) == u)) { if (cansee_durchgezogen(f, r, u, 0)) { ++data->n; } } } int count_travelthru(struct region *r, const struct faction *f) { count_data data = { 0 }; data.f = f; travelthru_map(r, count_cb, &data); return data.n; } void register_reports(void) { /* register datatypes for the different message objects */ register_argtype("alliance", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("building", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("direction", NULL, NULL, VAR_INT); register_argtype("faction", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("race", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("region", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("resource", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("ship", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("skill", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("spell", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("curse", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("unit", NULL, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("int", NULL, NULL, VAR_INT); register_argtype("string", var_free_string, var_copy_string, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("order", var_free_order, var_copy_order, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("resources", var_free_resources, var_copy_resources, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("items", var_free_resources, var_copy_items, VAR_VOIDPTR); register_argtype("regions", var_free_regions, NULL, VAR_VOIDPTR); /* register functions that turn message contents to readable strings */ add_function("alliance", &eval_alliance); add_function("region", &eval_region); add_function("terrain", &eval_terrain); add_function("weight", &eval_weight); add_function("resource", &eval_resource); add_function("race", &eval_race); add_function("faction", &eval_faction); add_function("ship", &eval_ship); add_function("unit", &eval_unit); add_function("unit.dative", &eval_unit_dative); add_function("unit.id", &eval_unitid); add_function("unit.size", &eval_unitsize); add_function("building", &eval_building); add_function("skill", &eval_skill); add_function("order", &eval_order); add_function("direction", &eval_direction); add_function("int36", &eval_int36); add_function("trailto", &eval_trailto); add_function("localize", &eval_localize); add_function("spell", &eval_spell); add_function("curse", &eval_curse); add_function("resources", &eval_resources); add_function("regions", &eval_regions); add_function("trail", &eval_trail); }