#ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include "connection.h" #include "region.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "unit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include int nextborder = 0; #define BORDER_MAXHASH 8191 connection *borders[BORDER_MAXHASH]; border_type *bordertypes; void(*border_convert_cb) (struct connection * con, struct attrib * attr) = 0; void free_borders(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i != BORDER_MAXHASH; ++i) { while (borders[i]) { connection *b = borders[i]; borders[i] = b->nexthash; while (b) { connection *bf = b; b = b->next; assert(b == NULL || b->nexthash == NULL); if (bf->type->destroy) { bf->type->destroy(bf); } free(bf); } } } } static void walk_i(region *r, connection *b, void(*cb)(connection *, void *), void *data) { for (; b; b = b->nexthash) { if (b->from == r || b->to == r) { connection *bn; for (bn = b; bn; bn = bn->next) { cb(b, data); } } } } void walk_connections(region *r, void(*cb)(connection *, void *), void *data) { int key = reg_hashkey(r); int d; walk_i(r, borders[key], cb, data); for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++d) { region *rn = r_connect(r, d); if (rn) { int k = reg_hashkey(rn); if (k < key) { walk_i(r, borders[k], cb, data); } } } } static connection **get_borders_i(const region * r1, const region * r2) { connection **bp; int key = reg_hashkey(r1); int k2 = reg_hashkey(r2); if (key > k2) key = k2; key = key % BORDER_MAXHASH; bp = &borders[key]; while (*bp) { connection *b = *bp; if ((b->from == r1 && b->to == r2) || (b->from == r2 && b->to == r1)) break; bp = &b->nexthash; } return bp; } connection *get_borders(const region * r1, const region * r2) { connection **bp = get_borders_i(r1, r2); return *bp; } connection *new_border(border_type * type, region * from, region * to, int id) { connection *b, **bp; assert(from && to); bp = get_borders_i(from, to); while (*bp) { bp = &(*bp)->next; } *bp = b = calloc(1, sizeof(connection)); if (!b) abort(); b->type = type; b->from = from; b->to = to; b->id = (id > 0) ? id : ++nextborder; if (type->init) { type->init(b); } return b; } void erase_border(connection * b) { if (b->from && b->to) { connection **bp = get_borders_i(b->from, b->to); assert(*bp != NULL || !"error: connection is not registered"); if (*bp == b) { /* it is the first in the list, so it is in the nexthash list */ if (b->next) { *bp = b->next; (*bp)->nexthash = b->nexthash; } else { *bp = b->nexthash; } } else { while (*bp && *bp != b) { bp = &(*bp)->next; } assert(*bp == b || !"error: connection is not registered"); *bp = b->next; } } if (b->type->destroy) { b->type->destroy(b); } free(b); } void register_bordertype(border_type * type) { border_type **btp = &bordertypes; while (*btp && *btp != type) btp = &(*btp)->next; if (*btp) return; *btp = type; } border_type *find_bordertype(const char *name) { border_type *bt = bordertypes; while (bt && strcmp(bt->_name, name)!=0) bt = bt->next; return bt; } void b_read(connection * b, gamedata * data) { storage * store = data->store; int n; switch (b->type->datatype) { case VAR_NONE: case VAR_INT: READ_INT(store, &b->data.i); break; case VAR_SHORTA: READ_INT(store, &n); b->data.sa[0] = (short)n; READ_INT(store, &n); b->data.sa[1] = (short)n; break; case VAR_VOIDPTR: default: assert(!"invalid variant type in connection"); } } void b_write(const connection * b, storage * store) { switch (b->type->datatype) { case VAR_NONE: case VAR_INT: WRITE_INT(store, b->data.i); break; case VAR_SHORTA: WRITE_INT(store, b->data.sa[0]); WRITE_INT(store, b->data.sa[1]); break; case VAR_VOIDPTR: default: assert(!"invalid variant type in connection"); } } bool b_transparent(const connection * b, const struct faction *f) { UNUSED_ARG(b); UNUSED_ARG(f); return true; } bool b_opaque(const connection * b, const struct faction * f) { UNUSED_ARG(b); UNUSED_ARG(f); return false; } bool b_blockall(const connection * b, const unit * u, const region * r) { UNUSED_ARG(u); UNUSED_ARG(r); UNUSED_ARG(b); return true; } bool b_blocknone(const connection * b, const unit * u, const region * r) { UNUSED_ARG(u); UNUSED_ARG(r); UNUSED_ARG(b); return false; } bool b_rvisible(const connection * b, const region * r) { return (b->to == r || b->from == r); } bool b_fvisible(const connection * b, const