#ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #endif #include #include "battle.h" #include "alchemy.h" #include "guard.h" #include "laws.h" #include "monsters.h" #include "move.h" #include "skill.h" #include "study.h" #include "spy.h" #include "spells/buildingcurse.h" #include "spells/regioncurse.h" #include "spells/unitcurse.h" #include "kernel/ally.h" #include "kernel/alliance.h" #include "kernel/build.h" #include "kernel/building.h" #include "kernel/curse.h" #include "kernel/equipment.h" #include "kernel/faction.h" #include "kernel/group.h" #include "kernel/item.h" #include "kernel/messages.h" #include "kernel/order.h" #include "kernel/plane.h" #include "kernel/race.h" #include "kernel/region.h" #include "kernel/ship.h" #include "kernel/terrain.h" #include "kernel/unit.h" #include "kernel/spell.h" #include "reports.h" /* attributes includes */ #include "attributes/key.h" #include "attributes/racename.h" #include "attributes/otherfaction.h" /* util includes */ #include "kernel/attrib.h" #include "util/base36.h" #include "util/language.h" #include "util/lists.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/macros.h" #include "util/parser.h" #include "util/strings.h" #include "util/stats.h" #include "util/rand.h" #include "util/rng.h" #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TACTICS_BONUS 1 /* when undefined, we have a tactics round. else this is the bonus tactics give */ #define TACTICS_MODIFIER 1 /* modifier for generals in the front/rear */ #define CATAPULT_INITIAL_RELOAD 4 /* erster schuss in runde 1 + rng_int() % INITIAL */ #define BASE_CHANCE 70 /* 70% Basis-Ueberlebenschance */ #define TDIFF_CHANGE 5 /* 5% hoeher pro Stufe */ #define DAMAGE_QUOTIENT 2 /* damage += skilldiff/DAMAGE_QUOTIENT */ #define DEBUG_SELECT /* should be disabled if select_enemy works */ typedef enum combatmagic { DO_PRECOMBATSPELL, DO_POSTCOMBATSPELL } combatmagic_t; #define MINSPELLRANGE 1 #define MAXSPELLRANGE 7 #define ROW_FACTOR 3 /* factor for combat row advancement rule */ #define EFFECT_PANIC_SPELL 25 #define TROLL_REGENERATION 0.10 /* Nach dem alten System: */ static int missile_range[2] = { FIGHT_ROW, BEHIND_ROW }; static int melee_range[2] = { FIGHT_ROW, FIGHT_ROW }; const troop no_troop = { 0, 0 }; #define FORMULA_ORIG 0 #define FORMULA_NEW 1 #define LOOT_MONSTERS (1<<0) #define LOOT_SELF (1<<1) /* code is mutually exclusive with LOOT_OTHERS */ #define LOOT_OTHERS (1<<2) #define LOOT_KEEPLOOT (1<<4) #define DAMAGE_CRITICAL (1<<0) #define DAMAGE_SKILL_BONUS (1<<4) static int max_turns; static int rule_damage; static int rule_loot; static int flee_chance_max_percent; static int flee_chance_base; static int flee_chance_skill_bonus; static int skill_formula; static int rule_cavalry_skill; static int rule_population_damage; static unsigned char rule_hero_speed; static bool rule_anon_battle; static bool rule_igjarjuk_curse; static int rule_goblin_bonus; static int rule_tactics_formula; static int rule_nat_armor; static int rule_cavalry_mode; static int rule_vampire; static const item_type *it_mistletoe; /** initialize rules from configuration. */ static void init_rules(void) { it_mistletoe = it_find("mistletoe"); flee_chance_skill_bonus = config_get_int("rules.combat.flee_chance_bonus", 5); flee_chance_base = config_get_int("rules.combat.flee_chance_base", 20); flee_chance_max_percent = config_get_int("rules.combat.flee_chance_limit", 90); rule_nat_armor = config_get_int("rules.combat.nat_armor", 0); rule_tactics_formula = config_get_int("rules.tactics.formula", 0); rule_goblin_bonus = config_get_int("rules.combat.goblinbonus", 10); rule_hero_speed = (unsigned char)config_get_int("rules.combat.herospeed", 10); rule_population_damage = config_get_int("rules.combat.populationdamage", 20); rule_anon_battle = config_get_int("rules.stealth.anon_battle", 1) != 0; rule_igjarjuk_curse = config_get_int("rules.combat.igjarjuk_curse", 0) != 0; rule_cavalry_mode = config_get_int("rules.cavalry.mode", 1); rule_cavalry_skill = config_get_int("rules.cavalry.skill", 2); rule_vampire = config_get_int("rules.combat.demon_vampire", 0); rule_loot = config_get_int("rules.combat.loot", LOOT_MONSTERS | LOOT_OTHERS | LOOT_KEEPLOOT); /* new formula to calculate to-hit-chance */ skill_formula = config_get_int("rules.combat.skill_formula", FORMULA_ORIG); /* maximum number of combat turns */ max_turns = config_get_int("rules.combat.turns", 5); /* damage calculation */ if (config_get_int("rules.combat.critical", 1)) { rule_damage |= DAMAGE_CRITICAL; } if (config_get_int("rules.combat.skill_bonus", 1)) { rule_damage |= DAMAGE_SKILL_BONUS; } } static int army_index(side * s) { return s->index; } const char *sidename(const side * s) { #define SIDENAMEBUFLEN 256 static int bufno; /* STATIC_XCALL: used across calls */ static char sidename_buf[4][SIDENAMEBUFLEN]; /* STATIC_RESULT: used for return, not across calls */ bufno = bufno % 4; str_strlcpy(sidename_buf[bufno], factionname(s->stealthfaction ? s->stealthfaction : s->faction), SIDENAMEBUFLEN); return sidename_buf[bufno++]; } static const char *sideabkz(side * s, bool truename) { static char sideabkz_buf[8]; /* STATIC_RESULT: used for return, not across calls */ const faction *f = (s->stealthfaction && !truename) ? s->stealthfaction : s->faction; str_strlcpy(sideabkz_buf, itoa36(f->no), sizeof(sideabkz_buf)); return sideabkz_buf; } void battle_message_faction(battle * b, faction * f, struct message *m) { region *r = b->region; assert(f); if (f->battles == NULL || f->battles->r != r) { struct bmsg *bm = (struct bmsg *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct bmsg)); assert(bm); bm->next = f->battles; f->battles = bm; bm->r = r; } add_message(&f->battles->msgs, m); } void message_all(battle * b, message * m) { bfaction *bf; for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { assert(bf->faction); battle_message_faction(b, bf->faction, m); } } static void fbattlerecord(battle * b, faction * f, const char *s) { message *m = msg_message("battle_msg", "string", s); battle_message_faction(b, f, m); msg_release(m); } /* being an enemy or a friend is (and must always be!) symmetrical */ #define enemy_i(as, di) (as->relations[di]&E_ENEMY) #define friendly_i(as, di) (as->relations[di]&E_FRIEND) #define enemy(as, ds) (as->relations[ds->index]&E_ENEMY) #define friendly(as, ds) (as->relations[ds->index]&E_FRIEND) static bool set_enemy(side * as, side * ds, bool attacking) { int i; assert(as && ds); for (i = 0; i != MAXSIDES; ++i) { if (ds->enemies[i] == NULL) ds->enemies[i] = as; if (ds->enemies[i] == as) break; } for (i = 0; i != MAXSIDES; ++i) { if (as->enemies[i] == NULL) as->enemies[i] = ds; if (as->enemies[i] == ds) break; } assert(i != MAXSIDES); if (attacking) as->relations[ds->index] |= E_ATTACKING; if ((ds->relations[as->index] & E_ENEMY) == 0) { /* enemy-relation are always symmetrical */ assert((as->relations[ds->index] & (E_ENEMY | E_FRIEND)) == 0); ds->relations[as->index] |= E_ENEMY; as->relations[ds->index] |= E_ENEMY; return true; } return false; } static void set_friendly(side * as, side * ds) { assert((as->relations[ds->index] & E_ENEMY) == 0); ds->relations[as->index] |= E_FRIEND; as->relations[ds->index] |= E_FRIEND; } static bool alliedside(const side * s, const faction * f, int mode) { if (s->faction == f) { return true; } if (s->group) { return alliedgroup(s->faction, f, s->group, mode) != 0; } return alliedfaction(s->faction, f, mode) != 0; } static int dead_fighters(const fighter * df) { return df->unit->number - df->alive - df->run.number; } fighter *select_corpse(battle * b, fighter * af) /* Waehlt eine Leiche aus, der af hilft. casualties ist die Anzahl der * Toten auf allen Seiten (im Array). Wenn af == NULL, wird die * Parteizugehoerigkeit ignoriert, und irgendeine Leiche genommen. * * Untote werden nicht ausgewaehlt (casualties, not dead) */ { int si, maxcasualties = 0; fighter *df; for (si = 0; si != b->nsides; ++si) { side *s = b->sides + si; if (af == NULL || (!enemy_i(af->side, si) && alliedside(af->side, s->faction, HELP_FIGHT))) { maxcasualties += s->casualties; } } if (maxcasualties > 0) { int di = (int)(rng_int() % maxcasualties); side *s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { for (df = s->fighters; df; df = df->next) { /* Geflohene haben auch 0 hp, duerfen hier aber nicht ausgewaehlt * werden! */ int dead = dead_fighters(df); const race *rc = u_race(df->unit); /* Untote sinc für immer tot */ if (!undeadrace(rc)) { if (af && !helping(af->side, df->side)) continue; if (di < dead) { return df; } di -= dead; } } } } return NULL; } bool helping(const side * as, const side * ds) { if (as->faction == ds->faction) return true; return (!enemy(as, ds) && alliedside(as, ds->faction, HELP_FIGHT)); } int statusrow(int status) { switch (status) { case ST_AGGRO: case ST_FIGHT: return FIGHT_ROW; case ST_BEHIND: case ST_CHICKEN: return BEHIND_ROW; case ST_AVOID: return AVOID_ROW; case ST_FLEE: return FLEE_ROW; default: assert(!"unknown combatrow"); } return FIGHT_ROW; } static double hpflee(int status) /* if hp drop below this percentage, run away */ { switch (status) { case ST_AGGRO: return 0.0; case ST_FIGHT: case ST_BEHIND: return 0.2; case ST_CHICKEN: case ST_AVOID: return 0.9; case ST_FLEE: return 1.0; default: assert(!"unknown combatrow"); } return 0.0; } static int get_row(const side * s, int row, const side * vs) { bool counted[MAXSIDES]; int enemyfront = 0; int line, result; int retreat = 0; int size[NUMROWS]; battle *b = s->battle; memset(counted, 0, sizeof(counted)); memset(size, 0, sizeof(size)); for (line = FIRST_ROW; line != NUMROWS; ++line) { int si, sa_i; /* how many enemies are there in the first row? */ for (si = 0; s->enemies[si]; ++si) { side *se = s->enemies[si]; if (se->size[line] > 0) { enemyfront += se->size[line]; /* - s->nonblockers[line] (nicht, weil angreifer) */ } } for (sa_i = 0; sa_i != b->nsides; ++sa_i) { side *sa = b->sides + sa_i; /* count people that like me, but don't like my enemy */ if (friendly_i(s, sa_i) && enemy_i(vs, sa_i)) { if (!counted[sa_i]) { int i; for (i = 0; i != NUMROWS; ++i) { size[i] += sa->size[i] - sa->nonblockers[i]; } counted[sa_i] = true; } } } if (enemyfront) break; } if (enemyfront) { int front = 0; for (line = FIRST_ROW; line != NUMROWS; ++line) { front += size[line]; if (!front || front < enemyfront / ROW_FACTOR) ++retreat; else if (front) break; } } /* every entry in the size[] array means someone trying to defend us. * 'retreat' is the number of rows falling. */ result = row - retreat; if (result < FIRST_ROW) result = FIRST_ROW; return result; } int get_unitrow(const fighter * af, const side * vs) { int row = statusrow(af->status); if (vs == NULL) { int i; for (i = FIGHT_ROW; i != row; ++i) if (af->side->size[i]) break; return FIGHT_ROW + (row - i); } else { battle *b = vs->battle; if (row != b->rowcache.row || b->alive != b->rowcache.alive || af->side != b->rowcache.as || vs != b->rowcache.vs) { b->rowcache.alive = b->alive; b->rowcache.as = af->side; b->rowcache.vs = vs; b->rowcache.row = row; b->rowcache.result = get_row(af->side, row, vs); return b->rowcache.result; } return b->rowcache.result; } } static void reportcasualties(battle * b, fighter * fig, int dead) { struct message *m; region *r = NULL; if (fig->alive == fig->unit->number) return; m = msg_message("casualties", "unit runto run alive fallen", fig->unit, r, fig->run.number, fig->alive, dead); message_all(b, m); msg_release(m); } static int contest_classic(int skilldiff, const armor_type * ar, const armor_type * sh) { int p, vw = BASE_CHANCE - TDIFF_CHANGE * skilldiff; double mod = 1.0; if (ar != NULL) mod *= (1 + ar->penalty); if (sh != NULL) mod *= (1 + sh->penalty); vw = (int)(100.0 - ((100.0 - (double)vw) * mod)); do { p = (int)(rng_int() % 100); vw -= p; } while (vw >= 0 && p >= 90); return (vw <= 0); } /** new rule for Eressea 1.5 * \param skilldiff - the attack skill with every modifier applied */ static int contest_new(int skilldiff, const troop dt, const armor_type * ar, const armor_type * sh) { double tohit = 0.5 + skilldiff * 0.1; UNUSED_ARG(sh); UNUSED_ARG(ar); if (tohit < 0.5) tohit = 0.5; if (chance(tohit)) { int defense = effskill(dt.fighter->unit, SK_STAMINA, dt.fighter->unit->region); double tosave = defense * 0.05; return !chance(tosave); } return 0; } static int contest(int skdiff, const troop dt, const armor_type * ar, const armor_type * sh) { if (skill_formula == FORMULA_ORIG) { return contest_classic(skdiff, ar, sh); } else { return contest_new(skdiff, dt, ar, sh); } } static bool is_riding(const troop t) { if (t.fighter->building != NULL) return false; if (t.fighter->horses + t.fighter->elvenhorses > t.index) return true; return false; } static weapon *preferred_weapon(const troop t, bool attacking) { weapon *missile = t.fighter->person[t.index].missile; weapon *melee = t.fighter->person[t.index].melee; if (attacking) { if (melee == NULL || (missile && missile->attackskill > melee->attackskill)) { return missile; } } else { if (melee == NULL || (missile && missile->defenseskill > melee->defenseskill)) { return missile; } } return melee; } weapon *select_weapon(const troop t, bool attacking, bool ismissile) /* select the primary weapon for this trooper */ { if (attacking) { if (ismissile) { /* from the back rows, have to use your missile weapon */ return t.fighter->person[t.index].missile; } } else { if (!ismissile) { /* have to use your melee weapon if it's melee */ return t.fighter->person[t.index].melee; } } return preferred_weapon(t, attacking); } static bool i_canuse(const unit * u, const item_type * itype) { return rc_can_use(u_race(u), itype); } static int weapon_skill(const weapon_type * wtype, const unit * u, bool attacking) /* the 'pure' skill when using this weapon to attack or defend. * only undiscriminate modifiers (not affected by troops or enemies) * are taken into account, e.g. no horses, magic, etc. */ { int skill; const race * rc = u_race(u); if (wtype == NULL) { skill = effskill(u, SK_WEAPONLESS, NULL); int def = attacking ? rc->at_default : rc->df_default; if (skill <= 0) { /* wenn kein waffenloser kampf, dann den rassen-defaultwert */ if (rc == get_race(RC_ORC)) { int sword = effskill(u, SK_MELEE, NULL); int spear = effskill(u, SK_SPEAR, NULL); skill = ((sword > spear) ? sword : spear) - 3; } } if (def > skill) skill = def; if (attacking) { skill += rc->at_bonus; if (fval(u->region->terrain, SEA_REGION) && u->ship) skill += u->ship->type->at_bonus; } else { skill += rc->df_bonus; if (fval(u->region->terrain, SEA_REGION) && u->ship) skill += u->ship->type->df_bonus; } } else { /* changed: if we own a weapon, we have at least a skill of 0 */ if (!i_canuse(u, wtype->itype)) return -1; skill = effskill(u, wtype->skill, NULL); if (skill > 0) { if (attacking) { skill += rc->at_bonus; } else { skill += rc->df_bonus; } } if (attacking) { skill += wtype->offmod; } else { skill += wtype->defmod; } } return skill; } static int CavalrySkill(void) { return rule_cavalry_skill; } #define BONUS_SKILL 1 #define BONUS_DAMAGE 2 static int CavalryBonus(const unit * u, troop enemy, int type) { if (rule_cavalry_mode == 0) { /* old rule, Eressea 1.0 compat */ return (type == BONUS_SKILL) ? 2 : 0; } else { /* new rule, chargers in Eressea 1.1 */ int skl = effskill(u, SK_RIDING, NULL); /* only half against trolls */ if (skl > 0) { if (type == BONUS_SKILL) { int dmg = (skl < 8) ? skl : 8; if (u_race(enemy.fighter->unit) == get_race(RC_TROLL)) { dmg = dmg / 4; } else { dmg = dmg / 2; } return dmg; } else { skl = skl / 2; if (skl > 4) skl = 4; return skl; } } } return 0; } /** * Effektiver Waffenskill waehrend des Kampfes. */ static int weapon_effskill(troop t, troop enemy, const weapon * w, bool attacking, bool missile) { fighter *tf = t.fighter; unit *tu = t.fighter->unit; /* Alle Modifier berechnen, die fig durch die Waffen bekommt. */ if (w) { int skill = 0; const weapon_type *wtype = w->type; if (attacking) { skill = w->attackskill; } else { skill = w->defenseskill; } if (wtype->modifiers != NULL) { /* Pferdebonus, Lanzenbonus, usw. */ const race *rc = u_race(tu); int m; unsigned int flags = WMF_SKILL | (attacking ? WMF_OFFENSIVE : WMF_DEFENSIVE); if (is_riding(t)) flags |= WMF_RIDING; else flags |= WMF_WALKING; if (is_riding(enemy)) flags |= WMF_AGAINST_RIDING; else flags |= WMF_AGAINST_WALKING; for (m = 0; wtype->modifiers[m].value; ++m) { if ((wtype->modifiers[m].flags & flags) == flags) { int mask = wtype->modifiers[m].race_mask; if ((mask == 0) || (mask & rc->mask_item)) { skill += wtype->modifiers[m].value; } } } } /* Burgenbonus, Pferdebonus */ if (is_riding(t) && (wtype == NULL || (fval(wtype, WTF_HORSEBONUS) && !fval(wtype, WTF_MISSILE)))) { skill += CavalryBonus(tu, enemy, BONUS_SKILL); } if (t.index < tf->elvenhorses) { /* Elfenpferde: Helfen dem Reiter, egal ob und welche Waffe. Das ist * eleganter, und vor allem einfacher, sonst muss man noch ein * WMF_ELVENHORSE einbauen. */ skill += 2; } if (skill > 0 && !attacking && missile) { /* * Wenn ich verteidige, und nicht direkt meinem Feind gegenueberstehe, * halbiert sich mein Skill: (z.B. gegen Fernkaempfer. Nahkaempfer * koennen mich eh nicht treffen) */ skill /= 2; } return skill; } /* no weapon: fight weaponless */ return weapon_skill(NULL, tu, attacking); } const armor_type *select_armor(troop t, bool shield) { unsigned int type = shield ? ATF_SHIELD : 0; unit *u = t.fighter->unit; const armor *a = t.fighter->armors; int geschuetzt = 0; /* some monsters should not use armor (dragons in chainmail? ha!) */ if (!(u_race(u)->battle_flags & BF_EQUIPMENT)) return NULL; /* ... neither do werewolves */ if (fval(u, UFL_WERE)) { return NULL; } for (; a; a = a->next) { if ((a->atype->flags & ATF_SHIELD) == type) { geschuetzt += a->count; if (geschuetzt > t.index) { /* unser Kandidat wird geschuetzt */ return a->atype; } } } return NULL; } /* Hier ist zu beachten, ob und wie sich Zauber und Artefakte, die * Ruestungschutz geben, addieren. * - Artefakt "trollbelt" gibt Ruestung +1 * - Zauber Rindenhaut gibt Ruestung +3 */ static int trollbelts(const unit *u) { const struct resource_type *belt = rt_find("trollbelt"); return belt ? i_get(u->items, belt->itype) : 0; } int select_magicarmor(troop t) { unit *u = t.fighter->unit; int ma = 0; if (trollbelts(u) > t.index) /* unser Kandidat wird geschuetzt */ ma += 1; return ma; } /* Sind side ds und Magier des meffect verbuendet, dann return 1*/ bool meffect_protection(battle * b, meffect * s, side * ds) { UNUSED_ARG(b); if (!s->magician->alive) return false; if (s->duration <= 0) return false; if (enemy(s->magician->side, ds)) return false; if (alliedside(s->magician->side, ds->faction, HELP_FIGHT)) return true; return false; } /* Sind side as und Magier des meffect verfeindet, dann return 1*/ bool meffect_blocked(battle * b, meffect * s, side * as) { UNUSED_ARG(b); if (!s->magician->alive) return false; if (s->duration <= 0) return false; if (enemy(s->magician->side, as)) return true; return false; } /* rmfighter wird schon im PRAECOMBAT gebraucht, da gibt es noch keine * troops */ void rmfighter(fighter * df, int i) { side *ds = df->side; /* nicht mehr personen abziehen, als in der Einheit am Leben sind */ assert(df->alive >= i); assert(df->alive <= df->unit->number); /* erst ziehen wir die Anzahl der Personen von den Kaempfern in der * Schlacht, dann von denen auf dieser Seite ab*/ df->side->alive -= i; df->side->battle->alive -= i; /* Dann die Kampfreihen aktualisieren */ ds->size[SUM_ROW] -= i; ds->size[statusrow(df->status)] -= i; /* Spezialwirkungen, z.B. Schattenritter */ if (u_race(df->unit)->battle_flags & BF_NOBLOCK) { ds->nonblockers[SUM_ROW] -= i; ds->nonblockers[statusrow(df->status)] -= i; } /* und die Einheit selbst aktualisieren */ df->alive -= i; } static void rmtroop(troop dt) { fighter *df = dt.fighter; /* troop ist immer eine einzelne Person */ rmfighter(df, 1); assert(dt.index >= 0 && dt.index < df->unit->number); if (dt.index != df->alive - df->removed) { df->person[dt.index] = df->person[df->alive - df->removed]; } if (df->removed) { df->person[df->alive - df->removed] = df->person[df->alive]; } df->person[df->alive].hp = 0; } void remove_troop(troop dt) { fighter *df = dt.fighter; struct person p = df->person[dt.index]; battle *b = df->side->battle; b->fast.alive = -1; /* invalidate cached value */ b->rowcache.alive = -1; /* invalidate cached value */ ++df->removed; ++df->side->removed; df->person[dt.index] = df->person[df->alive - df->removed]; df->person[df->alive - df->removed] = p; } void kill_troop(troop dt) { fighter *df = dt.fighter; unit *du = df->unit; rmtroop(dt); if (!df->alive) { char eqname[64]; const race *rc = u_race(du); item *drops = item_spoil(rc, du->number - df->run.number); if (drops != NULL) { i_merge(&du->items, &drops); } sprintf(eqname, "spo_%s", rc->_name); equip_unit_mask(du, eqname, EQUIP_ITEMS); } } /** reduces the target's exp by an equivalent of n points learning * 30 points = 1 week */ void drain_exp(struct unit *u, int n) { skill_t sk = (skill_t)(rng_int() % MAXSKILLS); skill_t ssk; /* TODO (enno): we can use u->skill_size to find a random skill */ ssk = sk; while (get_level(u, sk) == 0) { sk++; if (sk == MAXSKILLS) sk = 0; if (sk == ssk) { sk = NOSKILL; break; } } if (sk != NOSKILL) { change_skill_days(u, sk, -n); } } static void vampirism(troop at, int damage) { const unit *au = at.fighter->unit; if (u_race(au) == get_race(RC_DAEMON)) { if (rule_vampire > 0) { int gain = damage / rule_vampire; int chance = damage - rule_vampire * gain; if (chance > 0 && (rng_int() % rule_vampire < chance)) ++gain; if (gain > 0) { int maxhp = unit_max_hp(at.fighter->unit); gain += at.fighter->person[at.index].hp; if (maxhp > gain) maxhp = gain; at.fighter->person[at.index].hp = maxhp; } } } } static void ship_damage(int turn, unit *du) { if (turn > 1) { /* someone on the ship got damaged, damage the ship */ ship *sh = du->ship ? du->ship : leftship(du); if (sh) fset(sh, SF_DAMAGED); } } #define MAXRACES 128 int natural_armor(unit * du) { const race *rc = u_race(du); int an; assert(rc); an = rc_armor_bonus(rc); if (an > 0) { int sk = effskill(du, SK_STAMINA, NULL); return rc->armor + sk / an; } return rc->armor; } static int rc_specialdamage(const unit *au, const unit *du, const struct weapon_type *wtype) { const race *ar = u_race(au); int modifier = 0; if (wtype != NULL) { if (fval(u_race(du), RCF_DRAGON)) { static int cache; static const race *rc_halfling; if (rc_changed(&cache)) { rc_halfling = get_race(RC_HALFLING); } if (ar == rc_halfling) { modifier += 5; } } if (wtype->modifiers != NULL) { int m; for (m = 0; wtype->modifiers[m].value; ++m) { /* weapon damage for this weapon, possibly by race */ if (wtype->modifiers[m].flags & WMF_DAMAGE) { int mask = wtype->modifiers[m].race_mask; if ((mask == 0) || (mask & ar->mask_item)) { modifier += wtype->modifiers[m].value; } } } } } return modifier; } int calculate_armor(troop dt, const weapon_type *dwtype, const weapon_type *awtype, const armor_type *armor, const armor_type *shield, bool magic) { const fighter *df = dt.fighter; unit *du = df->unit; int total_armor = 0, nat_armor, magic_armor; bool missile = awtype && (awtype->flags&WTF_MISSILE); if (armor) { total_armor += armor->prot; if (missile && armor->projectile > 0 && chance(armor->projectile)) { return -1; } } if (shield) { total_armor += shield->prot; if (missile && shield->projectile > 0 && chance(shield->projectile)) { return -1; } } if (magic) { /* gegen Magie wirkt nur natuerliche und magische Ruestung */ total_armor = 0; } /* natuerliche Ruestung */ nat_armor = natural_armor(du); /* magische Ruestung durch Artefakte oder Sprueche */ /* Momentan nur Trollguertel und Werwolf-Eigenschaft */ magic_armor = select_magicarmor(dt); if (rule_nat_armor == 0) { /* natuerliche Ruestung ist halbkumulativ */ if (total_armor > 0) { total_armor += nat_armor / 2; } else { total_armor = nat_armor; } } else { /* use the higher value, add half the other value */ total_armor = (total_armor > nat_armor) ? (total_armor + nat_armor / 2) : (nat_armor + total_armor / 2); } if (awtype && fval(awtype, WTF_ARMORPIERCING)) { /* crossbows */ total_armor /= 2; } total_armor += magic_armor; assert(total_armor >= 0 || !"armor < 0 means hit denied"); return total_armor; } int apply_resistance(int damage, troop dt, const weapon_type *dwtype, const armor_type *armor, const armor_type *shield, bool magic) { const fighter *df = dt.fighter; unit *du = df->unit; if (!magic) return damage; /* calculate damage multiplier for magical damage */ variant resistance_factor = frac_sub(frac_one, magic_resistance(du)); if (u_race(du)->battle_flags & BF_EQUIPMENT) { /* der Effekt von Laen steigt nicht linear */ if (armor && fval(armor, ATF_LAEN)) { resistance_factor = frac_mul(resistance_factor, frac_sub(frac_one, armor->magres)); } if (shield && fval(shield, ATF_LAEN)) { resistance_factor = frac_mul(resistance_factor, frac_sub(frac_one, shield->magres)); } if (dwtype) { resistance_factor = frac_mul(resistance_factor, frac_sub(frac_one, dwtype->magres)); } } if (resistance_factor.sa[0] <= 0) { return 0; } variant reduced_damage = frac_mul(frac_make(damage, 1), resistance_factor); return reduced_damage.sa[0] / reduced_damage.sa[1]; } static bool resurrect_troop(troop dt) { fighter *df = dt.fighter; unit *du = df->unit; if (oldpotiontype[P_HEAL] && !fval(&df->person[dt.index], FL_HEALING_USED)) { if (i_get(du->items, oldpotiontype[P_HEAL]) > 0) { fset(&df->person[dt.index], FL_HEALING_USED); i_change(&du->items, oldpotiontype[P_HEAL], -1); df->person[dt.index].hp = u_race(du)->hitpoints * 5; /* give the person a buffer */ return true; } } return false; } static void demon_dazzle(fighter *af, troop dt) { const fighter *df = dt.fighter; if (u_race(af->unit) == get_race(RC_DAEMON)) { if (!(df->person[dt.index].flags & (FL_COURAGE | FL_DAZZLED))) { df->person[dt.index].flags |= FL_DAZZLED; df->person[dt.index].defense--; } } } static bool survives(fighter *af, troop dt, battle *b) { const unit *du = af->unit; const fighter *df = dt.fighter; if (df->person[dt.index].hp > 0) { /* Hat ueberlebt */ demon_dazzle(af, dt); return true; } /* Sieben Leben */ if (u_race(du) == get_race(RC_CAT) && (chance(1.0 / 7))) { df->person[dt.index].hp = unit_max_hp(du); return true; } /* healing potions can avert a killing blow */ if (resurrect_troop(dt)) { message *m = msg_message("potionsave", "unit", du); battle_message_faction(b, du->faction, m); msg_release(m); return true; } return false; } static void destroy_items(troop dt) { unit *du = dt.fighter->unit; item **pitm; for (pitm = &du->items; *pitm;) { item *itm = *pitm; const item_type *itype = itm->type; if (!(itype->flags & (ITF_CURSED | ITF_NOTLOST)) && dt.index < itm->number) { /* 25% Grundchance, dass ein Item kaputtgeht. */ if (rng_int() % 4 < 1) { i_change(pitm, itype, -1); } } if (*pitm == itm) { pitm = &itm->next; } } } static void calculate_defense_type(troop at, troop dt, int type, bool missile, const weapon_type **dwtype, int *defskill) { const weapon *weapon; weapon = select_weapon(dt, false, true); /* missile=true to get the unmodified best weapon she has */ *defskill = weapon_effskill(dt, at, weapon, false, false); if (weapon != NULL) *dwtype = weapon->type; } static void calculate_attack_type(troop at, troop dt, int type, bool missile, const weapon_type **awtype, int *attskill, bool *magic) { const weapon *weapon; switch (type) { case AT_STANDARD: weapon = select_weapon(at, true, missile); *attskill = weapon_effskill(at, dt, weapon, true, missile); if (weapon) *awtype = weapon->type; if (*awtype && fval(*awtype, WTF_MAGICAL)) *magic = true; break; case AT_NATURAL: *attskill = weapon_effskill(at, dt, NULL, true, missile); break; case AT_SPELL: case AT_COMBATSPELL: *magic = true; break; default: break; } } static int crit_damage(int attskill, int defskill, const char *damage_formula) { int damage = 0; if (rule_damage & DAMAGE_CRITICAL) { double kritchance = ((double)attskill * 3.0 - (double)defskill) / 200.0; int maxk = 4; kritchance = fmax(kritchance, 0.005); kritchance = fmin(0.9, kritchance); while (maxk-- && chance(kritchance)) { damage += dice_rand(damage_formula); } } return damage; } static int apply_race_resistance(int reduced_damage, fighter *df, const weapon_type *awtype, bool magic) { unit *du = df->unit; if ((u_race(du)->battle_flags & BF_INV_NONMAGIC) && !magic) reduced_damage = 0; else { unsigned int i = 0; if (u_race(du)->battle_flags & BF_RES_PIERCE) i |= WTF_PIERCE; if (u_race(du)->battle_flags & BF_RES_CUT) i |= WTF_CUT; if (u_race(du)->battle_flags & BF_RES_BASH) i |= WTF_BLUNT; if (i && awtype && fval(awtype, i)) reduced_damage /= 2; } return reduced_damage; } static int apply_magicshield(int reduced_damage, fighter *df, const weapon_type *awtype, battle *b, bool magic) { side *ds = df->side; selist *ql; int qi; if (reduced_damage <= 0) return 0; /* Schilde */ for (qi = 0, ql = b->meffects; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { meffect *me = (meffect *)selist_get(ql, qi); if (meffect_protection(b, me, ds) != 0) { assert(0 <= reduced_damage); /* rda sollte hier immer mindestens 0 sein */ /* jeder Schaden wird um effect% reduziert bis der Schild duration * Trefferpunkte aufgefangen hat */ if (me->typ == SHIELD_REDUCE) { int hp = reduced_damage * (me->effect / 100); reduced_damage -= hp; me->duration -= hp; } /* gibt Ruestung +effect fuer duration Treffer */ if (me->typ == SHIELD_ARMOR) { reduced_damage -= me->effect; if (reduced_damage < 0) reduced_damage = 0; me->duration--; } } } return reduced_damage; } bool terminate(troop dt, troop at, int type, const char *damage_formula, bool missile) { fighter *df = dt.fighter; fighter *af = at.fighter; unit *au = af->unit; unit *du = df->unit; battle *b = df->side->battle; int armor_value; const weapon_type *dwtype = NULL; const weapon_type *awtype = NULL; const armor_type *armor = NULL; const armor_type *shield = NULL; int reduced_damage, attskill = 0, defskill = 0; bool magic = false; int damage = dice_rand(damage_formula); assert(du->number > 0); ++at.fighter->hits; calculate_attack_type(at, dt, type, missile, &awtype, &attskill, &magic); calculate_defense_type(at, dt, type, missile, &dwtype, &defskill); if (is_riding(at) && (awtype == NULL || (fval(awtype, WTF_HORSEBONUS) && !fval(awtype, WTF_MISSILE)))) { damage += CavalryBonus(au, dt, BONUS_DAMAGE); } armor = select_armor(dt, false); shield = select_armor(dt, true); armor_value = calculate_armor(dt, dwtype, awtype, armor, shield, magic); if (armor_value < 0) { return false; } damage = apply_resistance(damage, dt, dwtype, armor, shield, magic); if (type != AT_COMBATSPELL && type != AT_SPELL) { damage += crit_damage(attskill, defskill, damage_formula); damage += rc_specialdamage(au, du, awtype); if (awtype == NULL || !fval(awtype, WTF_MISSILE)) { /* melee bonus */ damage += af->person[at.index].damage; } /* Skilldifferenzbonus */ if (rule_damage & DAMAGE_SKILL_BONUS) { int b = (attskill - defskill) / DAMAGE_QUOTIENT; if (b > 0) damage += b; } } reduced_damage = damage - armor_value; if (reduced_damage < 0) reduced_damage = 0; reduced_damage = apply_race_resistance(reduced_damage, df, awtype, magic); reduced_damage = apply_magicshield(reduced_damage, df, awtype, b, magic); assert(dt.index >= 0 && dt.index < du->number); if (reduced_damage > 0) { df->person[dt.index].hp -= reduced_damage; vampirism(at, reduced_damage); ship_damage(b->turn, du); } if (survives(af, dt, b)) return false; ++at.fighter->kills; destroy_items(dt); kill_troop(dt); return true; } static int count_side(const side * s, const side * vs, int minrow, int maxrow, int select) { fighter *fig; int people = 0; int unitrow[NUMROWS]; if (maxrow < FIGHT_ROW) return 0; if (select & SELECT_ADVANCE) { memset(unitrow, -1, sizeof(unitrow)); } for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { if (fig->alive - fig->removed > 0) { int row = statusrow(fig->status); if (select & SELECT_ADVANCE) { if (unitrow[row] == -1) { unitrow[row] = get_unitrow(fig, vs); } row = unitrow[row]; } if (row >= minrow && row <= maxrow) { people += fig->alive - fig->removed; if (people > 0 && (select & SELECT_FIND)) break; } } } return people; } /* return the number of live allies warning: this function only considers * troops that are still alive, not those that are still fighting although * dead. */ int count_allies(const side * as, int minrow, int maxrow, int select, int allytype) { battle *b = as->battle; side *ds; int count = 0; for (ds = b->sides; ds != b->sides + b->nsides; ++ds) { if ((allytype == ALLY_ANY && helping(as, ds)) || (allytype == ALLY_SELF && as->faction == ds->faction)) { count += count_side(ds, NULL, minrow, maxrow, select); if (count > 0 && (select & SELECT_FIND)) break; } } return count; } static int count_enemies_i(battle * b, const fighter * af, int minrow, int maxrow, int select) { side *es, *as = af->side; int i = 0; for (es = b->sides; es != b->sides + b->nsides; ++es) { if (as == NULL || enemy(es, as)) { int offset = 0; if (select & SELECT_DISTANCE) { offset = get_unitrow(af, es) - FIGHT_ROW; } i += count_side(es, as, minrow - offset, maxrow - offset, select); if (i > 0 && (select & SELECT_FIND)) break; } } return i; } int count_enemies(battle * b, const fighter * af, int minrow, int maxrow, int select) { int sr = statusrow(af->status); side *as = af->side; if (b->alive == b->fast.alive && as == b->fast.side && sr == b->fast.status && minrow == b->fast.minrow && maxrow == b->fast.maxrow) { if (b->fast.enemies[select] >= 0) { return b->fast.enemies[select]; } else if (select & SELECT_FIND) { if (b->fast.enemies[select - SELECT_FIND] >= 0) { return b->fast.enemies[select - SELECT_FIND]; } } } else if (select != SELECT_FIND || b->alive != b->fast.alive) { b->fast.side = as; b->fast.status = sr; b->fast.minrow = minrow; b->fast.alive = b->alive; b->fast.maxrow = maxrow; memset(b->fast.enemies, -1, sizeof(b->fast.enemies)); } if (maxrow >= FIRST_ROW) { int i = count_enemies_i(b, af, minrow, maxrow, select); b->fast.enemies[select] = i; return i; } return 0; } troop select_enemy(fighter * af, int minrow, int maxrow, int select) { side *as = af->side; battle *b = as->battle; int si, selected; int enemies; #ifdef DEBUG_SELECT troop result = no_troop; #endif if (u_race(af->unit)->flags & RCF_FLY) { /* flying races ignore min- and maxrow and can attack anyone fighting * them */ minrow = FIGHT_ROW; maxrow = BEHIND_ROW; } if (minrow < FIGHT_ROW) minrow = FIGHT_ROW; enemies = count_enemies(b, af, minrow, maxrow, select); /* Niemand ist in der angegebenen Entfernung? */ if (enemies <= 0) return no_troop; selected = (int)(rng_int() % enemies); for (si = 0; as->enemies[si]; ++si) { side *ds = as->enemies[si]; fighter *df; int unitrow[NUMROWS]; int offset = 0; if (select & SELECT_DISTANCE) offset = get_unitrow(af, ds) - FIGHT_ROW; if (select & SELECT_ADVANCE) { int ui; for (ui = 0; ui != NUMROWS; ++ui) unitrow[ui] = -1; } for (df = ds->fighters; df; df = df->next) { int dr; dr = statusrow(df->status); if (select & SELECT_ADVANCE) { if (unitrow[dr] < 0) { unitrow[dr] = get_unitrow(df, as); } dr = unitrow[dr]; } if (select & SELECT_DISTANCE) dr += offset; if (dr < minrow || dr > maxrow) continue; if (df->alive - df->removed > selected) { #ifdef DEBUG_SELECT if (result.fighter == NULL) { result.index = selected; result.fighter = df; } #else troop dt; dt.index = selected; dt.fighter = df; return dt; #endif } selected -= (df->alive - df->removed); enemies -= (df->alive - df->removed); } } if (enemies != 0) { log_error("select_enemies has a bug.