/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include <config.h> #include "eressea.h" #include "unit.h" #include "building.h" #include "faction.h" #include "group.h" #include "karma.h" #include "border.h" #include "item.h" #include "movement.h" #include "order.h" #include "plane.h" #include "race.h" #include "region.h" #include "ship.h" #include "skill.h" #include <attributes/moved.h> /* util includes */ #include <util/base36.h> #include <event.h> #include <goodies.h> #include <resolve.h> #include <variant.h> /* libc includes */ #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #define FIND_FOREIGN_TEMP int demonfix = 0; const unit * u_peasants(void) { static unit peasants = { 0 }; if (peasants.name==NULL) { peasants.name = strdup("die Bauern"); peasants.no = 2; } return &peasants; } const unit * u_unknown(void) { static unit unknown = { 0 }; if (unknown.name==NULL) { unknown.name =strdup("eine unbekannte Einheit"); unknown.no = 1; } return &unknown; } #define DMAXHASH 7919 typedef struct dead { struct dead * nexthash; faction * f; int no; } dead; static dead* deadhash[DMAXHASH]; static void dhash(int no, faction * f) { dead * hash = (dead*)calloc(1, sizeof(dead)); dead * old = deadhash[no % DMAXHASH]; hash->no = no; hash->f = f; deadhash[no % DMAXHASH] = hash; hash->nexthash = old; } faction * dfindhash(int no) { dead * old; if(no < 0) return 0; for (old = deadhash[no % DMAXHASH]; old; old = old->nexthash) if (old->no == no) return old->f; return 0; } unit * udestroy = NULL; /** distributes a unit's posessions to friendly units * this happens when units die and no own units are in the region */ void distribute_items(unit * u) { faction * f = u->faction; region * r = u->region; unit * au; int number = 0; struct friend { struct friend * next; int number; faction * faction; unit * unit; } * friends = NULL; if (u->items==NULL) return; for (au=r->units;au;au=au->next) if (au->faction!=f) { if (alliedunit(u, au->faction, HELP_MONEY) && alliedunit(au, f, HELP_GIVE)) { struct friend * nf, ** fr = &friends; while (*fr && (*fr)->faction->no<au->faction->no) fr = &(*fr)->next; nf = *fr; if (nf==NULL || nf->faction!=au->faction) { nf = malloc(sizeof(struct friend)); nf->next = *fr; nf->faction = au->faction; nf->unit = au; nf->number = 0; *fr = nf; } nf->number += au->number; number += au->number; } } if (friends && number) { struct friend * nf = friends; while (nf) { unit * u2 = nf->unit; item * itm = u->items; while (itm!=NULL) { const item_type * itype = itm->type; item * itn = itm->next; int n = itm->number; n = n * nf->number / number; if (n>0) { i_change(&u->items, itype, -n); i_change(&u2->items, itype, n); } itm = itn; } number -= nf->number; nf = nf->next; free(friends); friends = nf; } friends = NULL; } } void destroy_unit(unit * u) { region *r = u->region; boolean zombie = false; unit *clone; if (!ufindhash(u->no)) return; if (!fval(u->race, RCF_ILLUSIONARY)) { item ** p_item = &u->items; unit * u3; /* u->faction->no_units--; */ /* happens in u_setfaction now */ if (r) for (u3 = r->units; u3; u3 = u3->next) { if (u3 != u && u3->faction == u->faction && playerrace(u3->race)) { i_merge(&u3->items, &u->items); u->items = NULL; break; } } u3 = NULL; while (*p_item) { item * item = *p_item; if (item->number && item->type->flags & ITF_NOTLOST) { if (u3==NULL) { u3 = r->units; while (u3 && u3!