<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <messages> <message name="force_leave_ship" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="owner" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">$unit($owner) bittet $unit($unit), $ship($ship) zu verlassen.</text> <text locale="en">$unit($owner) asks $unit($unit) to leave $ship($ship).</text> </message> <message name="force_leave_building" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="owner" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">$unit($owner) bittet $unit($unit), $building($building) zu verlassen.</text> <text locale="en">$unit($owner) asks $unit($unit) to leave $building($building).</text> </message> <message name="alp_destroyed" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">Ein Alp starb in $region($region), ohne sein Ziel zu erreichen.</text> <text locale="en">An alp died in $region($region) before reaching its target.</text> </message> <message name="nr_claims" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="items" type="items"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Einheiten k�nnen die folgenden Gegenst�nde beanspruchen: $resources($items)"</text> <text locale="en">"Units can claim the following items: $resources($items)"</text> </message> <message name="sighting" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$if($isnull($region),"Es","In $region($region)") wurde$if($eq($number,1),"","n") $int($number) $race($race,$number) gesichtet."</text> <text locale="en">"$if($isnull($region),"","In $region($region), ")$int($number) $race($race,$number) were discovered."</text> </message> <message name="mallorn_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) l��t einen Teil seiner selbst in die Erde fliessen. Die B�ume, die Transformation �berlebt haben, erscheinen nun viel kr�ftiger."</text> <text locale="fr">"The power of $unit($mage) flows into the region and the trees which survived the spell appear stronger now."</text> <text locale="en">"The power of $unit($mage) flows into the ground and the trees which survived the spell appear much stronger now."</text> </message> <message name="flying_ship_result" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt einen Luftgeist, der die $ship($ship) in die Wolken hebt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons a wind spirit that lifts the $ship($ship) into the clouds."</text> </message> <message name="confusion_result" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt einen Schleier der Verwirrung."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons a fog of confusion."</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::Feuerwand"> <type><arg name="id" type="int"/></type> <text locale="de">Eine Feuerwand blockiert die Ein- und Ausreise. ($int36($id))</text> <text locale="en">A wall of fire blocks entry and exit. ($int36($id))</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::magicboost"> <type><arg name="id" type="int"/></type> <text locale="de">Der Magier besitzt die Gabe des Chaos. ($int36($id))</text> <text locale="en">The magician possesses the gift of Chaos. ($int36($id))</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::slavery"> <type><arg name="id" type="int"/></type> <text locale="de">Dieser m�chtige Bann scheint die Einheit ihres freien Willens zu berauben. Solange der Zauber wirkt, wird sie nur den Befehlen ihres neuen Herrn gehorchen. ($int36($id))</text> <text locale="en">This powerful curse appears to rob the unit of its free will. As long as the curse is active, it will only obey the orders of its new lord. ($int36($id))</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::calmmonster"> <type><arg name="id" type="int"/></type> <text locale="de">Dieser Beeinflussungszauber scheint die Einheit einem ganz bestimmten Volk wohlgesonnen zu machen. ($int36($id))</text> <text locale="en">This enchantment appears to make the unit well-disposed towards a particular faction. ($int36($id))</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::maelstrom"> <type><arg name="id" type="int"/></type> <text locale="de">Dieser Zauber verursacht einen gigantischen magischen Strudel. Der Mahlstrom wird alle Schiffe, die in seinen Sog geraten, schwer besch�digen. ($int36($id))</text> <text locale="en">This spell causes a gargantuan vortex. The maelstrom will heavily damage all ships coming into its wake. ($int36($id))</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::healingzone"> <type><arg name="id" type="int"/></type> <text locale="de">Heilung ist in dieser Region magisch beeinflusst. ($int36($id))</text> <text locale="en">Healing in this region is affected by magic. ($int36($id))</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::shipdisorientation"> <type><arg name="id" type="int"/></type> <text locale="de">Dieses Schiff hat sich verfahren. ($int36($id))</text> <text locale="en">This ship has lost its path. ($int36($id))</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ist im Traum eine Fee erschienen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"In a dream, a fairy appears to $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_2" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird von b�sen Alptr�umen geplagt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is haunted by terrbile nightmares. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_3" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird von einem glitzernden Funkenregen umgeben. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is surrounded by a shower of glittering sparkles. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_4" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein schimmernder Lichterkranz umgibt $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A circle of shimmering lights surrounds $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_5" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine Melodie erklingt, und $unit($unit) tanzt bis sp�t in die Nacht hinein. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A haunting melody fills the air, and $unit($unit) dances until late into the night. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_6" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) findet eine kleine Fl�te, die eine wundersame Melodie spielt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) finds a small flute that plays a beautiful melody. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_7" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Frauen des nahegelegenen Dorfes bewundern $unit($unit) verstohlen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The women of the nearby village cast furtive looks at $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_8" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine Gruppe vorbeiziehender Bergarbeiter rufen $unit($unit) eindeutig Zweideutiges nach. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A group of passing miners makes passes at $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_9" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) bekommt von einer Schlange einen Apfel angeboten. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A large green snake offers $unit($unit) a fine-looking apple. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::antimagiczone" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="en">"A spell is deflecting magical energies and weakening all other spells cast in the region. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="de">"Dieser Zauber scheint magische Energien irgendwie abzuleiten und so alle in der Region gezauberten Spr�che in ihrer Wirkung zu schw�chen oder ganz zu verhindern. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_10" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein Einhorn ber�hrt $unit($unit) mit seinem Horn und verschwindet kurz darauf im Unterholz. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A unicorn touches $unit($unit) with its horn and vanishes into the forest quickly after. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_11" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Vogelzwitschern begleitet $unit($unit) auf all seinen Wegen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Bird songs follow $unit($unit) on all his travels. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_12" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Leuchtende Blumen erbl�hen rund um das Lager von $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Brightly coloured flowers pop up all around $unit($unit)'s camp. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_13" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"�ber $unit($unit) zieht eine Gruppe Geier ihre Kreise. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A group of vultures circles above $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_14" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Kopf von $unit($unit) hat sich in einen grinsenden Totensch�del verwandelt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The head of $unit($unit) has turned into a madly grinning skull. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_15" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ratten folgen $unit($unit) auf Schritt und Tritt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Rats follow $unit($unit)'s every step. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_16" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Pestbeulen befallen den K�rper von $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The body of $unit($unit) is disfigured by hideous boils. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_17" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine dunkle Fee erscheint $unit($unit) im Schlaf. Sie ist von schauriger Sch�nheit. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A dark and mysterious fairy appears before $unit($unit). She is of bewitching beauty. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::sparkle_18" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"F�ulnisgeruch dringt $unit($unit) aus allen K�rper�ffnungen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The stench of decay is poring from all the orifices of $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::calm_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="faction" type="faction"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) scheint $faction($faction) zu m�gen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) likes $faction($faction). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::calm_0" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) scheint $race($race, 0) zu m�gen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) seems to like $race($race, 0). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::skill_2" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ist ungew�hnlich ungeschickt in $skill($skill). ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) has some troubles with $skill($skill). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::skill_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ist ungew�hnlich geschickt in $skill($skill). ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is incredibly skilled at $skill($skill). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::slave_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="duration" type="int"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird noch $int($duration) $if($eq($duration,1), "Woche", "Wochen") unter unserem Bann stehen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) will be under our influence for $int($duration) more $if($eq($duration,1), "week", "weeks"). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::speed_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="duration" type="int"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), "Person", "Personen") von $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), "ist", "sind") noch $int($duration) $if($eq($duration,1), "Woche", "Wochen") beschleunigt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), "member", "members") of $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), "is", "are") accelerated for $int($duration) more $if($eq($duration,1), "week", "weeks"). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::warmth_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), "Person", "Personen") von $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), "f�hlt", "f�hlen") sich vor K�lte gesch�tzt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$int($number) $if($eq($number,1), "member", "members") of $unit($unit) $if($eq($number,1), "is", "are") protected from the cold. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::ship_unknown" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf dem Schiff. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"An unknown spell lies on this ship. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::unit_unknown" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf der Einheit. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"An unknown spell lies on this unit. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::building_unknown" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf dem Geb�ude. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"An unknown spell lies on this building. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::region_unknown" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein unbekannter Zauber liegt auf der Region. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"An unknown spell lies on this region. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::riotzone" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine Wolke negativer Energie liegt �ber der Region. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"A fog of negative energy enshrouds the region. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A fog of negative energy enshrouds the region. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::strength" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Leute strotzen nur so vor Kraft. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Testosterone levels are at an all-time high. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::worse" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird von einem Alp geritten. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is chased by a nightmare. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::orcish" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) st�rzt sich von einem amour�sen Abenteuer ins n�chste. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) goes from one amourous adventure to another. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) goes from one amourous adventure to another. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::fumble" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) kann sich kaum konzentrieren. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) can hardly focus on anything. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) can hardly focus on anything. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::itemcloak" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Ausr�stung von $unit($unit) scheint unsichtbar. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit)'s equipment is invisible. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit)'s equipment is invisible. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::magicresistance" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die nat�rliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung ist gest�rkt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The magical resistance has been strengthened. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::goodmagicresistancezone" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die nat�rliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde gest�rkt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The magical resistance of some units in this region was boosted. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::badmagicresistancezone" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die nat�rliche Widerstandskraft gegen Verzauberung bestimmter Einheiten in dieser Region wurde geschw�cht. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The magical resistance of some units in this region was weakened. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::magicwalls" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Diese Mauern wirken, als w�ren sie direkt aus der Erde gewachsen und nicht erbaut. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"These walls appear to have grown straight out of the earth. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::buildingunknown" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein magischer Schimmer liegt auf diesen Mauern. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A magical shimmer lies on these walls. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::magicstreetwarn" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Stra�en sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar, doch an manchen Stellen bilden sich wieder die erste Schlamml�cher. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The roads are extremely dry and well-kept, but some areas show the first signs of potholes reappearing. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::magicstreet" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Stra�en sind erstaunlich trocken und gut begehbar. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The roads are extremely dry and well-kept. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::baddream" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Albtr�ume plagen die Leute. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Nightmares plague the population. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::gooddream" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Leute haben sch�ne Tr�ume. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The people in this region have sweet dreams. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::godcurseocean" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Diese Region wurde von den G�ttern verflucht. Das Meer ist eine ekelige Br�he, braunschwarze, stinkende Gase steigen aus den unergr�ndlichen Tiefen hervor, und untote Seeungeheuer, Schiffe zerfressend und giftige gr�ne Galle geifernd, sind der Schrecken aller Seeleute, die diese Gew�sser durchqueren. Niemand kann hier lange �berleben. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"This region was cursed by the gods. The sea is a foul cesspool, noxious gases rise from the deep, undead seamonsters attack all ships. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::godcurse" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Diese Region wurde von den G�ttern verflucht. Stinkende Nebel ziehen �ber die tote Erde und furchtbare Kreaturen ziehen �ber das Land. Die Brunnen sind vergiftet, und die wenigen essbaren Fr�chte sind von einem rosa Pilz �berzogen. Niemand kann hier lange �berleben. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"This region was cursed by the gods. Stinking vapors billow over the dead ground and hideous creatures move about the country. The wells are poisened and the edible plants are covered by a pink fungus. Noone can live here for long. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::disorientationzone" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein Schleier der Verwirrung liegt �ber der Region. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A veil of confusion lies over the region. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::deathcloud" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In der Region treibt ein Giftelementar sein Unwesen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A poison elemental is spreading pestilence and death. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::peacezone" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die ganze Region ist von einer friedlichen Stimmung erfasst. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Everyone in this region seems to be in a peacful mood. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::generous" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Es herrscht eine fr�hliche und ausgelassene Stimmung. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Everyone in this region seems to be having a very good time. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::depression" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Bauern sind unzufrieden. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The peasants are upset. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::badlearn" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Alle Leute in der Region haben Schlafst�rungen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"People in this region suffer from insomnia. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::drought" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In dieser Gegend herrscht eine D�rre. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"This region was hit by a drought. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::blessedharvest" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In dieser Gegend steht das Korn besonders gut im Feld. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The grain in this region is especially healthy. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::shipspeedup" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Winde scheinen dieses Schiff besonders zu beguenstigen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The winds seem to favor this ship. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::holyground" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Untote schrecken vor dieser Region zur�ck. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The undead turn away from this region. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::nocostbuilding" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Zahn der Zeit kann diesen Mauern nichts anhaben. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Time cannot touch these walls. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::fogtrap" section="events"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Dichte Nebel bedecken diese Woche die Region. Keine Einheit schafft es, diese Nebel zu durchdringen und die Region zu verlassen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="fr">"heavy fog makes it impossible to leave the region. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Heavy fog makes it impossible to leave the region. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="use_speedsail" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="speed" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) setzt ein Sonnensegel. Die Geschwindigkeit des Schiffes erh�ht um $int($speed)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) sets a solar sail. The ship's speed is increased by $int($speed)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) sets a solar sail. The ship's speed is increased by $int($speed)."</text> </message> <message name="missing_message" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="name" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Interner Fehler: Meldung '$name' nicht definiert."</text> <text locale="en">"Internal Error: Message '$name' is undefined."</text> </message> <message name="missing_feedback" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="name" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Interner Fehler: Meldung '$name' nicht definiert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Internal Error: Message '$name' is undefined."</text> </message> <message name="use_questkey_wrongregion" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier ist kein passendes Schloss."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No fitting lock can be found here."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No fitting lock can be found here."</text> </message> <message name="questportal_unlock" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="key" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) �ffnet eines der Schl�sser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),"dem Achatenen Schl�ssel","dem Saphirnen Schl�ssel")."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) unlocks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) unlocks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")."</text> </message> <message name="questportal_lock" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="key" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verschlie�t eines der Schl�sser in $region($region) mit $if($eq($key,1),"dem Achatenen Schl�ssel","dem Saphirnen Schl�ssel")."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) locks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) locks one of the locks in $region($region) with $if($eq($key,1),"the Agate Key","the Sapphire Key")."</text> </message> <message name="becomewere" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) verwandelt sich in ein Werwesen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) becomes a lycantrope."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) becomes a lycantrope."</text> </message> <message name="victory_murder_complete" section="events"> <type> <arg name="winners" type="string"/> <arg name="n" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"SIEG! $if($eq($n,1), "Die Partei $winners hat", "Die Parteien $winners haben") die Siegbedingung f�r die erforderliche Zeit erf�llt. Das Spiel ist damit beendet."</text> <text locale="fr">"VICTORY! $if($eq($n,1), "The faction $winners has", "The factions $winners have") fulfilled the victory condition for the necessary time. The game is over."</text> <text locale="en">"VICTORY! $if($eq($n,1), "The faction $winners has", "The factions $winners have") fulfilled the victory condition for the necessary time. The game is over."</text> </message> <message name="victory_murder_cfulfilled" section="events"> <type> <arg name="faction" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Achtung: $faction($faction) hat die Siegbedingungen erf�llt und wird in $if($eq($remain,1),"einer Woche","$int($remain) Wochen") zum Sieger erkl�rt werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"Attention: $faction($faction) has fulfilled the victory condition and will be declared winner in $if($eq($remain,1),"one week","$int($remain) weeks")."</text> <text locale="en">"Attention: $faction($faction) has fulfilled the victory condition and will be declared winner in $if($eq($remain,1),"one week","$int($remain) weeks")."</text> </message> <message name="killedbygm" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="string" type="string"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von einem GM gel�scht: \"$string\"."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) was removed by a GM: \"$string\"."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) was removed by a GM: \"$string\"."</text> </message> <message name="displayitem" section="events"> <type> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> <arg name="description" type="string"/> <arg name="weight" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$resource($item,1) (Gewicht: $weight($weight)): $description"</text> <text locale="en">"$resource($item,1) (weight: $weight($weight)): $description"</text> </message> <message name="healall" section="events"> <type> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein Hauch des Lebens liegt �ber der Welt und alle Wesen f�hlen sich frisch und erholt."</text> <text locale="fr">"Life itself touches the world and all beings are healed."</text> <text locale="en">"Life itself touches the world and all beings are healed."</text> </message> <message name="lucky_item" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) hat Gl�ck und findet einen Hort von $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) luckily finds a cache of $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) luckily finds a cache of $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="birthday_firework_noname_local" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) brennt ein gro�es Feuerwerk ab und Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserf�lle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel."</text> <text locale="fr">"A large firework is visible all over the sky."</text> <text locale="en">"A large firework is visible all over the sky."</text> </message> <message name="birthday_firework_noname" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) wird ein gro�es Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserf�lle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel."</text> <text locale="fr">"A large firework, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"A large firework, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="birthday_firework_local" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="name" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} brennt $unit($unit) ein gro�es Feuerwerk ab. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserf�lle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel."</text> <text locale="fr">"A large firework in honor of ${name} is visible all over the sky."</text> <text locale="en">"A large firework in honor of ${name} is visible all over the sky."</text> </message> <message name="birthday_firework" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="name" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Zur Feier des Geburtstags von ${name} wird in $region($region) ein gro�es Feuerwerk abgebrannt, welches noch hier zu bewundern ist. Kaskaden bunter Sterne, leuchtende Wasserf�lle aus Licht und strahlende Feuerdrachen erhellen den Himmel."</text> <text locale="fr">"A large firework in honor of ${name}, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"A large firework in honor of ${name}, visible all over the sky, has been started in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="battle_critical" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="index" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int36($unit.id($unit))/$int($index) erzielt einen kritischen Treffer."</text> <text locale="fr">"$int36($unit.id($unit))/$int($index) does critical damage."</text> <text locale="en">"$int36($unit.id($unit))/$int($index) does critical damage."</text> </message> <message name="teach_asgood" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="student" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) mu� mindestens 2 Stufen besser sein als $unit($student)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) needs to be at least 2 levels better than $unit($student)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) needs to be at least 2 levels better than $unit($student)."</text> </message> <message name="teach_nolearn" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="student" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) lernt nicht."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) is not learning."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($student) is not learning."</text> </message> <message name="build_required" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="required" type="resources"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Daf�r braucht die Einheit $resources($required)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - For this, the unit needs $resources($required)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - For this, the unit needs $resources($required)."</text> </message> <message name="travelthru_trail" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">$trailto($region)</text> <text locale="en">$trailto($region)</text> </message> <message name="nr_migrants" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="units" type="int"/> <arg name="maxunits" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Deine Partei hat $int($units) Migranten und kann maximal $int($maxunits) Migranten aufnehmen."</text> <text locale="en">"Your faction has $int($units) migrants out of a possible total of $int($maxunits)."</text> </message> <message name="nr_alliance" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="leader" type="faction"/> <arg name="name" type="string"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> <arg name="age" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Seit $int($age) Wochen Mitglied der Allianz '$name ($int36($id))', angef�hrt von $faction($leader)."</text> <text locale="en">"Member of '$name ($int36($id))' for $int($age) weeks, led by $faction($leader)."</text> </message> <message name="nr_heroes" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="units" type="int"/> <arg name="maxunits" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Deine Partei hat $int($units) Helden und kann maximal $int($maxunits) Helden ernennen."</text> <text locale="en">"Your faction has promoted $int($units) heroes out of a possible total of $int($maxunits)."</text> </message> <message name="nr_population" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="population" type="int"/> <arg name="limit" type="int"/> <arg name="units" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Deine Partei hat $int($population) Personen in $int($units) von maximal $int($limit) Einheiten."</text> <text locale="en">"Your faction has $int($population) people in $int($units) of $int($limit) possible units."