/* vi: set ts=2: * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "message.h" /* kernel includes */ #include "plane.h" #include "faction.h" #include "unit.h" #include "item.h" #include "building.h" /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct warning { struct warning * next; const struct messageclass * section; int level; } warning; typedef struct msg_setting { struct msg_setting *next; const struct message_type *type; int level; } msg_setting; /************ Compatibility function *************/ #define MAXSTRLEN (4*DISPLAYSIZE+3) #include "region.h" #include "eressea.h" const char * translate_regions(const char *st, faction * f) { static char temp[MAXSTRLEN - 1]; char *s, *t = temp; const char *p = st; char *c = strstr(p, "\\r("); if (!c) return strcpy(temp, st); temp[0] = 0; do { static region *r; static int cache_x = -999999, cache_y = -999999; int koor_x, koor_y; int x = MAXSTRLEN - (t - temp); plane *cache_pl = NULL; if (c - p < x) x = c - p; s = temp; strncpy(t, p, x); t += (c - p); p = c + 3; koor_x = atoi(p); p = strchr(p, ',') + 1; koor_y = atoi(p); if (koor_x != cache_x || koor_y != cache_y) { r = findregion(koor_x, koor_y); cache_x = koor_x; cache_y = koor_y; cache_pl = getplane(r); } if (f == NULL) f = findfaction(MONSTER_FACTION); if(r) { if (cache_pl && fval(cache_pl,PFL_NOCOORDS)) { sprintf(t, "%s", rname(r, f->locale)); } else { const char *rn = rname(r, f->locale); if(rn && *rn) { sprintf(t, "%s (%d,%d)", rn, region_x(r, f), region_y(r, f)); } else { sprintf(t, "(%d,%d)", region_x(r, f), region_y(r, f)); } } } else strcpy(t, "(Chaos)"); t += strlen(t); p = strchr(p, ')') + 1; c = strstr(p, "\\r("); } while (c!= NULL); if (s == temp) strcat(t, p); return s; } #include typedef struct xml_state { const char * mtname; const message_type * mtype; int argc; char * argv[32]; struct locale * lang; const char * nrsection; int nrlevel; char * nrtext; } xml_state; static int parse_plaintext(const struct xml_stack *stack, const char *str, void *data) { xml_state * state = (xml_state*)data; if (stack) { const xml_tag * tag = stack->tag; if (strcmp(tag->name, "text")==0) { state->nrtext = strdup(str); } } return XML_OK; } static int parse_tagbegin(const struct xml_stack *stack, void *data) { xml_state * state = (xml_state*)data; const xml_tag * tag = stack->tag; if (strcmp(tag->name, "messages")==0) { memset(state, 0, sizeof(xml_state)); return XML_OK; } else if (strcmp(tag->name, "message")==0) { const char * tname = xml_value(tag, "name"); state->argc = 0; if (tname) { state->mtname = tname; return XML_OK; } else state->mtname = NULL; } else if (strcasecmp(tag->name, "arg")==0) { if (state->mtname!=NULL) { const char * zName = xml_value(tag, "name"); const char * zType = xml_value(tag, "type"); if (zName && zType) { char zBuffer[128]; sprintf(zBuffer, "%s:%s", zName, zType); state->argv[state->argc++] = strdup(zBuffer); return XML_OK; } } } else if (strcasecmp(tag->name, "locale")==0) { if (state->mtname!=NULL) { const char * zName = xml_value(tag, "name"); if (zName) { state->lang = find_locale(zName); } } } else if (strcasecmp(tag->name, "nr")==0) { if (state->mtname!=NULL) { const char * zSection = xml_value(tag, "section"); const char * zLevel = xml_value(tag, "level"); if (zSection) { state->nrsection = zSection; mc_add(zSection); } if (zLevel) state->nrlevel = atoi(zLevel); } } return XML_USERERROR; } static int parse_tagend(const struct xml_stack *stack, void *data) { xml_state * state = (xml_state*)data; const xml_tag * tag = stack->tag; if (strcasecmp(tag->name, "type")==0) { const struct message_type * mtype; state->argv[state->argc]=0; /* add the messagetype */ mtype = mt_find(state->mtname); if (!mtype) mtype = mt_register(mt_new(state->mtname, state->argv)); while (state->argc--) { free(state->argv[state->argc]); } if (state->nrtext) { free(state->nrtext); state->nrtext = 0; } state->mtype = mtype; } else if (strcasecmp(tag->name, "locale")==0) { crt_register(state->mtype); state->lang = NULL; } else if (strcasecmp(tag->name, "nr")==0) { nrt_register(state->mtype, state->lang, state->nrtext, state->nrlevel, state->nrsection); state->nrsection = NULL; } return XML_OK; } static xml_callbacks msgcallback = { parse_plaintext, parse_tagbegin, parse_tagend, NULL }; void read_messages(FILE * F, const locale * lang) { xml_state state; xml_parse(F, &msgcallback, &state); unused(lang); } static void arg_set(void * args[], const message_type * mtype, char * buffer, void * v) { int i; for (i=0;i!