#ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include #include "study.h" #include "laws.h" #include "move.h" #include "monsters.h" #include "alchemy.h" #include "kernel/calendar.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TEACH_ALL 1 #define TEACH_FRIENDS skill_t getskill(const struct locale *lang) { char token[128]; const char * s = gettoken(token, sizeof(token)); return s ? get_skill(s, lang) : NOSKILL; } magic_t getmagicskill(const struct locale * lang) { void **tokens = get_translations(lang, UT_MAGIC); variant token; const char *s = getstrtoken(); if (tokens && s && s[0]) { if (findtoken(*tokens, s, &token) == E_TOK_SUCCESS) { return (magic_t)token.i; } else { char buffer[8]; buffer[0] = s[0]; buffer[1] = s[1]; buffer[2] = '\0'; if (findtoken(*tokens, buffer, &token) == E_TOK_SUCCESS) { return (magic_t)token.i; } } } return M_NONE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* familiars and toads are not migrants */ bool is_migrant(unit * u) { static int cache; static const race *toad_rc; if (u_race(u) == u->faction->race) return false; if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_UNDEAD | RCF_ILLUSIONARY)) return false; if (is_familiar(u)) return false; if (rc_changed(&cache)) { toad_rc = get_race(RC_TOAD); } return u_race(u) != toad_rc; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool magic_lowskill(unit * u) { static const race *toad_rc; static int cache; if (rc_changed(&cache)) { toad_rc = get_race(RC_TOAD); } return u_race(u) == toad_rc; } int study_cost(struct unit *u, skill_t sk) { if (sk == SK_MAGIC) { static int config; static int cost; /* Die Magiekosten betragen 50+Summe(50*Stufe) */ /* 'Stufe' ist dabei die naechste zu erreichende Stufe */ if (config_changed(&config)) { cost = config_get_int("skills.cost.magic", 50); } if (cost > 0) { int next_level = 1 + (u ? get_level(u, sk) : 0); return cost * (1 + ((next_level + next_level * next_level) / 2)); } return cost; } return skill_cost(sk); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void init_learning(variant *var) { var->v = calloc(1, sizeof(teaching_info)); } static void done_learning(variant *var) { teaching_info *teach = (teaching_info *)var->v; selist_free(teach->teachers); free(teach); } const attrib_type at_learning = { "learning", init_learning, done_learning, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ATF_UNIQUE }; #define EXPERIENCEDAYS 10 static int study_days(unit * u, skill_t sk) { int speed = STUDYDAYS; if (u_race(u)->study_speed) { speed += u_race(u)->study_speed[sk]; if (speed < STUDYDAYS) { skill *sv = unit_skill(u, sk); if (sv == 0) { speed = STUDYDAYS; } } } return u->number * speed; } static int teach_unit(unit * teacher, unit * student, int nteaching, skill_t sk, bool report, int *academy_students) { teaching_info *teach = NULL; attrib *a; int students; if (magic_lowskill(student)) { cmistake(teacher, teacher->thisorder, 292, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } students = student->number; /* subtract already taught students */ a = a_find(student->attribs, &at_learning); if (a != NULL) { teach = (teaching_info *)a->data.v; students -= teach->students; } if (students > nteaching) students = nteaching; if (students > 0) { if (teach == NULL) { a = a_add(&student->attribs, a_new(&at_learning)); teach = (teaching_info *)a->data.v; } selist_push(&teach->teachers, teacher); teach->days += students * STUDYDAYS; teach->students += students; if (student->building) { const struct building_type *btype = bt_find("academy"); if (active_building(student, btype)) { /* Jeder Schueler zusaetzlich +10 Tage wenn in Uni. */ teach->days += students * EXPERIENCEDAYS; /* learning erhoehen */ /* Lehrer zusaetzlich +1 Tag pro Schueler. */ if (academy_students) { *academy_students += students; } } } } return students; } int teach_cmd(unit * teacher, struct order *ord) { plane *pl; region *r = teacher->region; skill_t sk_academy = NOSKILL; int teaching, i, j, count, academy_students = 