/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include #include "laws.h" #include #include #if WORMHOLE_MODULE #include #endif /* gamecode includes */ #include "economy.h" #include "monster.h" #include "randenc.h" #include "spy.h" #include "study.h" /* kernel includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for volcanoes in emigration (needs a flag) */ #include /* attributes includes */ #include #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef AT_OPTION /* attributes includes */ #include #endif /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* chance that a peasant dies of starvation: */ #define PEASANT_STARVATION_CHANCE 0.9F /* Pferdevermehrung */ #define HORSEGROWTH 4 /* Wanderungschance pro Pferd */ #define HORSEMOVE 3 /* Vermehrungschance pro Baum */ #define FORESTGROWTH 10000 /* In Millionstel */ /** Ausbreitung und Vermehrung */ #define MAXDEMAND 25 #define DMRISE 0.1F /* weekly chance that demand goes up */ #define DMRISEHAFEN 0.2F /* weekly chance that demand goes up with harbor */ /* - exported global symbols ----------------------------------- */ boolean nobattle = false; boolean nomonsters = false; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int RemoveNMRNewbie(void) { static int value = -1; if (value<0) { const char * str = get_param(global.parameters, "nmr.removenewbie"); value = str?atoi(str):0; } return value; } static void restart_race(unit *u, const race * rc) { faction * oldf = u->faction; faction *f = addfaction(oldf->email, oldf->passw, rc, oldf->locale, oldf->subscription); unit * nu = addplayer(u->region, f); order ** ordp = &u->orders; f->subscription = u->faction->subscription; f->age = u->faction->age; fset(f, FFL_RESTART); if (f->subscription) { sql_print(("UPDATE subscriptions set faction='%s', race='%s' where id=%u;\n", itoa36(f->no), dbrace(rc), f->subscription)); } f->magiegebiet = u->faction->magiegebiet; f->options = u->faction->options; free_orders(&nu->orders); nu->orders = u->orders; u->orders = NULL; while (*ordp) { order * ord = *ordp; if (get_keyword(ord) != K_RESTART) { *ordp = ord->next; ord->next = NULL; if (u->thisorder == ord) set_order(&u->thisorder, NULL); #ifdef LASTORDER if (u->lastorder == ord) set_order(&u->lastorder, NULL); #endif } else { ordp = &ord->next; } } destroyfaction(u->faction); } static void checkorders(void) { faction *f; puts(" - Warne spaete Spieler..."); for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) if (!is_monsters(f) && turn - f->lastorders == NMRTimeout() - 1) ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("turnreminder", "")); } static boolean help_money(const unit * u) { if (u->race->ec_flags & GIVEITEM) return true; return false; } static void get_food(region *r) { unit *u; int peasantfood = rpeasants(r)*10; faction * owner = region_owner(r); /* 1. Versorgung von eigenen Einheiten. Das vorhandene Silber * wird zunächst so auf die Einheiten aufgeteilt, dass idealerweise * jede Einheit genug Silber für ihren Unterhalt hat. */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { int need = lifestyle(u); /* Erstmal zurücksetzen */ freset(u, UFL_HUNGER); /* if the region is owned, and the owner is nice, then we'll get * food from the peasants */ if (owner!=NULL && (get_alliance(owner, u->faction) & HELP_MONEY)) { int rm = rmoney(r); int use = min(rm, need); rsetmoney(r, rm-use); need -= use; } need -= get_money(u); if (need > 0) { unit *v; for (v = r->units; need && v; v = v->next) { if (v->faction == u->faction && help_money(v)) { int give = get_money(v) - lifestyle(v); give = min(need, give); if (give>0) { change_money(v, -give); change_money(u, give); need -= give; } } } } } /* 2. Versorgung durch Fremde. Das Silber alliierter Einheiten wird * entsprechend verteilt. */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { int need = lifestyle(u); faction * f = u->faction; need -= max(0, get_money(u)); if (need > 0) { unit *v; for (v = r->units; need && v; v = v->next) { if (v->faction != f && alliedunit(v, f, HELP_MONEY) && help_money(v)) { int give = get_money(v) - lifestyle(v); give = min(need, give); if (give>0) { change_money(v, -give); change_money(u, give); need -= give; add_spende(v->faction, u->faction, give, r); } } } /* Die Einheit hat nicht genug Geld zusammengekratzt und * nimmt Schaden: */ if (need) { int lspp = lifestyle(u)/u->number; if (lspp > 0) { int number = (need+lspp-1)/lspp; if (hunger(number, u)) fset(u, UFL_HUNGER); } } } } /* 3. bestimmen, wie viele Bauern gefressen werden. * bei fehlenden Bauern den Dämon hungern lassen */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->race == new_race[RC_DAEMON]) { unit * donor = r->units; int hungry = u->number; while (donor!=NULL && hungry>0) { /* always start with the first known unit that may have some blood */ static const struct potion_type * pt_blood; if (pt_blood==NULL) { const item_type * it_blood = it_find("peasantblood"); if (it_blood) pt_blood = it_blood->rtype->ptype; } if (pt_blood!=NULL) { while (donor!=NULL) { if (donor->race==new_race[RC_DAEMON]) { if (get_effect(donor, pt_blood)) { /* if he's in our faction, drain him: */ if (donor->faction==u->faction) break; } } donor = donor->next; } if (donor != NULL) { int blut = get_effect(donor, pt_blood); blut = min(blut, hungry); change_effect(donor, pt_blood, -blut); hungry -= blut; } } } if (r->planep == NULL || !fval(r->planep, PFL_NOFEED)) { if (peasantfood>=hungry) { peasantfood -= hungry; hungry = 0; } else { hungry -= peasantfood; peasantfood = 0; } if (hungry > 0) { /* nicht gefütterte dämonen hungern */ #ifdef PEASANT_HUNGRY_DAEMONS_HAVE_FULL_SKILLS /* wdw special rule */ hunger(hungry, u); #else if (hunger(hungry, u)) fset(u, UFL_HUNGER); #endif /* used to be: hunger(hungry, u); */ } } } } rsetpeasants(r, peasantfood/10); /* 3. Von den überlebenden das Geld abziehen: */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { int need = min(get_money(u), lifestyle(u)); change_money(u, -need); } } static void age_unit(region * r, unit * u) { if (u->race == new_race[RC_SPELL]) { if (--u->age <= 0) { remove_unit(&r->units, u); } } else { ++u->age; if (u->number>0 && u->race->age) { u->race->age(u); } } } static void live(region * r) { unit **up = &r->units; get_food(r); while (*up) { unit * u = *up; /* IUW: age_unit() kann u loeschen, u->next ist dann * undefiniert, also muessen wir hier schon das nächste * Element bestimmen */ int effect = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL]); if (effect > 0) { /* Trank "Dumpfbackenbrot" */ skill * sv = u->skills, * sb = NULL; while (sv!=u->skills+u->skill_size) { if (sb==NULL || skill_compare(sv, sb)>0) { sb = sv; } ++sv; } /* bestes Talent raussuchen */ if (sb!=NULL) { int weeks = min(effect, u->number); reduce_skill(u, sb, weeks); ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("dumbeffect", "unit weeks skill", u, weeks, (skill_t)sb->id)); } /* sonst Glück gehabt: wer nix weiß, kann nix vergessen... */ change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL], -effect); } age_unit(r, u); if (*up==u) up=&u->next; } } /* * This procedure calculates the number of emigrating peasants for the given * region r. There are two incentives for peasants to emigrate: * 1) They prefer the less crowded areas. * Example: mountains, 700 peasants (max 1000), 70% inhabited * plain, 5000 peasants (max 10000), 50% inhabited * 700*(PEASANTSWANDER_WEIGHT/100)*((70-50)/100) peasants wander * from mountains to plain. * Effect : peasents will leave densely populated regions. * 2) Peasants prefer richer neighbour regions. * Example: region A, 700 peasants, wealth $10500, $15 per head * region B, 2500 peasants, wealth $25000, $10 per head * Some peasants will emigrate from B to A because $15 > $10 * exactly: 2500*(PEASANTSGREED_WEIGHT1/100)*((15-10)/100) * Not taken in consideration: * - movement because of monsters. * - movement because of wars * - movement because of low loyalty relating to present parties. */ #define MAX_EMIGRATION(p) ((p)/MAXDIRECTIONS) #define MAX_IMMIGRATION(p) ((p)*2/3) static void calculate_emigration(region *r) { int i; int maxp = maxworkingpeasants(r); int rp = rpeasants(r); int max_immigrants = MAX_IMMIGRATION(maxp-rp); if (rterrain(r) == T_VOLCANO || rterrain(r) == T_VOLCANO_SMOKING) { max_immigrants = max_immigrants/10; } for (i = 0; max_immigrants>0 && i != MAXDIRECTIONS; i++) { int dir = (turn+i) % MAXDIRECTIONS; region *rc = rconnect(r, (direction_t)dir); if (rc != NULL && fval(rc->terrain, LAND_REGION)) { int rp2 = rpeasants(rc); int maxp2 = maxworkingpeasants(rc); int max_emigration = MAX_EMIGRATION(rp2-maxp2); if (max_emigration>0) { max_emigration = min(max_emigration, max_immigrants); r->land->newpeasants += max_emigration; rc->land->newpeasants -= max_emigration; max_immigrants -= max_emigration; } } } } /** Bauern vermehren sich */ static void peasants(region * r) { int peasants = rpeasants(r); int money = rmoney(r); int maxp = production(r) * MAXPEASANTS_PER_AREA; int n, satiated; int dead = 0; /* Bis zu 1000 Bauern können Zwillinge bekommen oder 1000 Bauern * wollen nicht! */ if (peasants>0) { int glueck = 0; double fraction = peasants * 0.0001F * PEASANTGROWTH; int births = (int)fraction; attrib * a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_peasantluck); if (rng_double()<(fraction-births)) { /* because we don't want regions that never grow pga. rounding. */ ++births; } if (a!