Due to extreme lazyness on Enno's part, this file doesn't contain everything. A lot of what it should contain is currently in de/strings.xml. OPTION [x] ADDRESSES REPORT BZIP2 COMPUTER DEBUG ITEMPOOL SCORE SILVERPOOL STATISTICS EXPRESS ZIPPED TEMPLATE SKILLCHANGES INFO ship types caravel boat longboat dragonship trireme balloon Schiffstypen a caravel a boat a longboat a balloon a dragonship a trireme Terraintypen active volcano corridor desert firewall fog forest glacier steppe hallway hell highland iceberg maelstrom mountain ocean plain swamp thick fog volcano magical storm the volcano of %s a %s the deserts of %s a %s fog_trail %s the forests of %s the glacier of %s the steppe of %s the %s %s the highlands of %s an %s a %s the mountains of %s the %s the plain of %s the swamps of %s %s the volcano of %s a %s caldera portal directions NW NE East SE SW West west northwest northeast east southwest southeast an unknown unit Messages and Events Warnings and Errors Economy and Trade Resources and Production Magic and Artefacts Movement and Travel Learning and Teaching Battles Miscellaneous New Spells Building Types academy blessed stonecircle caravanserei dam structure harbour fairy castle inn lighthouse mage tower mine monument quarry sawmill smithy stable stonecircle tunnel Burgausbaustufen foundation tradepost fortification tower castle fortress citadel Items herb vial vials Resourcen silver silver hp hps aura auras permaura permauras peasant peasants items almond almonds amulet amulets antimagic cristal antimagic cristals amulet of chastity amulets of chastity eye of the demon eye of the demon amulet of the kitten amulets of the kitten amulet of darkness amulets of darkness amulet of gathering amulets of gathering amulet of healing amulets of healing amulet of true seeing amulets of true seeing apple apples aurafocus aurafocuses axe axes bow bows cart carts catapult catapults chainmail chainmails cookie cookies crossbow crossbows dolphin dolphins dragonblood dragonblood dragonhead dragonheads dragonhoard dreameye dreameyes elven horse elven horses eye of dragon eye of dragons fairy boots fairy boots flaming sword flaming swords great bow great bows claymore claymores wing of the gryphon wings of the gryphon halberd halberds healingpotion healingpotions herbbag herbbags horse horses iron iron laen laen laen chainmail laen chainmails laen shield laen shields laen sword laen swords lance lances wood wood magic bag magic bags bag of conservation bags of conservation mallorn mallorn mallorn bow mallorn bows mallorn crossbow mallorn crossbows mallorn lance mallorn lances mallorn spear mallorn spear silverbag silverchest returnticket for the grand museum returntickets for the grand museum ticket to the grand museum tickets to the grand museum nut nuts pegasus pegasi man men platemail platemails presspass presspasses ring of invisibility rings of invisibility ring of power rings of power ring of quick fingers rings of quick fingers ring of regeneration rings of regeneration runesword runeswords rustychainmail rustychainmails rusty shield rusty shields rusty sword rusty swords seaserpenthead seaserpentheads shield shields shieldstone shieldstones sack of holding sacks of holding spear spears stone stones sword swords pot of toadslime pots of toadslime trollbelt trollbelts unit units potion of skills potions of skills astralcrystal astralcrystals seed seeds mallorn seed mallorn seeds firework fireworks gingerbread heart gingerbread hearts luxury goods balm spice gem gems myrrh oil silk incense balm spice myrrh oil silk incense Spezialitems Belt of Heroic Legends Belts of Heroic Legends intranslatables: Flachwurz Flachwurz Würziger Wagemut Würzige Wagemut Eulenauge Eulenaugen Grüner Spinnerich Grüne Spinneriche Blauer Baumringel Blaue Baumringel Elfenlieb Elfenlieb Gurgelkraut Gurgelkräuter Knotiger Saugwurz Knotige Saugwurze Blasenmorchel Blasenmorcheln Wasserfinder Wasserfinder Kakteenschwitz Kakteenschwitze Sandfäule Sandfäulen Windbeutel Windbeutel Fjordwuchs Fjordwuchse Alraune Alraunen Steinbeißer Steinbeißer Spaltwachs Spaltwachse Höhlenglimm Höhlenglimme Eisblume Eisblumen Weißer Wüterich Weiße Wüteriche Snowcrystal petal Snowcrystal petals seven mile tea seven mile teas goliath water goliath waters water of life waters of life Schaffenstrunk Schaffenstrünke ointment ointments peasant blood peasant bloods brain wax brain waxes Dumpfbackenbrot Dumpfbackenbrote potion of nest warmth potions of nest warmth horsepower potion horsepower potions berserkers blood potion berserkers blood potions peasant love potion peasant love potion potion of truth potions of truth elixir of power elixirs of power healing potion healing potions Parameters AGGRESSIVE ALL NUMBER AURA TREES PEASANTS AID GUARD CASTLE DEFENSIVE UNIT ERESSEA FLEE FOREIGN BUILDING ITEMS GIVE MERCY HELP REAR AFTER CONTROL HERBS COMBAT NOT NEXT FACTION FACTIONSTEALTH PAUSE MEN PRIVATE REGION SHIP SILVER ROADS LEVEL TEMPORARY POTIONS FOR BEFORE FRONT SPELLS Skills alchemy armoursmithing bow masonry cartmaking catapult crossbow entertainment espionage forestry herbalism magic melee mining perception polearm quarrying riding roadwork sailing shipcraft endurance stealth tactics taxation trade taming unarmed combat weaponsmithing Keywords // WORK ATTACK BANNER STEAL BESIEGE NAME USE DESCRIBE PRAY ENTER GUARD BID MESSAGE DEFAULT EMAIL END RIDE FOLLOW RESEARCH GM GROUP HELP JIHAD COMBATSPELL BUY CONTACT COMBAT TEACH LEARN SUPPLY LOCALE MAKE SCHOOL OPINION MOVE RESTART NUMBER SACRIFICE OPTION PASSWORD PLANT PIRACY PREFIX RECRUIT REPORT RESERVE ROUTE SABOTAGE SORT SPY QUIT SYNONYM HIDE CARRY TAX ENTERTAIN ORIGIN FORGET SELL LEAVE CAST SHOW DESTROY GROW LYCANTROPE eagle dragon dragons demon demons unicorn unicorns elf elves owl owls ghost ghosts goblin goblins halfling halflings braineater insect insects young dragon young dragons cat cats catdragon catdragons lynx lynx aquarian aquarians human humans orc orcs orc orcs giant turtle giant turtles template templates shadow knight sea serpent troll trolls undead undead wolf wolves zombie zombies dwarf dwarves toad toads clone gnome museumghost ghast ghoul juju-zombie skeleton lord centaur kraken dolphin tiger hellcat dreamcat imp nymph songdragon rat tunnelworm wolf peasant alp mountainguard shadowmaster shadowdemon irongolem spell special dracoid ent wyrm illusion NR generieren Options Level Political Status Herbs required under construction damage Your faction has been eliminated. We hope you had a good time anyways, and encourage you to sign up you for another game. TODO: calendar ist noch komplexer skills has size spells combat spells none Addresses anonymous attack defense armour damage Testitem wand wands Küsten northwest coast northeast coast east coast southeast coast southwest coast west coast No orders were received for your faction!