#include #include #include #include #include "save.h" #include "unit.h" #include "faction.h" #include "version.h" #include #include #include static void test_readwrite_data(CuTest * tc) { const char *filename = "test.dat"; char path[MAX_PATH]; test_cleanup(); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, writegame(filename)); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, readgame(filename, false)); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, RELEASE_VERSION, global.data_version); join_path(datapath(), filename, path, sizeof(path)); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, remove(path)); test_cleanup(); } static void test_readwrite_unit(CuTest * tc) { const char *filename = "test.dat"; char path[MAX_PATH]; gamedata *data; struct unit *u; struct region *r; struct faction *f; int fno; /* FIXME: at some point during this test, errno is set to 17 (File exists), why? */ create_directories(); test_cleanup(); r = test_create_region(0, 0, 0); f = test_create_faction(0); fno = f->no; u = test_create_unit(f, r); join_path(datapath(), filename, path, sizeof(path)); data = gamedata_open(path, "wb"); CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, data); // TODO: intermittent test (even after the 'b' fix!) write_unit(data, u); gamedata_close(data); free_gamedata(); f = test_create_faction(0); renumber_faction(f, fno); data = gamedata_open(path, "rb"); u = read_unit(data); gamedata_close(data); CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, u); CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, f, u->faction); CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, u->region); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, remove(path)); test_cleanup(); } static void test_readwrite_attrib(CuTest *tc) { gamedata *data; attrib *a = NULL; const char *path = "attrib.dat"; test_cleanup(); data = gamedata_open(path, "wb"); CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, data); key_set(&a, 41); key_set(&a, 42); write_attribs(data->store, a, NULL); gamedata_close(data); a_removeall(&a, NULL); CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, a); data = gamedata_open(path, "rb"); CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, data); read_attribs(data->store, &a, NULL); gamedata_close(data); CuAssertTrue(tc, key_get(a, 41)); CuAssertTrue(tc, key_get(a, 42)); a_removeall(&a, NULL); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, remove(path)); test_cleanup(); } CuSuite *get_save_suite(void) { CuSuite *suite = CuSuiteNew(); SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_readwrite_attrib); SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_readwrite_data); SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_readwrite_unit); return suite; }