/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include <config.h> #include "eressea.h" #include "skill.h" #include "unit.h" #include "item.h" #include "magic.h" #include "race.h" #include "curse.h" #include "region.h" #include "karma.h" #include <util/attrib.h> #include <util/goodies.h> /* libc includes */ #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> static const char *skillnames[MAXSKILLS] = { "sk_alchemy", "sk_crossbow", "sk_mining", "sk_bow", "sk_building", "sk_trade", "sk_forestry", "sk_catapult", "sk_herbalism", "sk_magic", "sk_training", "sk_riding", "sk_armorer", "sk_shipcraft", "sk_melee", "sk_sailing", "sk_polearm", "sk_espionage", "sk_quarrying", "sk_roadwork", "sk_tactics", "sk_stealth", "sk_entertainment", "sk_weaponsmithing", "sk_cartmaking", "sk_perception", "sk_taxation", "sk_stamina", "sk_unarmed" }; const char * skillname(skill_t sk, const struct locale * lang) { return locale_string(lang, skillnames[sk]); } skill_t sk_find(const char * name) { skill_t i; if (name==NULL) return NOSKILL; for (i=0;i!=MAXSKILLS;++i) { if (strcmp(name, skillnames[i])==0) return i; } return NOSKILL; } /** skillmod attribut **/ static void init_skillmod(attrib * a) { a->data.v = calloc(sizeof(skillmod_data), 1); } static void finalize_skillmod(attrib * a) { free(a->data.v); } attrib_type at_skillmod = { "skillmod", init_skillmod, finalize_skillmod, NULL, NULL, /* can't write function pointers */ NULL, /* can't read function pointers */ ATF_PRESERVE }; attrib * make_skillmod(skill_t sk, unsigned int flags, skillmod_fun special, double multiplier, int bonus) { attrib * a = a_new(&at_skillmod); skillmod_data * smd = (skillmod_data*)a->data.v; smd->skill=sk; smd->special=special; smd->bonus=bonus; smd->multiplier=multiplier; smd->flags=flags; return a; } int skillmod(const attrib * a, const unit * u, const region * r, skill_t sk, int value, int flags) { for (a = a_find((attrib*)a, &at_skillmod); a; a=a->nexttype) { skillmod_data * smd = (skillmod_data *)a->data.v; if (smd->skill!=NOSKILL && smd->skill!=sk) continue; if (flags!=SMF_ALWAYS && (smd->flags & flags) == 0) continue; if (smd->special) { value = smd->special(u, r, sk, value); if (value<0) return value; /* pass errors back to caller */ } if (smd->multiplier) value = (int)(value*smd->multiplier); value += smd->bonus; } return value; } int skill_mod(const race * rc, skill_t sk, terrain_t t) { int result = 0; result = rc->bonus[sk]; switch (sk) { case SK_TACTICS: if (rc == new_race[RC_DWARF]) { if (t == T_MOUNTAIN || t == T_GLACIER || t == T_ICEBERG_SLEEP) ++result; } break; } if (rc == new_race[RC_INSECT]) { if (t == T_MOUNTAIN || t == T_GLACIER || t == T_ICEBERG_SLEEP || t == T_ICEBERG) --result; else if (t == T_DESERT || t == T_SWAMP) ++result; } return result; } #define RCMODMAXHASH 31 static struct skillmods { struct skillmods * next; const struct race * race; struct modifiers { int value[MAXSKILLS]; } mod[MAXTERRAINS]; } * modhash[RCMODMAXHASH]; static struct skillmods * init_skills(const race * rc) { terrain_t t; struct skillmods *mods = (struct skillmods*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct skillmods)); mods->race = rc; for (t=0;t!=MAXTERRAINS;++t) { skill_t sk; for (sk=0;sk!=MAXSKILLS;++sk) { mods->mod[t].value[sk] = skill_mod(rc, sk, t); } } return mods; } int rc_skillmod(const struct race * rc, const region *r, skill_t sk) { int mods; unsigned int index = hashstring(rc->_name[0]) % RCMODMAXHASH; struct skillmods **imods = &modhash[index]; while (*imods && (*imods)->race!=rc) imods = &(*imods)->next; if (*imods==NULL) { *imods = init_skills(rc); } mods = (*imods)->mod[rterrain(r)].value[sk]; if (rc == new_race[RC_ELF] && r_isforest(r)) switch (sk) { case SK_OBSERVATION: ++mods; break; case SK_STEALTH: if (r_isforest(r)) ++mods; break; case SK_TACTICS: if (r_isforest(r)) mods += 2; break; } return mods; } void skill_init(void) { } void skill_done(void) { int i; for (i = 0;i!=RCMODMAXHASH;++i) { while (modhash[i]) { struct skillmods * mods = modhash[i]; modhash[i] = mods->next; free(mods); } } } int level_days(int level) { return 30 * ((level+1) * level / 2); } int level(int days) { int i; static int ldays[64]; static boolean init = false; if (!init) { init = true; for (i=0;i!=64;++i) ldays[i] = level_days(i+1); } for (i=0;i!=64;++i) if (ldays[i]>days) return i; return i; } void sk_set(skill * sv, int level) { assert(level!=0); sv->weeks = (unsigned char)skill_weeks(level); sv->level = (unsigned char)level; } int skill_weeks(int level) /* how many weeks must i study to get from level to level+1 */ { int coins = 2*level; int heads = 1; while (coins--) { heads += rand() % 2; } return heads; } void reduce_skill(unit * u, skill * sv, unsigned int weeks) { sv->weeks+=weeks; while (sv->level>0 && sv->level*2+1<sv->weeks) { sv->weeks -= sv->level; --sv->level; } if (sv->level==0) { /* reroll */ sv->weeks = (unsigned char)skill_weeks(sv->level); } } int skill_compare(const skill * sk, const skill * sc) { if (sk->level > sc->level) return 1; if (sk->level < sc->level) return -1; if (sk->weeks < sc->weeks) return 1; if (sk->weeks > sc->weeks) return -1; return 0; }