struct faction * f, const region * r) { UNUSED_ARG(r); UNUSED_ARG(f); UNUSED_ARG(b); return true; } bool b_uvisible(const connection * b, const unit * u) { UNUSED_ARG(u); UNUSED_ARG(b); return true; } bool b_rinvisible(const connection * b, const region * r) { UNUSED_ARG(r); UNUSED_ARG(b); return false; } bool b_finvisible(const connection * b, const struct faction * f, const region * r) { UNUSED_ARG(r); UNUSED_ARG(f); UNUSED_ARG(b); return false; } bool b_uinvisible(const connection * b, const unit * u) { UNUSED_ARG(u); UNUSED_ARG(b); return false; } /**************************************/ /* at_countdown - legacy, do not use */ /**************************************/ attrib_type at_countdown = { "countdown", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, NULL, NULL, a_readint }; void age_borders(void) { selist *deleted = NULL, *ql; int i; for (i = 0; i != BORDER_MAXHASH; ++i) { connection *bhash = borders[i]; for (; bhash; bhash = bhash->nexthash) { connection *b = bhash; for (; b; b = b->next) { if (b->type->age) { if (b->type->age(b) == AT_AGE_REMOVE) { selist_push(&deleted, b); } } } } } for (ql = deleted, i = 0; ql; selist_advance(&ql, &i, 1)) { connection *b = (connection *)selist_get(ql, i); erase_border(b); } selist_free(deleted); } /******** * implementation of a couple of borders. this shouldn't really be in here, so * let's keep it separate from the more general stuff above ********/ #include "faction.h" static const char *b_namewall(const connection * b, const region * r, const struct faction *f, int gflags) { const char *bname = "wall"; UNUSED_ARG(f); UNUSED_ARG(r); UNUSED_ARG(b); if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) bname = "a_wall"; if (gflags & GF_PURE) return bname; return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", bname)); } border_type bt_wall = { "wall", VAR_INT, LAND_REGION, b_opaque, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blockall, /* block */ b_namewall, /* name */ b_rvisible, /* rvisible */ b_fvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uvisible, /* uvisible */ }; border_type bt_noway = { "noway", VAR_INT, 0, b_transparent, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blockall, /* block */ NULL, /* name */ b_rinvisible, /* rvisible */ b_finvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uinvisible, /* uvisible */ }; static const char *b_namefogwall(const connection * b, const region * r, const struct faction *f, int gflags) { UNUSED_ARG(f); UNUSED_ARG(b); UNUSED_ARG(r); if (gflags & GF_PURE) return "fogwall"; if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "a_fogwall")); return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "fogwall")); } static bool b_blockfogwall(const connection * b, const unit * u, const region * r) { UNUSED_ARG(b); if (!u) return true; return (effskill(u, SK_PERCEPTION, r) > 4); /* Das ist die alte Nebelwand */ } /** Legacy type used in old Eressea games, no longer in use. */ border_type bt_fogwall = { "fogwall", VAR_INT, 0, b_transparent, /* transparent */ NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blockfogwall, /* block */ b_namefogwall, /* name */ b_rvisible, /* rvisible */ b_fvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uvisible, /* uvisible */ }; static const char *b_nameillusionwall(const connection * b, const region * r, const struct faction *f, int gflags) { int fno = b->data.i; UNUSED_ARG(b); UNUSED_ARG(r); if (gflags & GF_PURE) return (f && fno == f->no) ? "illusionwall" : "wall"; if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) { return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", (f && fno == f->uid) ? "an_illusionwall" : "a_wall")); } return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", (f && fno == f->no) ? "illusionwall" : "wall")); } border_type bt_illusionwall = { "illusionwall", VAR_INT, 0, b_opaque, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blocknone, /* block */ b_nameillusionwall, /* name */ b_rvisible, /* rvisible */ b_fvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uvisible, /* uvisible */ }; /*** * roads. meant to replace the old at_road or r->road attribute ***/ static const char *b_nameroad(const connection * b, const region * r, const struct faction *f, int gflags) { region *r2 = (r == b->to) ? b->from : b->to; int local = (r == b->from) ? b->data.sa[0] : b->data.sa[1]; static char buffer[64]; UNUSED_ARG(f); if (gflags & GF_PURE) return "road"; if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) { if (!