=NULL) { glueck = a->data.i * 1000; } for (n = peasants; n; --n) { int chances = 0; if (glueck>0) { --glueck; chances += PEASANTLUCK; } while (chances--) { if (rng_int() % 10000 < PEASANTGROWTH) { /* Only raise with 75% chance if peasants have * reached 90% of maxpopulation */ if (peasants/(float)maxp < 0.9 || chance(PEASANTFORCE)) { ++births; } } } } peasants += births; } /* Alle werden satt, oder halt soviele für die es auch Geld gibt */ satiated = min(peasants, money / maintenance_cost(NULL)); rsetmoney(r, money - satiated * maintenance_cost(NULL)); /* Von denjenigen, die nicht satt geworden sind, verhungert der * Großteil. dead kann nie größer als rpeasants(r) - satiated werden, * so dass rpeasants(r) >= 0 bleiben muß. */ /* Es verhungert maximal die unterernährten Bevölkerung. */ n = min(peasants - satiated, rpeasants(r)); dead += (int)(0.5F + n * PEASANT_STARVATION_CHANCE); if (dead > 0) { message * msg = add_message(&r->msgs, msg_message("phunger", "dead", dead)); msg_release(msg); peasants -= dead; } rsetpeasants(r, peasants); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct migration { struct migration * next; region * r; int horses; int trees; } migration; #define MSIZE 1023 migration * migrants[MSIZE]; migration * free_migrants; static migration * get_migrants(region * r) { int key = reg_hashkey(r); int index = key % MSIZE; migration * m = migrants[index]; while (m && m->r != r) m = m->next; if (m == NULL) { /* Es gibt noch keine Migration. Also eine erzeugen */ m = free_migrants; if (!m) m = calloc(1, sizeof(migration)); else { free_migrants = free_migrants->next; m->horses = 0; m->trees = 0; } m->r = r; m->next = migrants[index]; migrants[index] = m; } return m; } static void migrate(region * r) { int key = reg_hashkey(r); int index = key % MSIZE; migration ** hp = &migrants[index]; fset(r, RF_MIGRATION); while (*hp && (*hp)->r != r) hp = &(*hp)->next; if (*hp) { migration * m = *hp; rsethorses(r, rhorses(r) + m->horses); /* Was macht das denn hier? * Baumwanderung wird in trees() gemacht. * wer fragt das? Die Baumwanderung war abhängig von der * Auswertungsreihenfolge der regionen, * das hatte ich geändert. jemand hat es wieder gelöscht, toll. * ich habe es wieder aktiviert, muß getestet werden. */ *hp = m->next; m->next = free_migrants; free_migrants = m; } } static void horses(region * r) { int horses, maxhorses; direction_t n; /* Logistisches Wachstum, Optimum bei halbem Maximalbesatz. */ maxhorses = maxworkingpeasants(r)/10; maxhorses = max(0, maxhorses); horses = rhorses(r); if (horses > 0) { if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_CURSED_BY_THE_GODS, 0)) { rsethorses(r, (int)(horses*0.9F)); } else if (maxhorses) { int i; double growth = (RESOURCE_QUANTITY * HORSEGROWTH * 200 * (maxhorses-horses))/maxhorses; if (growth>0) { if (a_find(r->attribs, &at_horseluck)) growth *= 2; /* printf("Horses: <%d> %d -> ", growth, horses); */ i = (int)(0.5F + (horses * 0.0001F) * growth); /* printf("%d\n", horses); */ rsethorses(r, horses + i); } } } /* Pferde wandern in Nachbarregionen. * Falls die Nachbarregion noch berechnet * werden muß, wird eine migration-Struktur gebildet, * die dann erst in die Berechnung der Nachbarstruktur einfließt. */ for(n = 0; n != MAXDIRECTIONS; n++) { region * r2 = rconnect(r, n); if (r2 && fval(r2->terrain, WALK_INTO)) { int pt = (rhorses(r) * HORSEMOVE)/100; pt = (int)normalvariate(pt, pt/4.0); pt = max(0, pt); if (fval(r2, RF_MIGRATION)) rsethorses(r2, rhorses(r2) + pt); else { migration * nb; /* haben wir die Migration schonmal benutzt? * wenn nicht, müssen wir sie suchen. * Wandernde Pferde vermehren sich nicht. */ nb = get_migrants(r2); nb->horses += pt; } /* Wandernde Pferde sollten auch abgezogen werden */ rsethorses(r, rhorses(r) - pt); } } assert(rhorses(r) >= 0); } static int count_race(const region *r, const race *rc) { unit *u; int c = 0; for(u = r->units; u; u=u->next) if(u->race == rc) c += u->number; return c; } extern struct attrib_type at_germs; static void trees(region * r, const int current_season, const int last_weeks_season) { int growth, grownup_trees, i, seeds, sprout, seedchance; direction_t d; attrib *a; if(current_season == SEASON_SUMMER || current_season == SEASON_AUTUMN) { int elves = count_race(r,new_race[RC_ELF]); a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_germs); if(a && last_weeks_season == SEASON_SPRING) { /* ungekeimte Samen bleiben erhalten, Sprößlinge wachsen */ sprout = min(a->data.sa[1], rtrees(r, 1)); /* aus dem gesamt Sprößlingepool abziehen */ rsettrees(r, 1, rtrees(r, 1) - sprout); /* zu den Bäumen hinzufügen */ rsettrees(r, 2, rtrees(r, 2) + sprout); a_removeall(&r->attribs, &at_germs); } if(is_cursed(r->attribs, C_CURSED_BY_THE_GODS, 0)) { rsettrees(r, 1, (int)(rtrees(r, 1) * 0.9)); rsettrees(r, 2, (int)(rtrees(r, 2) * 0.9)); return; } if (production(r) <= 0) return; /* Grundchance 1.0% */ seedchance = (int)(FORESTGROWTH * RESOURCE_QUANTITY); /* Jeder Elf in der Region erhöht die Chance um 0.0008%. */ seedchance += (min(elves, (production(r)*MAXPEASANTS_PER_AREA)/8)) * 8; grownup_trees = rtrees(r, 2); seeds = 0; if (grownup_trees>0) { seeds += (int)(seedchance*0.000001F*grownup_trees); } rsettrees(r, 0, rtrees(r, 0) + seeds); /* Bäume breiten sich in Nachbarregionen aus. */ /* Gesamtzahl der Samen: * bis zu 6% (FORESTGROWTH*3) der Bäume samen in die Nachbarregionen */ seeds = (rtrees(r, 2) * FORESTGROWTH * 3)/1000000; for (d=0;d!=MAXDIRECTIONS;++d) { region * r2 = rconnect(r, d); if (r2 && fval(r2->terrain, LAND_REGION) && r2->terrain->size) { /* Eine Landregion, wir versuchen Samen zu verteilen: * Die Chance, das Samen ein Stück Boden finden, in dem sie * keimen können, hängt von der Bewuchsdichte und der * verfügbaren Fläche ab. In Gletschern gibt es weniger * Möglichkeiten als in Ebenen. */ sprout = 0; seedchance = (1000 * maxworkingpeasants(r2)) / r2->terrain->size; for(i=0; iattribs, C_CURSED_BY_THE_GODS, 0)) return; /* in at_germs merken uns die Zahl der Samen und Sprößlinge, die * dieses Jahr älter werden dürfen, damit nicht ein Same im selben * Zyklus zum Baum werden kann */ a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_germs); if(!a) { a = a_add(&r->attribs, a_new(&at_germs)); a->data.sa[0] = (short)rtrees(r, 0); a->data.sa[1] = (short)rtrees(r, 1); } /* wir haben 6 Wochen zum wachsen, jeder Same/Sproß hat 18% Chance * zu wachsen, damit sollten nach 5-6 Wochen alle gewachsen sein */ growth = 1800; /* Samenwachstum */ /* Raubbau abfangen, es dürfen nie mehr Samen wachsen, als aktuell * in der Region sind */ seeds = min(a->data.sa[0], rtrees(r, 0)); sprout = 0; for(i=0;idata.sa[0] = (short)(seeds - sprout); /* aus dem gesamt Samenpool abziehen */ rsettrees(r, 0, rtrees(r, 0) - sprout); /* zu den Sprößlinge hinzufügen */ rsettrees(r, 1, rtrees(r, 1) + sprout); /* Baumwachstum */ /* hier gehen wir davon aus, das Jungbäume nicht ohne weiteres aus * der Region entfernt werden können, da Jungbäume in der gleichen * Runde nachwachsen, wir also nicht mehr zwischen diesjährigen und * 'alten' Jungbäumen unterscheiden könnten */ sprout = min(a->data.sa[1], rtrees(r, 1)); grownup_trees = 0; for(i=0;idata.sa[1] = (short)(sprout - grownup_trees); /* aus dem gesamt Sprößlingepool abziehen */ rsettrees(r, 1, rtrees(r, 1) - grownup_trees); /* zu den Bäumen hinzufügen */ rsettrees(r, 2, rtrees(r, 2) + grownup_trees); } /* Jetzt die Kräutervermehrung. Vermehrt wird logistisch: * * Jedes Kraut hat eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von (100-(vorhandene * Kräuter))% sich zu vermehren. */ if(current_season == SEASON_SPRING || current_season == SEASON_SUMMER || current_season == SEASON_AUTUMN) { for(i = rherbs(r); i > 0; i--) { if (rng_int()%100 < (100-rherbs(r))) rsetherbs(r, (short)(rherbs(r)+1)); } } } void demographics(void) { region *r; static int last_weeks_season = -1; static int current_season = -1; if (current_season<0) { gamedate date; get_gamedate(turn, &date); current_season = date.season; get_gamedate(turn-1, &date); last_weeks_season = date.season; } for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { ++r->age; /* also oceans. no idea why we didn't always do that */ live(r); /* check_split_dragons(); */ if (!fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { /* die Nachfrage nach Produkten steigt. */ struct demand * dmd; if (r->land) { for (dmd=r->land->demands;dmd;dmd=dmd->next) { if (dmd->value>0 && dmd->value < MAXDEMAND) { float rise = DMRISE; if (buildingtype_exists(r, bt_find("harbour"))) rise = DMRISEHAFEN; if (rng_double()value; } } /* Seuchen erst nachdem die Bauern sich vermehrt haben * und gewandert sind */ calculate_emigration(r); peasants(r); plagues(r, false); horses(r); if (current_season != SEASON_WINTER) { trees(r, current_season, last_weeks_season); } } update_resources(r); if (r->land) migrate(r); } } while (free_migrants) { migration * m = free_migrants->next; free(free_migrants); free_migrants = m; }; putchar('\n'); remove_empty_units(); puts(" - Einwanderung..."); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { if (r->land && r->land->newpeasants) { int rp = rpeasants(r) + r->land->newpeasants; rsetpeasants(r, max(0, rp)); } } checkorders(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int modify(int i) { int c; c = i * 2 / 3; if (c >= 1) { return (c + rng_int() % c); } else { return (i); } } static void inactivefaction(faction * f) { FILE *inactiveFILE; char zText[128]; sprintf(zText, "%s/%s", datapath(), "/inactive"); inactiveFILE = fopen(zText, "a"); fprintf(inactiveFILE, "%s:%s:%d:%d\n", factionid(f), LOC(default_locale, rc_name(f->race, 1)), modify(count_all(f)), turn - f->lastorders); fclose(inactiveFILE); } static void transfer_faction(faction *f, faction *f2) { unit *u, *un; for (u = f->units; u;) { un = u->nextF; if(!unit_has_cursed_item(u) && !has_skill(u, SK_MAGIC) && !has_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY)) { u_setfaction(u, f2); } u = un; } } static int restart_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); /* skip keyword */ if (!fval(u->region->terrain, LAND_REGION)) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_onlandonly", "")); } else { const char * s_race = getstrtoken(), * s_pass; const race * frace = findrace(s_race, u->faction->locale); if (!frace) { frace = u->faction->race; s_pass = s_race; } else { s_pass = getstrtoken(); } if (u->faction->age > 3 && fval(u->faction, FFL_RESTART)) { cmistake(u, ord, 314, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } if (/* frace != u->faction->race && */ u->faction->age < 81) { cmistake(u, ord, 241, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } if (!playerrace(frace)) { cmistake(u, ord, 243, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } if (!checkpasswd(u->faction, (const char *)s_pass, false)) { cmistake(u, ord, 86, MSG_EVENT); log_warning(("RESTART with wrong password, faction %s, pass %s\n", factionid(u->faction), s_pass)); return 0; } restart_race(u, frace); return -1; } return 0; } static boolean EnhancedQuit(void) { static int value = -1; if (value<0) { const char * str = get_param(global.parameters, "alliance.transferquit"); value = (str!