</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_header" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Statistik f�r $region($region):"</text> <text locale="en">"Statistics for $region($region):"</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_maxentertainment" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="max" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Unterhaltung: max. $int($max) Silber"</text> <text locale="en">"entertainment: max. $int($max) silver"</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_morale" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="morale" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Moral der Bauern: $int($morale)"</text> <text locale="en">"peasant morale: $int($morale)"</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_luxuries" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="max" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Luxusg�ter zum angegebenen Preis: $int($max)"</text> <text locale="en">"luxury goods at this price: $int($max)"</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_salary" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="max" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Lohn f�r Arbeit: $int($max) Silber"</text> <text locale="en">"worker salary: $int($max) silver"</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_salary_new" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="max" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Bauerneinnahmen: $int($max) Silber"</text> <text locale="en">"peasant wages: $int($max) silver"</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_people" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="max" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Personen: $int($max)"</text> <text locale="en">"people: $int($max)"</text> </message> <message name="nr_stat_recruits" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="max" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Rekruten: max. $int($max) Bauern"</text> <text locale="en">"recruits: $int($max) peasants"</text> </message> <message name="nr_score" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="score" type="int"/> <arg name="average" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Deine Partei hat $int($score) Punkte. Der Durchschnitt f�r Parteien �hnlichen Alters ist $int($average) Punkte."</text> <text locale="en">"Your faction has a score of $int($score). The average score for similar factions is $int($average)."</text> </message> <message name="nr_header_date" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="game" type="string"/> <arg name="date" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Report f�r $game, $date"</text> <text locale="en">"Report for $game, $date"</text> </message> <message name="nr_vicinitystart" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="dir" type="int"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Im $direction($dir) der Region liegt $trailto($region)"</text> <text locale="en">"To the $direction($dir) lies $trailto($region)"</text> </message> <message name="nr_market_price" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="price" type="int"/> <arg name="product" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber"</text> <text locale="fr">"$resource($product,0) for $int($price) silver"</text> <text locale="en">"$resource($product,0) for $int($price) silver"</text> </message> <message name="nr_market_sale" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="price" type="int"/> <arg name="product" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Auf dem Markt wird f�r $resource($product,0) $int($price) Silber verlangt."</text> <text locale="fr">"Le march� local offre la $resource($product,0) au prix de $int($price) �cus."</text> <text locale="en">"The local market offers $resource($product,0) at a price of $int($price) silver."</text> </message> <message name="nr_market_info_p" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="p1" type="resource"/> <arg name="p2" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Auf dem Markt werden $resource($p1,0) und $resource($p2,0) feilgeboten."</text> <text locale="en">"The local market offers $resource($p1,0) and $resource($p2,0)."</text> </message> <message name="nr_market_info_s" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="p1" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Auf dem Markt wird $resource($p1,0) feilgeboten."</text> <text locale="en">"The local market offers $resource($p1,0)."</text> </message> <message name="nr_potion_effect" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="potion" type="resource"/> <arg name="left" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Auf der Einheit $if($eq($left,1),"liegt","liegen") $int($left) Wirkung$if($eq($left,1),"","en") $resource($potion,1)."</text> <text locale="en">"There are $int($left) use($eq($left,1),"s","") of $resource($potion,1) left."</text> </message> <message name="nr_region_owner" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="faction" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Region ist im Besitz von $faction($faction)."</text> <text locale="en">"The region is owned by $faction($faction)."</text> </message> <message name="nr_borderlist_postfix" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="transparent" type="int"/> <arg name="object" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$if($transparent," befindet sich"," versperrt") ${object} $if($transparent,""," die Sicht")."</text> <text locale="en">"$if($transparent," there is"," sight is blocked by ") ${object}."</text> </message> <message name="nr_building_besieged" section="nr"> <type> <arg name="soldiers" type="int"/> <arg name="diff" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">", belagert von $int($soldiers) Personen$if($lt($diff,0),""," (abgeschnitten)")"</text> <text locale="en">", besieged by $int($soldiers) soldiers$if($lt($diff,0),""," (cut off)")"</text> </message> <message name="newbie_password" section="events"> <type> <arg name="password" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Dein Passwort lautet ${password}."</text> <text locale="fr">"Your password is ${password}."</text> <text locale="en">"Your password is ${password}."</text> </message> <message name="godcurse_destroy_ship" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Mannschaft krank vom vergifteten Wasser, Planken, Ruder und Segel zerfressen von den Wassern des verfluchten Meeres, ergibt sich die $ship($ship) in ihr Schicksal und sinkt."</text> <text locale="en">"Her sailors sick from the poisened ocean, planks, rudder und sails corroded by the waters of the cursed ocean, the $ship($ship) finally succumbs to her destiny and sinks."</text> </message> <message name="skillpotion_use" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Talenttrunk und f�hlt, wie sein Wissen zunimmt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) uses a potion of skills and feels his knowledge grow."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) uses a potion of skills and feels his knowledge grow."</text> </message> <message name="manacrystal_use" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="aura" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) benutzt einen Astralkristall und gewinnt $int($aura) Aura hinzu."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) uses an astralcrystal and gains $int($aura) aura."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) uses an astral crystal and gains $int($aura) aura."</text> </message> <message name="luxury_notsold" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Luxusgut wird hier nicht verkauft."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - These goods are not on sale here."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - These goods are not on sale here."</text> </message> <message name="resource_missing" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="missing" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu ben�tigt man $resource($missing,0)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires $resource($missing,0)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires $resource($missing,0)."</text> </message> <message name="race_notake" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) nehmen nichts an."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) will not accept anything."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) will not accept anything."</text> </message> <message name="race_noregroup" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) k�nnen nicht neu gruppiert werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be regrouped."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be regrouped."</text> </message> <message name="race_nosteal" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) k�nnen nichts stehelen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot steal anything."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot steal anything."</text> </message> <message name="race_nogive" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) geben nichts weg."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) do not give things away."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) do not give things away."</text> </message> <message name="regionmessage" section="mail"> <type> <arg name="sender" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($sender) aus $region($region): '$string'"</text> <text locale="en">"A message by $unit($sender) from $region($region): '$string'"</text> </message> <message name="unitmessage" section="mail"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="string" type="string"/> <arg name="sender" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) erhielt $unit($unit) eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($sender): '$string'"</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), $unit($unit) received a message by $unit($sender): '$string'"</text> </message> <message name="museumgiveback" section="mail"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="items" type="items"/> <arg name="sender" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) erhielt $unit($unit) von $unit.dative($sender) $resources($items)"</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), $unit($unit) received $resources($items) from $unit($sender)"</text> </message> <message name="maintenance_nowork" section="events"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$building($building) hat diese Woche nicht funktioniert, da zu Beginn der Woche der Unterhalt nicht gezahlt werden konnte."</text> <text locale="en">"$building($building) was nonfunctional because upkeep could not be paid at the beginning of the week."</text> </message> <message name="icastle_dissolve" section="events"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Pl�tzlich l�st sich $building($building) in kleine Traumwolken auf."</text> <text locale="en">"$building($building) suddenly dissolves into small pink clouds."</text> </message> <message name="maintenance_none" section="events"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"F�r das Geb�ude $building($building) konnte die ganze Woche kein Unterhalt bezahlt werden."</text> <text locale="en">"Upkeep for $building($building) could not be paid all week."</text> </message> <message name="buildingcrash" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="opfer" type="int"/> <arg name="road" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) st�rzte $building($building) ein.$if($road," Beim Einsturz wurde die halbe Stra�e vernichtet.","")$if($opfer," $int($opfer) Opfer $if($eq($opfer,1),"ist","sind") zu beklagen.","")"</text> <text locale="fr">"$building($building) in $region($region) collapses.$if($opfer," There are $int($opfer) casualties.","")"</text> <text locale="en">"$building($building) in $region($region) collapses.$if($road," The collapse ruined half of the road.","")$if($opfer," There are $int($opfer) casualties.","")"</text> </message> <message name="error_pflnorecruit" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In der Ebene der Herausforderung kann niemand rekrutiert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot recruit in this plane."</text> </message> <message name="error_lowstealth" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die einheit kann sich nicht so gut tarnen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' -The unit cannot hide that well."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_ship_0" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="en">"$ship($ship) was destroyed by $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="de">"$ship($ship) wurde von $unit($unit) zerst�rt."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_ship_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not destroy $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte $ship($ship) nicht zerst�ren."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_ship_2" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was detected while trying to destroy $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde beim Versuch $ship($ship) zu zerst�ren entdeckt."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_ship_3" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="en">"Somebody attempted to destroy $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="de">"Es wurde versucht, $ship($ship) zu zerst�ren."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_ship_4" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="en">"$ship($ship) was destroyed."</text> <text locale="de">"$ship($ship) wurde zerst�rt."</text> </message> <message name="sink_lost_msg" section="events"> <type> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($amount) Personen von $unit($unit) ertrinken.$if($isnull($region),""," Die Einheit rettet sich nach $region($region).")"</text> <text locale="en">"$int($amount) people of $unit($unit) drown.$if($isnull($region),""," The unit makes it to $region($region).")"</text> </message> <message name="sink_saved_msg" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) �berlebt unbeschadet und rettet sich nach $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) survives unscathed and makes it to $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sink_msg" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$ship($ship) versinkt in den Fluten von $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$ship($ship) disappears in the depths of $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="enemy_discovers_spy_msg" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde beim versenken von $ship($ship) entdeckt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was spotted sinking $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="spy_discovered_msg" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="saboteur" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckte $unit($saboteur) beim Versenken von $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) caught $unit($saboteur) trying to sink $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="drown" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ertrinkt in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) drowns in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="drown_amphibian_dead" section="events"> <type> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($amount) Personen in $unit($unit) in $region($region) ertrinken."</text> <text locale="fr">"$int($amount) people in $unit($unit) in $region($region) drown."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($amount) people in $unit($unit) in $region($region) drown."</text> </message> <message name="drown_amphibian_nodead" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) nimmt Schaden auf dem Wasser in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) is taking damage on the water."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is taking damage on the water."</text> </message> <message name="wand_of_tears_usage" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) schwenkt sein Szepter und sorgt f�r Verwirrung und Chaos in der Region."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) waves their scepter and causes chaos and confusion in the region."</text> </message> <message name="find_manual" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="location" type="string"/> <arg name="book" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) stolpert bei der Erforschung der Region �ber $localize($location). N�here Durchsuchung f�rdert ein zerfleddertes altes Buch mit dem Titel '$localize($book)' zu Tage. Der Wissensschub ist enorm."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) stumbles upon $localize($location) while exploring the region. Closer inspection reveals a torn old book titled '$localize($book)'. The expansion of knowledge is tremendous."</text> </message> <message name="alp_success" section="events"> <text locale="de">"Ein Alp hat sein Opfer gefunden und springt auf den R�cken von $unit($target)!"</text> <text locale="en">"An evil spirit has found its victim and mounts the back of $unit($target)!"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::auraboost_0" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) f�hlt sich von starken magischen Energien durchstr�mt. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Powerful magical energies are pulsing through $unit($unit). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::auraboost_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) hat Schwierigkeiten seine magischen Energien zu sammeln. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) finds it difficult to gather its magical energies. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="cast_stun_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger sind f�r einen Moment benommen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were momentarily stunned."</text> </message> <message name="cast_rally_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) bes�nftigt den Bauernaufstand in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) quells the uprising in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="cast_auraleak_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) rief in $region($region) einen Riss in dem Gef�ge der Magie hervor, der alle magische Kraft aus der Region riss."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) in $region($region) caused a tear in the fabric of magic, that sucked all magical energies out of the region."</text> </message> <message name="cast_sleep_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden in Schlaf versetzt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters have fallen asleep."</text> </message> <message name="cast_drainlife_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Kriegern wurde ihre Lebenskraft entzogen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had their life energy drained."</text> </message> <message name="cast_petrify_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Kriegern wurden versteinert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were petrified."</text> </message> <message name="cast_berserk_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden in einen Blutrausch versetzt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters went into a mindless rage."</text> </message> <message name="cast_frighten_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden eingesch�chtert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were intimidated."</text> </message> <message name="sp_flee_effect_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell), aber es gab niemanden, der beeinflusst werden konnte."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell), but nobody is affected."</text> </message> <message name="sp_flee_effect_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden von Furcht gepackt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were consumed by fear."</text> </message> <message name="cast_escape_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): Das Kampfget�mmel erstirbt und er kann unbehelligt seines Weges ziehen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): The noise of the battle dies down and the mage is able to slip away unharmed."</text> </message> <message name="cast_storm_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): Ein Sturm kommt auf und die Sch�tzen k�nnen kaum noch zielen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): Strong stormwinds are blowing and the archers are having a hard time aiming."</text> </message> <message name="cast_tired_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger schleppten sich m�de in den Kampf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had trouble staying awake."</text> </message> <message name="cast_hero_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden moralisch gest�rkt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters had their moral boosted."</text> </message> <message name="cast_speed_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($amount) Krieger wurden magisch beschleunigt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($amount) fighters were magically accelerated."</text> </message> <message name="rust_effect_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft ein f�rchterliches Unwetter �ber seine Feinde, doch es gab niemanden mehr, den dies treffen konnte."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls forth a terrible torment over the enemy side, but there was nobody who could be affected by it."</text> </message> <message name="rust_effect_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft ein f�rchterliches Unwetter �ber seine Feinde, doch der magische Regen zeigt keinen Effekt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) causes a terrible storm over the enemy, but the magic rain does not do any harm."</text> </message> <message name="rust_effect_2" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft ein f�rchterliches Unwetter �ber seine Feinde. Der magischen Regen l�sst alles Eisen rosten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls forth a terrible torment over the enemy. The magical rain makes all iron rusty."</text> </message> <message name="summon_alp_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="alp" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt den Alp $unit($alp) f�r $unit($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons the alp $unit($alp) for $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="healing_effect_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) k�mmert sich um die Verletzten und heilt $int($amount) Verwundete."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) sees after the wounded and heals $int($amount)."</text> </message> <message name="healing_effect_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) k�mmert sich um die Verletzten und benutzt ein $resource($item,1), um den Zauber zu verst�rken. $int($amount) Verwundete werden geheilt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) sees after the wounded and heals $int($amount). A $resource($item,1) improves the spell."</text> </message> <message name="sp_eternizewall_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Mit einem Ritual bindet $unit($mage) die magischen Kr�fte der Erde von $region($region) in die Mauern von $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) performs a ritual that binds the magical forces of $region($region) into the walls of $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_permtransfer_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) opfert $unit($target) $int($amount) Aura."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) sacrifices $int($amount) aura for $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="reanimate_effect_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beginnt ein Ritual der Wiederbelebung. $int($amount) Krieger stehen von den Toten auf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) begins a ritual of resurrection. $int($amount) warriors rise from the dead."</text> </message> <message name="reanimate_effect_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beginnt ein Ritual der Wiederbelebung und benutzt ein $resource($item,1), um den Zauber zu verst�rken. $int($amount) Krieger stehen von den Toten auf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) begins a ritual of resurrection augmented by a $resource($item,1). $int($amount) warriors rise from the dead."</text> </message> <message name="chaosgate_effect_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) �ffnet ein Chaostor."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) opens a chaos gate."</text> </message> <message name="chaosgate_effect_2" section="magic"> <text locale="de">"Ein Wirbel aus blendendem Licht erscheint."</text> <text locale="en">"A vortex of blinding light appears."</text> </message> <message name="summonundead_effect_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) kann in $region($region) keine Untoten rufen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) cannot summon any undead in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="summonundead_effect_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erweckt in $region($region) $int($amount) Untote aus ihren Gr�bern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls $int($amount) undead from their graves in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="summonundead_effect_2" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) st�rt in $region($region) die Ruhe der Toten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) communicates with the dead in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="viewreality_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) gelingt es, durch die Nebel auf die Realit�t zu blicken."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) manages to catch a glimpse of reality through the fog."</text> </message> <message name="recruit_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) konnte $int($amount) $if($eq($amount,1),"Bauer","Bauern") anwerben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) managed to recruit $int($amount) $if($eq($amount,1),"peasant","peasants")."</text> </message> <message name="wand_of_tears_effect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein bohrender Schmerz durchzuckt $unit($unit), Verwirrung macht sich breit."</text> <text locale="en">"Pain pulses through $unit($unit), confusion spreads."</text> </message> <message name="cryinpain" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">""AAAAAAAGHHHHHH!" - Ein Schrei durchzieht die Region, $unit($unit) windet sich vor Schmerz."</text> <text locale="en">""AAAAAAAGHHHHHH!" - $unit($unit) screams and squirms with pain."</text> </message> <message name="error_giveeye" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine h�here Macht hindert $unit($unit) daran, das Objekt zu �bergeben. 'ES IST DEINS, MEIN KIND. DEINS GANZ ALLEIN'."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A higher power prevents $unit($unit) from giving the object away. 'IT IS YOURS MY CHILD. ONLY YOURS.'."</text> </message> <message name="praytoigjarjuk" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) sendet ein Sto�gebet an den Herrn der Schreie."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) sends a prayer to the Lord of Screams."</text> </message> <message name="iceberg_melt" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Eisberg $region($region) schmilzt."</text> <text locale="fr">"The iceberg $region($region) melts."</text> <text locale="en">"The iceberg $region($region) melts."</text> </message> <message name="iceberg_create" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Gletscher von $region($region) bricht und treibt davon."</text> <text locale="fr">"The glacier in $region($region) breaks up and drifts away."</text> <text locale="en">"The glacier in $region($region) breaks up and drifts away."</text> </message> <message name="iceberg_land" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt an eine K�ste."</text> <text locale="fr">"The iceberg $region($region) drifts onto a coast."</text> <text locale="en">"The iceberg $region($region) drifts onto a coast."</text> </message> <message name="overrun_by_iceberg_des" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg zerst�rt."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) has been destroyed by a collision with an iceberg."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) has been destroyed by a collision with an iceberg."</text> </message> <message name="overrun_by_iceberg" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) wird bei einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg besch�digt."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) has been damaged by a collision with an iceberg."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) has been damaged by a collision with an iceberg."</text> </message> <message name="ship_drift" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="dir" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) treibt nach $direction($dir)."</text> <text locale="fr">"The ship $ship($ship) drifts to the $direction($dir)."</text> <text locale="en">"The ship $ship($ship) drifts to the $direction($dir)."</text> </message> <message name="iceberg_drift" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="dir" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Eisberg $region($region) treibt nach $direction($dir)."</text> <text locale="fr">"The iceberg $region($region) drifts $direction($dir)."</text> <text locale="en">"The iceberg $region($region) drifts $direction($dir)."</text> </message> <message name="setjihad" section="events"> <type> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Wir erkl�ren allen $race($race,2) den heiligen Krieg."</text> <text locale="en">"We declare jihad on all $race($race,2)."</text> </message> <message name="pray_success" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die G�tter erh�ren $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="fr">"The Gods have listened to $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="en">"The Gods have listened to $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="new_fspecial_level" section="events"> <type> <arg name="special" type="string"/> <arg name="level" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die G�tter gew�hren uns die Kraft eines $special($int($level))."</text> <text locale="fr">"The Gods grant us the powers of $special ($int($level))."</text> <text locale="en">"The Gods grant us the powers of $special ($int($level))."</text> </message> <message name="new_fspecial" section="events"> <type> <arg name="special" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die G�tter gew�hren uns die Kraft eines ${special}."</text> <text locale="fr">"The Gods grant us the powers of ${special}."</text> <text locale="en">"The Gods grant us the powers of ${special}."</text> </message> <message name="casualties" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="fallen" type="int"/> <arg name="alive" type="int"/> <arg name="run" type="int"/> <arg name="runto" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verlor $int($fallen) Personen$if($alive,", $int($alive) �berlebten","")$if($run," und $int($run) flohen$if($isnull($runto),""," nach $region($runto)")","")."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) lost $int($fallen) people$if($alive,", $int($alive) survived","")$if($run," and $int($run) fled$if($isnull($runto),""," to $region($runto)")","")."</text> </message> <message name="killsandhits" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="hits" type="int"/> <arg name="kills" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) erzielte $int($hits) Treffer und t�tete $int($kills) Gegner."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) hit $int($hits) times and killed $int($kills) enemies."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) hit $int($hits) times and killed $int($kills) enemies."</text> </message> <message name="battle_msg" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="battle_army" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="index" type="int"/> <arg name="name" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Heer $int($index): $name"</text> <text locale="en">"Army $int($index): $name"</text> </message> <message name="sp_icastle_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Verwundert blicken die Bauern von $region($region) auf ein neues Geb�ude."</text> <text locale="en">"Flabbergasted, the peasants of $region($region) behold a new building."</text> </message> <message name="sp_bloodsacrifice_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gewinnt durch das Ritual $int($amount) Aura."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) receives $int($amount) aura."</text> </message> <message name="sp_holyground_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt Naturgeister in den Boden von $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons natural spirits into the ground of $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="unholypower_limitedeffect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) verwandelt $int($amount) aus $unit($target) in $race($race,0)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) transforms $int($amount) from $unit($target) into $race($race,0)."</text> </message> <message name="unholypower_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) verwandelt $unit($target) in $race($race,0)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) tranforms $unit($target) to $race($race,0)."</text> </message> <message name="puttorest" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erl�st die gequ�lten Seelen der Toten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) redeems the tormented souls of the dead."</text> </message> <message name="becomewyrm" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) verwandelt sich in einen Wyrm."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) turns into a wyrm."</text> </message> <message name="firewall_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erschafft in $region($region) eine Wand aus Feuer."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($mage) creates a wall of fire in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) creates a wall of fire in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_raisepeasantmob_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) wiegelt in $region($region) die Bauern zum Aufstand auf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) incites a revolt among the peasants of $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_raisepeasants_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) wiegelt in $region($region) $int($amount) Bauern zum Aufstand auf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) incites a revolt among $int($amount) peasants of $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_depression_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) sorgt in $region($region) f�r Tr�bsal unter den Bauern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) causes great sadness among the peasants of $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="icastle_create" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier erschafft ein Traumgeb�ude."