(gflags & GF_DETAILED)) return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "a_road")); else if (r->terrain->max_road <= local) { int remote = (r2 == b->from) ? b->data.sa[0] : b->data.sa[1]; if (r2->terrain->max_road <= remote) { return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "a_road")); } else { return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "an_incomplete_road")); } } else { if (local) { const char *temp = LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "a_road_percent")); int percent = 100 * local / r->terrain->max_road; if (percent < 1) percent = 1; str_replace(buffer, sizeof(buffer), temp, "$percent", itoa10(percent)); } else { return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "a_road_connection")); } } } else if (gflags & GF_PLURAL) return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "roads")); else return LOC(f->locale, mkname("border", "road")); return buffer; } static void b_readroad(connection * b, gamedata * data) { storage * store = data->store; int n; READ_INT(store, &n); b->data.sa[0] = (short)n; READ_INT(store, &n); b->data.sa[1] = (short)n; } static void b_writeroad(const connection * b, storage * store) { WRITE_INT(store, b->data.sa[0]); WRITE_INT(store, b->data.sa[1]); } static bool b_validroad(const connection * b) { return (b->data.sa[0] != SHRT_MAX); } static bool b_rvisibleroad(const connection * b, const region * r) { int x = (r == b->from) ? b->data.sa[0] : b->data.sa[1]; if (x == 0) { return false; } if (b->to != r && b->from != r) { return false; } return true; } border_type bt_road = { "road", VAR_INT, LAND_REGION, b_transparent, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_readroad, /* read */ b_writeroad, /* write */ b_blocknone, /* block */ b_nameroad, /* name */ b_rvisibleroad, /* rvisible */ b_finvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uinvisible, /* uvisible */ b_validroad /* valid */ }; void write_borders(struct storage *store) { int i; for (i = 0; i != BORDER_MAXHASH; ++i) { connection *bhash; for (bhash = borders[i]; bhash; bhash = bhash->nexthash) { connection *b; for (b = bhash; b != NULL; b = b->next) { if (b->type->valid && !b->type->valid(b)) continue; WRITE_TOK(store, b->type->_name); WRITE_INT(store, b->id); WRITE_INT(store, b->from->uid); WRITE_INT(store, b->to->uid); if (b->type->write) b->type->write(b, store); WRITE_SECTION(store); } } } WRITE_TOK(store, "end"); } int read_borders(gamedata *data) { struct storage *store = data->store; for (;;) { int fid, tid, bid; char zText[32]; region *from, *to; border_type *type; connection dummy; READ_TOK(store, zText, sizeof(zText)); if (!strcmp(zText, "end")) { break; } READ_INT(store, &bid); type = find_bordertype(zText); if (type == NULL) { log_error("[read_borders] connection %d type %s is not registered", bid, zText); assert(type || !"connection type not registered"); } READ_INT(store, &fid); READ_INT(store, &tid); from = findregionbyid(fid); to = findregionbyid(tid); if (!to || !from) { log_error("%s connection %d has missing regions", zText, bid); if (type->read) { /* skip ahead */ type->read(&dummy, data); } continue; } if (to == from && from) { direction_t dir = (direction_t)(rng_int() % MAXDIRECTIONS); region *r = rconnect(from, dir); log_error("[read_borders] invalid %s in %s\n", type->_name, regionname(from, NULL)); if (r != NULL) to = r; } if (type->read) { connection *b = NULL; if (data->version < FIX_SEAROADS_VERSION) { /* bug 2694: eliminate roads in oceans */ if (type->terrain_flags != 0 && type->terrain_flags != fval(from->terrain, type->terrain_flags)) { log_info("ignoring %s connection in %s", type->_name, from->terrain->_name); b = &dummy; } } if (b == NULL) { b = new_border(type, from, to, bid); assert(bid <= nextborder); } type->read(b, data); if (!type->write) { log_warning("invalid border '%s' between '%s' and '%s'\n", zText, regionname(from, 0), regionname(to, 0)); } } } return 0; } const char * border_name(const connection *co, const struct region * r, const struct faction * f, int flags) { return (co->type->name) ? co->type->name(co, r, f, flags) : co->type->_name; }