\n"); } #ifdef DEBUG_SELECT return result; #else assert(!selected); return no_troop; #endif } static int get_tactics(const side * as, const side * ds) { battle *b = as->battle; side *stac; int result = 0; int defense = 0; if (b->max_tactics > 0) { for (stac = b->sides; stac != b->sides + b->nsides; ++stac) { if (stac->leader.value > result && helping(stac, as)) { assert(ds == NULL || !helping(stac, ds)); result = stac->leader.value; } if (ds && stac->leader.value > defense && helping(stac, ds)) { assert(!helping(stac, as)); defense = stac->leader.value; } } } return result - defense; } double tactics_chance(const unit *u, int skilldiff) { double tacch = 0.1 * skilldiff; if (fval(u->region->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { const ship *sh = u->ship; if (sh) { tacch *= sh->type->tac_bonus; } } return tacch; } static troop select_opponent(battle * b, troop at, int mindist, int maxdist) { fighter *af = at.fighter; troop dt; if (u_race(af->unit)->flags & RCF_FLY) { /* flying races ignore min- and maxrow and can attack anyone fighting * them */ dt = select_enemy(at.fighter, FIGHT_ROW, BEHIND_ROW, SELECT_ADVANCE); } else { if (mindist < FIGHT_ROW) mindist = FIGHT_ROW; dt = select_enemy(at.fighter, mindist, maxdist, SELECT_ADVANCE); } if (b->turn == 0 && dt.fighter) { if (rule_tactics_formula == 1) { int tactics = get_tactics(at.fighter->side, dt.fighter->side); /* percentage chance to get this attack */ if (tactics > 0) { double tacch = tactics_chance(af->unit, tactics); if (!chance(tacch)) { dt.fighter = NULL; } } else { dt.fighter = NULL; } } } return dt; } selist *select_fighters(battle * b, const side * vs, int mask, select_fun cb, void *cbdata) { side *s; selist *fightervp = 0; assert(vs != NULL); for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; if (mask == FS_ENEMY) { if (!enemy(s, vs)) continue; } else if (mask == FS_HELP) { if (enemy(s, vs) || !alliedside(s, vs->faction, HELP_FIGHT)) { continue; } } else { assert(mask == (FS_HELP | FS_ENEMY) || !"invalid alliance state"); } for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { if (cb(vs, fig, cbdata)) { selist_push(&fightervp, fig); } } } return fightervp; } struct selector { int minrow; int maxrow; }; static bool select_row(const side *vs, const fighter *fig, void *cbdata) { struct selector *sel = (struct selector *)cbdata; int row = get_unitrow(fig, vs); return (row >= sel->minrow && row <= sel->maxrow); } selist *fighters(battle * b, const side * vs, int minrow, int maxrow, int mask) { struct selector sel; sel.maxrow = maxrow; sel.minrow = minrow; return select_fighters(b, vs, mask, select_row, &sel); } static void report_failed_spell(struct battle * b, struct unit * mage, const struct spell *sp) { message *m = msg_message("spell_failed", "unit spell", mage, sp); message_all(b, m); msg_release(m); } static castorder * create_castorder_combat(castorder *co, fighter *fig, const spell * sp, int level, double force) { co = create_castorder(co, fig->unit, 0, sp, fig->unit->region, level, force, 0, 0, 0); co->magician.fig = fig; return co; } static void summon_igjarjuk(battle *b, spellrank spellranks[]) { side *s; castorder *co; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig = 0; if (s->bf->attacker && fval(s->faction, FFL_CURSED)) { spell *sp = find_spell("igjarjuk"); if (sp) { int si; for (si = 0; s->enemies[si]; ++si) { side *se = s->enemies[si]; if (se && !fval(se->faction, FFL_NPC)) { fighter *fi; for (fi = se->fighters; fi; fi = fi->next) { if (fi && (!fig || fig->unit->number > fi->unit->number)) { fig = fi; if (fig->unit->number == 1) { break; } } } if (fig && fig->unit->number == 1) { break; } } } if (fig) { co = create_castorder_combat(0, fig, sp, 10, 10); co->magician.fig = fig; add_castorder(&spellranks[sp->rank], co); break; } } } } } void do_combatmagic(battle * b, combatmagic_t was) { side *s; castorder *co; region *r = b->region; int level, rank, sl; spellrank spellranks[MAX_SPELLRANK]; memset(spellranks, 0, sizeof(spellranks)); if (rule_igjarjuk_curse && was == DO_PRECOMBATSPELL) { summon_igjarjuk(b, spellranks); } for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { unit *mage = fig->unit; unit *caster = mage; if (fig->alive <= 0) continue; /* fighter kann im Kampf getoetet worden sein */ level = effskill(mage, SK_MAGIC, r); if (level > 0) { double power; const spell *sp; const struct locale *lang = mage->faction->locale; order *ord; switch (was) { case DO_PRECOMBATSPELL: sp = get_combatspell(mage, 0); sl = get_combatspelllevel(mage, 0); break; case DO_POSTCOMBATSPELL: sp = get_combatspell(mage, 2); sl = get_combatspelllevel(mage, 2); break; default: /* Fehler! */ return; } if (sp == NULL) continue; ord = create_order(K_CAST, lang, "'%s'", spell_name(mkname_spell(sp), lang)); if (!cancast(mage, sp, 1, 1, ord)) { free_order(ord); continue; } level = eff_spelllevel(mage, caster, sp, level, 1); if (sl > 0 && sl < level) { level = sl; } if (level < 0) { report_failed_spell(b, mage, sp); free_order(ord); continue; } power = spellpower(r, mage, sp, level, ord); free_order(ord); if (power <= 0) { /* Effekt von Antimagie */ report_failed_spell(b, mage, sp); pay_spell(mage, NULL, sp, level, 1); } else if (fumble(r, mage, sp, level)) { report_failed_spell(b, mage, sp); pay_spell(mage, NULL, sp, level, 1); } else { co = create_castorder_combat(0, fig, sp, level, power); add_castorder(&spellranks[sp->rank], co); } } } } for (rank = 0; rank < MAX_SPELLRANK; rank++) { for (co = spellranks[rank].begin; co; co = co->next) { fighter *fig = co->magician.fig; const spell *sp = co->sp; level = cast_spell(co); if (level > 0) { pay_spell(fig->unit, NULL, sp, level, 1); } } } for (rank = 0; rank < MAX_SPELLRANK; rank++) { free_castorders(spellranks[rank].begin); } } static int cast_combatspell(troop at, const spell * sp, int level, double force) { castorder co; create_castorder_combat(&co, at.fighter, sp, level, force); level = cast_spell(&co); free_castorder(&co); if (level > 0) { pay_spell(at.fighter->unit, NULL, sp, level, 1); } return level; } static void do_combatspell(troop at) { const spell *sp; fighter *fi = at.fighter; unit *mage = fi->unit; battle *b = fi->side->battle; region *r = b->region; selist *ql; int level, qi; double power; int fumblechance = 0; order *ord; int sl; const struct locale *lang = mage->faction->locale; sp = get_combatspell(mage, 1); if (sp == NULL) { fi->magic = 0; /* Hat keinen Kampfzauber, kaempft nichtmagisch weiter */ return; } ord = create_order(K_CAST, lang, "'%s'", spell_name(mkname_spell(sp), lang)); if (!cancast(mage, sp, 1, 1, ord)) { fi->magic = 0; /* Kann nicht mehr Zaubern, kaempft nichtmagisch weiter */ return; } level = eff_spelllevel(mage, mage, sp, fi->magic, 1); sl = get_combatspelllevel(mage, 1); if (sl > 0 && sl < level) { level = sl; } if (fumble(r, mage, sp, level)) { report_failed_spell(b, mage, sp); pay_spell(mage, NULL, sp, level, 1); return; } for (qi = 0, ql = b->meffects; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { meffect *mblock = (meffect *)selist_get(ql, qi); if (mblock->typ == SHIELD_BLOCK) { if (meffect_blocked(b, mblock, fi->side) != 0) { fumblechance += mblock->duration; mblock->duration -= mblock->effect; } } } /* Antimagie die Fehlschlag erhoeht */ if (rng_int() % 100 < fumblechance) { report_failed_spell(b, mage, sp); pay_spell(mage, NULL, sp, level, 1); free_order(ord); return; } power = spellpower(r, mage, sp, level, ord); free_order(ord); if (power <= 0) { /* Effekt von Antimagie */ report_failed_spell(b, mage, sp); pay_spell(mage, NULL, sp, level, 1); return; } level = cast_combatspell(at, sp, level, power); } /* Sonderattacken: Monster patzern nicht und zahlen auch keine * Spruchkosten. Da die Spruchstaerke direkt durch den Level bestimmt * wird, wirkt auch keine Antimagie (wird sonst in spellpower * gemacht) */ static void do_extra_spell(troop at, const att * a) { const spell *sp = spellref_get(a->data.sp); if (!sp) { log_error("no such spell: '%s'", a->data.sp->_name); } else { assert(a->level > 0); cast_combatspell(at, sp, a->level, a->level); } } int skilldiff(troop at, troop dt, int dist) { fighter *af = at.fighter, *df = dt.fighter; unit *au = af->unit, *du = df->unit; int is_protected = 0, skdiff = 0; weapon *awp = select_weapon(at, true, dist > 1); static int rc_cache; static const race *rc_halfling, *rc_goblin; if (rc_changed(&rc_cache)) { rc_halfling = get_race(RC_HALFLING); rc_goblin = get_race(RC_GOBLIN); } skdiff += af->person[at.index].attack; skdiff -= df->person[dt.index].defense; if (df->person[dt.index].flags & FL_SLEEPING) skdiff += 2; /* Effekte durch Rassen */ if (awp != NULL && u_race(au) == rc_halfling && dragonrace(u_race(du))) { skdiff += 5; } else if (u_race(au) == rc_goblin) { if (af->side->size[SUM_ROW] >= df->side->size[SUM_ROW] * rule_goblin_bonus) { skdiff += 1; } } if (df->building) { building *b = df->building; if (b->attribs) { curse *c = get_curse(b->attribs, &ct_strongwall); if (curse_active(c)) { /* wirkt auf alle Gebaeude */ skdiff -= curse_geteffect_int(c); is_protected = 2; } } if (b->type->flags & BTF_FORTIFICATION) { int stage = buildingeffsize(b, false); int beff = building_protection(b->type, stage); if (beff > 0) { skdiff -= beff; is_protected = 2; if (b->attribs) { if (curse_active(get_curse(b->attribs, &ct_magicwalls))) { /* Verdoppelt Burgenbonus */ skdiff -= beff; } } } } } /* Effekte der Waffen */ skdiff += weapon_effskill(at, dt, awp, true, dist > 1); if (awp && fval(awp->type, WTF_MISSILE)) { skdiff -= is_protected; if (awp->type->modifiers) { int w; for (w = 0; awp->type->modifiers[w].value != 0; ++w) { if (awp->type->modifiers[w].flags & WMF_MISSILE_TARGET) { /* skill decreases by targeting difficulty (bow -2, catapult -4) */ skdiff -= awp->type->modifiers[w].value; break; } } } } if (skill_formula == FORMULA_ORIG) { weapon *dwp = select_weapon(dt, false, dist > 1); skdiff -= weapon_effskill(dt, at, dwp, false, dist > 1); } return skdiff; } static int setreload(troop at) { fighter *af = at.fighter; const weapon_type *wtype = af->person[at.index].missile->type; if (wtype->reload == 0) return 0; return af->person[at.index].reload = wtype->reload; } int getreload(troop at) { return at.fighter->person[at.index].reload; } int hits(troop at, troop dt, weapon * awp) { fighter *af = at.fighter, *df = dt.fighter; const armor_type *armor, *shield = 0; int skdiff = 0; int dist = get_unitrow(af, df->side) + get_unitrow(df, af->side) - 1; weapon *dwp = select_weapon(dt, false, dist > 1); if (!df->alive) return 0; if (getreload(at)) return 0; if (dist > 1 && (awp == NULL || !fval(awp->type, WTF_MISSILE))) return 0; /* mark this person as hit. */ df->person[dt.index].flags |= FL_HIT; if (af->person[at.index].flags & FL_STUNNED) { af->person[at.index].flags &= ~FL_STUNNED; return 0; } if ((af->person[at.index].flags & FL_TIRED && rng_int() % 100 < 50) || (af->person[at.index].flags & FL_SLEEPING)) return 0; /* effect of sp_reeling_arrows combatspell */ if (af->side->battle->reelarrow && awp && fval(awp->type, WTF_MISSILE) && rng_double() < 0.5) { return 0; } skdiff = skilldiff(at, dt, dist); /* Verteidiger bekommt eine Ruestung */ armor = select_armor(dt, true); if (dwp == NULL || (dwp->type->flags & WTF_USESHIELD)) { shield = select_armor(dt, false); } if (contest(skdiff, dt, armor, shield)) { return 1; } return 0; } void dazzle(battle * b, troop * td) { UNUSED_ARG(b); /* Nicht kumulativ ! */ if (td->fighter->person[td->index].flags & (FL_COURAGE | FL_DAZZLED)) { return; } td->fighter->person[td->index].flags |= FL_DAZZLED; td->fighter->person[td->index].defense--; } void damage_building(battle * b, building * bldg, int damage_abs) { assert(bldg); bldg->size -= damage_abs; if (bldg->size < 1) bldg->size = 1; /* Wenn Burg, dann gucken, ob die Leute alle noch in das Gebaeude passen. */ if (bldg->type->flags & BTF_FORTIFICATION) { side *s; bldg->sizeleft = bldg->size; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { if (fig->building == bldg) { if (bldg->sizeleft >= fig->unit->number) { fig->building = bldg; bldg->sizeleft -= fig->unit->number; } else { fig->building = NULL; } } } } } } static int attacks_per_round(troop t) { return t.fighter->person[t.index].speed; } static void make_heroes(battle * b) { side *s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { unit *u = fig->unit; if (fval(u, UFL_HERO)) { int i; for (i = 0; i != u->number; ++i) { fig->person[i].speed += (rule_hero_speed - 1); } } } } } static void attack(battle * b, troop ta, const att * a, int numattack) { fighter *af = ta.fighter; troop td; unit *au = af->unit; switch (a->type) { case AT_COMBATSPELL: /* Magier versuchen immer erstmal zu zaubern, erst wenn das * fehlschlaegt, wird af->magic == 0 und der Magier kaempft * konventionell weiter */ if (numattack == 0 && af->magic > 0) { /* wenn der magier in die potenzielle Reichweite von Attacken des * Feindes kommt, beginnt er auch bei einem Status von KAEMPFE NICHT, * Kampfzauber zu schleudern: */ if (count_enemies(b, af, melee_range[0], missile_range[1], SELECT_ADVANCE | SELECT_DISTANCE | SELECT_FIND)) { do_combatspell(ta); } } break; case AT_STANDARD: /* Waffen, mag. Gegenstaende, Kampfzauber */ if (numattack > 0 || af->magic <= 0) { weapon *wp = ta.fighter->person[ta.index].missile; int melee = count_enemies(b, af, melee_range[0], melee_range[1], SELECT_ADVANCE | SELECT_DISTANCE | SELECT_FIND); if (melee) wp = preferred_weapon(ta, true); /* Sonderbehandlungen */ if (getreload(ta)) { ta.fighter->person[ta.index].reload--; } else { bool standard_attack = true; bool reload = false; /* spezialattacken der waffe nur, wenn erste attacke in der runde. * sonst helden mit feuerschwertern zu maechtig */ if (numattack == 0 && wp && wp->type->attack) { int dead = 0; standard_attack = wp->type->attack(&ta, wp->type, &dead); if (!standard_attack) reload = true; af->catmsg += dead; if (!standard_attack && af->person[ta.index].last_action < b->turn) { af->person[ta.index].last_action = b->turn; } } if (standard_attack) { bool missile = false; if (wp && fval(wp->type, WTF_MISSILE)) missile = true; if (missile) { td = select_opponent(b, ta, missile_range[0], missile_range[1]); } else { td = select_opponent(b, ta, melee_range[0], melee_range[1]); } if (!td.fighter) return; if (ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action < b->turn) { ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action = b->turn; } reload = true; if (hits(ta, td, wp)) { const char *d; if (wp == NULL) d = u_race(au)->def_damage; else if (is_riding(ta)) d = wp->type->damage[1]; else d = wp->type->damage[0]; terminate(td, ta, a->type, d, missile); } } if (reload && wp && wp->type->reload && !getreload(ta)) { setreload(ta); } } } break; case AT_SPELL: /* Extra-Sprueche. Kampfzauber in AT_COMBATSPELL! */ do_extra_spell(ta, a); break; case AT_NATURAL: td = select_opponent(b, ta, melee_range[0], melee_range[1]); if (!td.fighter) return; if (ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action < b->turn) { ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action = b->turn; } if (hits(ta, td, NULL)) { terminate(td, ta, a->type, a->data.dice, false); } break; case AT_DRAIN_ST: td = select_opponent(b, ta, melee_range[0], melee_range[1]); if (!td.fighter) return; if (ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action < b->turn) { ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action = b->turn; } if (hits(ta, td, NULL)) { int c = dice_rand(a->data.dice); while (c > 0) { if (rng_int() % 2) { td.fighter->person[td.index].attack -= 1; } else { td.fighter->person[td.index].defense -= 1; } c--; } } break; case AT_DRAIN_EXP: td = select_opponent(b, ta, melee_range[0], melee_range[1]); if (!td.fighter) return; if (ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action < b->turn) { ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action = b->turn; } if (hits(ta, td, NULL)) { drain_exp(td.fighter->unit, dice_rand(a->data.dice)); } break; case AT_DAZZLE: td = select_opponent(b, ta, melee_range[0], melee_range[1]); if (!td.fighter) return; if (ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action < b->turn) { ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action = b->turn; } if (hits(ta, td, NULL)) { dazzle(b, &td); } break; case AT_STRUCTURAL: td = select_opponent(b, ta, melee_range[0], melee_range[1]); if (!td.fighter) return; if (ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action < b->turn) { ta.fighter->person[ta.index].last_action = b->turn; } if (td.fighter->unit->ship) { int dice = dice_rand(a->data.dice); ship * sh = td.fighter->unit->ship; damage_ship(sh, dice / sh->type->damage / sh->size); } else if (td.fighter->unit->building) { damage_building(b, td.fighter->unit->building, dice_rand(a->data.dice)); } } } void do_attack(fighter * af) { troop ta; unit *au = af->unit; side *side = af->side; battle *b = side->battle; ta.fighter = af; assert(au && au->number); /* Da das Zuschlagen auf Einheiten und nicht auf den einzelnen * Kaempfern beruht, darf die Reihenfolge und Groesse der Einheit keine * Rolle spielen, Das tut sie nur dann, wenn jeder, der am Anfang der * Runde lebte, auch zuschlagen darf. Ansonsten ist der, der zufaellig * mit einer grossen Einheit zuerst drankommt, extrem bevorteilt. */ ta.index = af->fighting; while (ta.index--) { /* Wir suchen eine beliebige Feind-Einheit aus. An der koennen * wir feststellen, ob noch jemand da ist. */ int apr, attacks = attacks_per_round(ta); if (!count_enemies(b, af, FIGHT_ROW, LAST_ROW, SELECT_FIND)) break; for (apr = 0; apr != attacks; ++apr) { int a; for (a = 0; a < RACE_ATTACKS && u_race(au)->attack[a].type != AT_NONE; ++a) { if (apr > 0) { /* Wenn die Waffe nachladen muss, oder es sich nicht um einen * Waffen-Angriff handelt, dann gilt der Speed nicht. */ /* TODO: allow multiple AT_NATURAL attacks? */ if (u_race(au)->attack[a].type != AT_STANDARD) continue; else { weapon *wp = preferred_weapon(ta, true); if (wp != NULL && wp->type->reload) continue; } } attack(b, ta, &(u_race(au)->attack[a]), apr); } } } /* Der letzte Katapultschuetze setzt die * Ladezeit neu und generiert die Meldung. */ if (af->catmsg >= 0) { struct message *m = msg_message("killed_battle", "unit dead", au, af->catmsg); message_all(b, m); msg_release(m); af->catmsg = -1; } } static void add_tactics(tactics * ta, fighter * fig, int value) { if (value == 0 || value < ta->value) return; if (value > ta->value) { selist_free(ta->fighters); ta->fighters = 0; } selist_push(&ta->fighters, fig); selist_push(&fig->side->battle->leaders, fig); ta->value = value; } static int horse_fleeing_bonus(const unit * u) { const item_type *it_horse, *it_elvenhorse, *it_charger; int n1 = 0, n2 = 0, n3 = 0; item *itm; int skl = effskill(u, SK_RIDING, NULL); const resource_type *rtype; it_horse = ((rtype = get_resourcetype(R_HORSE)) != NULL) ? rtype->itype : 0; it_elvenhorse = ((rtype = get_resourcetype(R_UNICORN)) != NULL) ? rtype->itype : 0; it_charger = ((rtype = get_resourcetype(R_CHARGER)) != NULL) ? rtype->itype : 0; for (itm = u->items; itm; itm = itm->next) { if (itm->type->flags & ITF_ANIMAL) { if (itm->type == it_elvenhorse) n3 += itm->number; else if (itm->type == it_charger) n2 += itm->number; else if (itm->type == it_horse) n1 += itm->number; } } if (skl >= 5 && n3 >= u->number) return 30; if (skl >= 2 && n2 + n3 >= u->number) return 20; if (n1 + n2 + n3 >= u->number) return 10; return 0; } static int fleechance(unit * u) { int p = flee_chance_base; /* Fluchtwahrscheinlichkeit in % */ /* Einheit u versucht, dem Getuemmel zu entkommen */ p += (effskill(u, SK_STEALTH, NULL) * flee_chance_skill_bonus); p += horse_fleeing_bonus(u); if (u_race(u) == get_race(RC_HALFLING)) { p += flee_chance_base; if (p > flee_chance_max_percent) { p = flee_chance_max_percent; } } return p; } /** add a new army to the conflict. * beware: armies need to be added _at the beginning_ of the list because * otherwise join_allies() will get into trouble */ side *make_side(battle * b, const faction * f, const group * g, unsigned int flags, const faction * stealthfaction) { side *s1 = b->sides + b->nsides; bfaction *bf; if (fval(b->region->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { /* every fight in an ocean is short */ flags |= SIDE_HASGUARDS; } else { unit *u; for (u = b->region->units; u; u = u->next) { if (is_guard(u)) { if (alliedunit(u, f, HELP_GUARD)) { flags |= SIDE_HASGUARDS; break; } } } } s1->battle = b; s1->group = g; s1->flags = flags; s1->stealthfaction = stealthfaction; for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { faction *f2 = bf->faction; if (f2 == f) { s1->bf = bf; s1->faction = f2; s1->index = b->nsides++; s1->nextF = bf->sides; bf->sides = s1; assert(b->nsides <= MAXSIDES); break; } } assert(bf); return s1; } troop select_ally(fighter * af, int minrow, int maxrow, int allytype) { side *as = af->side; battle *b = as->battle; side *ds; int allies = count_allies(as, minrow, maxrow, SELECT_ADVANCE, allytype); if (!allies) { return no_troop; } allies = (int)(rng_int() % allies); for (ds = b->sides; ds != b->sides + b->nsides; ++ds) { if ((allytype == ALLY_ANY && helping(as, ds)) || (allytype == ALLY_SELF && as->faction == ds->faction)) { fighter *df; for (df = ds->fighters; df; df = df->next) { int dr = get_unitrow(df, NULL); if (dr >= minrow && dr <= maxrow) { if (df->alive - df->removed > allies) { troop dt; assert(allies >= 0); dt.index = allies; dt.fighter = df; return dt; } allies -= df->alive; } } } } assert(!"we should never have gotten here"); return no_troop; } static int loot_quota(const unit * src, const unit * dst, const item_type * type, int n) { UNUSED_ARG(type); if (dst && src && src->faction != dst->faction) { double divisor = config_get_flt("rules.items.loot_divisor", 1); assert(divisor <= 0 || divisor >= 1); if (divisor >= 1) { double r = n / divisor; int x = (int)r; r = r - x; if (chance(r)) ++x; return x; } } return n; } static void loot_items(fighter * corpse) { unit *u = corpse->unit; item *itm = u->items; battle *b = corpse->side->battle; int dead = dead_fighters(corpse); if (dead <= 0) return; while (itm) { float lootfactor = (float)dead / (float)u->number; /* only loot the dead! */ int maxloot = (int)((float)itm->number * lootfactor); if (maxloot > 0) { int i = (maxloot > 10) ? 