/* vi: set ts=2: +-------------------+ Christian Schlittchen | | Enno Rehling | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel | (c) 1998 - 2003 | Henning Peters | | Ingo Wilken +-------------------+ Stefan Reich This program may not be used, modified or distributed without prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include #include "message.h" #include "goodies.h" #include "log.h" /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include const char * mt_name(const message_type* mtype) { return mtype->name; } message_type * mt_new(const char * name, const char * args[]) { int i, nparameters = 0; message_type * mtype = (message_type *)malloc(sizeof(message_type)); assert(name!=NULL); if (name==NULL) { log_error(("Trying to create message_type with name=0x0\n")); return NULL; } if (args!=NULL) for (nparameters=0;args[nparameters];++nparameters); mtype->name = strdup(name); mtype->nparameters = nparameters; if (nparameters > 0) { mtype->pnames = (const char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * nparameters); mtype->types = (const arg_type**)malloc(sizeof(arg_type*) * nparameters); } else { mtype->pnames = NULL; mtype->types = NULL; } if (args!=NULL) for (i=0;args[i];++i) { const char * x = args[i]; const char * spos = strchr(x, ':'); if (spos==NULL) { mtype->pnames[i] = strdup(x); mtype->types[i] = NULL; } else { char * cp = strncpy((char*)malloc(spos-x+1), x, spos-x); cp[spos-x] = '\0'; mtype->pnames[i] = cp; mtype->types[i] = find_argtype(spos+1); if (mtype->types[i]==NULL) { log_error(("unknown argument type %s for message type %s\n", spos+1, mtype->name)); } assert(mtype->types[i]); } } return mtype; } message_type * mt_new_va(const char * name, ...) { const char * args[16]; int i = 0; va_list marker; va_start(marker, name); for (;;) { const char * c = va_arg(marker, const char*); args[i++] = c; if (c==NULL) break; } va_end(marker); return mt_new(name, args); } arg_type * argtypes = NULL; void register_argtype(const char * name, void(*free_arg)(variant), variant (*copy_arg)(variant), variant_type type) { arg_type * atype = (arg_type *)malloc(sizeof(arg_type)); atype->name = name; atype->next = argtypes; atype->release = free_arg; atype->copy = copy_arg; atype->vtype = type; argtypes = atype; } const arg_type * find_argtype(const char * name) { arg_type * atype = argtypes; while (atype!=NULL) { if (strcmp(atype->name, name)==0) return atype; atype = atype->next; } return NULL; } static variant copy_arg(const arg_type * atype, variant data) { assert(atype!=NULL); if (atype->copy==NULL) return data; return atype->copy(data); } static void free_arg(const arg_type * atype, variant data) { assert(atype!=NULL); if (atype->release) atype->release(data); } message * msg_create(const struct message_type * mtype, variant args[]) { int i; message * msg = (message *)malloc(sizeof(message)); assert(mtype!=NULL); if (mtype==NULL) { log_error(("Trying to create message with type=0x0\n")); return NULL; } msg->type = mtype; msg->parameters = (variant*)calloc(mtype->nparameters, sizeof(variant)); msg->refcount=1; for (i=0;i!=mtype->nparameters;++i) { msg->parameters[i] = copy_arg(mtype->types[i], args[i]); } return msg; } typedef struct messagetype_list { struct messagetype_list * next; const struct message_type * data; } messagetype_list; #define MT_MAXHASH 1021 static messagetype_list * messagetypes[MT_MAXHASH]; const message_type * mt_find(const char * name) { const struct message_type * found = NULL; unsigned int hash = hashstring(name) % MT_MAXHASH; messagetype_list * type = messagetypes[hash]; while (type) { if (strcmp(type->data->name, name)==0) { if (found==NULL) found = type->data; break; } type = type->next; } return found; } static unsigned int mt_id(const message_type * mtype) { unsigned int key = 0; size_t i = strlen(mtype->name); while (i>0) { key = (mtype->name[--i] + key*37); } return key % 0x7FFFFFFF; } const message_type * mt_register(message_type * type) { unsigned int hash = hashstring(type->name) % MT_MAXHASH; messagetype_list * mtl = messagetypes[hash]; while (mtl && mtl->data!=type) mtl=mtl->next; if (mtl==NULL) { mtl = (messagetype_list*)malloc(sizeof(messagetype_list)); mtl->data = type; mtl->next = messagetypes[hash]; messagetypes[hash] = mtl; type->key = mt_id(type); } return type; } void msg_free(message *msg) { int i; assert(msg->refcount==0); for (i=0;i!=msg->type->nparameters;++i) { free_arg(msg->type->types[i], msg->parameters[i]); } free((void*)msg->parameters); free(msg); } void msg_release(struct message * msg) { assert(msg->refcount>0); if (--msg->refcount>0) return; msg_free(msg); } struct message * msg_addref(struct message * msg) { assert(msg->refcount>0); ++msg->refcount; return msg; }