#ifdef _MSC_VER #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #endif #include "tests.h" #include "prefix.h" #include "creport.h" #include "report.h" #include "reports.h" #include "vortex.h" #include "kernel/build.h" #include "kernel/calendar.h" #include "kernel/callbacks.h" #include "kernel/config.h" #include "kernel/alliance.h" #include "kernel/equipment.h" #include "kernel/messages.h" #include "kernel/plane.h" #include "kernel/region.h" #include "kernel/terrain.h" #include "kernel/terrainid.h" #include "kernel/item.h" #include "kernel/unit.h" #include "kernel/order.h" #include "kernel/race.h" #include "kernel/faction.h" #include "kernel/building.h" #include "kernel/ship.h" #include "kernel/spell.h" #include "kernel/spellbook.h" #include "kernel/terrain.h" #include "util/aliases.h" #include "util/functions.h" #include "util/keyword.h" #include "util/language.h" #include "util/lists.h" #include "util/message.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/stats.h" #include "util/strings.h" #include "util/param.h" #include "util/rand.h" #include #include #include #include #include int test_set_item(unit * u, const item_type *itype, int value) { item *i; assert(itype); i = *i_find(&u->items, itype); if (!i) { i = i_add(&u->items, i_new(itype, value)); } else { i->number = value; assert(i->number >= 0); } return value; } struct race *test_create_race(const char *name) { race *rc = rc_get_or_create(name ? name : "smurf"); rc->maintenance = 10; rc->hitpoints = 20; rc->maxaura = 100; rc->flags |= (RCF_WALK|RCF_PLAYABLE); rc->ec_flags |= ECF_GETITEM; rc->battle_flags = BF_EQUIPMENT; return rc; } struct region *test_create_region(int x, int y, const terrain_type *terrain) { region *r = findregion(x, y); if (!r) { r = new_region(x, y, findplane(x, y), 0); } if (!terrain) { terrain_type *t = test_create_terrain("plain", LAND_REGION | CAVALRY_REGION | FOREST_REGION | FLY_INTO | WALK_INTO); terraform_region(r, t); } else { terraform_region(r, terrain); } r->flags &= ~RF_MALLORN; rsettrees(r, 0, 0); rsettrees(r, 1, 0); rsettrees(r, 2, 0); rsethorses(r, 0); rsetpeasants(r, r->terrain->size); return r; } region *test_create_ocean(int x, int y) { terrain_type *ter = test_create_terrain("ocean", SEA_REGION | FLY_INTO | SWIM_INTO); return test_create_region(x, y, ter); } region *test_create_plain(int x, int y) { return test_create_region(x, y, NULL); } struct locale * test_create_locale(void) { struct locale *loc = get_locale("test"); if (!loc) { int i; loc = get_or_create_locale("test"); locale_setstring(loc, "factiondefault", parameters[P_FACTION]); locale_setstring(loc, "unitdefault", parameters[P_UNIT]); locale_setstring(loc, "money", "Silber"); locale_setstring(loc, "money_p", "Silber"); locale_setstring(loc, "cart", "Wagen"); locale_setstring(loc, "cart_p", "Wagen"); locale_setstring(loc, "horse", "Pferd"); locale_setstring(loc, "horse_p", "Pferde"); locale_setstring(loc, "iron", "Eisen"); locale_setstring(loc, "iron_p", "Eisen"); locale_setstring(loc, "stone", "Stein"); locale_setstring(loc, "stone_p", "Steine"); locale_setstring(loc, "plain", "Ebene"); locale_setstring(loc, "ocean", "Ozean"); for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; ++i) { if (racenames[i]) { char name[64]; rc_key(racenames[i], NAME_PLURAL, name, sizeof(name)); if (!locale_getstring(loc, name)) { locale_setstring(loc, name, name + 6); } rc_key(racenames[i], NAME_SINGULAR, name, sizeof(name)); if (!locale_getstring(loc, name)) { locale_setstring(loc, name, name + 6); } } } for (i = 0; i < MAXSKILLS; ++i) { if (!locale_getstring(loc, mkname("skill", skillnames[i]))) locale_setstring(loc, mkname("skill", skillnames[i]), skillnames[i]); } for (i = 0; i != ALLIANCE_MAX; ++i) { locale_setstring(loc, alliance_kwd[i], alliance_kwd[i]); } for (i = 0; i != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++i) { locale_setstring(loc, shortdirections[i], shortdirections[i] + 4); locale_setstring(loc, directions[i], directions[i]); init_direction(loc, i, directions[i]); init_direction(loc, i, coasts[i] + 7); } for (i = 0; i <= ST_FLEE; ++i) { locale_setstring(loc, combatstatus[i], combatstatus[i] + 7); } for (i = 0; i != MAXKEYWORDS; ++i) { if (keywords[i]) { locale_setstring(loc, mkname("keyword", keywords[i]), keywords[i]); } } for (i = 0; i != MAXPARAMS; ++i) { locale_setstring(loc, parameters[i], parameters[i]); test_translate_param(loc, i, parameters[i]); } for (i = 0; i != MAXMAGIETYP; ++i) { locale_setstring(loc, mkname("school", magic_school[i]), magic_school[i]); } init_locale(loc); } return loc; } struct faction *test_create_faction_ex(const struct race *rc, const struct locale *loc) { faction* f; if (loc == NULL) { loc = test_create_locale(); } f = addfaction("nobody@eressea.de", NULL, rc ? rc : test_create_race("human"), loc); test_clear_messages(f); return f; } struct faction* test_create_faction(void) { return test_create_faction_ex(NULL, NULL); } struct unit *test_create_unit(struct faction *f, struct region *r) { const struct race * rc = f ? f->race : 0; assert(f && r); if (!rc) rc = rc_get_or_create("human"); return create_unit(r, f, 1, rc ? rc : rc_get_or_create("human"), 0, 0, 0); } static void log_list(void *udata, int flags, const char *module, const char *format, va_list args) { strlist **slp = (strlist **)udata; addstrlist(slp, format); } struct log_t * test_log_start(int flags, strlist **slist) { return log_create(flags, slist, log_list); } void test_log_stop(struct log_t *log, struct strlist *slist) { freestrlist(slist); log_destroy(log); } void test_log_stderr(int flags) { static struct log_t *stderrlog; if (flags) { if (stderrlog) { log_error("stderr logging is still active. did you call test_teardown?"); log_destroy(stderrlog); } stderrlog = log_to_file(flags, stderr); } else { if (stderrlog) { log_destroy(stderrlog); } else { log_warning("stderr logging is inactive. did you call test_teardown twice?"); } stderrlog = 0; } } static void test_reset(void) { int i; turn = 1; default_locale = 0; if (errno) { int error = errno; errno = 0; log_error("errno: %d (%s)", error, strerror(error)); } memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); free_gamedata(); free_terrains(); free_resources(); free_functions(); free_config(); default_locale = 0; calendar_cleanup(); creport_cleanup(); report_cleanup(); close_orders(); log_close(); stats_close(); free_special_directions(); free_locales(); free_spells(); free_buildingtypes(); free_shiptypes(); free_races(); free_spellbooks(); free_aliases(); free_prefixes(); mt_clear(); for (i = 0; i != MAXSKILLS; ++i) { enable_skill(i, true); } for (i = 0; i != MAXKEYWORDS; ++i) { enable_keyword(i, true); } random_source_reset(); mt_create_va(mt_new("changepasswd", NULL), "value:string", MT_NEW_END); mt_create_va(mt_new("starvation", NULL), "unit:unit", "region:region", "dead:int", "live:int", MT_NEW_END); mt_create_va(mt_new("malnourish", NULL), "unit:unit", "region:region", MT_NEW_END); if (errno) { int error = errno; errno = 0; log_error("errno: %d (%s)", error, strerror(error)); } } void test_create_calendar(void) { config_set_int("game.start", 184); months_per_year = 9; month_season = malloc(sizeof(season_t) * months_per_year); if (!month_season) abort(); month_season[0] = SEASON_SUMMER; month_season[1] = SEASON_AUTUMN; month_season[2] = SEASON_AUTUMN; month_season[3] = SEASON_WINTER; month_season[4] = SEASON_WINTER; month_season[5] = SEASON_WINTER; month_season[6] = SEASON_SPRING; month_season[7] = SEASON_SPRING; month_season[8] = SEASON_SUMMER; } void test_setup_test(CuTest *tc, const char *file, int line) { test_log_stderr(LOG_CPERROR); test_reset(); message_handle_missing(MESSAGE_MISSING_REPLACE); if (tc) { log_debug("start test: %s", tc->name); } else { log_debug("start test in %s:%d", file, line); } errno = 0; } void test_teardown(void) { message_handle_missing(MESSAGE_MISSING_IGNORE); test_reset(); test_log_stderr(0); } terrain_type * test_create_terrain(const char * name, int flags) { terrain_type * t = get_or_create_terrain(name); if (flags < 0) { /* sensible defaults for most terrains */ flags = LAND_REGION | WALK_INTO | FLY_INTO; } if (flags & LAND_REGION) { t->size = 1000; } t->flags = flags; return t; } building * test_create_building(region * r, const building_type * btype) { building * b; assert(r); if (!btype) { building_type *bt_castle = test_create_buildingtype("castle"); bt_castle->flags |= BTF_FORTIFICATION; btype = bt_castle; } b = new_building(btype, r, default_locale, (btype->maxsize > 0) ? btype->maxsize : 1); return b; } ship * test_create_ship(region * r, const ship_type * stype) { ship * s = new_ship(stype ? stype : test_create_shiptype("boat"), r, default_locale); s->size = s->type->construction ? s->type->construction->maxsize : 1; return s; } ship_type * test_create_shiptype(const char * name) { ship_type * stype = st_get_or_create(name); stype->cptskill = 1; stype->sumskill = 1; stype->minskill = 1; stype->range = 2; stype->cargo = 1000; stype->damage = 1; if (!stype->construction) { stype->construction = calloc(1, sizeof(construction)); assert(stype->construction); stype->construction->maxsize = 5; stype->construction->minskill = 1; stype->construction->reqsize = 1; stype->construction->skill = SK_SHIPBUILDING; } if (stype->coasts) { free(stype->coasts); } stype->coasts = (terrain_type **)malloc(sizeof(terrain_type *) * 3); stype->coasts[0] = test_create_terrain("plain", LAND_REGION | FOREST_REGION | WALK_INTO | CAVALRY_REGION | FLY_INTO); stype->coasts[1] = test_create_terrain("ocean", SEA_REGION | SWIM_INTO | FLY_INTO); stype->coasts[2] = NULL; if (default_locale) { const char* str = locale_getstring(default_locale, name); if (!str || strcmp(name, str) != 0) { locale_setstring(default_locale, name, name); } } return stype; } building_type * test_create_buildingtype(const char * name) { construction *con = NULL; building_type *btype = bt_get_or_create(name); if (btype->stages) { con = &btype->stages->construction; } else { btype->stages = malloc(sizeof(building_stage)); if (btype->stages) { con = &btype->stages->construction; con->materials = NULL; construction_init(con, 1, SK_BUILDING, 1, -1); btype->stages->name = NULL; btype->stages->next = NULL; } } if (con && !con->materials) { con->materials = malloc(2 * sizeof(requirement)); if (con->materials) { con->materials[0].number = 1; con->materials[0].rtype = get_resourcetype(R_STONE); con->materials[1].number = 0; } } if (default_locale) { if (locale_getstring(default_locale, name) == NULL) { locale_setstring(default_locale, name, name); } } return btype; } static building_stage **init_stage(building_stage **stage_p, int minskill, int maxsize, const char *name, const resource_type *rtype) { building_stage *stage = malloc(sizeof(building_stage)); assert(stage); stage->name = str_strdup(name); construction_init(&stage->construction, minskill, SK_BUILDING, 1, maxsize); stage->construction.materials = malloc(2 * sizeof(requirement)); if (stage->construction.materials) { stage->construction.materials[0].number = 1; stage->construction.materials[0].rtype = rtype; stage->construction.materials[1].number = 0; } *stage_p = stage; return &stage->next; } building_type *test_create_castle(void) { building_type *btype = bt_get_or_create("castle"); const resource_type *rtype = get_resourcetype(R_STONE); if (!rtype) { rtype = test_create_itemtype("stone")->rtype; } if (!btype->stages) { building_stage **stage_p = &btype->stages; btype->flags |= BTF_FORTIFICATION; stage_p = init_stage(stage_p, 1, 2, "site", rtype); stage_p = init_stage(stage_p, 1, 8, "tradepost", rtype); stage_p = init_stage(stage_p, 2, 40, "fortification", rtype); stage_p = init_stage(stage_p, 3, 200, "tower", rtype); stage_p = init_stage(stage_p, 4, 1000, "castle", rtype); stage_p = init_stage(stage_p, 5, 5000, "fortress", rtype); stage_p = init_stage(stage_p, 6, -1, "citadel", rtype); *stage_p = NULL; } return btype; } item_type * test_create_itemtype(const char * name) { resource_type * rtype; item_type * itype; rtype = rt_get_or_create(name); itype = it_get_or_create(rtype); return itype; } void test_create_castorder(castorder *co, unit *u, int level, float force, int range, spellparameter *par) { struct locale * lang; order *ord; lang = test_create_locale(); create_castorder(co, u, NULL, NULL, u->region, level, force, range, ord = create_order(K_CAST, lang, ""), par); free_order(ord); } spell * test_create_spell(void) { spell *sp; sp = create_spell("testspell"); sp->components = (spell_component *)calloc(4, sizeof(spell_component)); assert(sp->components); sp->components[0].amount = 1; sp->components[0].type = get_resourcetype(R_SILVER); sp->components[0].cost = SPC_FIX; sp->components[1].amount = 1; sp->components[1].type = get_resourcetype(R_AURA); sp->components[1].cost = SPC_LEVEL; sp->components[2].amount = 1; sp->components[2].type = get_resourcetype(R_HORSE); sp->components[2].cost = SPC_LINEAR; sp->syntax = 0; sp->parameter = 0; return sp; } void test_translate_param(const struct locale *lang, param_t param, const char *text) { struct critbit_tree **cb; assert(lang && text); cb = (struct critbit_tree **)get_translations(lang, UT_PARAMS); add_translation(cb, text, param); } item_type *test_create_silver(void) { item_type * itype; itype = test_create_itemtype("money"); itype->weight = 1; return itype; } item_type *test_create_horse(void) { item_type * itype; itype = test_create_itemtype("horse"); itype->flags |= ITF_BIG | ITF_ANIMAL; itype->weight = 5000; itype->capacity = 7000; return itype; } /** creates a small world and some stuff in it. * two terrains: 'plain' and 'ocean' * one race: 'human' * one ship_type: 'boat' * one building_type: 'castle' * in 0.0 and 1.0 is an island of two plains, around it is ocean. */ void test_create_world(void) { terrain_type *t_plain, *t_ocean; region *island[2]; int i; item_type * itype; struct locale * loc; loc = test_create_locale(); init_parameters(loc); locale_setstring(loc, "money", "Silber"); locale_setstring(loc, "money_p", "Silber"); locale_setstring(loc, "cart", "Wagen"); locale_setstring(loc, "cart_p", "Wagen"); locale_setstring(loc, "horse", "Pferd"); locale_setstring(loc, "horse_p", "Pferde"); locale_setstring(loc, "iron", "Eisen"); locale_setstring(loc, "iron_p", "Eisen"); locale_setstring(loc, "stone", "Stein"); locale_setstring(loc, "stone_p", "Steine"); locale_setstring(loc, "plain", "Ebene"); locale_setstring(loc, "ocean", "Ozean"); init_resources(); get_resourcetype(R_SILVER)->itype->weight = 1; test_create_horse(); itype = test_create_itemtype("cart"); itype->flags |= ITF_BIG | ITF_VEHICLE; itype->weight = 4000; itype->capacity = 14000; test_create_itemtype("iron"); test_create_itemtype("stone"); t_plain = test_create_terrain("plain", LAND_REGION | FOREST_REGION | WALK_INTO | CAVALRY_REGION | FLY_INTO); t_plain->size = 1000; t_plain->max_road = 100; t_ocean = test_create_terrain("ocean", SEA_REGION | SWIM_INTO | FLY_INTO); t_ocean->size = 0; island[0] = test_create_region(0, 0, t_plain); island[1] = test_create_region(1, 0, t_plain); for (i = 0; i != 2; ++i) { int j; region *r = island[i]; for (j = 0; j != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++j) { region *rn = r_connect(r, (direction_t)j); if (!rn) { rn = test_create_region(r->x + delta_x[j], r->y + delta_y[j], t_ocean); } } } test_create_castle(); test_create_shiptype("boat"); } message * test_get_last_message(message_list *msgs) { if (msgs) { struct mlist *iter = msgs->begin; while (iter->next) { iter = iter->next; } return iter->msg; } return 0; } const char * test_get_messagetype(const message *msg) { const char * name; assert(msg); name = msg->type->name; if (strcmp(name, "missing_message") == 0) { name = (const char *)msg->parameters[0].v; } else if (strcmp(name, "missing_feedback") == 0) { name = (const char *)msg->parameters[3].v; } return name; } struct message * test_find_messagetype_ex(struct message_list *msgs, const char *name, struct message *prev) { struct mlist *ml; if (!msgs) return 0; for (ml = msgs->begin; ml; ml = ml->next) { if (prev && ml->msg == prev) { prev = NULL; } else if (strcmp(name, test_get_messagetype(ml->msg)) == 0) { return ml->msg; } } return NULL; } struct message * test_find_messagetype(struct message_list *msgs, const char *name) { return test_find_messagetype_ex(msgs, name, NULL); } int test_count_messagetype(struct message_list *msgs, const char *name) { int count = 0; struct mlist *ml; if (!msgs) return 0; for (ml = msgs->begin; ml; ml = ml->next) { if (strcmp(name, test_get_messagetype(ml->msg)) == 0) { ++count; } } return count; } void test_clear_messagelist(message_list **msgs) { if (*msgs) { free_messagelist((*msgs)->begin); free(*msgs); *msgs = NULL; } } void test_clear_messages(faction *f) { if (f->msgs) { free_messagelist(f->msgs->begin); free(f->msgs); f->msgs = NULL; } } void assert_message(CuTest * tc, message *msg, char *name, int numpar) { const message_type *mtype = msg->type; assert(mtype); CuAssertStrEquals(tc, name, mtype->name); CuAssertIntEquals(tc, numpar, mtype->nparameters); } void assert_pointer_parameter(CuTest * tc, message *msg, int index, void *arg) { const message_type *mtype = (msg)->type; CuAssertIntEquals((tc), VAR_VOIDPTR, mtype->types[(index)]->vtype); CuAssertPtrEquals((tc), (arg), msg->parameters[(index)].v); } void assert_int_parameter(CuTest * tc, message *msg, int index, int arg) { const message_type *mtype = (msg)->type; CuAssertIntEquals((tc), VAR_INT, mtype->types[(index)]->vtype); CuAssertIntEquals((tc), (arg), msg->parameters[(index)].i); } void assert_string_parameter(CuTest * tc, message *msg, int index, const char *arg) { const message_type *mtype = (msg)->type; CuAssertIntEquals((tc), VAR_VOIDPTR, mtype->types[(index)]->vtype); CuAssertStrEquals((tc), (arg), msg->parameters[(index)].v); } void disabled_test(void *suite, void(*test)(CuTest *), const char *name) { (void)test; fprintf(stderr, "%s: SKIP\n", name); }