/* vi: set ts=2: +-------------------+ Christian Schlittchen | | Enno Rehling | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel | (c) 1998 - 2001 | Henning Peters | | Ingo Wilken +-------------------+ Stefan Reich This program may not be used, modified or distributed without prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ struct locale; struct message; struct message_type; struct nrmessage_type; extern int nr_render(const struct message * msg, const struct locale * lang, char * buffer); extern void nrt_register(const struct message_type * mtype, const struct locale * lang, const char * script); /* before: * fogblock;movement:0;de;{unit} konnte von {region} nicht nach {$dir direction} ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht. * after: * fogblock:movement:0 * $unit($unit) konnte von $region($region) nicht nach $direction($direction) ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht. * unit:unit region:region direction:int */