=u) u3 = u3->next; if (!u3) { zombie = true; break; } } if (u3) { i_add(&u3->items, i_remove(p_item, item)); } } if (*p_item == item) p_item=&item->next; } if (u->items && strlen(u->faction->passw)>0) { distribute_items(u); } } /* Wir machen das erst nach dem Löschen der Items. Der Klon darf keine * Items haben, sonst Memory-Leak. */ clone = has_clone(u); if (clone && rand()%100 < 90) { attrib *a; int i; /* TODO: Messages generieren. */ u->region = clone->region; u->ship = clone->ship; u->building = clone->building; u->hp = 1; i = u->no; uunhash(u); uunhash(clone); u->no = clone->no; clone->no = i; uhash(u); uhash(clone); set_number(u, 1); set_spellpoints(u, 0); a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_clone); a_remove(&u->attribs, a); a = a_find(clone->attribs, &at_clonemage); a_remove(&clone->attribs, a); fset(u, UFL_LONGACTION); set_number(clone, 0); u = clone; zombie = false; } if (zombie) { u_setfaction(u, findfaction(MONSTER_FACTION)); scale_number(u, 1); u->race = u->irace = new_race[RC_ZOMBIE]; } else { if (u->number) set_number(u, 0); handle_event(&u->attribs, "destroy", u); if (r && rterrain(r) != T_OCEAN) rsetmoney(r, rmoney(r) + get_money(u)); dhash(u->no, u->faction); u_setfaction(u, NULL); if (r) leave(r, u); uunhash(u); if (r) choplist(&r->units, u); u->next = udestroy; udestroy = u; } } unit * findnewunit (const region * r, const faction *f, int n) { unit *u2; if (n == 0) return 0; for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) if (u2->faction == f && ualias(u2) == n) return u2; #ifdef FIND_FOREIGN_TEMP for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) if (ualias(u2) == n) return u2; #endif return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*********************/ /* at_alias */ /*********************/ attrib_type at_alias = { "alias", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, DEFAULT_AGE, NO_WRITE, NO_READ }; int ualias(const unit * u) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_alias); if (!a) return 0; return a->data.i; } /*********************/ /* at_private */ /*********************/ attrib_type at_private = { "private", DEFAULT_INIT, a_finalizestring, DEFAULT_AGE, a_writestring, a_readstring }; const char * uprivate(const unit * u) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_private); if (!a) return NULL; return (const char*)a->data.v; } void usetprivate(unit * u, const char * str) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_private); if(str == NULL) { if(a) a_remove(&u->attribs, a); return; } if (!a) a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_private)); if (a->data.v) free(a->data.v); a->data.v = strdup(str); } /*********************/ /* at_potionuser */ /*********************/ /* Einheit BENUTZT einen Trank */ attrib_type at_potionuser = { "potionuser", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, DEFAULT_AGE, NO_WRITE, NO_READ }; void usetpotionuse(unit * u, const potion_type * ptype) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_potionuser); if (!a) a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_potionuser)); a->data.v = (void*)ptype; } const potion_type * ugetpotionuse(const unit * u) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_potionuser); if (!a) return NULL; return (const potion_type *)a->data.v; } /*********************/ /* at_target */ /*********************/ attrib_type at_target = { "target", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, DEFAULT_AGE, NO_WRITE, NO_READ }; unit * utarget(const unit * u) { attrib * a; if (!fval(u, UFL_TARGET)) return NULL; a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_target); assert (a || !"flag set, but no target found"); return (unit*)a->data.v; } void usettarget(unit * u, const unit * t) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_target); if (!a && t) a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_target)); if (a) { if (!t) { a_remove(&u->attribs, a); freset(u, UFL_TARGET); } else { a->data.v = (void*)t; fset(u, UFL_TARGET); } } } /*********************/ /* at_siege */ /*********************/ void a_writesiege(const attrib * a, FILE * f) { struct building * b = (struct building*)a->data.v; write_building_reference(b, f); } int a_readsiege(attrib * a, FILE * f) { return read_building_reference((struct building**)&a->data.v, f); } attrib_type at_siege = { "siege", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, DEFAULT_AGE, a_writesiege, a_readsiege }; struct building * usiege(const unit * u) { attrib * a; if (!fval(u, UFL_SIEGE)) return