#ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include "exparse.h" #include "alchemy.h" #include "modules/score.h" #include "kernel/build.h" #include "kernel/building.h" #include "kernel/item.h" #include "kernel/race.h" #include "kernel/resources.h" #include "kernel/ship.h" #include "kernel/spellbook.h" #include "kernel/terrain.h" #include "util/functions.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/message.h" #include "util/crmessage.h" #include "util/nrmessage.h" #include "util/strings.h" #include #include #include #ifdef XML_LARGE_SIZE # if defined(XML_USE_MSC_EXTENSIONS) && _MSC_VER < 1400 # define XML_FMT_INT_MOD "I64" # else # define XML_FMT_INT_MOD "ll" # endif #else # define XML_FMT_INT_MOD "l" #endif #ifdef XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T # define XML_FMT_STR "ls" #else # define XML_FMT_STR "s" #endif enum { EXP_UNKNOWN, EXP_RESOURCES, EXP_WEAPON, EXP_BUILDINGS, EXP_SHIPS, EXP_RACES, EXP_MESSAGES, EXP_SPELLS, EXP_SPELLBOOKS, }; typedef struct parseinfo { int type; int depth; int errors; XML_Char *cdata; size_t clength; void *object; } parseinfo; static int xml_strcmp(const XML_Char *xs, const char *cs) { return strcmp(xs, cs); } static bool xml_bool(const XML_Char *val) { if (xml_strcmp(val, "yes") == 0) return true; if (xml_strcmp(val, "true") == 0) return true; if (xml_strcmp(val, "1") == 0) return true; return false; } static int xml_int(const XML_Char *val) { return atoi(val); } static double xml_float(const XML_Char *val) { return atof(val); } static variant xml_fraction(const XML_Char *val) { int num, den = 100; double fval = atof(val); num = (int)(fval * den + 0.5); return frac_make(num, den); } const XML_Char *attr_get(const XML_Char **attr, const char *key) { int i; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], key) == 0) { return attr[i + 1]; } } return NULL; } static building_stage *stage; #define UPKEEP_MAX 4 static maintenance upkeep[UPKEEP_MAX]; static int nupkeep; #define MAX_REQUIREMENTS 8 static requirement reqs[MAX_REQUIREMENTS]; static int nreqs; #define RMOD_MAX 8 static resource_mod rmods[RMOD_MAX]; static int nrmods; #define WMOD_MAX 8 static weapon_mod wmods[WMOD_MAX]; static int nwmods; static void handle_bad_input(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char *attr) { if (attr) { log_error("unknown attribute in <%s>: %s", el, attr); } else { log_error("unexpected element <%s>", el); } ++pi->errors; } static bool handle_flag(int *flags, const XML_Char **pair, const char *names[]) { int i; for (i = 0; names[i]; ++i) { const char * name = names[i]; if (name[0] == '!') { if (xml_strcmp(pair[0], name+1) == 0) { if (xml_bool(pair[1])) { *flags &= ~(1 << i); } else { *flags |= (1 << i); } return true; } } else if (xml_strcmp(pair[0], name) == 0) { if (xml_bool(pair[1])) { *flags |= (1 << i); } else { *flags &= ~(1 << i); } return true; } } return false; } static void handle_resource(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char *flag_names[] = { "item", "limited", "pooled", NULL }; int i; const char *name = NULL, *appear = NULL; int flags = RTF_POOLED; bool material = false; (void)el; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "name") == 0) { name = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "appearance") == 0) { /* TODO: appearance should be a property of item, not resource */ appear = attr[i + 1]; flags |= RTF_ITEM; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "material") == 0) { material = xml_bool(attr[i + 1]); } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } if (name) { resource_type *rtype = rt_get_or_create(name); rtype->flags = flags; if (appear) { /* TODO: appearance should be a property of item, not resource */ rtype->itype = it_get_or_create(rtype); it_set_appearance(rtype->itype, appear); } if (material) { rmt_create(rtype); } pi->object = rtype; } } static void handle_item(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char *flag_names[] = { "herb", "cursed", "notlost", "big", "animal", "vehicle", "use", NULL }; int i, flags = ITF_NONE; resource_type *rtype = (resource_type *)pi->object; item_type * itype = rtype->itype; assert(rtype); if (!itype) { itype = it_get_or_create(rtype); } for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { char buffer[64]; if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "weight") == 0) { itype->weight = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "capacity") == 0) { itype->capacity = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "score") == 0) { itype->score = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "allow") == 0) { size_t len = strlen(attr[i + 1]); assert(len < sizeof(buffer)); memcpy(buffer, attr[i + 1], len + 1); itype->mask_allow = rc_get_mask(buffer); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "deny") == 