/* vi: set ts=2: * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "save.h" #include "alchemy.h" #include "alliance.h" #include "attrib.h" #include "border.h" #include "building.h" #include "faction.h" #include "group.h" #include "item.h" #include "karma.h" #include "magic.h" #include "message.h" #include "move.h" #include "objtypes.h" #include "order.h" #include "pathfinder.h" #include "plane.h" #include "race.h" #include "region.h" #include "resources.h" #include "ship.h" #include "skill.h" #include "spell.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "terrainid.h" /* only for conversion code */ #include "unit.h" #include "version.h" /* attributes includes */ #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #define xisdigit(c) (((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') || (c) == '-') #define ESCAPE_FIX #define MAXORDERS 256 #define MAXPERSISTENT 128 /* exported symbols symbols */ const unsigned char utf8_bom[4] = { 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf }; const char * xmlfile = "eressea.xml"; const char * g_datadir; int firstx = 0, firsty = 0; int enc_gamedata = 0; /* local symbols */ static region * current_region; char * rns(FILE * f, char *c, size_t size) { char * s = c; do { *s = (char) getc(f); } while (*s!='"'); for (;;) { *s = (char) getc(f); if (*s=='"') break; if (s0) str+=ret; else { log_error(("input data was not iso-8859-1! assuming utf-8\n")); encoding = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_ERROR; *str++ = (char)c; } } else { *str++ = (char)c; } } } break; default: if ((size_t)(str-start+1)0) str+=ret; else { log_error(("input data was not iso-8859-1! assuming utf-8\n")); encoding = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_ERROR; *str++ = (char)c; } } else { *str++ = (char)c; } } } } } /** writes a quoted string to the file * no trailing space, since this is used to make the creport. */ int fwritestr(FILE * F, const char * str) { int nwrite = 0; fputc('\"', F); if (str) while (*str) { int c = (int)(unsigned char)*str++; switch (c) { case '"': case '\\': fputc('\\', F); fputc(c, F); nwrite+=2; break; case '\n': fputc('\\', F); fputc('n', F); nwrite+=2; break; default: fputc(c, F); ++nwrite; } } fputc('\"', F); return nwrite + 2; } static void rds(FILE * F, char **ds) { static char buffer[DISPLAYSIZE + 1]; /*Platz für null-char nicht vergessen!*/ char *s = &buffer[0]; int c = getc(F); while (c != '"') { if (c == EOF) { *s = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Die Datei bricht vorzeitig ab.\n"); abort(); } c = getc(F); } c = getc(F); while (c != '"') { if (c == EOF) { *s = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Die Datei bricht vorzeitig ab.\n"); abort(); } if (s - buffer < DISPLAYSIZE) { *s++ = (char)c; } c = getc(F); } c = getc(F); *s = 0; if (ds) { *ds = realloc(*ds, sizeof(char) * (strlen(buffer) + 1)); strcpy(*ds, buffer); } } static void xrds(FILE * F, char **ds, int encoding) { static char buffer[DISPLAYSIZE + 1]; /*Platz für null-char nicht vergessen!*/ int len = freadstr(F, encoding, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (len>=0) { if (ds) { *ds = realloc(*ds, sizeof(char) * (len + 1)); strcpy(*ds, buffer); } } } #define rcf(F) (getc(F)); void rsf(FILE * F, char *s, size_t len) { char * begin = s; int c; do { c = getc(F);; if (c == EOF) { puts("Die Datei bricht vorzeitig ab."); abort(); } } while (c != '"'); for (;;) { c = getc(F); if (c == '"') break; else if (c == EOF) { puts("Die Datei bricht vorzeitig ab."); abort(); } if (s-begin<(int)len-1) *s++ = (char)c; } *s = 0; } static void rs(FILE * F, char *s) { boolean apos = false; int c = getc(F); while (isspace(c)) c = getc(F); if (c=='"') { apos = true; c = getc(F); } for (;;) { if (c=='"') { c = getc(F); break; } else if (!apos && isspace(c)) break; *s++ = (char)c; c = getc(F); } *s = 0; } #define rss(F, buf, size) rs(F, buf) /* should check size but doesn't */ static int ri(FILE * F) { int i = 0, vz = 1; int c = getc(F); while (!xisdigit(c)) { if (c == EOF) { puts("Die Datei bricht vorzeitig ab."); abort(); } c = getc(F); } while (xisdigit(c)) { if (c == '-') vz = -1; else i = 10 * i + (c - '0'); c = getc(F); } return i * vz; } static int ri36(FILE * F) { char buf[16]; int i = 0; int c = getc(F); while (!isalnum(c)) c = getc(F); while (isalnum(c)) { if (i+1enemies = NULL; for (;;) { char zText[32]; fscanf(F, "%s", zText); if (strcmp(zText, "end")==0) break; else { int fno = atoi36(zText); faction_list * flist = malloc(sizeof(faction_list)); flist->next = f->enemies; f->enemies = flist; ur_add((void*)fno, (void**)&flist->data, resolve_faction); } } } static void write_enemies(FILE * F, const faction_list * flist) { while (flist) { fprintf(F, "%s ", itoa36(flist->data->no)); } fputs("end \n", F); } #endif static unit * unitorders(FILE * F, int enc, struct faction * f) { int i; unit *u; if (!f) return NULL; i = getid(); u = findunitg(i, NULL); if (quiet==0) { log_stdio(stdout, "-%4s;", unitid(u)); fflush(stdout); } if (u && u->race == new_race[RC_SPELL]) return NULL; if (u && u->faction == f) { order ** ordp; if (!fval(u, UFL_ORDERS)) { /* alle wiederholbaren, langen befehle werden gesichert: */ fset(u, UFL_ORDERS); u->old_orders = u->orders; ordp = &u->old_orders; while (*ordp) { order * ord = *ordp; if (!is_repeated(ord)) { *ordp = ord->next; ord->next = NULL; free_order(ord); } else { ordp = &ord->next; } } } else { free_orders(&u->orders); } u->orders = 0; ordp = &u->orders; for (;;) { const char * s; /* Erst wenn wir sicher sind, dass kein Befehl * eingegeben wurde, checken wir, ob nun eine neue * Einheit oder ein neuer Spieler drankommt */ s = getbuf(F, enc); if (s==NULL) break; if (s[0]) { const char * stok = s; stok = parse_token(&stok); if (stok) { boolean quit = false; param_t param = findparam(stok, u->faction->locale); switch (param) { case P_UNIT: case P_REGION: quit = true; break; case P_FACTION: case P_NEXT: case P_GAMENAME: /* these terminate the orders, so we apply extra checking */ if (strlen(stok)>=3) { quit = true; break; } else { quit = false; } } if (quit) break; } /* Nun wird der Befehl erzeut und eingehängt */ *ordp = parse_order(s, u->faction->locale); if (*ordp) ordp = &(*ordp)->next; } } } else { /* cmistake(?, buf, 160, MSG_EVENT); */ return NULL; } return u; } static faction * factionorders(void) { faction * f = NULL; int fid = getid(); f = findfaction(fid); if (f!=NULL && f->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) { const char * pass = getstrtoken(); if (quiet==0) { log_stdio(stdout, " %4s;", factionid(f)); fflush(stdout); } if (!checkpasswd(f, (const char *)pass, true)) { log_warning(("Invalid password for faction %s\n", itoa36(fid))); ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("wrongpasswd", "faction password", f->no, pass)); return 0; } /* Die Partei hat sich zumindest gemeldet, so daß sie noch * nicht als untätig gilt */ /* TODO: +1 ist ein Workaround, weil turn erst in process_orders * incrementiert wird. */ f->lastorders = global.data_turn+1; } else { log_warning(("orders for invalid faction %s\n", itoa36(fid))); } return f; } double version(void) { return RELEASE_VERSION * 0.1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static param_t igetparam (const char *s, const struct locale *lang) { return findparam (igetstrtoken (s), lang); } int readorders(const char *filename) { FILE * F = NULL; const char *b; int nfactions=0; struct faction *f = NULL; if (filename) F = cfopen(filename, "rb"); if (F==NULL) return 0; puts(" - lese Befehlsdatei...\n"); /* TODO: recognize UTF8 BOM */ b = getbuf(F, enc_gamedata); /* Auffinden der ersten Partei, und danach abarbeiten bis zur letzten * Partei */ while (b) { const struct locale * lang = f?f->locale:default_locale; int p; const char * s; switch (igetparam(b, lang)) { case P_LOCALE: s = getstrtoken(); #undef LOCALE_CHANGE #ifdef LOCALE_CHANGE if (f && find_locale(s)) { f->locale = find_locale(s); } #endif b = getbuf(F, enc_gamedata); break; case P_GAMENAME: case P_FACTION: f = factionorders(); if (f) { ++nfactions; } b = getbuf(F, enc_gamedata); break; /* in factionorders wird nur eine zeile gelesen: * diejenige mit dem passwort. Die befehle der units * werden geloescht, und die Partei wird als aktiv * vermerkt. */ case P_UNIT: if (!f || !unitorders(F, enc_gamedata, f)) do { b = getbuf(F, enc_gamedata); if (!b) break; p = igetparam(b, lang); } while ((p != P_UNIT || !f) && p != P_FACTION && p != P_NEXT && p != P_GAMENAME); break; /* Falls in unitorders() abgebrochen wird, steht dort entweder eine neue * Partei, eine neue Einheit oder das File-Ende. Das switch() wird erneut * durchlaufen, und die entsprechende Funktion aufgerufen. Man darf buf * auf alle Fälle nicht überschreiben! Bei allen anderen Einträgen hier * muß buf erneut gefüllt werden, da die betreffende Information in nur * einer Zeile steht, und nun