/* * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2015 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schr�der * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include #include "monsters.h" #include "economy.h" #include "chaos.h" #include "give.h" #include "guard.h" #include "laws.h" #include "keyword.h" #include "study.h" /* attributes includes */ #include #include #include /* kernel includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #define DRAGON_RANGE 20 /* max. Distanz zum n�chsten Drachenziel */ #define MOVE_PERCENT 25 /* chance fuer bewegung */ #define MAXILLUSION_TEXTS 3 static double attack_chance; /* rules.monsters.attack_chance, or default 0.4 */ static void give_peasants(unit *u, const item_type *itype, int reduce) { char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s 0 %d %s", LOC(u->faction->locale, keyword(K_GIVE)), reduce, LOC(u->faction->locale, itype->rtype->_name)); unit_addorder(u, parse_order(buf, u->faction->locale)); } static double random_move_chance(void) { static int rule; static int config; if (config_changed(&config)) { rule = config_get_int("rules.monsters.random_move_percent", MOVE_PERCENT); } return rule * 0.01; } static void reduce_weight(unit * u) { int capacity, weight = 0; item **itmp = &u->items; int horses = get_resource(u, get_resourcetype(R_HORSE)); if (horses > 0) { if (horses > u->number * 2) horses = u->number * 2; change_resource(u, get_resourcetype(R_HORSE), -horses); } /* 0. ditch any vehicles */ while (*itmp != NULL) { item *itm = *itmp; const item_type *itype = itm->type; if (itype->flags & ITF_VEHICLE) { give_peasants(u, itm->type, itm->number); } else { weight += itm->number * itype->weight; } if (*itmp == itm) itmp = &itm->next; } capacity = walkingcapacity(u); /* 1. get rid of anything that isn't silver or really lightweight or helpful in combat */ for (itmp = &u->items; *itmp && capacity > 0;) { item *itm = *itmp; const item_type *itype = itm->type; weight += itm->number * itype->weight; if (weight > capacity) { if (itype->weight >= 10 && itype->rtype->wtype == 0 && itype->rtype->atype == 0) { if (itype->capacity < itype->weight) { int reduce = MIN(itm->number, -((capacity - weight) / itype->weight)); give_peasants(u, itm->type, reduce); weight -= reduce * itype->weight; } } } if (*itmp == itm) itmp = &itm->next; } for (itmp = &u->items; *itmp && weight > capacity;) { item *itm = *itmp; const item_type *itype = itm->type; weight += itm->number * itype->weight; if (itype->capacity < itype->weight) { int reduce = MIN(itm->number, -((capacity - weight) / itype->weight)); give_peasants(u, itm->type, reduce); weight -= reduce * itype->weight; } if (*itmp == itm) itmp = &itm->next; } } static order *monster_attack(unit * u, const unit * target) { assert(u->region == target->region); assert(u->faction != target->faction); if (!cansee(u->faction, u->region, target, 0)) return NULL; if (monster_is_waiting(u)) return NULL; return create_order(K_ATTACK, u->faction->locale, "%i", target->no); } void monsters_desert(struct faction *monsters) { region *r; assert(monsters!=NULL); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->faction!=monsters && (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_DESERT)) { if (fval(u, UFL_ISNEW)) continue; if (rng_int() % 100 < 5) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("desertion", "unit region", u, r)); u_setfaction(u, monsters); } } } } } int monster_attacks(unit * monster, bool rich_only) { const race *rc_serpent = get_race(RC_SEASERPENT); if (monster->status < ST_AVOID) { region *r = monster->region; unit *u2; int money = 0; for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) { if (u2->faction != monster->faction && cansee(monster->faction, r, u2, 0) && !in_safe_building(u2, monster)) { int m = get_money(u2); if (u_race(monster) == rc_serpent) { /* attack bigger ships only */ if (!u2->ship || u2->ship->type->cargo <= 50000) { continue; } } if (!rich_only || m > 0) { order *ord = monster_attack(monster, u2); if (ord) { addlist(&monster->orders, ord); money += m; } } } } return money; } return 0; } static order *get_money_for_dragon(region * r, unit * udragon, int wanted) { int money; bool attacks = attack_chance > 0.0; /* falls genug geld in der region ist, treiben wir steuern ein. */ if (rmoney(r) >= wanted) { /* 5% chance, dass der drache aus einer laune raus attackiert */ if (!attacks) { /* Drachen haben in E3 und E4 keine Einnahmen. Neuer Befehl Pluendern erstmal nur fuer Monster?