-- create a fixed path to a specific region local function create_path(from, to) local param = tostring(to.uid) local b = building.create(from, "portal") b.name = "Weltentor" b.size = 1 b:add_action("tunnel_action", param) end -- create a wonky tunnel wth more than one exit local function create_tunnel(from, param) local b = building.create(from, "portal") b.name = "Weltentor" b.size = 1 b:add_action("tunnel_action", param) end -- make a tunnel from the cursor to the first selected region function mktunnel() local from = gmtool.get_cursor() local to = gmtool.get_selection()() if to~=nil then region.create(from.x, from.y, "glacier") create_tunnel(from, to) gmtool.select(to, 0) gmtool.highlight(to, 1) end end -- turn all selected regions into targets for a wonky tunnel ("tnnL") function mkanchors() for r in gmtool.get_selection() do if not r:get_key("tnnL") then r:set_key("tnnL", true) if r:get_flag(0) then -- RF_CHAOTIC gets removed r:set_flag(0, false) end r:set_resource("peasant", r:get_resource("peasant") + 1) end end end -- region.create and prepare all hell-regions to become wonky gates function mkgates() for r in regions() do if r.plane_id==0 and r.terrain=="hell" then create_tunnel(r, "tnnL") region.create(r.x, r.y, "glacier") end end end