0) { size_t len = strlen(attr[i + 1]); assert(len < sizeof(buffer)); memcpy(buffer, attr[i + 1], len + 1); itype->mask_deny = rc_get_mask(buffer); } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } if (itype->score == 0) { itype->score = default_score(itype); } itype->flags = flags; } static void handle_armor(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char *flag_names[] = { "shield", "laen", NULL }; resource_type *rtype = (resource_type *)pi->object; item_type * itype = rtype->itype; armor_type *atype = new_armortype(itype, 0.0, frac_zero, 0, 0); int i, flags = 0; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "penalty") == 0) { atype->penalty = xml_float(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "projectile") == 0) { atype->projectile = xml_float(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "ac") == 0) { atype->prot = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "magres") == 0) { atype->magres = xml_fraction(attr[i + 1]); } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } atype->flags = flags; } static void handle_weapon(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char *flag_names[] = { "missile", "magical", "pierce", "cut", "bash", "siege", "armorpiercing", "horse", "useshield", NULL }; resource_type *rtype = (resource_type *)pi->object; item_type * itype = rtype->itype; weapon_type *wtype = new_weapontype(itype, 0, frac_zero, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NOSKILL); int i, flags = 0; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "offmod") == 0) { wtype->offmod = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "defmod") == 0) { wtype->defmod = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "reload") == 0) { wtype->reload = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "skill") == 0) { wtype->skill = findskill(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "magres") == 0) { wtype->magres = xml_fraction(attr[i + 1]);; } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } wtype->flags = flags; } static int msg_nargs; static char * msg_args[MSG_MAXARGS]; static void end_messages(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el) { if (xml_strcmp(el, "message") == 0) { int i; struct message_type *mtype = (struct message_type *)pi->object; assert(mtype); assert(msg_nargs < MSG_MAXARGS); mt_create(mtype, (const char **)msg_args, msg_nargs); /* register the type for CR and NR */ crt_register(mtype); nrt_register(mtype); for (i = 0; i != msg_nargs; ++i) { free(msg_args[i]); msg_args[i] = NULL; } msg_nargs = 0; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "messages") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; } } static void start_messages(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { if (xml_strcmp(el, "arg") == 0) { int i; const XML_Char *name = NULL, *type = NULL; assert(msg_nargs < MSG_MAXARGS); for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "name") == 0) { name = val; } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "type") == 0) { type = val; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, key); } } if (name && type) { char zBuffer[128]; sprintf(zBuffer, "%s:%s", name, type); msg_args[msg_nargs++] = str_strdup(zBuffer); } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "message") == 0) { const XML_Char *name = NULL, *section = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "name") == 0) { name = val; } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "section") == 0) { section = val; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, key); } } if (name) { pi->object = mt_new(name, section); } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "type") != 0) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } #define MAX_COMPONENTS 8 static spell_component components[MAX_COMPONENTS]; static int ncomponents; static void start_spells(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char *flag_names[] = { "far", "variable", "ocean", "ship", "los", "unittarget", "shiptarget", "buildingtarget", "regiontarget", "globaltarget", NULL }; if (xml_strcmp(el, "resource") == 0) { spell_component *spc; int i; assert(ncomponents < MAX_COMPONENTS); spc = components + ncomponents; spc->cost = SPC_FIX; ++ncomponents; memset(spc, 0, sizeof(spell_component)); for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "name") == 0) { spc->type = rt_get_or_create(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "amount") == 0) { spc->amount = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "cost") == 0) { if (xml_strcmp(val, "level") == 0) { spc->cost = SPC_LEVEL; } else if (xml_strcmp(val, "linear") == 0) { spc->cost = SPC_LINEAR; } else if (xml_strcmp(val, "fixed") == 0) { spc->cost = SPC_FIX; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, key, val); } } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, key); } } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "spell") == 0) { spell *sp; const XML_Char *name = NULL, *syntax = NULL, *parameter = NULL; int i, rank = 0, flags = 0; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "name") == 0) { name = val; } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "syntax") == 0) { syntax = val; } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "parameters") == 0) { parameter = val; } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "rank") == 0) { rank = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "combat") == 0) { int mode = PRECOMBATSPELL; int k = xml_int(val); if (k > 1 && k <= 3) { mode = mode << (k - 1); } flags |= mode; } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } pi->object = sp = create_spell(name); sp->rank = rank; sp->syntax = str_strdup(syntax); sp->parameter = str_strdup(parameter); sp->sptyp = flags; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } static void start_spellbooks(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { spellbook * sb = (spellbook *)pi->object; if (xml_strcmp(el, "spellbook") == 0) { const XML_Char *name = attr_get(attr, "name"); if (name) { pi->object = sb = get_spellbook(name); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "entry") == 0) { int i, level = 0; const XML_Char *name = NULL; assert(sb); for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "spell") == 0) { name = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "level") == 0) { level = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } if (name && level > 0) { spellbook_addref(sb, name, level); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } static void start_weapon(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { resource_type *rtype = (resource_type *)pi->object; assert(rtype && rtype->wtype); if (xml_strcmp(el, "function") == 0) { const XML_Char *name = NULL, *type = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "name") == 0) { type = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "value") == 0) { name = attr[i + 1]; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } if (type && xml_strcmp(type, "attack") == 0) { pf_generic fun = get_function(name); rtype->wtype->attack = (wtype_attack)fun; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "modifier") == 0) { const XML_Char *type = NULL; int i, flags = 0, race_mask = 0; int value = 0; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "type") == 0) { type = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "value") == 0) { value = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "races") == 0) { char list[64]; strcpy(list, attr[i + 1]); race_mask = rc_get_mask(list); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "offensive") == 0) { if (xml_bool(attr[i + 1])) { flags |= WMF_OFFENSIVE; } } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "defensive") == 0) { if (xml_bool(attr[i + 1])) { flags |= WMF_DEFENSIVE; } } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "walking") == 0) { if (xml_bool(attr[i + 1])) { flags |= WMF_WALKING; } } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "riding") == 0) { if (xml_bool(attr[i + 1])) { flags |= WMF_RIDING; } } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "against_riding") == 0) { if (xml_bool(attr[i + 1])) { flags |= WMF_AGAINST_RIDING; } } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "against_walking") == 0) { if (xml_bool(attr[i + 1])) { flags |= WMF_AGAINST_WALKING; } } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } if (type) { weapon_mod *mod = wmods + nwmods; assert(nwmods < WMOD_MAX); ++nwmods; /* weapon modifiers */ if (xml_strcmp(type, "missile_target") == 0) { flags |= WMF_MISSILE_TARGET; } else if (xml_strcmp(type, "damage") == 0) { flags |= WMF_DAMAGE; } else if (xml_strcmp(type, "skill") == 0) { flags |= WMF_SKILL; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, type); } mod->value = value; mod->flags = flags; mod->race_mask = race_mask; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "damage") == 0) { weapon_type *wtype = rtype->wtype; int i, pos = 0; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "type") == 0) { /* damage vs. rider(1) or not(0)? */ if (xml_strcmp(attr[i + 1], "rider") == 0) { pos = 1; } } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "value") == 0) { wtype->damage[pos] = str_strdup(attr[i + 1]); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } static void handle_requirement(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { requirement *req; int i; assert(nreqs < MAX_REQUIREMENTS); req = reqs + nreqs; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "type") == 0) { req->rtype = rt_get_or_create(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "quantity") == 0) { req->number = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } ++nreqs; } static void handle_maintenance(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { maintenance *up; int i; assert(nupkeep < UPKEEP_MAX); up = upkeep + nupkeep; memset(up, 0, sizeof(maintenance)); for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "type") == 0) { up->rtype = rt_get_or_create(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "amount") == 0) { up->number = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "variable") == 0) { if (xml_bool(attr[i + 1])) { up->flags |= MTF_VARIABLE; } } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } ++nupkeep; } #define COASTS_MAX 16 static int ncoasts; static struct terrain_type *coasts[COASTS_MAX]; static void handle_coast(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const XML_Char *tname = attr_get(attr, "terrain"); if (tname) { terrain_type *coast = get_or_create_terrain(tname); assert(ncoasts < COASTS_MAX); coasts[ncoasts++] = coast; } } static void handle_modifier(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { int i; skill_t sk = NOSKILL; const XML_Char *type = NULL; resource_mod * mod = rmods + nrmods; const XML_Char *value = NULL; mod->race_mask = 0; mod->btype = NULL; assert(nrmods < RMOD_MAX); ++nrmods; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "type") == 0) { type = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "building") == 0) { mod->btype = bt_get_or_create(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "skill") == 0) { sk = findskill(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "races") == 0) { char list[64]; strcpy(list, attr[i + 1]); mod->race_mask = rc_get_mask(list); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "value") == 0) { value = attr[i + 1]; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } if (xml_strcmp(type, "skill") == 0) { mod->type = RMT_PROD_SKILL; mod->value.sa[0] = (short)sk; mod->value.sa[1] = (short)xml_int(value); } else if (xml_strcmp(type, "require") == 0) { mod->type = RMT_PROD_REQUIRE; } else if (xml_strcmp(type, "material") == 0) { mod->type = RMT_PROD_SAVE; mod->value = xml_fraction(value); } else if (xml_strcmp(type, "save") == 0) { mod->type = RMT_USE_SAVE; mod->value = xml_fraction(value); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, type); } } static construction *parse_construction(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { construction *con = calloc(sizeof(construction), 1); int i; con->maxsize = -1; con->minskill = -1; con->reqsize = 1; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "skill") == 0) { con->skill = findskill(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "maxsize") == 0) { con->maxsize = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "reqsize") == 0) { con->reqsize = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "minskill") == 0) { con->minskill = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (stage != NULL && xml_strcmp(attr[i], "name") == 0) { /* only building stages have names */ stage->name = str_strdup(attr[i + 1]); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } nreqs = 0; return con; } static void start_resources(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { resource_type *rtype = (resource_type *)pi->object; if (xml_strcmp(el, "resource") == 0) { handle_resource(pi, el, attr); } else if (rtype) { if (xml_strcmp(el, "item") == 0) { assert(rtype); handle_item(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "function") == 0) { const XML_Char *name = NULL; pf_generic fun = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "name") == 0) { name = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "value") == 0) { fun = get_function(attr[i + 1]); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } assert(rtype); if (name && fun) { if (xml_strcmp(name, "change") == 0) { rtype->uchange = (rtype_uchange)fun; } else if (xml_strcmp(name, "name") == 0) { rtype->name = (rtype_name)fun; } else if (xml_strcmp(name, "attack") == 0) { assert(rtype->wtype); rtype->wtype->attack = (wtype_attack)fun; } } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "modifier") == 0) { handle_modifier(pi, el, attr); } else if (rtype->itype) { item_type *itype = rtype->itype; if (xml_strcmp(el, "construction") == 0) { itype->construction = parse_construction(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "requirement") == 0) { assert(itype->construction); handle_requirement(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "luxury") == 0) { int price = atoi(attr_get(attr, "price")); assert(price > 0); rtype->ltype = new_luxurytype(itype, price); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "potion") == 