/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include #include #include "creport.h" /* tweakable features */ #define ENCODE_SPECIAL 1 #define RENDER_CRMESSAGES 1 /* modules include */ #include /* attributes include */ #include #include #include /* gamecode includes */ #include "laws.h" #include "economy.h" /* kernel includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include /* imports */ extern const char *directions[]; extern const char *spelldata[]; extern int quiet; /* globals */ #define C_REPORT_VERSION 57 /* * translation table */ typedef struct translation { struct translation * next; const char * key; const char * value; } translation; #define TRANSMAXHASH 255 static translation * translation_table[TRANSMAXHASH]; static translation * junkyard; static const char * add_translation(const char * key, const char * value) { int kk = ((key[0] << 5) + key[0]) % TRANSMAXHASH; translation * t = translation_table[kk]; while (t && strcmp(t->key, key)!=0) t=t->next; if (!t) { if (junkyard) { t = junkyard; junkyard = junkyard->next; } else t = malloc(sizeof(translation)); t->key = key; t->value = value; t->next = translation_table[kk]; translation_table[kk] = t; } return key; } static void write_translations(FILE * F) { int i; fputs("TRANSLATION\n", F); for (i=0;i!=TRANSMAXHASH;++i) { translation * t = translation_table[i]; while (t) { fprintf(F, "\"%s\";%s\n", t->value, t->key); t = t->next; } } } static void reset_translations(void) { int i; for (i=0;i!=TRANSMAXHASH;++i) { translation * t = translation_table[i]; while (t) { translation * c = t->next; t->next = junkyard; junkyard = t; t = c; } translation_table[i] = 0; } } /* implementation */ void cr_output_str_list(FILE * F, const char *title, const strlist * S, faction * f) { char *s; if (!S) return; fprintf(F, "%s\n", title); while (S) { s = replace_global_coords(S->s, f); fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", s); S = S->next; } } #include "objtypes.h" static void print_curses(FILE * F, void * obj, typ_t typ, attrib *a, int self) { boolean header = false; while (a) { int dh = 0; curse *c; if (fval(a->type, ATF_CURSE)) { c = (curse *)a->data.v; if (c->type->curseinfo) dh = c->type->curseinfo(obj, typ, c, self); if (dh == 1) { if (!header) { header = 1; fputs("EFFECTS\n", F); } fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", buf); } } else if (a->type==&at_effect && self) { effect_data * data = (effect_data *)a->data.v; const char * key = resourcename(data->type->itype->rtype, 0); if (!header) { header = 1; fputs("EFFECTS\n", F); } fprintf(F, "\"%d %s\"\n", data->value, add_translation(key, locale_string(NULL, key))); } a = a->next; } } static int cr_unit(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; unit * u = (unit *)v; sprintf(buffer, "%d", u?u->no:-1); unused(report); return 0; } static int cr_ship(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; ship * u = (ship *)v; sprintf(buffer, "%d", u?u->no:-1); unused(report); return 0; } static int cr_building(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; building * u = (building *)v; sprintf(buffer, "%d", u?u->no:-1); unused(report); return 0; } static int cr_faction(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; faction * f = (faction *)v; sprintf(buffer, "%d", f?f->no:-1); unused(report); return 0; } static int cr_region(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; region * r = (region *)v; if (r) { plane * p = rplane(r); if (!p || !