*/ return create_order(K_LOOT, default_locale, NULL); } } /* falls der drache launisch ist, oder das regionssilber knapp, greift er alle an * und holt sich Silber von Einheiten, vorausgesetzt er bewacht bereits */ money = 0; if (attacks && is_guard(udragon)) { money += monster_attacks(udragon, true); } /* falls die einnahmen erreicht werden, bleibt das monster noch eine */ /* runde hier. */ if (money + rmoney(r) >= wanted) { return create_order(K_LOOT, default_locale, NULL); } /* wenn wir NULL zurueckliefern, macht der drache was anderes, z.b. weggehen */ return NULL; } static int all_money(region * r, faction * f) { unit *u; int m; m = rmoney(r); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (f != u->faction) { m += get_money(u); } } return m; } static direction_t richest_neighbour(region * r, faction * f, int absolut) { /* m - maximum an Geld, d - Richtung, i - index, t = Geld hier */ double m; double t; direction_t d = NODIRECTION, i; if (absolut == 1 || rpeasants(r) == 0) { m = (double)all_money(r, f); } else { m = (double)all_money(r, f) / (double)rpeasants(r); } /* finde die region mit dem meisten geld */ for (i = 0; i != MAXDIRECTIONS; i++) { region *rn = rconnect(r, i); if (rn != NULL && fval(rn->terrain, LAND_REGION)) { if (absolut == 1 || rpeasants(rn) == 0) { t = (double)all_money(rn, f); } else { t = (double)all_money(rn, f) / (double)rpeasants(rn); } if (t > m) { m = t; d = i; } } } return d; } static bool room_for_race_in_region(region * r, const race * rc) { if (rc->splitsize > 0) { unit *u; int c = 0; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u_race(u) == rc) { c += u->number; if (c > rc->splitsize * 2) { return false; } } } } return true; } static direction_t random_neighbour(region * r, unit * u) { int i; region *next[MAXDIRECTIONS], *backup[MAXDIRECTIONS]; region **pick; int rr, c = 0, c2 = 0; const race *rc = u_race(u); get_neighbours(r, next); /* Nachsehen, wieviele Regionen in Frage kommen */ for (i = 0; i != MAXDIRECTIONS; i++) { region *rn = next[i]; if (rn && can_survive(u, rn)) { if (room_for_race_in_region(rn, rc)) { c++; } else { next[i] = NULL; } backup[i] = rn; c2++; } else { next[i] = NULL; backup[i] = NULL; } } pick = next; if (c == 0) { if (c2 == 0) { return NODIRECTION; } else { pick = backup; c = c2; } } /* Zuf�llig eine ausw�hlen */ rr = rng_int() % c; /* Durchz�hlen */ c = 0; for (i = 0; i != MAXDIRECTIONS; i++) { region *rn = pick[i]; if (rn) { if (c == rr) { return (direction_t)i; } c++; } } assert(1 == 0); /* Bis hierhin sollte er niemals kommen. */ return NODIRECTION; } static direction_t treeman_neighbour(region * r) { int i; int rr; int c = 0; region * next[MAXDIRECTIONS]; get_neighbours(r, next); /* Nachsehen, wieviele Regionen in Frage kommen */ for (i = 0; i != MAXDIRECTIONS; i++) { if (next[i] && rterrain(next[i]) != T_OCEAN && rterrain(next[i]) != T_GLACIER && rterrain(next[i]) != T_DESERT) { ++c; } } if (c == 0) { return NODIRECTION; } /* Zuf�llig eine ausw�hlen */ rr = rng_int() % c; /* Durchz�hlen */ c = -1; for (i = 0; i != MAXDIRECTIONS; i++) { if (next[i] && rterrain(next[i]) != T_OCEAN && rterrain(next[i]) != T_GLACIER && rterrain(next[i]) != T_DESERT) { if (++c == rr) { return (direction_t)i; } } } assert(!"this should never happen"); /* Bis hierhin sollte er niemals kommen. */ return NODIRECTION; } static order *monster_move(region * r, unit * u) { direction_t d = NODIRECTION; if (monster_is_waiting(u)) { return NULL; } if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_DRAGON)) { d = richest_neighbour(r, u->faction, 1); } else if (get_race(RC_TREEMAN)==u_race(u)) { d = treeman_neighbour(r); } else { d = random_neighbour(r, u); } /* falls kein geld gefunden wird, zufaellig verreisen, aber nicht in * den ozean */ if (d == NODIRECTION) return NULL; reduce_weight(u); return create_order(K_MOVE, u->faction->locale, "%s", LOC(u->faction->locale, directions[d])); } static int dragon_affinity_value(region * r, unit * u) { int m = all_money(r, u->faction); if (u_race(u) == get_race(RC_FIREDRAGON)) { return dice(4, m / 2); } else { return dice(6, m / 3); } } static attrib *set_new_dragon_target(unit * u, region * r, int range) { int max_affinity = 0; region *max_region = NULL; selist *ql, *rlist = regions_in_range(r, range, allowed_dragon); int qi; for (qi = 0, ql = rlist; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { region *r2 = (region *)selist_get(ql, qi); int affinity = dragon_affinity_value(r2, u); if (affinity > max_affinity) { max_affinity = affinity; max_region = r2; } } selist_free(rlist); if (max_region && max_region != r) { attrib *a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_targetregion); if (!a) { a = a_add(&u->attribs, make_targetregion(max_region)); } else { a->data.v = max_region; } return a; } return NULL; } static order *make_movement_order(unit * u, const region * target, int moves, bool(*allowed) (const region *, const region *)) { region *r = u->region; region **plan; int position = 0; char zOrder[128], *bufp = zOrder; size_t size = sizeof(zOrder) - 1; if (monster_is_waiting(u)) return NULL; plan = path_find(r, target, DRAGON_RANGE * 5, allowed); if (plan == NULL) return NULL; while (position != moves && plan[position + 1]) { int bytes; region *prev = plan[position]; region *next = plan[++position]; direction_t dir = reldirection(prev, next); assert(dir != NODIRECTION && dir != D_SPECIAL); if (size > 1 && bufp != zOrder) { *bufp++ = ' '; --size; } bytes = (int)str_strlcpy(bufp, (const char *)LOC(u->faction->locale, directions[dir]), size); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes) != 0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } *bufp = 0; return create_order(K_MOVE, u->faction->locale, zOrder); } void random_growl(const unit *u, region *target, int rand) { const struct locale *lang = u->faction->locale; const char *growl; switch(rand){ case 1: growl = "growl1"; break; case 2: growl = "growl2"; break; case 3: growl = "growl3"; break; case 4: growl = "growl4"; break; default: growl = "growl0"; } if (rname(target, lang)) { message *msg = msg_message("dragon_growl", "dragon number target growl", u, u->number, target, growl); ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg); } } extern struct attrib_type at_direction; static order *monster_learn(unit * u) { int c = 0; int n; skill *sv; const struct locale *lang = u->faction->locale; /* can these monsters even study? */ if (!unit_can_study(u)) { return NULL; } /* Monster lernt ein zuf�lliges Talent aus allen, in denen es schon * Lerntage hat. */ for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) { if (sv->level > 0) ++c; } if (c == 0) return NULL; n = rng_int() % c + 1; c = 0; for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) { if (sv->level > 0) { if (++c == n) { return create_order(K_STUDY, lang, "'%s'", skillname(sv->id, lang)); } } } return NULL; } static bool check_overpopulated(const unit * u) { const race *rc = u_race(u); if (rc->splitsize > 0) { unit *u2; int c = 0; for (u2 = u->region->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) { if (u != u2 && u_race(u2) == rc) { c += u2->number; if (c > rc->splitsize * 2) return true; } } } return false; } static void recruit_dracoids(unit * dragon, int size) { faction *f = dragon->faction; region *r = dragon->region; const struct item *weapon = NULL; unit *un = create_unit(r, f, size, get_race(RC_DRACOID), 0, NULL, NULL); fset(un, UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED); name_unit(un); change_money(dragon, -un->number * 50); equip_unit(un, get_equipment("new_dracoid")); setstatus(un, ST_FIGHT); for (weapon = un->items; weapon; weapon = weapon->next) { const weapon_type *wtype = weapon->type->rtype->wtype; if (wtype && wtype->flags & WTF_MISSILE) { setstatus(un, ST_BEHIND); break; } } } static order *plan_dragon(unit * u) { attrib *ta = a_find(u->attribs, &at_targetregion); region *r = u->region; region *tr = NULL; bool move = false; order *long_order = NULL; static int rc_cache; static const race *rc_wyrm; const race * rc = u_race(u); if (rc_changed(&rc_cache)) { rc_wyrm = get_race(RC_WYRM); } if (ta == NULL) { move |= (rpeasants(r) == 0); /* when no peasants, move */ move |= (rmoney(r) == 0); /* when no money, move */ } move |= chance(0.04); /* 4% chance to change your mind */ if (rc == rc_wyrm && !move) { unit *u2; for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) { /* wyrme sind einzelg�nger */ if (u2 == u) { /* we do not make room for newcomers, so we don't need to look at them */ break; } if (u2 != u && u_race(u2) == u_race(u) && chance(0.5)) { move = true; break; } } } if (move && (!ta || chance(0.1))) { /* dragon gets bored and looks for a different place to go */ ta = set_new_dragon_target(u, u->region, DRAGON_RANGE); } if (ta != NULL) { tr = (region *)ta->data.v; if (tr == NULL || !path_exists(u->region, tr, DRAGON_RANGE, allowed_dragon)) { ta = set_new_dragon_target(u, u->region, DRAGON_RANGE); if (ta) { tr = findregion(ta->data.sa[0], ta->data.sa[1]); } } } if (tr != NULL) { assert(long_order == NULL); /* TODO: per-race planning functions? */ if (rc == rc_wyrm) { long_order = make_movement_order(u, tr, 1, allowed_dragon); } else { switch (old_race(rc)) { case RC_FIREDRAGON: long_order = make_movement_order(u, tr, 4, allowed_dragon); break; case RC_DRAGON: long_order = make_movement_order(u, tr, 3, allowed_dragon); break; default: break; } } if (long_order) { reduce_weight(u); } if (rng_int() % 100 < 15) { random_growl(u, tr, rng_int() % 5); } } else { /* we have no target. do we like it here, then? */ long_order = get_money_for_dragon(u->region, u, income(u)); if (long_order == NULL) { /* money is gone, need a new target */ set_new_dragon_target(u, u->region, DRAGON_RANGE); } else if (u_race(u) != get_race(RC_FIREDRAGON)) { /* neue dracoiden! */ if (r->land && !fval(r->terrain, FORBIDDEN_REGION)) { int ra = 20 + rng_int() % 100; if (get_money(u) > ra * 50 + 100 && rng_int() % 100 < 50) { recruit_dracoids(u, ra); } } } } if (long_order == NULL) { int attempts = 0; skill_t sk = SK_PERCEPTION; /* study perception (or a random useful skill) */ while (!skill_enabled(sk) || (attempts < MAXSKILLS && u_race(u)->bonus[sk] < (++attempts < 10?1:-5 ))) { sk = (skill_t)(rng_int() % MAXSKILLS); } long_order = create_order(K_STUDY, u->faction->locale, "'%s'", skillname(sk, u->faction->locale)); } return long_order; } void plan_monsters(faction * f) { region *r; assert(f); attack_chance = config_get_flt("rules.monsters.attack_chance", 0.4); f->lastorders = turn; for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; bool attacking = chance(attack_chance); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { const race *rc = u_race(u); attrib *ta; order *long_order = NULL; /* Ab hier nur noch Befehle f�r NPC-Einheiten. */ if (u->faction!=f) continue; /* Befehle m�ssen jede Runde neu gegeben werden: */ free_orders(&u->orders); if (skill_enabled(SK_PERCEPTION)) { /* Monster bekommen jede Runde ein paar Tage Wahrnehmung dazu */ produceexp(u, SK_PERCEPTION, u->number); } if (attacking && (!r->land || is_guard(u))) { monster_attacks(u, false); } /* units with a plan to kill get ATTACK orders: */ ta = a_find(u->attribs, &at_hate); if (ta && !monster_is_waiting(u)) { unit *tu = (unit *)ta->data.v; if (tu && tu->region == r) { order * ord = monster_attack(u, tu); if (ord) { addlist(&u->orders, ord); } } else if (tu) { tu = findunit(ta->data.i); if (tu != NULL) { long_order = make_movement_order(u, tu->region, 2, allowed_walk); } } else a_remove(&u->attribs, ta); } /* All monsters guard the region: */ if (u->status < ST_FLEE && !monster_is_waiting(u) && r->land) { addlist(&u->orders, create_order(K_GUARD, u->faction->locale, NULL)); } /* Einheiten mit Bewegungsplan