/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "economy.h" #include "ship.h" #include "unit.h" #include "building.h" #include "faction.h" #include "plane.h" #include "alchemy.h" #include "item.h" #include "magic.h" #include "build.h" #include "goodies.h" #include "study.h" #include "movement.h" #include "race.h" #include "spy.h" #include "build.h" #include "pool.h" #include "region.h" #include "unit.h" #include "skill.h" #include "message.h" #include "reports.h" #include "karma.h" /* gamecode includes */ #include "laws.h" /* util includes */ #include #include #include /* libs includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* - static global symbols ------------------------------------- */ typedef struct spende { struct spende *next; struct faction *f1, *f2; struct region *region; int betrag; } spende; static spende *spenden; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define FAST_WORK static request workers[1024]; static request *nextworker; static int working; static request entertainers[1024]; static request *nextentertainer; static int entertaining; static int norders; static request *oa; int income(const unit * u) { switch(u->race) { case RC_FIREDRAGON: return 150 * u->number; case RC_DRAGON: return 1000 * u->number; case RC_WYRM: return 5000 * u->number; } return 20 * u->number; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ const struct ship_type * findshiptype(char *s, const locale * lang) { const struct ship_type * i = st_find(s); return i; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct scramble { int index; int rnd; } * vec; int scramblecmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return ((struct scramble *)p1)->rnd - ((struct scramble *)p2)->rnd; } void scramble(void *data, int n, size_t width) { int i; static int vecsize = 0; void *buffer = NULL, *temp = NULL; if (n > vecsize) { vecsize = n; vec = (struct scramble *) realloc(vec, vecsize * sizeof(struct scramble)); } for (i = 0; i != n; i++) { vec[i].rnd = rand(); vec[i].index = i; } qsort(vec, n, sizeof(struct scramble), scramblecmp); for (i = 0; i != n; i++) { /* in vec[k].index steht, wohin der block k soll */ /* src soll nach target geschoben werden. dafür wird target gemerkt, * src verschoben, und target zum neuen src. ende, wenn k wieder i ist */ if (vec[i].index!=i) { char * src = ((char*)data)+width*i; int k = i; int dest = vec[k].index; if (temp==NULL) { temp = malloc(width); } buffer = temp; do { char * target = ((char*)data)+width*dest; memcpy(buffer, target, width); memcpy(target, src, width); k = dest; /* wo das gerettete target hin soll */ dest = vec[dest].index; vec[k].index = k; /* dest ist an der richtigen stelle */ /* swap buffer and src. misuse target as intermediate var. */ target = buffer; buffer = src; src = target; } while (vec[i].index!=i); } } if (buffer!=NULL) free(temp); } #if 0 #define MAX 6 int oi[MAX]; void test_scramble(void) { int i; for (i=0;i!=MAX;++i) { oi[i] = i; } scramble(oi, MAX, sizeof(int)); for (i=0;i!=MAX;++i) { int j; for (j=0;j!=MAX;++j) { if (oi[j]==i) break; } assert(j!=MAX); } } #endif static void expandorders(region * r, request * requests) { int i, j; unit *u; request *o; /* Alle Units ohne request haben ein -1, alle units mit orders haben ein * 0 hier stehen */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) u->n = -1; norders = 0; for (o = requests; o; o = o->next) if (o->qty > 0) { norders += o->qty; } if (norders > 0) { oa = (request *) calloc(norders, sizeof(request)); i = 0; for (o = requests; o; o = o->next) { if (o->qty > 0) { for (j = o->qty; j; j--) { oa[i] = *o; oa[i].unit->n = 0; i++; } } } scramble(oa, norders, sizeof(request)); } else { oa = NULL; } #if 0 freelist(requests); #else while (requests) { request * o = requests->next; free(requests); requests = o; } #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void expandrecruit(region * r, request * recruitorders) { /* Rekrutierung */ int i, n, p = rpeasants(r), h = rhorses(r); int rfrac = p / RECRUITFRACTION; unit * u; expandorders(r, recruitorders); if (!norders) return; for (i = 0, n = 0; i != norders; i++) { unit * u = oa[i].unit; race_t rc = u->faction->race; int recruitcost = race[rc].rekrutieren; /* check if recruiting is limited. * either horses or peasant fraction or not at all */ if ((race[rc].ec_flags & ECF_REC_UNLIMITED)==0) { /* not unlimited, and everything's gone: */ if (race[rc].ec_flags & ECF_REC_HORSES) { /* recruit from horses if not all gone */ if (h <= 0) continue; } else if ((race[rc].ec_flags & ECF_REC_ETHEREAL) == 0) { /* recruit from peasants if any space left */ if (n >= rfrac) continue; } } if (recruitcost) { if (get_pooled(oa[i].unit, r, R_SILVER) < recruitcost) continue; use_pooled(oa[i].unit, r, R_SILVER, recruitcost); } if ((race[rc].ec_flags & ECF_REC_UNLIMITED)==0) { if (race[rc].ec_flags & ECF_REC_HORSES) h--; /* use a horse */ else { if ((race[rc].ec_flags & ECF_REC_ETHEREAL)==0) p--; /* use a peasant */ n++; } set_number(u, u->number + 1); u->race = rc; u->n++; } } assert(p>=0 && h>=0); rsetpeasants(r, p); rsethorses(r, h); free(oa); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->n >= 0) { if (u->number) u->hp += u->n * unit_max_hp(u); if (u->race == RC_ORC) { change_skill(u, SK_SWORD, 30 * u->n); change_skill(u, SK_SPEAR, 30 * u->n); } if (race[u->race].ec_flags & ECF_REC_HORSES) { change_skill(u, SK_RIDING, 30 * u->n); } i = fspecial(u->faction, FS_MILITIA); if (i > 0) { if (race[u->race].bonus[SK_SPEAR] >= 0) change_skill(u, SK_SPEAR, u->n * level_days(i)); if (race[u->race].bonus[SK_SWORD] >= 0) change_skill(u, SK_SWORD, u->n * level_days(i)); if (race[u->race].bonus[SK_LONGBOW] >= 0) change_skill(u, SK_LONGBOW, u->n * level_days(i)); if (race[u->race].bonus[SK_CROSSBOW] >= 0) change_skill(u, SK_CROSSBOW, u->n * level_days(i)); if (race[u->race].bonus[SK_RIDING] >= 0) change_skill(u, SK_RIDING, u->n * level_days(i)); if (race[u->race].bonus[SK_AUSDAUER] >= 0) change_skill(u, SK_AUSDAUER, u->n * level_days(i)); } if (u->n < u->wants) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "recruit%u:unit%r:region%i:amount%i:want", u, r, u->n, u->wants)); } } } } void recruit(region * r, unit * u, strlist * S, request ** recruitorders) { int n; plane * pl; request *o; int recruitcost; if (u->faction->race == RC_INSECT) { if (season[month(0)] == 0 && rterrain(r) != T_DESERT) { #ifdef INSECT_POTION boolean usepotion = false; unit *u2; for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) if (fval(u2, FL_WARMTH)) { usepotion = true; break; } if (!usepotion) #endif { cmistake(u, S->s, 98, MSG_EVENT); return; } } if (rterrain(r) == T_GLACIER) { cmistake(u, S->s, 97, MSG_EVENT); return; } } if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_RIOT, 0)) { /* Die Region befindet sich in Aufruhr */ cmistake(u, S->s, 237, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (fval(r, RF_ORCIFIED) && u->faction->race != RC_ORC && !(race[u->faction->race].ec_flags & ECF_REC_HORSES)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 238, MSG_EVENT); return; } recruitcost = race[u->faction->race].rekrutieren; pl = getplane(r); if (pl && fval(pl, PFL_NORECRUITS)) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "error_pflnorecruit%s:command%u:unit%r:region", S->s, u, r)); return; } if (get_pooled(u, r, R_SILVER) < recruitcost) { cmistake(u, S->s, 142, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (nonplayer(u) || idle(u->faction)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 139, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (u->race != u->faction->race) { if (u->number != 0) { cmistake(u, S->s, 139, MSG_EVENT); return; } else u->race = u->faction->race; } n = geti(); if (get_skill(u, SK_MAGIC)) { /* error158;de;{unit} in {region}: '{command}' - Magier arbeiten * grundsätzlich nur alleine! */ cmistake(u, S->s, 158, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (get_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY) && count_skill(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY) + n > max_skill(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 156, MSG_EVENT); return; } n = min(n, get_pooled(u, r, R_SILVER) / recruitcost); u->wants = n; if (!n) { cmistake(u, S->s, 142, MSG_EVENT); return; } o = (request *) calloc(1, sizeof(request)); o->qty = n; o->unit = u; addlist(recruitorders, o); return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ int count_max_migrants(faction * f) { int x = (int)(log10(count_all(f) / 50.0) * 20); return max(0, x); } extern const char* resname(resource_t res, int i); void add_give(unit * u, unit * u2, int n, const resource_type * rtype, const char * cmd, int error) { if (error) cmistake(u, cmd, error, MSG_EVENT); else if (!u2 || u2->faction!=u->faction) { assert(rtype); add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "give%u:unit%u:target%X:resource%i:amount", u, u2?