=0 && strcmp(str, "true")==0); } return value; } static int quit_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { faction * f = u->faction; const char * passwd; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); /* skip keyword */ passwd = getstrtoken(); if (checkpasswd(f, (const char *)passwd, false)) { if (EnhancedQuit()) { int f2_id = getid(); if (f2_id>0) { faction *f2 = findfaction(f2_id); if(f2 == NULL) { cmistake(u, ord, 66, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } else if (!u->faction->alliance || u->faction->alliance != f2->alliance) { cmistake(u, ord, 315, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } else if(!alliedfaction(NULL, f, f2, HELP_MONEY)) { cmistake(u, ord, 316, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } else { const char * token = itoa36(f2_id); set_variable(&f->attribs, "quit", token); } } } fset(f, FFL_QUIT); } else { cmistake(u, ord, 86, MSG_EVENT); log_warning(("STIRB mit falschem Passwort für Partei %s: %s\n", factionid(f), passwd)); } return 0; } static void quit(void) { faction ** fptr = &factions; while (*fptr) { faction * f = *fptr; if (f->flags & FFL_QUIT) { if (EnhancedQuit()) { const char * token = get_variable(f->attribs, "quit"); if(token != NULL) { int f2_id = atoi36(token); faction *f2 = findfaction(f2_id); assert(f2_id>0); assert(f2!=NULL); transfer_faction(f, f2); } } destroyfaction(f); } if (*fptr==f) fptr=&f->next; } } int dropouts[2]; int * age = NULL; static void parse_restart(void) { region *r; faction *f; /* Sterben erst nachdem man allen anderen gegeben hat - bzw. man kann * alles machen, was nicht ein dreißigtägiger Befehl ist. */ for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit * u, * un; for (u = r->units; u;) { order * ord; un = u->next; for (ord = u->orders; ord!=NULL; ord = ord->next) { if (get_keyword(ord) == K_RESTART) { if (u->number > 0) { if (restart_cmd(u, ord)!=0) { break; } } } } u = un; } } puts(" - beseitige Spieler, die sich zu lange nicht mehr gemeldet haben..."); for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { if(fval(f, FFL_NOIDLEOUT)) f->lastorders = turn; if (NMRTimeout()>0 && turn - f->lastorders >= NMRTimeout()) { destroyfaction(f); continue; } if (fval(f, FFL_OVERRIDE)) { free(f->override); f->override = strdup(itoa36(rng_int())); freset(f, FFL_OVERRIDE); } if (turn!=f->lastorders) { char info[256]; sprintf(info, "%d Einheiten, %d Personen, %d Silber", f->no_units, f->num_total, f->money); if (f->subscription) { sql_print(("UPDATE subscriptions SET lastturn=%d, password='%s', info='%s' WHERE id=%u;\n", f->lastorders, f->override, info, f->subscription)); } } else { if (f->subscription) { sql_print(("UPDATE subscriptions SET status='ACTIVE', lastturn=%d, firstturn=greatest(firstturn,%d), password='%s' WHERE id=%u;\n", f->lastorders, f->lastorders-f->age, f->override, f->subscription)); } } if (NMRTimeout()>0 && turn - f->lastorders >= (NMRTimeout() - 1)) { inactivefaction(f); continue; } } puts(" - beseitige Spieler, die sich nach der Anmeldung nicht " "gemeldet haben..."); age = calloc(max(4,turn+1), sizeof(int)); for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) if (!is_monsters(f)) { if (RemoveNMRNewbie() && !fval(f, FFL_NOIDLEOUT)) { if (f->age>=0 && f->age <= turn) ++age[f->age]; if (f->age == 2 || f->age == 3) { if (f->lastorders == turn - 2) { destroyfaction(f); ++dropouts[f->age-2]; continue; } } } #ifndef ALLIANCEJOIN if (f->alliance==NULL) { /* destroyfaction(f); */ continue; } #endif } /* Clear away debris of destroyed factions */ puts(" - beseitige leere Einheiten und leere Parteien..."); remove_empty_units(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* HELFE partei [] [NICHT] */ static int ally_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { ally * sf, ** sfp; faction *f; int keyword, not_kw; const char *s; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); f = getfaction(); if (f==NULL || is_monsters(f)) { cmistake(u, ord, 66, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } if (f == u->faction) return 0; s = getstrtoken(); if (!s[0]) keyword = P_ANY; else keyword = findparam(s, u->faction->locale); sfp = &u->faction->allies; if (fval(u, UFL_GROUP)) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_group); if (a) sfp = &((group*)a->data.v)->allies; } for (sf=*sfp; sf; sf = sf->next) if (sf->faction == f) break; /* Gleich die passende raussuchen, wenn vorhanden */ not_kw = getparam(u->faction->locale); /* HELFE partei [modus] NICHT */ if (!sf) { if (keyword == P_NOT || not_kw == P_NOT) { /* Wir helfen der Partei gar nicht... */ return 0; } else { sf = calloc(1, sizeof(ally)); sf->faction = f; sf->status = 0; addlist(sfp, sf); } } switch (keyword) { case P_NOT: sf->status = 0; break; case NOPARAM: cmistake(u, ord, 137, MSG_EVENT); return 0; case P_ANY: if (not_kw == P_NOT) sf->status = 0; else sf->status = HELP_ALL; break; case P_TRAVEL: if (not_kw == P_NOT) sf->status = sf->status & (HELP_ALL - HELP_TRAVEL); else sf->status = sf->status | HELP_TRAVEL; break; case P_GIVE: if (not_kw == P_NOT) sf->status = sf->status & (HELP_ALL - HELP_GIVE); else sf->status = sf->status | HELP_GIVE; break; case P_MONEY: if (not_kw == P_NOT) sf->status = sf->status & (HELP_ALL - HELP_MONEY); else sf->status = sf->status | HELP_MONEY; break; case P_FIGHT: if (not_kw == P_NOT) sf->status = sf->status & (HELP_ALL - HELP_FIGHT); else sf->status = sf->status | HELP_FIGHT; break; case P_FACTIONSTEALTH: if (not_kw == P_NOT) sf->status = sf->status & (HELP_ALL - HELP_FSTEALTH); else sf->status = sf->status | HELP_FSTEALTH; break; case P_GUARD: if (not_kw == P_NOT) sf->status = sf->status & (HELP_ALL - HELP_GUARD); else sf->status = sf->status | HELP_GUARD; break; } if (sf->status == 0) { /* Alle HELPs geloescht */ removelist(sfp, sf); } return 0; } static struct local_names * pnames; static void init_prefixnames(void) { int i; for (i=0;localenames[i];++i) { const struct locale * lang = find_locale(localenames[i]); boolean exist = false; struct local_names * in = pnames; while (in!=NULL) { if (in->lang==lang) { exist = true; break; } in = in->next; } if (in==NULL) in = calloc(sizeof(local_names), 1); in->next = pnames; in->lang = lang; if (!exist) { int key; for (key=0;race_prefixes[key];++key) { variant var; const char * pname = locale_string(lang, mkname("prefix", race_prefixes[key])); if (findtoken(&in->names, pname, &var)==E_TOK_NOMATCH || var.i!=key) { var.i = key; addtoken(&in->names, pname, var); addtoken(&in->names, locale_string(lang, mkname("prefix", race_prefixes[key])), var); } } } pnames = in; } } static int prefix_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { attrib **ap; const char *s; local_names * in = pnames; variant var; const struct locale * lang = u->faction->locale; while (in!=NULL) { if (in->lang==lang) break; in = in->next; } if (in==NULL) { init_prefixnames(); for (in=pnames;in->lang!=lang;in=in->next) ; } init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); if (!*s) { attrib *a = NULL; if (fval(u, UFL_GROUP)) { a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_group); } if (a) { group * g = (group*)a->data.v; a_removeall(&g->attribs, &at_raceprefix); } else { a_removeall(&u->faction->attribs, &at_raceprefix); } return 0; } if (findtoken(&in->names, s, &var)==E_TOK_NOMATCH) { return 0; } else if (race_prefixes[var.i] == NULL) { cmistake(u, ord, 299, MSG_EVENT); } else { ap = &u->faction->attribs; if (fval(u, UFL_GROUP)) { attrib * a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_group); group * g = (group*)a->data.v; if (a) ap = &g->attribs; } set_prefix(ap, race_prefixes[var.i]); } return 0; } static int display_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { building * b = u->building; char **s = NULL; region * r = u->region; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); switch (getparam(u->faction->locale)) { case P_BUILDING: case P_GEBAEUDE: if (!b) { cmistake(u, ord, 145, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } if (!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 5, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } if (!fval(b->type, BTF_NAMECHANGE) && b->display && b->display[0] != 0) { cmistake(u, ord, 278, MSG_EVENT); break; } s = &b->display; break; case P_SHIP: if (!u->ship) { cmistake(u, ord, 144, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } if (!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 12, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } s = &u->ship->display; break; case P_UNIT: s = &u->display; break; case P_PRIVAT: { const char *d = getstrtoken(); if(d == NULL || *d == 0) { usetprivate(u, NULL); } else { usetprivate(u, d); } } break; case P_REGION: if (!b) { cmistake(u, ord, 145, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 148, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (b != largestbuilding(r,false)) { cmistake(u, ord, 147, MSG_EVENT); break; } s = &r->display; break; default: cmistake(u, ord, 110, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (s!=NULL) { const char * s2 = getstrtoken(); free(*s); *s = strdup(s2); if (strlen(s2)>=DISPLAYSIZE) { (*s)[DISPLAYSIZE] = 0; } } return 0; } static boolean renamed_building(const building * b) { const struct locale * lang = locales; for (;lang;lang=nextlocale(lang)) { const char * bdname = LOC(lang, b->type->_name); size_t bdlen = strlen(bdname); if (strlen(b->name)>=bdlen && strncmp(b->name, bdname, bdlen)==0) { return false; } } return true; } static int name_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { building * b = u->building; region * r = u->region; char **s = NULL; param_t p; boolean foreign = false; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); p = getparam(u->faction->locale); if (p == P_FOREIGN) { foreign = true; p = getparam(u->faction->locale); } switch (p) { case P_BUILDING: case P_GEBAEUDE: if (foreign == true) { building *b = getbuilding(r); unit *uo; if (!b) { cmistake(u, ord, 6, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (b->type == bt_find("generic")) { cmistake(u, ord, 278, MSG_EVENT); break; } else { if (renamed_building(b)) { cmistake(u, ord, 246, MSG_EVENT); break; } } uo = buildingowner(r, b); if (uo) { if (cansee(uo->faction, r, u, 0)) { ADDMSG(&uo->faction->msgs, msg_message("renamed_building_seen", "building renamer region", b, u, r)); } else { ADDMSG(&uo->faction->msgs, msg_message("renamed_building_notseen", "building region", b, r)); } } s = &b->name; } else { if (!b) { cmistake(u, ord, 145, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } if (!