0) { int i, level = 0; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "level") == 0) { level = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } new_potiontype(itype, level); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "armor") == 0) { handle_armor(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "weapon") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_WEAPON; handle_weapon(pi, el, attr); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } static void start_ships(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char *flag_names[] = { "opensea", "fly", "nocoast", "speedy", NULL }; if (xml_strcmp(el, "ship") == 0) { const XML_Char *name; name = attr_get(attr, "name"); if (name) { ship_type *stype = st_get_or_create(name); int i, flags = SFL_DEFAULT; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "range") == 0) { stype->range = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "maxrange") == 0) { stype->range_max = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "cabins") == 0) { stype->cabins = PERSON_WEIGHT * xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "cargo") == 0) { stype->cargo = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "combat") == 0) { stype->combat = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "fishing") == 0) { stype->fishing = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "cptskill") == 0) { stype->cptskill = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "minskill") == 0) { stype->minskill = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "sumskill") == 0) { stype->sumskill = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "damage") == 0) { stype->damage = xml_float(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "storm") == 0) { stype->storm = xml_float(attr[i + 1]); } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { /* we already handled the name earlier */ if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "name") != 0) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } } stype->flags = flags; pi->object = stype; } } else { ship_type *stype = (ship_type *)pi->object; assert(stype); if (xml_strcmp(el, "modifier") == 0) { /* these modifiers are not like buildings */ int i; const XML_Char *type = NULL, *value = NULL; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "type") == 0) { type = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "value") == 0) { value = attr[i + 1]; } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "factor") == 0) { value = attr[i + 1]; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } if (type) { if (xml_strcmp(type, "tactics") == 0) { stype->tac_bonus = xml_float(value); } else if (xml_strcmp(type, "attack") == 0) { stype->at_bonus = xml_int(value); } else if (xml_strcmp(type, "defense") == 0) { stype->df_bonus = xml_int(value); } } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "requirement") == 0) { assert(stype->construction); handle_requirement(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "construction") == 0) { assert(!stype->construction); stype->construction = parse_construction(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "coast") == 0) { handle_coast(pi, el, attr); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } } static int nattacks; static int nfamiliars; static void start_races(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { race *rc = (race *)pi->object; const char *flag_names[] = { "playerrace", "killpeasants", "scarepeasants", "!cansteal", "moverandom", "cannotmove", "learn", "fly", "swim", "walk", "!learn", "!teach", "horse", "desert", "illusionary", "absorbpeasants", "noheal", "noweapons", "shapeshift", "shapeshiftany", "undead", "dragon", "coastal", "unarmedguard", "cansail", "invisible", "shipspeed", "moveattack", "migrants", NULL }; const char *bflag_names[] = { "equipment", "noblock", "resistpierce", "resistcut", "resistbash", "invinciblenonmagic", "noattack", NULL }; const char *eflag_names[] = { "giveperson", "giveunit", "getitem", "recruitethereal", "recruitunlimited", "stonegolem", "irongolem", NULL }; if (xml_strcmp(el, "attack") == 0) { int i; struct att * at; assert(rc); at = rc->attack + nattacks; at->type = AT_NONE; ++nattacks; if (nattacks >= RACE_ATTACKS) { log_fatal("too many attacks for race '%s'\n", rc->_name); } for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "type") == 0) { at->type = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "flags") == 0) { at->flags = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "level") == 0) { at->level = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "damage") == 0) { at->data.dice = str_strdup(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "spell") == 0) { at->data.sp = spellref_create(NULL, val); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, key); } } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "familiar") == 0) { race *frc = NULL; int i; assert(rc); for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "race") == 0) { frc = rc_get_or_create(val); frc->flags |= RCF_FAMILIAR; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, key); } } if (frc) { if (nfamiliars < MAXMAGIETYP) { rc->familiars[nfamiliars++] = frc; } } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "skill") == 0) { const XML_Char *name = NULL; int i, speed = 0, mod = 0; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "name") == 0) { name = val; } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "modifier") == 0) { mod = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "speed") == 0) { speed = xml_int(val); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, key); } } if (name) { skill_t sk = findskill(name); if (sk != NOSKILL) { rc->bonus[sk] = (char)mod; if (speed != 0) { set_study_speed(rc, sk, speed); } } } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "param") == 0) { const XML_Char *key = attr_get(attr, "name"), *val = attr_get(attr, "value"); if (key && val) { rc_set_param(rc, key, val); } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "ai") == 0) { /* AI flags are cumulative to race flags. XML format is dumb */ int i, flags = 0; assert(rc); for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "splitsize") == 0) { rc->splitsize = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "scare") == 0) { rc_set_param(rc, "scare", val); } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, key); } } rc->flags |= flags; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "race") == 0) { const XML_Char *name; nfamiliars = 0; nattacks = 0; name = attr_get(attr, "name"); if (name) { int i; assert(!rc); pi->object = rc = rc_get_or_create(name); while (AT_NONE != rc->attack[nattacks].type) { ++nattacks; } for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { const XML_Char *key = attr[i], *val = attr[i + 1]; if (xml_strcmp(key, "maxaura") == 0) { rc->maxaura = (int)(100 * xml_float(val)); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "magres") == 0) { /* specified in percent: */ rc->magres = frac_make(xml_int(val), 100); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "healing") == 0) { rc->healing = (int)(xml_float(val) * 100); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "regaura") == 0) { rc->regaura = xml_float(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "recruitcost") == 0) { rc->recruitcost = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "maintenance") == 0) { rc->maintenance = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "income") == 0) { rc->income = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "weight") == 0) { rc->weight = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "capacity") == 0) { rc->capacity = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "speed") == 0) { rc->speed = xml_float(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "hp") == 0) { rc->hitpoints = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "ac") == 0) { rc->armor = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "damage") == 0) { rc->def_damage = str_strdup(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "unarmedattack") == 0) { rc->at_default = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "unarmeddefense") == 0) { rc->df_default = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "attackmodifier") == 0) { rc->at_bonus = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "defensemodifier") == 0) { rc->df_bonus = xml_int(val); } else if (xml_strcmp(key, "studyspeed") == 0) { int study_speed = xml_int(val); if (study_speed != 0) { skill_t sk; for (sk = 0; sk < MAXSKILLS; ++sk) { set_study_speed(rc, sk, study_speed); } } } else if (!handle_flag(&rc->flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { if (!handle_flag(&rc->battle_flags, attr + i, bflag_names)) { if (!handle_flag(&rc->ec_flags, attr + i, eflag_names)) { /* we already handled the name earlier: */ if (xml_strcmp(key, "name") != 0) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } } } } } } else { assert(rc); handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } static void start_buildings(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { const char *flag_names[] = { "nodestroy", "nobuild", "unique", "decay", "magic", "namechange", "fort", "oneperturn", NULL }; if (xml_strcmp(el, "building") == 0) { const XML_Char *name; assert(stage == NULL); name = attr_get(attr, "name"); if (name) { building_type *btype = bt_get_or_create(name); int i, flags = BTF_DEFAULT; for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) { if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "maxsize") == 