NULL; a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_siege); assert (a || !"flag set, but no siege found"); return (struct building *)a->data.v; } void usetsiege(unit * u, const struct building * t) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_siege); if (!a && t) a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_siege)); if (a) { if (!t) { a_remove(&u->attribs, a); freset(u, UFL_SIEGE); } else { a->data.v = (void*)t; fset(u, UFL_SIEGE); } } } /*********************/ /* at_contact */ /*********************/ attrib_type at_contact = { "contact", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, DEFAULT_AGE, NO_WRITE, NO_READ }; void usetcontact(unit * u, const unit * u2) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_contact); while (a && a->data.v!=u2) a = a->nexttype; if (a) return; a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_contact))->data.v = (void*)u2; } boolean ucontact(const unit * u, const unit * u2) /* Prüft, ob u den Kontaktiere-Befehl zu u2 gesetzt hat. */ { attrib *ru; if (u->faction==u2->faction) return true; /* Explizites KONTAKTIERE */ for (ru = a_find(u->attribs, &at_contact); ru; ru = ru->nexttype) if (((unit*)ru->data.v) == u2) return true; return false; } /*** ** init & cleanup module **/ void free_units(void) { while (udestroy) { unit * u = udestroy; udestroy = udestroy->next; stripunit(u); free(u); } } void write_unit_reference(const unit * u, FILE * F) { fprintf(F, "%s ", (u!=NULL && u->no!=0)?itoa36(u->no):"0"); } void * resolve_unit(variant id) { return ufindhash(id.i); } int read_unit_reference(unit ** up, FILE * F) { char zId[10]; variant var; assert(up!=NULL); fscanf(F, "%s", zId); var.i = atoi36(zId); if (var.i==0) { *up = NULL; return AT_READ_FAIL; } *up = findunit(var.i); if (*up==NULL) ur_add(var, (void**)up, resolve_unit); return AT_READ_OK; } attrib_type at_stealth = { "stealth", NULL, NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_WRITE, DEFAULT_READ }; void u_seteffstealth(unit * u, int value) { attrib * a = NULL; if (fval(u, UFL_STEALTH)) { a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_stealth); } if (value<0) { if (a!=NULL) { freset(u, UFL_STEALTH); a_remove(&u->attribs, a); } return; } if (a==NULL) { a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_stealth)); fset(u, UFL_STEALTH); } a->data.i = value; } int u_geteffstealth(const struct unit * u) { if (fval(u, UFL_STEALTH)) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_stealth); if (a!=NULL) return a->data.i; } return -1; } int get_level(const unit * u, skill_t id) { skill * sv = u->skills; while (sv != u->skills + u->skill_size) { if (sv->id == id) { return sv->level; } ++sv; } return 0; } void set_level(unit * u, skill_t sk, int value) { skill * sv = u->skills; if (value==0) { remove_skill(u, sk); return; } while (sv != u->skills + u->skill_size) { if (sv->id == sk) { sk_set(sv, value); return; } ++sv; } sk_set(add_skill(u, sk), value); } static int leftship_age(struct attrib * a) { /* must be aged, so it doesn't affect report generation (cansee) */ unused(a); return 0; /* remove me */ } static attrib_type at_leftship = { "leftship", NULL, NULL, leftship_age }; static attrib * make_leftship(struct ship * leftship) { attrib * a = a_new(&at_leftship); a->data.v = leftship; return a; } void set_leftship(unit *u, ship *sh) { a_add(&u->attribs, make_leftship(sh)); } ship * leftship(const unit *u) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_leftship); /* Achtung: Es ist nicht garantiert, daß der Rückgabewert zu jedem * Zeitpunkt noch auf ein existierendes Schiff zeigt! */ if (a) return (ship *)(a->data.v); return NULL; } void leave_ship(unit * u) { struct ship * sh = u->ship; if (sh==NULL) return; u->ship = NULL; set_leftship(u, sh); if (fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { unit *u2, *owner = NULL; freset(u, UFL_OWNER); for (u2 = u->region->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) { if (u2->ship == sh) { if (u2->faction == u->faction) { owner = u2; break; } else if (owner==NULL) owner = u2; } } if (owner!