#!/bin/bash function usage() { cat <<HEREDOC usage: $0 [-t <turn>] [-g <game>] [-f <file>] command [args] commands: build -- pull and rebuild the code version -- print the current build number setup -- create base directory and config files run -- run a turn send [id ...] -- send reports to one or more factions, or to all ids in <file> HEREDOC exit 1 } function abort() { echo $1 [ -z $2 ] && exit -1 exit $2 # otherwise } function build() { assert_dir $SOURCE cd $SOURCE git pull || abort "failed to update source. do you have local changes?" [ -z $1 ] || git checkout $1 s/build || abort "build failed." } function assert_file() { [ -e $1 ] || abort "missing file: $1" } function assert_files() { while [ ! -z $1 ] ; do assert_file $1 shift done } function assert_dir() { [ -d $1 ] || abort "missing directory: $1" } function version() { assert_dir $SOURCE cd $SOURCE build=$(grep BUILD src/build.h | awk '{ print $3 }') echo "eressea build $build" } function setup() { assert_dir $SOURCE assert_dir $LIVE mkdir -p $TESTROOT assert_dir $TESTROOT cd $TESTROOT cat >| eressea.ini <<HEREDOC [lua] dbname = preview.db install = $SOURCE paths = $SOURCE/lunit:$SOURCE/git/scripts rules = e$game HEREDOC } function run() { echo "testing turn $turn of game $game" assert_dir $TESTROOT cd $TESTROOT [ -d data ] || mkdir data assert_dir data assert_files $LIVE/orders.$turn $LIVE/data/$turn.dat cp $LIVE/eressea.db preview.db ln -f $LIVE/orders.$turn ln -f $LIVE/data/$turn.dat data/ rm -rf reports mkdir -p reports $SOURCE/build-x86_64-gcc-Debug/eressea/eressea -v$verbose -t$turn -re$game $SOURCE/scripts/run-turn.lua let turn=$turn+1 [ -e data/$turn.dat ] || abort "no data file created" } function send() { zip="$turn-$1.zip" zip -q -u $zip $turn-$1.?r email=$(grep "faction=$1:" reports.txt | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/email=//') echo "sending reports to $1 / $email" info=/dev/null [ -e ../email.txt ] && info=../email.txt cat $info | mutt -F $ERESSEA/etc/muttrc -s "Testauswertung Spiel $game Partei $1" -a $zip -- $email } game=0 turn=0 verbose=1 factions="testers.txt" while getopts :g:t:f:v: o; do case "${o}" in f) factions=${OPTARG} ;; v) verbose=${OPTARG} ;; g) game=${OPTARG} ;; t) turn=${OPTARG} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) [ -d $ERESSEA ] || echo "invalid or missing env variable ERESSEA ($ERESSEA)" [ -z $1 ] && usage [ -z $SOURCE ] && SOURCE=$ERESSEA/git [ -d $SOURCE ] || abort "missing source directory: $SOURCE" [ -d LIVE ] || LIVE=$ERESSEA/game-$game [ -d TESTROOT ] || TESTROOT=$LIVE/test while [ ! -z $1 ]; do case "$1" in "version") version ;; "build") shift build $* ;; "setup") setup ;; "run") if [ $turn -eq 0 ]; then [ -f $LIVE/turn ] || abort "missing turn file, and no turn specified" let turn=$(cat $LIVE/turn)-1 fi run ;; "send") shift sent=0 cd $TESTROOT/reports if [ $turn -eq 0 ]; then [ -f $TESTROOT/turn ] || abort "missing turn file, and no turn specified" let turn=$(cat $TESTROOT/turn) fi for faction in $* ; do send $faction sent=1 done if [ $sent -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e ../$factions ]; then for faction in $(cat ../$factions) ; do send $faction done fi fi break ;; esac shift done