0) { btype->maxsize = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "capacity") == 0) { btype->capacity = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "maxcapacity") == 0) { btype->maxcapacity = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "magresbonus") == 0) { btype->magresbonus = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "fumblebonus") == 0) { btype->fumblebonus = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "taxes") == 0) { btype->taxes = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "auraregen") == 0) { btype->auraregen = xml_int(attr[i + 1]); } else if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "magres") == 0) { /* magres is specified in percent! */ btype->magres = frac_make(xml_int(attr[i + 1]), 100); } else if (!handle_flag(&flags, attr + i, flag_names)) { /* we already handled the name earlier */ if (xml_strcmp(attr[i], "name") != 0) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, attr[i]); } } } btype->flags = flags; pi->object = btype; } } else { building_type *btype = (building_type *)pi->object; assert(btype); if (xml_strcmp(el, "modifier") == 0) { handle_modifier(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "requirement") == 0) { assert(stage); assert(stage->construction); handle_requirement(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "construction") == 0) { assert(stage == NULL); stage = calloc(1, sizeof(building_stage)); stage->construction = parse_construction(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "maintenance") == 0) { assert(!btype->maintenance); handle_maintenance(pi, el, attr); } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } } static void XMLCALL handle_start(void *data, const XML_Char *el, const XML_Char **attr) { parseinfo *pi = (parseinfo *)data; if (pi->depth == 0) { pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; if (xml_strcmp(el, "eressea") != 0) { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } else if (pi->depth == 1) { if (xml_strcmp(el, "resources") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_RESOURCES; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "buildings") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_BUILDINGS; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "ships") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_SHIPS; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "messages") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_MESSAGES; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "spells") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_SPELLS; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "spellbook") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_SPELLBOOKS; start_spellbooks(pi, el, attr); } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "races") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_RACES; } else { handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); } } else { switch (pi->type) { case EXP_RACES: start_races(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_BUILDINGS: start_buildings(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_SHIPS: start_ships(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_RESOURCES: start_resources(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_WEAPON: start_weapon(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_SPELLBOOKS: start_spellbooks(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_SPELLS: start_spells(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_MESSAGES: start_messages(pi, el, attr); break; case EXP_UNKNOWN: handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); break; default: /* not implemented */ handle_bad_input(pi, el, NULL); return; } } ++pi->depth; } static void end_spells(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el) { if (xml_strcmp(el, "spells") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "spell") == 0) { spell *sp = (spell *)pi->object; if (ncomponents > 0) { sp->components = calloc(sizeof(spell_component), ncomponents + 1); memcpy(sp->components, components, sizeof(spell_component) * ncomponents); ncomponents = 0; } pi->object = NULL; } } static void end_weapon(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el) { resource_type *rtype = (resource_type *)pi->object; assert(rtype && rtype->wtype); if (xml_strcmp(el, "weapon") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_RESOURCES; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "modifier") == 0) { if (nwmods > 0) { weapon_type *wtype = rtype->wtype; wtype->modifiers = calloc(sizeof(weapon_mod), nwmods + 1); memcpy(wtype->modifiers, wmods, sizeof(weapon_mod) * nwmods); nwmods = 0; } } } static void end_resources(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el) { resource_type *rtype = (resource_type *)pi->object; if (xml_strcmp(el, "resource") == 0) { if (nrmods > 0) { rtype->modifiers = calloc(sizeof(resource_mod), nrmods + 1); memcpy(rtype->modifiers, rmods, sizeof(resource_mod) * nrmods); nrmods = 0; } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "construction") == 0) { if (nreqs > 0) { construction *con = rtype->itype->construction; con->materials = calloc(sizeof(requirement), nreqs + 1); memcpy(con->materials, reqs, sizeof(requirement) * nreqs); nreqs = 0; } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "resources") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; } } static void end_races(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el) { race *rc = (race *)pi->object; if (xml_strcmp(el, "race") == 0) { assert(rc); rc->attack[nattacks].type = AT_NONE; nattacks = 0; if (nfamiliars > 0 && nfamiliars < MAXMAGIETYP) { int i; for (i = nfamiliars - 1; i != MAXMAGIETYP; ++i) { rc->familiars[i] = rc->familiars[nfamiliars - 1]; } } nfamiliars = 0; pi->object = NULL; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "races") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; } } static void end_ships(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el) { ship_type *stype = (ship_type *)pi->object; if (xml_strcmp(el, "construction") == 0) { assert(stype); assert(stype->construction); if (nreqs > 0) { construction *con = stype->construction; con->materials = calloc(sizeof(requirement), nreqs + 1); memcpy(con->materials, reqs, sizeof(requirement) * nreqs); nreqs = 0; } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "ship") == 0) { if (ncoasts > 0) { stype->coasts = calloc(sizeof(const terrain_type *), ncoasts + 1); memcpy(stype->coasts, coasts, sizeof(const terrain_type *) * ncoasts); ncoasts = 0; } pi->object = NULL; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "ships") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; } } static void end_buildings(parseinfo *pi, const XML_Char *el) { /* stores the end of the building's stage list: */ static building_stage **stage_ptr; building_type *btype = (building_type *)pi->object; if (xml_strcmp(el, "construction") == 0) { assert(btype); if (stage) { if (nreqs > 0) { construction *con = stage->construction; con->materials = calloc(sizeof(requirement), nreqs + 1); memcpy(con->materials, reqs, sizeof(requirement) * nreqs); nreqs = 0; } if (stage_ptr == NULL) { /* at the first build stage, initialize stage_ptr: */ assert(btype->stages == NULL); stage_ptr = &btype->stages; } *stage_ptr = stage; stage_ptr = &stage->next; stage = NULL; } } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "building") == 0) { stage_ptr = NULL; if (nupkeep > 0) { btype->maintenance = calloc(sizeof(maintenance), nupkeep + 1); memcpy(btype->maintenance, upkeep, sizeof(maintenance) * nupkeep); nupkeep = 0; } if (nrmods > 0) { btype->modifiers = calloc(sizeof(resource_mod), nrmods + 1); memcpy(btype->modifiers, rmods, sizeof(resource_mod) * nrmods); nrmods = 0; } pi->object = NULL; } else if (xml_strcmp(el, "buildings") == 0) { pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; } } static void XMLCALL handle_end(void *data, const XML_Char *el) { parseinfo *pi = (parseinfo *)data; switch (pi->type) { case EXP_RACES: end_races(pi, el); break; case EXP_SHIPS: end_ships(pi, el); break; case EXP_BUILDINGS: end_buildings(pi, el); break; case EXP_RESOURCES: end_resources(pi, el); break; case EXP_WEAPON: end_weapon(pi, el); break; case EXP_SPELLS: end_spells(pi, el); break; case EXP_MESSAGES: end_messages(pi, el); break; default: if (pi->depth == 1) { pi->object = NULL; pi->type = EXP_UNKNOWN; } if (pi->cdata) { free(pi->cdata); pi->cdata = NULL; pi->clength = 0; } } --pi->depth; if (pi->depth == 0) { assert(pi->type == EXP_UNKNOWN); } } int exparse_readfile(const char * filename) { XML_Parser xp; FILE *F; int err = 0; char buf[4096]; parseinfo pi; F = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!F) { return 2; } xp = XML_ParserCreate("UTF-8"); XML_SetElementHandler(xp, handle_start, handle_end); XML_SetUserData(xp, &pi); memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi)); for (;;) { size_t len = (int)fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), F); int done; if (ferror(F)) { log_error("read error in %s", filename); err = -2; break; } done = feof(F); if (XML_Parse(xp, buf, len, done) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { log_error("parse error at line %" XML_FMT_INT_MOD " of %s: %" XML_FMT_STR, XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(xp), filename, XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(xp))); err = -1; break; } if (done) { break; } } if (pi.depth != 0) { err = -3; } XML_ParserFree(xp); fclose(F); if (err != 0) { return err; } return pi.errors; }