=mtype->nparameters;++i) { if (!strcmp(buffer, mtype->pnames[i])) break; } if (i!=mtype->nparameters) args[i] = v; } struct message * msg_error(const struct unit * u, const char * cmd, const char * name, const char* sig, ...) { va_list marker; const message_type * mtype = mt_find(name); char buffer[64], *oc = buffer; const char *ic = sig; void * args[16]; memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); if (cmd==NULL) cmd = u->thisorder; if (!mtype) { fprintf(stderr, "trying to create message of unknown type \"%s\"\n", name); return NULL; } arg_set(args, mtype, "unit", (void*)u); arg_set(args, mtype, "region", (void*)u->region); arg_set(args, mtype, "command", (void*)cmd); va_start(marker, sig); while (*ic && !isalnum(*ic)) ic++; while (*ic) { void * v = va_arg(marker, void *); while (isalnum(*ic)) *oc++ = *ic++; *oc = '\0'; arg_set(args, mtype, buffer, v); while (*ic && !isalnum(*ic)) ic++; } va_end(marker); return msg_create(mtype, (void**)args); } message * msg_message(const char * name, const char* sig, ...) /* msg_message("oops_error", "unit region command", u, r, cmd) */ { va_list marker; const message_type * mtype = mt_find(name); char buffer[64], *oc = buffer; const char *ic = sig; void * args[16]; memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); if (!mtype) { fprintf(stderr, "trying to create message of unknown type \"%s\"\n", name); return NULL; } va_start(marker, sig); while (*ic && !isalnum(*ic)) ic++; while (*ic) { void * v = va_arg(marker, void *); while (isalnum(*ic)) *oc++ = *ic++; *oc = '\0'; arg_set(args, mtype, buffer, v); while (*ic && !isalnum(*ic)) ic++; } va_end(marker); return msg_create(mtype, (void**)args); } message * new_message(struct faction * receiver, const char* sig, ...) /* compatibility function, to keep the old function calls valid * * all old messagetypes are converted into a message with ONLY string parameters, * this function will convert given parameters to a string representation * based on the signature - like render() once did */ { const message_type * mtype; va_list marker; const char * signature = strchr(sig, '%'); char buffer[128]; int i=0; const char * c = sig; void * args[16]; memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); strncpy(buffer, sig, signature-sig); buffer[signature-sig] = '\0'; mtype = mt_find(buffer); if (!mtype) { fprintf(stderr, "trying to create message of unknown type \"%s\"\n", buffer); return NULL; } while(*c!='%') buffer[i++] = *(c++); buffer[i] = 0; va_start(marker, sig); while (*c) { char type; char *p = buffer; assert(*c=='%'); type = *(++c); /* case 'f': (*ep)->type = IT_FACTION; break; case 'u': (*ep)->type = IT_UNIT; break; case 'r': (*ep)->type = IT_REGION; break; case 'h': (*ep)->type = IT_SHIP; break; case 'b': (*ep)->type = IT_BUILDING; break; case 'X': (*ep)->type = IT_RESOURCETYPE; break; case 'x': (*ep)->type = IT_RESOURCE; break; case 't': (*ep)->type = IT_SKILL; break; case 's': (*ep)->type = IT_STRING; break; case 'i': (*ep)->type = IT_INT; break; case 'd': (*ep)->type = IT_DIRECTION; break; case 'S': (*ep)->type = IT_FSPECIAL; break; */ c+=2; while (*c && isalnum(*(unsigned char*)c)) *(p++) = *(c++); *p = '\0'; for (i=0;i!=mtype->nparameters;++i) { if (!strcmp(buffer, mtype->pnames[i])) break; } if (i==mtype->nparameters) { log_error(("unknown message-parameter for %s: %s (%p)\n", mtype->name, buffer, va_arg(marker, void*))); continue; } switch(type) { case 's': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, const char *); break; case 'i': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, int); break; case 'f': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, const struct faction*); break; case 'u': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, const struct unit*); break; case 'r': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, const struct region*); break; case 'h': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, const struct ship*); break; case 'b': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, const struct building*); break; case 'X': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, const resource_type *); break; case 'x': args[i] = (void*)oldresourcetype[(resource_t)va_arg(marker, resource_t)]; break; case 't': args[i] = (void*)va_arg(marker, skill_t); break; case 'd': args[i] = (void*)i; break; case 'S': default: args[i] = NULL; } } va_end(marker); return msg_create(mtype, (void**)args); } void addmessage(region * r, faction * f, const char *s, msg_t mtype, int level) { caddmessage(r, f, gc_add(strdup(translate_regions(s, f))), mtype, level); } void caddmessage(region * r, faction * f, char *s, msg_t mtype, int level) { message * m = NULL; switch (mtype) { case MSG_INCOME: assert(f); m = add_message(&f->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_economy%s:string", s)); break; case MSG_BATTLE: assert(0 || !"battle-meldungen nicht über addmessage machen"); break; case MSG_MOVE: assert(f); m = add_message(&f->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_movement%s:string", s)); break; case MSG_COMMERCE: assert(f); m = add_message(&f->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_economy%s:string", s)); break; case MSG_PRODUCE: assert(f); m = add_message(&f->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_production%s:string", s)); break; case MSG_MAGIC: case MSG_COMMENT: case MSG_MESSAGE: /* Botschaften an REGION oder einzelne PARTEI */ if (!r) m = add_message(&f->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_event%s:string", s)); else m = add_message(&r->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_event%s:string", s)); break; case MSG_ORCVERMEHRUNG: case MSG_EVENT: /* Botschaften an REGION oder einzelne PARTEI */ if (!r) m = add_message(&f->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_event%s:string", s)); else m = add_message(&r->msgs, new_message(f, "msg_event%s:string", s)); break; default: assert(!"Ungültige Msg-Klasse!"); } } void xmistake(const unit * u, const char *s, const char *comment, int mtype) { if (u->faction->no == MONSTER_FACTION) return; add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, "mistake%s:command%s:error%u:unit%r:region", s, comment, u, u->region)); } void cmistake(const unit * u, const char *cmd, int mno, int mtype) { static char lbuf[64]; if (u->faction->no == MONSTER_FACTION) return; sprintf(lbuf, "error%d", mno); strcat(lbuf, "%s:command%u:unit%r:region"); add_message(&u->faction->msgs, new_message(u->faction, lbuf, cmd, u, u->region)); } void mistake(const unit * u, const char *command, const char *comment, int mtype) { if (u->faction->no == MONSTER_FACTION) return; xmistake(u, command, gc_add(strdup(translate_regions(comment, u->faction))), mtype); } extern unsigned int new_hashstring(const char* s); int old_hashstring(const char* s) { int key = 0; int i = strlen(s); while (i) { --i; key = ((key >> 31) & 1) ^ (key << 1) ^ s[i]; } return key & 0x7fff; } void set_msglevel(struct warning ** warnings, const char * type, int level) { struct warning ** w = warnings; while (*w) { if (!strcasecmp((*w)->section->name, type)) break; w = &(*w)->next; } if (*w && level==-1){ struct warning * old = *w; *w = old->next; free(old); } else if (level>=0) { struct warning * x = calloc(sizeof(struct warning), 1); x->next = *w; x->level = level; x->section = mc_find(type); *w = x; } } message * add_message(message_list** pm, message * m) { if (m==NULL) return NULL; else { struct mlist * mnew = malloc(sizeof(struct mlist)); if (*pm==NULL) { *pm = malloc(sizeof(message_list)); (*pm)->end=&(*pm)->begin; } mnew->msg = m; mnew->next = NULL; *((*pm)->end) = mnew; (*pm)->end=&mnew->next; } return m; } void free_messages(message_list * m) { struct mlist * x = m->begin; while (x) { m->begin = x->next; msg_free(x->msg); free(x); } } messageclass * msgclasses; const messageclass * mc_add(const char * name) { messageclass ** mcp = &msgclasses; if (name==NULL) return NULL; for (;*mcp;mcp=&(*mcp)->next) { messageclass * mc = *mcp; if (!strcmp(mc->name, name)) break; } if (!*mcp) { messageclass * mc = calloc(sizeof(messageclass), 1); mc->name = strdup(name); *mcp = mc; } return *mcp; } const messageclass * mc_find(const char * name) { messageclass ** mcp = &msgclasses; if (name==NULL) return NULL; for (;*mcp;mcp=&(*mcp)->next) { messageclass * mc = *mcp; if (!strcmp(mc->name, name)) break; } return *mcp; } void write_msglevels(struct warning * warnings, FILE * F) { #ifdef MSG_LEVELS /* hier ist ein bug? */ struct warning * w = warnings; while (w) { fprintf(F, "%s %d ", w->section->name, w->level); w = w->next; } #endif fputs("end ", F); } void read_msglevels(struct warning ** w, FILE * F) { fscanf(F, "%s", buf); while (strcmp("end", buf)) { int level; const messageclass * mc = mc_find(buf); fscanf(F, "%d ", &level); if (mc && level>=0) { *w = calloc(sizeof(struct warning), 1); (*w)->level = level; (*w)->section = mc; w = &(*w)->next; } fscanf(F, "%s", buf); } }