#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from os import unlink, symlink, rename, popen, tmpfile import sys import os import os.path import ConfigParser import subprocess from re import compile, IGNORECASE from string import split, join, upper, strip from sys import argv, exit from time import sleep, time, ctime from syslog import openlog, closelog, syslog from epasswd import EPasswd def pwd_get_email(faction, pwd, pwdfile=None): return None def split_filename(filename): return os.path.split(filename) messages = { "subject-de": "Befehle angekommen", "subject-en": "orders received", "validate-en": "Validating", "validate-de": "Verarbeite", "noorders-en": "The email contained no recognizable orders.", "noorders-de": "Es konnten keine Befehle gefunden werden.", "faction-en": "Faction", "faction-de": "Partei", "unknown-de": "WARNUNG: Die Partei ist nicht bekannt, oder das Passwort falsch!", "unknown-en": "WARNING: This faction is unknown, or the password is incorrect!", "warning-de": "Warnung", "warning-en": "Warning", "error-de": "Fehler", "error-en": "Error", } game = int(sys.argv[1]) echeck_cmd = "/home/eressea/echeck/echeck.sh" maxlines = 25 # base directory for all your games: install_dir = "/home/eressea/eressea" if 'ERESSEA' in os.environ: install_dir = os.environ['ERESSEA'] elif 'HOME' in os.environ: install_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'eressea') if not os.path.isdir(install_dir): print "please set the ERESSEA environment variable to the install path" sys.exit(1) game_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, "game-%d" % (game, )) gamename = 'Eressea' inifile = os.path.join(game_dir, 'eressea.ini') queue_file = os.path.join(game_dir, "orders.queue") if not os.path.exists(queue_file): exit(0) # regular expression that finds the start of a faction fact_re = compile("^\s*(eressea|partei|faction)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+\"?([^\"]*)\"?", IGNORECASE) def check_pwd(filename, email, pw_data): results = [] try: file = open(filename, "r") except: print "could not open file", filename return results for line in file.readlines(): mo = fact_re.search(strip(line)) if mo != None: fact_nr = str(mo.group(2)) fact_pw = str(mo.group(3)) if pw_data.fac_exists(fact_nr): if not pw_data.check(fact_nr, fact_pw): game_email = pw_data.get_email(fact_nr) results = results + [ (fact_nr, game_email, False, fact_pw) ] else: game_email = pw_data.get_email(fact_nr) results = results + [ (fact_nr, game_email, True, fact_pw) ] else: results = results + [ (fact_nr, None, False, fact_pw) ] return results def echeck(filename, locale, rules): dirname, filename = split_filename(filename) stream = popen("%s %s %s %s %s" % (echeck_cmd, locale, filename, dirname, rules), 'r') lines = stream.readlines() if len(lines)==0: stream.close() return None if len(lines)>maxlines: mail = join(lines[:maxlines-3] + ["...", "\n"] + lines[-3:], '') else: mail = join(lines[:maxlines], '') stream.close() return mail #print "reading password file..." pw_data = EPasswd() try: pw_data.load_database(os.path.join(game_dir, "eressea.db")) except: pw_data.load_file(os.path.join(game_dir, "passwd")) #print "reading orders.queue..." # move the queue file to a safe space while locking it: queuefile = open(queue_file, "r") lines = queuefile.readlines() queuefile.close() # copy to a temp file tname="/tmp/orders.queue.%s" % str(time()) tmpfile=open(tname, "w") for line in lines: tmpfile.write(line) tmpfile.close() openlog("orders") for line in lines: tokens = split(line[:-1], ' ') dict = {} for token in tokens: name, value = split(token, '=') dict[name] = value email = dict["email"] locale = dict["locale"] game = int(dict["game"]) infile = dict["file"] gamename='[E%d]' % game rules='e%d' % game warning = "" failed = True results = check_pwd(infile, email, pw_data) logfile = open(os.path.join(game_dir, "zug.log"), "a") dirname, filename = split_filename(infile) msg = messages["validate-"+locale] + " " + infile + "\n\n" if len(results)==0: msg = msg + messages["noorders-"+locale] for faction, game_email, success, pwd in results: msg = msg + messages["faction-"+locale] + " " + faction + "\n" if success: failed = False else: msg = msg + messages["unknown-"+locale] + "\n" msg = msg + "\n" logfile.write("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" % (ctime(time()), email, game_email, faction, pwd, success)) logfile.close() if failed: warning = " (" + messages["warning-" + locale] + ")" syslog("failed - no valid password in " + infile) else: result = None if os.path.exists(echeck_cmd): result = echeck(infile, locale, rules) if result is None: # echeck did not finish msg = msg + "Echeck is broken. Your turn was accepted, but could not be verified.\n" warning = " (" + messages["warning-" + locale] + ")" syslog("process - echeck broken, " + infile) else: msg = msg + result syslog("process - checked orders in " + infile) subject = gamename + " " + messages["subject-" + locale] + warning try: sp = subprocess.Popen(['mutt', '-s', subject, email], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) sp.communicate(msg) except: syslog("failed - cannot send to " + email) closelog() unlink(tname)