10 : maxloot; for (; i != 0; --i) { int loot = maxloot / i; if (loot > 0) { fighter *fig = NULL; int looting = 0; int maxrow = 0; /* mustloot: we absolutely, positively must have somebody loot this thing */ int mustloot = itm->type->flags & (ITF_CURSED | ITF_NOTLOST); itm->number -= loot; maxloot -= loot; if (is_monsters(u->faction) && (rule_loot & LOOT_MONSTERS)) { looting = 1; } else if (rule_loot & LOOT_OTHERS) { looting = 1; } else if (rule_loot & LOOT_SELF) { looting = 2; } if (looting) { if (mustloot) { maxrow = LAST_ROW; } else if (rule_loot & LOOT_KEEPLOOT) { int lootchance = 50 + b->keeploot; if (rng_int() % 100 < lootchance) { maxrow = BEHIND_ROW; } } else { maxrow = LAST_ROW; } } if (maxrow > 0) { if (looting == 1) { /* enemies get dibs */ fig = select_enemy(corpse, FIGHT_ROW, maxrow, 0).fighter; } if (!fig) { /* self and allies get second pick */ fig = select_ally(corpse, FIGHT_ROW, LAST_ROW, ALLY_SELF).fighter; } } if (fig) { int trueloot = mustloot ? loot : loot_quota(corpse->unit, fig->unit, itm->type, loot); if (trueloot > 0) { i_change(&fig->loot, itm->type, trueloot); } } } } } itm = itm->next; } } bool seematrix(const faction * f, const side * s) { if (f == s->faction) return true; if (s->flags & SIDE_STEALTH) return false; return true; } static double PopulationDamage(void) { return rule_population_damage / 100.0; } static void battle_effects(battle * b, int dead_players) { region *r = b->region; int rp = rpeasants(r); if (rp > 0) { int dead_peasants = (int)(dead_players * PopulationDamage()); if (dead_peasants > rp) { dead_peasants = rp; } if (dead_peasants) { deathcounts(r, dead_peasants + dead_players); rsetpeasants(r, rp - dead_peasants); } } } static void reorder_fleeing(region * r) { unit **usrc = &r->units; unit **udst = &r->units; unit *ufirst = NULL; unit *u; for (; *udst; udst = &u->next) { u = *udst; } for (u = *usrc; u != ufirst; u = *usrc) { if (u->next && fval(u, UFL_FLEEING)) { *usrc = u->next; *udst = u; udst = &u->next; if (!ufirst) ufirst = u; } else { usrc = &u->next; } } *udst = NULL; } static void aftermath(battle * b) { region *r = b->region; side *s; int dead_players = 0; bfaction *bf; bool ships_damaged = (b->turn + (b->has_tactics_turn ? 1 : 0) > 2); /* only used for ship damage! */ for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *df; s->dead = 0; for (df = s->fighters; df; df = df->next) { unit *du = df->unit; int dead = dead_fighters(df); const race *rc = u_race(du); /* tote insgesamt: */ s->dead += dead; /* Tote, die wiederbelebt werde koennen: */ if (!undeadrace(rc)) { s->casualties += dead; } if (df->hits + df->kills) { struct message *m = msg_message("killsandhits", "unit hits kills", du, df->hits, df->kills); battle_message_faction(b, du->faction, m); msg_release(m); } } } /* POSTCOMBAT */ do_combatmagic(b, DO_POSTCOMBATSPELL); for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { int snumber = 0; fighter *df; bool relevant = false; /* Kampf relevant fuer diese Partei? */ if (!fval(s, SIDE_HASGUARDS)) { relevant = true; } s->flee = 0; for (df = s->fighters; df; df = df->next) { unit *du = df->unit; const race *rc = u_race(du); int dead = dead_fighters(df); int sum_hp = 0; int n; int flags = 0; for (n = 0; n != df->alive; ++n) { if (df->person[n].hp > 0) { sum_hp += df->person[n].hp; } } snumber += du->number; if (dead == df->unit->number) { flags = UFL_DEAD; } else if (relevant) { flags = UFL_LONGACTION; if ((du->status != ST_FLEE) && (df->run.hp <= 0)) { flags |= UFL_NOTMOVING; } } if (flags) { fset(du, flags); } if (df->alive && df->alive == du->number) { du->hp = sum_hp; continue; /* nichts passiert */ } else if (df->run.hp) { if (df->alive == 0) { /* Report the casualties */ reportcasualties(b, df, dead); /* Zuerst duerfen die Feinde pluendern, die mitgenommenen Items * stehen in fig->run.items. Dann werden die Fliehenden auf * die leere (tote) alte Einheit gemapt */ if (!fval(df, FIG_NOLOOT)) { loot_items(df); } scale_number(du, df->run.number); du->hp = df->run.hp; setguard(du, false); /* must leave ships or buildings, or a stealthy hobbit * can hold castles indefinitely */ if (!fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { leave(du, true); /* even region owners have to flee */ } fset(du, UFL_FLEEING); } else { /* nur teilweise geflohene Einheiten mergen sich wieder */ df->alive += df->run.number; s->size[0] += df->run.number; s->size[statusrow(df->status)] += df->run.number; s->alive += df->run.number; sum_hp += df->run.hp; df->run.number = 0; df->run.hp = 0; /* df->run.region = NULL; */ reportcasualties(b, df, dead); scale_number(du, df->alive); du->hp = sum_hp; } } else { if (df->alive == 0) { /* alle sind tot, niemand geflohen. Einheit aufloesen */ df->run.number = 0; df->run.hp = 0; /* Report the casualties */ reportcasualties(b, df, dead); /* Distribute Loot */ loot_items(df); setguard(du, false); scale_number(du, 0); } else { df->run.number = 0; df->run.hp = 0; reportcasualties(b, df, dead); scale_number(du, df->alive); du->hp = sum_hp; } } s->flee += df->run.number; if (!undeadrace(rc)) { /* tote im kampf werden zu regionsuntoten: * for each of them, a peasant will die as well */ dead_players += dead; } if (du->hp < du->number) { log_error("%s has less hitpoints (%u) than people (%u)\n", itoa36(du->no), du->hp, du->number); du->hp = du->number; } } s->alive += s->healed; assert(snumber == s->flee + s->alive + s->dead); } battle_effects(b, dead_players); for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { message *seen = msg_message("army_report", "index abbrev dead fled survived", army_index(s), sideabkz(s, false), s->dead, s->flee, s->alive); message *unseen = msg_message("army_report", "index abbrev dead fled survived", army_index(s), "-?-", s->dead, s->flee, s->alive); for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { faction *f = bf->faction; message *m = seematrix(f, s) ? seen : unseen; battle_message_faction(b, f, m); } msg_release(seen); msg_release(unseen); } /* Wir benutzen drifted, um uns zu merken, ob ein Schiff * schonmal Schaden genommen hat. (moved und drifted * sollten in flags ueberfuehrt werden */ for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *df; for (df = s->fighters; df; df = df->next) { unit *du = df->unit; item *l; /* Beute verteilen */ for (l = df->loot; l; l = l->next) { const item_type *itype = l->type; message *m = msg_message("battle_loot", "unit amount item", du, l->number, itype->rtype); battle_message_faction(b, du->faction, m); msg_release(m); i_change(&du->items, itype, l->number); } /* Wenn sich die Einheit auf einem Schiff befindet, wird * dieses Schiff beschaedigt. Andernfalls ein Schiff, welches * evt. zuvor verlassen wurde. */ if (ships_damaged) { ship *sh; if (du->ship) sh = du->ship; else sh = leftship(du); if (sh && fval(sh, SF_DAMAGED)) { int n = b->turn - 2; if (n > 0) { double dmg = config_get_flt("rules.ship.damage.battleround", 0.05F); damage_ship(sh, dmg * n); freset(sh, SF_DAMAGED); } } } } } if (ships_damaged) { ship **sp = &r->ships; while (*sp) { ship *sh = *sp; freset(sh, SF_DAMAGED); if (sh->damage >= sh->size * DAMAGE_SCALE) { sink_ship(sh); remove_ship(sp, sh); } else { sp = &sh->next; } } } reorder_fleeing(r); } static void battle_punit(unit * u, battle * b) { bfaction *bf; for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { faction *f = bf->faction; strlist *S = 0, *x; spunit(&S, f, u, 4, seen_battle); for (x = S; x; x = x->next) { fbattlerecord(b, f, x->s); } if (S) freestrlist(S); } } static void print_fighters(battle * b, const side * s) { fighter *df; int row; for (row = 1; row != NUMROWS; ++row) { message *m = NULL; for (df = s->fighters; df; df = df->next) { unit *du = df->unit; int thisrow = statusrow(df->unit->status); if (row == thisrow) { if (m == NULL) { m = msg_message("battle_row", "row", row); message_all(b, m); } battle_punit(du, b); } } if (m != NULL) msg_release(m); } } bool is_attacker(const fighter * fig) { return fval(fig, FIG_ATTACKER) != 0; } static void set_attacker(fighter * fig) { fset(fig, FIG_ATTACKER); } static void print_stats(battle * b) { side *s2; side *s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { bfaction *bf; for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { faction *f = bf->faction; const char *loc_army = LOC(f->locale, "battle_army"); char *bufp; const char *header; size_t rsize, size; int komma; const char *sname = seematrix(f, s) ? sidename(s) : LOC(f->locale, "unknown_faction"); message *msg; char buf[1024]; msg = msg_message("para_army_index", "index name", army_index(s), sname); battle_message_faction(b, f, msg); msg_release(msg); bufp = buf; size = sizeof(buf); komma = 0; header = LOC(f->locale, "battle_opponents"); for (s2 = b->sides; s2 != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s2) { if (enemy(s2, s)) { const char *abbrev = seematrix(f, s2) ? sideabkz(s2, false) : "-?-"; rsize = slprintf(bufp, size, "%s %s %d(%s)", komma++ ? "," : (const char *)header, loc_army, army_index(s2), abbrev); if (rsize > size) rsize = size - 1; size -= rsize; bufp += rsize; } } if (komma) fbattlerecord(b, f, buf); bufp = buf; size = sizeof(buf); komma = 0; header = LOC(f->locale, "battle_helpers"); for (s2 = b->sides; s2 != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s2) { if (s2 != s && friendly(s2, s)) { const char *abbrev = seematrix(f, s2) ? sideabkz(s2, false) : "-?-"; rsize = slprintf(bufp, size, "%s %s %d(%s)", komma++ ? "," : (const char *)header, loc_army, army_index(s2), abbrev); if (rsize > size) rsize = size - 1; size -= rsize; bufp += rsize; } } if (komma) fbattlerecord(b, f, buf); bufp = buf; size = sizeof(buf); komma = 0; header = LOC(f->locale, "battle_attack"); for (s2 = b->sides; s2 != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s2) { if (s->relations[s2->index] & E_ATTACKING) { const char *abbrev = seematrix(f, s2) ? sideabkz(s2, false) : "-?-"; rsize = slprintf(bufp, size, "%s %s %d(%s)", komma++ ? "," : (const char *)header, loc_army, army_index(s2), abbrev); if (rsize > size) rsize = size - 1; size -= rsize; bufp += rsize; } } if (komma) fbattlerecord(b, f, buf); } print_fighters(b, s); } /* Besten Taktiker ermitteln */ b->max_tactics = 0; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { if (!selist_empty(s->leader.fighters)) { if (s->leader.value > b->max_tactics) { b->max_tactics = s->leader.value; } } } if (b->max_tactics > 0) { for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { if (s->leader.value == b->max_tactics) { selist *ql; int qi; for (qi = 0, ql = s->leader.fighters; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { fighter *tf = (fighter *)selist_get(ql, qi); unit *u = tf->unit; message *m = NULL; if (!is_attacker(tf)) { m = msg_message("para_tactics_lost", "unit", u); } else { m = msg_message("para_tactics_won", "unit", u); } message_all(b, m); msg_release(m); } } } } } static int weapon_weight(const weapon * w, bool missile) { if (missile == !!(fval(w->type, WTF_MISSILE))) { return w->attackskill + w->defenseskill; } return 0; } side * get_side(battle * b, const struct unit * u) { side * s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { if (s->faction == u->faction) { fighter * fig; for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { if (fig->unit == u) { return s; } } } } return 0; } side * find_side(battle * b, const faction * f, const group * g, unsigned int flags, const faction * stealthfaction) { side * s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { if (s->faction == f && s->group == g) { unsigned int s1flags = flags | SIDE_HASGUARDS; unsigned int s2flags = s->flags | SIDE_HASGUARDS; if (rule_anon_battle && s->stealthfaction != stealthfaction) { continue; } if (s1flags == s2flags) { return s; } } } return 0; } fighter *make_fighter(battle * b, unit * u, side * s1, bool attack) { #define WMAX 20 weapon weapons[WMAX]; region *r = b->region; item *itm; fighter *fig = NULL; int h, i, tactics = effskill(u, SK_TACTICS, NULL); int berserk; int strongmen; int speeded = 0, speed = 1; int rest; const group *g = NULL; const faction *stealthfaction = get_otherfaction(u); unsigned int flags = 0; assert(u->number); if (fval(u, UFL_ANON_FACTION) != 0) flags |= SIDE_STEALTH; if (!