(p->flags & PFL_NOCOORDS)) { sprintf(buffer, "%d %d %d", region_x(r, report), region_y(r, report), p?p->id:0); return 0; } } return -1; } static int cr_resource(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; const resource_type * r = (const resource_type *)v; if (r) { const char * key = resourcename(r, 0); sprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"", add_translation(key, locale_string(report->locale, key))); return 0; } return -1; } static int cr_race(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; int rc = (int)v; const char * key = race[rc].name[0]; sprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"", add_translation(key, locale_string(report->locale, key))); return 0; } static int cr_skill(const void * v, char * buffer, const void * userdata) { const faction * report = (const faction*)userdata; skill_t sk = (skill_t)v; if (sk!=NOSKILL) sprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"", add_translation(skillname(sk, NULL), skillname(sk, report->locale))); else strcpy(buffer, "\"\""); return 0; } void creport_init(void) { tsf_register("report", &cr_ignore); tsf_register("string", &cr_string); tsf_register("int", &cr_int); tsf_register("unit", &cr_unit); tsf_register("region", &cr_region); tsf_register("faction", &cr_faction); tsf_register("ship", &cr_ship); tsf_register("building", &cr_building); tsf_register("skill", &cr_skill); tsf_register("resource", &cr_resource); tsf_register("race", &cr_race); tsf_register("direction", &cr_int); } void creport_cleanup(void) { while (junkyard) { translation * t = junkyard; junkyard = junkyard->next; free(t); } junkyard = 0; } static int msgno; #define MTMAXHASH 1023 static struct known_mtype { const struct message_type * mtype; struct known_mtype * nexthash; } * mtypehash[MTMAXHASH]; static void report_crtypes(FILE * F, const struct locale* lang) { int i; fputs("MESSAGETYPES\n", F); for (i=0;i!=MTMAXHASH;++i) { struct known_mtype * kmt; for (kmt=mtypehash[i];kmt;kmt=kmt->nexthash) { const struct nrmessage_type * nrt = nrt_find(lang, kmt->mtype); if (nrt) { unsigned int hash = hashstring(mt_name(kmt->mtype)); fputc('\"', F); fputs(escape_string(nrt_string(nrt), NULL, 0), F); fprintf(F, "\";%d\n", hash); } } while (mtypehash[i]) { kmt = mtypehash[i]; mtypehash[i] = mtypehash[i]->nexthash; free(kmt); } } } static void render_messages(FILE * F, faction * f, message_list *msgs) { struct mlist* m = msgs->begin; while (m) { char crbuffer[1024]; boolean printed = false; const struct message_type * mtype = m->msg->type; unsigned int hash = hashstring(mtype->name); #if RENDER_CRMESSAGES char nrbuffer[4096]; nrbuffer[0] = '\0'; if (nr_render(m->msg, f->locale, nrbuffer, f)==0 && nrbuffer[0]) { fprintf(F, "MESSAGE %d\n", ++msgno); fprintf(F, "%d;type\n", hash); fputs("\"", F); fputs(nrbuffer, F); fputs("\";rendered\n", F); printed = true; } #endif crbuffer[0] = '\0'; if (cr_render(m->msg, crbuffer, (const void*)f)==0 && crbuffer[0]) { if (!printed) fprintf(F, "MESSAGE %d\n", ++msgno); fputs(crbuffer, F); } else log_error(("could not render cr-message %p\n", m->msg)); if (printed) { unsigned int ihash = hash % MTMAXHASH; struct known_mtype * kmt = mtypehash[ihash]; while (kmt && kmt->mtype != mtype) kmt = kmt->nexthash; if (kmt==NULL) { kmt = (struct known_mtype*)malloc(sizeof(struct known_mtype)); kmt->nexthash = mtypehash[ihash]; kmt->mtype = mtype; mtypehash[ihash] = kmt; } } m = m->next; } } static void cr_output_messages(FILE * F, message_list *msgs, faction * f) { if (msgs) render_messages(F, f, msgs); } /* prints a building */ static void cr_output_buildings(FILE * F, building * b, unit * u, int fno, faction *f) { const building_type * type = b->type; unit * bo = buildingowner(b->region, b); assert(b); fprintf(F, "BURG %d\n", b->no); if (!u || u->faction != f) { const attrib * a = a_find(b->attribs, &at_icastle); if (a) type = ((icastle_data*)a->data.v)->type; } fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Typ\n", add_translation(b->type->_name, locale_string(f->locale, b->type->_name))); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Name\n", b->name); if (strlen(b->display)) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Beschr\n", b->display); if (b->size) fprintf(F, "%d;Groesse\n", b->size); if (u) fprintf(F, "%d;Besitzer\n", u ? u->no : -1); if (fno >= 0) fprintf(F, "%d;Partei\n", fno); #ifdef TODO int cost = buildingdaten[b->type].per_size * b->size + buildingdaten[b->type].unterhalt; if (u && u->faction == f && cost) fprintf(F, "%d;Unterhalt\n", cost); #endif if (b->besieged) fprintf(F, "%d;Belagerer\n", b->besieged); if(bo != NULL){ print_curses(F, b, TYP_BUILDING, b->attribs, (bo->faction == f)? 