0; if (r->attribs) { if (get_curse(r->attribs, &ct_gbdream)) { ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(teacher, ord, "gbdream_noteach", "")); return 0; } } if ((u_race(teacher)->flags & RCF_NOTEACH) || fval(teacher, UFL_WERE)) { cmistake(teacher, ord, 274, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } pl = rplane(r); if (pl && fval(pl, PFL_NOTEACH)) { cmistake(teacher, ord, 273, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } teaching = teacher->number * TEACHNUMBER; if ((i = get_effect(teacher, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL])) > 0) { /* Trank "Dumpfbackenbrot" */ if (i > teaching) i = teaching; /* Trank wirkt pro Schueler, nicht pro Lehrer */ teaching -= i; change_effect(teacher, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL], -i); j = teaching; ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_message("teachdumb", "teacher amount", teacher, j)); } if (teaching <= 0) return 0; count = 0; #if TEACH_ALL init_order(ord, NULL); if (getparam(teacher->faction->locale) == P_ANY) { skill_t sk; unit *student; skill_t teachskill[MAXSKILLS]; int t = 0; do { sk = getskill(teacher->faction->locale); teachskill[t] = getskill(teacher->faction->locale); } while (sk != NOSKILL); for (student = r->units; teaching > 0 && student; student = student->next) { if (LongHunger(student)) { continue; } else if (student->faction == teacher->faction) { if (getkeyword(student->thisorder) == K_STUDY) { /* Input ist nun von student->thisorder !! */ init_order(student->thisorder, student->faction->locale); sk = getskill(student->faction->locale); if (sk != NOSKILL && teachskill[0] != NOSKILL) { for (t = 0; teachskill[t] != NOSKILL; ++t) { if (sk == teachskill[t]) { break; } } sk = teachskill[t]; } if (sk != NOSKILL && effskill_study(teacher, sk) - TEACHDIFFERENCE > effskill_study(student, sk)) { teaching -= teach_unit(teacher, student, teaching, sk, true, &academy_students); } } } #ifdef TEACH_FRIENDS else if (alliedunit(teacher, student->faction, HELP_GUARD)) { if (getkeyword(student->thisorder) == K_STUDY) { /* Input ist nun von student->thisorder !! */ init_order(student->thisorder, student->faction->locale); sk = getskill(student->faction->locale); if (sk != NOSKILL && effskill_study(teacher, sk) - TEACHDIFFERENCE >= effskill(student, sk, NULL)) { teaching -= teach_unit(teacher, student, teaching, sk, true, &academy_students); } } } #endif } } else #endif { char zOrder[4096]; size_t sz = sizeof(zOrder); order *new_order; zOrder[0] = '\0'; init_order(ord, NULL); while (!parser_end()) { skill_t sk; unit *student; bool feedback; getunit(r, teacher->faction, &student); ++count; /* Falls die Unit nicht gefunden wird, Fehler melden */ if (!student) { char tbuf[20]; const char *uid; const char *token; /* Finde den string, der den Fehler verursacht hat */ parser_pushstate(); init_order(ord, NULL); for (j = 0; j != count - 1; ++j) { /* skip over the first 'count' units */ getunit(r, teacher->faction, NULL); } token = getstrtoken(); /* Beginne die Fehlermeldung */ if (isparam(token, teacher->faction->locale, P_TEMP)) { token = getstrtoken(); sprintf(tbuf, "%s %s", LOC(teacher->faction->locale, parameters[P_TEMP]), token); uid = tbuf; } else { uid = token; } ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(teacher, ord, "unitnotfound_id", "id", uid)); parser_popstate(); continue; } feedback = teacher->faction == student->faction || alliedunit(student, teacher->faction, HELP_GUARD); /* Neuen Befehl zusammenbauen. TEMP-Einheiten werden automatisch in * ihre neuen Nummern uebersetzt. */ if (zOrder[0]) { strncat(zOrder, " ", sz - 1); --sz; } sz -= str_strlcpy(zOrder + 4096 - sz, itoa36(student->no), sz); if (getkeyword(student->thisorder) != K_STUDY) { ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(teacher, ord, "teach_nolearn", "student", student)); continue; } /* Input ist nun von student->thisorder !! */ parser_pushstate(); init_order(student->thisorder, student->faction->locale); sk = getskill(student->faction->locale); parser_popstate(); if (sk == NOSKILL) { ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(teacher, ord, "teach_nolearn", "student", student)); continue; } if (effskill_study(student, sk) > effskill_study(teacher, sk) - TEACHDIFFERENCE) { if (feedback) { ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(teacher, ord, "teach_asgood", "student", student)); } continue; } if (sk == SK_MAGIC) { /* ist der Magier schon spezialisiert, so versteht er nur noch * Lehrer seines Gebietes */ magic_t mage2 = unit_get_magic(student); if (mage2 != M_GRAY) { magic_t mage1 = unit_get_magic(teacher); if (mage1 != mage2) { if (feedback) { ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(teacher, ord, "error_different_magic", "target", student)); } continue; } } } sk_academy = sk; teaching -= teach_unit(teacher, student, teaching, sk, false, &academy_students); } new_order = create_order(K_TEACH, teacher->faction->locale, "%s", zOrder); replace_order(&teacher->orders, ord, new_order); free_order(new_order); /* parse_order & set_order have each increased the refcount */ } if (academy_students > 0 && sk_academy != NOSKILL) { change_skill_days(teacher, sk_academy, academy_students); } reset_order(); return 0; } static bool ExpensiveMigrants(void) { static bool rule; static int cache; if (config_changed(&cache)) { rule = config_get_int("study.expensivemigrants", 0) != 0; } return rule; } struct teach_data { unit *u; skill_t sk; }; static bool cb_msg_teach(void *el, void *arg) { struct teach_data *td = (struct teach_data *)arg; unit *ut = (unit *)el; unit * u = td->u; skill_t sk = td->sk; if (ut->faction != u->faction) { bool feedback = alliedunit(u, ut->faction, HELP_GUARD); if (feedback) { ADDMSG(&ut->faction->msgs, msg_message("teach_teacher", "teacher student skill level", ut, u, sk, effskill(u, sk, NULL))); } ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("teach_student", "teacher student skill", ut, u, sk)); } return true; } static void msg_teachers(struct selist *teachers, struct unit *u, skill_t sk) { struct teach_data cbdata; cbdata.sk = sk; cbdata.u = u; selist_foreach_ex(teachers, cb_msg_teach, &cbdata); } bool check_student(const struct unit *u, struct order *ord, skill_t sk) { int err = 0; const race *rc = u_race(u); if (sk < 0) { err = 77; } /* Hack: Talente mit Malus -99 koennen nicht gelernt werden */ else if (rc->bonus[sk] == -99) { err = 771; } else { static int config; static bool learn_newskills; if (config_changed(&config)) { learn_newskills = config_get_int("study.newskills", 1) != 0; } if (!learn_newskills) { skill *sv = unit_skill(u, sk); if (sv == NULL) { /* we can only learn skills we already have */ err = 771; } } } if (err) { if (ord) { cmistake(u, ord, err, MSG_EVENT); } return false; } if ((u_race(u)->flags & RCF_NOLEARN) || fval(u, UFL_WERE)) { if (ord) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_race_nolearn", "race", u_race(u))); } return false; } return true; } int study_cmd(unit * u, order * ord) { int studycost, days; attrib *a = NULL; teaching_info *teach = NULL; int money = 0; skill_t sk; int maxalchemy = 0; static const race *rc_snotling; static int rc_cache; if (rc_changed(&rc_cache)) { rc_snotling = get_race(RC_SNOTLING); } (void)init_order(ord, u->faction->locale); sk = getskill(u->faction->locale); if (!check_student(u, ord, sk)) { return -1; } /* snotlings koennen Talente nur bis T8 lernen */ if (u_race(u) == rc_snotling) { if (get_level(u, sk) >= 8) { cmistake(u, ord, 308, MSG_EVENT); return -1; } } a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_learning); if (a != NULL) { teach = (teaching_info *)a->data.v; } /* keine kostenpflichtigen Talente fuer Migranten. Vertraute sind * keine Migranten, wird in is_migrant abgefangen. Vorsicht, * studycost darf hier noch nicht durch Akademie erhoeht sein */ studycost = study_cost(u, sk); if (studycost > 0 && !ExpensiveMigrants() && is_migrant(u)) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_migrants_nolearn", "")); return -1; } if (sk == SK_MAGIC) { magic_t mtype; if (u->number > 1) { cmistake(u, ord, 106, MSG_MAGIC); return -1; } if (is_familiar(u)) { /* Vertraute zaehlen nicht zu den Magiern einer Partei, * koennen aber nur Graue Magie lernen */ mtype = M_GRAY; } else if (!has_skill(u, SK_MAGIC)) { int mmax = faction_skill_limit(u->faction, SK_MAGIC); /* Die Einheit ist noch kein Magier */ if (faction_count_skill(u->faction, SK_MAGIC) + u->number > mmax) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_max_magicians", "amount", mmax)); return -1; } mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale); if (mtype == M_NONE || mtype == M_GRAY) { /* wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben, wird davon * ausgegangen, dass das normal gelernt werden soll */ if (u->faction->magiegebiet != 0) { mtype = u->faction->magiegebiet; } else { /* Es wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben und die Partei * hat noch keins gewaehlt. */ mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale); if (mtype == M_NONE) { cmistake(u, ord, 178, MSG_MAGIC); return -1; } } } if (mtype != u->faction->magiegebiet) { /* Es wurde versucht, ein anderes Magiegebiet zu lernen * als das der Partei */ if (u->faction->magiegebiet != 0) { cmistake(u, ord, 179, MSG_MAGIC); return -1; } else { /* Lernt zum ersten mal Magie und legt damit das * Magiegebiet der Partei fest */ u->faction->magiegebiet = mtype; } } create_mage(u, mtype); } else { /* ist schon ein Magier und kein Vertrauter */ if (u->faction->magiegebiet == 0) { /* die Partei hat noch kein Magiegebiet gewaehlt. */ mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale); if (mtype == M_NONE) { mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale); if (mtype == M_NONE) { cmistake(u, ord, 178, MSG_MAGIC); return -1; } } /* Legt damit das Magiegebiet der Partei fest */ u->faction->magiegebiet = mtype; } } } if (sk == SK_ALCHEMY) { maxalchemy = effskill(u, SK_ALCHEMY, NULL); if (!has_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY)) { int amax = faction_skill_limit(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY); if (faction_count_skill(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY) + u->number > amax) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_max_alchemists", "amount", amax)); return -1; } } } days = teach ? teach->days : 0; days += study_days(u, sk); if (studycost) { int cost = studycost * u->number; money = get_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, cost); if (money > cost) money = cost; if (money < studycost * u->number) { int cost = studycost * u->number; if (money > studycost) money = studycost; if (money < cost) { /* we cannot afford everyone, but use as much as we have */ cmistake(u, ord, 65, MSG_EVENT); days = days * money / cost; } } } money += learn_skill(u, sk, days, studycost); if (money > 0) { use_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, money); ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("studycost", "unit region cost skill", u, u->region, money, sk)); } if (teach != NULL) { if (teach->teachers) { msg_teachers(teach->teachers, u, sk); } a_remove(&u->attribs, a); a = NULL; } u->flags |= (UFL_LONGACTION | UFL_NOTMOVING); /* Anzeigen neuer Traenke */ /* Spruchlistenaktualiesierung ist in Regeneration */ if (sk == SK_ALCHEMY) { faction *f = u->faction; int skill = effskill(u, SK_ALCHEMY, NULL); if (skill > maxalchemy) { show_potions(f, skill); } } reset_order(); return 0; } static int produceexp_days(void) { static int config, rule; if (config_changed(&config)) { rule = config_get_int("study.produceexp", EXPERIENCEDAYS); } return rule; } void produceexp_ex(struct unit *u, skill_t sk, int n, learn_fun learn) { assert(u && n <= u->number); if (n > 0 && (is_monsters(u->faction) || playerrace(u_race(u)))) { int days = produceexp_days(); learn(u, sk, days * n); } } static learn_fun inject_learn_fun = 0; void inject_learn(learn_fun