kriegen ein NACH: */ if (long_order == NULL) { ta = a_find(u->attribs, &at_targetregion); if (ta) { if (u->region == (region *)ta->data.v) { a_remove(&u->attribs, ta); } } else if (rc->flags & RCF_MOVERANDOM) { if (chance(random_move_chance()) || check_overpopulated(u)) { long_order = monster_move(r, u); } } } if (long_order == NULL) { /* Ab hier noch nicht generalisierte Spezialbehandlungen. */ if (fval(rc, RCF_DRAGON)) { long_order = plan_dragon(u); } else { if (rc == get_race(RC_SEASERPENT)) { long_order = create_order(K_PIRACY, f->locale, NULL); } else { if (rc->flags & RCF_LEARN) { long_order = monster_learn(u); } } } } if (long_order == NULL && unit_can_study(u)) { /* Einheiten, die Waffenlosen Kampf lernen k�nnten, lernen es um * zu bewachen: */ if (rc->bonus[SK_WEAPONLESS] != -99) { if (effskill(u, SK_WEAPONLESS, 0) < 1) { long_order = create_order(K_STUDY, f->locale, "'%s'", skillname(SK_WEAPONLESS, f->locale)); } } } if (long_order) { addlist(&u->orders, long_order); } } } pathfinder_cleanup(); } static double chaosfactor(region * r) { return fval(r, RF_CHAOTIC) ? ((double)(1 + get_chaoscount(r)) / 1000.0) : 0.0; } static int nrand(int start, int sub) { int res = 0; do { if (rng_int() % 100 < start) res++; start -= sub; } while (start > 0); return res; } unit *spawn_seaserpent(region *r, faction *f) { unit *u = create_unit(r, f, 1, get_race(RC_SEASERPENT), 0, NULL, NULL); fset(u, UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED); equip_unit(u, get_equipment("seed_seaserpent")); return u; } /** * Drachen und Seeschlangen k�nnen entstehen */ void spawn_dragons(void) { region *r; faction *monsters = get_or_create_monsters(); int minage = config_get_int("monsters.spawn.min_age", 100); int spawn_chance = 100 * config_get_int("monsters.spawn.chance", 100); if (spawn_chance <= 0) { /* monster spawning disabled */ return; } for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; if (r->age < minage) { continue; } if (fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { if (rng_int() % spawn_chance < 1) { u = spawn_seaserpent(r, monsters); } } else if ((r->terrain == newterrain(T_GLACIER) || r->terrain == newterrain(T_SWAMP) || r->terrain == newterrain(T_DESERT)) && rng_int() % spawn_chance < (5 + 100 * chaosfactor(r))) { if (chance(0.80)) { u = create_unit(r, monsters, nrand(60, 20) + 1, get_race(RC_FIREDRAGON), 0, NULL, NULL); } else { u = create_unit(r, monsters, nrand(30, 20) + 1, get_race(RC_DRAGON), 0, NULL, NULL); } fset(u, UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED); equip_unit(u, get_equipment("seed_dragon")); log_debug("spawning %d %s in %s.\n", u->number, LOC(default_locale, rc_name_s(u_race(u), (u->number == 1) ? NAME_SINGULAR : NAME_PLURAL)), regionname(r, NULL)); name_unit(u); /* add message to the region */ ADDMSG(&r->msgs, msg_message("sighting", "region race number", r, u_race(u), u->number)); } } } /** Untote k�nnen entstehen */ void spawn_undead(void) { region *r; faction *monsters = get_monsters(); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { int unburied = deathcount(r); if (r->attribs) { if (curse_active(get_curse(r->attribs, &ct_holyground))) { continue; } } /* Chance 0.1% * chaosfactor */ if (r->land && unburied > rpeasants(r) / 20 && rng_int() % 10000 < (100 + 100 * chaosfactor(r))) { message *msg; unit *u; /* es ist sinnfrei, wenn irgendwo im Wald 3er-Einheiten Untote entstehen. * Lieber sammeln lassen, bis sie mindestens 5% der Bev�lkerung sind, und * dann erst auferstehen. */ int undead = unburied / (rng_int() % 2 + 1); const race *rc = NULL; int i; if (r->age < 100) undead = undead * r->age / 100; /* newbie-regionen kriegen weniger ab */ if (!undead || r->age < 20) continue; switch (rng_int() % 3) { case 0: rc = get_race(RC_SKELETON); break; case 1: rc = get_race(RC_ZOMBIE); break; default: rc = get_race(RC_GHOUL); break; } u = create_unit(r, monsters, undead, rc, 0, NULL, NULL); fset(u, UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED); if ((rc == get_race(RC_SKELETON) || rc == get_race(RC_ZOMBIE)) && rng_int() % 10 < 4) { equip_unit(u, get_equipment("rising_undead")); } for (i = 0; i < MAXSKILLS; i++) { if (rc->bonus[i] >= 1) { set_level(u, (skill_t)i, 1); } } u->hp = unit_max_hp(u) * u->number; deathcounts(r, -undead); name_unit(u); log_debug("spawning %d %s in %s.