1 : 0); } else { print_curses(F, b, TYP_BUILDING, b->attribs, 0); } } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ /* prints a ship */ static void cr_output_ship(FILE * F, ship * s, unit * u, int fcaptain, faction * f, region * r) { unit *u2; int w = 0; assert(s); fprintf(F, "SCHIFF %d\n", s->no); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Name\n", s->name); if (strlen(s->display)) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Beschr\n", s->display); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Typ\n", add_translation(s->type->name[0], locale_string(f->locale, s->type->name[0]))); fprintf(F, "%d;Groesse\n", s->size); if (s->damage) { int percent = s->damage*100/(s->size*DAMAGE_SCALE); fprintf(F, "%d;Schaden\n", percent); } if (u) fprintf(F, "%d;Kapitaen\n", u ? u->no : -1); if (fcaptain >= 0) fprintf(F, "%d;Partei\n", fcaptain); /* calculate cargo */ if (u && (u->faction == f || omniscient(f))) { for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) if (u2->ship == s) w += weight(u2); fprintf(F, "%d;Ladung\n", (w + 99) / 100); fprintf(F, "%d;MaxLadung\n", shipcapacity(s) / 100); } /* shore */ w = NODIRECTION; if (rterrain(r) != T_OCEAN) w = s->coast; if (w != NODIRECTION) fprintf(F, "%d;Kueste\n", w); if(shipowner(r, s) != NULL){ print_curses(F, s, TYP_SHIP, s->attribs, (shipowner(r, s)->faction == f)? 1 : 0); } else { print_curses(F, s, TYP_SHIP, s->attribs, 0); } } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ /* prints all that belongs to a unit */ static void cr_output_unit(FILE * F, region * r, faction * f, /* observers faction */ unit * u, int mode) { /* Race attributes are always plural and item attributes always * singular */ const item_type * lasttype; int pr; item *itm, *show; boolean itemcloak = is_cursed(u->attribs, C_ITEMCLOAK, 0); building * b; const char * pzTmp; skill_t sk; strlist *S; const attrib *a_fshidden = NULL; assert(u); if(fspecial(u->faction, FS_HIDDEN)) a_fshidden = a_find(u->attribs, &at_fshidden); fprintf(F, "EINHEIT %d\n", u->no); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Name\n", u->name); if (strlen(u->display)) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Beschr\n", u->display); if( u->faction == f || omniscient(f)) { #ifdef GROUPS if (u->faction == f) { const attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_group); if (a) { const group * g = (const group*)a->data.v; fprintf(F, "%d;gruppe\n", g->gid); } } #endif fprintf(F, "%d;Partei\n", u->faction->no); } else if(!fval(u, FL_PARTEITARNUNG)) { attrib *a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_otherfaction); if(a) { fprintf(F, "%d;Partei\n", a->data.i); } else { fprintf(F, "%d;Partei\n", u->faction->no); } } if(u->faction != f && a_fshidden && a_fshidden->data.ca[0] == 1 && effskill(u, SK_STEALTH) >= 6) { fprintf(F, "-1;Anzahl\n"); } else { fprintf(F, "%d;Anzahl\n", u->number); } pzTmp = get_racename(u->attribs); if (pzTmp==NULL) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Typ\n", add_translation(race[u->irace].name[1], locale_string(f->locale, race[u->irace].name[1]))); else fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Typ\n", pzTmp); if ((pzTmp || u->irace != u->race) && u->faction==f) { fprintf(F, "\"%s\";wahrerTyp\n", add_translation(race[u->race].name[1], locale_string(f->locale, race[u->race].name[1]))); } if (u->building) fprintf(F, "%d;Burg\n", u->building->no); if (u->ship) fprintf(F, "%d;Schiff\n", u->ship->no); if (getguard(u)) fprintf(F, "%d;bewacht\n", getguard(u)?1:0); if ((b=usiege(u))!