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 148, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } if (!fval(b->type, BTF_NAMECHANGE)) { cmistake(u, ord, 278, MSG_EVENT); break; } s = &b->name; } break; case P_FACTION: if (foreign == true) { faction *f; f = getfaction(); if (!f) { cmistake(u, ord, 66, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (f->age < 10) { cmistake(u, ord, 248, MSG_EVENT); break; } else { const struct locale * lang = locales; for (;lang;lang=nextlocale(lang)) { const char * fdname = LOC(lang, "factiondefault"); size_t fdlen = strlen(fdname); if (strlen(f->name)>=fdlen && strncmp(f->name, fdname, fdlen)==0) { break; } } if (lang==NULL) { cmistake(u, ord, 247, MSG_EVENT); break; } } if (cansee(f, r, u, 0)) { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("renamed_faction_seen", "unit region", u, r)); } else { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("renamed_faction_notseen", "", r)); } s = &f->name; } else { s = &u->faction->name; } break; case P_SHIP: if (foreign == true) { ship *sh = getship(r); unit *uo; if (!sh) { cmistake(u, ord, 20, MSG_EVENT); break; } else { const struct locale * lang = locales; for (;lang;lang=nextlocale(lang)) { const char * sdname = LOC(lang, sh->type->name[0]); size_t sdlen = strlen(sdname); if (strlen(sh->name)>=sdlen && strncmp(sh->name, sdname, sdlen)==0) { break; } sdname = LOC(lang, parameters[P_SHIP]); sdlen = strlen(sdname); if (strlen(sh->name)>=sdlen && strncmp(sh->name, sdname, sdlen)==0) { break; } } if (lang==NULL) { cmistake(u, ord, 245, MSG_EVENT); break; } } uo = shipowner(sh); if (uo) { if (cansee(uo->faction, r, u, 0)) { ADDMSG(&uo->faction->msgs, msg_message("renamed_ship_seen", "ship renamer region", sh, u, r)); } else { ADDMSG(&uo->faction->msgs, msg_message("renamed_ship_notseen", "ship region", sh, r)); } } s = &sh->name; } else { if (!u->ship) { cmistake(u, ord, 144, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } if (!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 12, MSG_PRODUCE); break; } s = &u->ship->name; } break; case P_UNIT: if (foreign == true) { unit *u2 = getunit(r, u->faction); if (!u2 || !cansee(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "feedback_unit_not_found", "")); break; } else { const char * udefault = LOC(u2->faction->locale, "unitdefault"); size_t udlen = strlen(udefault); size_t unlen = strlen(u2->name); if (unlen>=udlen && strncmp(u2->name, udefault, udlen)!=0) { cmistake(u2, ord, 244, MSG_EVENT); break; } } if (cansee(u2->faction, r, u, 0)) { ADDMSG(&u2->faction->msgs, msg_message("renamed_seen", "renamer renamed region", u, u2, r)); } else { ADDMSG(&u2->faction->msgs, msg_message("renamed_notseen", "renamed region", u2, r)); } s = &u2->name; } else { s = &u->name; } break; case P_REGION: if (!b) { cmistake(u, ord, 145, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 148, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (b != largestbuilding(r,false)) { cmistake(u, ord, 147, MSG_EVENT); break; } s = &r->land->name; break; case P_GROUP: { attrib * a = NULL; if (fval(u, UFL_GROUP)) a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_group); if (a) { group * g = (group*)a->data.v; s = &g->name; break; } else { cmistake(u, ord, 109, MSG_EVENT); break; } } break; default: cmistake(u, ord, 109, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (s!=NULL) { const char * s2 = getstrtoken(); if (!s2[0]) { cmistake(u, ord, 84, MSG_EVENT); return 0; } /* TODO: Validate to make sure people don't have illegal characters in * names, phishing-style? () come to mind. */ free(*s); *s = strdup(s2); if (strlen(s2)>=NAMESIZE) { (*s)[NAMESIZE] = 0; } } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ void deliverMail(faction * f, region * r, unit * u, const char *s, unit * receiver) { if (!cansee(f, r, u, 0)) { u = NULL; } if (!receiver) { /* BOTSCHAFT an PARTEI */ ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("regionmessage", "region sender string", r, u, s)); } else { /* BOTSCHAFT an EINHEIT */ ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("unitmessage", "region unit sender string", r, receiver, u, s)); } } static void mailunit(region * r, unit * u, int n, struct order * ord, const char * s) { unit * u2 = findunitr(r,n); if (u2 && cansee(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) { deliverMail(u2->faction, r, u, s, u2); /* now done in prepare_mail_cmd */ } else { /* Immer eine Meldung - sonst könnte man so getarnte EHs enttarnen: * keine Meldung -> EH hier. */ ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "feedback_unit_not_found", "")); } } static void mailfaction(unit * u, int n, struct order * ord, const char * s) { faction *f; f = findfaction(n); if (f && n>0) deliverMail(f, u->region, u, s, NULL); else cmistake(u, ord, 66, MSG_MESSAGE); } static int mail_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { region * r = u->region; unit *u2; const char *s; int n, cont; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); /* skip the keyword */ s = getstrtoken(); /* Falls kein Parameter, ist das eine Einheitsnummer; * das Füllwort "AN" muß wegfallen, da gültige Nummer! */ do { cont = 0; switch (findparam(s, u->faction->locale)) { case P_REGION: /* können alle Einheiten in der Region sehen */ s = getstrtoken(); if (!s[0]) { cmistake(u, ord, 30, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } else { ADDMSG(&r->msgs, msg_message("mail_result", "unit message", u, s)); return 0; } case P_FACTION: { boolean see = false; n = getfactionid(); for(u2=r->units; u2; u2=u2->next) { if(u2->faction->no == n && seefaction(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) { see = true; break; } } if(see == false) { cmistake(u, ord, 66, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } s = getstrtoken(); if (!s[0]) { cmistake(u, ord, 30, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } mailfaction(u, n, ord, s); return 0; } case P_UNIT: { boolean see = false; n = getid(); for (u2=r->units; u2; u2=u2->next) { if (u2->no == n && cansee(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) { see = true; break; } } if (see == false) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "feedback_unit_not_found", "")); return 0; } s = getstrtoken(); if (!s[0]) { cmistake(u, ord, 30, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } else { attrib * a = a_find(u2->attribs, &at_eventhandler); if (a!=NULL) { event_arg args[3]; args[0].data.v = (void*)s; args[0].type = "string"; args[1].data.v = (void*)u; args[1].type = "unit"; args[2].type = NULL; handle_event(a, "message", args); } mailunit(r, u, n, ord, s); } return 0; } case P_BUILDING: case P_GEBAEUDE: { building *b = getbuilding(r); if(!b) { cmistake(u, ord, 6, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } s = getstrtoken(); if (!s[0]) { cmistake(u, ord, 30, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) freset(u2->faction, FFL_SELECT); for (u2=r->units; u2; u2=u2->next) { if(u2->building == b && !fval(u2->faction, FFL_SELECT) && cansee(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) { mailunit(r, u, u2->no, ord, s); fset(u2->faction, FFL_SELECT); } } return 0; } case P_SHIP: { ship *sh = getship(r); if(!sh) { cmistake(u, ord, 20, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } s = getstrtoken(); if (!s[0]) { cmistake(u, ord, 30, MSG_MESSAGE); break; } for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) freset(u2->faction, FFL_SELECT); for(u2=r->units; u2; u2=u2->next) { if(u2->ship == sh && !fval(u2->faction, FFL_SELECT) && cansee(u->faction, r, u2, 0)) { mailunit(r, u, u2->no, ord, s); fset(u2->faction, FFL_SELECT); } } return 0; } default: /* possibly filler token? */ s = getstrtoken(); if (s && *s) cont = 1; break; } } while (cont); cmistake(u, ord, 149, MSG_MESSAGE); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int banner_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); free(u->faction->banner); u->faction->banner = strdup(getstrtoken()); add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("changebanner", "value", u->faction->banner)); return 0; } static int email_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * s; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); if (!s[0]) { cmistake(u, ord, 85, MSG_EVENT); } else { faction * f = u->faction; if (set_email(&f->email, (const char *)s)!=0) { log_error(("Invalid email address for faction %s: %s\n", itoa36(f->no), s)); ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("changemail_invalid", "value", s)); } else { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("changemail", "value", f->email)); } } return 0; } static int password_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { char pwbuf[32]; int i; const char * s; boolean pwok = true; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); if (!s || !*s) { for(i=0; i<6; i++) pwbuf[i] = (char)(97 + rng_int() % 26); pwbuf[6] = 0; } else { char *c; strlcpy(pwbuf, (const char *)s, 31); pwbuf[31] = 0; c = pwbuf; while (*c && pwok) { if (!isalnum(*(unsigned char*)c)) pwok = false; c++; } } free(u->faction->passw); if (pwok == false) { cmistake(u, ord, 283, MSG_EVENT); u->faction->passw = strdup(itoa36(rng_int())); } else { u->faction->passw = strdup(pwbuf); } fset(u->faction, FFL_OVERRIDE); ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("changepasswd", "value", u->faction->passw)); return 0; } static int send_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * s; int option; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); option = findoption(s, u->faction->locale); #ifdef AT_OPTION /* Sonderbehandlung Zeitungsoption */ if (option == O_NEWS) { attrib *a = a_find(u->faction->attribs, &at_option_news); if(a) a->data.i = 0; while((s = getstrtoken())) { if(findparam(s) == P_NOT) { a_removeall(&u->faction->attribs, &at_option_news); u->faction->options = u->faction->options & ~O_NEWS; break; } else { int sec = atoi(s); if(sec != 0) { if(!a) a_add(&u->faction->attribs, a_new(&at_option_news)); a->data.i = a->data.i & (1<<(sec-1)); u->faction->options = u->faction->options | O_NEWS; } } } return 0; } #endif if (option == -1) { cmistake(u, ord, 135, MSG_EVENT); } else { if (getparam(u->faction->locale) == P_NOT) { if (option == O_COMPRESS || option == O_BZIP2) { cmistake(u, ord, 305, MSG_EVENT); } else { u->faction->options = u->faction->options & ~(1<faction->options = u->faction->options | (1<faction->options &= ~(1<faction->options &= ~(1<items, itype); if (i==0) { if (u->region->land!