(cansee(u->faction, u->region, u2, 0)?u2:NULL):&u_peasants, rtype, n)); if (u2) add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message(u2->faction, "give%u:unit%u:target%X:resource%i:amount", u?(cansee(u2->faction, u2->region, u, 0)?u:NULL):&u_peasants, u2, rtype, n)); } } void addgive(unit * u, unit * u2, int n, resource_t res, const char * cmd, int error) { add_give(u, u2, n, oldresourcetype[res], cmd, error); } /***************/ void give_item(int want, const item_type * itype, unit * src, unit * dest, const char * cmd) { short error = 0; int n; assert(itype!=NULL); n = new_get_pooled(src, item2resource(itype), GET_DEFAULT); n = min(want, n); if (n == 0) { error = 36; } else if (itype->flags & ITF_CURSED) { error = 25; } else if (itype->give && !itype->give(src, dest, itype, n, cmd)) { return; } else { int use = new_use_pooled(src, item2resource(itype), GET_SLACK, n); if (useitems, itype, n); new_change_resvalue(dest, item2resource(itype), n); handle_event(&src->attribs, "give", dest); handle_event(&dest->attribs, "receive", src); #if defined(MUSEUM_PLANE) && defined(TODO) TODO: Einen Trigger benutzen! if (a_find(dest->attribs, &at_warden)) { /* warden_add_give(src, dest, itype, n); */ } #endif } } add_give(src, dest, n, item2resource(itype), cmd, error); } void giveitem(int n, item_t it, unit * u, region * r, unit * u2, strlist * S) { unused(r); give_item(n, olditemtype[it], u, u2, S->s); } void givemen(int n, unit * u, unit * u2, strlist * S) { ship *sh; int k = 0; int error = 0; if (u == u2) { error = 10; } else if ((u && unit_has_cursed_item(u)) || (u2 && unit_has_cursed_item(u2))) { error = 78; } else if (fval(u, FL_LOCKED) || fval(u, FL_HUNGER) || is_cursed(u->attribs, C_SLAVE, 0)) { error = 74; } else if (u2 && (fval(u2, FL_LOCKED)|| is_cursed(u2->attribs, C_SLAVE, 0))) { error = 75; } else if (u2 != (unit *) NULL && u2->faction != u->faction && ucontact(u2, u) == 0) { error = 73; } else if (u2 && (get_skill(u, SK_MAGIC) > 0 || get_skill(u2, SK_MAGIC) > 0)) { error = 158; } else { if (n > u->number) n = u->number; if (n == 0) { error = 96; } else if (u2 && u->faction != u2->faction) { if (u2->faction->newbies + n > MAXNEWBIES) { error = 129; } else if (u->race != u2->faction->race) { if (u2->faction->race != RC_HUMAN) { error = 120; } else if (count_migrants(u2->faction) + n > count_max_migrants(u2->faction)) { error = 128; } else if (teure_talente(u) == 0 || teure_talente(u2) == 0) { error = 154; } else if (u2->number!=0) { error = 139; } } } } if (u2 && (get_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY) > 0 || get_skill(u2, SK_ALCHEMY) > 0)) { k = count_skill(u2->faction, SK_ALCHEMY); /* Falls die Zieleinheit keine Alchemisten sind, werden sie nun * welche. */ if (!get_skill(u2, SK_ALCHEMY) && get_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY) > 0) k += u2->number; /* Wenn in eine Alchemisteneinheit Personen verschoben werden */ if (get_skill(u2, SK_ALCHEMY) > 0 && !get_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY)) k += n; /* Wenn Parteigrenzen überschritten werden */ if (u2->faction != u->faction) k += n; /* wird das Alchemistenmaximum ueberschritten ? */ if (k > max_skill(u2->faction, SK_ALCHEMY)) { error = 156; } } if (!error) { if (u2 && u2->number == 0) { set_racename(&u2->attribs, get_racename(u->attribs)); u2->race = u->race; u2->irace = u->irace; } else if (u2 && u2->race != u->race) { error = 139; } if (u2) { /* Einheiten von Schiffen können nicht NACH in von * Nicht-alliierten bewachten Regionen ausführen */ sh = leftship(u); if (sh) set_leftship(u2, sh); transfermen(u, u2, n); if (u->faction != u2->faction) { u2->faction->newbies += n; } } else { if (getunitpeasants) { #ifdef ORCIFICATION if (u->race == RC_ORC && !fval(u->region, RF_ORCIFIED)) { attrib *a = a_find(u->region->attribs, &at_orcification); if (!a) a = a_add(&u->region->attribs, a_new(&at_orcification)); a->data.i += n; } #endif transfermen(u, NULL, n); } else { error = 159; } } } addgive(u, u2, n, R_PERSON, S->s, error); } void givesilver(int n, unit * u, region * r, unit * u2, strlist * S) { n = use_pooled_give(u, r, R_SILVER, n); if (n == 0) { cmistake(u, S->s, 51, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2) { change_money(u2, n); change_resvalue(u2, R_SILVER, n); /* Geschenke gibt man * * nicht weg */ } else { if (getunitpeasants) { if (rterrain(r) != T_OCEAN) { rsetmoney(r, rmoney(r) + n); } } } if (!u2 || u->faction != u2->faction) { addgive(u, u2, n, R_SILVER, S->s, 0); } } void giveunit(region * r, unit * u, unit * u2, strlist * S) { int n = u->number; if ((u && unit_has_cursed_item(u)) || (u2 && unit_has_cursed_item(u2))) { cmistake(u, S->s, 78, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (fval(u, FL_LOCKED) || fval(u, FL_HUNGER)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 74, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2 == NULL) { if (rterrain(r) == T_OCEAN) { cmistake(u, S->s, 152, MSG_COMMERCE); } else if (getunitpeasants) { unit *u3; for(u3 = r->units; u3; u3 = u3->next) if(u3->faction == u->faction && u != u3) break; if(u3) { while (u->items) { item * iold = i_remove(&u->items, u->items); item * inew = *i_find(&u3->items, iold->type); if (inew==NULL) i_add(&u3->items, inew); else { inew->number += iold->number; i_free(iold); } } } givemen(u->number, u, NULL, S); cmistake(u, S->s, 153, MSG_COMMERCE); } else { cmistake(u, S->s, 64, MSG_COMMERCE); } return; } if (u->faction == u2->faction) { cmistake(u, S->s, 8, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (ucontact(u2, u) == 0) { cmistake(u, S->s, 73, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u->number == 0) { cmistake(u, S->s, 105, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2->faction->newbies + n > MAXNEWBIES) { cmistake(u, S->s, 129, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u->race != u2->faction->race) { if (u2->faction->race != RC_HUMAN) { cmistake(u, S->s, 120, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (count_migrants(u2->faction) + u->number > count_max_migrants(u2->faction)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 128, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (teure_talente(u) == 0) { cmistake(u, S->s, 154, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } if (get_skill(u, SK_MAGIC)) { if (count_skill(u2->faction, SK_MAGIC) + u->number > max_skill(u2->faction, SK_MAGIC)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 155, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2->faction->magiegebiet != find_magetype(u)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 157, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } if (get_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY) && count_skill(u2->faction, SK_ALCHEMY) + u->number > max_skill(u2->faction, SK_ALCHEMY)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 156, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message(u2->faction, "give%u:unit%u:target%X:resource%i:amount", u?&u_peasants:(cansee(u2->faction, u->region, u, 0)?u:NULL), u2, r_unit, 1)); u_setfaction(u, u2->faction); u2->faction->newbies += n; /* "Ich gebe einer Partei eine Einheit, die den Befehl hat, effektiv * alles Silber der Partei an mich zu übergeben. Zack, bin ich reich." * Blödsinn, da Silberpool nicht auf geben wirkt. Aber Rekrutierungen, * teure Talente lernen und Gegenstände erschaffen! Kritisch sind: * BIETE, FORSCHEN, KAUFE, LERNE, REKRUTIERE, ZAUBERE, * HELFE, PASSWORT, STIRB (Katja) */ for (S = u->orders; S; S = S->next) { switch (igetkeyword(S->s, u->faction->locale)) { case K_BIETE: case K_RESEARCH: case K_BUY: case K_STUDY: case K_RECRUIT: case K_CAST: case K_ALLY: case K_PASSWORD: case K_QUIT: *S->s = 0; } } add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "give%u:unit%u:target%X:resource%i:amount", u, u2?&u_peasants:u2, r_unit, 1)); } void dogive(region * r, unit * u, strlist * S, boolean liefere) { unit *u2; char *s; int i, n; const item_type * itype; int notfound_error = 64; if (liefere) notfound_error = 63; u2 = getunit(r, u); if (!u2 && !getunitpeasants) { cmistake(u, S->s, notfound_error, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* Damit Tarner nicht durch die Fehlermeldung enttarnt werden können */ if (u2 && (!cansee(u->faction,r,u2,0) && !ucontact(u2, u) && !fval(u2, FL_TAKEALL))) { cmistake(u, S->s, notfound_error, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2 == u) { cmistake(u, S->s, 8, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* FL_TAKEALL ist ein grober Hack. Generalisierung tut not, ist aber nicht * wirklich einfach. */ if (r->planep && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOGIVE) && (!u2 || !fval(u2, FL_TAKEALL))) { cmistake(u, S->s, 268, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } s = getstrtoken(); if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_CONTROL) { if (!u2) { cmistake(u, S->s, notfound_error, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (!u->building && !u->ship) { cmistake(u, S->s, 140, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (u->building && u2->building != u->building) { cmistake(u, S->s, 33, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (u->ship && u2->ship != u->ship) { cmistake(u, S->s, 32, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (!fval(u, FL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 49, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (!ucontact(u2, u)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 40, MSG_EVENT); return; } freset(u, FL_OWNER); fset(u2, FL_OWNER); add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message( u2->faction, "givecommand%u:unit%u:receipient", u, u2?