die nächste gelesen werden muß. */ case P_NEXT: f = NULL; b = getbuf(F, enc_gamedata); break; default: b = getbuf(F, enc_gamedata); break; } } fclose(F); puts("\n"); log_printf(" %d Befehlsdateien gelesen\n", nfactions); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define INNER_WORLD */ /* fürs debuggen nur den inneren Teil der Welt laden */ /* -9;-27;-1;-19;Sumpfloch */ int inner_world(region * r) { static int xy[2] = {18, -45}; static int size[2] = {27, 27}; if (r->x >= xy[0] && r->x < xy[0] + size[0] && r->y >= xy[1] && r->y < xy[1] + size[1]) return 2; if (r->x >= xy[0] - 9 && r->x < xy[0] + size[0] + 9 && r->y >= xy[1] - 9 && r->y < xy[1] + size[1] + 9) return 1; return 0; } int maxregions = -1; int loadplane = 0; boolean dirtyload = false; boolean incomplete_data = false; enum { U_MAN, U_UNDEAD, U_ILLUSION, U_FIREDRAGON, U_DRAGON, U_WYRM, U_SPELL, U_TAVERNE, U_MONSTER, U_BIRTHDAYDRAGON, U_TREEMAN, MAXTYPES }; race_t typus2race(unsigned char typus) { if (typus>0 && typus <=11) return (race_t)(typus-1); return NORACE; } void create_backup(char *file) { #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H char bfile[MAX_PATH]; int c = 1; if (access(file, R_OK) == 0) return; do { sprintf(bfile, "%s.backup%d", file, c); c++; } while(access(bfile, R_OK) == 0); link(file, bfile); #endif } const char * datapath(void) { static char zText[MAX_PATH]; if (g_datadir) return g_datadir; return strcat(strcpy(zText, basepath()), "/data"); } void read_items(FILE *F, item **ilist) { for (;;) { char ibuf[32]; const item_type * itype; rss(F, ibuf, sizeof(ibuf)); if (!strcmp("end", ibuf)) break; itype = it_find(ibuf); assert(itype!=NULL); if (itype!=NULL) { int i = ri(F); if (i<=0) { log_error(("data contains an entry with %d %s\n", i, itype->rtype->_name[1])); } else { i_change(ilist, itype, i); } } } } static void read_alliances(FILE * F) { char pbuf[32]; if (global.data_versionid); ws(F, al->name); al = al->next; wnl(F); } fprintf(F, "end "); wnl(F); } void write_items(FILE *F, item *ilist) { item * itm; for (itm=ilist;itm;itm=itm->next) { assert(itm->number>=0); if (itm->number) { fprintf(F, "%s %i ", resourcename(itm->type->rtype, 0), itm->number); } } fputs("end ", F); } int lastturn(void) { int turn = 0; #ifdef HAVE_READDIR DIR *data_dir = NULL; struct dirent *entry = NULL; const char * dir = datapath(); data_dir = opendir(dir); if (data_dir != NULL) { entry = readdir(data_dir); } if (data_dir != NULL && entry != NULL) { turn = 0; do { int i = atoi(entry->d_name); if (i > turn) turn = i; entry = readdir(data_dir); } while (entry != NULL); #ifdef HAVE_CLOSEDIR closedir(data_dir); #endif } #else # error "requires dirent.h or an equivalent to compile!" #endif return turn; } void fwriteorder(FILE * F, const struct order * ord, const struct locale * lang) { char obuf[1024]; write_order(ord, lang, obuf, sizeof(obuf)); if (obuf[0]) fwritestr(F, obuf); } unit * readunit(FILE * F, int encoding) { skill_t sk; unit * u; int number, n, p; order ** orderp; char obuf[1024]; n = rid(F); u = findunit(n); if (u==NULL) { u = calloc(sizeof(unit), 1); u->no = n; uhash(u); } else { while (u->attribs) a_remove(&u->attribs, u->attribs); while (u->items) i_free(i_remove(&u->items, u->items)); free(u->skills); u->skills = 0; u->skill_size = 0; u_setfaction(u, NULL); } { int n = rid(F); faction * f = findfaction(n); if (f!=u->faction) u_setfaction(u, f); } xrds(F, &u->name, encoding); if (lomem) rds(F, NULL); else { xrds(F, &u->display, encoding); } number = ri(F); u->age = (short)ri(F); if (global.data_versionrace = new_race[(race_t)ri(F)]; u->irace = new_race[(race_t)ri(F)]; } else { char * space; char rname[32]; rss(F, rname, sizeof(rname)); space = strchr(rname, ' '); if (space!=NULL) { char * inc = space+1; char * outc = space; do { while (*inc==' ') ++inc; while (*inc) { *outc++ = *inc++; if (*inc==' ') break; } } while (*inc); *outc = 0; } u->race = rc_find(rname); assert(u->race); rss(F, rname, sizeof(rname)); if (strlen(rname)) u->irace = rc_find(rname); else u->irace = u->race; } if (u->race->describe) { const char * rcdisp = u->race->describe(u, u->faction->locale); if (u->display && rcdisp) { /* see if the data file contains old descriptions */ if (strcmp(rcdisp, u->display)==0) { free(u->display); u->display = NULL; } } } if (u->faction == NULL) { log_error(("unit %s has faction == NULL\n", unitname(u))); u_setfaction(u, findfaction(MONSTER_FACTION)); set_number(u, 0); } if (count_unit(u)) u->faction->no_units++; set_number(u, number); u->building = findbuilding(rid(F)); u->ship = findship(rid(F)); if (global.data_version <= 73) { if (ri(F)) { fset(u, UFL_OWNER); } else { freset(u, UFL_OWNER); } } setstatus(u, ri(F)); if (global.data_version <= 73) { if (ri(F)) { guard(u, GUARD_ALL); } else { guard(u, GUARD_NONE); } } else { u->flags = ri(F) & ~UFL_DEBUG; u->flags &= UFL_SAVEMASK; } /* Persistente Befehle einlesen */ free_orders(&u->orders); freadstr(F, encoding, obuf, sizeof(obuf)); p = n = 0; orderp = &u->orders; while (obuf[0]) { if (!lomem) { order * ord = parse_order(obuf, u->faction->locale); if (ord!