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician creates an illusionary building."</text> </message> <message name="sp_shapeshift_fail" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) kann nicht $race($race,1) werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) cannot take the form of $race($race,1)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_movecastle_fail_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Elementar ist zu klein, um das Geb�ude zu tragen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The elemental is too small to carry the building."</text> </message> <message name="sp_movecastle_fail_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="direction" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Elementar weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu gehen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The elemental refuses to go $direction($direction)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_migranten_fail1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) ist von unserer Art, das Ritual w�re verschwendete Aura."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) is one of our kind, we should not waste aura on this."</text> </message> <message name="sp_migranten" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) wird von uns aufgenommen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) has become one of our kind."</text> </message> <message name="summondragon" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) ruft Drachen nach $region($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) calls dragons to $region($target)."</text> </message> <message name="magiccreate_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="object" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) erschafft $int($amount) ${object}."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) creates $int($amount) ${object}."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) creates $int($amount) ${object}."</text> </message> <message name="sp_movecastle_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="direction" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein Beben ersch�ttert $building($building). Viele kleine Pseudopodien erheben das Geb�ude und tragen es in Richtung $direction($direction)."</text> <text locale="en">"An tremor shakes $building($building). Many little pseudopods lift up the building and carry it to $direction($direction)."</text> </message> <message name="use_tacticcrystal" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) benutzt in $region($region) ein Traumauge."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) uses a dreameye in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="use_antimagiccrystal" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) benutzt in $region($region) einen Antimagiekristall."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) uses an antimagic crystal in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="magicboost_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Sph�ren des Chaos geben dem Magier einen Teil ihrer Kraft."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The Spheres of Chaos return a part of his power to the magician."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_magic_noeffect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier konnte keinen Fluch zerst�ren."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician could not destroy any curse."</text> </message> <message name="speed_time_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) dehnt $unit($unit) die Zeit f�r $int($amount) Personen."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), $unit($unit) bends time for $int($amount) men."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_magic_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="succ" type="int"/> <arg name="target" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier zerst�rt $int($succ) Fl�che auf ${target}."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician destroys $int($succ) spells on ${target}."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_curse_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="id" type="string"/> <arg name="target" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier zerst�rt den Fluch ($id) auf ${target}."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician destroys the spell ($id) on ${target}."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_curse_noeffect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="id" type="string"/> <arg name="target" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber ist nicht stark genug, um den Fluch ($id) auf ${target} zu zerst�ren."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell is not strong enough to destroy the curse ($id) on ${target}."</text> </message> <message name="deathcloud_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt einen Giftelementar in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons a poison elemental in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="fumblecurse" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) wird von einem Unbekannten verflucht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) was cursed by an unknown magician."</text> </message> <message name="sparkle_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) belegt $unit($target) mit einem Zauber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) puts a spell on $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="heat_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) belegt $unit($target) mit einem K�lteschutz."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) puts protection from cold on $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="rust_fail" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) legt einen Rosthauch auf $unit($target), doch der Rosthauch fand keine Nahrung."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) puts a spell of rust on $unit($target) but it found nothing to consume."</text> </message> <message name="rust_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) legt einen Rosthauch auf $unit($target). $int($amount) Waffen wurden vom Rost zerfressen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) puts a spell of rust on $unit($target). $int($amount) weapons are eaten by rust."</text> </message> <message name="growtree_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">$if($isnull($mage),"Ein unentdeckter Magier",$unit($mage)) erschuf einen heiligen Hain von $int($amount) Sch��lingen.</text> <text locale="en">$if($isnull($mage),"An unknown magician",$unit($mage)) created a holy forest of $int($amount) young trees.</text> </message> <message name="harvest_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$if($isnull($mage),"Ein unentdeckter Magier",$unit($mage)) segnet in einem kurzen Ritual die Felder."</text> <text locale="en">"$if($isnull($mage),"An unseen magician",$unit($mage)) blesses the fields in a short ritual."</text> </message> <message name="maelstrom_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt die M�chte des Wassers und ein gigantischer Strudel bildet sich."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons the power of the seas and a giant maelstrom forms."</text> </message> <message name="ent_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) belebt $int($amount) B�ume."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) animates $int($amount) trees."</text> </message> <message name="path_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) sorgt f�r trockene Stra�en in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) creates dry and well-repaired roads in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="wind_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erfleht den Segen der G�tter des Windes und des Wassers f�r $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) asks the gods of wind and water on behalf of the $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="auratransfer_success" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="aura" type="int"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) transferiert $int($aura) Aura auf $unit($target)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) transfers $int($aura) Aura to $unit($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) transfers $int($aura) aura to $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="stealaura_success" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="aura" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) entzieht $unit($target) $int($aura) Aura."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) draws $int($aura) aura from $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="stealaura_detect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="aura" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) f�hlt seine magischen Kr�fte schwinden und verliert $int($aura) Aura."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) feels the powers of magic fade and loses $int($aura) aura."</text> </message> <message name="stealaura_fail_detect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) f�hlt sich einen Moment seltsam geschw�cht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) f�hlt strangely weakened."</text> </message> <message name="stealaura_fail" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte $unit($target) keine Aura entziehen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not draw aura from $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="teleport_success" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="source" type="region"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde von $region($source) nach $unit($target) teleportiert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was teleported from $region($source) to $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_ship_age" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> <arg name="months" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $ship($ship) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $ship($ship) is charmed with $curse($curse), which will last for, about $int($months) more weeks."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_building_age" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> <arg name="months" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $building($building) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $building($building) is charmed with $curse($curse), which will last for about $int($months) more weeks."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_unit_age" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> <arg name="months" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $unit($unit) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $unit($unit) is charmed with $curse($curse) that will last for about $int($months) more weeks."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_region_age" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> <arg name="months" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $region($region) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, der noch etwa $int($months) Wochen bestehen bleibt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $region($region) is charmed with $curse($curse), which will last for about $int($months) more weeks."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_ship_noage" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $ship($ship) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $ship($ship) is charmed with $curse($curse), which will last for centuries."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_building_noage" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $building($building) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $building($building) is charmed with $curse($curse), which will last for centuries."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_unit_noage" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $unit($unit) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $unit($unit) is charmed with $curse($curse), which will last for centuries."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_region_noage" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="curse" type="curse"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) fand heraus, dass auf $region($region) der Zauber $curse($curse) liegt, dessen Kraft ausreicht, um noch Jahrhunderte bestehen zu bleiben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) discovers that $region($region) is charmed with $curse($curse), which will last for centuries."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_ship_fail" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber �ber den Zauber nichts herausfinden."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_building_fail" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber �ber den Zauber nichts herausfinden."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_unit_fail" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass $unit($unit) verzaubert ist, konnte aber �ber den Zauber nichts herausfinden."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($unit) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($unit) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_region_fail" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) ein Zauber liegt, konnte aber �ber den Zauber nichts herausfinden."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is charmed, but no details have been revealed."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_ship_nospell" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $ship($ship) kein Zauber liegt."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is not charmed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $ship($ship) is not charmed."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_building_nospell" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $building($building) kein Zauber liegt."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is not charmed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $building($building) is not charmed."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_unit_nospell" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $unit($target) kein Zauber liegt."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($target) is not charmed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $unit($target) is not charmed."</text> </message> <message name="analyse_region_nospell" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) meint, dass auf $region($region) kein Zauber liegt."</text> <text locale="fr">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is not charmed."</text> <text locale="en">"It appears to $unit($mage) that $region($region) is not charmed."</text> </message> <message name="spellregionresists" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region konnte nicht verzaubert werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region could not be charmed."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region could not be charmed."</text> </message> <message name="spellshipresists" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) widersteht dem Zauber."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) resists the spell."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) resists the spell."</text> </message> <message name="spellbuildingresists" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Geb�ude $int36($id) konnte nicht verzaubert werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be charmed."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be charmed."</text> </message> <message name="spellunitresists" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) widersteht dem Zauber."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) resists the spell."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) resists the spell."</text> </message> <message name="spellshipnotfound" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Schiff $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ship $int36($id) could not be located."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ship $int36($id) could not be located."</text> </message> <message name="spellbuildingnotfound" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Geb�ude $int36($id) wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be located."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building $int36($id) could not be located."</text> </message> <message name="unitnotfound_id" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="id" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit $id wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit $id could not be located."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit $id could not be located."</text> </message> <message name="spelltargetnotfound" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Ziel gefunden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell could not find a target."</text> </message> <message name="shock" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="reason" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erleidet durch den Tod seines Vertrauten einen Schock."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) receives a shock when his familiar dies."</text> </message> <message name="missing_force" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="level" type="int"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) schafft es nicht, genug Kraft aufzubringen, um $spell($spell) auf Stufe $int($level) zu zaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) cannot muster enough energy to cast $spell($spell) on level $int($level)."</text> </message> <message name="missing_components_list" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="list" type="resources"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - F�r diesen Zauber fehlen noch $resources($list)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Casting this spell requires an additional $resources($list)."</text> </message> <message name="missing_components" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="level" type="int"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) hat nicht gen�gend Komponenten um $spell($spell) auf Stufe $int($level) zu zaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) has insufficient components to cast $spell($spell) on level $int($level)."</text> </message> <message name="patzer" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) unterl�uft in $region($region) beim Zaubern von $spell($spell) ein Patzer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) fumbles while casting $spell($spell) in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="patzer3" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Als $unit($unit) in $region($region) versucht, $spell($spell) zu zaubern, scheint pl�tzlich ein Beben durch die magische Essenz zu laufen und ein furchtbarer Sog versucht $unit($unit) in eine andere Dimension zu ziehen. Mit letzter Kraft gelingt es $unit($unit) sich zu retten."</text> <text locale="en">"When $unit($unit) in $region($region) tries to cast $spell($spell), a sudden disturbance ripples through the magical realm and a terrible force attempts to drag the magician to another dimension. However, with a final effort of strength, $unit($unit) manages to save himself."</text> </message> <message name="patzer4" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Als $unit($unit) in $region($region) versucht, $spell($spell) zu zaubern erhebt sich pl�tzlich ein dunkler Wind. Bizarre geisterhafte Gestalten kreisen um den Magier und scheinen sich von den magischen Energien des Zaubers zu ern�hren. Mit letzter Kraft gelingt es $unit($unit) dennoch den Spruch zu zaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"When $unit($unit) in $region($region) tries to cast $spell($spell), strong winds suddenly rise. Bizarre ghostlike creatures circle around the magician and seem to be leeching magical energy. However, with a final effort of strength, $unit($unit) manages to complete the spell."</text> </message> <message name="patzer6" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine Botschaft von $unit.dative($unit) in $region($region): 'Ups! Quack, Quack!'"</text> <text locale="en">"A message from $unit($unit) in $region($region): 'Oops! Croak, Croak!'"</text> </message> <message name="familiar_farcast" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) kann Zauber, die durch $unit($unit) gewirkt werden, nicht zus�tzlich in die Ferne richten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) cannot direct spells that are channeled through $unit($unit) into distant regions."</text> </message> <message name="familiar_toofar" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) kann nicht genug Energie aufbringen, um diesen Spruch durch $unit($unit) zu wirken."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($mage) cannot raise enough energy to channel the spell through $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="familiar_describe" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="skills" type="string"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft einen Vertrauten. $race($race, 0) k�nnen $skills lernen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons a familiar. $race($race, 0) can learn ${skills}."</text> </message> <message name="babbler_resist" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) hat einen feuchtfr�hlichen Abend in der Taverne verbracht. Ausser einem f�rchterlichen Brummsch�del ist da auch noch das dumme Gef�hl $unit($mage) seine ganze Lebensgeschichte erz�hlt zu haben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) spent the evening carousing in the tavern. In addition to a terrible headache, there remains this feeling of having told $unit($mage) the story of his entire life."</text> </message> <message name="babbler_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) hat einen feuchtfr�hlichen Abend in der Taverne verbracht. Ausser einem f�rchterlichen Brummsch�del ist da auch noch das dumme Gef�hl die ganze Taverne mit seiner Lebensgeschichte unterhalten zu haben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) spent the evening carousing in the tavern. In addition to a terrible headache, there remains this feeling of having told everyone the story of his entire life."</text> </message> <message name="charming_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="duration" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) gelingt es $unit($unit) zu verzaubern. $unit($unit) wird f�r etwa $int($duration) Wochen unseren Befehlen gehorchen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) chamrs $unit($unit). $unit($unit) will obey our orders for approximatley $int($duration) more weeks."</text> </message> <message name="spell_resist" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) gelingt es $spell($spell) zu zaubern, doch der Spruch zeigt keine Wirkung."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) manages to cast $spell($spell), but the spell seems to have no effect."</text> </message> <message name="patzer5" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) f�hlt sich nach dem Zaubern von $spell($spell) viel ersch�pfter als sonst und hat das Gef�hl, dass alle weiteren Zauber deutlich mehr Kraft als normalerweise kosten werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) feels far more exhausted than he should after casting $spell($spell) and assumes that any following spells will cost far more energy than usual."</text> </message> <message name="patzer2" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) hat rasende Kopfschmerzen und kann sich nicht mehr richtig konzentrieren. Irgendwas bei diesem Zauber ist f�rchterlich schiefgelaufen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) is hit by a massive headache and cannot concentrate on the spell. Some part of this ritual has gone very wrong indeed."</text> </message> <message name="magic_fumble" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier verf�ngt sich im eigenen Zauber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is caught in their own spell."</text> </message> <message name="xmastree_effect" section="magic"> <text locale="de">"In der Region erstrahlen des Nachts bunte Lichter, Gloeckchen klingeln und frohes Kindergelaechter klingt durch den Wald."</text> <text locale="en">"At night, colourful lights can be seen in this region, bells are a-ringing and the laughter of happy children seems to be everywhere in the forests."</text> </message> <message name="weakmagic" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber von $unit.dative($unit) war viel zu schwach und l�st sich gleich wieder auf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell of $unit($unit) was way to weak and its magic dissolves immediately."</text> </message> <message name="objmagic_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) verzaubert ${target}."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) puts a spell on ${target}."</text> </message> <message name="regionmagic_patzer" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gelingt es zwar die Region zu verzaubern, aber irgendwas ging schief."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) manages to put a spell on the region, but something went wrong nonetheless."</text> </message> <message name="regionmagic_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) gelingt es die Region zu verzaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) puts a spell on the region."</text> </message> <message name="effectstrength" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erh�ht die K�rperkraft von $unit.dative($target) betr�chtlich."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) increases the strength of $unit($target) dramatically."</text> </message> <message name="regenaura" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) regeneriert $int($amount) Aura."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) r�g�n�re $int($amount) aura en $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) regenerates $int($amount) aura in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="msg_magic" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="studycost" section="study"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="cost" type="int"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) verbraucht $int($cost) Silber f�r das Studium von $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) d�pense $int($cost) �cus en $region($region) pour apprendre $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) spends $int($cost) silver in $region($region) to study $skill($skill)."</text> </message> <message name="teachdumb" section="study"> <type> <arg name="teacher" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($teacher) kann durch Dumpfbackenbrot nur $int($amount) Sch�ler lehren."</text> <text locale="en">"Due to the effect of duncebuns, $unit($teacher) can only teach $int($amount) students."</text> </message> <message name="teach_teacher" section="study"> <type> <arg name="teacher" type="unit"/> <arg name="student" type="unit"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> <arg name="level" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill) auf Stufe $int($level)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill) to level $int($level)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill) to level $int($level)."</text> </message> <message name="teach_student" section="study"> <type> <arg name="teacher" type="unit"/> <arg name="student" type="unit"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($teacher) lehrt $unit($student) $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($teacher) teaches $unit($student) $skill($skill)."</text> </message> <message name="msg_study" section="study"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="sellamount" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verkauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) sells $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) sells $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="buyamount" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) kauft $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) buys $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) buys $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="buy" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="money" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) bezahlt $int($money) Silber f�r den Kauf von Luxusg�tern."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) pays $int($money) silver for luxury items."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) pays $int($money) silver for luxury items."</text> </message> <message name="income_trade" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch den Verkauf von Luxusg�tern."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) earned $int($amount) silver in $region($region) by selling luxury items."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) earned $int($amount) silver in $region($region) by selling luxury items."</text> </message> <message name="income_work_reduced" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) arbeitet in $region($region) f�r einen Lohn von $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) works in $region($region) for a wage of $int($amount) $if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," out of $int($wanted)") silver."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) works in $region($region) for a wage of $int($amount) $if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," out of $int($wanted)") silver."</text> </message> <message name="income_work" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) arbeitet in $region($region) f�r einen Lohn von $int($amount) Silber."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), $unit($unit) works for a wage of $int($amount) silver."</text> </message> <message name="income_entertainment_reduced" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber durch Unterhaltung."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), $unit($unit) earns only $int($amount) instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") ") with entertainment."</text> </message> <message name="income_fishing" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) f�ngt in $region($region) Fische im Wert von $int($amount) Silber."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), $unit($unit) catches fish worth $int($amount) silver."</text> </message> <message name="income_entertainment" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch Unterhaltung."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) in $region($region) with entertainment."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) in $region($region) with entertainment."</text> </message> <message name="income_magic_reduced" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber durch Zauberei."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) earns $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," instead of $int($wanted)") silver through magic."</text> </message> <message name="income_magic" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verdient in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber durch Zauberei."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount) silver through simple magical services in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="income_steal_reduced" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) klaut in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) steals only $int($amount) silver instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") ") in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) steals only $int($amount) silver instead of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") ") in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="income_steal" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) klaut in $region($region) $int($amount) Silber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) steals $int($amount) silver in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="income_tax_reduced" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) treibt in $region($region) Steuern in H�he von $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber ein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) collects taxes of$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," only") $int($amount) silver$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," instead of $int($wanted) silver") ") in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="income_tax" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) treibt in $region($region) Steuern in H�he von $int($amount) Silber ein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) collects taxes of $int($amount) silver in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="income" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> <arg name="mode" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verdient$if($eq($mode,4)," am Handel","") in $region($region) $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," statt $int($wanted)") Silber$if($eq($mode,1)," durch Unterhaltung",$if($eq($mode,2)," durch Steuern",$if($eq($mode,3)," durch Handel",$if($eq($mode,5)," durch Diebstahl",$if($eq($mode,6)," durch Zauberei",$if($eq($mode,7)," durch Pl�ndern",""))))))."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) earns $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") in $region($region) $if($eq($mode,1)," by entertainment",$if($eq($mode,2)," by taxes",$if($eq($mode,3)," by trade",$if($eq($mode,5)," by stealing",$if($eq($mode,6)," by magic",$if($eq($mode,7)," by pillaging",""))))))."</text> </message> <message name="herbfound" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="herb" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) findet $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) finds $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) finds $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="raised" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) z�chtet $int($amount) Pferde."