=NULL) fset(owner, UFL_OWNER); } } void leave_building(unit * u) { struct building * b = u->building; if (!b) return; u->building = NULL; if (fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { unit *u2, *owner = NULL; freset(u, UFL_OWNER); for (u2 = u->region->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) { if (u2->building == b) { if (u2->faction == u->faction) { owner = u2; break; } else if (owner==NULL) owner = u2; } } if (owner!=NULL) fset(owner, UFL_OWNER); } } void leave(struct region * r, unit * u) { if (u->building) leave_building(u); else if (u->ship) leave_ship(u); unused(r); } const struct race * urace(const struct unit * u) { return u->race; } boolean can_survive(const unit *u, const region *r) { if (((terrain[rterrain(r)].flags & WALK_INTO) && (u->race->flags & RCF_WALK)) || ((terrain[rterrain(r)].flags & SWIM_INTO) && (u->race->flags & RCF_SWIM)) || ((terrain[rterrain(r)].flags & FLY_INTO) && (u->race->flags & RCF_FLY))) { if (get_item(u, I_HORSE) && !(terrain[rterrain(r)].flags & WALK_INTO)) return false; if (fval(u->race, RCF_UNDEAD) && is_cursed(r->attribs, C_HOLYGROUND, 0)) return false; return true; } return false; } void move_unit(unit * u, region * r, unit ** ulist) { int maxhp = 0; assert(u && r); if (u->region == r) return; if (u->region!=NULL) maxhp = unit_max_hp(u); if (!ulist) ulist = (&r->units); if (u->region) { #ifdef DELAYED_OFFENSE set_moved(&u->attribs); #endif setguard(u, GUARD_NONE); fset(u, UFL_MOVED); if (u->ship || u->building) leave(u->region, u); translist(&u->region->units, ulist, u); } else addlist(ulist, u); #ifdef SMART_INTERVALS update_interval(u->faction, r); #endif u->region = r; /* keine automatische hp reduzierung bei bewegung */ /* if (maxhp>0) u->hp = u->hp * unit_max_hp(u) / maxhp; */ } /* ist mist, aber wegen nicht skalierender attirbute notwendig: */ #include "alchemy.h" void transfermen(unit * u, unit * u2, int n) { const attrib * a; int hp = u->hp; region * r = u->region; if (!n) return; /* "hat attackiert"-status wird übergeben */ if (u2) { skill *sv, *sn; skill_t sk; assert(u2->number+n>0); if (demonfix && u2->race==new_race[RC_DAEMON]) fset(u2, UFL_DEBUG); for (sk=0; sk!=MAXSKILLS; ++sk) { double dlevel = 0.0; int weeks, level = 0; sv = get_skill(u, sk); sn = get_skill(u2, sk); if (sv==NULL && sn==NULL) continue; if (sv && sv->level) { dlevel += (sv->level + 1 - sv->weeks/(sv->level+1.0)) * n; level += sv->level * n; } if (sn && sn->level) { dlevel += (sn->level + 1 - sn->weeks/(sn->level+1.0)) * u2->number; level += sn->level * u2->number; } dlevel = dlevel / (n + u2->number); level = level / (n + u2->number); if (level<=dlevel) { /* apply the remaining fraction to the number of weeks to go. * subtract the according number of weeks, getting closer to the * next level */ level = (int)dlevel; weeks = (level+1) - (int)((dlevel - level) * (level+1)); } else { /* make it harder to reach the next level. * weeks+level is the max difficulty, 1 - the fraction between * level and dlevel applied to the number of weeks between this * and the previous level is the added difficutly */ level = (int)dlevel+1; weeks = 1 + 2 * level - (int)((1 + dlevel - level) * level); } if (level) { if (sn==NULL) sn = add_skill(u2, sk); sn->level = (unsigned char)level; sn->weeks = (unsigned char)weeks; assert(sn->weeks>0 && sn->weeks<=sn->level*2+1); } else if (sn) { remove_skill(u2, sk); sn = NULL; } } a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_effect); while (a) { effect_data * olde = (effect_data*)a->data.v; if (olde->value) change_effect(u2, olde->type, olde->value); a = a->nexttype; } if (fval(u, UFL_LONGACTION)) fset(u2, UFL_LONGACTION); if (u->attribs) { transfer_curse(u, u2, n); } } scale_number(u, u->number - n); if (u2) { set_number(u2, u2->number + n); hp -= u->hp; u2->hp += hp; /* TODO: Das ist schnarchlahm! und gehört ncht hierhin */ a = a_find(u2->attribs, &at_effect); while (a) { attrib * an = a->nexttype; effect_data * olde = (effect_data*)a->data.v; int e = get_effect(u, olde->type); if (e!