=NULL) { if (++nnext; ord = NULL; } else if (p==MAXPERSISTENT) { log_warning(("%s had %d or more persistent orders\n", unitname(u), MAXPERSISTENT)); } } else if (n==MAXORDERS) { log_warning(("%s had %d or more orders\n", unitname(u), MAXORDERS)); } if (ord!=NULL) free_order(ord); } } freadstr(F, encoding, obuf, sizeof(obuf)); } if (global.data_versionfaction->locale); if (ord!=NULL) { #ifdef LASTORDER set_order(&u->lastorder, ord); #else addlist(&u->orders, ord); #endif } } set_order(&u->thisorder, NULL); assert(u->race); if (global.data_versionnumber) { while ((sk = (skill_t) ri(F)) != NOSKILL) { int days = ri(F) / u->number; int lvl = level(days); int weeks = lvl + 1 - (days - level_days(lvl))/30; assert(weeks>0 && weeks<=lvl+1); if (lvl) { skill * sv = add_skill(u, sk); sv->level = sv->old = (unsigned char)lvl; sv->weeks = (unsigned char)weeks; } } } } else { while ((sk = (skill_t) ri(F)) != NOSKILL) { int level = ri(F); int weeks = ri(F); if (level) { skill * sv = add_skill(u, sk); sv->level = sv->old = (unsigned char)level; sv->weeks = (unsigned char)weeks; } } } read_items(F, &u->items); u->hp = ri(F); if (u->hp < u->number) { log_error(("Einheit %s hat %u Personen, und %u Trefferpunkte\n", itoa36(u->no), u->number, u->hp)); u->hp=u->number; } a_read(F, &u->attribs); return u; } void writeunit(FILE * F, const unit * u) { order * ord; int i, p = 0; wi36(F, u->no); wi36(F, u->faction->no); fwritestr(F, (const char *)u->name); fputc(' ', F); fwritestr(F, u->display?(const char *)u->display:""); fputc(' ', F); wi(F, u->number); wi(F, u->age); ws(F, u->race->_name[0]); ws(F, u->irace!=u->race?u->irace->_name[0]:""); if (u->building) wi36(F, u->building->no); else wi(F, 0); if (u->ship) wi36(F, u->ship->no); else wi36(F, 0); wi(F, u->status); wi(F, u->flags & UFL_SAVEMASK); wnl(F); #ifndef LASTORDER for (ord = u->old_orders; ord; ord=ord->next) { if (++pfaction->locale); fputc(' ', F); } else { log_error(("%s had %d or more persistent orders\n", unitname(u), MAXPERSISTENT)); break; } } #endif for (ord = u->orders; ord; ord=ord->next) { if (u->old_orders && is_repeated(ord)) continue; /* has new defaults */ if (is_persistent(ord)) { if (++pfaction->locale); fputc(' ', F); } else { log_error(("%s had %d or more persistent orders\n", unitname(u), MAXPERSISTENT)); break; } } } /* write an empty string to terminate the list */ fputs("\"\"", F); wnl(F); #if RELEASE_VERSIONlastorder, u->faction->locale); wnl(F); #endif assert(u->race); for (i=0;i!=u->skill_size;++i) { skill * sv = u->skills+i; assert(sv->weeks<=sv->level*2+1); if (sv->level>0) { wi(F, sv->id); wi(F, sv->level); wi(F, sv->weeks); } } wi(F, -1); wnl(F); write_items(F, u->items); wnl(F); if (u->hp == 0) { log_error(("Einheit %s hat 0 Trefferpunkte\n", itoa36(u->no))); ((unit*)u)->hp = 1; } wi(F, u->hp); wnl(F); a_write(F, u->attribs); wnl(F); } region * readregion(FILE * F, int encoding, short x, short y) { region * r = findregion(x, y); const terrain_type * terrain; char token[32]; if (r==NULL) { r = new_region(x, y); } else { current_region = r; while (r->attribs) a_remove(&r->attribs, r->attribs); if (r->land) { free(r->land); /* mem leak */ r->land->demands = 0; /* mem leak */ } while (r->resources) { rawmaterial * rm = r->resources; r->resources = rm->next; free(rm); } r->land = 0; } if (lomem) rds(F, NULL); else xrds(F, &r->display, encoding); if (global.data_version < TERRAIN_VERSION) { int ter = ri(F); terrain = newterrain((terrain_t)ter); } else { char name[64]; rss(F, name, sizeof(name)); terrain = get_terrain(name); if (terrain==NULL) { log_error(("Unknown terrain '%s'\n", name)); assert(!"unknown terrain"); } } r->terrain = terrain; r->flags = (char) ri(F); r->age = (unsigned short) ri(F); if (fval(r->terrain, LAND_REGION)) { r->land = calloc(1, sizeof(land_region)); xrds(F, &r->land->name, encoding); } if (r->land) { int i; rawmaterial ** pres = &r->resources; if(global.data_version < GROWTREE_VERSION) { i = ri(F); rsettrees(r, 2, i); } else { i = ri(F); if (i<0) { log_error(("number of trees in %s is %d.