(AllianceAuto() & HELP_FIGHT) && fval(u, UFL_GROUP)) { g = get_group(u); } /* Illusionen und Zauber kaempfen nicht */ if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_ILLUSIONARY) || u->number == 0) { return NULL; } if (s1 == NULL) { s1 = find_side(b, u->faction, g, flags, stealthfaction); /* aliances are moved out of make_fighter and will be handled later */ if (!s1) { s1 = make_side(b, u->faction, g, flags, stealthfaction); } else if (!stealthfaction) { s1->stealthfaction = NULL; } /* Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist attacked noch 0, da die Einheit fuer noch * keinen Kampf ausgewaehlt wurde (sonst wuerde ein fighter existieren) */ } fig = (struct fighter*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct fighter)); fig->next = s1->fighters; s1->fighters = fig; fig->unit = u; /* In einer Burg muss man a) nicht Angreifer sein, und b) drin sein, und * c) noch Platz finden. d) menschanaehnlich sein */ if (attack) { set_attacker(fig); } else { building *bld = u->building; if (bld && bld->sizeleft >= u->number && humanoidrace(u_race(u))) { fig->building = bld; fig->building->sizeleft -= u->number; } } fig->status = u->status; fig->side = s1; fig->alive = u->number; fig->side->alive += u->number; fig->side->battle->alive += u->number; fig->catmsg = -1; /* Freigeben nicht vergessen! */ assert(fig->alive > 0); fig->person = (struct person*)calloc((size_t)fig->alive, sizeof(struct person)); h = u->hp / u->number; assert(h); rest = u->hp % u->number; /* Effekte von Spruechen */ if (u->attribs) { curse *c = get_curse(u->attribs, &ct_speed); if (c) { speeded = get_cursedmen(u, c); speed = curse_geteffect_int(c); } } /* Effekte von Alchemie */ berserk = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_BERSERK]); /* change_effect wird in ageing gemacht */ /* Effekte von Artefakten */ strongmen = trollbelts(u); if (strongmen > fig->unit->number) strongmen = fig->unit->number; /* Hitpoints, Attack- und Defense-Boni fuer alle Personen */ for (i = 0; i < fig->alive; i++) { assert(i < fig->unit->number); fig->person[i].hp = h; if (i < rest) fig->person[i].hp++; if (i < speeded) fig->person[i].speed = (unsigned char) speed; else fig->person[i].speed = 1; if (i < berserk) { fig->person[i].attack++; } /* Leute mit Kraftzauber machen +2 Schaden im Nahkampf. */ if (i < strongmen) { fig->person[i].damage += 2; } } /* Fuer alle Waffengattungen wird bestimmt, wie viele der Personen mit * ihr kaempfen koennten, und was ihr Wert darin ist. */ if (u_race(u)->battle_flags & BF_EQUIPMENT) { int owp[WMAX]; int dwp[WMAX]; int wcount[WMAX]; int wused[WMAX]; int oi = 0, di = 0, w = 0; for (itm = u->items; itm && w != WMAX; itm = itm->next) { const weapon_type *wtype = resource2weapon(itm->type->rtype); if (wtype == NULL || itm->number == 0) continue; weapons[w].attackskill = weapon_skill(wtype, u, true); weapons[w].defenseskill = weapon_skill(wtype, u, false); if (weapons[w].attackskill >= 0 || weapons[w].defenseskill >= 0) { weapons[w].type = wtype; wused[w] = 0; wcount[w] = itm->number; ++w; } assert(w != WMAX); } assert(w >= 0); fig->weapons = (weapon *)calloc((size_t)(w + 1), sizeof(weapon)); memcpy(fig->weapons, weapons, (size_t)w * sizeof(weapon)); for (i = 0; i != w; ++i) { int j, o = 0, d = 0; for (j = 0; j != i; ++j) { if (weapon_weight(fig->weapons + j, true) >= weapon_weight(fig->weapons + i, true)) ++d; if (weapon_weight(fig->weapons + j, false) >= weapon_weight(fig->weapons + i, false)) ++o; } for (j = i + 1; j != w; ++j) { if (weapon_weight(fig->weapons + j, true) > weapon_weight(fig->weapons + i, true)) ++d; if (weapon_weight(fig->weapons + j, false) > weapon_weight(fig->weapons + i, false)) ++o; } owp[o] = i; dwp[d] = i; } /* jetzt enthalten owp und dwp eine absteigend schlechter werdende Liste der Waffen * oi and di are the current index to the sorted owp/dwp arrays * owp, dwp contain indices to the figther::weapons array */ /* hand out melee weapons: */ for (i = 0; i != fig->alive; ++i) { int wpless = weapon_skill(NULL, u, true); while (oi != w && (wused[owp[oi]] == wcount[owp[oi]] || fval(fig->weapons[owp[oi]].type, WTF_MISSILE))) { ++oi; } if (oi == w) break; /* no more weapons available */ if (weapon_weight(fig->weapons + owp[oi], false) <= wpless) { continue; /* we fight better with bare hands */ } fig->person[i].melee = &fig->weapons[owp[oi]]; ++wused[owp[oi]]; } /* hand out missile weapons (from back to front, in case of mixed troops). */ for (di = 0, i = fig->alive; i-- != 0;) { while (di != w && (wused[dwp[di]] == wcount[dwp[di]] || !fval(fig->weapons[dwp[di]].type, WTF_MISSILE))) { ++di; } if (di == w) break; /* no more weapons available */ if (weapon_weight(fig->weapons + dwp[di], true) > 0) { fig->person[i].missile = &fig->weapons[dwp[di]]; ++wused[dwp[di]]; } } } s1->size[statusrow(fig->status)] += u->number; s1->size[SUM_ROW] += u->number; if (u_race(u)->battle_flags & BF_NOBLOCK) { s1->nonblockers[statusrow(fig->status)] += u->number; } if (u_race(fig->unit)->flags & RCF_HORSE) { fig->horses = fig->unit->number; fig->elvenhorses = 0; } else { const resource_type *rt_horse = 0; const resource_type *rt_elvenhorse = 0; rt_elvenhorse = get_resourcetype(R_UNICORN); rt_horse = get_resourcetype(R_CHARGER); if (!rt_horse) { rt_horse = get_resourcetype(R_HORSE); } fig->horses = rt_horse ? i_get(u->items, rt_horse->itype) : 0; fig->elvenhorses = rt_elvenhorse ? i_get(u->items, rt_elvenhorse->itype) : 0; } if (u_race(u)->battle_flags & BF_EQUIPMENT) { for (itm = u->items; itm; itm = itm->next) { if (itm->type->rtype->atype) { if (i_canuse(u, itm->type)) { struct armor *adata = (struct armor *)malloc(sizeof(armor)), **aptr; adata->atype = itm->type->rtype->atype; adata->count = itm->number; for (aptr = &fig->armors; *aptr; aptr = &(*aptr)->next) { if (adata->atype->prot > (*aptr)->atype->prot) { break; } } adata->next = *aptr; *aptr = adata; } } } } /* Jetzt muss noch geschaut werden, wo die Einheit die jeweils besten * Werte hat, das kommt aber erst irgendwo spaeter. Ich entscheide * waehrend des Kampfes, welche ich nehme, je nach Gegner. Deswegen auch * keine addierten boni. */ /* Zuerst mal die Spezialbehandlung gewisser Sonderfaelle. */ fig->magic = effskill(u, SK_MAGIC, NULL); if (fig->horses) { if (!fval(r->terrain, CAVALRY_REGION) || r_isforest(r) || effskill(u, SK_RIDING, NULL) < CavalrySkill() || u_race(u) == get_race(RC_TROLL) || fval(u, UFL_WERE)) fig->horses = 0; } if (fig->elvenhorses) { if (effskill(u, SK_RIDING, NULL) < 5 || u_race(u) == get_race(RC_TROLL) || fval(u, UFL_WERE)) fig->elvenhorses = 0; } /* Schauen, wie gut wir in Taktik sind. */ if (tactics > 0 && u_race(u) == get_race(RC_INSECT)) tactics -= 1 - (int)log10(fig->side->size[SUM_ROW]); #ifdef TACTICS_MODIFIER if (tactics > 0 && statusrow(fig->status) == FIGHT_ROW) tactics += TACTICS_MODIFIER; if (tactics > 0 && statusrow(fig->status) > BEHIND_ROW) { tactics -= TACTICS_MODIFIER; } #endif if (tactics > 0) { int bonus = 0; for (i = 0; i < fig->alive; i++) { int p_bonus = 0; int rnd; do { rnd = (int)(rng_int() % 100); if (rnd >= 40 && rnd <= 69) p_bonus += 1; else if (rnd <= 89) p_bonus += 2; else p_bonus += 3; } while (rnd >= 97); if (p_bonus > bonus) p_bonus = bonus; } tactics += bonus; } add_tactics(&fig->side->leader, fig, tactics); ++b->nfighters; return fig; } int join_battle(battle * b, unit * u, bool attack, fighter ** cp) { side *s; fighter *fc = NULL; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; if (s->faction == u->faction) { for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { if (fig->unit == u) { fc = fig; if (attack) { set_attacker(fig); } break; } } } } if (!fc) { *cp = make_fighter(b, u, NULL, attack); return *cp != NULL; } *cp = fc; return false; } battle *make_battle(region * r) { unit *u; bfaction *bf; building * bld; battle *b = (battle *)calloc(1, sizeof(battle)); assert(b); /* Alle Mann raus aus der Burg! */ for (bld = r->buildings; bld != NULL; bld = bld->next) bld->sizeleft = bld->size; b->region = r; b->plane = getplane(r); /* Finde alle Parteien, die den Kampf beobachten koennen: */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->number > 0) { if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_MARK)) { fset(u->faction, FFL_MARK); for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { if (bf->faction == u->faction) break; } if (!bf) { bf = (bfaction *)calloc(1, sizeof(bfaction)); assert(bf); ++b->nfactions; bf->faction = u->faction; bf->next = b->factions; b->factions = bf; } } } } for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { faction *f = bf->faction; freset(f, FFL_MARK); } return b; } static void free_side(side * si) { selist_free(si->leader.fighters); } static void free_fighter(fighter * fig) { armor **ap = &fig->armors; while (*ap) { armor *a = *ap; *ap = a->next; free(a); } while (fig->loot) { i_free(i_remove(&fig->loot, fig->loot)); } free(fig->person); free(fig->weapons); } static void battle_free(battle * b) { side *s; assert(b); for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter **fp = &s->fighters; while (*fp) { fighter *fig = *fp; *fp = fig->next; free_fighter(fig); free(fig); } s->fighters = NULL; free_side(s); } free(b); } void free_battle(battle * b) { while (b->factions) { bfaction *bf = b->factions; b->factions = bf->next; free(bf); } selist_free(b->leaders); selist_foreach(b->meffects, free); selist_free(b->meffects); battle_free(b); } static int *get_alive(side * s) { return s->size; } static int battle_report(battle * b) { side *s, *s2; bool cont = false; bfaction *bf; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { if (s->alive - s->removed > 0) { for (s2 = b->sides; s2 != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s2) { if (s2->alive - s2->removed > 0 && enemy(s, s2)) { cont = true; break; } } if (cont) break; } } fflush(stdout); for (bf = b->factions; bf; bf = bf->next) { faction *fac = bf->faction; char buf[32 * MAXSIDES]; message *m; sbstring sbs; bool komma = false; sbs_init(&sbs, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (cont) m = msg_message("para_lineup_battle", "turn", b->turn); else m = msg_message("para_after_battle", ""); battle_message_faction(b, fac, m); msg_release(m); for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { if (s->alive) { int r, k = 0, *alive = get_alive(s); int l = FIGHT_ROW; const char *abbrev = seematrix(fac, s) ? sideabkz(s, false) : "-?