(cansee(u->faction, u->region, u2, 0)?u2:NULL):&u_peasants)); if (u->faction != u2->faction) add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message( u->faction, "givecommand%u:unit%u:receipient", u?(cansee(u2->faction, u2->region, u, 0)?u:NULL):&u_peasants, u2)); return; } if (u2 && u2->race == RC_SPELL) { cmistake(u, S->s, notfound_error, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* if ((race[u->race].ec_flags & NOGIVE) || fval(u,FL_LOCKED)) {*/ if (race[u->race].ec_flags & NOGIVE) { sprintf(buf, "%s geben nichts weg", race[u->race].name[1]); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2 && !(race[u2->race].ec_flags & GETITEM)) { sprintf(buf, "%s nehmen nichts an", race[u2->race].name[1]); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* Übergabe aller Kräuter */ if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_HERBS) { if (!(race[u->race].ec_flags & GIVEITEM)) { sprintf(buf, "%s geben nichts weg", race[u->race].name[1]); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (!u2) { if (!getunitpeasants) { cmistake(u, S->s, notfound_error, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } n = 0; if (u->items) { item **itmp=&u->items; while (*itmp) { const herb_type * htype = resource2herb((*itmp)->type->rtype); if (htype && (*itmp)->number>0) { give_item((*itmp)->number, (*itmp)->type, u, u2, S->s); n = 1; } else itmp = &(*itmp)->next; } } if (!n) cmistake(u, S->s, 38, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_ZAUBER) { /* Uebergebe alle Sprüche */ cmistake(u, S->s, 7, MSG_COMMERCE); /* geht nimmer */ return; } if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_UNIT) { /* Einheiten uebergeben */ if (!(race[u->race].ec_flags & GIVEUNIT)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 167, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2 && !ucontact(u2, u)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 40, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } giveunit(r, u, u2, S); return; } if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_ANY) { /* Alle Gegenstände übergeben */ char * s = getstrtoken(); const resource_type * rtype = findresourcetype(s, u->faction->locale); if (rtype!=NULL) { const potion_type * ptype = resource2potion(rtype); if (ptype!=NULL && u2 && !ucontact(u2, u) && ptype != oldpotiontype[P_FOOL]) { cmistake(u, S->s, 40, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } if (*s == 0) { const item_type * itype; if (!(race[u->race].ec_flags & GIVEITEM)) { sprintf(buf, "%s geben nichts weg.", race[u->race].name[1]); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* TODO: go through source unit's items only to speed this up */ for (itype = itemtypes; itype; itype=itype->next) { item * i = *i_find(&u->items, itype); if (i==NULL || i->number==0) continue; n = i->number - new_get_resvalue(u, itype->rtype); if (n > 0) { give_item(n, itype, u, u2, S->s); } } return; } i = findparam(s, u->faction->locale); if (i == P_PERSON) { if (!(race[u->race].ec_flags & GIVEPERSON)) { sprintf(buf, "%s können nicht neu gruppiert werden.", unitname(u)); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } n = u->number; givemen(n, u, u2, S); return; } if (!(race[u->race].ec_flags & GIVEITEM)) { sprintf(buf, "%s geben nichts weg.", race[u->race].name[1]); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } itype = finditemtype(s, u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) { item * i = *i_find(&u->items, itype); if (i!=NULL) { n = i->number - new_get_resvalue(u, itype->rtype); give_item(n, itype, u, u2, S->s); return; } } } n = atoip(s); /* n: anzahl */ s = getstrtoken(); if (s == NULL) { cmistake(u, S->s, 113, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u2 && !ucontact(u2, u)) { const resource_type * rtype = findresourcetype(s, u->faction->locale); if (rtype==NULL || !fval(rtype, RTF_SNEAK)) { cmistake(u, S->s, 40, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } i = findparam(s, u->faction->locale); if (i == P_PERSON) { if (!(race[u->race].ec_flags & GIVEPERSON)) { sprintf(buf, "%s können nicht neu gruppiert werden.", unitname(u)); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } givemen(n, u, u2, S); return; } if (!(race[u->race].ec_flags & GIVEITEM)) { sprintf(buf, "%s geben nichts weg.", race[u->race].name[1]); mistake(u, S->s, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } itype = finditemtype(s, u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) { give_item(n, itype, u, u2, S->s); return; } cmistake(u, S->s, 123, MSG_COMMERCE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ void forgetskill(unit * u) { skill_t talent; char *s; s = getstrtoken(); if ((talent = findskill(s, u->faction->locale)) != NOSKILL) { set_skill(u, talent, 0); /* sprintf(buf, "%s vergißt das Talent %s.", u, talent); */ add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "forget%u:unit%t:skill", u, talent)); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ void report_donations(void) { spende * sp; for (sp = spenden; sp; sp = sp->next) { region * r = sp->region; if (sp->betrag > 0) { add_message(&r->msgs, new_message(sp->f1, "donation%f:from%f:to%i:amount", sp->f1, sp->f2, sp->betrag)); add_message(&r->msgs, new_message(sp->f2, "donation%f:from%f:to%i:amount", sp->f1, sp->f2, sp->betrag)); } } } void add_spende(faction * f1, faction * f2, int betrag, region * r) { spende *sp; sp = spenden; while (sp) { if (sp->f1 == f1 && sp->f2 == f2 && sp->region == r) { sp->betrag += betrag; return; } sp = sp->next; } sp = calloc(1, sizeof(spende)); sp->f1 = f1; sp->f2 = f2; sp->region = r; sp->betrag = betrag; sp->next = spenden; spenden = sp; } static boolean maintain(building * b, boolean full) { int c; region * r = b->region; boolean paid = true, work = full; unit * u; if (fval(b, BLD_MAINTAINED)) return true; if (b->type->maintenance==NULL) return true; if (is_cursed(b->attribs, C_NOCOST, 0)) { fset(b, BLD_MAINTAINED); fset(b, BLD_WORKING); return true; } u = buildingowner(r, b); if (u==NULL) return false; for (c=0;b->type->maintenance[c].number;++c) { const maintenance * m = b->type->maintenance+c; int need = m->number; if (fval(m, MTF_VARIABLE)) need = need * b->size; if (u) { /* full ist im ersten versuch true, im zweiten aber false! Das * bedeutet, das in der Runde in die Region geschafften Resourcen * nicht genutzt werden können, weil die reserviert sind! */ if (full) need -= get_all(u, m->type); else need -= get_pooled(u, r, m->type); if (full && need > 0) { unit * ua; for (ua=r->units;ua;ua=ua->next) freset(ua->faction, FL_DH); fset(u->faction, FL_DH); /* hat schon */ for (ua=r->units;ua;ua=ua->next) { if (!fval(ua->faction, FL_DH) && allied(ua, u->faction, HELP_MONEY)) { need -= new_get_pooled(ua, oldresourcetype[m->type], GET_SLACK|GET_RESERVE|GET_POOLED_SLACK|GET_POOLED_RESERVE|GET_POOLED_FORCE); fset(ua->faction, FL_DH); if (need<=0) break; } } } if (need > 0) { if (!fval(m, MTF_VITAL)) work = false; else { paid = false; break; } } } } if (paid && c>0) { /* TODO: wieviel von was wurde bezahlt */ add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "maintenance%u:unit%b:building", u, b)); fset(b, BLD_MAINTAINED); if (work) fset(b, BLD_WORKING); for (c=0;b->type->maintenance[c].number;++c) { const maintenance * m = b->type->maintenance+c; int cost = m->number; if (!fval(m, MTF_VITAL) && !work) continue; if (fval(m, MTF_VARIABLE)) cost = cost * b->size; if (full) cost -= new_use_pooled(u, oldresourcetype[m->type], GET_SLACK|GET_RESERVE|GET_POOLED_SLACK|GET_POOLED_RESERVE|GET_POOLED_FORCE, cost); else cost -= new_use_pooled(u, oldresourcetype[m->type], GET_SLACK|GET_RESERVE|GET_POOLED_SLACK, cost); if (full && cost > 0) { unit * ua; for (ua=r->units;ua;ua=ua->next) freset(ua->faction, FL_DH); fset(u->faction, FL_DH); /* hat schon */ for (ua=r->units;ua;ua=ua->next) { if (!fval(ua->faction, FL_DH) && allied(ua, u->faction, HELP_MONEY)) { int give = use_all(ua, m->type, cost); if (!give) continue; cost -= give; fset(ua->faction, FL_DH); if (m->type==R_SILVER) add_spende(ua->faction, u->faction, give, r); if (cost<=0) break; } } } assert(cost==0); } } else { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "maintenancefail%u:unit%b:building", u, b)); return false; } return true; } static void gebaeude_stuerzt_ein(region * r, building * b) { unit *u; int n, i; direction_t d; int opfer = 0; sprintf(buf, "%s stürzte ein.", buildingname(b)); /* Falls Karawanserei, Damm oder Tunnel einstürzen, wird die schon * gebaute Straße zur Hälfte vernichtet */ for (d=0;d!