\n", regionname(r, NULL), i)); i=0; } rsettrees(r, 0, i); i = ri(F); if (i<0) { log_error(("number of young trees in %s is %d.\n", regionname(r, NULL), i)); i=0; } rsettrees(r, 1, i); i = ri(F); if (i<0) { log_error(("number of seeds in %s is %d.\n", regionname(r, NULL), i)); i=0; } rsettrees(r, 2, i); } i = ri(F); rsethorses(r, i); assert(*pres==NULL); for (;;) { rawmaterial * res; rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); if (strcmp(token, "end")==0) break; res = malloc(sizeof(rawmaterial)); res->type = rmt_find(token); if (res->type==NULL) { log_error(("invalid resourcetype %s in data.\n", token)); } assert(res->type!=NULL); res->level = ri(F); res->amount = ri(F); res->flags = 0; if(global.data_version >= RANDOMIZED_RESOURCES_VERSION) { res->startlevel = ri(F); res->base = ri(F); res->divisor = ri(F); } else { int i; for (i=0;r->terrain->production[i].type;++i) { if (res->type->rtype == r->terrain->production[i].type) break; } res->base = dice_rand(r->terrain->production[i].base); res->divisor = dice_rand(r->terrain->production[i].divisor); res->startlevel = 1; } *pres = res; pres=&res->next; } *pres = NULL; rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); if (strcmp(token, "noherb") != 0) { const resource_type * rtype = rt_find(token); assert(rtype && rtype->itype && fval(rtype->itype, ITF_HERB)); rsetherbtype(r, rtype->itype); } else { rsetherbtype(r, NULL); } rsetherbs(r, (short)ri(F)); rsetpeasants(r, ri(F)); rsetmoney(r, ri(F)); } assert(r->terrain!=NULL); assert(rhorses(r) >= 0); assert(rpeasants(r) >= 0); assert(rmoney(r) >= 0); if (r->land) { for (;;) { const struct item_type * itype; rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); if (!strcmp(token, "end")) break; itype = it_find(token); assert(itype->rtype->ltype); r_setdemand(r, itype->rtype->ltype, ri(F)); } if (global.data_version>=REGIONITEMS_VERSION) { read_items(F, &r->land->items); } } a_read(F, &r->attribs); return r; } void writeregion(FILE * F, const region * r) { fwritestr(F, r->display?(const char *)r->display:""); fputc(' ', F); ws(F, r->terrain->_name); wi(F, r->flags & RF_SAVEMASK); wi(F, r->age); wnl(F); if (fval(r->terrain, LAND_REGION)) { const item_type *rht; struct demand * demand; rawmaterial * res = r->resources; fwritestr(F, (const char *)r->land->name); fputc(' ', F); assert(rtrees(r,0)>=0); assert(rtrees(r,1)>=0); assert(rtrees(r,2)>=0); wi(F, rtrees(r,0)); wi(F, rtrees(r,1)); wi(F, rtrees(r,2)); wi(F, rhorses(r)); while (res) { ws(F, res->type->name); wi(F, res->level); wi(F, res->amount); wi(F, res->startlevel); wi(F, res->base); wi(F, res->divisor); res = res->next; } fputs("end ", F); rht = rherbtype(r); if (rht) { ws(F, resourcename(rht->rtype, 0)); } else { ws(F, "noherb"); } wi(F, rherbs(r)); wi(F, rpeasants(r)); wi(F, rmoney(r)); if (r->land) for (demand=r->land->demands; demand; demand=demand->next) { ws(F, resourcename(demand->type->itype->rtype, 0)); wi(F, demand->value); } fputs("end \n", F); #if RELEASE_VERSION>=REGIONITEMS_VERSION write_items(F, r->land->items); wnl(F); #endif } a_write(F, r->attribs); wnl(F); } static ally ** addally(const faction * f, ally ** sfp, int aid, int state) { struct faction * af = findfaction(aid); ally * sf; state &= ~HELP_OBSERVE; #ifndef REGIONOWNERS state &= ~HELP_TRAVEL; #endif if (state==0) return sfp; sf = calloc(1, sizeof(ally)); sf->faction = af; if (!sf->faction) { variant id; id.i = aid; ur_add(id, (void**)&sf->faction, resolve_faction); } sf->status = state & HELP_ALL; while (*sfp) sfp=&(*sfp)->next; *sfp = sf; return &sf->next; } /** Reads a faction from a file. * This function requires no context, can be called in any state. The * faction may not already exist, however. */ faction * readfaction(FILE * F, int encoding) { ally **sfp; int planes; int i = rid(F); faction * f = findfaction(i); char * email = NULL; char token[32]; if (f==NULL) { f = (faction *) calloc(1, sizeof(faction)); f->no = i; } else { f->allies = NULL; /* mem leak */ while (f->attribs) a_remove(&f->attribs, f->attribs); } f->subscription = ri(F); if (alliances!=NULL) { int allianceid = rid(F); if (allianceid!