/* vi: set ts=2: +-------------------+ Christian Schlittchen | | Enno Rehling | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel | (c) 1998 - 2003 | Henning Peters | | Ingo Wilken +-------------------+ Stefan Reich This program may not be used, modified or distributed without prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include #include #ifdef DUNGEON_MODULE #include "dungeon.h" #include "gmcmd.h" #include #include /* kernel includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include typedef struct treasure { const struct item_type * itype; int amount; struct treasure * next; } treasure; typedef struct monster { const struct race * race; double chance; int maxunits; int avgsize; struct treasure * treasures; struct monster * next; struct itemtype_list * weapons; } monster; typedef struct skilllimit { skill_t skill; int minskill; int maxskill; struct skilllimit * next; } skilllimit; typedef struct dungeon { int level; int radius; int size; int maxpeople; struct skilllimit * limits; double connect; struct monster * boss; struct monster * monsters; struct dungeon * next; } dungeon; dungeon * dungeonstyles; region * make_dungeon(const dungeon * data) { int nb[2][3][2] = { { { -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, -1 } }, { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 1 }, { 0, -1 } } }; const struct race * bossrace = data->boss->race; char name[128]; int size = data->size; int iterations = size * size; unsigned int flags = PFL_NORECRUITS; int n = 0; struct faction * fmonsters = findfaction(MONSTER_FACTION); plane * p; region *r, *center; region * rnext; region_list * iregion, * rlist = NULL; const terrain_type * terrain_hell = get_terrain("hell"); assert(terrain_hell!=NULL); sprintf(name, "Die Höhlen von %s", bossrace->generate_name(NULL)); p = gm_addplane(data->radius, flags, name); center = findregion(p->minx+(p->maxx-p->minx)/2, p->miny+(p->maxy-p->miny)/2); assert(center); terraform_region(center, terrain_hell); add_regionlist(&rlist, center); rnext = r = center; while (size>0 && iterations--) { int d, o = rand() % 3; for (d=0;d!=3;++d) { int index = (d+o) % 3; region * rn = findregion(r->x+nb[n][index][0], r->y+nb[n][index][1]); assert(r->terrain==terrain_hell); if (rn) { if (rn->terrain==terrain_hell) { rnext = rn; } else if (fval(rn->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { if (rand() % 100 < data->connect*100) { terraform_region(rn, terrain_hell); --size; rnext = rn; add_regionlist(&rlist, rn); } else terraform(rn, T_FIREWALL); } if (size == 0) break; } rn = findregion(r->x+nb[(n+1)%2][index][0], r->y+nb[(n+1)%2][index][1]); if (rn && fval(rn->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { terraform(rn, T_FIREWALL); } } if (size==0) break; if (r==rnext) { /* error */ break; } r = rnext; n = (n+1) % 2; } for (iregion=rlist;iregion;iregion=iregion->next) { monster * m = data->monsters; region * r = iregion->data; while (m) { if ((rand() % 100) < (m->chance * 100)) { /* TODO: check maxunits. */ treasure * loot = m->treasures; struct itemtype_list * weapon = m->weapons; int size = 1 + (rand() % m->avgsize) + (rand() % m->avgsize); unit * u = createunit(r, fmonsters, size, m->race); while (weapon) { i_change(&u->items, weapon->type, size); weapon = weapon->next; } while (loot) { i_change(&u->items, loot->itype, loot->amount*size); loot = loot->next; } } m = m->next; } } return center; } void make_dungeongate(region * source, region * target, const struct dungeon * d) { building *bsource, *btarget; if (source==NULL || target==NULL || d==NULL) return; bsource = new_building(bt_find("castle"), source, default_locale); set_string(&bsource->name, "Pforte zur Hölle"); bsource->size = 50; add_trigger(&bsource->attribs, "timer", trigger_gate(bsource, target)); add_trigger(&bsource->attribs, "create", trigger_unguard(bsource)); fset(bsource, BLD_UNGUARDED); btarget = new_building(bt_find("castle"), target, default_locale); set_string(&btarget->name, "Pforte zur Außenwelt"); btarget->size = 50; add_trigger(&btarget->attribs, "timer", trigger_gate(btarget, source)); add_trigger(&btarget->attribs, "create", trigger_unguard(btarget)); fset(btarget, BLD_UNGUARDED); } static int tagbegin(xml_stack *stack) { xml_tag * tag = stack->tag; if (strcmp(tag->name, "dungeon")==0) { dungeon * d = (dungeon*)calloc(sizeof(dungeon), 1); d->maxpeople = xml_ivalue(tag, "maxpeople"); if (d->maxpeople==0) d->maxpeople = INT_MAX; d->level = xml_ivalue(tag, "level"); d->radius = xml_ivalue(tag, "radius"); d->connect = xml_fvalue(tag, "connect"); d->size = xml_ivalue(tag, "size"); stack->state = d; } else { dungeon * d = (dungeon*)stack->state; if (strcmp(tag->name, "skilllimit")==0) { skill_t sk = sk_find(xml_value(tag, "name")); if (sk!=NOSKILL) { skilllimit * skl = calloc(sizeof(skilllimit), 1); skl->skill = sk; if (xml_value(tag, "max")!=NULL) { skl->maxskill = xml_ivalue(tag, "max"); } else skl->maxskill = INT_MAX; if (xml_value(tag, "min")!=NULL) { skl->minskill = xml_ivalue(tag, "min"); } else skl->maxskill = INT_MIN; skl->next = d->limits; d->limits = skl; } } else if (strcmp(tag->name, "monster")==0) { monster * m = calloc(sizeof(monster), 1); m->race = rc_find(xml_value(tag, "race")); m->chance = xml_fvalue(tag, "chance"); m->avgsize = max(1, xml_ivalue(tag, "size")); m->maxunits = min(1, xml_ivalue(tag, "maxunits")); if (m->race) { if (xml_bvalue(tag, "boss")) { d->boss = m; } else { m->next = d->monsters; d->monsters = m; } } } else if (strcmp(tag->name, "weapon")==0) { monster * m = d->monsters; itemtype_list * w = calloc(sizeof(itemtype_list), 1); w->type = it_find(xml_value(tag, "type")); if (w->type) { w->next = m->weapons; m->weapons = w; } } } return XML_OK; } static int tagend(xml_stack * stack) { xml_tag * tag = stack->tag; if (strcmp(tag->name, "dungeon")) { dungeon * d = (dungeon*)stack->state; stack->state = NULL; d->next = dungeonstyles; dungeonstyles = d; } return XML_OK; } xml_callbacks xml_dungeon = { tagbegin, tagend, NULL }; void register_dungeon(void) { xml_register(&xml_dungeon, "eressea dungeon", 0); } #endif