require "lunit" module( "e2", package.seeall, lunit.testcase ) function setup() free_game() end function test_rename() local r = region.create(0, 0, "plain") local f = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u = unit.create(f, r) u:add_item("aoh", 1) assert_equal(u:get_item("ao_healing"), 1) end function DISABLE_test_alp() local r = region.create(0,0, "plain") local f = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u = unit.create(f, r, 1) local u2 = unit.create(f, r, 1) u.race = "elf" u:set_skill("magic", 10) u:add_item("money", 3010) u.magic = "illaun" u.aura = 200 u.ship = s1 u:add_spell("summon_alp") u:clear_orders() u:add_order("ZAUBERE 'Alp' " .. itoa36( process_orders() print(get_turn(), f) write_reports() end function test_unit_limit_is_1500() local r = region.create(0,0, "plain") local f = faction.create("", "human", "de") for i = 1,1500 do unit.create(f, r, 1) end local u = unit.create(f, r, 0) u:add_item("money", 20000) u:clear_orders() u:add_order("REKRUTIEREN 1") process_orders() assert_equal(1, u.number) end function test_ship_capacity() local r = region.create(0,0, "ocean") region.create(1,0, "ocean") local r2 = region.create(2,0, "ocean") local f = faction.create("", "human", "de") -- u1 is at the limit and moves local s1 = ship.create(r, "boat") local u1 = unit.create(f, r, 5) u1.ship = s1 u1:set_skill("sailing", 10) u1:clear_orders() u1:add_order("NACH O O") -- u2 has too many people local s2 = ship.create(r, "boat") local u2 = unit.create(f, r, 6) u2.ship = s2 u2:set_skill("sailing", 10) u2:clear_orders() u2:add_order("NACH O O") -- u4 has too much stuff local s4 = ship.create(r, "boat") local u4 = unit.create(f, r, 5) u4.ship = s4 u4:set_skill("sailing", 10) u4:add_item("sword", 1) u4:clear_orders() u4:add_order("NACH O O") process_orders() -- print(s.region, u.region, r2) assert_equal(,, "boat with 5 humans did not move") assert_not_equal(,, "boat with too many people has moved") assert_not_equal(,, "boat with too much cargo has moved") end function test_levitate() local r = region.create(0,0, "plain") local f = faction.create("", "human", "de") local u = unit.create(f, r, 2) local s = ship.create(r, "boat") u.ship = s u.age = 20 u:set_skill("sailing", 5) u:add_item("money", 100) u:clear_orders() u:add_order("ARBEITE") levitate_ship(u.ship, u, 2, 1) assert_equal(32, u.ship.flags) process_orders() assert_equal(0, u.ship.flags) end function test_terrains() local terrains = { "hell", "wall1", "corridor1" } for k,v in ipairs(terrains) do local r = region.create(k, k, v) assert_not_equal(nil, r) end end function test_races() local races = { "wolf", "orc", "human", "demon" } for k,v in ipairs(races) do local f = faction.create("", "human", "de") assert_not_equal(nil, f) end end