=0) f->alliance = findalliance(allianceid); if (f->alliance) { faction_list * flist = malloc(sizeof(faction_list)); flist->data = f; flist->next = f->alliance->members; f->alliance->members = flist; } } xrds(F, &f->name, encoding); xrds(F, &f->banner, encoding); if (quiet==0) log_stdio(stdout, " - Lese Partei %s (%s)\n", f->name, factionid(f)); rds(F, &email); if (set_email(&f->email, email)!=0) { log_warning(("Invalid email address for faction %s: %s\n", itoa36(f->no), email)); set_email(&f->email, ""); } free(email); rds(F, &f->passw); if (global.data_version >= OVERRIDE_VERSION) { rds(F, &f->override); } else { f->override = strdup(itoa36(rng_int())); } rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); f->locale = find_locale(token); f->lastorders = ri(F); f->age = ri(F); if (global.data_version < NEWRACE_VERSION) { race_t rc = (char) ri(F); f->race = new_race[rc]; } else { rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); f->race = rc_find(token); assert(f->race); } f->magiegebiet = (magic_t)ri(F); #ifdef KARMA_MODULE f->karma = ri(F); #else /* ignore karma */ ri(F); #endif /* KARMA_MODULE */ f->flags = ri(F); a_read(F, &f->attribs); if (global.data_version>=CLAIM_VERSION) { read_items(F, &f->items); } for (;;) { int level; fscanf(F, "%s", token); if (strcmp("end", token)==0) break; fscanf(F, "%d ", &level); } planes = ri(F); while(--planes >= 0) { int id = ri(F); short ux = (short)ri(F); short uy = (short)ri(F); set_ursprung(f, id, ux, uy); } f->newbies = 0; i = f->options = ri(F); if ((i & (want(O_REPORT)|want(O_COMPUTER)))==0 && f->no!=MONSTER_FACTION) { /* Kein Report eingestellt, Fehler */ f->options = f->options | want(O_REPORT) | want(O_ZUGVORLAGE); } sfp = &f->allies; if (global.data_version= 0) { int aid = rid(F); int state = ri(F); sfp = addally(f, sfp, aid, state); } } else { for (;;) { rs(F, token); if (strcmp(token, "end")==0) break; else { int aid = atoi36(token); int state = ri(F); sfp = addally(f, sfp, aid, state); } } } read_groups(F, f); #ifdef ENEMIES read_enemies(F, f); #endif return f; } void writefaction(FILE * F, const faction * f) { ally *sf; ursprung *ur; wi36(F, f->no); wi(F, f->subscription); if (alliances!=NULL) { if (f->alliance) wi36(F, f->alliance->id); else wi36(F, 0); } fwritestr(F, (const char *)f->name); fputc(' ', F); fwritestr(F, (const char *)f->banner); fputc(' ', F); ws(F, f->email); ws(F, (const char *)f->passw); ws(F, (const char *)f->override); ws(F, locale_name(f->locale)); wi(F, f->lastorders); wi(F, f->age); ws(F, f->race->_name[0]); wnl(F); wi(F, f->magiegebiet); #ifdef KARMA_MODULE wi(F, f->karma); #else wi(F, 0); #endif /* KARMA_MODULE */ wi(F, f->flags&FFL_SAVEMASK); a_write(F, f->attribs); wnl(F); #if RELEASE_VERSION>=CLAIM_VERSION write_items(F, f->items); wnl(F); #endif fputs("end ", F); wnl(F); wi(F, listlen(f->ursprung)); for(ur = f->ursprung;ur;ur=ur->next) { wi(F, ur->id); wi(F, ur->x); wi(F, ur->y); } wnl(F); wi(F, f->options & ~want(O_DEBUG)); wnl(F); for (sf = f->allies; sf; sf = sf->next) { int no = (sf->faction!=NULL)?sf->faction->no:0; int status = alliedfaction(NULL, f, sf->faction, HELP_ALL); if (status!=0) { wi36(F, no); wi(F, sf->status); } } fprintf(F, "end "); wnl(F); write_groups(F, f->groups); #ifdef ENEMIES write_enemies(F, f->enemies); #endif } int readgame(const char * filename, int backup) { int i, n, p; faction *f, **fp; region *r; building *b, **bp; ship **shp; unit *u; FILE * F; int rmax = maxregions; char path[MAX_PATH]; char token[32]; int encoding = enc_gamedata; const struct building_type * bt_lighthouse = bt_find("lighthouse"); sprintf(path, "%s/%s", datapath(), filename); log_printf("- reading game data from %s\n", filename); if (backup) create_backup(path); F = cfopen(path, "r"); if (F==NULL) { log_error(("Keine Spieldaten gefunden.\n")); return -1; } /* recognize UTF8 BOM */ rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); if (memcmp(token, utf8_bom, 3)==0) { if (enc_gamedata!=XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8) { encoding = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8; } log_warning(("Found UTF-8 BOM, assuming unicode gamedata.\n")); global.data_version = atoi(token+3); } else { if (encoding==XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE) { encoding=XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1; log_warning(("No BOM, assuming 8859-1 gamedata.