fun) { inject_learn_fun = fun; } static void increase_skill_days(unit *u, skill_t sk, int days) { assert(sk >= 0 && sk < MAXSKILLS && days >= 0); if (days > 0) { int leveldays = STUDYDAYS * u->number; int weeks = 0; if (inject_learn_fun) { inject_learn_fun(u, sk, days); return; } while (days >= leveldays) { ++weeks; days -= leveldays; } if (days > 0 && rng_int() % leveldays < days) { ++weeks; } if (weeks > 0) { increase_skill(u, sk, weeks); } } } static void reduce_skill_days(unit *u, skill_t sk, int days) { if (days > 0) { skill *sv = unit_skill(u, sk); if (sv) { while (days > 0) { if (days >= STUDYDAYS * u->number) { reduce_skill(u, sv, 1); days -= STUDYDAYS; } else { if (chance(days / ((double)STUDYDAYS * u->number))) /* (rng_int() % (30 * u->number) < days)*/ reduce_skill(u, sv, 1); days = 0; } } } } } void produceexp(struct unit *u, skill_t sk, int n) { produceexp_ex(u, sk, n, increase_skill_days); } /** * days should be scaled by u->number; STUDYDAYS * u->number is one week worth of learning * @return int * The additional spend, i.e. from an academy. */ int learn_skill(unit *u, skill_t sk, int days, int studycost) { region *r = u->region; int cost = 0; if (r->buildings) { static const building_type *bt_artacademy; static const building_type *bt_academy; static int config; if (bt_changed(&config)) { bt_artacademy = bt_find("artacademy"); bt_academy = bt_find("academy"); } /* Akademie: */ if (bt_academy && active_building(u, bt_academy)) { int avail, n = u->number; if (studycost < 50) studycost = 50; cost = studycost * u->number; avail = get_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, studycost * u->number); if (avail < cost) { /* not all students can afford the academy */ n = n * avail / cost; cost = n * studycost; } days += EXPERIENCEDAYS * n; } /* the artacademy currently improves the learning of entertainment of all units in the region, to be able to make it cumulative with with an academy */ if (bt_artacademy && sk == SK_ENTERTAINMENT && buildingtype_exists(r, bt_artacademy, false)) { days *= 2; } } if (u->attribs) { if (get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE])) { int effect = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE]); if (effect > u->number) effect = u->number; days += effect * EXPERIENCEDAYS; change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE], -effect); } if (get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL])) { int effect = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL]); if (effect > u->number) effect = u->number; days -= effect * STUDYDAYS; change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL], -effect); } } if (is_cursed(r->attribs, &ct_badlearn)) { days -= EXPERIENCEDAYS * u->number; } if (fval(u, UFL_HUNGER)) { days /= 2; } increase_skill_days(u, sk, days); return cost; } void change_skill_days(unit *u, skill_t sk, int days) { if (days < 0) { reduce_skill_days(u, sk, -days); } else { increase_skill_days(u, sk, days); } } /** * Talente von Daemonen verschieben sich. */ void demon_skillchange(unit *u) { skill *sv = u->skills; int upchance = 15, downchance = 10; static int config; static bool rule_hunger; static int cfgup, cfgdown; if (config_changed(&config)) { rule_hunger = config_get_int("hunger.demon.skills", 0) != 0; cfgup = config_get_int("skillchange.demon.up", 15); cfgdown = config_get_int("skillchange.demon.down", 10); } if (cfgup == 0) { /* feature is disabled */ return; } upchance = cfgup; downchance = cfgdown; if (fval(u, UFL_HUNGER)) { /* hungry demons only go down, never up in skill */ if (rule_hunger) { downchance = upchance; upchance = 0; } } while (sv != u->skills + u->skill_size) { int roll = rng_int() % 100; if (sv->level > 0 && roll < upchance + downchance) { int weeks = 1 + rng_int() % 3; if (roll < downchance) { reduce_skill(u, sv, weeks); if (sv->level < 1) { /* demons should never forget below 1 */ set_level(u, sv->id, 1); } } else { change_skill_days(u, sv->id, STUDYDAYS * u->number * weeks); } } ++sv; } }