/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "border.h" #include "unit.h" #include "region.h" /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #define BMAXHASH 8191 unsigned int nextborder = 0; border * borders[BMAXHASH]; border_type * bordertypes; void free_borders(void) { int i; for (i=0;i!=BMAXHASH;++i) { borders[i] = NULL; } } border * find_border(unsigned int id) { int key; for (key=0;key!=BMAXHASH;key++) { border * b; for (b=borders[key];b;b=b->next) { if (b->id==id) return b; } } return NULL; } void * resolve_borderid(void * id) { return (void*)find_border((unsigned int)id); } border * get_borders(const region * r1, const region * r2) { border * b; int key = region_hashkey(r1); int k2 = region_hashkey(r2); key = min(k2, key) % BMAXHASH; b = borders[key]; while (b && !((b->from==r1 && b->to==r2) || (b->from==r2 && b->to==r1))) b = b->nexthash; return b; } void write_borders(FILE * f) { int i; for (i=0;i!=BMAXHASH;++i) { border * b; for (b=borders[i];b;b=b->nexthash) { if (b->type->valid && !b->type->valid(b)) continue; fprintf(f, "%s %d %d %d %d %d ", b->type->__name, b->id, b->from->x, b->from->y, b->to->x, b->to->y); if (b->type->write) b->type->write(b, f); putc('\n', f); #if RELEASE_VERSION>BORDER_VERSION a_write(f, b->attribs); putc('\n', f); #endif } } fputs("end", f); } void read_borders(FILE * f) { for (;;) { int fx, fy, tx, ty; unsigned int bid = 0; char zText[32]; border * b; region * from, * to; border_type * type; fscanf(f, "%s", zText); if (!strcmp(zText, "end")) break; if (global.data_version__name, regionname(from, NULL))); if (r!=NULL) to = r; } b = new_border(type, from, to); nextborder--; /* new_border erhöht den Wert */ b->id = bid; assert(bid<=nextborder); if (type->read) type->read(b, f); if (global.data_version>BORDER_VERSION) a_read(f, &b->attribs); } } border * new_border(border_type * type, region * from, region * to) { border ** bp, * b; int key = region_hashkey(from); int k2 = region_hashkey(to); key = min(k2, key) % BMAXHASH; bp = &borders[key]; while (*bp && !(((*bp)->from==from && (*bp)->to==to) || ((*bp)->from==to && (*bp)->to==from))) bp = &(*bp)->nexthash; b = calloc(1, sizeof(struct border)); b->type = type; b->nexthash = *bp; b->next = *bp; b->from = from; b->to = to; b->id = ++nextborder; *bp = b; if (type->init) type->init(b); return b; } void erase_border(border * b) { border ** np, ** hp; int key = region_hashkey(b->from); int k2 = region_hashkey(b->to); attrib ** ap = &b->attribs; while (*ap) a_remove(ap, *ap); key = min(k2, key) % BMAXHASH; hp = np = &borders[key]; while (*np && *np != b) np = &(*np)->next; while (*hp && *hp != b) hp = &(*hp)->nexthash; assert((*np && *hp) || !"error: border is not registered"); *np = b->next; *hp = b->nexthash; if (b->type->destroy) b->type->destroy(b); free(b); } void register_bordertype(border_type * type) { border_type ** btp = &bordertypes; while (*btp && *btp!=type) btp = &(*btp)->next; if (*btp) return; *btp = type; } border_type * find_bordertype(const char * name) { border_type * bt = bordertypes; while (bt && strcmp(bt->__name, name)) bt = bt->next; return bt; } void b_read(border * b, FILE *f) { assert(sizeof(int)==sizeof(b->data)); if (global.data_versiondata); else fscanf(f, "%x ", (int*)&b->data); } void b_write(const border * b, FILE *f) { assert(sizeof(int)==sizeof(b->data)); fprintf(f, "%x ", (int)b->data); } boolean b_transparent(const border * b, const struct faction * f) { unused(b); unused(f); return true; } boolean b_opaque(const border * b, const struct faction * f) { unused(b); unused(f); return false; } boolean b_blockall(const border * b, const unit * u, const region * r) { unused(u); unused(r); unused(b); return true; } boolean b_blocknone(const border * b, const unit * u, const region * r) { unused(u); unused(r); unused(b); return false; } boolean b_rvisible(const border * b, const region * r) { return (boolean)(b->to==r || b->from==r); } boolean b_fvisible(const border * b, const struct faction * f, const region * r) { unused(r); unused(f); unused(b); return true; } boolean b_uvisible(const border * b, const unit * u) { unused(u); unused(b); return true; } boolean b_rinvisible(const border * b, const region * r) { unused(r); unused(b); return false; } boolean b_finvisible(const border * b, const struct faction * f, const region * r) { unused(r); unused(f); unused(b); return false; } boolean b_uinvisible(const border * b, const unit * u) { unused(u); unused(b); return false; } /*********************/ /* at_countdown */ /*********************/ static int a_agecountdown(attrib * a) { a->data.i = max(a->data.i-1, 0); return a->data.i; } attrib_type at_countdown = { "countdown", DEFAULT_INIT, DEFAULT_FINALIZE, a_agecountdown, DEFAULT_WRITE, DEFAULT_READ }; void age_borders(void) { int i; for (i=0;i!