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) horses."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) horses."</text> </message> <message name="plant" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="herb" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) pflanzt in $region($region) $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) plants $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount) in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) plants $int($amount) $resource($herb,$amount) in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="unveileog" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) entdeckt eine Laenader."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovers laen in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="emptyeog" section="production"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Laenader in $region($region) ist ersch�pft."</text> <text locale="en">"There is no more laen left in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="produce_lowskill" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) hat ein zu niedriges Talent, um $resource($resource,0) abzubauen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) is not proficient enough to produce $resource($resource,0)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) is not proficient enough to produce $resource($resource,0)."</text> </message> <message name="produce" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produziert $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," von $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$wanted)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="manufacture" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="wanted" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produziert $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," von $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$wanted)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) produces $int($amount)$if($eq($wanted,$amount),""," of $int($wanted)") $resource($resource,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="buildbuilding" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="size" type="int"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) baut f�r $int($size) an $building($building) weiter."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="buildship" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="size" type="int"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) baut f�r $int($size) an $ship($ship) weiter."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) builds $int($size) more on $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="msg_production" section="production"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="firewall_death" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) stirbt beim Versuch, die Feuerwand nach $region($region) zu durchqueren."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) dies trying to cross the wall of fire into $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) dies trying to cross the wall of fire into $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="firewall_damage" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) erleidet beim Durchqueren der Feuerwand nach $region($region) schwere Verbrennungen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) steps through the wall of fire into $region($region) and receives severe burn damage."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) steps through the wall of fire into $region($region) and receives severe burn damage."</text> </message> <message name="transport" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="start" type="region"/> <arg name="end" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) transportiert $unit($target) von $region($start) nach $region($end)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) transported $unit($target) from $region($start) to $region($end)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) transported $unit($target) from $region($start) to $region($end)."</text> </message> <message name="travel" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="mode" type="int"/> <arg name="start" type="region"/> <arg name="end" type="region"/> <arg name="regions" type="regions"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"reitet", "wandert") von $region($start) nach $region($end).$if($isnull($regions),""," Dabei wurde $trail($regions) durchquert.")"</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"chevauche", "marche") de $region($start) vers $region($end) trans $trail($regions)"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) $if($eq($mode,1),"rides", "walks") from $region($start) to $region($end)$if($isnull($regions),""," by way of $trail($regions)")."</text> </message> <message name="detectoceandir" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="direction" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckt dass im $direction($direction) $terrain($region) ist."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) discovered that an ocean lies in the $direction($direction)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovered that $terrain($region) lies in the $direction($direction)."</text> </message> <message name="detectocean" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass $region($region) $terrain($region) ist."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) discovered that $region($region) is $terrain($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovered that $region($region) is $terrain($region)."</text> </message> <message name="leftship" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ist in dieser Runde gelandet und kann nicht weiter ins Landesinnere nach $region($region) vorstossen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) has just landed and cannot continue moving to $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) has just landed and cannot continue moving to $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sailnolandingstorm" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) kann in letzter Sekunde verhindern, dass das Schiff in $region($region) auf Land aufl�uft."</text> <text locale="fr">"At the very last moment, the crew of the $ship($ship) saved the ship from running aground in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"At the very last moment, the crew of the $ship($ship) saved the ship from running aground in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sailnolanding" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) konnte in $region($region) nicht einreisen, die K�ste ist zu gef�hrlich f�r das Schiff."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) could not berth in $region($region). The coast is too dangerous for the vessel."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) could not berth in $region($region). The coast is too dangerous for the vessel."</text> </message> <message name="sailforbiddendir" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="direction" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen."</text> <text locale="fr">" The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)."</text> <text locale="en">" The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)."</text> </message> <message name="sailforbidden" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Mannschaft der $ship($ship) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen."</text> <text locale="fr">"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"The crew of the $ship($ship) refuses to travel to $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="detectforbiddendir" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="direction" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $direction($direction) zu reisen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to the $direction($direction)."</text> </message> <message name="detectforbidden" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) weigert sich, nach $region($region) zu reisen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) refuses to travel to $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sailfail" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) konnte $region($region) nicht verlassen."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) could not leave $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) could not leave $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="moveblockedbyguard" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="guard" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde in $region($region) von $unit.dative($guard) aufgehalten."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) was kept in $region($region) by $unit($guard)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was kept in $region($region) by $unit($guard)."</text> </message> <message name="peace_confirm" section="events"> <type> <arg name="enemy" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Wir haben den Krieg mit $faction($faction) beendet."</text> <text locale="fr">"We declared peace with $faction($faction)."</text> <text locale="en">"We declared peace with $faction($faction)."</text> </message> <message name="peace_notify" section="events"> <type> <arg name="enemy" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$faction($faction) hat den Krieg mit uns beendet."</text> <text locale="fr">"$faction($faction) has declared peace with us."</text> <text locale="en">"$faction($faction) has declared peace with us."</text> </message> <message name="war_confirm" section="events"> <type> <arg name="enemy" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Wir haben $faction($faction) den Krieg erkl�rt."</text> <text locale="fr">"We declared war on $faction($faction)."</text> <text locale="en">"We declared war on $faction($faction)."</text> </message> <message name="war_notify" section="events"> <type> <arg name="enemy" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$faction($faction) hat uns den Krieg erkl�rt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$faction($faction) has declared war on us."</text> <text locale="en">"$faction($faction) has declared war on us."</text> </message> <message name="regionowned" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="target" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte nicht von $region($region) nach $region($target) reisen, da der Besitzer der Region es verhinderte."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not travel from $region($region) to $region($target) because the owner denied entrance."</text> </message> <message name="leavefail" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte aus $region($region) nicht ausreisen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) could not leave $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not leave $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="followdetect" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="follower" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($follower) ist $unit($unit) gefolgt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($follower) followed $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($follower) followed $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="followfail" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="follower" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($follower) konnte $unit($unit) nicht folgen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($follower) could not follow $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($follower) could not follow $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="moveblocked" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="direction" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckt, dass es keinen Weg nach $direction($direction) gibt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) discovers that there is no route going $direction($direction)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovers that there is no route going $direction($direction)."</text> </message> <message name="fogblock" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="direction" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte von $region($region) nicht nach $direction($direction) ausreisen, der Nebel war zu dicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not travel $direction($direction) from $region($region), the fog was too dense."</text> </message> <message name="msg_movement" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="entrise" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) erschienen die Herren der B�ume."</text> <text locale="fr">"In $region($region), the lords of the trees have risen."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), the Lords of the Trees have risen."</text> </message> <message name="undeadrise" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) erhoben sich die Toten aus den Gr�bern."</text> <text locale="en">"The dead rise from their graves in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="orcgrowth" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) vermehrt sich um $int($amount) $race($race,$amount)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) new $race($race,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) breeds $int($amount) new $race($race,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_faction_notseen" section="events"> <type> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Partei bekommt einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"Your faction received a nickname."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_faction_seen" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Partei bekommt von $unit.dative($unit) in $region($region) einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"Your faction received a nickname from $unit($unit) in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_building_notseen" section="events"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$building($building) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"$building($building) in $region($region) received a nickname."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_building_seen" section="events"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="renamer" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$building($building) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"$building($building) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer)."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_ship_notseen" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"$ship($ship) in $region($region) received a nickname."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_ship_seen" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="renamer" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"$ship($ship) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer)."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_notseen" section="events"> <type> <arg name="renamed" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) bekommt einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) received a nickname."</text> </message> <message name="renamed_seen" section="events"> <type> <arg name="renamed" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="renamer" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) bekommt von $unit.dative($renamer) einen Spitznamen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($renamed) in $region($region) received a nickname from $unit($renamer)."</text> </message> <message name="phunger" section="events"> <type> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$if($eq($dead,1),"Ein Bauer verhungert","$int($dead) Bauern verhungern")."</text> <text locale="en">"$if($eq($dead,1),"One peasant starves","$int($dead) peasants starve")."</text> </message> <message name="volcanooutbreaknn" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Vulkan in $region($region) bricht aus."</text> <text locale="fr">"The volcano in $region($region) erupts."</text> <text locale="en">"The volcano in $region($region) erupts."</text> </message> <message name="volcanooutbreak" section="events"> <type> <arg name="regionv" type="region"/> <arg name="regionn" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Vulkan in $region($regionv) bricht aus. Die Lavamassen verw�sten $region($regionn)."</text> <text locale="fr">"The volcano in $region($regionv) breaks out. The lava devastates $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"The volcano in $region($regionv) erupts. The lava devastates $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="volcano_dead" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Beim Vulkanausbruch in $region($region) sterben $int($dead) Personen in $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$int($dead) people in $unit($unit) perish when the volcano in $region($region) breaks out."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($dead) people in $unit($unit) perish when the volcano in $region($region) erupts."</text> </message> <message name="volcanostopsmoke" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt kein Rauch mehr."</text> <text locale="fr">"The volcano of $region($region) stops releasing smoke."</text> <text locale="en">"The volcano of $region($region) stops releasing smoke."</text> </message> <message name="volcanostartsmoke" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Aus dem Vulkankrater von $region($region) steigt pl�tzlich Rauch."</text> <text locale="fr">"Columns of smoke are released by the volcano of $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"Columns of smoke are released by the volcano of $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="desertion" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) desertiert."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) abandons your cause."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) abandons your cause."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_road" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="from" type="region"/> <arg name="to" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) rei�t die Stra�e zwischen $region($from) und $region($to) ein."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) demolishes the road between $region($from) and $region($to)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) demolishes the road between $region($from) and $region($to)."</text> </message> <message name="researchherb_none" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) kann keine Kr�uter finden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) could not find any herbs in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not find any herbs in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="researchherb" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="string"/> <arg name="herb" type="resource"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) stellt fest, dass es hier $localize($amount) $resource($herb,0) gibt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovers that $localize($amount) $resource($herb,0) grow in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="destroy_partial" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) rei�t einen Teil von $building($building) ein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) tears down parts of $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="destroy" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) zerst�rt $building($building)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) destroys $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) destroys $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="buildroad" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="size" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) erweitert in $region($region) das Stra�ennetz um $int($size)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) extends the road network in $region($region) by $int($size)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) extends the road network in $region($region) by $int($size)."</text> </message> <message name="scunicorn" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="rtype" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) $if($eq($amount,1),"schlie�t","schlie�en") sich $int($amount) $resource($rtype,$amount) an."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($amount) $resource($rtype,$amount) $if($eq($amount,1),"joins","join") $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="itemcloak" section="events"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) legt einen Schleier um die Ausr�stung von $unit.dative($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) shrouds the equipment of $unit($target) in shadows."</text> </message> <message name="piratesawvictim" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="dir" type="direction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) entdeckt ein Opfer im $direction($dir)."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) in $region($region) made $direction($dir) a target."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) in $region($region) made $direction($dir) a target."</text> </message> <message name="piratenovictim" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) in $region($region) kann keine Schiffe aufbringen."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) could not capture other ships in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) could not capture other ships in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="deorcified" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Langsam kehren andere V�lker nach $region($region) zur�ck."</text> <text locale="fr">"Little by little, people return to $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"Little by little, people return to $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="orcified" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Vor den vielen Orks in $region($region) fliehen die anderen Einwohner."</text> <text locale="fr">"People in $region($region) flee because of too many orcs."</text> <text locale="en">"People in $region($region) flee because of too many orcs."</text> </message> <message name="shipdestroy_partial" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) besch�digt die $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) damages the $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="shipdestroy" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) versenkt die $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) sunk $ship($ship) in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) sunk $ship($ship) in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="illusionantimagic" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) marschiert in eine Antimagiezone und l�st sich auf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) walks into an antimagical zone and dissolves."</text> </message> <message name="illusiondissolve" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) hat sich unbemerkt verfl�chtigt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) has dissolved without a trace."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) has dissolved without a trace."</text> </message> <message name="warnillusiondissolve" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird sich bald verfl�chtigen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) will dissolve soon."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) will dissolve soon."</text> </message> <message name="fleescared" section="events"> <type> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($amount) Bauern flohen aus Furcht vor $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$int($amount) peasants fled in fear of $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($amount) peasants fled in fear of $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="absorbpeasants" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($amount) Bauern werden zu $race($race,0) und schliessen sich $unit($unit) an."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($amount) peasants become $race($race,0) and join the ranks of $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="eathorse" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verspeiste $int($amount) Pferde."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) horses."</text> </message> <message name="eatpeasants" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verspeiste $int($amount) Bauern."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) peasants."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) ate $int($amount) peasants."</text> </message> <message name="wrongpasswd" section="events"> <type> <arg name="faction" type="int"/> <arg name="password" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"ERESSEA $int36($faction) \"${password}\" - Deine Befehle hatten ein falsches Passwort."</text> <text locale="en">"ERESSEA $int36($faction) \"${password}\" - Your orders had the wrong password."</text> </message> <message name="changepasswd" section="events"> <type> <arg name="value" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Das Passwort f�r diese Partei lautet ${value}."</text> <text locale="fr">"Le mot de passe de cette faction est '${value}'"</text> <text locale="en">"The password of this faction is '$value'."</text> </message> <message name="changemail_invalid" section="events"> <type> <arg name="value" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Reportadresse wurde nicht ge�ndert, '${value}' ist keine g�ltige email."</text> <text locale="fr">" Address not changed, '$value' is an invalid email."</text> <text locale="en">" Address not changed, '$value' is an invalid email."</text> </message> <message name="changemail" section="events"> <type> <arg name="value" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Reportadresse wurde auf ${value} ge�ndert."</text> <text locale="fr">" Address has been changed to '$value'."</text> <text locale="en">" Address has been changed to '$value'."</text> </message> <message name="changebanner" section="events"> <type> <arg name="value" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Das Banner wurde auf '$value' ge�ndert."</text> <text locale="fr">"Banner has been changed to '$value'."</text> <text locale="en">"Banner has been changed to '$value'."</text> </message> <message name="newbie_immunity_error" section="events"> <type> <arg name="turns" type="int"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine Partei mu� mindestens $int($turns) Wochen alt sein, bevor sie angegriffen oder bestohlen werden kann."</text> <text locale="en">"A faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old before it can be attacked or stolen from."</text> </message> <message name="stealeffect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurden in $region($region) $int($amount) Silberst�cke geklaut."</text> <text locale="fr">"In $region($region), thieves stole $int($amount) silver from $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), thieves stole $int($amount) silver from $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="thiefdiscover" section="events"> <type> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($target) ertappte $unit($unit) beim versuchten Diebstahl."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($target) caught $unit($unit) in attempted theft."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($target) caught $unit($unit) in attempted theft."</text> </message> <message name="stealfatal" section="events"> <type> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wurde von $unit.dative($target) beim versuchten Diebstahl ertappt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) was caught by $unit($target) in attempted theft."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was caught by $unit($target) in attempted theft."</text> </message> <message name="stealdetect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) f�hlt sich beobachtet."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) feels watched."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) feels watched."</text> </message> <message name="stealfail" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) gelang es nicht, sich nahe genug an $unit($target) heranzuschleichen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) could not sneak close enough to $unit($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could not sneak close enough to $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="spyfail" section="events"> <type> <arg name="spy" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($spy) gelang es nicht, etwas �ber $unit($target) herauszufinden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($spy) could not find out anything about $unit($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($spy) could not find out anything about $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="spyreport" section="events"> <type> <arg name="spy" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="status" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($spy) gelang es, Informationen �ber $unit($target) herauszubekommen: Kampfstatus $status."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($spy) managed to gather information about $unit($target): combat status ($status)."</text> </message> <message name="spyreport_mage" section="events"> <type> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="type" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($target) ist ein $type-Magier."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($target) is a $type-magician"</text> </message> <message name="spyreport_skills" section="events"> <type> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="skills" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($target) beherrscht ${skills}."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($target) knows ${skills}."</text> </message> <message name="spyreport_items" section="events"> <type> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="items" type="items"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Im Gep�ck von $unit($target) sind $resources($items)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($target) carries $resources($items)"</text> </message> <message name="spyreport_faction" section="events"> <type> <arg name="spy" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="faction" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($target) geh�rt der Partei $faction($faction) an."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($target) belongs to $faction($faction)."</text> </message> <message name="spydetect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="spy" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($target) f�hlt sich $if($isnull($spy),"","durch $unit($spy) ")beobachtet."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($target) feels watched by $unit($spy)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($target) feels watched$if($isnull($spy),""," by $unit($spy)")."</text> </message> <message name="donation" section="events"> <type> <arg name="from" type="faction"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="to" type="faction"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$faction($from) gibt ein Almosen von $int($amount) Silber an $faction($to)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$faction($from) donates $int($amount) silver to $faction($to)."</text> <text locale="en">"$faction($from) donates $int($amount) silver to $faction($to)."</text> </message> <message name="dumbeffect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="weeks" type="int"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) vergisst durch Dumpfbackenbrot $int($weeks) Wochen des Talentes $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) eats a duncebuns and forgets $int($weeks) weeks worth of $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) eats a duncebuns and forgets $int($weeks) weeks worth of $skill($skill)."</text> </message> <message name="malnourish" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) wird durch unzureichende Nahrung geschw�cht."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) is weakened due to malnourishment."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is weakened due to malnourishment."</text> </message> <message name="starvation" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> <arg name="live" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verliert in $region($region) $int($dead) von $int($add($live,$dead)) Personen durch Unterern�hrung."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) loses $int($dead) of $int($add($live,$dead)) people due to starvation in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) loses $int($dead) of $int($add($live,$dead)) people due to starvation in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="errusingpotion" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="using" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit benutzt bereits $resource($using,0)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - The unit already uses $resource($using,0)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit): '$order($command)' - The unit already uses $resource($using,0)."</text> </message> <message name="peasantluck_success" section="events"> <type> <arg name="births" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$if($eq($births,1),"Einen Bauern","$int($births) Bauern") besucht unverhofft der Storch."</text> <text locale="en">"The stork paid an unexpected visit to $if($eq($births,1),"a peasant","$int($births) peasants")."</text> </message> <message name="shipsink" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) ist zu stark besch�digt und sinkt."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) suffers too heavy damage and sinks."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) has suffered too much damage and sinks."</text> </message> <message name="shipnoshore" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) entdeckt, dass $region($region) Festland ist."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) discovers that $region($region) is dry land."