=NULL) fprintf(F, "%d;belagert\n", b->no); if (fval(u, FL_PARTEITARNUNG)) fprintf(F, "%d;Parteitarnung\n", fval(u, FL_PARTEITARNUNG)); /* additional information for own units */ if (u->faction == f || omniscient(f)) { const char *c; int i; const attrib * a; a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_follow); if (a) { unit * u = (unit*)a->data.v; if (u) fprintf(F, "%d;folgt\n", u->no); } a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_otherfaction); if(a) fprintf(F, "%d;verkleidung\n", a->data.i); i = ualias(u); if (i>0) fprintf(F, "%d;temp\n", i); else if (i<0) fprintf(F, "%d;alias\n", -i); i = get_money(u); if (u->status) fprintf(F, "%d;Kampfstatus\n", u->status); i = u_geteffstealth(u); if (i >= 0) fprintf(F, "%d;Tarnung\n", i); c = uprivate(u); if (c) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";privat\n", c); c = hp_status(u); if (c && *c && (u->faction == f || omniscient(f))) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";hp\n", c); if (fval(u, FL_HUNGER) && (u->faction == f)) fputs("1;hunger\n", F); if (is_mage(u)) { fprintf(F, "%d;Aura\n", get_spellpoints(u)); fprintf(F, "%d;Auramax\n", max_spellpoints(u->region,u)); } /* default commands */ fprintf(F, "COMMANDS\n"); if(u->lastorder[0]) fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", u->lastorder); for (S = u->orders; S; S = S->next) { if(is_persistent(S->s, u->faction->locale)) { fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", S->s); } } /* talents */ pr = 0; for (sk = 0; sk != MAXSKILLS; ++sk) if (get_skill(u, sk)) { if (!pr) { pr = 1; fprintf(F, "TALENTE\n"); } #ifdef NOVISIBLESKILLPOINTS /* 0 ist nur der Kompatibilität wegen drin, rausnehmen */ fprintf(F, "0 %d;%s\n", eff_skill(u, sk, r), skillnames[sk]); #else fprintf(F, "%d %d;%s\n", get_skill(u, sk), eff_skill(u, sk, r), add_translation(skillname(sk, NULL), skillname(sk, f->locale))); #endif } /* spells */ if (is_mage(u)) { sc_mage * mage = get_mage(u); spell_ptr *spt = mage->spellptr; if (spt) { spell *sp; int i; fprintf(F, "SPRUECHE\n"); for (;spt; spt = spt->next) { sp = find_spellbyid(spt->spellid); fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", sp->name); } for (i=0;i!=MAXCOMBATSPELLS;++i) { sp = find_spellbyid(mage->combatspell[i]); if (sp) { fprintf(F, "KAMPFZAUBER %d\n", i); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";name\n", sp->name); fprintf(F, "%d;level\n", mage->combatspelllevel[i]); } } } } } /* items */ pr = 0; if (f == u->faction || omniscient(u->faction)) { show = u->items; } else if (itemcloak==false && mode>=see_unit && !(a_fshidden && a_fshidden->data.ca[1] == 1 && effskill(u, SK_STEALTH) >= 3)) { show = NULL; for (itm=u->items;itm;itm=itm->next) { item * ishow; const char * ic; int in; report_item(u, itm, f, NULL, &ic, &in, true); if (in>0 && ic && *ic) { for (ishow = show; ishow; ishow=ishow->next) { const char * sc; int sn; if (ishow->type==itm->type) sc=ic; else report_item(u, ishow, f, NULL, &sc, &sn, true); if (sc==ic || strcmp(sc, ic)==0) { ishow->number+=itm->number; break; } } if (ishow==NULL) { ishow = i_add(&show, i_new(itm->type)); ishow->number = itm->number; } } } } else { show = NULL; } lasttype = NULL; for (itm=show; itm; itm=itm->next) { const char * ic; int in; assert(itm->type!=lasttype || !"error: list contains two objects of the same item"); report_item(u, itm, f, NULL, &ic, &in, true); if (in==0) continue; if (!pr) { pr = 1; fputs("GEGENSTAENDE\n", F); } fprintf(F, "%d;%s\n", in, locale_string(NULL, ic)); } if ((u->faction == f || omniscient(f)) && u->botschaften) cr_output_str_list(F, "EINHEITSBOTSCHAFTEN", u->botschaften, f); print_curses(F, u, TYP_UNIT, u->attribs, (u->faction == f)? 