=NULL) { i = i_get(u->region->land->items, itype); } if (i==0) { i = i_get(u->faction->items, itype); if (i==0) return false; } } } name = resourcename(itype->rtype, 0); key = mkname("iteminfo", name); info = locale_getstring(f->locale, key); if (info==NULL) { info = locale_string(f->locale, mkname("iteminfo", "no_info")); } ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("displayitem", "weight item description", itype->weight, itype->rtype, info)); return true; } static boolean display_potion(faction *f, unit *u, const potion_type * ptype) { attrib *a; if (ptype==NULL) return false; else { int i = i_get(u->items, ptype->itype); if (i==0 && 2*ptype->level > effskill(u,SK_ALCHEMY)) { return false; } } a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_showitem); while (a && a->data.v != ptype) a=a->next; if (!a) { a = a_add(&f->attribs, a_new(&at_showitem)); a->data.v = (void*) ptype->itype; } return true; } static boolean display_race(faction *f, unit *u, const race * rc) { const char *name, *key; const char *info; int a, at_count; char buf[2048], * bufp = buf; size_t size = sizeof(buf) - 1; int bytes; if (u && u->race != rc) return false; name = rc_name(rc, 0); bytes = slprintf(bufp, size, "%s: ", LOC(f->locale, name)); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); key = mkname("raceinfo", rc->_name[0]); info = locale_getstring(f->locale, key); if (info==NULL) { info = locale_string(f->locale, mkname("raceinfo", "no_info")); } bytes = (int)strlcpy(bufp, info, size); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); /* hp_p : Trefferpunkte */ bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, " %d %s", rc->hitpoints, LOC(f->locale, "stat_hitpoints")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); /* b_attacke : Angriff */ bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, ", %s: %d", LOC(f->locale, "stat_attack"), (rc->at_default+rc->at_bonus)); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); /* b_defense : Verteidigung */ bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, ", %s: %d", LOC(f->locale, "stat_defense"), (rc->df_default+rc->df_bonus)); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); /* b_armor : Rüstung */ if (rc->armor > 0) { bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, ", %s: %d", LOC(f->locale, "stat_armor"), rc->armor); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } if (size>1) { *bufp++ ='.'; --size; } else WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); /* b_damage : Schaden */ at_count=0; for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if (rc->attack[a].type != AT_NONE){ at_count++; } } if (rc->battle_flags & BF_EQUIPMENT) { bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, " %s", LOC(f->locale, "stat_equipment")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } if (rc->battle_flags & BF_RES_PIERCE) { bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, " %s", LOC(f->locale, "stat_pierce")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } if (rc->battle_flags & BF_RES_CUT) { bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, " %s", LOC(f->locale, "stat_cut")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } if (rc->battle_flags & BF_RES_BASH) { bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, " %s", LOC(f->locale, "stat_bash")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, " %d %s", at_count, LOC(f->locale, (at_count==1)?"stat_attack":"stat_attacks")); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) { if (rc->attack[a].type != AT_NONE){ if (a!=0) bytes = (int)strlcpy(bufp, ", ", size); else bytes = (int)strlcpy(bufp, ": ", size); if (wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); switch(rc->attack[a].type) { case AT_STANDARD: bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, "%s (%s)", LOC(f->locale, "attack_standard"), rc->def_damage); break; case AT_NATURAL: bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, "%s (%s)", LOC(f->locale, "attack_natural"), rc->attack[a].data.dice); break; case AT_SPELL: case AT_COMBATSPELL: case AT_DRAIN_ST: case AT_DAZZLE: bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, "%s", LOC(f->locale, "attack_magical")); break; case AT_STRUCTURAL: bytes = snprintf(bufp, size, "%s (%s)", LOC(f->locale, "attack_structural"), rc->attack[a].data.dice); break; default: bytes = 0; } if (bytes && wrptr(&bufp, &size, bytes)!=0) WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); } } if (size>1) { *bufp++ = '.'; --size; } else WARN_STATIC_BUFFER(); *bufp = 0; addmessage(0, f, buf, MSG_EVENT, ML_IMPORTANT); return true; } static void reshow(unit * u, struct order * ord, const char * s, param_t p) { int skill, c; const potion_type * ptype; const item_type * itype; const spell * sp; const race * rc; switch (p) { case P_ZAUBER: a_removeall(&u->faction->attribs, &at_seenspell); break; case P_POTIONS: skill = effskill(u, SK_ALCHEMY); c = 0; for (ptype = potiontypes; ptype!=NULL; ptype=ptype->next) { if (ptype->level * 2 <= skill) { c += display_potion(u->faction, u, ptype); } } if (c == 0) cmistake(u, ord, 285, MSG_EVENT); break; case NOPARAM: /* check if it's an item */ itype = finditemtype(s, u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) { ptype = resource2potion(item2resource(itype)); if (ptype!=NULL) { if (display_potion(u->faction, u, ptype)) break; } else { if (display_item(u->faction, u, itype)) break; } } /* try for a spell */ sp = get_spellfromtoken(u, s, u->faction->locale); if (sp!=NULL && has_spell(u, sp)) { attrib *a = a_find(u->faction->attribs, &at_seenspell); while (a!=NULL && a->type==&at_seenspell && a->data.v!=sp) a = a->next; if (a!=NULL) a_remove(&u->faction->attribs, a); break; } /* last, check if it's a race. */ rc = findrace(s, u->faction->locale); if (rc != NULL) { if (display_race(u->faction, u, rc)) break; } cmistake(u, ord, 21, MSG_EVENT); break; default: cmistake(u, ord, 222, MSG_EVENT); break; } } static int promotion_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { int money, people; if (fval(u, UFL_HERO)) { /* TODO: message "is already a hero" */ return 0; } if (maxheroes(u->faction) < countheroes(u->faction)+u->number) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "heroes_maxed", "max count", maxheroes(u->faction), countheroes(u->faction))); return 0; } if (u->race!=u->faction->race) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "heroes_race", "race", u->race)); return 0; } people = count_all(u->faction) * u->number; money = get_pooled(u, i_silver->rtype, GET_ALL, people); if (people>money) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "heroes_cost", "cost have", people, money)); return 0; } use_pooled(u, i_silver->rtype, GET_ALL, people); fset(u, UFL_HERO); ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("hero_promotion", "unit cost", u, people)); return 0; } static int group_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * s; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); join_group(u, s); return 0; } static int origin_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { short px, py; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); px = (short)getint(); py = (short)getint(); set_ursprung(u->faction, getplaneid(u->region), px, py); return 0; } static int guard_off_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { assert(get_keyword(ord)==K_GUARD); init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); if (getparam(u->faction->locale) == P_NOT) { setguard(u, GUARD_NONE); } return 0; } static int reshow_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * s; param_t p = NOPARAM; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_ANY) { p = getparam(u->faction->locale); s = NULL; } reshow(u, ord, s, p); return 0; } static int status_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * param; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); param = getstrtoken(); switch (findparam(param, u->faction->locale)) { case P_NOT: setstatus(u, ST_AVOID); break; case P_BEHIND: setstatus(u, ST_BEHIND); break; case P_FLEE: setstatus(u, ST_FLEE); break; case P_CHICKEN: setstatus(u, ST_CHICKEN); break; case P_AGGRO: setstatus(u, ST_AGGRO); break; case P_VORNE: setstatus(u, ST_FIGHT); break; case P_HELP: if (getparam(u->faction->locale) == P_NOT) { fset(u, UFL_NOAID); } else { freset(u, UFL_NOAID); } break; default: if (param[0]) { add_message(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "unknown_status", "")); } else { setstatus(u, ST_FIGHT); } } return 0; } static int combatspell_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * s; int level = 0; spell * spell; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); /* KAMPFZAUBER [NICHT] löscht alle gesetzten Kampfzauber */ if (!s || *s == 0 || findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_NOT) { unset_combatspell(u, 0); return 0; } /* Optional: STUFE n */ if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_LEVEL) { /* Merken, setzen kommt erst später */ level = getint(); level = max(0, level); s = getstrtoken(); } spell = get_spellfromtoken(u, s, u->faction->locale); if(!spell){ cmistake(u, ord, 173, MSG_MAGIC); return 0; } s = getstrtoken(); if (findparam(s, u->faction->locale) == P_NOT) { /* KAMPFZAUBER "" NICHT löscht diesen speziellen * Kampfzauber */ unset_combatspell(u, spell); return 0; } else { /* KAMPFZAUBER "" setzt diesen Kampfzauber */ set_combatspell(u, spell, ord, level); } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Beachten: einige Monster sollen auch unbewaffent die Region bewachen * können */ enum { E_GUARD_OK, E_GUARD_UNARMED, E_GUARD_NEWBIE, E_GUARD_FLEEING }; static int can_start_guarding(const unit * u) { if (u->status>=ST_FLEE) return E_GUARD_FLEEING; if (fval(u->race, RCF_UNARMEDGUARD)) return E_GUARD_OK; if (!armedmen(u)) return E_GUARD_UNARMED; if (u->faction->age < NewbieImmunity()) return E_GUARD_NEWBIE; return E_GUARD_OK; } void update_guards(void) { const region *r; for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (can_start_guarding(u)!