/* vi: set ts=2: +-------------------+ | | Enno Rehling | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel | (c) 1998 - 2007 | Christian Schlittchen | | +-------------------+ This program may not be used, modified or distributed without prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ /* changes from->to: 72->73: struct unit::lock entfernt. * 73->74: struct unit::flags eingeführt. * 74->75: parteitarnung als flag. * 75->76: #ifdef NEW_HP: hp * 76->77: ship->damage * 77->78: neue Message-Option "Orkvermehrung" (MAX_MSG +1) * 78->79: showdata nicht mehr speichern * 79->HEX_VERSION: hex * 80->82: ATTRIB_VERSION * 90: Ebenen * 92: Magiegebiet-Auswahl f->magiegebiet * 94: f->attribs wird gespeichert * 100: NEWMAGIC, neue Message-Option "Zauber" (MAX_MSG +1) * 108: Speichern von Timeouts * 193: curse bekommen id aus struct unit-nummernraum */ #define GROWTREE_VERSION 305 #define RANDOMIZED_RESOURCES_VERSION 306 /* should be the same, but doesn't work */ #define NEWRACE_VERSION 307 #define INTERIM_VERSION 309 #define NEWSKILL_VERSION 309 #define WATCHERS_VERSION 310 #define OVERRIDE_VERSION 311 #define CURSETYPE_VERSION 312 #define ALLIANCES_VERSION 313 #define DBLINK_VERSION 314 #define CURSEVIGOURISFLOAT_VERSION 315 #define SAVEXMLNAME_VERSION 316 #define SAVEALLIANCE_VERSION 317 #define CLAIM_VERSION 318 /* 319 is the HSE4 data version */ #define BACTION_VERSION 319 /* building action gets a param string */ #define NOLASTORDER_VERSION 320 /* do not use lastorder */ #define SPELLNAME_VERSION 321 /* reference spells by name */ #define TERRAIN_VERSION 322 /* terrains are a full type and saved by name */ #define REGIONITEMS_VERSION 323 /* regions have items */ #define ATTRIBREAD_VERSION 324 /* remove a_readint */ #define CURSEFLAGS_VERSION 325 /* remove a_readint */ #define UNICODE_VERSION 326 /* everything is stored as UTF8 */ #define MIN_VERSION CURSETYPE_VERSION #define REGIONOWNERS_VERSION 400 #ifdef ENEMIES # define RELEASE_VERSION ENEMIES_VERSION #else # define RELEASE_VERSION UNICODE_VERSION #endif