-"; const char *loc_army = LOC(fac->locale, "battle_army"); char buffer[32]; if (komma) { sbs_strcat(&sbs, ", "); } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %2d(%s): ", loc_army, army_index(s), abbrev); sbs_strcat(&sbs, buffer); for (r = FIGHT_ROW; r != NUMROWS; ++r) { if (alive[r]) { if (l != FIGHT_ROW) { sbs_strcat(&sbs, "+"); } while (k--) { sbs_strcat(&sbs, "0+"); } sprintf(buffer, "%d", alive[r]); sbs_strcat(&sbs, buffer); k = 0; l = r + 1; } else ++k; } komma = true; } } fbattlerecord(b, fac, buf); } return cont; } static void join_allies(battle * b) { region *r = b->region; unit *u; side *s, *s_end = b->sides + b->nsides; /* make_side might be adding a new faction, but it adds them to the end * of the list, so we're safe in our iteration here if we remember the end * up front. */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { /* Was ist mit Schiffen? */ if (u->status != ST_FLEE && u->status != ST_AVOID && !fval(u, UFL_LONGACTION | UFL_ISNEW) && u->number > 0) { faction *f = u->faction; fighter *c = NULL; for (s = b->sides; s != s_end; ++s) { side *se; /* Wenn alle attackierten noch FFL_NOAID haben, dann kaempfe nicht mit. */ if (fval(s->faction, FFL_NOAID)) continue; if (s->faction != f) { /* Wenn wir attackiert haben, kommt niemand mehr hinzu: */ if (s->bf->attacker) continue; /* alliiert muessen wir schon sein, sonst ist's eh egal : */ if (!alliedunit(u, s->faction, HELP_FIGHT)) continue; /* wenn die partei verborgen ist, oder gar eine andere * vorgespiegelt wird, und er sich uns gegenueber nicht zu * erkennen gibt, helfen wir ihm nicht */ if (s->stealthfaction) { if (!alliedside(s, u->faction, HELP_FSTEALTH)) { continue; } } } /* einen alliierten angreifen duerfen sie nicht, es sei denn, der * ist mit einem alliierten verfeindet, der nicht attackiert * hat: */ for (se = b->sides; se != s_end; ++se) { if (u->faction == se->faction) continue; if (alliedunit(u, se->faction, HELP_FIGHT) && !se->bf->attacker) { continue; } if (enemy(s, se)) break; } if (se == s_end) continue; /* keine Einwaende, also soll er mitmachen: */ if (c == NULL) { if (!join_battle(b, u, false, &c)) { continue; } } /* the enemy of my friend is my enemy: */ for (se = b->sides; se != s_end; ++se) { if (se->faction != u->faction && enemy(s, se)) { set_enemy(se, c->side, false); } } } } } for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { int si; side *sa; faction *f = s->faction; /* Den Feinden meiner Feinde gebe ich Deckung (gegen gemeinsame Feinde): */ for (si = 0; s->enemies[si]; ++si) { side *se = s->enemies[si]; int ai; for (ai = 0; se->enemies[ai]; ++ai) { side *as = se->enemies[ai]; if (as == s || !enemy(as, s)) { set_friendly(as, s); } } } for (sa = s + 1; sa != b->sides + b->nsides; ++sa) { if (!enemy(s, sa) && !friendly(s, sa)) { if (alliedfaction(f, sa->faction, HELP_FIGHT)) { if (alliedfaction(sa->faction, f, HELP_FIGHT)) { set_friendly(s, sa); } } } } } } static void flee(const troop dt) { fighter *fig = dt.fighter; unit *u = fig->unit; int fchance = fleechance(u); if (fig->person[dt.index].flags & FL_PANICED) { fchance += EFFECT_PANIC_SPELL; } if (fchance > flee_chance_max_percent) { fchance = flee_chance_max_percent; } if (rng_int() % 100 < fchance) { fig->run.hp += fig->person[dt.index].hp; ++fig->run.number; setguard(u, false); kill_troop(dt); } } static bool is_calmed(const unit *u, const faction *f) { attrib *a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_curse); while (a && a->type == &at_curse) { curse *c = (curse *)a->data.v; if (c->type == &ct_calmmonster && curse_geteffect_int(c) == f->uid) { if (curse_active(c)) { return true; } } a = a->next; } return false; } static bool start_battle(region * r, battle ** bp) { battle *b = NULL; unit *u; bool fighting = false; for (u = r->units; u != NULL; u = u->next) { if (fval(u, UFL_LONGACTION)) continue; if (u->number > 0) { order *ord; for (ord = u->orders; ord; ord = ord->next) { if (getkeyword(ord) == K_ATTACK) { unit *u2; fighter *c1, *c2; ship *lsh = NULL; plane *pl = rplane(r); if (pl && fval(pl, PFL_NOATTACK)) { cmistake(u, ord, 271, MSG_BATTLE); continue; } if (u_race(u)->battle_flags & BF_NO_ATTACK) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "race_no_attack", "race", u_race(u))); continue; } /** ** Fehlerbehandlung Angreifer **/ if (LongHunger(u)) { cmistake(u, ord, 225, MSG_BATTLE); continue; } if (u->status == ST_AVOID || u->status == ST_FLEE) { cmistake(u, ord, 226, MSG_BATTLE); continue; } /* ist ein Fluechtling aus einem andern Kampf */ if (fval(u, UFL_LONGACTION)) continue; if (curse_active(get_curse(r->attribs, &ct_peacezone))) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "peace_active", "")); continue; } if (curse_active(get_curse(u->attribs, &ct_slavery))) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "slave_active", "")); continue; } if ((u->ship != NULL && !fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) || (lsh = leftship(u)) != NULL) { if (is_guarded(r, u)) { if (lsh) { cmistake(u, ord, 234, MSG_BATTLE); } else { /* Fehler: "Das Schiff muss erst verlassen werden" */ cmistake(u, ord, 19, MSG_BATTLE); } continue; } } /* Ende Fehlerbehandlung Angreifer */ init_order(ord, NULL); /* attackierte Einheit ermitteln */ getunit(r, u->faction, &u2); /* Beginn Fehlerbehandlung */ /* Fehler: "Die Einheit wurde nicht gefunden" */ if (!u2 || u2->number == 0 || !cansee(u->faction, u->region, u2, 0)) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "feedback_unit_not_found", "")); continue; } /* Fehler: "Die Einheit ist eine der unsrigen" */ if (u2->faction == u->faction) { cmistake(u, ord, 45, MSG_BATTLE); continue; } /* Fehler: "Die Einheit ist mit uns alliert" */ if (alliedunit(u, u2->faction, HELP_FIGHT)) { cmistake(u, ord, 47, MSG_BATTLE); continue; } if (IsImmune(u2->faction)) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, u->thisorder, "newbie_immunity_error", "turns", NewbieImmunity())); continue; } /* Fehler: "Die Einheit ist mit uns alliert" */ if (is_calmed(u, u2->faction)) { cmistake(u, ord, 47, MSG_BATTLE); continue; } /* Ende Fehlerbehandlung */ if (b == NULL) { unit *utmp; for (utmp = r->units; utmp != NULL; utmp = utmp->next) { fset(utmp->faction, FFL_NOAID); } b = make_battle(r); } join_battle(b, u, true, &c1); join_battle(b, u2, false, &c2); if (u2->attribs) { if (it_mistletoe) { int effect = get_effect(u2, it_mistletoe); if (effect >= u->number) { change_effect(u2, it_mistletoe, -u2->number); c2->run.hp = u2->hp; c2->run.number = u2->number; c2->side->flee += u2->number; setguard(u2, false); rmfighter(c2, u2->number); } } } /* Hat die attackierte Einheit keinen Noaid-Status, * wird das Flag von der Faction genommen, andere * Einheiten greifen ein. */ if (!fval(u2, UFL_NOAID)) freset(u2->faction, FFL_NOAID); if (c1 && c2 && c2->run.number < c2->unit->number) { /* Merken, wer Angreifer ist, fuer die Rueckzahlung der * Praecombataura bei kurzem Kampf. */ c1->side->bf->attacker = true; set_enemy(c1->side, c2->side, true); fighting = true; } } } } } *bp = b; return fighting; } /** execute one round of attacks * fig->fighting is used to determine who attacks, not fig->alive, since * the latter may be influenced by attacks that already took place. */ static void battle_attacks(battle * b) { side *s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; if (b->turn != 0 || (b->max_tactics > 0 && get_tactics(s, NULL) == b->max_tactics)) { for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { /* ist in dieser Einheit noch jemand handlungsfaehig? */ if (fig->fighting <= 0) continue; /* Handle the unit's attack on someone */ do_attack(fig); } } } } /** updates the number of attacking troops in each fighter struct. * this has to be calculated _before_ the actual attacks take * place because otherwise dead troops would not strike in the * round they die. */ static void battle_update(battle * b) { side *s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { fig->fighting = fig->alive - fig->removed; } } } /** attempt to flee from battle before the next round begins * there's a double attempt before the first round, but only * one attempt before round zero, the potential tactics round. */ static void battle_flee(battle * b) { int attempt, flee_ops = 1; if (b->turn == 1) flee_ops = 2; for (attempt = 1; attempt <= flee_ops; ++attempt) { side *s; for (s = b->sides; s != b->sides + b->nsides; ++s) { fighter *fig; for (fig = s->fighters; fig; fig = fig->next) { unit *u = fig->unit; troop dt; /* Flucht nicht bei mehr als 600 HP. Damit Wyrme toetbar bleiben. */ int runhp = (int)(0.9 + unit_max_hp(u) * hpflee(u->status)); if (runhp > 600) runhp = 600; if (u->ship && fval(u->region->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { /* keine Flucht von Schiffen auf hoher See */ continue; } if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_UNDEAD) || u_race(u) == get_race(RC_SHADOWKNIGHT)) { /* Untote fliehen nicht. Warum eigentlich? */ continue; } dt.fighter = fig; dt.index = fig->alive - fig->removed; while (s->size[SUM_ROW] && dt.index != 0) { --dt.index; assert(dt.index >= 0 && dt.index < fig->unit->number); assert(fig->person[dt.index].hp > 0); /* Versuche zu fliehen, wenn * - Kampfstatus fliehe * - schwer verwundet und nicht erste kampfrunde * - in panik (Zauber) * aber nicht, wenn der Zaubereffekt Held auf dir liegt! */ switch (u->status) { case ST_FLEE: break; default: if ((fig->person[dt.index].flags & FL_HIT) == 0) continue; if (fig->person[dt.index].hp <= runhp) break; if (fig->person[dt.index].flags & FL_PANICED) { if ((fig->person[dt.index].flags & FL_COURAGE) == 0) break; } continue; } flee(dt); } } } } } static bool is_enemy(battle *b, unit *u1, unit *u2) { if (u1->faction != u2->faction) { if (b) { side *es, *s1 = 0, *s2 = 0; for (es = b->sides; es != b->sides + b->nsides; ++es) { if (!s1 && es->faction == u1->faction) s1 = es; else if (!s2 && es->faction == u2->faction) s2 = es; if (s1 && s2) { return enemy(s1, s2); } } } else { return !help_enter(u1, u2); } } return false; } void force_leave(region *r, battle *b) { unit *u; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { unit *uo = NULL; if (u->building) { uo = building_owner(u->building); } if (u->ship && r->land) { uo = ship_owner(u->ship); } if (uo && is_enemy(b, uo, u)) { message *msg = NULL; if (u->building) { msg = msg_message("force_leave_building", "unit owner building", u, uo, u->building); } else { msg = msg_message("force_leave_ship", "unit owner ship", u, uo, u->ship); } if (msg) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg); } leave(u, false); } } } static void do_battle(region * r) { battle *b = NULL; bool fighting; ship *sh; int i; fighting = start_battle(r, &b); if (b == NULL) return; /* Bevor wir die alliierten hineinziehen, sollten wir schauen, * * Ob jemand fliehen kann. Dann eruebrigt sich das ganze ja * vielleicht schon. */ report_battle_start(b); if (!fighting) { /* Niemand mehr da, Kampf kann nicht stattfinden. */ message *m = msg_message("aborted_battle", ""); message_all(b, m); msg_release(m); free_battle(b); return; } join_allies(b); make_heroes(b); /* statistics are fun */ for (i = 0; i != b->nsides; ++i) { side *s = b->sides + i; if (s->faction->flags & FFL_NPC) { stats_count("battle.pve", 1); break; } } if (i == b->nsides) { stats_count("battle.pvp", 1); } /* make sure no ships are damaged initially */ for (sh = r->ships; sh; sh = sh->next) freset(sh, SF_DAMAGED); /* Gibt es eine Taktikrunde ? */ if (!selist_empty(b->leaders)) { b->turn = 0; b->has_tactics_turn = true; } else { b->turn = 1; b->has_tactics_turn = false; } /* PRECOMBATSPELLS */ do_combatmagic(b, DO_PRECOMBATSPELL); print_stats(b); /* gibt die Kampfaufstellung aus */ log_debug("battle in %s (%d, %d) : ", regionname(r, 0), r->x, r->y); for (; battle_report(b) && b->turn <= max_turns; ++b->turn) { battle_flee(b); battle_update(b); battle_attacks(b); } /* Auswirkungen berechnen: */ aftermath(b); if (rule_force_leave(FORCE_LEAVE_POSTCOMBAT)) { force_leave(b->region, b); } /* Hier ist das Gefecht beendet, und wir koennen die * Hilfsstrukturen * wieder loeschen: */ free_battle(b); } void do_battles(void) { region *r; init_rules(); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { do_battle(r); } }