\n")); } global.data_version = atoi(token); } enc_gamedata = encoding; assert(global.data_version>=MIN_VERSION || !"unsupported data format"); assert(global.data_version<=RELEASE_VERSION || !"unsupported data format"); assert(global.data_version >= GROWTREE_VERSION); if(global.data_version >= SAVEXMLNAME_VERSION) { char basefile[1024]; const char *basearg = "(null)"; rs(F, basefile); assert(xmlfile != NULL); basearg = strrchr(xmlfile, '/'); if (basearg==NULL) { basearg = xmlfile; } else { ++basearg; } if (strcmp(basearg, basefile)!=0) { log_warning(("xmlfile mismatch: datafile contains %s, argument/default is %s\n", basefile, basearg)); printf("WARNING: any key to continue, Ctrl-C to stop\n"); getchar(); } } a_read(F, &global.attribs); global.data_turn = turn = ri(F); ri(F); /* max_unique_id = */ nextborder = ri(F); /* Planes */ planes = NULL; n = ri(F); while(--n >= 0) { plane *pl = calloc(1, sizeof(plane)); pl->id = ri(F); xrds(F, &pl->name, encoding); pl->minx = (short)ri(F); pl->maxx = (short)ri(F); pl->miny = (short)ri(F); pl->maxy = (short)ri(F); pl->flags = ri(F); if (global.data_version>WATCHERS_VERSION) { rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); while (strcmp(token, "end")!=0) { watcher * w = calloc(sizeof(watcher),1); variant fno; fno.i = atoi36(token); w->mode = (unsigned char)ri(F); w->next = pl->watchers; pl->watchers = w; ur_add(fno, (void**)&w->faction, resolve_faction); rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); } } a_read(F, &pl->attribs); addlist(&planes, pl); } /* Read factions */ if (global.data_version>=ALLIANCES_VERSION) { read_alliances(F); } n = ri(F); if (quiet<2) printf(" - Einzulesende Parteien: %d\n", n); fp = &factions; while (*fp) fp=&(*fp)->next; /* fflush (stdout); */ while (--n >= 0) { faction * f = readfaction(F, encoding); *fp = f; fp = &f->next; fhash(f); } *fp = 0; /* Benutzte Faction-Ids */ i = ri(F); while (i--) { ri(F); /* used faction ids. ignore. */ } /* Regionen */ n = ri(F); if (rmax<0) rmax = n; if (quiet<2) printf(" - Einzulesende Regionen: %d/%d\r", rmax, n); if (loadplane || dirtyload || firstx || firsty || maxregions>=0) { incomplete_data = true; } while (--n >= 0) { unit **up; boolean skip = false; short x = (short)ri(F); short y = (short)ri(F); plane * pl = findplane(x, y); if (firstx || firsty) { if (x!=firstx || y!=firsty) { skip = true; } else { firstx=0; firsty=0; if (rmax>0) rmax = min(n, rmax)-1; } } if (loadplane && (!pl || pl->id!=loadplane)) skip = true; if (rmax==0) { if (dirtyload) break; skip = true; } if (quiet<2 && (n & 0x3FF) == 0) { /* das spart extrem Zeit */ printf(" - Einzulesende Regionen: %d/%d ", rmax, n); printf("* %d,%d \r", x, y); } if (skip) { char * r; #define SKIPSIZE 4096 char buffer[SKIPSIZE]; buffer[SKIPSIZE-1] = '@'; do { r = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), F); /* skip region */ if (r && buffer[SKIPSIZE-1]!='@') { while (r && buffer[SKIPSIZE-1]!='@') { /* our buffer was not big enough */ buffer[SKIPSIZE-1] = '@'; r = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), F); } if (r) continue; } } while (r && buffer[0]!='\n'); continue; } --rmax; r = readregion(F, encoding, x, y); /* Burgen */ p = ri(F); bp = &r->buildings; while (--p >= 0) { b = (building *) calloc(1, sizeof(building)); b->no = rid(F); *bp = b; bp = &b->next; bhash(b); xrds(F, &b->name, encoding); if (lomem) rds(F, 0); else xrds(F, &b->display, encoding); b->size = ri(F); rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); b->type = bt_find(token); b->region = r; a_read(F, &b->attribs); if (b->type==bt_lighthouse) { r->flags |= RF_LIGHTHOUSE; } } /* Schiffe */ p = ri(F); shp = &r->ships; while (--p >= 0) { ship * sh = (ship *) calloc(1, sizeof(ship)); sh->region = r; sh->no = rid(F); *shp = sh; shp = &sh->next; shash(sh); xrds(F, &sh->name, encoding); if (lomem) rds(F, NULL); else xrds(F, &sh->display, encoding); rss(F, token, sizeof(token)); sh->type = st_find(token); if (sh->type==NULL) { /* old datafiles */ sh->type = st_find((const char *)locale_string(default_locale, token)); } assert(sh->type || !"ship_type not registered!"); sh->size = ri(F); sh->damage = ri(F); /* Attribute rekursiv einlesen */ sh->coast = (direction_t)ri(F); a_read(F, &sh->attribs); } *shp = 0; /* Einheiten */ p = ri(F); up = &r->units; while (--p >= 0) { unit * u = readunit(F, encoding); sc_mage * mage; assert(u->region==NULL); u->region = r; if (u->flags&UFL_GUARD) fset(r, RF_GUARDED); *up = u; up = &u->next; update_interval(u->faction, u->region); mage = get_mage(u); if (mage && mage->spellcount<0) { mage->spellcount = 0; updatespelllist(u); } } } if (quiet<2) printf("\n"); if (!dirtyload) { read_borders(F); } fclose(F); /* Unaufgeloeste Zeiger initialisieren */ if (quiet<2) printf("\n - Referenzen initialisieren...