</text> </message> <message name="shipfly" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="from" type="region"/> <arg name="to" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) fliegt von $region($from) nach $region($to)."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) flies from $region($from) to $region($to)."</text> </message> <message name="shipsail" section="movement"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="from" type="region"/> <arg name="to" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) segelt von $region($from) nach $region($to)."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) sails from $region($from) to $region($to)."</text> </message> <message name="storm" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="sink" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) wird in $region($region) von St�rmen abgetrieben$if($sink," und sinkt","")."</text> <text locale="fr">"The $ship($ship) in $region($region) drifts in heavy storm$if($sink," and sinks","")."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) in $region($region) gets off course in heavy storm$if($sink," and sinks","")."</text> </message> <message name="entermaelstrom" section="events"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="damage" type="int"/> <arg name="sink" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) f�hrt in den Mahlstrom von $region($region) und nimmt $int($damage) Schaden$if($sink," und sinkt","")."</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) sails into the maelstrom of $region($region) and takes $int($damage) damage$if($sink,". The ship sinks","")."</text> </message> <message name="forget" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) vergisst $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) forgets $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) forgets $skill($skill)."</text> </message> <message name="givecommand" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="recipient" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) gibt das Kommando an $unit($recipient)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) gave control to $unit($recipient)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) gave control to $unit($recipient)."</text> </message> <message name="givedumb" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="recipient" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) gibt $int($amount) Dumpfbackenbrot an $unit($recipient)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) administers $int($amount) duncebuns to $unit($recipient)."</text> </message> <message name="recruit" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="want" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) rekrutiert $int($amount) von $int($want) Personen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) recruits $int($amount) of $int($want) people."</text> </message> <message name="siege_catapults" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="destruction" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) belagert $building($building). Dabei richten die Katapulte Zerst�rungen von $int($destruction) Gr��enpunkten an."</text> <text locale="fr">"$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit). During siege, catapults caused $int($destruction) points destruction."</text> <text locale="en">"$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit). During siege, catapults caused $int($destruction) points destruction."</text> </message> <message name="siege" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) belagert $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$building($building) is under siege by $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="drown_on_ship" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ertrinkt beim Untergang der $ship($ship) in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) drowns when $ship($ship) in $region($region) sinks."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) drowns when $ship($ship) in $region($region) sinks."</text> </message> <message name="error320" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht bewachen, da sie versucht zu fliehen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot guard the region because it is trying to flee."</text> </message> <message name="error319" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann den Befehl in dieser Runde nicht ausf�hren, da sie an einem Kampf teilgenommen hat."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute this command because it has been in combat."</text> </message> <message name="error318" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Geb�ude kann nur einmal pro Runde erweitert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building can be expanded only once per turn."</text> </message> <message name="error317" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Objekt ist unzerst�rbar."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object is indestructible."</text> </message> <message name="error316" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne Zutaten kann ein Alchemist nichts herstellen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne Zutaten kann ein Alchemist nichts herstellen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Without ingredients an alchemist can not produce anything."</text> </message> <message name="error315" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht alle Zutaten vorhanden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht alle Zutaten vorhanden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Not all ingredients present."</text> </message> <message name="error314" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Partei kann nur einmal neu starten."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Restart can only be used once."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Restart can only be used once."</text> </message> <message name="error313" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen k�nnen nicht arbeiten."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes don't work."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes don't work."</text> </message> <message name="error312" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Werwesen k�nnen nicht mit anderen Personen gemischt werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes may not be mixed with normal people."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Lycantropes may not be mixed with normal people."</text> </message> <message name="error311" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht verwandeln."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit can not change shape."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit can not change shape."</text> </message> <message name="error310" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist kein Werwesen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is not in lycantropic form."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is not in lycantropic form."</text> </message> <message name="error309" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit ist schon ein Werwesen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit already assumed lycantropic form."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit already assumed lycantropic form."</text> </message> <message name="error308" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent kann nicht h�her gelernt werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This skill cannot be raised any higher."</text> </message> <message name="error307" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Snotlinge sind zu dumm, um auf den Feldern zu arbeiten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We snotlings is too stupid fer dat!"</text> </message> <message name="error306" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei mu� mindestens 9 Wochen alt sein, um einen Neustart zu versuchen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction is not old enough to start over."</text> </message> <message name="error305" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Optionen ZIP und BZIP2 k�nnen nur um-, nicht ausgeschaltet werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Options ZIP and BZIP2 can only be switched, not turned off."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Options ZIP and BZIP2 can only be switched, not turned off."</text> </message> <message name="error304" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten einer Partei, die noch immun gegen Angriffe ist, d�rfen nicht bewachen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units of a faction that can't be attacked may not guard."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units of a faction that can't be attacked may not guard."</text> </message> <message name="error303" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region kann man nichts verkaufen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No trade is possible in this region."</text> </message> <message name="error302" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Bereits ein Synonym gesetzt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym already set."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym already set."</text> </message> <message name="error301" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Kein Synonym angegeben."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym missing."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Synonym missing."</text> </message> <message name="error300" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ung�ltiges Synonym."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid synonym."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid synonym."</text> </message> <message name="error299" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ung�ltiges Prefix."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid prefix."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid prefix."</text> </message> <message name="error298" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier hat bereits einen Klon."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician already has a clone."</text> </message> <message name="error297" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Geb�ude auf dem Ozean k�nnen nicht betreten werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings on the ocean may not be entered."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings on the ocean may not be entered."</text> </message> <message name="error296" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier werden niemals B�ume wachsen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Trees won't grow here."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Trees won't grow here."</text> </message> <message name="error295" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur ein Magier kann einen Astralkristall benutzen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only mages may use an astralcrystal."</text> </message> <message name="error293" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Verb�nde k�nnen nur zwischen Einheiten derselben Partei gebildet werden."</text> </message> <message name="error291" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keinem Verband."</text> </message> <message name="error290" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Einheit kann nur in einem Verband Mitglied sein."</text> </message> <message name="error289" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wie sollen wir uns tarnen?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What should we disguise as?"</text> </message> <message name="error288" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wieviel sollen wir einrei�en?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - How much shall we tear down?"</text> </message> <message name="error287" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin k�nnen wir die Einheit nicht transportieren."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We cannot transport this unit there."</text> </message> <message name="error286" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit transportiert uns nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not transporting us."</text> </message> <message name="error285" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kennt keine Trankrezepte."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit knows no recipes for potions."</text> </message> <message name="error284" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur noch nicht gest�rkte Untote k�nnen das Ziel dieses Zaubers sein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Undead can only be affected once by this spell."</text> </message> <message name="error283" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Passwort darf nur Buchstaben und Ziffern enthalten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your password may only contain alphanumeric symbols."</text> </message> <message name="error282" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gegen diese Rasse kann kein Jihad ausgerufen werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot start a jihad against this race."</text> </message> <message name="error281" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Gegen welche Rasse soll der Jihad ausgerufen werden?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What race did you want the jihad to be against?"</text> </message> <message name="error280" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu muss erst die Spezialeigenschaft erworben werden."</text> </message> <message name="error278" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Name und Beschreibung des Geb�udes k�nnen nicht ge�ndert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot change the name and description of this building."</text> </message> <message name="error277" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das kann die Einheit nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot do this."</text> </message> <message name="error276" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Schiffe bauen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ships cannot be built here."</text> </message> <message name="error275" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Geb�ude errichten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Buildings cannot be built here."</text> </message> <message name="error274" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht unterrichten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot teach."</text> </message> <message name="error273" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nicht unterrichten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot teach here."</text> </message> <message name="error272" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pferde m�ssen leider drau�en bleiben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Horses are not allowed inside."</text> </message> <message name="error271" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man niemanden angreifen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot attack here."</text> </message> <message name="error270" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man niemanden bestehlen."</text> </message> <message name="error269" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nicht zaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast spells here."</text> </message> <message name="error268" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man nichts �bergeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot transfer items here."</text> </message> <message name="error267" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur eine Einzelperson kann das Ticket benutzen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only a single person can use the ticket."</text> </message> <message name="error266" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand funktioniert nur in der Eingangshalle."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item only functions in the entry hall."</text> </message> <message name="error265" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand funktioniert nur in der normalen Welt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item only works in the normal world."</text> </message> <message name="error264" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Gut hat die Einheit nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this good."</text> </message> <message name="error263" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Gut wird hier produziert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This good is not produced here."</text> </message> <message name="error262" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei kann keine weiteren Wyrme besitzen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot have any more wyrms."</text> </message> <message name="error261" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Vor den Besitzer eines Schiffes oder Geb�udes kann nicht sortiert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sort before the owner of a ship or a building."</text> </message> <message name="error260" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Besitzer eines Schiffes oder Geb�udes kann nicht neu sortiert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The owner of a ship or a building cannot be sorted."</text> </message> <message name="error259" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Befehl ist nur auf Einheiten innerhalb des selben Geb�udes oder Schiffes anwendbar."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That order only applies to units in the same building or ship."</text> </message> <message name="error258" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Zieleinheit ist ung�ltig."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The target unit is invalid."</text> </message> <message name="error257" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ung�ltiges Locale."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid locale."</text> </message> <message name="error256" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um so etwas kann man nicht beten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot pray for this."</text> </message> <message name="error255" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht opfern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sacrifice this."</text> </message> <message name="error254" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auraangabe fehlerhaft oder zuwenig Aura."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Invalid aura specification or not enough aura."</text> </message> <message name="error253" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier ist nicht stark genug, sich den G�ttern zu opfern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This magician is not strong enough to be sacrificed to the gods."</text> </message> <message name="error252" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Was und wieviel soll geopfert werden?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - What and how much should be sacrificed?"</text> </message> <message name="error251" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Kraft k�nnen selbst die G�tter nicht mehr m�chtiger machen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even the gods cannot improve this power."</text> </message> <message name="error250" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nicht genug Karma."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Not enough karma."</text> </message> <message name="error249" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff kann nicht aufs offene Meer hinaus segeln."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship cannot sail into the open seas."</text> </message> <message name="error248" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei mu� mindestens 10 Runden alt sein."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has to be 10 turns old."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has to be 10 turns old."</text> </message> <message name="error247" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat schon einen Namen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction is already named."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction is already named."</text> </message> <message name="error246" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Geb�ude hat schon einen Namen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already named."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already named."</text> </message> <message name="error245" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff hat schon einen Namen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already named."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already named."</text> </message> <message name="error244" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat schon einen Namen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is already named."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is already named."</text> </message> <message name="error243" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keine g�ltige Rasse angegeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You did not specify a valid race."</text> </message> <message name="error_onlandonly" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit mu� sich an Land befinden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must be on land."</text> </message> <message name="error_notstonecircle" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) ist kein Steinkreis."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) is not a stone circle."</text> </message> <message name="error_notcomplete" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) muss vor der Weihe fertiggestellt sein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) has to be complete before it can be blessed."</text> </message> <message name="error_nograves" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In $region($target) sind keine Gr�ber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no graves in $region($target)."</text> </message> <message name="error241" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei mu� mindestens 81 Wochen alt sein, um einen Neustart mit einer anderen Rasse zu versuchen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction must be at least 81 weeks old to restart with a new race."</text> </message> <message name="error240" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff verfolgt werden?"</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is this unit or ship supposed to be followed?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to be followed?"</text> </message> <message name="error239" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Soll eine Einheit oder ein Schiff eine neue Nummer bekommen?"</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is this unit or ship supposed to get a new number?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Is a unit or a ship supposed to get a new number?"</text> </message> <message name="error238" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier k�nnen nur Orks rekrutiert werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can recruit only Orcs here."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can recruit only orcs here."</text> </message> <message name="error237" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region befindet sich in Aufruhr."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are riots in this region."</text> </message> <message name="error236" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Geb�ude ist noch nicht fertig gebaut."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not finished yet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not finished yet."</text> </message> <message name="error235" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - F�r das Geb�ude wurde noch kein Unterhalt bezahlt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Maintenance has not been paid yet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Maintenance has not been paid yet."</text> </message> <message name="error234" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist mit Ausschiffen besch�ftigt.."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is busy disembarking."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is busy disembarking."</text> </message> <message name="error233" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Schiffe betreten."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Swimmers cannot enter ships."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Swimmers cannot enter ships."</text> </message> <message name="error232" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Typ Einheit kann keine Geb�ude betreten."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This type of unit cannot enter a building."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This type of unit cannot enter a building."</text> </message> <message name="error231" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit oder ihre Tiere w�rden dort nicht �berleben."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit or its animals would not survive there."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit or its animals would not survive there."</text> </message> <message name="error230" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin kann die Einheit uns nicht transportieren."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot transport us to this place."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot transport us to this place."</text> </message> <message name="entrance_besieged" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) wird belagert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $building($building) is under siege."</text> </message> <message name="entrance_denied" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Eintritt in $building($building) wurde verwehrt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Entrance to $building($building) was denied."</text> </message> <message name="error229" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Vertrauter wird beschworen, verschwindet jedoch wieder, als er keine Verbindung zu seinem Element herstellen kann."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A familiar is summoned, but it disappears again when it cannot get in contact with its natural element."</text> </message> <message name="error228" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur normale Personen k�nnen Steuern eintreiben."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only normal characters can collect taxes."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only normal characters can collect taxes."</text> </message> <message name="error227" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Daf�r braucht ein Einheit mindestens Kr�uterkunde 7."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A skill of herbalism 7 or higher is required."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A herbalism skill of 7 or higher is required."</text> </message> <message name="error226" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten in den hinteren Reihen k�nnen nicht angreifen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units cannot attack from the second row."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units from the backmost rows cannot attack."</text> </message> <message name="unknown_status" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannter Kampfstatus."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown combat status."</text> </message> <message name="unit_unarmed" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampff�hig."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight."</text> </message> <message name="one_circle_only" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat bereits ein Magiegebiet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has already chosen a magical school."</text> </message> <message name="race_cantwork" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) k�nnen nicht arbeiten."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot work."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot work."</text> </message> <message name="error225" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Soldaten k�mpfen nicht."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units do not fight."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units do not fight."</text> </message> <message name="error224" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten k�nnen nicht zaubern."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot cast spells."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot cast spells."</text> </message> <message name="error223" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungernde Einheiten k�nnen nicht bewachen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot guard."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Starving units cannot guard."</text> </message> <message name="error222" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zeige alle was?"</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Show all what?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Show all what?"</text> </message> <message name="error221" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man hier nicht bauen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot build this here."</text> </message> <message name="error220" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Im astralen Nebel konnte niemand entdeckt werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No one could be seen in the astral fog."</text> </message> <message name="gbdream_noteach" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Zauber in dieser Region verhindert das."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is an active spell in this region that prevents this."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is an active spell in this region that prevents this."</text> </message> <message name="spell_astral_only" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nur im Astralraum gezaubert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell can only be cast on the astral plane."</text> </message> <message name="error216" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Verbindung zur astralen Welt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no connection to the astral plane here."</text> </message> <message name="error215" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Von hier aus kann man die astrale Ebene nicht erreichen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot reach the astral plane from here."</text> </message> <message name="error214" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit ist kein Magier."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unit is not a magician."</text> </message> <message name="error213" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Parameter nicht korrekt angegeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Incorrect parameter."</text> </message> <message name="error212" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier befindet sich nicht auf einem Schiff."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is not on board a ship."</text> </message> <message name="error211" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Schiff liegt bereits so ein Zauber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already under this spell."</text> </message> <message name="error210" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist zu gef�hrlich, ein sturmgepeitschtes Schiff fliegen zu lassen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is too dangerous to fly the ship in the storm."</text> </message> <message name="error209" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax Error."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax Error."</text> </message> <message name="error208" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auraangabe fehlerhaft."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wrong aura values."</text> </message> <message name="error207" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zu dieser Einheit kann keine Aura �bertragen werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot transfer aura to this unit."</text> </message> <message name="error206" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Geb�ude liegt bereits so ein Zauber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is alrady a spell on that building."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_onocean" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf hoher See gezaubert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast while you are on the ocean."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_nomonsters" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Monster gezaubert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast on monsters."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_noundead" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Untote gezaubert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast on undead."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_generous" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Stimmung in der Region ist so schlecht, dass niemand auf den Zauber reagiert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The mood in this region is so bad that nobody reacts to the spell."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_pump" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="tregion" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) wusste trotz intensivem Verh�r nichts �ber $region($tregion) zu berichten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Despite intense questioning, $unit($target) did not have anything to tell about $region($tregion)."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_toomanytargets" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Persoenen �bersteigen die Kr�fte des Magiers."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This many people exceed the powers of the magician."