/* vi: set ts=2: * * $Id: relation.c,v 1.1 2001/01/27 18:15:32 enno Exp $ * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "relation.h" #if defined(OLD_TRIGGER) || defined(CONVERT_TRIGGER) /* util includes */ #include #include "pointertags.h" #include #include typedef struct { void *obj2; typ_t typ2; relation_t id; spread_t spread; } reldata; static void rel_init(attrib *a) { reldata *rel; rel = calloc(1, sizeof(reldata)); rel->obj2 = NULL; a->data.v = (void *)rel; } static void rel_done(attrib *a) { reldata *rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; if( rel->obj2 ) untag_pointer(&rel->obj2, rel->typ2, TAG_RELATION); free(rel); } #ifdef OLD_TRIGGER static void rel_save(const attrib *a, FILE *f) { reldata *rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; obj_ID id; ID_fun fun = typdata[rel->typ2].getID; id = fun(rel->obj2); write_ID(f, id); fprintf(f, "%d %d %d ", rel->typ2, rel->id, rel->spread); } #endif static int rel_load(attrib *a, FILE *f) { reldata *rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; obj_ID id; id = read_ID(f); fscanf(f, "%d %d %d ", (int *)&rel->typ2, (int *)&rel->id, (int *)&rel->spread); add_ID_resolve2(id, &rel->obj2, rel->typ2, TAG_RELATION); return 1; } #ifdef OLD_TRIGGER /* garbage collection */ static int rel_age(attrib *a) { reldata *rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; return (rel->obj2 != NULL); } #endif attrib_type at_relation = { "unit_relations", rel_init, rel_done, #ifdef CONVERT_TRIGGER NULL, NULL, #else rel_age, rel_save, #endif rel_load, }; attrib_type at_relbackref = { "unit_relations_back_reference", rel_init, rel_done, #ifdef CONVERT_TRIGGER NULL, NULL, #else rel_age, rel_save, #endif rel_load, }; static attrib * find_rel(attrib **ap, relation_t id, attrib_type *atype) { attrib *a; reldata *rel; a = a_find(*ap, atype); while( a ) { rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; if( rel->id == id ) return a; a = a->nexttype; } return NULL; } static void rel_create(void *obj1, typ_t typ1, relation_t id, void *obj2, typ_t typ2, spread_t spread, attrib_type *atype) { attrib *a; attrib **ap; reldata *rel; ap = typdata[typ1].getattribs(obj1); a = find_rel(ap, id, atype); if( !a ) { a = a_new(atype); a_add(ap, a); rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; rel->id = id; } else { rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; if( rel->obj2 ) untag_pointer(&rel->obj2, rel->typ2, TAG_RELATION); } rel->obj2 = obj2; tag_pointer(&rel->obj2, typ2, TAG_RELATION); rel->typ2 = typ2; rel->spread = spread; } static reldata * rel_get(const void *obj, typ_t typ, relation_t id, attrib_type *atype) { attrib *a; attrib **ap; ap = typdata[typ].getattribs((void *)obj); a = find_rel(ap, id, atype); if( a ) return (reldata *)(a->data.v); return NULL; } /********************************************************* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ void * get_relation2(const void *obj, typ_t typ, relation_t id, typ_t *typ2P) { reldata *rel; rel = rel_get(obj, typ, id, &at_relation); if( rel ) { if( typ2P ) *typ2P = rel->typ2; return rel->obj2; } return NULL; } void * get_relation(const void *obj, typ_t typ, relation_t id) { typ_t dummy; return get_relation2(obj, typ, id, &dummy); } void * get_rev_relation2(void *obj, typ_t typ, relation_t id, typ_t *typ2P) { reldata *rel; rel = rel_get(obj, typ, id, &at_relbackref); if( rel ) { if( typ2P ) *typ2P = rel->typ2; return rel->obj2; } return NULL; } void * get_rev_relation(void *obj, typ_t typ, relation_t id) { typ_t dummy; return get_rev_relation2(obj, typ, id, &dummy); } void create_relation(void *obj1, typ_t typ1, relation_t id, void *obj2, typ_t typ2, spread_t spread) { rel_create(obj1, typ1, id, obj2, typ2, spread, &at_relation); rel_create(obj2, typ2, id, obj1, typ1, SPREAD_TRANSFER, &at_relbackref); } void remove_relation(void *obj, typ_t typ, relation_t id) { attrib **ap; attrib *a; ap = typdata[typ].getattribs(obj); a = find_rel(ap, id, &at_relation); if( a ) { reldata *rel = (reldata *)a->data.v; obj = rel->obj2; /* Objekt mit Backref-Attrib */ a_remove(ap, a); /* Relation entfernen */ if( obj ) { ap = typdata[typ].getattribs(obj); a = find_rel(ap, id, &at_relbackref); if( a ) a_remove(ap, a); /* Backref entfernen */ } } } #endif