=BMAXHASH;++i) { border ** bp = &borders[i]; while (*bp) { border * b = *bp; attrib ** ap = &b->attribs; while(*ap) { attrib * a = *ap; if(a->type->age && a->type->age(a)==0) { if (a->type == &at_countdown) { erase_border(b); b = NULL; /* bp bleibt, wie es ist, da der * nächste border nun hier drin steht. */ break; } a_remove(ap, a); } else ap=&a->next; } if (!b) continue; /* bei löschung bp nicht vorziehen */ bp=&b->next; } } } /******** * implementation of a couple of borders. this shouldn't really be in here, so * let's keep it separate from the more general stuff above ********/ #include "faction.h" static const char * b_namewall(const border * b, const region * r, const struct faction * f, int gflags) { unused(f); unused(r); unused(b); if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) return "eine Wand"; return "Wand"; } border_type bt_wall = { "wall", b_opaque, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blockall, /* block */ b_namewall, /* name */ b_rvisible, /* rvisible */ b_fvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uvisible, /* uvisible */ }; border_type bt_noway = { "noway", b_transparent, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blockall, /* block */ NULL, /* name */ b_rinvisible, /* rvisible */ b_finvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uinvisible, /* uvisible */ }; static const char * b_namefogwall(const border * b, const region * r, const struct faction * f, int gflags) { unused(f); unused(b); unused(r); if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) return "eine Nebelwand"; return "Nebelwand"; } static boolean b_blockfogwall(const border * b, const unit * u, const region * r) { unused(b); unused(r); if (!u) return true; return (boolean)(effskill(u, SK_OBSERVATION) > 4); /* Das ist die alte Nebelwand */ } border_type bt_fogwall = { "fogwall", b_transparent, /* transparent */ NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blockfogwall, /* block */ b_namefogwall, /* name */ b_rvisible, /* rvisible */ b_fvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uvisible, /* uvisible */ }; static const char * b_nameillusionwall(const border * b, const region * r, const struct faction * f, int gflags) { /* TODO: f->locale bestimmt die Sprache */ int fno = (int)b->data; unused(b); unused(r); if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) return (f && fno==f->no)?"eine Illusionswand":"eine Wand"; return (f && fno==f->no)?"Illusionswand":"Wand"; } border_type bt_illusionwall = { "illusionwall", b_opaque, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_read, /* read */ b_write, /* write */ b_blocknone, /* block */ b_nameillusionwall, /* name */ b_rvisible, /* rvisible */ b_fvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uvisible, /* uvisible */ }; /*** * roads. meant to replace the old at_road or r->road attribute ***/ static const char * b_nameroad(const border * b, const region * r, const struct faction * f, int gflags) { region * r2 = (r==b->to)?b->from:b->to; int rval = (int)b->data; int local = (r==b->to)?(rval & 0xFFFF):((rval>>16) & 0xFFFF); static char buffer[64]; unused(f); if (gflags & GF_ARTICLE) { if (!(gflags & GF_DETAILED)) strcpy(buffer, "eine Straße"); else if (terrain[rterrain(r)].roadreq==local) { int remote = (r!=b->to)?(rval & 0xFFFF):((rval>>16) & 0xFFFF); if (terrain[rterrain(r2)].roadreq==remote) { strcpy(buffer, "eine Straße"); } else { strcpy(buffer, "eine unvollständige Straße"); } } else { int percent = max(1, 100*local/terrain[rterrain(r)].roadreq); if (local) { sprintf(buffer, "eine zu %d%% vollendete Straße", percent); } else { strcpy(buffer, "ein Straßenanschluß"); } } } else if (gflags & GF_PLURAL) return "Straßen"; else return "Straße"; return buffer; } static void b_readroad(border * b, FILE *f) { int x, y; fscanf(f, "%d %d", &x, &y); b->data=(void*)((x<<16) | y); } static void b_writeroad(const border * b, FILE *f) { int x, y; x = (int)b->data; y = x & 0xFFFF; x = (x >> 16) & 0xFFFF; fprintf(f, "%d %d", x, y); } static boolean b_validroad(const border * b) { int x = (int)b->data; if (x==0) return false; return true; } static boolean b_rvisibleroad(const border * b, const region * r) { int x = (int)b->data; x = (r==b->to)?(x & 0xFFFF):((x>>16) & 0xFFFF); if (x==0) return false; return (boolean)(b->to==r || b->from==r); } border_type bt_road = { "road", b_transparent, NULL, /* init */ NULL, /* destroy */ b_readroad, /* read */ b_writeroad, /* write */ b_blocknone, /* block */ b_nameroad, /* name */ b_rvisibleroad, /* rvisible */ b_finvisible, /* fvisible */ b_uinvisible, /* uvisible */ b_validroad /* valid */ };