=MAXDIRECTIONS;++d) if (rroad(r, d) > 0 && (b->type == &bt_caravan || b->type == &bt_dam || b->type == &bt_tunnel)) { rsetroad(r, d, rroad(r, d) / 2); sprintf(buf, " Beim Einsturz wurde die halbe Straße vernichtet."); } for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->building == b) { int loss = 0; fset(u->faction, FL_MARK); freset(u, FL_OWNER); leave(r,u); n = u->number; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (rand() % 100 >= EINSTURZUEBERLEBEN) { ++loss; } } scale_number(u, u->number - loss); opfer += loss; } } if (opfer > 0) { buf[0]=' '; strcpy(buf+1, itoa10(opfer)); scat(" Opfer "); if (opfer == 1) { scat("ist"); } else { scat("sind"); } scat(" zu beklagen."); } else buf[0] = 0; addmessage(r, 0, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_IMPORTANT); for (u=r->units; u; u=u->next) { faction * f = u->faction; if (fval(f, FL_MARK)) { freset(u->faction, FL_MARK); add_message(&f->msgs, new_message(f, "buildingcrash%r:region%b:building%s:opfer", r, b, buf)); } } destroy_building(b); } void maintain_buildings(boolean crash) { region * r; for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { building **bp = &r->buildings; while (*bp) { building * b = *bp; if (!maintain(b, !crash) && crash) { if (rand() % 100 < EINSTURZCHANCE) { gebaeude_stuerzt_ein(r, b); continue; } else { unit * u = buildingowner(r, b); if (u) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "nomaintenance%b:building", b)); add_message(&r->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "nomaintenance%b:building", b)); } } } bp=&b->next; } } } void economics(void) { region *r; unit *u; strlist *S; /* Geben vor Selbstmord (doquit)! Hier alle unmittelbaren Befehle. * Rekrutieren vor allen Einnahmequellen. Bewachen JA vor Steuern * eintreiben. */ for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) if (r->units) { request *recruitorders = NULL; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { for (S = u->orders; S; S = S->next) { switch (igetkeyword(S->s, u->faction->locale)) { case K_DESTROY: destroy(r, u, S->s); break; case K_GIVE: dogive(r, u, S, S->s[0]=='@'?true:false); break; case K_LIEFERE: dogive(r, u, S, true); break; case K_FORGET: forgetskill(u); break; } } } /* RECRUIT orders */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { for (S = u->orders; S; S = S->next) { if (igetkeyword(S->s, u->faction->locale) == K_RECRUIT) { recruit(r, u, S, &recruitorders); break; } } } if (recruitorders) expandrecruit(r, recruitorders); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void manufacture(unit * u, const item_type * itype, int want) { int n; int skill; int minskill = itype->construction->minskill; skill_t sk = itype->construction->skill; skill = effskill(u, sk); skill = skillmod(itype->rtype->attribs, u, u->region, sk, skill, SMF_PRODUCTION); if (skill < 0) { /* an error occured */ int err = -skill; cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), err, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } if(want==0) want=maxbuild(u, itype->construction); n = build(u, itype->construction, 0, want); switch (n) { case ENEEDSKILL: add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg_error(u, u->thisorder, "skill_needed", "skill", sk)); return; case ELOWSKILL: add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg_error(u, u->thisorder, "manufacture_skills", "skill minskill product", sk, minskill, itype->rtype, 1)); return; case ENOMATERIALS: /* something missing from the list of materials */ strcpy(buf, "Dafür braucht man mindestens:"); { int c, n; const construction * cons = itype->construction; char * ch = buf+strlen(buf); assert(cons); for (c=0;cons->materials[c].number; c++) { if (c!=0) strcat(ch++, ","); n=cons->materials[c].number / cons->reqsize; sprintf(ch, " %d %s", n?n:1, resname(cons->materials[c].type, cons->materials[c].number==1)); ch = ch+strlen(ch); } strcat(ch,"."); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } } if (n>0) { i_change(&u->items, itype, n); if (want==INT_MAX) want = n; add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "manufacture%u:unit%r:region%i:amount%i:wanted%X:resource", u, u->region, n, want, itype->rtype)); } } typedef struct allocation { struct allocation * next; int want, save, get; unit * unit; } allocation; #define new_allocation() calloc(sizeof(allocation), 1) #define free_allocation(a) free(a) typedef struct allocation_list { struct allocation_list * next; allocation * data; const resource_type * type; } allocation_list; static allocation_list * allocations; static void allocate_resource(unit * u, const resource_type * rtype, int want) { const item_type * itype = resource2item(rtype); region * r = u->region; int busy = u->number; int dm = 0; allocation_list * alist; allocation * al; unit *u2; int amount, skill; /* momentan kann man keine ressourcen abbauen, wenn man dafür materialverbruach hat: */ assert(itype!=NULL && itype->construction->materials==NULL); if (itype == olditemtype[I_WOOD] && fval(r, RF_MALLORN)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 92, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } if (itype == olditemtype[I_MALLORN] && !fval(r, RF_MALLORN)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 91, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } if (itype == olditemtype[I_EOG]) { struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (btype != &bt_mine) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 104, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } } if (besieged(u)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 60, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } /* Elfen können Holzfällen durch Bewachen verhindern, wenn sie die Holzfäller sehen. */ if (itype == olditemtype[I_WOOD] || itype == olditemtype[I_MALLORN]) { for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) { if (getguard(u2) & GUARD_TREES && u2->number && cansee(u2->faction,r,u,0) && !ucontact(u2, u) && !besieged(u2) && !allied(u2, u->faction, HELP_GUARD) #ifdef WACH_WAFF && armedmen(u2) #endif ) { sprintf(buf, "%s bewacht die Region", unitname(u2)); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } } } /* Bergwächter können Abbau von Eisen/Laen durch Bewachen verhindern. * Als magische Wesen 'sehen' Bergwächter alles und werden durch * Belagerung nicht aufgehalten. (Ansonsten wie oben bei Elfen anpassen). */ if (itype == olditemtype[I_IRON] || itype == olditemtype[I_EOG]) { for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next ) { if (getguard(u) & GUARD_MINING && !fval(u2, FL_ISNEW) && u2->number && !ucontact(u2, u) && !allied(u2, u->faction, HELP_GUARD)) { sprintf(buf, "%s bewacht die Region", unitname(u2)); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } } } assert(itype->construction->skill!=0 || "limited resource needs a required skill for making it"); skill = eff_skill(u, itype->construction->skill, u->region); if (skill == 0) { skill_t sk = itype->construction->skill; add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg_error(u, u->thisorder, "skill_needed", "skill", sk)); return; } if (skill < itype->construction->minskill) { skill_t sk = itype->construction->skill; add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg_error(u, u->thisorder, "manufacture_skills", "skill minskill product", sk, itype->construction->minskill, itype->rtype)); return; } else { struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (itype == olditemtype[I_IRON] && btype == &bt_mine) { ++skill; } else if (itype == olditemtype[I_STONE] && btype == &bt_quarry) { ++skill; } else if (itype == olditemtype[I_WOOD] && btype == &bt_sawmill) { ++skill; } else if (itype == olditemtype[I_MALLORN] && btype == &bt_sawmill) { ++skill; } } amount = skill * u->number; /* nun ist amount die Gesamtproduktion der Einheit (in punkten) */ /* mit Flinkfingerring verzehnfacht sich die Produktion */ amount += skill * min(u->number, get_item(u,I_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER)) * 9; /* Schaffenstrunk: */ if ((dm = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE])) != 0) { dm = min(dm, u->number); change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_DOMORE], -dm); amount += dm * skill; /* dm Personen produzieren doppelt */ } amount /= itype->construction->minskill; /* Limitierung durch Parameter m. */ if (want > 0 && want < amount) amount = want; busy = (amount + skill - 1) / skill; /* wieviel leute tun etwas? */ alist = allocations; while (alist && alist->type!