\n"); resolve(); for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { if (r->flags & RF_LIGHTHOUSE) { building * b; for (b=r->buildings;b;b=b->next) update_lighthouse(b); } } if (quiet < 2) printf(" - Regionen initialisieren & verbinden...\n"); for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { for (u = f->units; u; u = u->nextF) { if (u->number>0) { f->alive = 1; break; } } } if (findfaction(0)) { findfaction(0)->alive = 1; } if (loadplane || maxregions>=0) { remove_empty_factions(false); } return 0; } int writegame(const char *filename, int quiet) { char *base; int n; faction *f; region *r; building *b; ship *sh; unit *u; plane *pl; FILE * F; char path[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", datapath(), filename); #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H if (access(path, R_OK) == 0) { /* make sure we don't overwrite some hardlinkedfile */ unlink(path); } #endif F = cfopen(path, "w"); if (F==NULL) { return -1; } else { fwrite(utf8_bom, 1, 3, F); } if (!quiet) printf("Schreibe die %d. Runde...\n", turn); /* globale Variablen */ wi(F, RELEASE_VERSION); wnl(F); base = strrchr(xmlfile, '/'); if (base) { ws(F, base+1); } else { ws(F, xmlfile); } wnl(F); a_write(F, global.attribs); wnl(F); wi(F, turn); wi(F, 0/*max_unique_id*/); wi(F, nextborder); /* Write planes */ wnl(F); wi(F, listlen(planes)); wnl(F); for(pl = planes; pl; pl=pl->next) { watcher * w; wi(F, pl->id); fwritestr(F, pl->name); fputc(' ', F); wi(F, pl->minx); wi(F, pl->maxx); wi(F, pl->miny); wi(F, pl->maxy); wi(F, pl->flags); w = pl->watchers; while (w) { if (w->faction) { wi36(F, w->faction->no); wi(F, w->mode); } w = w->next; } fputs("end ", F); a_write(F, pl->attribs); wnl(F); } /* Write factions */ #if RELEASE_VERSION>=ALLIANCES_VERSION write_alliances(F); #endif n = listlen(factions); wi(F, n); wnl(F); if (quiet < 2) printf(" - Schreibe %d Parteien...\n",n); for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { writefaction(F, f); } wi(F, 0); /* used faction ids. old stuff */ wnl(F); /* Write regions */ n=listlen(regions); wi(F, n); wnl(F); if (quiet<2) printf(" - Schreibe Regionen: %d \r", n); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next, --n) { /* plus leerzeile */ if (quiet<2 && (n%1024)==0) { /* das spart extrem Zeit */ printf(" - Schreibe Regionen: %d \r", n); fflush(stdout); } wnl(F); wi(F, r->x); wi(F, r->y); writeregion(F, r); wi(F, listlen(r->buildings)); wnl(F); for (b = r->buildings; b; b = b->next) { wi36(F, b->no); fwritestr(F, b->name); fputc(' ', F); fwritestr(F, b->display?b->display:""); fputc(' ', F); wi(F, b->size); ws(F, b->type->_name); wnl(F); a_write(F, b->attribs); wnl(F); } wi(F, listlen(r->ships)); wnl(F); for (sh = r->ships; sh; sh = sh->next) { assert(sh->region == r); wi36(F, sh->no); fwritestr(F, (const char *)sh->name); fputc(' ', F); fwritestr(F, sh->display?(const char *)sh->display:""); fputc(' ', F); ws(F, sh->type->name[0]); wi(F, sh->size); wi(F, sh->damage); wi(F, sh->coast); wnl(F); a_write(F, sh->attribs); wnl(F); } wi(F, listlen(r->units)); wnl(F); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { writeunit(F, u); } } wnl(F); write_borders(F); wnl(F); fclose(F); if (quiet<2) printf("\nOk.\n"); return 0; } int a_readint(attrib * a, FILE * f) { /* assert(sizeof(int)==sizeof(a->data)); */ fscanf(f, "%d", &a->data.i); return AT_READ_OK; } void a_writeint(const attrib * a, FILE * f) { fprintf(f, "%d ", a->data.i); } int a_readshorts(attrib * a, FILE * f) { if (global.data_versiondata.sa[0], &a->data.sa[1]); return AT_READ_OK; } void a_writeshorts(const attrib * a, FILE * f) { fprintf(f, "%hd %hd ", a->data.sa[0], a->data.sa[1]); } int a_readchars(attrib * a, FILE * f) { int i; if (global.data_versiondata.ca[i] = (char)c; } return AT_READ_OK; } void a_writechars(const attrib * a, FILE * f) { int i; for (i=0;i!=4;++i) { int c = a->data.ca[i]; fprintf(f, "%d ", c); } } int a_readvoid(attrib * a, FILE * f) { if (global.data_versiondata.v = strdup(zText); return AT_READ_OK; } void a_writestring(const attrib * a, FILE * f) { assert(a->data.v); fprintf(f, "\"%s\" ", (char*)a->data.v); } void a_finalizestring(attrib * a) { free(a->data.v); }