/* vi: set ts=2: +-------------------+ Christian Schlittchen | | Enno Rehling | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel | (c) 1998 - 2003 | Henning Peters | | Ingo Wilken +-------------------+ Stefan Reich This program may not be used, modified or distributed without prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "alliance.h" #include /* kernel includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include alliance * alliances = NULL; alliance * makealliance(int id, const char * name) { alliance * al = calloc(1, sizeof(alliance)); al->id=id; al->name=strdup(name); al->next=alliances; return alliances=al; } alliance * findalliance(int id) { alliance * al; for (al=alliances;al;al=al->next) { if (al->id==id) return al; } return NULL; } void destroy_kick(struct attrib * a) { faction_list * flist = (faction_list*)a->data.v; freelist(flist); } const attrib_type at_kick = { "kick", DEFAULT_INIT, destroy_kick }; static attrib * make_kick(void) { return a_new(&at_kick); } void add_kick(attrib * a, const faction * f) { faction_list * flist = (faction_list*)a->data.v; while (flist && flist->data!=f) flist = flist->next; if (flist) return; flist = calloc(1, sizeof(faction_list)); flist->data = (void*)f; flist->next = (faction_list*)a->data.v; a->data.v = flist; } static void alliance_kick(const tnode * tnext, void * data, struct order * ord) { unit * u = (unit*)data; faction * f = findfaction(getid()); attrib * a; unused(tnext); if (f==NULL || f->alliance!=u->faction->alliance) { /* does not belong to our alliance */ return; } a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_kick); if (a==NULL) a = a_add(&f->attribs, make_kick()); add_kick(a, f); } static void alliance_join(const tnode * tnext, void * data, struct order * ord) { unit * u = (unit*)data; alliance * al = findalliance(getid()); unused(tnext); if (u->faction->alliance!=NULL || al==NULL) { /* not found */ return; } u->faction->alliance = al; /* inform the rest? */ } static void execute(const struct syntaxtree * syntax) { region ** rp = ®ions; while (*rp) { region * r = *rp; unit **up = &r->units; while (*up) { unit * u = *up; const struct locale * lang = u->faction->locale; tnode * root = stree_find(syntax, lang); order * ord; for (ord = u->orders; ord; ord = ord->next) { if (get_keyword(ord) == K_ALLIANCE) { do_command(root, u, ord); } } if (u==*up) up = &u->next; } if (*rp==r) rp = &r->next; } } void alliancekick(void) { static syntaxtree * stree = NULL; faction * f = factions; if (stree==NULL) { syntaxtree * slang = stree = stree_create(); while (slang) { struct tnode * root = calloc(sizeof(tnode), 1); struct tnode * leaf = calloc(sizeof(tnode), 1); add_command(root, leaf, LOC(slang->lang, "alliance"), NULL); add_command(leaf, NULL, LOC(slang->lang, "kick"), &alliance_kick); slang = slang->next; } } execute(stree); while (f) { attrib * a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_kick); if (a!=NULL) { faction_list * flist = (faction_list*)a->data.v; if (flist!=NULL) { unsigned int votes = listlen(flist); unsigned int size = listlen(f->alliance->members); if (size<=votes*2) { f->alliance = NULL; /* tell him he's been kicked */ for (flist=f->alliance->members;flist;flist=flist->next) { ADDMSG(&flist->data->msgs, msg_message("alliance::kickedout", "member alliance votes", f, f->alliance, votes)); } } else { /* warn that he's been attempted to kick */ for (flist=f->alliance->members;flist;flist=flist->next) { ADDMSG(&flist->data->msgs, msg_message("alliance::kickattempt", "member alliance votes", f, f->alliance, votes)); } } } } f = f->next; } /* some may have been kicked, must remove f->alliance==NULL */ } void alliancejoin(void) { static syntaxtree * stree = NULL; if (stree==NULL) { syntaxtree * slang = stree = stree_create(); while (slang) { struct tnode * root = calloc(sizeof(tnode), 1); struct tnode * leaf = calloc(sizeof(tnode), 1); add_command(root, leaf, LOC(slang->lang, "alliance"), NULL); add_command(leaf, NULL, LOC(slang->lang, "join"), &alliance_join); slang = slang->next; } } execute(stree); } void setalliance(struct faction * f, alliance * al) { if (f->alliance==al) return; if (f->alliance!=NULL) { faction_list ** flistp = &f->alliance->members; while (*flistp) { if ((*flistp)->data==f) { *flistp = (*flistp)->next; break; } flistp = &(*flistp)->next; } } f->alliance = al; if (al!=NULL) { faction_list * flist = calloc(sizeof(faction_list), 1); flist->next = al->members; flist->data = f; al->members = flist; } } const char * alliancename(const alliance * al) { typedef char name[OBJECTIDSIZE + 1]; static name idbuf[8]; static int nextbuf = 0; char *ibuf = idbuf[(++nextbuf) % 8]; if (al && al->name) { snprintf(ibuf, sizeof(name), "%s (%s)", al->name, itoa36(al->id)); ibuf[sizeof(name)-1] = 0; } else { return NULL; } return ibuf; } void alliancevictory(void) { const struct building_type * btype = bt_find("stronghold"); region * r = regions; alliance * al = alliances; if (btype==NULL) return; while (r!=NULL) { building * b = r->buildings; while (b!=NULL) { if (b->type==btype) { unit * u = buildingowner(r, b); if (u) { fset(u->faction->alliance, FFL_MARK); } } b = b->next; } r=r->next; } while (al!=NULL) { if (!fval(al, FFL_MARK)) { faction_list * flist = al->members; while (flist!=0) { faction * f = flist->data; if (f->alliance==al) { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("alliance::lost", "alliance", al)); destroyfaction(f); } flist = flist->next; } } else { freset(al, FFL_MARK); } al = al->next; } } int victorycondition(const alliance * al, const char * name) { const char * gems[] = { "opal", "diamond", "zaphire", "topaz", "beryl", "agate", "garnet", "emerald", NULL }; if (strcmp(name, "gems")==0) { const char ** igem = gems; for (;*igem;++igem) { const struct item_type * itype = it_find(*igem); faction_list * flist = al->members; boolean found = false; assert(itype!=NULL); for (;flist && !found;flist=flist->next) { unit * u = flist->data->units; for (;u;u=u->nextF) { if (i_get(u->items, itype)>0) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) return 0; } return 1; } else if (strcmp(name, "phoenix")==0) { faction_list * flist = al->members; for (;flist;flist=flist->next) { faction * f = flist->data; if (find_key(f->attribs, atoi36("phnx"))) { return 1; } } return 0; } else if (strcmp(name, "pyramid")==0) { /* Logik: * - if (pyr > last_passed_size && pyr > all_others) { * pyr->passed->counter++; * for(all_other_pyrs) { * pyr->passed->counter=0; * } * * if(pyr->passed->counter >= 3) { * set(pyr, passed); * pyr->owner->set_attrib(pyra); * } * last_passed_size = pyr->size; * } */ faction_list * flist = al->members; for (;flist;flist=flist->next) { faction * f = flist->data; if (find_key(f->attribs, atoi36("pyra"))) { return 1; } } return 0; } return -1; }