1 : 0); } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ /* prints allies */ static void show_allies(FILE * F, ally * sf) { for (; sf; sf = sf->next) if(sf->faction) { fprintf(F, "ALLIANZ %d\n", sf->faction->no); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Parteiname\n", sf->faction->name); fprintf(F, "%d;Status\n", sf->status); } } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ /* prints all visible spells in a region */ static void show_active_spells(region * r) { char fogwall[MAXDIRECTIONS]; #ifdef TODO /* alte Regionszauberanzeigen umstellen */ unit *u; int env = 0; #endif memset(fogwall, 0, sizeof(char) * MAXDIRECTIONS); } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ extern int fcompare(const void *a, const void *b); /* this is a copy of laws.c->find_address output changed. */ static void cr_find_address(FILE * F, faction * uf) { faction *f; void **fp; cvector *fcts = malloc(sizeof(cvector)); cv_init(fcts); for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { if (f->no != 0 && kann_finden(uf, f) != 0) { cv_pushback(fcts, f); } } v_sort(fcts->begin, fcts->end, fcompare); /* FIND orders - diese duerfen erst ablaufen, nachdem alle ihre Adresse * gesetzt haben! */ if (!quiet) puts(" - gebe Adressen heraus (CR)"); for (fp = fcts->begin; fp != fcts->end; ++fp) { f = *fp; if (uf!=f && f->no != 0 && kann_finden(uf, f) != 0) { fprintf(F, "PARTEI %d\n", f->no); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Parteiname\n", f->name); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";email\n", f->email); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";banner\n", f->banner); } } free(cv_kill(fcts)); } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ static void cr_reportspell(FILE * F, spellid_t id) { int k, itemanz, res, costtyp; spell *sp = find_spellbyid(id); fprintf(F, "ZAUBER %d\n", hashstring(sp->name)); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";name\n", sp->name); fprintf(F, "%d;level\n", sp->level); fprintf(F, "%d;rank\n", sp->rank); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";info\n", sp->beschreibung); if (sp->sptyp & PRECOMBATSPELL) fputs("\"precombat\";class\n", F); else if (sp->sptyp & COMBATSPELL) fputs("\"combat\";class\n", F); else if (sp->sptyp & POSTCOMBATSPELL) fputs("\"postcombat\";class\n", F); else fputs("\"normal\";class\n", F); if (sp->sptyp & FARCASTING) fputs("1;far\n", F); if (sp->sptyp & OCEANCASTABLE) fputs("1;ocean\n", F); if (sp->sptyp & ONSHIPCAST) fputs("1;ship\n", F); if (!(sp->sptyp & NOTFAMILIARCAST)) fputs("1;familiar\n", F); fputs("KOMPONENTEN\n", F); for (k = 0; k < MAXINGREDIENT; k++) { res = sp->komponenten[k][0]; itemanz = sp->komponenten[k][1]; costtyp = sp->komponenten[k][2]; if(itemanz > 0) { fprintf(F, "%d %d;%s\n", itemanz, costtyp == SPC_LEVEL || costtyp == SPC_LINEAR, resname(res, 0)); } } } static unsigned int encode_region(faction * f, region * r) { unsigned int id; char *cp, c; /* obfuscation */ assert(sizeof(int)==sizeof(char)*4); id = (((((r->x ^ f->no) % 1024) << 20) | ((r->y ^ f->no) % 1024))); cp = (char*)&id; c = cp[0]; cp[0] = cp[2]; cp[2] = cp[1]; cp[1] = cp[3]; cp[3] = c; return id; } /* main function of the creport. creates the header and traverses all regions */ void report_computer(FILE * F, faction * f) { int i; region *r; building *b; ship *sh; unit *u; seen_region * sd; const attrib * a; int maxmining; /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */ /* initialisations, header and lists */ if (quiet) { printf(" CR"); fflush(stdout); } else printf(" - schreibe Computerreport\n"); fprintf(F, "VERSION %d\n", C_REPORT_VERSION); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";locale\n", locale_name(f->locale)); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Spiel\n", global.gamename); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Konfiguration\n", "Standard"); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Koordinaten\n", "Hex"); fprintf(F, "%d;Basis\n", 36); fprintf(F, "%d;Umlaute\n", 1); fprintf(F, "%d;Runde\n", turn); fputs("2;Zeitalter\n", F); fprintf(F, "PARTEI %d\n", f->no); /* fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Passwort\n", f->passw); */ fprintf(F, "\"%s\";locale\n", locale_name(f->locale)); fprintf(F, "%d;Optionen\n", f->options); if (f->options & want(O_SCORE) && f->age>DISPLAYSCORE) { fprintf(F, "%d;Punkte\n", f->score); fprintf(F, "%d;Punktedurchschnitt\n", average_score_of_age(f->age, f->age / 24 + 1)); } fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Typ\n", add_translation(race[f->race].name[1], locale_string(f->locale, race[f->race].name[1]))); fprintf(F, "%d;Rekrutierungskosten\n", race[f->race].rekrutieren); fprintf(F, "%d;Anzahl Personen\n", count_all(f)); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Magiegebiet\n", neue_gebiete[f->magiegebiet]); if (f->race == RC_HUMAN) { fprintf(F, "%d;Anzahl Immigranten\n", count_migrants(f)); fprintf(F, "%d;Max. Immigranten\n", count_maxmigrants(f)); } fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Parteiname\n", f->name); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";email\n", f->email); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";banner\n", f->banner); fputs("OPTIONEN\n", F); for (i=0;i!=MAXOPTIONS;++i) { fprintf(F, "%d;%s\n", (f->options&want(i))?1:0, options[i]); } show_allies(F, f->allies); #ifdef GROUPS { group * g; for (g=f->groups;g;g=g->next) { fprintf(F, "GRUPPE %d\n", g->gid); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";name\n", g->name); show_allies(F, g->allies); } } #endif cr_output_str_list(F, "FEHLER", f->mistakes, f); cr_output_messages(F, f->msgs, f); { struct bmsg * bm; for (bm=f->battles;bm;bm=bm->next) { fprintf(F, "BATTLE %d %d\n", region_x(bm->r, f), region_y(bm->r, f)); cr_output_messages(F, bm->msgs, f); } } cr_find_address(F, f); a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_reportspell); while (a) { cr_reportspell(F, (spellid_t)a->data.i); a = a->nexttype; } for (a=a_find(f->attribs, &at_showitem);a;a=a->nexttype) { const potion_type * ptype = resource2potion(((const item_type*)a->data.v)->rtype); requirement * m; const char * ch; if (ptype==NULL) continue; m = ptype->itype->construction->materials; ch = resourcename(ptype->itype->rtype, 0); fprintf(F, "TRANK %d\n", hashstring(ch)); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Name\n", add_translation(ch, locale_string(f->locale, ch))); fprintf(F, "%d;Stufe\n", ptype->level); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Beschr\n", ptype->text); fprintf(F, "ZUTATEN\n"); while (m->number) { ch = resourcename(oldresourcetype[m->type], 0); fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", add_translation(ch, locale_string(f->locale, ch))); m++; } } /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * = = = */ /* traverse all regions */ for (sd = seen; sd!=NULL; sd = sd->next) { int modifier = 0; const char * tname; r = sd->r; if (!rplane(r)) fprintf(F, "REGION %d %d\n", region_x(r, f), region_y(r, f)); else { #if ENCODE_SPECIAL if (rplane(r)->flags & PFL_NOCOORDS) fprintf(F, "SPEZIALREGION %d %d\n", encode_region(f, r), rplane(r)->id); #else if (rplane(r)->flags & PFL_NOCOORDS) continue; #endif else fprintf(F, "REGION %d %d %d\n", region_x(r, f), region_y(r, f), rplane(r)->id); } if (r->land && strlen(rname(r, f->locale))) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Name\n", rname(r, f->locale)); if (is_cursed(r->attribs,C_MAELSTROM, 0)) tname = "maelstrom"; else { if (r_isforest(r)) tname = "forest"; else tname = terrain[rterrain(r)].name; } fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Terrain\n", add_translation(tname, locale_string(f->locale, tname))); if (sd->mode != see_neighbour) { int g = 0; direction_t d; if (r->display && strlen(r->display)) fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Beschr\n", r->display); if (landregion(rterrain(r))) { fprintf(F, "%d;Bauern\n", rpeasants(r)); fprintf(F, "%d;Pferde\n", rhorses(r)); fprintf(F, "%d;Baeume\n", rtrees(r)); if (fval(r, RF_MALLORN) && rtrees(r)) fprintf(F, "1;Mallorn\n"); if (sd->mode>=see_unit) { struct demand * dmd = r->land->demands; if (rterrain(r) == T_MOUNTAIN || rterrain(r) == T_GLACIER) { maxmining = 0; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { int s = eff_skill(u, SK_MINING, r); if (u->faction == f || omniscient(f)) maxmining = max(maxmining, s); } if (maxmining >= 4) fprintf(F, "%d;Eisen\n", riron(r)); if (maxmining >= 7) fprintf(F, "%d;Laen\n", rlaen(r)); } fprintf(F, "%d;Silber\n", rmoney(r)); fprintf(F, "%d;Unterh\n", entertainmoney(r)); if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_RIOT, 0)){ fprintf(F, "0;Rekruten\n"); } else { fprintf(F, "%d;Rekruten\n", rpeasants(r) / RECRUITFRACTION); } if (production(r)) { fprintf(F, "%d;Lohn\n", fwage(r, f, true)); } /* trade */ if(rpeasants(r)/TRADE_FRACTION > 0) { fputs("PREISE\n", F); while (dmd) { const char * ch = resourcename(dmd->type->itype->rtype, 0); fprintf(F, "%d;%s\n", (dmd->value ? dmd->value*dmd->type->price : -dmd->type->price), add_translation(ch, locale_string(f->locale, ch))); dmd=dmd->next; } } } } for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; d++) { /* Nachbarregionen, die gesehen werden, ermitteln */ region * r2 = rconnect(r, d); border * b; if (!r2) continue; b = get_borders(r, r2); while (b) { boolean cs = b->type->fvisible(b, f, r); if (!cs) { cs = b->type->rvisible(b, r); if (!cs) { unit * us = r->units; while (us && !cs) { if (us->faction==f) { cs = b->type->uvisible(b, us); if (cs) break; } us=us->next; } } } if (cs) { fprintf(F, "GRENZE %d\n", ++g); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";typ\n", b->type->name(b, r, f, GF_NONE)); fprintf(F, "%d;richtung\n", d); if (!b->type->transparent(b, f)) fputs("1;opaque\n", F); /* pfusch: */ if (b->type==&bt_road) { int p = rroad(r, d)*100/terrain[rterrain(r)].roadreq; fprintf(F, "%d;prozent\n", p); } } b = b->next; } } if (sd->mode==see_unit && r->planep && r->planep->id == 1 && !is_cursed(r->attribs, C_ASTRALBLOCK, 0)) { /* Sonderbehandlung Teleport-Ebene */ regionlist *rl = allinhab_in_range(r_astral_to_standard(r),TP_RADIUS); if (rl) { regionlist *rl2 = rl; while(rl2) { region * r = rl2->region; fprintf(F, "SCHEMEN %d %d\n", region_x(r, f), region_y(r, f)); fprintf(F, "\"%s\";Name\n", rname(r, f->locale)); rl2 = rl2->next; if(rl2) scat(", "); } free_regionlist(rl); } } print_curses(F, r, TYP_REGION, r->attribs, 0); /* describe both passed and inhabited regions */ show_active_spells(r); { boolean see = false; const attrib * ru; /* show units pulled throuth region */ for (ru = a_find(r->attribs, &at_travelunit); ru; ru = ru->nexttype) { unit * u = (unit*)ru->data.v; if (cansee_durchgezogen(f, r, u, 0) && in_region(r, u) == 0) { if (u->ship && !fval(u, FL_OWNER)) continue; if (!see) fprintf(F, "DURCHREISE\n"); see = true; if (u->ship) fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", shipname(u->ship)); else fprintf(F, "\"%s\"\n", unitname(u)); } } } cr_output_messages(F, r->msgs, f); /* buildings */ for (b = rbuildings(r); b; b = b->next) { int fno = -1; u = buildingowner(r, b); if (u && !fval(u, FL_PARTEITARNUNG)) fno = u->faction->no; cr_output_buildings(F, b, u, fno, f); } /* ships */ for (sh = r->ships; sh; sh = sh->next) { int fno = -1; u = shipowner(r, sh); if (u && !fval(u, FL_PARTEITARNUNG)) fno = u->faction->no; cr_output_ship(F, sh, u, fno, f, r); } /* visible units */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { boolean visible = true; switch (sd->mode) { case see_unit: modifier=0; break; #ifdef SEE_FAR case see_far: #endif case see_lighthouse: modifier = -2; break; case see_travel: modifier = -1; break; default: visible=false; } if (u->building || u->ship || (visible && cansee(f, r, u, modifier))) cr_output_unit(F, r, f, u, sd->mode); } } /* region traversal */ } report_crtypes(F, f->locale); write_translations(F); reset_translations(); }