\n", u->number, LOC(default_locale, rc_name_s(u_race(u), (u->number == 1) ? NAME_SINGULAR : NAME_PLURAL)), regionname(r, NULL)); msg = msg_message("undeadrise", "region", r); add_message(&r->msgs, msg); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) freset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (fval(u->faction, FFL_SELECT)) continue; fset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT); add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg); } msg_release(msg); } else { int i = deathcount(r); if (i) { /* Gr�ber verwittern, 3% der Untoten finden die ewige Ruhe */ deathcounts(r, (int)(-i * 0.03)); } } } } bool monster_is_waiting(const unit * u) { int test = fval(u_race(u), RCF_ATTACK_MOVED) ? UFL_ISNEW : UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED; if (fval(u, test)) return true; return false; } static void eaten_by_monster(unit * u) { /* adjustment for smaller worlds */ double multi = RESOURCE_QUANTITY * newterrain(T_PLAIN)->size / 10000.0; int n = 0; int horse = -1; const resource_type *rhorse = get_resourcetype(R_HORSE); const race *rc = u_race(u); int scare; scare = rc_scare(rc); if (scare>0) { n = rng_int() % scare * u->number; } else { n = rng_int() % (u->number / 20 + 1); horse = 0; } horse = horse ? i_get(u->items, rhorse->itype) : 0; n = (int)(n * multi); if (n > 0) { n = lovar(n); n = MIN(rpeasants(u->region), n); if (n > 0) { deathcounts(u->region, n); rsetpeasants(u->region, rpeasants(u->region) - n); ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("eatpeasants", "unit amount", u, n)); } } if (horse > 0) { i_change(&u->items, rhorse->itype, -horse); ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("eathorse", "unit amount", u, horse)); } } static void absorbed_by_monster(unit * u) { int n = rng_int() % (u->number / 20 + 1); if (n > 0) { n = lovar(n); n = MIN(rpeasants(u->region), n); if (n > 0) { rsetpeasants(u->region, rpeasants(u->region) - n); scale_number(u, u->number + n); ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("absorbpeasants", "unit race amount", u, u_race(u), n)); } } } static int scareaway(region * r, int anzahl) { int n, p, diff = 0, emigrants[MAXDIRECTIONS]; direction_t d; anzahl = MIN(MAX(1, anzahl), rpeasants(r)); /* Wandern am Ende der Woche (normal) oder wegen Monster. Die * Wanderung wird erst am Ende von demographics () ausgefuehrt. * emigrants[] ist local, weil r->newpeasants durch die Monster * vielleicht schon hochgezaehlt worden ist. */ for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; d++) emigrants[d] = 0; p = rpeasants(r); assert(p >= 0 && anzahl >= 0); for (n = MIN(p, anzahl); n; n--) { direction_t dir = (direction_t)(rng_int() % MAXDIRECTIONS); region *rc = rconnect(r, dir); if (rc && fval(rc->terrain, LAND_REGION)) { ++diff; rc->land->newpeasants++; emigrants[dir]++; } } rsetpeasants(r, p - diff); assert(p >= diff); return diff; } static void scared_by_monster(unit * u) { int n; const race *rc = u_race(u); int scare; scare = rc_scare(rc); if (scare>0) { n = rng_int() % scare * u->number; } else { n = rng_int() % (u->number / 4 + 1); } if (n > 0) { n = lovar(n); n = MIN(rpeasants(u->region), n); if (n > 0) { n = scareaway(u->region, n); if (n > 0) { ADDMSG(&u->region->msgs, msg_message("fleescared", "amount unit", n, u)); } } } } void monster_kills_peasants(unit * u) { if (!monster_is_waiting(u)) { if (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_SCAREPEASANTS) { scared_by_monster(u); } if (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_KILLPEASANTS) { eaten_by_monster(u); } if (u_race(u)->flags & RCF_ABSORBPEASANTS) { absorbed_by_monster(u); } } } void make_zombie(unit * u) { u_setfaction(u, get_monsters()); scale_number(u, 1); u->hp = unit_max_hp(u) * u->number; u_setrace(u, get_race(RC_ZOMBIE)); u->irace = NULL; }