/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "building.h" #include "attrib.h" /* kernel includes */ #include "item.h" #include "curse.h" /* für C_NOCOST */ #include "unit.h" #include "region.h" #include "skill.h" #include "magic.h" #include "save.h" /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include /* attributes includes */ #include static const char * NULLSTRING = "(null)"; static void lc_init(struct attrib *a) { a->data.v = calloc(1, sizeof(building_action)); } static void lc_done(struct attrib *a) { building_action * data = (building_action*)a->data.v; if (data->fname) free(data->fname); if (data->param) free(data->param); free(data); } static void lc_write(const struct attrib * a, FILE* F) { building_action * data = (building_action*)a->data.v; const char * fname = data->fname; const char * fparam = data->param; building * b = data->b; write_building_reference(b, F); fwritestr(F, fname); #if RELEASE_VERSION>=BACTION_VERSION fputc(' ', F); fwritestr(F, fparam?fparam:NULLSTRING); #endif fputc(' ', F); } static int lc_read(struct attrib * a, FILE* F) { char lbuf[256]; building_action * data = (building_action*)a->data.v; read_building_reference(&data->b, F); freadstr(F, lbuf, sizeof(lbuf)); data->fname = strdup(lbuf); if (global.data_version>=BACTION_VERSION) { freadstr(F, lbuf, sizeof(lbuf)); if (strcmp(lbuf, NULLSTRING)==0) data->param = NULL; else data->param = strdup(lbuf); } else { data->param = strdup(NULLSTRING); } return AT_READ_OK; } attrib_type at_building_action = { "lcbuilding", lc_init, lc_done, NULL, lc_write, lc_read }; attrib_type at_nodestroy = { "nodestroy", NULL, NULL, NULL, a_writedefault, a_readdefault, ATF_UNIQUE }; building_typelist *buildingtypes; const building_type * bt_find(const char* name) { const struct building_typelist * btl = buildingtypes; if (global.data_version < RELEASE_VERSION) { const char * translation[3][2] = { { "illusion", "illusioncastle" }, { "generic", "genericbuilding" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; for (i=0;translation[i][0];++i) { /* calling a building "illusion" was a bad idea" */ if (strcmp(translation[i][0], name)==0) { name = translation[i][1]; break; } } } while (btl && strcasecmp(btl->type->_name, name)) btl = btl->next; if (!btl) { btl = buildingtypes; while (btl && strncasecmp(btl->type->_name, name, strlen(name))) btl = btl->next; } return btl?btl->type:NULL; } void bt_register(building_type * type) { struct building_typelist * btl = malloc(sizeof(building_type)); if (type->init) type->init(type); btl->type = type; btl->next = buildingtypes; buildingtypes = btl; } int buildingcapacity(const building * b) { if (b->type->capacity>=0) { if (b->type->maxcapacity>=0) { return min(b->type->maxcapacity, b->size * b->type->capacity); } return b->size * b->type->capacity; } if (b->size>=b->type->maxsize) { if (b->type->maxcapacity>=0) { return b->type->maxcapacity; } } return 0; } attrib_type at_building_generic_type = { "building_generic_type", NULL, NULL, NULL, a_writestring, a_readstring, ATF_UNIQUE }; const char * buildingtype(const building_type * btype, const building * b, int bsize) { const char * s = NULL; static const struct building_type * bt_generic; if (!bt_generic) { bt_generic = bt_find("generic"); assert(bt_generic); } if (btype == bt_generic) { const attrib *a = a_find(b->attribs, &at_building_generic_type); if (a) s = (const char*)a->data.v; } if (btype->name) s = btype->name(bsize); if (s==NULL) s = btype->_name; return s; } #define BMAXHASH 7919 static building *buildhash[BMAXHASH]; void bhash(building * b) { building *old = buildhash[b->no % BMAXHASH]; buildhash[b->no % BMAXHASH] = b; b->nexthash = old; } void bunhash(building * b) { building **show; for (show = &buildhash[b->no % BMAXHASH]; *show; show = &(*show)->nexthash) { if ((*show)->no == b->no) break; } if (*show) { assert(*show == b); *show = (*show)->nexthash; b->nexthash = 0; } } static building * bfindhash(int i) { building *old; for (old = buildhash[i % BMAXHASH]; old; old = old->nexthash) if (old->no == i) return old; return 0; } building * findbuilding(int i) { return bfindhash(i); } /* ** old building types ** */ /** Building: Fortification */ enum { B_SITE, B_TRADEPOST, B_FORTIFICATION, B_TOWER, B_CASTLE, B_FORTRESS, B_CITADEL, MAXBUILDINGS }; static int sm_smithy(const unit * u, const region * r, skill_t sk, int value) /* skillmod */ { if (sk==SK_WEAPONSMITH || sk==SK_ARMORER) { if (u->region == r) return value + 1; } return value; } static int mm_smithy(const unit * u, const resource_type * rtype, int value) /* material-mod */ { if (rtype == oldresourcetype[R_IRON]) return value * 2; return value; } static void init_smithy(struct building_type * bt) { a_add(&bt->attribs, make_skillmod(NOSKILL, SMF_PRODUCTION, sm_smithy, 1.0, 0)); a_add(&bt->attribs, make_matmod(mm_smithy)); } static const char * castle_name(int bsize) { const char * fname[MAXBUILDINGS] = { "site", "tradepost", "fortification", "tower", "castle", "fortress", "citadel" }; const construction * ctype; static const struct building_type * bt_castle; int i = 0; if (!bt_castle) bt_castle = bt_find("castle"); assert(bt_castle); ctype = bt_castle->construction; while (ctype && ctype->maxsize != -1 && ctype->maxsize<=bsize) { bsize-=ctype->maxsize; ctype=ctype->improvement; ++i; } return fname[i]; } #ifdef WDW_PYRAMID static const char * pyramid_name(int bsize) { static const struct building_type * bt_pyramid; static char p_name_buf[32]; int level=0; const construction * ctype; if(!bt_pyramid) bt_pyramid = bt_find("pyramid"); assert(bt_pyramid); ctype = bt_pyramid->construction; while (ctype && ctype->maxsize != -1 && ctype->maxsize<=bsize) { bsize-=ctype->maxsize; ctype=ctype->improvement; ++level; } sprintf(p_name_buf, "pyramid%d", level); return p_name_buf; } int wdw_pyramid_level(const struct building *b) { const construction *ctype = b->type->construction; int completed = b->size; int level = 0; while(ctype->improvement != NULL && ctype->improvement != ctype && ctype->maxsize > 0 && ctype->maxsize <= completed) { ++level; completed-=ctype->maxsize; ctype = ctype->improvement; } return level; } #endif /* for finding out what was meant by a particular building string */ static local_names * bnames; const building_type * findbuildingtype(const char * name, const struct locale * lang) { variant type; local_names * bn = bnames; while (bn) { if (bn->lang==lang) break; bn=bn->next; } if (!bn) { struct building_typelist * btl = buildingtypes; bn = calloc(sizeof(local_names), 1); bn->next = bnames; bn->lang = lang; while (btl) { const char * n = locale_string(lang, btl->type->_name); type.v = (void*)btl->type; addtoken(&bn->names, n, type); btl=btl->next; } bnames = bn; } if (findtoken(&bn->names, name, &type)==E_TOK_NOMATCH) return NULL; return (const building_type*)type.v; } void register_buildings(void) { register_function((pf_generic)init_smithy, "init_smithy"); register_function((pf_generic)castle_name, "castle_name"); #ifdef WDW_PYRAMID register_function((pf_generic)pyramid_name, "pyramid_name"); #endif } building_type * bt_make(const char * name, int flags, int capacity, int maxcapacity, int maxsize) { building_type * btype = calloc(sizeof(building_type), 1); btype->_name = name; btype->flags = flags | BTF_DYNAMIC; btype->capacity = capacity; btype->maxcapacity = maxcapacity; btype->maxsize = maxsize; bt_register(btype); return btype; } void * resolve_building(variant id) { return findbuilding(id.i); } void write_building_reference(const struct building * b, FILE * F) { fprintf(F, "%s ", b?itoa36(b->no):"0"); } int read_building_reference(struct building ** b, FILE * F) { variant var; char zText[10]; fscanf(F, "%s ", zText); var.i = atoi36(zText); if (var.i==0) { *b = NULL; return AT_READ_FAIL; } else { *b = findbuilding(var.i); if (*b==NULL) ur_add(var, (void**)b, resolve_building); return AT_READ_OK; } } void free_buildinglist(building_list *blist) { while (blist) { building_list * rl2 = blist->next; free(blist); blist = rl2; } } void add_buildinglist(building_list **blist, building *b) { building_list *rl2 = (building_list*)malloc(sizeof(building_list)); rl2->data = b; rl2->next = *blist; *blist = rl2; } building * new_building(const struct building_type * btype, region * r, const struct locale * lang) { building *b = (building *) calloc(1, sizeof(building)); b->no = newcontainerid(); bhash(b); b->type = btype; set_string(&b->display, ""); b->region = r; addlist(&r->buildings, b); { static char buffer[IDSIZE + 1 + NAMESIZE + 1]; if (b->type->name) sprintf(buffer, "%s", locale_string(lang, btype->_name)); else sprintf(buffer, "%s", LOC(lang, buildingtype(btype, b, 0))); set_string(&b->name, buffer); } return b; } void destroy_building(building * b) { unit *u; direction_t d; static const struct building_type * bt_caravan, * bt_dam, * bt_tunnel; boolean init = false; if (!init) { init = true; bt_caravan = bt_find("caravan"); bt_dam = bt_find("dam"); bt_tunnel = bt_find("tunnel"); } if (!bfindhash(b->no)) return; for (u=b->region->units; u; u=u->next) { if (u->building == b) leave(b->region, u); } b->size = 0; update_lighthouse(b); bunhash(b); /* Falls Karawanserei, Damm oder Tunnel einstürzen, wird die schon * gebaute Straße zur Hälfte vernichtet */ if (b->type == bt_caravan || b->type == bt_dam || b->type == bt_tunnel) { region * r = b->region; for (d=0;d!=MAXDIRECTIONS;++d) if (rroad(r, d) > 0) { rsetroad(r, d, rroad(r, d) / 2); } } #if 0 /* TODO: Memoryleak. Aber ohne klappt das Rendern nicht! */ removelist(&b->region->buildings, b); #endif /* Stattdessen nur aus Liste entfernen, aber im Speicher halten. */ choplist(&b->region->buildings, b); handle_event(&b->attribs, "destroy", b); } extern attrib_type at_icastle; int buildingeffsize(const building * b, boolean img) { int i = b->size, n = 0; const construction * cons; static const struct building_type * bt_castle; if (!bt_castle) bt_castle = bt_find("castle"); assert(bt_castle); if (b==NULL) return 0; if (b->type!=bt_castle) { if (img) { const attrib * a = a_find(b->attribs, &at_icastle); if (!a || a->data.v != bt_castle) return 0; } else return 0; } cons = bt_castle->construction; assert(cons); while (cons && cons->maxsize != -1 && i>=cons->maxsize) { i-=cons->maxsize; cons = cons->improvement; ++n; } return n; } unit * buildingowner(const region * r, const building * b) { unit *u = NULL; unit *first = NULL; #ifndef BROKEN_OWNERS assert(r == b->region); #endif /* Prüfen ob Eigentümer am leben. */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->building == b) { if (!first && u->number > 0) first = u; if (fval(u, UFL_OWNER) && u->number > 0) return u; if (u->number == 0) freset(u, UFL_OWNER); } } /* Eigentümer tot oder kein Eigentümer vorhanden. Erste lebende Einheit * nehmen. */ if (first) fset(first, UFL_OWNER); return first; } #ifdef BETA_CODE void xml_writebuildings(void) { FILE * F = fopen("buildings.xml", "w"); building_typelist *btl= buildingtypes; while (btl) { int i; const building_type * bt = btl->type; fprintf(F, "_name); if (bt->capacity>=0) fprintf(F, " capacity=\"%d\"", bt->capacity); if (bt->maxcapacity>=0) fprintf(F, " maxcapacity=\"%d\"", bt->maxcapacity); if (bt->maxsize>=0) fprintf(F, " maxsize=\"%d\"", bt->maxsize); if (bt->flags & BTF_INDESTRUCTIBLE) fputs(" nodestroy", F); if (bt->flags & BTF_NOBUILD) fputs(" nobuild", F); if (bt->flags & BTF_UNIQUE) fputs(" unique", F); if (bt->flags & BTF_DECAY) fputs(" decay", F); if (bt->flags & BTF_PROTECTION) fputs(" protection", F); if (bt->flags & BTF_MAGIC) fputs(" magic", F); fputs(">\n", F); if (bt->name) { const char * name = get_functionname((pf_generic)bt->name); assert(name); fprintf(F, "\t\n", name); } if (bt->init) { const char * name = get_functionname((pf_generic)bt->init); assert(name); fprintf(F, "\t\n", name); } for (i=0;bt->maintenance && bt->maintenance[i].number;++i) { const maintenance * m = bt->maintenance + i; fprintf(F, "\ttype]->_name[0], m->number); if (m->flags & MTF_VARIABLE) fputs(" variable", F); if (m->flags & MTF_VITAL) fputs(" vital", F); fputs(">\n", F); } if (bt->construction) { fprintf(F, "\tconstruction->skill, NULL), bt->construction->minskill, bt->construction->reqsize); if (bt->construction->maxsize>=0) fprintf(F, " maxsize=\"%d\"", bt->construction->maxsize); fputs(">\n", F); for (i=0;bt->construction->materials[i].number!=0;++i) { fprintf(F, "\t\t\n", oldresourcetype[bt->construction->materials[i].type]->_name[0], bt->construction->materials[i].number); } fputs("\t\n", F); } fputs("\n\n", F); btl=btl->next; } fclose(F); } #endif