=rtype) alist = alist->next; if (!alist) { alist = calloc(sizeof(struct allocation_list), 1); alist->next = allocations; alist->type = rtype; allocations = alist; } al = new_allocation(); al->want = amount; al->save = 1; al->next = alist->data; al->unit = u; alist->data = al; if (itype==olditemtype[I_IRON]) { struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (btype==&bt_mine) al->save = 2; if (u->race == RC_DWARF) al->save *= 2; } else if (itype==olditemtype[I_STONE]) { struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (btype==&bt_quarry) al->save = 2; } else if (itype==olditemtype[I_MALLORN]) { struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (btype==&bt_sawmill) al->save = 2; } else if (itype==olditemtype[I_WOOD]) { struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (btype==&bt_sawmill) al->save = 2; } } static void split_allocations(region * r) /* distribute a region's resources over everyone who ordered it * this function distributes the resources, but can easily be * split in two parts if that's required. */ { allocation_list ** p_alist=&allocations; while (*p_alist) { allocation_list * alist = *p_alist; allocation * al; const resource_type * rtype = alist->type; const item_type * itype = resource2item(rtype); int avail = 0; int norders = 0; attrib * a = a_find(rtype->attribs, &at_resourcelimit); resource_limit * rdata = (resource_limit*)a->data.v; allocation ** p_al = &alist->data; for (al=alist->data;al;al=al->next) { norders += ((al->want+al->save-1) / al->save); } if (rdata->limit) { avail = rdata->limit(r, rtype); if (avail < 0) avail = 0; } else avail = rdata->value; while (*p_al) { allocation * al = *p_al; if (avail > 0) { int want = (al->want+al->save-1)/al->save; int x = avail*want/norders; /* Wenn Rest, dann würfeln, ob ich was bekomme: */ if (rand() % norders < (avail*want) % norders) ++x; avail -= x; norders -= want; al->get = min(al->want, x * al->save); if (al->get) { if (rdata->use) rdata->use(r, rtype, (al->get+al->save-1)/al->save); assert(itype || !"not implemented for non-items"); i_change(&al->unit->items, itype, al->get); change_skill(al->unit, itype->construction->skill, al->unit->number * PRODUCEEXP); } if (al->want==INT_MAX) al->want = al->get; add_message(&al->unit->faction->msgs, new_message(al->unit->faction, "produce%u:unit%r:region%i:amount%i:wanted%X:resource", al->unit, al->unit->region, al->get, al->want, rtype)); } *p_al=al->next; free_allocation(al); } assert(avail==0 || norders==0); *p_alist=alist->next; free(alist); } allocations = NULL; } static void create_potion(unit * u, const potion_type * ptype, int want) { int built; if(want==0) want=maxbuild(u, ptype->itype->construction); built = build(u, ptype->itype->construction, 0, want); switch (built) { case ELOWSKILL: case ENEEDSKILL: /* no skill, or not enough skill points to build */ cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 50, MSG_PRODUCE); break; case ECOMPLETE: assert(0); break; case ENOMATERIALS: /* something missing from the list of materials */ strcpy(buf, "Dafür braucht man mindestens:"); { int c, n; const construction * cons = ptype->itype->construction; char * ch = buf+strlen(buf); assert(cons); for (c=0;cons->materials[c].number; c++) { if (c!=0) strcat(ch++, ","); n=cons->materials[c].number / cons->reqsize; sprintf(ch, " %d %s", n?n:1, resname(cons->materials[c].type, cons->materials[c].number==1)); ch = ch+strlen(ch); } strcat(ch,"."); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } break; default: i_change(&u->items, ptype->itype, built); if (want==INT_MAX) want = built; add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "manufacture%u:unit%r:region%i:amount%i:wanted%X:resource", u, u->region, built, want, ptype->itype->rtype)); break; } } static void create_item(unit * u, const item_type * itype, int want) { if (fval(itype->rtype, RTF_LIMITED)) allocate_resource(u, itype->rtype, want); else { const potion_type * ptype = resource2potion(itype->rtype); if (ptype!=NULL) create_potion(u, ptype, want); else if (itype->construction) manufacture(u, itype, want); else cmistake(u, u->thisorder, 125, MSG_PRODUCE); } } void make(region * r, unit * u) { char *s; const building_type * btype; const ship_type * stype; param_t p; int m; const item_type * itype; s = getstrtoken(); m = atoi(s); sprintf(buf, "%d", m); if (!strcmp(buf, s)) { /* first came a want-paramter */ s = getstrtoken(); } else { m = INT_MAX; } p = findparam(s, u->faction->locale); /* MACHE TEMP kann hier schon gar nicht auftauchen, weil diese nicht in * thisorder abgespeichert werden - und auf den ist getstrtoken() beim * aufruf von make geeicht */ itype = finditemtype(s, u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) { create_item(u, itype, m); return; } if (p == P_HERBS) { herbsearch(r, u, m); return; } else if (p == P_ROAD) { direction_t d; if(r->planep && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOBUILD)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 275, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } d = finddirection(getstrtoken()); if (d!=NODIRECTION) { if(r->planep && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOBUILD)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 94, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } build_road(r, u, m, d); } else cmistake(u, u->thisorder, 71, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } else if (p == P_SHIP) { if(r->planep && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOBUILD)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 276, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } continue_ship(r, u, m); return; } stype = findshiptype(s, u->faction->locale); if (stype != NOSHIP) { if(r->planep && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOBUILD)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 276, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } create_ship(r, u, stype, m); return; } btype = findbuildingtype(s, u->faction->locale); if (btype != NOBUILDING) { if(r->planep && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOBUILD)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 94, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } build_building(u, btype, m); return; } cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 125, MSG_PRODUCE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ const attrib_type at_luxuries = { "luxuries", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static void expandbuying(region * r, request * buyorders) { int max_products; unit *u; static struct trade { const luxury_type * type; int number; int multi; } *trades, *trade; static int ntrades=0; int i, j; const luxury_type * ltype; if (ntrades==0) { for (ltype=luxurytypes;ltype;ltype=ltype->next) ++ntrades; trades = gc_add(calloc(sizeof(struct trade), ntrades)); for (i=0, ltype=luxurytypes;i!=ntrades;++i, ltype=ltype->next) trades[i].type = ltype; } for (i=0;i!=ntrades;++i) { trades[i].number = 0; trades[i].multi = 1; } if (!buyorders) return; /* Initialisation. multiplier ist der Multiplikator auf den * Verkaufspreis. Für max_products Produkte kauft man das Produkt zum * einfachen Verkaufspreis, danach erhöht sich der Multiplikator um 1. * counter ist ein Zähler, der die gekauften Produkte zählt. money * wird für die debug message gebraucht. */ max_products = rpeasants(r) / TRADE_FRACTION; /* Kauf - auch so programmiert, daß er leicht erweiterbar auf mehrere * Güter pro Monat ist. j sind die Befehle, i der Index des * gehandelten Produktes. */ expandorders(r, buyorders); if (!norders) return; for (j = 0; j != norders; j++) { int price, multi; ltype = oa[j].type.ltype; trade = trades; while (trade->type!