=0) change_effect(u2, olde->type, -e); a = an; } } else if (r->land) if(u->race != new_race[RC_DAEMON]) { if(u->race != new_race[RC_URUK]) { rsetpeasants(r, rpeasants(r) + n); } else { rsetpeasants(r, rpeasants(r) + n/2); } } } struct building * inside_building(const struct unit * u) { if (u->building==NULL) return NULL; if (!fval(u->building, BLD_WORKING)) { /* Unterhalt nicht bezahlt */ return NULL; } else if (u->building->size < u->building->type->maxsize) { /* Gebäude noch nicht fertig */ return NULL; } else { int p = 0, cap = buildingcapacity(u->building); const unit * u2; for (u2 = u->region->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) { if (u2->building == u->building) { p += u2->number; if (u2 == u) { if (p <= cap) return u->building; return NULL; } if (p > cap) return NULL; } } } return NULL; } void u_setfaction(unit * u, faction * f) { int cnt = u->number; if (u->faction==f) return; if (u->faction) { unit ** iunit; set_number(u, 0); if (playerrace(u->race)) { --u->faction->no_units; } join_group(u, NULL); free_orders(&u->orders); set_order(&u->thisorder, NULL); #ifdef LASTORDER set_order(&u->lastorder, NULL); #endif iunit = &u->faction->units; while (*iunit && *iunit!=u) { iunit=&(*iunit)->nextF; } assert(*iunit); *iunit = u->nextF; } if (f!=NULL) { u->nextF = f->units; f->units = u; } else u->nextF = NULL; u->faction = f; if (u->region) update_interval(f, u->region); if (cnt && f) { set_number(u, cnt); if (playerrace(u->race)) { ++f->no_units; } } } /* vorsicht Sprüche können u->number == 0 (RS_FARVISION) haben! */ void set_number(unit * u, int count) { assert (count >= 0); assert (count <= USHRT_MAX); #ifndef NDEBUG assert (u->faction != 0 || u->number > 0); #endif if (playerrace(u->race)) { u->faction->num_people += count - u->number; } u->number = (unsigned short)count; } boolean learn_skill(unit * u, skill_t sk, double chance) { skill * sv = u->skills; if (chance < 1.0 && rand()%10000>=chance*10000) return false; while (sv != u->skills + u->skill_size) { assert (sv->weeks>0); if (sv->id == sk) { if (sv->weeks<=1) { sk_set(sv, sv->level+1); } else { sv->weeks--; } return true; } ++sv; } sv = add_skill(u, sk); sk_set(sv, 1); return true; } void remove_skill(unit *u, skill_t sk) { skill * sv = u->skills; for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) { if (sv->id==sk) { skill * sl = u->skills + u->skill_size - 1; if (sl!=sv) { *sv = *sl; } --u->skill_size; return; } } } skill * add_skill(unit * u, skill_t id) { skill * sv = u->skills; #ifndef NDEBUG for (sv = u->skills; sv != u->skills + u->skill_size; ++sv) { assert(sv->id != id); } #endif ++u->skill_size; u->skills = realloc(u->skills, u->skill_size * sizeof(skill)); sv = (u->skills + u->skill_size - 1); sv->level = (unsigned char)0; sv->weeks = (unsigned char)1; sv->old = (unsigned char)0; sv->id = (unsigned char)id; return sv; } skill * get_skill(const unit * u, skill_t sk) { skill * sv = u->skills; while (sv!=u->skills+u->skill_size) { if (sv->id==sk) return sv; ++sv; } return NULL; } boolean has_skill(const unit * u, skill_t sk) { skill * sv = u->skills; while (sv!=u->skills+u->skill_size) { if (sv->id==sk) { return (sv->level>0); } ++sv; } return false; } static int item_modification(const unit *u, skill_t sk, int val) { /* Presseausweis: *2 Spionage, 0 Tarnung */ if(sk == SK_SPY && get_item(u, I_PRESSCARD) >= u->number) { val = val * 2; } else if(sk == SK_STEALTH) { #if NEWATSROI == 1 if (get_item(u, I_RING_OF_INVISIBILITY) + 100 * get_item(u, I_SPHERE_OF_INVISIBILITY) >= u->number) { val += ROIBONUS; } #endif if(get_item(u, I_PRESSCARD) >= u->number) { val = 0; } } #if NEWATSROI == 1 if(sk == SK_OBSERVATION) { if(get_item(u, I_AMULET_OF_TRUE_SEEING) >= u->number) { val += ATSBONUS; } } #endif return val; } static int att_modification(const unit *u, skill_t sk) { int bonus = 0, malus = 0; attrib * a; int result = 0; static boolean init = false; static const curse_type * skillmod_ct, * gbdream_ct, * worse_ct; if (!init) { init = true; skillmod_ct = ct_find("skillmod"); gbdream_ct = ct_find("gbdream"); worse_ct = ct_find("worse"); } result += curse_geteffect(get_curse(u->attribs, worse_ct)); if (skillmod_ct) { curse * c; variant var; var.i = sk; c = get_cursex(u->attribs, skillmod_ct, var, cmp_cursedata_int); result += curse_geteffect(c); } /* TODO hier kann nicht mit get/iscursed gearbeitet werden, da nur der * jeweils erste vom Typ C_GBDREAM zurückgegen wird, wir aber alle * durchsuchen und aufaddieren müssen */ a = a_select(u->region->attribs, gbdream_ct, cmp_cursetype); while (a) { curse * c = (curse*)a->data.v; int mod = curse_geteffect(c); unit * mage = c->magician; /* wir suchen jeweils den größten Bonus und den größten Malus */ if (mod>0 && (mage==NULL || alliedunit(mage, u->faction, HELP_GUARD))) { if (mod > bonus ) bonus = mod; } else if (mod < 0 && (mage == NULL || !alliedunit(mage, u->faction, HELP_GUARD))) { if (mod < malus ) malus = mod; } a = a_select(a->next, gbdream_ct, cmp_cursetype); } result = result + bonus + malus; return result; } int get_modifier(const unit *u, skill_t sk, int level, const region *r, boolean noitem) { int bskill = level; int skill = bskill; if (r->planep && sk == SK_STEALTH && fval(r->planep, PFL_NOSTEALTH)) return 0; assert(r); skill += rc_skillmod(u->race, r, sk); skill += att_modification(u, sk); if (noitem == false) { skill = item_modification(u, sk, skill); } skill = skillmod(u->attribs, u, r, sk, skill, SMF_ALWAYS); if (fspecial(u->faction, FS_TELEPATHY)) { switch(sk) { case SK_ALCHEMY: case SK_HERBALISM: case SK_MAGIC: case SK_SPY: case SK_STEALTH: case SK_OBSERVATION: break; default: skill -= 2; } } #ifdef HUNGER_REDUCES_SKILL if (fval(u, UFL_HUNGER)) { skill = skill/2; } #endif return skill - bskill; } int eff_skill(const unit * u, skill_t sk, const region * r) { int level = get_level(u, sk); if (level>0) { int mlevel = level + get_modifier(u, sk, level, r, false); if (mlevel>0) { int skillcap = SkillCap(sk); if (skillcap && mlevel>skillcap) { return skillcap; } return mlevel; } } return 0; } int eff_skill_study(const unit * u, skill_t sk, const region * r) { int level = get_level(u, sk); if (level>0) { int mlevel = level + get_modifier(u, sk, level, r, true); if (mlevel>0) return mlevel; } return 0; } int invisible(const unit *target, const unit * viewer) { #if NEWATSROI == 1 return 0; #else if (viewer && viewer->faction==target->faction) return 0; else { int hidden = get_item(target, I_RING_OF_INVISIBILITY) + 100 * get_item(target, I_SPHERE_OF_INVISIBILITY); if (hidden) { hidden = min(hidden, target->number); if (viewer) hidden -= get_item(viewer, I_AMULET_OF_TRUE_SEEING); } return hidden; } #endif } void stripunit(unit * u) { free(u->name); free(u->display); free_orders(&u->orders); if(u->skills) free(u->skills); while (u->items) { item * it = u->items->next; u->items->next = NULL; i_free(u->items); u->items = it; } while (u->attribs) a_remove (&u->attribs, u->attribs); while (u->reservations) { struct reservation *res = u->reservations; u->reservations = res->next; free(res); } } void unitlist_clear(struct unit_list **ul) { while (*ul) { unit_list * rl2 = (*ul)->next; free(*ul); *ul = rl2; } } void unitlist_insert(struct unit_list **ul, struct unit *u) { unit_list *rl2 = (unit_list*)malloc(sizeof(unit_list)); rl2->data = u; rl2->next = *ul; *ul = rl2; } #ifdef HEROES int maxheroes(const struct faction * f) { int nsize = count_all(f); if (nsize==0) return 0; else { int nmax = (int)(log10(nsize / 50.0) * 20); return (nmax<0)?0:nmax; } } int countheroes(const struct faction * f) { const unit * u = f->units; int n = 0; while (u) { if (fval(u, UFL_HERO)) n+= u->number; u = u->nextF; } return n; } #endif