=E_GUARD_OK) { setguard(u, GUARD_NONE); } } } } static int guard_on_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { assert(get_keyword(ord)==K_GUARD); init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); /* GUARD NOT is handled in goard_off_cmd earlier in the turn */ if (getparam(u->faction->locale) == P_NOT) return 0; if (fval(u->region->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { cmistake(u, ord, 2, MSG_EVENT); } else { if (fval(u, UFL_MOVED)) { cmistake(u, ord, 187, MSG_EVENT); } else if (fval(u->race, RCF_ILLUSIONARY) || u->race == new_race[RC_SPELL]) { cmistake(u, ord, 95, MSG_EVENT); } else { /* Monster der Monsterpartei dürfen immer bewachen */ if (is_monsters(u->faction)) { guard(u, GUARD_ALL); } else { int err = can_start_guarding(u); if (err==E_GUARD_OK) { guard(u, GUARD_ALL); } else if (err==E_GUARD_UNARMED) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "unit_unarmed", "")); } else if (err==E_GUARD_FLEEING) { cmistake(u, ord, 320, MSG_EVENT); } else if (err==E_GUARD_NEWBIE) { cmistake(u, ord, 304, MSG_EVENT); } } } } return 0; } static void sinkships(region * r) { ship **shp = &r->ships; while (*shp) { ship * sh = *shp; if (fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION) && (!enoughsailors(sh, r) || get_captain(sh)==NULL)) { /* Schiff nicht seetüchtig */ damage_ship(sh, 0.30); } if (shipowner(sh)==NULL) { damage_ship(sh, 0.05); } if (sh->damage >= sh->size * DAMAGE_SCALE) { destroy_ship(sh); } if (*shp==sh) shp=&sh->next; } } /* The following functions do not really belong here: */ #include #include static attrib_type at_number = { "faction_renum", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ATF_UNIQUE }; static void renumber_factions(void) /* gibt parteien neue nummern */ { struct renum { struct renum * next; int want; faction * faction; attrib * attrib; } * renum = NULL, * rp; faction * f; for (f=factions;f;f=f->next) { attrib * a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_number); int want; struct renum ** rn; faction * old; if (!a) continue; want = a->data.i; if (fval(f, FFL_NEWID)) { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("renumber_twice", "id", want)); continue; } old = findfaction(want); if (old) { a_remove(&f->attribs, a); ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("renumber_inuse", "id", want)); continue; } if (!faction_id_is_unused(want)) { a_remove(&f->attribs, a); ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("renumber_inuse", "id", want)); continue; } for (rn=&renum; *rn; rn=&(*rn)->next) { if ((*rn)->want>=want) break; } if (*rn && (*rn)->want==want) { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("renumber_inuse", "id", want)); } else { struct renum * r = calloc(sizeof(struct renum), 1); r->next = *rn; r->attrib = a; r->faction = f; r->want = want; *rn = r; } } for (rp=renum;rp;rp=rp->next) { f = rp->faction; a_remove(&f->attribs, rp->attrib); renumber_faction(f, rp->want); } while (renum) { rp = renum->next; free(renum); renum = rp; } } static void reorder(void) { region * r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit ** up=&r->units; boolean sorted=false; while (*up) { unit * u = *up; if (!fval(u, UFL_MARK)) { struct order * ord; for (ord = u->orders;ord;ord=ord->next) { if (get_keyword(ord)==K_SORT) { const char * s; param_t p; int id; unit *v; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); p = findparam(s, u->faction->locale); id = getid(); v = findunit(id); if (v==NULL || v->faction!=u->faction || v->region!=r) { cmistake(u, ord, 258, MSG_EVENT); } else if (v->building != u->building || v->ship!=u->ship) { cmistake(u, ord, 259, MSG_EVENT); } else if (fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 260, MSG_EVENT); } else if (v == u) { cmistake(u, ord, 10, MSG_EVENT); } else { switch(p) { case P_AFTER: *up = u->next; u->next = v->next; v->next = u; break; case P_BEFORE: if (fval(v, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(v, ord, 261, MSG_EVENT); } else { unit ** vp=&r->units; while (*vp!=v) vp=&(*vp)->next; *vp = u; *up = u->next; u->next = v; } break; } fset(u, UFL_MARK); sorted = true; } break; } } } if (u==*up) up=&u->next; } if (sorted) { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) freset(u, UFL_MARK); } } } #if 0 /* Aus Gebäude weisen, VERBANNE */ static void evict(void) { region *r; strlist *S; unit * u; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { for (S = u->orders; S; S = S->next) if (get_keyword(ord)==K_EVICT) { int id; unit *u2; /* Nur der Kapitän bzw Burgherr kann jemanden rausschmeißen */ if(!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { /* Die Einheit ist nicht der Eigentümer */ cmistake(u,ord,49,MSG_EVENT); continue; } init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); id = getid(); u2 = findunit(id); if (u2==NULL) { /* Einheit nicht gefunden */ ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "feedback_unit_not_found", "")); continue; } if (u->building){ /* in der selben Burg? */ if (u->building != u2->building){ /* nicht in Burg */ cmistake(u,ord,33,MSG_EVENT); continue; } leave_building(u2); /* meldung an beide */ } if (u->ship){ if (u->ship != u2->ship){ /* nicht an Bord */ cmistake(u, ord, 32, MSG_EVENT); continue; } leave_ship(u2); /* meldung an beide */ } } } } } #endif #ifdef ENEMIES static void declare_war(void) { region *r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { strlist *S; faction * f = u->faction; for (S = u->orders; S; S = S->next) { switch (get_keyword(ord)) { case K_WAR: init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); for (;;) { const char * s = getstrtoken(); if (s[0]==0) break; else { faction * enemy = findfaction(atoi36(s)); if (enemy) { if (!is_enemy(f, enemy)) { add_enemy(f, enemy); ADDMSG(&enemy->msgs, msg_message("war_notify", "enemy", f)); ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("war_confirm", "enemy", enemy)); } } else { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("error66", "unit region command", u, r, ord)); } } } break; case K_PEACE: init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); for (;;) { const char * s = getstrtoken(); if (s[0]==0) break; else { faction * enemy = findfaction(atoi36(s)); if (enemy) { if (is_enemy(f, enemy)) { remove_enemy(f, enemy); ADDMSG(&enemy->msgs, msg_message("peace_notify", "enemy", f)); ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("peace_confirm", "enemy", enemy)); } } else { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("error66", "unit region command", u, r, ord)); } } } break; default: break; } } } } } #endif static int renumber_cmd(unit * u, order * ord) { const char * s; int i; faction * f = u->faction; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); s = getstrtoken(); switch(findparam(s, u->faction->locale)) { case P_FACTION: s = getstrtoken(); if (s && *s) { int id = atoi36((const char *)s); attrib * a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_number); if (!a) a = a_add(&f->attribs, a_new(&at_number)); a->data.i = id; } break; case P_UNIT: s = getstrtoken(); if (s == NULL || *s == 0) { i = newunitid(); } else { i = atoi36((const char *)s); if (i<=0 || i>MAX_UNIT_NR) { cmistake(u, ord, 114, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (forbiddenid(i)) { cmistake(u, ord, 116, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (findunitg(i, u->region)) { cmistake(u, ord, 115, MSG_EVENT); break; } } uunhash(u); if (!ualias(u)) { attrib *a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_alias)); a->data.i = -u->no; } u->no = i; uhash(u); break; case P_SHIP: if (!u->ship) { cmistake(u, ord, 144, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (u->ship->coast != NODIRECTION) { cmistake(u, ord, 116, MSG_EVENT); break; } if (!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u, ord, 146, MSG_EVENT); break; } s = getstrtoken(); if (s == NULL || *s == 0) { i = newcontainerid(); } else { i = atoi36((const char *)s); if (i<=0 || i>MAX_CONTAINER_NR) { cmistake(u,ord,114,MSG_EVENT); break; } if (findship(i) || findbuilding(i)) { cmistake(u, ord, 115, MSG_EVENT); break; } } sunhash(u->ship); u->ship->no = i; shash(u->ship); break; case P_BUILDING: case P_GEBAEUDE: if (!u->building) { cmistake(u,ord,145,MSG_EVENT); break; } if(!fval(u, UFL_OWNER)) { cmistake(u,ord,148,MSG_EVENT); break; } s = getstrtoken(); if(*s == 0) { i = newcontainerid(); } else { i = atoi36((const char *)s); if (i<=0 || i>MAX_CONTAINER_NR) { cmistake(u,ord,114,MSG_EVENT); break; } if(findship(i) || findbuilding(i)) { cmistake(u,ord,115,MSG_EVENT); break; } } bunhash(u->building); u->building->no = i; bhash(u->building); break; default: cmistake(u, ord, 239, MSG_EVENT); } return 0; } static building * age_building(building * b) { static boolean init = false; static const building_type * bt_blessed; static const curse_type * ct_astralblock; if (!init) { init = true; bt_blessed = bt_find("blessedstonecircle"); ct_astralblock = ct_find("astralblock"); } /* blesses stone circles create an astral protection in the astral region * above the shield, which prevents chaos suction and other spells. * The shield is created when a magician enters the blessed stone circle, * and lasts for as long as his skill level / 2 is, at no mana cost. * * TODO: this would be nicer in a btype->age function, but we don't have it. */ if (ct_astralblock && bt_blessed && b->type==bt_blessed) { region * r = b->region; region * rt = r_standard_to_astral(r); unit * u, * mage = NULL; if (fval(rt->terrain, FORBIDDEN_REGION)) rt = NULL; /* step 1: give unicorns to people in the building, * find out if there's a magician in there. */ for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { if (b==u->building && inside_building(u)) { if (!