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_noexpensives" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat unaufk�ndbare Bindungen an seine alte Partei."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) have unbreakable commitments to their faction."</text> </message> <message name="error205" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber gelingt nur in einer Ozeanregion."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in an ocean region."</text> </message> <message name="error204" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In einer Region ohne B�ume kann man diesen Zauber nicht wirken."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell in a region without trees."</text> </message> <message name="error203" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Ziel wurde vergessen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No target has been supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error202" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist keine g�ltige Rasse."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is not a valid race."</text> </message> <message name="error201" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Rasse und Zieleinheit wurden vergessen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Race and target unit have not been supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error200" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die maximale Aura reicht nicht f�r diesen Zauber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magician's maximum aura is not high enough for this spell."</text> </message> <message name="error199" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier hat bereits einen Vertrauten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician already has a familiar."</text> </message> <message name="error198" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Flammen finden keine Nahrung. Das Feuer erlischt, ohne Schaden anzurichten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The flames find no kindling. The fire dies quickly, causing no damage whatsoever."</text> </message> <message name="error197" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um einen Heimstein zu erschaffen, mu� der Zauberer in einer Burg sein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician has to be in a castle to create a homestone."</text> </message> <message name="error196" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist keine Waldregion."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is not a forest region."</text> </message> <message name="error195" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin f�hrt kein Weg."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no route leading there."</text> </message> <message name="error194" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Zielregion wurde nicht korrekt angegeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Target region was supplied incorrectly."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_astralonly" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in der Geisterwelt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell will only work in the realm of spirits."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_astralblock" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Wege zwischen Geisterwelt und Realit�t scheinen blockiert zu sein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The paths to the spirit world seem to be blocked."</text> </message> <message name="error191" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in W�ldern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in forests."</text> </message> <message name="error190" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber funktioniert nur in der materiellen Welt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell works only in the material world."</text> </message> <message name="error189" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Selbst der m�chtigste Magier der Welt k�nnte keinen Ozean austrocknen lassen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even the gods cannot dry out an entire ocean."</text> </message> <message name="error188" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht im Sumpf gezaubert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell in a swamp."</text> </message> <message name="error186" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nur auf Land gelegt werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell only works on dry land."</text> </message> <message name="error185" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber scheint ungew�hnlich schwach zu sein. Irgendetwas hat die magischen Energien abgeleitet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell seems exceptionally weak. Something has interfred with the magical energies."</text> </message> <message name="error187" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann den Befehl in dieser Runde nicht ausf�hren, da sie sich bewegt hat."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute this command because it has moved."</text> </message> <message name="error184" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit bewegt sich nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not move."</text> </message> <message name="error183" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier befindet sich nicht auf einem Schiff."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The magician is not on board a ship."</text> </message> <message name="error182" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff kann in diese Richtung nicht ablegen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship cannot leave in this direction."</text> </message> <message name="error181" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu mu� sich der Magier in der Burg oder an Bord des Schiffes befinden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - To do this, the magician has to be in a castle or on board a ship."</text> </message> <message name="error180" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Zauber schl�gt fehl."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The spell fails."</text> </message> <message name="error179" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Magiegebiet kann die Einheit nicht lernen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot learn this magic sphere."</text> </message> <message name="error178" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No magic sphere was supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error177" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann der Vertraute nicht zaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The familiar cannot cast this spell."</text> </message> <message name="error176" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann man nicht in die Ferne richten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell on a distant target."</text> </message> <message name="error175" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Spruch kann man nicht auf einem sich bewegenden Schiff stehend zaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot cast this spell while standing on a moving ship."</text> </message> <message name="error174" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber ist nur im Kampf sinnvoll."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell only makes sense in combat."</text> </message> <message name="error173" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Selbst in der Bibliothek von Xontormia konnte dieser Spruch nicht gefunden werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Even in the Xontormia Library, this spell could not be found."</text> </message> <message name="error172" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Zauber angegeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There was no spell supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error171" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Kampfzauber gibt es nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This combat spell does not exist."</text> </message> <message name="error170" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Bauern nehmen dieses gro�z�gige Geschenk nicht an."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The peasants did not accept this gracious gift."</text> </message> <message name="error169" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Zauber kennt die Einheit nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know this spell."</text> </message> <message name="error168" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Luxusg�ter verkauft werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No luxury items could be sold."</text> </message> <message name="error167" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit geht nicht zu den Bauern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not go to the peasants."</text> </message> <message name="error166" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Rasse kann eine Burg nicht belagern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This race cannot besiege a castle."</text> </message> <message name="error165" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Trank bekommt der Einheit nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The potion does not agree with the unit."</text> </message> <message name="error163" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Nestw�rme kann nur von Insektenv�lkern benutzt werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This potion can only be used by insects."</text> </message> <message name="error162" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Heiltrank wird automatisch bei Bedarf benutzt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This healing potion will be automatically used when needed."</text> </message> <message name="error161" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit besitzt den Trank nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this potion."</text> </message> <message name="error160" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Luxusg�ter gekauft werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No luxury items could be bought."</text> </message> <message name="error159" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnten keine Personen �bergeben werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No person could be handed over."</text> </message> <message name="error158" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magier arbeiten grunds�tzlich nur alleine!"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magicians always work alone!"</text> </message> <message name="error157" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat ein anderes Magiegebiet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction has a different magic sphere."</text> </message> <message name="error156" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zuviele Alchemisten in der Partei."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Too many alchemists in the faction."</text> </message> <message name="error155" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zuviele Magier in der Partei."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Too many magicians in the faction."</text> </message> <message name="error154" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hochqualifizierte Personen weigern sich, f�r andere Parteien zu arbeiten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Highly qualified people refuse to work for other parties."</text> </message> <message name="error153" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit schlie�t sich den Bauern an."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit joins the local peasants."</text> </message> <message name="error152" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit springt �ber Bord und ertrinkt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit jumps over board and drowns."</text> </message> <message name="error69" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird bewacht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The region is guarded."</text> </message> <message name="error135" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannte Option."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown option."</text> </message> <message name="error60" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wird belagert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is under siege."</text> </message> <message name="error151" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zum Stra�enbau braucht man Steine."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need stones to build a road."</text> </message> <message name="error149" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wohin soll die Botschaft gehen?"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Who is supposed to get this message?"</text> </message> <message name="error148" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Burgherr."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in command of a castle."</text> </message> <message name="error147" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht Burgherr der gr��ten Burg in der Region."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in command of the largest castle in the region."</text> </message> <message name="error146" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Kapit�n des Schiffes."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not captain of a ship."</text> </message> <message name="error145" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keiner Burg."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in a castle."</text> </message> <message name="error144" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf keinem Schiff."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not on board a ship."</text> </message> <message name="error143" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf einem Schiff."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is on board a ship."</text> </message> <message name="error142" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat zuwenig Silber, um zu rekrutieren."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver for recruiting."</text> </message> <message name="error141" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht mehr genug Kristalle f�r so viele Personen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough crystals left for this many people."</text> </message> <message name="error140" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich weder in einer Burg noch auf einem Schiff."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is neither in a castle nor on board a ship."</text> </message> <message name="error139" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unterschiedliche Typen k�nnen nicht gemischt werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Different types do not mix."</text> </message> <message name="error138" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Uns geh�rt nichts, was man abrei�en oder versenken k�nnte."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - We do not have anything that could be demolished."</text> </message> <message name="error137" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannter Hilfe-Modus."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown help mode."</text> </message> <message name="error134" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unbekannte Meldungs-Option."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown report option."</text> </message> <message name="error133" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in W�sten Stra�en bauen zu k�nnen, mu� zuerst eine Karawanserei errichtet werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a caravansary before building roads through deserts."</text> </message> <message name="error132" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in S�mpfen Stra�en bauen zu k�nnen, mu� zuerst ein Damm errichtet werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a dam before building roads through swamps."</text> </message> <message name="error129" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Leute kann die Partei nicht aufnehmen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot hire so many people."</text> </message> <message name="error128" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Fremde kann die Partei nicht aufnehmen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction cannot hire so many strangers."</text> </message> <message name="error127" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So viele Fremde kann Deine Partei nicht aufnehmen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction cannot hire so many strangers."</text> </message> <message name="error126" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht verkaufen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot sell this."</text> </message> <message name="error_cannotmake" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht machen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot produce this."</text> </message> <message name="error124" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas kann man nicht auf dem Markt kaufen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot buy that on a market place."</text> </message> <message name="error123" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas hat die Einheit nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have such a thing."</text> </message> <message name="error122" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pferde kann man nur in einer Pferdezucht z�chten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You can only breed horses in a stable."</text> </message> <message name="error121" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - So etwas gibt es hier nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That resource does not exist in this region."</text> </message> <message name="error120" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Personen k�nnen nur an Menschen �bergeben werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Characters can be given only to human parties."</text> </message> <message name="error119" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ohne einen Handelsposten gibt es keinen Markt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no marketplace without at least a tradepost."</text> </message> <message name="error118" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur Elfen k�nnen diese B�gen herstellen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Only elves can make these bows."</text> </message> <message name="error117" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nur die EMail-Adresse angeben!"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Please provide only an email address!"</text> </message> <message name="error116" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer kann nicht vergeben werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number can not be assigned."</text> </message> <message name="error115" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer ist schon belegt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number is already in use."</text> </message> <message name="error114" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nummer ist nicht im g�ltigen Bereich."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Number is not valid."</text> </message> <message name="error113" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nichts angegeben, was wir �bergeben sollen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Item to be handed over was not supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error112" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Namen d�rfen keine Klammern enthalten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Names may not contain parenthesis."</text> </message> <message name="error111" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nachricht zu lang - gek�rzt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Message has been cut (too long)."</text> </message> <message name="error110" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man mu� angeben, ob eine Burg, ein Schiff, eine Region oder eine Einheit beschrieben werden soll."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Specify if description is for a castle, a ship, a region, or a unit."</text> </message> <message name="error109" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man mu� angeben, ob eine Burg, ein Schiff, eine Einheit, eine Region oder eine Partei benannt werden soll."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Specify if a castle, a ship, a region, or a unit is supposed to be named."</text> </message> <message name="error108" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es sind keine Kr�uter zu finden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No herbs could be found."</text> </message> <message name="error107" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man braucht mindestens zwei Pferde, um sie zu z�chten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need at least two horses to breed more."</text> </message> <message name="error106" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Magier m�ssen zum studieren allein sein."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - When studying, magicians need to be alone."</text> </message> <message name="error105" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Leere Einheiten k�nnen nicht �bergeben werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Empty units can not be handed over."</text> </message> <message name="error104" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Metall kann nur in einem Bergwerk abgebaut werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This metal can be excavated only in a mine."</text> </message> <message name="error103" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier kann Stra�en bauen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here can build roads."</text> </message> <message name="error102" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine weiteren G�ter handeln."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot trade any more goods."</text> </message> <message name="error101" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier kann ein Geb�ude errichten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here can construct a building."</text> </message> <message name="error100" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keiner hier ist gelernter Schiffbauer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody here is a skilled ship builder."</text> </message> <message name="error99" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit will nicht transportiert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not want to be transported."</text> </message> <message name="error98" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Insekten k�nnen im Winter nur in W�sten rekrutiert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In winter, insects can be recruited only in deserts."</text> </message> <message name="error97" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In Gletschern k�nnen keine Insekten rekrutiert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Insects cannot be recruited in glacier regions."</text> </message> <message name="error96" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Einheit gibt es niemanden, den man transferieren k�nnte."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Nobody in this unit can be transferred."</text> </message> <message name="error95" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Illusionen k�nnen eine Region nicht bewachen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Illusions cannot guard a region."</text> </message> <message name="error94" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier kann man keine Stra�e bauen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot build a road here."</text> </message> <message name="error93" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es schon einen Hafen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is already a port in this region."</text> </message> <message name="error_nopeasants" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Bauern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no peasants in this region."</text> </message> <message name="error92" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keinen normalen Wald."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no normal forest in this region."</text> </message> <message name="error91" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hier gibt es keine Mallornb�ume."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are no mallorn trees here."</text> </message> <message name="error90" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit f�hrt nicht mit uns."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have travel with us."</text> </message> <message name="error89" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Geldgebot fehlt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Money offer is missing."</text> </message> <message name="error88" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht gen�gend Materialien f�r den Schiffbau."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is lacking materials for building the ship."</text> </message> <message name="error87" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - F�r das Elixier ben�tigt man Drachenblut."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dragon blood is required for this elixir."</text> </message> <message name="error86" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Falsches Passwort."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Wrong password."</text> </message> <message name="error85" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde keine Emailadresse angegeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No email address was supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error84" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es wurde kein Name angegeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No name was supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error83" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es konnte kein Bauer gefangen werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No peasant could be caught."</text> </message> <message name="error82" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es gibt keine Abstimmung mit dieser Nummer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no agreement with this number."</text> </message> <message name="error81" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit mu� zuerst die Region bewachen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must first guard the region."</text> </message> <message name="error80" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampff�hig."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight."</text> </message> <message name="error79" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Schiff oder eine Burg mu� angegeben werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A ship or a castle must be supplied."</text> </message> <message name="error78" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ein Fluch verhindert die �bergabe."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A curse prevented the transfer from happening."</text> </message> <message name="error77" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent wurde nicht erkannt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The skill could not be recognized."</text> </message> <message name="error771" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieses Talent kann die Einheit nicht lernen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot learn this skill."</text> </message> <message name="error76" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diesen Gegenstand kann man nicht benutzen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This item cannot be used."</text> </message> <message name="error75" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit nimmt niemanden an."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit does not accept anybody."</text> </message> <message name="error73" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine hungernde Einheit kann niemanden weggeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Hungry units cannot give anybody away."</text> </message> <message name="error74" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit kann niemanden weggeben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot give anybody away."</text> </message> <message name="feedback_no_contact" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us."</text> </message> <message name="feedback_no_astralregion" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann hier kein Kontakt zur Astralwelt aufgenommen werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no connection to the astral plane here."</text> </message> <message name="feedback_no_contact_resist" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen und widersteht dem Zauber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us, and resists the spell."</text> </message> <message name="feedback_no_contact_no_resist" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen, aber widersteht dem Zauber nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) did not contact us, but cannot resist the spell."</text> </message> <message name="error71" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Richtung wurde nicht erkannt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The given direction was not recognized."</text> </message> <message name="unknowndirection" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="dirname" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Richtung '$dirname' wurde nicht erkannt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Direction '$dirname' was not recognized."</text> </message> <message name="error70" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird von Nichtalliierten bewacht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This region is guarded by a non-allied faction."</text> </message> <message name="region_guarded" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="guard" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region wird von $unit($guard), einer nichtalliierten Einheit, bewacht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This region is guarded by $unit($guard), a non-allied unit."</text> </message> <message name="error67" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Pferde w�rden ertrinken."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The horses would drown."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The horses would drown."</text> </message> <message name="error66" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction could not be found."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction could not be found."</text> </message> <message name="error65" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Lernkosten k�nnen nicht bezahlt werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Tuition was too high to be paid."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Tuition was too high to be paid."</text> </message> <message name="use_realworld_only" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Gegenstand kann nur in der realen Welt benutzt werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object can only be used in the real world."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This object can only be used in the real world."</text> </message> <message name="error64" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) ist nicht ausreichend getarnt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) is not sufficiently stealthy."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($unit) is not sufficiently stealthy."</text> </message> <message name="feedback_unit_not_found" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit could not be found."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit could not be found."</text> </message> <message name="feedback_give_forbidden" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Einheit kann nichts gegeben werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot give anything to this unit."</text> </message> <message name="pump_effect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="tregion" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) horcht $unit($unit) �ber $region($tregion) aus."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) questions $unit($unit) about $region($tregion)."</text> </message> <message name="headache_effect_0" section="events"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) verschafft $unit($unit) einige feuchtfr�hliche Stunden mit heftigen Nachwirkungen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) invites $unit($unit) for a few too many drinks and a massive hangover."</text> </message> <message name="headache_effect_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) hat h�llische Kopfschmerzen und kann sich an die vergangene Woche nicht mehr erinnern. Nur noch daran, wie alles mit einer fr�hlichen Feier in irgendeiner Taverne anfing...."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) has a splitting headache and can hardly remember last week. Except that it all started in the tavern..."</text> </message> <message name="calm_effect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) bes�nftigt $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calms $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="seduce_effect_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verfiel dem Gl�cksspiel und hat fast sein ganzes Hab und gut verspielt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) gambles for high stakes and loses almost everything."</text> </message> <message name="seduce_effect_0" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="items" type="items"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) schenkt $unit($mage) $resources($items)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) gives $unit($mage) $resources($items)."