=ltype) ++trade; multi = trade->multi; if (trade->number + 1 > max_products) ++multi; price = ltype->price * multi; if (get_pooled(oa[j].unit, r, R_SILVER) >= price) { unit * u = oa[j].unit; /* litems zählt die Güter, die verkauft wurden, u->n das Geld, das * verdient wurde. Dies muß gemacht werden, weil der Preis ständig sinkt, * man sich also das verdiente Geld und die verkauften Produkte separat * merken muß. */ attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_luxuries); if (a==NULL) a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_luxuries)); i_change((item**)&a->data.v, ltype->itype, 1); i_change(&oa[j].unit->items, ltype->itype, 1); use_pooled(u, r, R_SILVER, price); if (u->n < 0) u->n = 0; u->n += price; rsetmoney(r, rmoney(r) + price); /* Falls mehr als max_products Bauern ein Produkt verkauft haben, steigt * der Preis Multiplikator für das Produkt um den Faktor 1. Der Zähler * wird wieder auf 0 gesetzt. */ if (++trade->number > max_products) { trade->number = 0; ++trade->multi; } } } free(oa); /* Ausgabe an Einheiten */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_luxuries); item * itm; if (a==NULL) continue; add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "buy%u:unit%i:money", u, u->n)); for (itm=(item*)a->data.v; itm; itm=itm->next) { if (itm->number) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "buyamount%u:unit%i:amount%X:resource", u, itm->number, itm->type->rtype)); } } a_remove(&u->attribs, a); } } attrib_type at_trades = { "trades", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, DEFAULT_AGE, NO_WRITE, NO_READ }; void buy(region * r, unit * u, request ** buyorders, const char * cmd) { int n, k; request *o; attrib * a; const item_type * itype = NULL; const luxury_type * ltype = NULL; if (u->ship && is_guarded(r, u, GUARD_CREWS)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 69, MSG_INCOME); return; } if (u->ship && is_guarded(r, u, GUARD_CREWS)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 69, MSG_INCOME); return; } /* Im Augenblick kann man nur 1 Produkt kaufen. expandbuying ist aber * schon dafür ausgerüstet, mehrere Produkte zu kaufen. */ n = geti(); if (!n) { cmistake(u, cmd, 26, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (besieged(u)) { /* Belagerte Einheiten können nichts kaufen. */ cmistake(u, cmd, 60, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } if (u->race == RC_INSECT) { /* entweder man ist insekt, oder... */ if (rterrain(r) != T_SWAMP && rterrain(r) != T_DESERT && !rbuildings(r)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 119, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } else { /* ...oder in der Region muß es eine Burg geben. */ if (!rbuildings(r)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 119, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } /* Ein Händler kann nur 10 Güter pro Talentpunkt handeln. */ k = u->number * 10 * eff_skill(u, SK_TRADE, r); /* hat der Händler bereits gehandelt, muss die Menge der bereits * verkauften/gekauften Güter abgezogen werden */ a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_trades); if (!a) { a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_trades)); } else { k -= a->data.i; } n = min(n, k); if (!n) { cmistake(u, cmd, 102, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } assert(n>=0); /* die Menge der verkauften Güter merken */ a->data.i += n; itype = finditemtype(getstrtoken(), u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) { ltype = resource2luxury(itype->rtype); if (ltype==NULL) { cmistake(u, cmd, 124, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } if (r_demand(r, ltype)) { sprintf(buf, "Dieses Luxusgut wird in %s nicht produziert", regionid(r)); mistake(u, cmd, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } o = (request *) calloc(1, sizeof(request)); o->type.ltype = ltype; /* sollte immer gleich sein */ o->unit = u; o->qty = n; addlist(buyorders, o); if (n && !fval(u, FL_TRADER)) fset(u, FL_TRADER); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Steuersätze in % bei Burggröße */ static int tax_per_size[6] = {0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30}; static void expandselling(region * r, request * sellorders) { int money, price, j, max_products; /* int m, n = 0; */ int maxsize = 0, maxeffsize = 0; int taxcollected = 0; int hafencollected = 0; unit *maxowner = (unit *) NULL; building *maxb = (building *) NULL; building *b; unit *u; unit *hafenowner; static int *counter; static int ncounter = 0; if (ncounter==0) { const luxury_type * ltype; for (ltype=luxurytypes;ltype;ltype=ltype->next) ++ncounter; counter=(int*)gc_add(calloc(sizeof(int), ncounter)); } else { memset(counter, 0, sizeof(int)*ncounter); } if (!sellorders) /* NEIN, denn Insekten können in || !r->buildings) */ return; /* Sümpfen und Wüsten auch so handeln */ /* Stelle Eigentümer der größten Burg fest. Bekommt Steuern aus jedem * Verkauf. Wenn zwei Burgen gleicher Größe bekommt gar keiner etwas. */ for (b = rbuildings(r); b; b = b->next) { if (b->size > maxsize && buildingowner(r, b) != NULL && b->type == &bt_castle) { maxb = b; maxsize = b->size; maxowner = buildingowner(r, b); } else if (b->size == maxsize && b->type == &bt_castle) { maxb = (building *) NULL; maxowner = (unit *) NULL; } } hafenowner = owner_buildingtyp(r, &bt_harbour); if (maxb != (building *) NULL && maxowner != (unit *) NULL) { maxeffsize = buildingeffsize(maxb, false); if (maxeffsize == 0) { maxb = (building *) NULL; maxowner = (unit *) NULL; } } /* Die Region muss genug Geld haben, um die Produkte kaufen zu können. */ money = rmoney(r); /* max_products sind 1/100 der Bevölkerung, falls soviele Produkte * verkauft werden - counter[] - sinkt die Nachfrage um 1 Punkt. * multiplier speichert r->demand für die debug message ab. */ max_products = rpeasants(r) / TRADE_FRACTION; if (rterrain(r) == T_DESERT && buildingtype_exists(r, &bt_caravan)) { max_products = rpeasants(r) * 2 / TRADE_FRACTION; } /* Verkauf: so programmiert, dass er leicht auf mehrere Gueter pro * Runde erweitert werden kann. */ expandorders(r, sellorders); if (!norders) return; for (j = 0; j != norders; j++) { static const luxury_type * search=NULL; const luxury_type * ltype = oa[j].type.ltype; int multi = r_demand(r, ltype); static int i=-1; int use = 0; if (search!=ltype) { i=0; for (search=luxurytypes;search!=ltype;search=search->next) ++i; } if (counter[i]+1 > max_products && multi > 1) --multi; price = ltype->price * multi; if (money >= price) { int abgezogenhafen = 0; int abgezogensteuer = 0; unit * u = oa[j].unit; attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_luxuries); if (a==NULL) a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_luxuries)); i_change((item**)&a->data.v, ltype->itype, 1); ++use; if (u->n < 0) u->n = 0; if (hafenowner != NULL) { if (hafenowner->faction != u->faction) { abgezogenhafen = price / 10; hafencollected += abgezogenhafen; price -= abgezogenhafen; money -= abgezogenhafen; } } if (maxb != NULL) { if (maxowner->faction != u->faction) { abgezogensteuer = price * tax_per_size[maxeffsize] / 100; taxcollected += abgezogensteuer; price -= abgezogensteuer; money -= abgezogensteuer; } } u->n += price; change_money(u, price); /* r->money -= price; --- dies wird eben nicht ausgeführt, denn die * Produkte können auch als Steuern eingetrieben werden. In der Region * wurden Silberstücke gegen Luxusgüter des selben Wertes eingetauscht! * Falls mehr als max_products Kunden ein Produkt gekauft haben, sinkt * die Nachfrage für das Produkt um 1. Der Zähler wird wieder auf 0 * gesetzt. */ if (++counter[i] > max_products) { int d = r_demand(r, ltype); if (d > 1) r_setdemand(r, ltype, d-1); counter[i] = 0; } } if (use>0) { #ifdef NDEBUG new_use_pooled(oa[j].unit, ltype->itype->rtype, GET_DEFAULT, use); #else /* int i = */ new_use_pooled(oa[j].unit, ltype->itype->rtype, GET_DEFAULT, use); /* assert(i==use); */ #endif } } free(oa); /* Steuern. Hier werden die Steuern dem Besitzer der größten Burg gegeben. */ if (maxowner) { if (taxcollected > 0) { change_money(maxowner, (int) taxcollected); add_income(maxowner, IC_TRADETAX, taxcollected, taxcollected); /* sprintf(buf, "%s verdient %d Silber durch den Handel in %s.", unitname(maxowner), (int) taxcollected, regionid(r)); */ } } if (hafenowner) { if (hafencollected > 0) { change_money(hafenowner, (int) hafencollected); add_income(hafenowner, IC_TRADETAX, hafencollected, hafencollected); } } /* Berichte an die Einheiten */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_luxuries); item * itm; if (a==NULL) continue; for (itm=(item*)a->data.v; itm; itm=itm->next) { if (itm->number) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "sellamount%u:unit%i:amount%X:resource", u, itm->number, itm->type->rtype)); } } a_remove(&u->attribs, a); add_income(u, IC_TRADE, u->n, u->n); } } void sell(region * r, unit * u, request ** sellorders, const char * cmd) { const item_type * itype; const luxury_type * ltype=NULL; int n; request *o; char *s; if (u->ship && is_guarded(r, u, GUARD_CREWS)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 69, MSG_INCOME); return; } /* sellorders sind KEIN array, weil für alle items DIE SELBE resource * (das geld der region) aufgebraucht wird. */ s = getstrtoken(); if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_ANY) { n = (rpeasants(r) - rpeasants(r) / RECRUITFRACTION) / TRADE_FRACTION; if (rterrain(r) == T_DESERT && buildingtype_exists(r, &bt_caravan)) n *= 2; } else n = atoi(s); if (!n) { cmistake(u, cmd, 27, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* Belagerte Einheiten können nichts verkaufen. */ if (besieged(u)) { sprintf(buf, "%s wird belagert.", unitname(u)); mistake(u, cmd, buf, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* In der Region muß es eine Burg geben. */ if (u->race == RC_INSECT) { if (rterrain(r) != T_SWAMP && rterrain(r) != T_DESERT && !rbuildings(r)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 119, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } else { if (!rbuildings(r)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 119, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } } /* Ein Händler kann nur 10 Güter pro Talentpunkt verkaufen. */ n = min(n, u->number * 10 * eff_skill(u, SK_TRADE, r)); if (!n) { cmistake(u, cmd, 54, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } s=getstrtoken(); itype = finditemtype(s, u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) ltype = resource2luxury(itype->rtype); if (ltype==NULL) { cmistake(u, cmd, 126, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } else { attrib * a; int k, available; if (!r_demand(r, ltype)) { cmistake(u, cmd, 263, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } available = new_get_pooled(u, itype->rtype, GET_DEFAULT); /* Wenn andere Einheiten das selbe verkaufen, muß ihr Zeug abgezogen * werden damit es nicht zweimal verkauft wird: */ for (o=*sellorders;o;o=o->next) { if (o->type.ltype==ltype && o->unit->faction == u->faction) { int fpool = o->qty - new_get_pooled(o->unit, itype->rtype, GET_RESERVE); available -= max(0, fpool); } } n = min(n, available); if (n <= 0) { cmistake(u, cmd, 264, MSG_COMMERCE); return; } /* Hier wird request->type verwendet, weil die obere limit durch * das silber gegeben wird (region->money), welches für alle * (!) produkte als summe gilt, als nicht wie bei der * produktion, wo für jedes produkt einzeln eine obere limite * existiert, so dass man arrays von orders machen kann. */ /* Ein Händler kann nur 10 Güter pro Talentpunkt handeln. */ k = u->number * 10 * eff_skill(u, SK_TRADE, r); /* hat der Händler bereits gehandelt, muss die Menge der bereits * verkauften/gekauften Güter abgezogen werden */ a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_trades); if (!a) { a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_trades)); } else { k -= a->data.i; } n = min(n, k); assert(n>=0); /* die Menge der verkauften Güter merken */ a->data.i += n; o = (request *) calloc(1, sizeof(request)); o->unit = u; o->qty = n; o->type.ltype = ltype; addlist(sellorders, o); if (n && !fval(u, FL_TRADER)) fset(u, FL_TRADER); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void expandstealing(region * r, request * stealorders) { int i; expandorders(r, stealorders); if (!norders) return; /* Für jede unit in der Region wird Geld geklaut, wenn sie Opfer eines * Beklauen-Orders ist. Jedes Opfer muß einzeln behandelt werden. * * u ist die beklaute unit. oa.unit ist die klauende unit. */ for (i = 0; i != norders && oa[i].unit->n <= oa[i].unit->wants; i++) { unit *u = findunitg(oa[i].no, r); int n = 0; if (u && u->region==r) n = get_all(u, R_SILVER); #ifndef GOBLINKILL if (oa[i].type.goblin) { /* Goblin-Spezialklau */ int uct = 0; unit *u2; assert(effskill(oa[i].unit, SK_STEALTH)>=4 || !"this goblin\'s talent is too low"); for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) if (u2->faction == u->faction) uct += u2->number; n -= uct * 2 * MAINTENANCE; } #endif if (n>10 && rplane(r) && (rplane(r)->flags & PFL_NOALLIANCES)) { /* In Questen nur reduziertes Klauen */ n = 10; } if (n > 0) { n = min(n, oa[i].unit->wants); use_all(u, R_SILVER, n); oa[i].unit->n = n; change_money(oa[i].unit, n); } add_income(oa[i].unit, IC_STEAL, oa[i].unit->wants, oa[i].unit->n); } free(oa); } void plant(region *r, unit *u) { int n, i, skill, planted = 0; const herb_type * htype; if (rterrain(r) == T_OCEAN) { return; } if (rherbtype(r) == NULL) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 108, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } /* Skill prüfen */ skill = eff_skill(u, SK_HERBALISM, r); if (skill < 6) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 150, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } /* Wasser des Lebens prüfen */ if (get_pooled(u, r, R_TREES) == 0) { sprintf(buf, "Dazu braucht man %s.", locale_string(u->faction->locale, resourcename(oldresourcetype[R_TREES], GR_PLURAL))); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } htype = rherbtype(r); n = new_get_pooled(u, htype->itype->rtype, GET_DEFAULT); /* Kräuter prüfen */ if (n==0) { sprintf(buf, "Dazu braucht man %s.", locale_string(u->faction->locale, resourcename(htype->itype->rtype, GR_PLURAL))); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } n = min(skill*u->number, n); /* Für jedes Kraut Talent*10% Erfolgschance. */ for(i = n; i>0; i--) { if (rand()%10 < skill) planted++; } change_skill(u, SK_HERBALISM, PRODUCEEXP * u->number); /* Alles ok. Abziehen. */ new_use_pooled(u, oldresourcetype[R_TREES], GET_DEFAULT, 1); new_use_pooled(u, htype->itype->rtype, GET_DEFAULT, n); rsetherbs(r, rherbs(r)+planted); add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "plant%u:unit%r:region%i:amount%X:herb", u, r, planted, htype->itype->rtype)); } void zuechte(region *r, unit *u) { int n, c; int gezuechtet = 0; if (getparam(u->faction->locale) == P_HERBS) { plant(r, u); return; } else { struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (btype!=&bt_stables) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 122, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } } if (get_item(u, I_HORSE) < 2) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 107, MSG_PRODUCE); return; } n = min(u->number * eff_skill(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, r), get_item(u, I_HORSE)); for (c = 0; c < n; c++) { if (rand() % 100 < eff_skill(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, r)) { change_item(u, I_HORSE, 1); gezuechtet++; } } if (gezuechtet > 0) change_skill(u, SK_HORSE_TRAINING, PRODUCEEXP * u->number); add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "raised%u:unit%i:amount", u, gezuechtet)); } static const char * rough_amount(int a, int m) { int p = (a * 100)/m; if (p < 10) { return "sehr wenige"; } else if (p < 30) { return "wenige"; } else if (p < 60) { return "relativ viele"; } else if (p < 90) { return "viele"; } return "sehr viele"; } void research(region *r, unit *u) { char *s; s = getstrtoken(); if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_HERBS) { if (eff_skill(u, SK_HERBALISM, r) < 7) { cmistake(u, u->thisorder, 227, MSG_EVENT); return; } if (rherbs(r) > 0) { const herb_type *rht = rherbtype(r); if (rht != NULL) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "researchherb%u:unit%r:region%s:amount%X:herb", u, r, rough_amount(rherbs(r), 100), rht->itype->rtype)); } else { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "researchherb_none%u:unit%r:region", u, r)); } } else { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "researchherb_none%u:unit%r:region", u, r)); } } } int wahrnehmung(region * r, faction * f) { unit *u; int w = 0; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->faction == f #ifdef HELFE_WAHRNEHMUNG || allied(u, f, HELP_OBSERVE) #endif ) { if (eff_skill(u, SK_OBSERVATION, r) > w) { w = eff_skill(u, SK_OBSERVATION, r); } } } return w; } void steal(region * r, unit * u, request ** stealorders) { int n, i, id; boolean goblin = false; request * o; unit * u2 = NULL; faction * f = NULL; if (r->planep && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOATTACK)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 270, MSG_INCOME); return; } id = read_unitid(u->faction, r); u2 = findunitr(r, id); if (u2 && u2->region==u->region) { f = u2->faction; } else { f = dfindhash(id); } for (u2=r->units;u2;u2=u2->next) { if (u2->faction == f && cansee(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) break; } if (!u2) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 64, MSG_INCOME); return; } if (u2->faction->age < IMMUN_GEGEN_ANGRIFF) { sprintf(buf, "Eine Partei muß mindestens %d Wochen alt sein, bevor sie " "bestohlen werden kann.", IMMUN_GEGEN_ANGRIFF); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_INCOME); return; } assert(u->region==u2->region); if (!can_contact(r, u, u2)) { sprintf(buf, "%s wird belagert.", unitname(u2)); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_INCOME); return; } n = eff_skill(u, SK_STEALTH, r) - wahrnehmung(r, f); if (n == 0) { /* Wahrnehmung == Tarnung */ if (u->race != RC_GOBLIN || eff_skill(u, SK_STEALTH, r) <= 3) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "stealfail%u:unit%u:target", u, u2)); add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message(u2->faction, "stealdetect%u:unit", u2)); return; } else { add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message(u2->faction, "thiefdiscover%u:unit%u:target", u, u2)); add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "stealfatal%u:unit%u:target", u, u2)); n = 1; goblin = true; } } else if (n < 0) { /* Wahrnehmung > Tarnung */ if (u->race != RC_GOBLIN || eff_skill(u, SK_STEALTH, r) <= 3) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "stealfatal%u:unit%u:target", u, u2)); add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message(u2->faction, "thiefdiscover%u:unit%u:target", u, u2)); return; } else { /* Goblin-Spezialdiebstahl, Meldung an Beklauten */ add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message(u2->faction, "thiefdiscover%u:unit%u:target", u, u2)); n = 1; goblin = true; } } add_message(&u2->faction->msgs, new_message(u2->faction, "stealeffect%u:unit%r:region", u2, u2->region)); n = max(0, n); i = min(u->number, get_item(u,I_RING_OF_NIMBLEFINGER)); if (i > 0) { n *= STEALINCOME * (u->number + i * 9); } else { n *= u->number * STEALINCOME; } u->wants = n; /* wer dank unsichtbarkeitsringen klauen kann, muss nicht unbedingt ein * guter dieb sein, schliesslich macht man immer noch sehr viel laerm */ o = (request *) calloc(1, sizeof(request)); o->unit = u; o->qty = 1; /* Betrag steht in u->wants */ o->no = u2->no; o->type.goblin = goblin; /* Merken, wenn Goblin-Spezialklau */ addlist(stealorders, o); /* Nur soviel PRODUCEEXP wie auch tatsaechlich gemacht wurde */ change_skill(u, SK_STEALTH, min(n, u->number) * PRODUCEEXP); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ int entertainmoney(region *r) { int n; if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_DEPRESSION, 0)) { return 0; } n = rmoney(r) / ENTERTAINFRACTION; if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_GENEROUS, 0)) { n *= get_curseeffect(r->attribs, C_GENEROUS, 0); } return n; } static void expandentertainment(region * r) { unit *u; int m = entertainmoney(r); request *o; for (o = &entertainers[0]; o != nextentertainer; ++o) { double part = m / (double) entertaining; u = o->unit; if (entertaining <= m) u->n = o->qty; else u->n = (int) (o->qty * part); change_money(u, u->n); rsetmoney(r, rmoney(r) - u->n); m -= u->n; entertaining -= u->n; /* Nur soviel PRODUCEEXP wie auch tatsächlich gemacht wurde */ change_skill(u, SK_ENTERTAINMENT, PRODUCEEXP * min(u->n, u->number)); add_income(u, IC_ENTERTAIN, o->qty, u->n); } } void entertain(region * r, unit * u) { int max_e; request *o; if (!effskill(u, SK_ENTERTAINMENT)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 58, MSG_INCOME); return; } if (besieged(u)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 60, MSG_INCOME); return; } if (u->ship && is_guarded(r, u, GUARD_CREWS)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 69, MSG_INCOME); return; } if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_DEPRESSION, 0)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 28, MSG_INCOME); return; } u->wants = u->number * effskill(u, SK_ENTERTAINMENT) * ENTERTAININCOME; if ((max_e = geti()) != 0) u->wants = min(u->wants,max_e); o = nextentertainer++; o->unit = u; o->qty = u->wants; entertaining += o->qty; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void expandwork(region * r) { int n, earnings; /* n: verbleibende Einnahmen */ /* m: maximale Arbeiter */ int m = maxworkingpeasants(r); int p_wage = wage(r,NULL,false); int verdienst = 0; request *o; for (o = &workers[0]; o != nextworker; ++o) { unit * u = o->unit; int workers; if (u->number == 0) continue; if (m>=working) workers = u->number; else { workers = u->number * m / working; if (rand() % working < (u->number * m) % working) workers++; } assert(workers>=0); u->n = workers * wage(u->region, u, false); m -= workers; assert(m>=0); change_money(u, u->n); working -= o->unit->number; add_income(u, IC_WORK, o->qty, u->n); } n = m * p_wage; /* Der Rest wird von den Bauern verdient. n ist das uebriggebliebene * Geld. */ #if AFFECT_SALARY { attrib * a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_salary); if (a) verdienst = a->data.i; } #endif earnings = min(n, rpeasants(r) * p_wage) + verdienst; /* Mehr oder weniger durch Trank "Riesengrass" oder "Faulobstschnaps" */ if (verdienst) { sprintf(buf, "%d Bauern verdienen ein Silber %s durch %s.", abs(verdienst), (verdienst > 0) ? "mehr" : "weniger", (verdienst > 0) ? "Riesengras" : "Faulobstschnaps"); } rsetmoney(r, rmoney(r) + earnings); } void work(region * r, unit * u) { request *o; int w; if (besieged(u)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 60, MSG_INCOME); return; } if (u->ship && is_guarded(r, u, GUARD_CREWS)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 69, MSG_INCOME); return; } w = wage(r,u,false); u->wants = u->number * w; o = nextworker++; o->unit = u; o->qty = u->number * w; working += u->number; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void expandtax(region * r, request * taxorders) { unit *u; int i; expandorders(r, taxorders); if (!norders) return; for (i = 0; i != norders && rmoney(r) > TAXFRACTION; i++) { change_money(oa[i].unit, TAXFRACTION); oa[i].unit->n += TAXFRACTION; rsetmoney(r, rmoney(r) -TAXFRACTION); } free(oa); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) if (u->n >= 0) add_income(u, IC_TAX, u->wants, u->n); } void tax(region * r, unit * u, request ** taxorders) { /* Steuern werden noch vor der Forschung eingetrieben */ unit *u2; int n; request *o; int max; if (!humanoid(u)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 228, MSG_INCOME); return; } if (besieged(u)) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 60, MSG_INCOME); return; } n = armedmen(u); if (!n) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 48, MSG_INCOME); return; } if ((max = geti()) == 0) max = INT_MAX; if (nonplayer(u)) { u->wants = min(income(u), max); } else { u->wants = min(n * eff_skill(u, SK_TAXING, r) * 20, max); } u2 = is_guarded(r, u, GUARD_TAX); if (u2) { sprintf(buf, "%s bewacht die Region.", unitname(u2)); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_INCOME); return; } /* die einnahmen werden in fraktionen von 10 silber eingeteilt: diese * fraktionen werden dann bei eintreiben unter allen eintreibenden * einheiten aufgeteilt. */ o = (request *) calloc(1, sizeof(request)); o->qty = u->wants / TAXFRACTION; o->unit = u; addlist(taxorders, o); return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ void produce(void) { region *r; request *taxorders, *sellorders, *stealorders, *buyorders; unit *u; int todo; /* das sind alles befehle, die 30 tage brauchen, und die in thisorder * stehen! von allen 30-tage befehlen wird einfach der letzte verwendet * (dosetdefaults). * * kaufen vor einnahmequellen. da man in einer region dasselbe produkt * nicht kaufen und verkaufen kann, ist die reihenfolge wegen der * produkte egal. nicht so wegen dem geld. * * lehren vor lernen. */ for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { assert(rmoney(r) >= 0); assert(rpeasants(r) >= 0); buyorders = 0; sellorders = 0; nextworker = &workers[0]; working = 0; nextentertainer = &entertainers[0]; entertaining = 0; taxorders = 0; stealorders = 0; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { strlist * s; if (u->race == RC_SPELL || fval(u, FL_LONGACTION)) continue; if (rterrain(r) == T_GLACIER && u->race == RC_INSECT && !is_cursed(u->attribs, C_KAELTESCHUTZ,0)) continue; if (attacked(u) && *(u->thisorder) != 0) { cmistake(u, findorder(u, u->thisorder), 52, MSG_PRODUCE); continue; } for (s=u->orders;s;s=s->next) { todo = igetkeyword(s->s, u->faction->locale); switch (todo) { case K_BUY: buy(r, u, &buyorders, s->s); break; case K_SELL: sell(r, u, &sellorders, s->s); break; } } if (fval(u, FL_TRADER)) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_trades); if (a && a->data.i) { change_skill(u, SK_TRADE, u->number * PRODUCEEXP); } u->thisorder[0]=0; continue; } todo = igetkeyword(u->thisorder, u->faction->locale); if (todo == NOKEYWORD) continue; if (rterrain(r) == T_OCEAN && u->race != RC_AQUARIAN && todo != K_STEAL && todo != K_SPY && todo != K_SABOTAGE) continue; switch (todo) { case K_MAKE: make(r, u); break; case K_ENTERTAIN: entertain(r, u); break; case K_WORK: if (!nonplayer(u)) work(r, u); else if (u->faction->no > 0) { sprintf(buf, "%s können nicht arbeiten", race[u->race].name[1]); mistake(u, u->thisorder, buf, MSG_INCOME); } break; case K_TAX: tax(r, u, &taxorders); break; case K_STEAL: steal(r, u, &stealorders); break; case K_SPY: spy(r, u); break; case K_SABOTAGE: sabotage(r, u); break; case K_ZUECHTE: zuechte(r, u); break; case K_RESEARCH: research(r, u); break; } } /* Entertainment (expandentertainment) und Besteuerung (expandtax) vor den * Befehlen, die den Bauern mehr Geld geben, damit man aus den Zahlen der * letzten Runde berechnen kann, wieviel die Bauern für Unterhaltung * auszugeben bereit sind. */ split_allocations(r); if (entertaining) expandentertainment(r); expandwork(r); if (taxorders) expandtax(r, taxorders); /* An erster Stelle Kaufen (expandbuying), die Bauern so Geld bekommen, um * nachher zu beim Verkaufen (expandselling) den Spielern abkaufen zu * können. */ if (buyorders) expandbuying(r, buyorders); if (sellorders) expandselling(r, sellorders); /* Die Spieler sollen alles Geld verdienen, bevor sie beklaut werden * (expandstealing). */ if (stealorders) expandstealing(r, stealorders); assert(rmoney(r) >= 0); assert(rpeasants(r) >= 0); } if (vec) { free(vec); vec = 0; } }