(u->race->ec_flags & GIVEITEM)==0) { int n, unicorns = 0; for (n=0; n!=u->number; ++n) { if (chance(0.02)) { i_change(&u->items, olditemtype[I_ELVENHORSE], 1); ++unicorns; } if (unicorns) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("scunicorn", "unit amount rtype", u, unicorns, olditemtype[I_ELVENHORSE]->rtype)); } } } if (mage==NULL && is_mage(u)) { mage = u; } } } /* if there's a magician, and a connection to astral space, create the * curse. */ if (rt!=NULL && mage!=NULL) { curse * c = get_curse(rt->attribs, ct_astralblock); if (c==NULL) { if (mage!=NULL) { int sk = effskill(mage, SK_MAGIC); variant effect; effect.i = 100; /* the mage reactivates the circle */ c = create_curse(mage, &rt->attribs, ct_astralblock, (float)sk, sk/2, effect, 0); ADDMSG(&r->msgs, msg_message("astralshield_activate", "region unit", r, mage)); } } else if (mage!=NULL) { int sk = effskill(mage, SK_MAGIC); c->duration = max(c->duration, sk/2); c->vigour = max(c->vigour, sk); } } } a_age(&b->attribs); handle_event(b->attribs, "timer", b); return b; } static void ageing(void) { faction *f; region *r; /* altern spezieller Attribute, die eine Sonderbehandlung brauchen? */ for(r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit *u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { /* Goliathwasser */ int i = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_STRONG]); if (i > 0){ change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_STRONG], -1 * min(u->number, i)); } /* Berserkerblut*/ i = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_BERSERK]); if (i > 0){ change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_BERSERK], -1 * min(u->number, i)); } if (is_cursed(u->attribs, C_OLDRACE, 0)){ curse *c = get_curse(u->attribs, ct_find("oldrace")); if (c->duration == 1 && !(c_flags(c) & CURSE_NOAGE)) { u->race = new_race[curse_geteffect(c)]; u->irace = new_race[curse_geteffect(c)]; } } } } /* Borders */ age_borders(); /* Factions */ for (f=factions;f;f=f->next) { a_age(&f->attribs); handle_event(f->attribs, "timer", f); } /* Regionen */ for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { building ** bp; unit ** up; ship ** sp; a_age(&r->attribs); handle_event(r->attribs, "timer", r); /* Einheiten */ for (up=&r->units;*up;) { unit * u = *up; a_age(&u->attribs); if (u==*up) handle_event(u->attribs, "timer", u); if (u==*up) up = &(*up)->next; } /* Schiffe */ for (sp=&r->ships;*sp;) { ship * s = *sp; a_age(&s->attribs); if (s==*sp) handle_event(s->attribs, "timer", s); if (s==*sp) sp = &(*sp)->next; } /* Gebäude */ for (bp=&r->buildings;*bp;) { building * b = *bp; b = age_building(b); if (b==*bp) bp = &(*bp)->next; } } } static int maxunits(const faction *f) { if (global.unitsperalliance == true) { float mult = 1.0; #if KARMA_MODULE faction *f2; for (f2 = factions; f2; f2 = f2->next) { if (f2->alliance == f->alliance) { mult += 0.4f * fspecial(f2, FS_ADMINISTRATOR); } } #endif /* KARMA_MODULE */ return (int) (global.maxunits * mult); } #if KARMA_MODULE return (int) (global.maxunits * (1 + 0.4 * fspecial(f, FS_ADMINISTRATOR))); #else return global.maxunits; #endif /* KARMA_MODULE */ } static boolean checkunitnumber(const faction *f, int add) { if (global.maxunits==0) return true; if (global.unitsperalliance == true) { /* if unitsperalliance is true, maxunits returns the number of units allowed in an alliance */ faction *f2; int unitsinalliance = add; int maxu = maxunits(f); for (f2 = factions; f2; f2 = f2->next) { if (f->alliance == f2->alliance) { unitsinalliance += f2->no_units; } if (unitsinalliance > maxu) return false; } return true; } return (f->no_units + add < maxunits(f)); } static void new_units (void) { region *r; unit *u, *u2; /* neue einheiten werden gemacht und ihre befehle (bis zum "ende" zu * ihnen rueberkopiert, damit diese einheiten genauso wie die alten * einheiten verwendet werden koennen. */ for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { order ** ordp = &u->orders; while (*ordp) { order * makeord = *ordp; if (get_keyword(makeord) == K_MAKE) { init_tokens(makeord); skip_token(); if (getparam(u->faction->locale) == P_TEMP) { const char * token; char * name = NULL; int alias; ship * sh; order ** newordersp; if (!checkunitnumber(u->faction, 1)) { if (global.unitsperalliance) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("too_many_units_in_alliance", "command unit region allowed", makeord, u, r, maxunits(u->faction))); } else { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("too_many_units_in_faction", "command unit region allowed", makeord, u, r, maxunits(u->faction))); } ordp = &makeord->next; while (*ordp) { order * ord = *ordp; if (get_keyword(ord) == K_END) break; *ordp = ord->next; ord->next = NULL; free_order(ord); } continue; } alias = getid(); token = getstrtoken(); if (token && token[0]) { name = strdup(token); } u2 = create_unit(r, u->faction, 0, u->faction->race, alias, name, u); if (name!=NULL) free(name); fset(u2, UFL_ISNEW); a_add(&u2->attribs, a_new(&at_alias))->data.i = alias; sh = leftship(u); if (sh) set_leftship(u2, sh); setstatus(u2, u->status); ordp = &makeord->next; newordersp = &u2->orders; while (*ordp) { order * ord = *ordp; if (get_keyword(ord) == K_END) break; *ordp = ord->next; ord->next = NULL; *newordersp = ord; newordersp = &ord->next; } } } if (*ordp==makeord) ordp=&makeord->next; } } } } static void setdefaults(unit *u) { order *ord; boolean trade = false; boolean hunger = LongHunger(u); freset(u, UFL_LONGACTION); if (hunger) { /* Hungernde Einheiten führen NUR den default-Befehl aus */ set_order(&u->thisorder, default_order(u->faction->locale)); } #ifdef LASTORDER else { /* by default the default long order becomes the new long order. */ u->thisorder = copy_order(u->lastorder); } #endif /* check all orders for a potential new long order this round: */ for (ord = u->orders; ord; ord = ord->next) { #ifndef LASTORDER if (u->old_orders && is_repeated(ord)) { /* this new order will replace the old defaults */ free_orders(&u->old_orders); if (hunger) break; } #endif if (hunger) continue; if (is_exclusive(ord)) { /* Über dieser Zeile nur Befehle, die auch eine idle Faction machen darf */ if (idle(u->faction)) { set_order(&u->thisorder, default_order(u->faction->locale)); } else { set_order(&u->thisorder, copy_order(ord)); } break; } else { keyword_t keyword = get_keyword(ord); switch (keyword) { /* Wenn gehandelt wird, darf kein langer Befehl ausgeführt * werden. Da Handel erst nach anderen langen Befehlen kommt, * muß das vorher abgefangen werden. Wir merken uns also * hier, ob die Einheit handelt. */ case NOKEYWORD: cmistake(u, ord, 22, MSG_EVENT); break; case K_BUY: case K_SELL: /* Wenn die Einheit handelt, muß der Default-Befehl gelöscht * werden. */ trade = true; break; case K_CAST: /* dient dazu, das neben Zaubern kein weiterer Befehl * ausgeführt werden kann, Zaubern ist ein kurzer Befehl */ set_order(&u->thisorder, NULL); break; case K_WEREWOLF: set_order(&u->thisorder, copy_order(ord)); break; /* Wird je diese Ausschliesslichkeit aufgehoben, muss man aufpassen * mit der Reihenfolge von Kaufen, Verkaufen etc., damit es Spielern * nicht moeglich ist, Schulden zu machen. */ } } } if (hunger) return; /* Wenn die Einheit handelt, muß der Default-Befehl gelöscht * werden. */ if (trade == true) { /* fset(u, UFL_LONGACTION|UFL_NOTMOVING); */ set_order(&u->thisorder, NULL); } /* thisorder kopieren wir nun nach lastorder. in lastorder steht * der DEFAULT befehl der einheit. da MOVE kein default werden * darf, wird MOVE nicht in lastorder kopiert. MACHE TEMP wurde ja * schon gar nicht erst in thisorder kopiert, so dass MACHE TEMP * durch diesen code auch nicht zum default wird Ebenso soll BIETE * nicht hierher, da i.A. die Einheit dann ja weg ist (und damit * die Einheitsnummer ungueltig). Auch Attackiere sollte nie in * den Default übernommen werden */ #ifdef LASTORDER switch (get_keyword(u->thisorder)) { case K_MOVE: case K_ATTACK: case K_WEREWOLF: case NOKEYWORD: /* these can never be default orders */ break; default: set_order(&u->lastorder, copy_order(u->thisorder)); } #endif } static int use_item(unit * u, const item_type * itype, int amount, struct order * ord) { int i; int target = read_unitid(u->faction, u->region); i = get_pooled(u, itype->rtype, GET_DEFAULT, amount); if (amount>i) { amount = i; } if (amount==0) { cmistake(u, ord, 43, MSG_PRODUCE); return ENOITEM; } if (target==-1) { if (itype->use==NULL) { cmistake(u, ord, 76, MSG_PRODUCE); return EUNUSABLE; } return itype->use(u, itype, amount, ord); } else { if (itype->useonother==NULL) { cmistake(u, ord, 76, MSG_PRODUCE); return EUNUSABLE; } return itype->useonother(u, target, itype, amount, ord); } } static double heal_factor(const race *rc) { switch(old_race(rc)) { case RC_TROLL: case RC_DAEMON: return 1.5; case RC_GOBLIN: return 2.0; } return 1.0; } static void monthly_healing(void) { region *r; static const curse_type * heal_ct = NULL; if (heal_ct==NULL) heal_ct = ct_find("healingzone"); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; int healingcurse = 0; if (heal_ct!=NULL) { /* bonus zurücksetzen */ curse * c = get_curse(r->attribs, heal_ct); if (c!=NULL) { healingcurse = curse_geteffect(c); } } for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { int umhp = unit_max_hp(u) * u->number; double p = 1.0; /* hp über Maximum bauen sich ab. Wird zb durch Elixier der Macht * oder verändertes Ausdauertalent verursacht */ if (u->hp > umhp) { u->hp -= (int) ceil((u->hp - umhp) / 2.0); if (u->hp < umhp) u->hp = umhp; continue; } if (u->race->flags & RCF_NOHEAL) continue; if (fval(u, UFL_HUNGER)) continue; if (fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION) && u->ship==NULL && !