</text> </message> <message name="shapeshift_effect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) l��t $unit($target) als $race($race,$unit.size($target)) erscheinen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) makes $unit($target) appear as $race($race,$unit.size($target))."</text> </message> <message name="magicresistance_effect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird kurz von einem magischen Licht umh�llt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is briefly surrounded by a magical light."</text> </message> <message name="stormwinds_reduced" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="ships" type="int"/> <arg name="maxships" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte nur $int($ships) von $int($maxships) Schiffen verzaubern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) could only enchant $int($ships) of $int($maxships) ships."</text> </message> <message name="stormwinds_effect" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) beschw�rt einen magischen Wind, der die Schiffe �ber das Wasser treibt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) calls up a magical storm that whips the ship over the waters."</text> </message> <message name="error59" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wei� nichts �ber Botanik."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know anything about herbalism."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know anything about herbalism."</text> </message> <message name="error58" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit wei� nicht, wie man gaukelt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know how to entertain."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not know how to entertain."</text> </message> <message name="error57" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit tr�gt zuviel Gewicht, um sich bewegen zu k�nnen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is too heavily loaded to move."</text> </message> <message name="error56" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann soviele Pferde nicht b�ndigen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot tame that many horses."</text> </message> <message name="error55" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann sich nicht fortbewegen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot move."</text> </message> <message name="error54" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht handeln."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot trade."</text> </message> <message name="error53" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine Tr�nke herstellen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot make potions."</text> </message> <message name="error52" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann keine weiteren langen Befehle ausf�hren."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot execute more long orders."</text> </message> <message name="error51" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Silber."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver."</text> </message> <message name="error50" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht erfahren genug daf�r."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not experienced enough to do this."</text> </message> <message name="error49" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht der Eigent�mer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not the owner."</text> </message> <message name="error48" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist nicht bewaffnet und kampff�hig."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not armed and ready to fight."</text> </message> <message name="error47" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist mit uns alliiert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is one of our allies."</text> </message> <message name="error46" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist in keiner Taverne."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in a tavern."</text> </message> <message name="error45" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist eine der unsrigen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit is one of our own."</text> </message> <message name="error44" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist auf hoher See."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is off shore."</text> </message> <message name="error43" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat soetwas nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this."</text> </message> <message name="error42" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Wagenlenker oder zuviel andere Fracht, um die Wagen aufzuladen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough coachmen or has too much freights to lad the wagons."</text> </message> <message name="error41" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nicht genug Silber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have enough silver."</text> </message> <message name="error40" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit did not contact us."</text> </message> <message name="error39" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keine Spionage gelernt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has not yet learned espionage."</text> </message> <message name="error38" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat keine Kr�uter."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have any herbs."</text> </message> <message name="error37" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Trank nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this potion."</text> </message> <message name="error36" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Gegenstand nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have this item."</text> </message> <message name="nogive_reserved" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="reservation" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diesen Gegenstand zwar, aber s�mtliche $int($reservation) $resource($resource,$reservation) sind reserviert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has this item, but all $int($reservation) $resource($resource,$reservation) are reserved."</text> </message> <message name="error35" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat diese Kr�uter nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit does not have these herbs."</text> </message> <message name="error_unit_size" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="maxsize" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Einheiten d�rfen nicht mehr als $int($maxsize) Personen enthalten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Units may not have more than $int($maxsize) members."</text> </message> <message name="enter_overload" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit darf nicht an Bord kommen, da sie das Schiff �berladen w�rde."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit cannot go aboard, the ship would be overloaded."</text> </message> <message name="error34" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit darf nicht an Bord kommen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit has no permission to come on board."</text> </message> <message name="error33" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich nicht in unserer Burg."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not in our castle."</text> </message> <message name="error32" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit befindet sich nicht an Bord unseres Schiffes."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit is not on board our ship."</text> </message> <message name="error31" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Burg wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The castle could not be found."</text> </message> <message name="error30" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Botschaft enth�lt keinen Text."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The message does not contain text."</text> </message> <message name="error28" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Bauern sind schlecht gelaunt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The peasant morale is low."</text> </message> <message name="error27" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Anzahl zu verkaufender Produkte fehlt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The amount of items for sale is missing."</text> </message> <message name="error26" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Anzahl zu kaufender Produkte fehlt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The amount of items to buy is missing."</text> </message> <message name="error25" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Fluch verhindert das."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A curse prevents this from happening."</text> </message> <message name="error24" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Belagerungszustand macht Spionage unm�glich."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Espionage was not possible due to siege."</text> </message> <message name="error23" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Belagerungszustand macht die Kontaktaufnahme unm�glich."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Contact was not possible due to siege."</text> </message> <message name="error22" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Befehl wurde nicht erkannt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Unknown command."</text> </message> <message name="error21" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu gibt es keine Informationen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no information available for the request."</text> </message> <message name="error20" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship could not be found."</text> </message> <message name="error19" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff mu� erst verlassen werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - First you have to leave the ship."</text> </message> <message name="error18" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist zu schwer beladen, um in See zu stechen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is too heavily loaded to sail."</text> </message> <message name="error_flying_ship_too_big" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) ist zu gro�, um fliegen zu k�nnen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $ship($ship) is too bulky to fly."</text> </message> <message name="error16" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist schon fertig."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is already completed."</text> </message> <message name="error15" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist noch nicht fertig gebaut."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship has not yet been completed."</text> </message> <message name="error14" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff ist auf hoher See."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is off shore."</text> </message> <message name="error13" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff hat sich bereits bewegt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship has moved already."</text> </message> <message name="error150" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Besitzer muss das Geb�ude zuerst verlassen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The owner must first LEAVE the building."</text> </message> <message name="error12" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff geh�rt uns nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is not ours."</text> </message> <message name="error1222" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Geb�ude geh�rt uns nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours."</text> </message> <message name="error11" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Schiff befindet sich auf hoher See."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The ship is still off shore."</text> </message> <message name="error10" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das macht wenig Sinn."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That does not make much sense."</text> </message> <message name="error9" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das kann man nicht sabotieren."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That cannot be sabotaged."</text> </message> <message name="error8" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das ist sinnlos."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That is useless."</text> </message> <message name="error7" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das geht nicht mehr."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This is no longer possible."</text> </message> <message name="error6" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Geb�ude wurde nicht gefunden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Building could not be found."</text> </message> <message name="error5" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Geb�ude geh�rt uns nicht."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is not ours."</text> </message> <message name="error4" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Das Geb�ude ist bereits fertig."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The building is already completed."</text> </message> <message name="error292" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit kann nicht unterrichtet werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit cannot be taught."</text> </message> <message name="error3" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Beschreibung zu lang - gek�rzt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Description has been cut (too long)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Description has been cut (too long)."</text> </message> <message name="error2" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf hoher See kann man nicht bewachen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot guard off shore."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You cannot guard off shore."</text> </message> <message name="error1" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf dem Schiff befinden sich zuwenig erfahrene Seeleute."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are not enough experienced sailors on board the ship."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There are not enough experienced sailors on board the ship."</text> </message> <message name="mistake" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="error" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - ${error}."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - ${error}."</text> </message> <message name="use_item" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) benutzt ein $resource($item,1)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) uses a $resource($item,1)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) uses a $resource($item,1)."</text> </message> <message name="use_singleperson" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $resource($item,0) k�nnen nur von Ein-Personen Einheiten benutzt werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $resource($item,0) can only be used by single-person units."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $resource($item,0) can only be used by single-person units."</text> </message> <message name="no_attack_after_advance" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit ist noch zu ersch�pft vom Einmarsch um zu attackieren."</text> <text locale="fr">"'$order($command)' - $unit($unit) marched into $region($region) during the last turn and is too exhausted to attack."</text> <text locale="en">"'$order($command)' - $unit($unit) marched into $region($region) during the last turn and is too exhausted to attack."</text> </message> <message name="race_no_attack" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) sind friedliebend und attackieren niemand."</text> <text locale="fr">"'$order($command)' - $race($race,0) are peace-loving and will not attack anyone."</text> <text locale="en">"'$order($command)' - $race($race,0) are peace-loving and will not attack anyone."</text> </message> <message name="building_needed" section="production"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="building" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit steht nicht im ben�tigten Geb�ude, $localize($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit must be in a $localize($building) to produce this."</text> </message> <message name="skill_needed" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dazu braucht man das Talent $skill($skill)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires the skill $skill($skill)."</text> </message> <message name="plant_skills" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> <arg name="minskill" type="int"/> <arg name="product" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man ben�tigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu pflanzen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - At least $skill($skill) $int($minskill) is needed for planting $resource($product,0)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - At least $skill($skill) $int($minskill) is needed for planting $resource($product,0)."</text> </message> <message name="manufacture_skills" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="skill" type="skill"/> <arg name="minskill" type="int"/> <arg name="product" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Man ben�tigt mindestens $int($minskill) $skill($skill), um $resource($product,0) zu produzieren."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You need at least $int($minskill) $skill($skill), to produce $resource($product,0)."</text> </message> <message name="msg_errors" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="msg_event" section="events"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="msg_economy" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="string" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$string"</text> <text locale="en">"$string"</text> </message> <message name="give_person" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) �bergibt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),"","en") an $unit($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) transfers $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),"","s") to $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="give" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) �bergibt $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) an $unit($target)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) gives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) to $unit($target)."</text> </message> <message name="receive" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($target) erh�lt $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) von $unit($unit)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($target) receives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) from $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="give_person_ocean" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) ertr�nkt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),"","en")."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) drowns $int($amount)."</text> </message> <message name="give_person_peasants" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) �bergibt $int($amount) Person$if($eq($amount,1),"","en") an die Bauern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) transfers $int($amount) person$if($eq($amount,1),"","s") to the local peasants."</text> </message> <message name="give_peasants" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="resource" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) �bergibt $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) an die Bauern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) gives $int($amount) $resource($resource,$amount) to the local peasants."</text> </message> <message name="maintenance" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) bezahlt den Unterhalt von $building($building)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) pays the maintenance for $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) pays the maintenance for $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="maintenancespecialfail" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) fehlen $resource($item,0) f�r den Betrieb von $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) lacks $resource($item,0) to operate $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="maintenancefail" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) kann den Unterhalt von $building($building) nicht bezahlen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) cannot pay the maintenance for $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="maintenance_noowner" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Unterhalt von $building($building) konnte nicht gezahlt werden, das Geb�ude war diese Woche nicht funktionst�chtig."</text> <text locale="en">"The upkeep for $building($building) was not paid, the building was not operational this week."</text> </message> <message name="maintenance_late" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Unterhalt von $building($building) konnte nur versp�tet gezahlt werden, das Geb�ude war diese Woche nicht funktionst�chtig."</text> <text locale="en">"The upkeep for $building($building) was paid late, the building was not operational this week."</text> </message> <message name="income_tradetax" section="economy"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) verdient am Handel in $region($region) Steuern in H�he von $int($amount) Silber."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) collected $int($amount) silver trade tax in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) collected $int($amount) silver trade tax in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="usepotion" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="potion" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) benutzt $resource($potion,1)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) uses $resource($potion,1)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) uses $resource($potion,1)."</text> </message> <message name="pest" section="events"> <type> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Hier w�tete die Pest, und $int($dead) Bauern starben."</text> <text locale="fr">"The region is visited by the plague and $int($dead) peasants died."</text> <text locale="en">"The region is visited by the plague and $int($dead) peasants died."</text> </message> <message name="error131" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um in Gletschern Stra�en bauen zu k�nnen, mu� zuerst ein Tunnel errichtet werden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You've got to build a tunnel before building roads through glaciers."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - You must build a tunnel before building roads through glaciers."</text> </message> <message name="error130" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIEGEBIET [1-5]."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIC SPHERE [1-5]."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Syntax: MAGIC SPHERE [1-5]."</text> </message> <message name="giverestriction" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="turns" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Deine Partei muss mindestens $int($turns) alt sein, um etwas an andere Parteien �bergeben zu k�nnen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old to give something to another faction."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Your faction must be at least $int($turns) weeks old to give something to another faction."</text> </message> <message name="turnreminder" section="errors"> <type> </type> <text locale="de">"Bitte sende die Befehle n�chste Runde ein, wenn du weiterspielen m�chtest."</text> <text locale="fr">"Merci d'envoyer vos ordres pour le tour suivant si vous d�sirez continuer � jouer."</text> <text locale="en">"Please send in orders for the next turn if you want to continue playing."</text> </message> <message name="newbieimmunity" section="events"> <type> <arg name="turns" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Deine Partei ist noch $int($turns) Wochen immun gegen Angriffe."</text> <text locale="fr">"Votre faction est immunis�e contre les agressions durant $int($turns) semaines encore."</text> <text locale="en">"Your faction is immune against assaults for $int($turns) more weeks."</text> </message> <message name="alliance::kickedout" section="events"> <type> <arg name="votes" type="int"/> <arg name="member" type="faction"/> <arg name="alliance" type="alliance"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$faction($member) ist mit $int($votes) Stimmen aus $alliance($alliance) ausgeschlossen worden."</text> <text locale="fr">"$faction($member) was kicked from $alliance($alliance) by $int($votes) of the alliance's members."</text> <text locale="en">"$faction($member) was kicked from $alliance($alliance) by $int($votes) of the alliance's members."</text> </message> <message name="alliance::lost" section="events"> <type> <arg name="alliance" type="alliance"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$alliance($alliance) scheidet aus dem Spiel aus, nachdem alle Tempel verloren gingen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$alliance($alliance) has to leave the game after all their temples were lost."</text> <text locale="en">"$alliance($alliance) has to leave the game after all their temples were lost."</text> </message> <message name="alliance::kickattempt" section="events"> <type> <arg name="votes" type="int"/> <arg name="alliance" type="alliance"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($votes) Mitglieder von $alliance($alliance) haben versucht, Deine Partei aus der Allianz auszuschliessen."</text> <text locale="fr">"$int($votes) members of $alliance($alliance) tried to kick you out of the alliance."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($votes) members of $alliance($alliance) tried to kick you out of the alliance."</text> </message> <message name="wdw_pyramidspell_found" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Regione k�nnen Pyramiden gebaut werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pyramids may be build in this region."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Pyramids may be build in this region."</text> </message> <message name="error_spell_on_ship_already" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Auf $ship($ship) liegt beeits ein Zauber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is already a spell on $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="error_spell_on_flying_ship" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist zu gef�hrlich, diesen Zauber auf das fliegende Schiff $ship($ship) zu legen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is far too dangerous to put this spell on the flying ship $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="wdw_pyramidspell_notfound" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="mindist" type="int"/> <arg name="maxdist" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region k�nnen keine Pyramiden gebaut werden. Die n�chste Pyramidenregion ist zwischen $int($mindist) und $int($maxdist) Regionen entfernt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No pyramids may be build in this region. The closest region to build a pyramid in is between $int($mindist) and $int($maxdist) regions away."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No pyramids may be build in this region. The closest region to build a pyramid in is between $int($mindist) and $int($maxdist) regions away."</text> </message> <message name="wormhole_requirements" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) kann in $region($region) nicht durch das Wurmloch reisen, da die Einheit entweder zu gross ist oder teure Talente besitzt."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) cannot travel through the wormhole in $region($region) because the unit is either too big or has restricted skills."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) cannot travel through the wormhole in $region($region) because the unit is either too big or has restricted skills."</text> </message> <message name="wormhole_exit" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) reist durch ein Wurmloch nach $region($region)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) travels through a wormhole to $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) travels through a wormhole to $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="wormhole_appear" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) erscheint ein Wurmloch."</text> <text locale="fr">"A wormhole appears in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"A wormhole appears in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="wormhole_dissolve" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Das Wurmloch in $region($region) schlie�t sich."</text> <text locale="fr">"The wormhole in $region($region) disappears."</text> <text locale="en">"The wormhole in $region($region) disappears."</text> </message> <message name="battle::useflamingsword" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($amount) Krieger von $unit($unit) benutzen ihre Flammenschwerter."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($amount) fighters of $unit($unit) are using their flaming sword."</text> </message> <message name="battle::usecatapult" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$int($amount) Krieger von $unit($unit) feuern ihre Katapulte ab."</text> <text locale="en">"$int($amount) fighters of $unit($unit) launch their catapults."</text> </message> <message name="battle::starters" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="factions" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Kampf wurde ausgel�st von ${factions}."</text> <text locale="en">"The battle was initiated by ${factions}."</text> </message> <message name="battle::potionsave" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte durch einen Heiltrank �berleben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) was saved by a healing potion."</text> </message> <message name="battle::tactics_lost" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) konnte dem Gegner eine Falle stellen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) lured the enemy into an ambush."</text> </message> <message name="battle::tactics_won" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) �berrascht den Gegner."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) surprises the enemies."</text> </message> <message name="battle::spell_failed" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) versucht $spell($spell) zu zaubern, doch der Zauber schl�gt fehl!"</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) tries to cast $spell($spell), but the spell fails!"</text> </message> <message name="battle::aborted" section="battle"> <type> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Kampf wurde abgebrochen, da alle Verteidiger flohen."</text> <text locale="en">"The battle was aborted because all enemies escaped."</text> </message> <message name="battle::row_header" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="row" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"... in der $int($row). Kampflinie:"</text> <text locale="en">"... in combat rank $int($row):"</text> </message> <message name="battle::out_of_range" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell), aber niemand war in Reichweite."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell), but nobody was in range."</text> </message> <message name="battle::after" section="battle"> <type> </type> <text locale="de">"Einheiten nach dem Kampf:"</text> <text locale="en">"Units after the battle:"</text> </message> <message name="battle::section" section="battle"> <type> </type> <text locale="de">""</text> <text locale="en">""</text> </message> <message name="sp_wolfhowl_effect" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft $int($amount) $race($race, $amount) zu Hilfe."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls for the help of $int($amount) $race($race, $amount)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_shadowknights_effect" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt Trugbilder herauf."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons a mirage."</text> </message> <message name="sp_chaosrow_effect_0" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) murmelt eine d�ster klingende Formel. Ein pl�tzlicher Tumult entsteht, der sich jedoch schnell wieder legt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) mumbles arcane words. There is a sudden hubbub, but order is restored quickly."</text> </message> <message name="sp_chaosrow_effect_1" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) murmelt eine d�ster klingende Formel. Ein pl�tzlicher Tumult entsteht und bringt die Kampfaufstellung durcheinander."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) mumbles arcane words. There is a sudden hubbub and the battle order is disturbed."</text> </message> <message name="sp_confusion_effect_0" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) stimmt einen seltsamen Gesang an. Ein pl�tzlicher Tumult entsteht, der sich jedoch schnell wieder legt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) intones a mysterious chant. There is a sudden hubbub, but order is restored quickly."</text> </message> <message name="sp_confusion_effect_1" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) stimmt einen seltsamen Gesang an. Ein pl�tzlicher Tumult entsteht und bringt die Kampfaufstellung durcheinander."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) begins a mysterious chant. Great confusion sweeps through the ranks of the enemy."</text> </message> <message name="sp_strongwalls_effect" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) l��t die Mauern von $building($building) in einem unheimlichen magischen Licht ergl�hen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) causes the walls of $building($building) to glow in an eerie magic light."</text> </message> <message name="battle::lineup" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="turn" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Einheiten vor der $int($turn). Runde:"</text> <text locale="en">"Units before turn $int($turn):"</text> </message> <message name="battle::header" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) findet ein Kampf statt."</text> <text locale="en">"There is a battle in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="battle::combatspell" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell): $int($dead) $if($eq($dead,1),"Krieger wurde", "Krieger wurden") get�tet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell): $int($dead) $if($eq($dead,1),"enemy was", "enemies were") killed."</text> </message> <message name="earthquake_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) l��t die Erde in $region($region) erzittern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) makes the earth shake in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_drought_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) verflucht das Land in $region($region), und eine D�rreperiode beginnt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) puts a curse on the lands of $region($region) and a drought sets in."</text> </message> <message name="sp_clone_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erschafft einen Klon."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) creates a clone."</text> </message> <message name="sp_dreamreading_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) verliert sich in die Tr�ume von $unit($unit) und erh�lt einen Eindruck von $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) is lost in the dreams of $unit($unit) and gets a glimps into $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_sweetdreams_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) verschafft $unit($unit) ein sch�nes Nachtleben in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) causes $unit($unit) to have a wonderful night in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_disturbingdreams_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) sorgt f�r schlechten Schlaf in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) disturbs everyone's dreams in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="summon_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt $int($amount) $race($race,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons $int($amount) $race($race,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="forestfire_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erschafft in $region($region) eine verheerende Feuersbrunst. $int($amount) B�ume fallen den Flammen zum Opfer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) creates a flaming inferno in $region($region). $int($amount) trees fall victim to the flames."</text> </message> <message name="homestone_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Mit einem Ritual bindet $unit($mage) die magischen Kr�fte der Erde in die Mauern von $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"A magic ritual by $unit($mage) binds magic energies to the walls of $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="blessedstonecircle_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="building" type="building"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) weight $building($building)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) blesses $building($building)."</text> </message> <message name="drought_effect_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Eis schmilzt und verwandelt sich in Morast. Rei�ende Str�me sp�len die mageren Felder weg und ers�ufen Mensch und Tier. Was an Bauten nicht den Fluten zum Opfer fiel, verschlingt der Morast. Die sengende Hitze ver�ndert die Region f�r immer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). Ice melts and turns the lands into swamps. Powerful rivers wash away the fertile soil and drown people and animals alike. What buildings have not succumbed to the floods sink into the mire. The torrid sun changes the region forever."</text> </message> <message name="drought_effect_2" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Die Felder verdorren und Pferde verdursten. Die Hungersnot kostet vielen Bauern das Leben. Vertrocknete B�ume recken ihre kahlen Zweige in den blauen Himmel, von dem erbarmungslos die sengende Sonne brennt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The crops wither, horses die of thirst. A famine claims the lives of many peasants. The trees die and their bald branches cannot protect from the torrid sun that mercilessly burns the grounds."</text> </message> <message name="drought_effect_3" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Die Felder verdorren und Pferde verdursten. Die Hungersnot kostet vielen Bauern das Leben. Vertrocknete B�ume recken ihre kahlen Zweige in den blauen Himmel, von dem erbarmungslos die sengende Sonne brennt. Die D�rre ver�ndert die Region f�r immer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The crops wither, horses die of thirst. A famine claims the lives of many peasants. The trees die and their bald branches cannot protect from the torrid sun that mercilessly burns the grounds. The drought permanently alters the region."</text> </message> <message name="drought_effect_4" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft das Feuer der Sonne auf $region($region) hinab. Das Eis zerbricht und eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt die Region."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls the torching power of the sun upon $region($region). The ice melts and and the region is consumed by a tidal wave."</text> </message> <message name="generous_effect_1" section="magic"> <text locale="de">"Die Darbietungen eines fahrenden Gauklers begeistern die Leute. Die fr�hliche und ausgelassene Stimmung seiner Lieder �bertr�gt sich auf alle Zuh�rer."</text> <text locale="en">"A touring minstrel entertains the locals. The joyous and generous disposition of his songs prove infectious."</text> </message> <message name="generous_effect_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Darbietungen von $unit($mage) begeistern die Leute. Die fr�hliche und ausgelassene Stimmung seiner Lieder �bertr�gt sich auf alle Zuh�rer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) entertains the locals. The joyous and generous disposition of his songs prove infectious."</text> </message> <message name="song_of_peace_effect_1" section="magic"> <text locale="de">"In der Luft liegt ein wundersch�nes Lied, dessen friedfertiger Stimmung sich niemand entziehen kann. Einige Leute werfen sogar ihre Waffen weg."</text> <text locale="en">"A wondrous song fills the air and enchants the public. The song's peaceful melody makes several listeners drop their weapons."</text> </message> <message name="song_of_peace_effect_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die Gesangskunst von $unit($mage) begeistert die Leute. Die friedfertige Stimmung des Lieds �bertr�gt sich auf alle Zuh�rer. Einige werfen ihre Waffen weg."</text> <text locale="en">"The marvelous singing of $unit($mage) enchants the public. The song's peaceful melody makes several listeners drop their weapons."</text> </message> <message name="summonshadow_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) beschw�rt $int($number) D�monen aus dem Reich der Schatten."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) summons $int($number) demons from the realm of shadows."</text> </message> <message name="cast_spell_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell)."</text> </message> <message name="sp_mindblast_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell). $int($amount) Krieger verloren Erinnerungen, $int($dead) wurden get�tet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell). $int($amount) warriors lose their memories, $int($dead) were killed."</text> </message> <message name="sp_mindblast_temp_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="spell" type="spell"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) zaubert $spell($spell). $int($amount) Krieger verloren kurzzeitig ihr Ged�chtnis."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) casts $spell($spell). $int($amount) fighters are temporarily losing some of their memories."</text> </message> <message name="sp_shadowcall_effect" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft $int($amount) $race($race, 0) zu Hilfe."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) calls upon the help of $int($amount) $race($race, 0)."</text> </message> <message name="battle::killed" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) t�tete $int($dead) Krieger."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) killed $int($dead) opponents."</text> </message> <message name="battle::army_report" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="index" type="int"/> <arg name="abbrev" type="string"/> <arg name="dead" type="int"/> <arg name="fled" type="int"/> <arg name="survived" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Heer $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) Tote, $int($fled) Geflohene, $int($survived) �berlebende."</text> <text locale="en">"Army $int($index)($abbrev): $int($dead) dead, $int($fled) fled, $int($survived) survivors."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail::nolevel" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht mit Stufenangabe gezaubert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast with variable level."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail::noway" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dorthin f�hrt kein Weg."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There is no route leading there."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail::nocontact" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Zu $region($target) kann kein Kontakt hergestellt werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $region($target) could not be contacted."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail::contact" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit $unit($target) hat keinen Kontakt mit uns aufgenommen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit $unit($target) did not contact us."</text> </message> <message name="block_spell" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="self" type="unit"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Antimagie von $unit.dative($self) blockiert in $region($region) einen Zauber von $unit.dative($mage)."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), anti-magic from $unit($self) blocks the spell of $unit($mage)."</text> </message> <message name="reduce_spell" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="self" type="unit"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($self) schw�cht in $region($region) einen Zauber von $unit.dative($mage) durch Antimagie ab."</text> <text locale="en">"In $region($region), anti-magic from $unit($self) reduces the effect of $unit($mage)'s spell."</text> </message> <message name="hornofpeace_u_success" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="pacified" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $int($pacified) Regionen wurden befriedet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $int($pacified) regions have been pacified."</text> </message> <message name="hornofpeace_u_nosuccess" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Keine Region konnte befriedet werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - No region could be pacified."</text> </message> <message name="hornofpeace_r_success" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) bl�st das Horn des Tanzes. In der ganzen Region breitet sich eine friedliche Feststimmmung aus."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) blows the Horn of Dancing. Peaceful harmony spreads over the region."</text> </message> <message name="hornofpeace_r_nosuccess" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) bl�st das Horn des Tanzes, doch niemand hier l�sst sich von Stimmung anstecken."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) blows the Horn of Dancing, but nobody here gets into the mood."</text> </message> <message name="trappedairelemental_success" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die $ship($ship) wird jetzt schneller ihr Ziel erreichen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The $ship($ship) will now be faster."</text> </message> <message name="aurapotion50" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Magier f�hlt sich durch den Trank magische gest�rkt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The mage is magically invigorated."</text> </message> <message name="bagpipeoffear_faction" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="money" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Ausser sich vor Furcht geben die Bauern dem Barden $int($money) Silber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Stricken with fear the peasants give the bard $int($money) silver."</text> </message> <message name="bagpipeoffear_region" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="money" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) spielt einen Dudelsack. Ausser sich vor Furcht geben die Bauern $int($money) Silber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) plays the bagpipe. Stricken with fear the peasants give $int($money) silver."</text> </message> <message name="artacademy_create" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) erschafft eine Akademie der K�nste."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) creates an academy of arts."</text> </message> <message name="artsculpture_create" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) erschafft eine Skulptur."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region) creates a sculpture."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_distance" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Region ist zu weit entfernt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - That region is too far away."</text> </message> <message name="spellfail_block" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Wege aus dieser Region sind blockiert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The connections from to this regions are blocked."</text> </message> <message name="astral_appear" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) erscheint pl�tzlich."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) appears."</text> </message> <message name="astral_disappear" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird durchscheinend und verschwindet."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) disappears."</text> </message> <message name="fail_tooheavy" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) ist zu schwer."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) is too heavy."</text> </message> <message name="heroes_maxed" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="max" type="int"/> <arg name="count" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Partei hat bereits $int($count) von $int($max) Helden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The faction already has $int($count) of $int($max) heroes."</text> </message> <message name="heroes_race" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) k�nnen keine Helden erw�hlen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot be heroes."</text> </message> <message name="hero_promotion" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="cost" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird mit $int($cost) Silber zum Helden ernannt."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) uses $int($cost) silber for a promotion."</text> </message> <message name="heroes_cost" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="cost" type="int"/> <arg name="have" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Einheit hat nur $int($have) von $int($cost) ben�tigtem Silber."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The unit has $int($have) of $int($cost) silver required."</text> </message> <message name="tidalwave" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt $region($region) und alle Bewohner."</text> <text locale="en">"A tidal wave wipes out $region($region) and all who lived there."</text> </message> <message name="tidalwave_kill" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine gewaltige Flutwelle verschlingt $unit($unit) in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"A tidal wave wipes out $region($region) and kills $unit($unit)."</text> </message> <message name="astralshield_activate" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) reaktiviert den astralen Schutzschild in $region($region)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) reactivates the astral protection shield in $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="dissolve_units_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),"kehrte auf seine", "kehrten auf ihre") Felder zur�ck."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) returned to the fields."</text> </message> <message name="dissolve_units_2" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),"wurde zum Baum", "wurden zu B�umen")."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) turned into $if($eq($number,1),"a tree", "trees")."</text> </message> <message name="dissolve_units_3" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),"verfaulte", "verfaulten")."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) whithered and died."</text> </message> <message name="dissolve_units_4" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),"zerfiel", "zerfielen") zu Staub."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) turned to dust."</text> </message> <message name="dissolve_units_5" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) $if($eq($number,1),"verschwand", "verschwanden") �ber Nacht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($number) $race($race,$number) disappeared in the night."</text> </message> <message name="forestfire_spread" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="next" type="region"/> <arg name="trees" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Waldbrand in $region($region) griff auch auf $region($next) �ber, und $int($trees) verbrannten."</text> <text locale="en">"The fire in $region($region) spread to $region($next) and $int($trees) were burned."</text> </message> <message name="plague_spell" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) ruft in $region($region) eine Pest hervor."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) sends the plague on $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="too_many_units_in_faction" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="allowed" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Partei darf nicht aus mehr als $int($allowed) Einheiten bestehen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - A faction may not consist of more than $int($allowed) units."</text> </message> <message name="too_many_units_in_alliance" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="allowed" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Eine Allianz darf aus nicht mehr als $int($allowed) Einheiten bestehen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - An alliance may not consist of more than $int($allowed) units."</text> </message> <message name="itemcrumble" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount) zerfallen zu Staub."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount) turn to dust."</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::shipnodrift_1" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="duration" type="int"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Die $ship($ship) ist mit gutem Wind gesegnet$if($lt($duration,3),", doch der Zauber beginnt sich bereits aufzul�sen",""). ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The $ship($ship) is blessed with favourable winds$if($lt($duration,3),", but the spell is starting to wear thin",""). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::flyingship" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Kr�ftige St�rme haben dieses Schiff in die Luft gehoben. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Powerful storms have lifted this ship high into the air. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::astralblock" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"M�chtige Magie verhindert den Kontakt zur Realit�t. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"Powerful magic disrupts our contact with reality. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::shipnodrift_0" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Ein silberner Schimmer umgibt die $ship($ship). ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"A silvery shimmer surrounds the $ship($ship). ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::magicrunes_building" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="building" type="building"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Auf den Mauern von $building($building) erkennt man seltsame Runen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The walls of $building($building) are inscribed with strange runes. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="item_create_spell" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="mage" type="unit"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> <arg name="number" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($mage) erschafft $int($number) $resource($item,$number)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($mage) creates $int($number) $resource($item,$number)."</text> </message> <message name="curseinfo::magicrunes_ship" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Auf den Planken von $ship($ship) erkennt man seltsame Runen. ($int36($id))"</text> <text locale="en">"The plank of $ship($ship) are inscribed with strange runes. ($int36($id))"</text> </message> <message name="phoenixcompass_confusion" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Kompassnadel springt wild hin und her und es l�sst sich keine Richtung erkennen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle jumps wildly and there is no specific direction recognizable."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle jumps wildly and there is no specific direction recognizable."</text> </message> <message name="phoenixcompass_success" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="dir" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Die Kompassnadel zeigt nach $direction($dir)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle points $direction($dir)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The needle points $direction($dir)."</text> </message> <message name="disrupt_astral" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) wird aus der astralen Ebene nach $region($region) geschleudert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is sent from the astral plain to $region($region)."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) is sent from the astral plain to $region($region)."</text> </message> <message name="send_astral" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($target) wird von $unit($unit) in eine andere Welt geschleudert."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) sends $unit($target) to another world."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) sends $unit($target) to another world."</text> </message> <message name="try_astral" section="magic"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) versuchte erfolglos, $unit($target) in eine andere Welt zu schleudern."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) tried but failed to send $unit($target) to another world."</text> <text locale="fr">"$unit($unit) tried but failed to send $unit($target) to another world."</text> </message> <message name="renumber_twice" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"NUMMER PARTEI $int36($id): Die Partei kann nicht mehr als einmal ihre Nummer wecheln."</text> <text locale="en">"NUMBER FACTION $int36($id): Your faction can only change its number once."</text> </message> <message name="renumber_inuse" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="id" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"NUMMER PARTEI $int36($id): Diese Nummer wird von einer anderen Partei benutzt."</text> <text locale="en">"NUMBER FACTION $int36($id): This number is being used by another faction."</text> </message> <message name="mail_result" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="message" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Eine Botschaft von $unit($unit): '$message'"</text> <text locale="en">"A message from $unit($unit): '$message'"</text> </message> <message name="encounter_allies" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="name" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Pl�tzlich stolpert $unit($unit) �ber einige $localize($name). Nach kurzem Z�gern entschlie�en die $localize($name), sich Deiner Partei anzuschlie�en."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) stumbles upon $localize($name). After short hesitation, $localize($name) agrees to join your faction."</text> </message> <message name="encounter_villagers" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) entdeckt ein kleines Dorf. Die meisten H�user wurden durch einen �ber die Ufer getretenen Flu� zerst�rt. Eine Gruppe der verzweifelten Menschen schlie�t sich deiner Partei an."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) discovers a small village. Most of the houses have been destroyed by flooding, and a group of the distressed villagers join your faction."</text> </message> <message name="mob_warning" section="events"> <text locale="de">"Ein Bauernmob erhebt sich und macht Jagd auf Schwarzmagier."</text> <text locale="en">"An angry mob forms and hunts practitioners of the dark arts."</text> </message> <message name="familiar_name" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Vertrauter von $unit($unit)"</text> <text locale="en">"Familiar of $unit($unit)"</text> </message> <message name="recruit_archetype" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="archetype" type="string"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) rekrutiert $int($amount) $localize($archetype)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) recruits $int($amount) $localize($archetype)."</text> </message> <message name="illegal_password" section="events"> <type> <arg name="newpass" type="string"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Dein Passwort enth�lt Zeichen, die bei der Nachsendung von Reports Probleme bereiten k�nnen. Bitte beachte, dass Passwortenur aus Buchstaben von A bis Z und Zahlen bestehen d�rfen. Dein neues Passwort ist '${newpass}'."</text> <text locale="en">"Your password was changed because it contained illegal characters. Legal passwords may only contain numbers and letters from A to Z. Your new Password is '${newpass}'."</text> </message> <message name="meow" section="events"> <text locale="de">"Miiauuuuuu..."</text> <text locale="en">"Meeoooooow..."</text> </message> <message name="arena_leave_fail" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Der Versuch, die Greifenschwingen zu benutzen, schlug fehl. $unit($unit) konnte die Ebene der Herausforderung nicht verlassen."</text> <text locale="en">"The attempt to use wings of the gryphon failed. $unit($unit) could not leave the Plane of Challenge."</text> </message> <message name="caldera_handle_0" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) springt in die ewigen Feuer des Kraters."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) jumps into the eternal flame of the caldera."</text> </message> <message name="caldera_handle_1" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="items" type="items"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) springt in die ewigen Feuer des Kraters."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) jumps into the eternal flame of the caldera."</text> </message> <message name="arena_enter_fail" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) erklingt die Stimme des Torw�chters: 'Nur wer ohne materielle G�ter und noch lernbegierig ist, der darf die Ebene der Herausforderung betreten. Und vergi� nicht mein Trinkgeld.'. $unit($unit) erhielt keinen Einla�."</text> <text locale="en">"$region($region) reverberates from the voice of the gate keeper: 'Only those who forgo material riches and who are willing to learn my enter the Plane of Challenge. And don't forget about my tip!'. $unit($unit) was not admitted."</text> </message> <message name="arena_enter" section="events"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"In $region($region) �ffnet sich ein Portal. Eine Stimme ert�nt, und spricht: 'Willkommen in der Ebene der Herausforderung'. $unit($unit) durchschreitet das Tor zu einer anderen Welt."</text> <text locale="en">"A portal opens in $region($region). A voice calls: 'Welcome to the Plane of Challenge'. $unit($unit) walks through the gate to another world."</text> </message> <message name="chaos_disease" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) scheint von einer seltsamen Krankheit befallen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) is stricken by a strange disease."</text> </message> <message name="battle_loot" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> <arg name="item" type="resource"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) erbeutet $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) collects $int($amount) $resource($item,$amount)."</text> </message> <message name="peace_active" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es ist so sch�n friedlich, man m�chte hier niemanden angreifen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - It is so quiet and peaceful, nobody wants to attack anybody right now."</text> </message> <message name="error_race_nolearn" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="race" type="race"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) k�nnen nichts lernen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $race($race,0) cannot study."</text> </message> <message name="error_migrants_nolearn" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Migranten k�nnen keine kostenpflichtigen Talente lernen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Migrants cannot study this."</text> </message> <message name="error_max_magicians" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann maximal $int($amount) Magier pro Partei geben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There may not be more than $int($amount) magicians in your faction."</text> </message> <message name="error_max_alchemists" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="amount" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Es kann maximal $int($amount) Alchemisten pro Partei geben."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - There may not be more tha $int($amount) alchemists in your faction."</text> </message> <message name="error_different_magic" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="target" type="unit"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) versteht unsere Art von Magie nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - $unit($target) does not understand our kind of magic."</text> </message> <message name="error_captain_skill_low" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="value" type="int"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Der Kapit�n mu� ein Segeltalent von mindestens $int($value) haben, um $ship($ship) zu befehligen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The captain needs a sailing skill of at least $int($value), to command $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="error_roads_finished" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - In dieser Region gibt es keine Br�cken und Stra�en mehr zu bauen."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - The roads and bridges in this region are complete."</text> </message> <message name="error_build_skill_low" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> <arg name="value" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Um das zu bauen, braucht man ein Talent von mindestens $int($value)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This requires a skill of at least $int($value) to build."</text> </message> <message name="slave_active" section="battle"> <type> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Diese Einheit k�mpft nicht."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This unit will not fight."</text> </message> <message name="harbor_trade" section="events"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="items" type="items"/> <arg name="ship" type="ship"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) erhielt $resources($items) von der $ship($ship)."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) received $resources($items) from the $ship($ship)."</text> </message> <message name="error_not_on_undead" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="unit" type="unit"/> <arg name="region" type="region"/> <arg name="command" type="order"/> </type> <text locale="de">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - Dieser Zauber kann nicht auf Untote gezaubert werden."</text> <text locale="en">"$unit($unit) in $region($region): '$order($command)' - This spell cannot be cast upon undead."</text> </message> <message name="warn_dropout" section="errors"> <type> <arg name="faction" type="faction"/> <arg name="turns" type="int"/> </type> <text locale="de">"Achtung: $faction($faction) hat seit $int($turns) Wochen keine Z�ge eingeschickt und k�nnte dadurch in K�rze aus dem Spiel ausscheiden."</text> <text locale="en">"Warning: $faction($faction) has not been sending in orders for $int($turns) turns and may be leaving the game soon."</text> </message> </messages>