(canswim(u) || canfly(u))) { continue; } #if KARMA_MODULE if (fspecial(u->faction, FS_UNDEAD)) continue; if(fspecial(u->faction, FS_REGENERATION)) { u->hp = umhp; continue; } #endif /* KARMA_MODULE */ p *= heal_factor(u->race); if (u->hp < umhp) { #ifdef NEW_DAEMONHUNGER_RULE double maxheal = max(u->number, umhp/20.0); #else double maxheal = max(u->number, umhp/10.0); #endif int addhp; struct building * b = inside_building(u); const struct building_type * btype = b?b->type:NULL; if (btype == bt_find("inn")) { p *= 1.5; } /* pro punkt 5% höher */ p *= (1.0 + healingcurse * 0.05); maxheal = p * maxheal; addhp = (int)maxheal; maxheal -= addhp; if (maxheal>0.0 && chance(maxheal)) ++addhp; /* Aufaddieren der geheilten HP. */ u->hp = min(u->hp + addhp, umhp); /* soll man an negativer regeneration sterben können? */ assert(u->hp > 0); } } } } static void remove_exclusive(order ** ordp) { while (*ordp) { order * ord = *ordp; if (is_exclusive(ord)) { *ordp = ord->next; ord->next = NULL; free_order(ord); } else { ordp = &ord->next; } } } static void defaultorders (void) { region *r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { unit *u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { #ifndef LASTORDER boolean neworders = false; #endif order ** ordp = &u->orders; while (*ordp!=NULL) { order * ord = *ordp; if (get_keyword(ord)==K_DEFAULT) { char lbuf[8192]; order * new_order; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); /* skip the keyword */ strcpy(lbuf, getstrtoken()); new_order = parse_order(lbuf, u->faction->locale); *ordp = ord->next; ord->next = NULL; free_order(ord); #ifdef LASTORDER if (new_order) set_order(&u->lastorder, new_order); #else if (!neworders) { /* lange Befehle aus orders und old_orders löschen zu gunsten des neuen */ remove_exclusive(&u->orders); remove_exclusive(&u->old_orders); neworders = true; ordp = &u->orders; /* we could have broken ordp */ } if (new_order) addlist(&u->old_orders, new_order); #endif } else ordp = &ord->next; } } } } /* ************************************************************ */ /* GANZ WICHTIG! ALLE GEÄNDERTEN SPRÜCHE NEU ANZEIGEN */ /* GANZ WICHTIG! FÜGT AUCH NEUE ZAUBER IN DIE LISTE DER BEKANNTEN EIN */ /* ************************************************************ */ static void update_spells(void) { region *r; for(r=regions; r; r=r->next) { unit *u; for(u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { if (u->faction!=NULL && u->number>0) { sc_mage *m = get_mage(u); if (!is_monsters(u->faction) && m != NULL) { if (m->magietyp == M_GRAU) continue; updatespelllist(u); } } } } } static void age_factions(void) { faction *f; for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { ++f->age; if (f->age < NewbieImmunity()) { ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("newbieimmunity", "turns", NewbieImmunity() - f->age)); } } } static int use_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * t; int n; const item_type * itype; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); t = getstrtoken(); n = atoi((const char *)t); if (n==0) { if (findparam(t, u->faction->locale) == P_ANY) { /* BENUTZE ALLES Yanxspirit */ n = INT_MAX; t = getstrtoken(); } else { /* BENUTZE Yanxspirit */ n = 1; } } else { /* BENUTZE 42 Yanxspirit */ t = getstrtoken(); } itype = finditemtype(t, u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) { int i = use_item(u, itype, n, ord); assert(i<=0 || !"use_item should not return positive values."); if (i>0) { log_error(("use_item returned a value>0 for %s\n", resourcename(itype->rtype, 0))); } } else { cmistake(u, ord, 43, MSG_PRODUCE); } return 0; } static int claim_cmd(unit * u, struct order * ord) { const char * t; int n; const item_type * itype; init_tokens(ord); skip_token(); t = getstrtoken(); n = atoi((const char *)t); if (n==0) { n = 1; } else { t = getstrtoken(); } itype = finditemtype(t, u->faction->locale); if (itype!=NULL) { item ** iclaim = i_find(&u->faction->items, itype); if (iclaim!=NULL && *iclaim!=NULL) { n = min(n, (*iclaim)->number); i_change(iclaim, itype, -n); i_change(&u->items, itype, n); } } else { cmistake(u, ord, 43, MSG_PRODUCE); } return 0; } enum { PROC_THISORDER = 1<<0, PROC_LONGORDER = 1<<1 }; typedef struct processor { struct processor * next; int priority; enum { PR_GLOBAL, PR_REGION_PRE, PR_UNIT, PR_ORDER, PR_REGION_POST } type; unsigned int flags; union { struct { keyword_t kword; int (*process)(struct unit *, struct order *); } per_order; struct { void (*process)(struct unit *); } per_unit; struct { void (*process)(struct region *); } per_region; struct { void (*process)(void); } global; } data; const char * name; } processor; static processor * processors; processor * add_proc(int priority, const char * name, int type) { processor **pproc = &processors; processor *proc; while (*pproc) { proc = *pproc; if (proc->priority>priority) break; else if (proc->priority==priority && proc->type>=type) break; pproc = &proc->next; } proc = malloc(sizeof(processor)); proc->priority = priority; proc->type = type; proc->name = name; proc->next = *pproc; *pproc = proc; return proc; } void add_proc_order(int priority, keyword_t kword, int (*parser)(struct unit *, struct order *), unsigned int flags, const char * name) { processor * proc = add_proc(priority, name, PR_ORDER); if (proc) { proc->data.per_order.process = parser; proc->data.per_order.kword = kword; proc->flags = flags; } } void add_proc_global(int priority, void (*process)(void), const char * name) { processor * proc = add_proc(priority, name, PR_GLOBAL); if (proc) { proc->data.global.process = process; } } void add_proc_region(int priority, void (*process)(region *), const char * name) { processor * proc = add_proc(priority, name, PR_REGION_PRE); if (proc) { proc->data.per_region.process = process; } } void add_proc_postregion(int priority, void (*process)(region *), const char * name) { processor * proc = add_proc(priority, name, PR_REGION_POST); if (proc) { proc->data.per_region.process = process; } } void add_proc_unit(int priority, void (*process)(unit *), const char * name) { processor * proc = add_proc(priority, name, PR_UNIT); if (proc) { proc->data.per_unit.process = process; } } /* per priority, execute processors in order from PR_GLOBAL down to PR_ORDER */ void process(void) { processor *proc = processors; faction * f; while (proc) { int prio = proc->priority; region *r; processor *pglobal = proc; printf("- Step %u\n", prio); while (proc && proc->priority==prio) { if (proc->name) log_stdio(stdout, " - %s\n", proc->name); proc = proc->next; } while (pglobal && pglobal->priority==prio && pglobal->type==PR_GLOBAL) { pglobal->data.global.process(); pglobal = pglobal->next; } if (pglobal==NULL || pglobal->priority!=prio) continue; for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; processor *pregion = pglobal; while (pregion && pregion->priority==prio && pregion->type==PR_REGION_PRE) { pregion->data.per_region.process(r); pregion = pregion->next; } if (pregion==NULL || pregion->priority!=prio) continue; if (r->units) { for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { processor *porder, *punit = pregion; while (punit && punit->priority==prio && punit->type==PR_UNIT) { punit->data.per_unit.process(u); punit = punit->next; } if (punit==NULL || punit->priority!=prio) continue; porder = punit; while (porder && porder->priority==prio && porder->type==PR_ORDER) { order ** ordp = &u->orders; if (porder->flags & PROC_THISORDER) ordp = &u->thisorder; while (*ordp) { order * ord = *ordp; if (get_keyword(ord) == porder->data.per_order.kword) { if (porder->flags & PROC_LONGORDER) { if (u->number==0) { ord = NULL; } else if (u->race == new_race[RC_INSECT] && r_insectstalled(r) && !is_cursed(u->attribs, C_KAELTESCHUTZ,0)) { ord = NULL; } else if (LongHunger(u)) { cmistake(u, ord, 224, MSG_MAGIC); ord = NULL; } else if (fval(u, UFL_LONGACTION)) { cmistake(u, ord, 52, MSG_PRODUCE); ord = NULL; } else if (fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION) && u->race != new_race[RC_AQUARIAN] && !(u->race->flags & RCF_SWIM)) { /* error message disabled by popular demand */ ord = NULL; } } if (ord) { porder->data.per_order.process(u, ord); } } if (!ord || *ordp==ord) ordp=&(*ordp)->next; } porder = porder->next; } } } while (pregion && pregion->priority==prio && pregion->type!=PR_REGION_POST) { pregion = pregion->next; } while (pregion && pregion->priority==prio && pregion->type==PR_REGION_POST) { pregion->data.per_region.process(r); pregion = pregion->next; } if (pregion==NULL || pregion->priority!=prio) continue; } } if (quiet<2) printf("\n - Leere Gruppen loeschen...\n"); for (f=factions; f; f=f->next) { group ** gp = &f->groups; while (*gp) { group * g = *gp; if (g->members==0) { *gp = g->next; free_group(g); } else gp = &g->next; } } } static void enter_1(region * r) { do_misc(r, false); } static void enter_2(region * r) { do_misc(r, true); } static void maintain_buildings_1(region * r) { maintain_buildings(r, false); } static void maintain_buildings_2(region * r) { maintain_buildings(r,true); } static void reset_moved(unit * u) { freset(u, UFL_MOVED); } /** warn about passwords that are not US ASCII. * even though passwords are technically UTF8 strings, the server receives * them as part of the Subject of an email when reports are requested. * This means that we need to limit them to ASCII characters until that * mechanism has been changed. */ static int warn_password(void) { faction * f = factions; while (f) { boolean pwok = true; const char * c = f->passw; while (*c && pwok) { if (!isalnum((unsigned char)*c)) pwok = false; c++; } if (!pwok) { free(f->passw); f->passw = strdup(itoa36(rng_int())); ADDMSG(&f->msgs, msg_message("illegal_password", "newpass", f->passw)); } f = f->next; } return 0; } void init_processor(void) { int p; p = 10; add_proc_global(p, &new_units, "Neue Einheiten erschaffen"); p+=10; add_proc_unit(p, &setdefaults, "Default-Befehle"); add_proc_order(p, K_BANNER, &banner_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_EMAIL, &email_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_PASSWORD, &password_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_SEND, &send_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_GROUP, &group_cmd, 0, NULL); p+=10; add_proc_unit(p, &reset_moved, "Instant-Befehle"); add_proc_order(p, K_QUIT, &quit_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_URSPRUNG, &origin_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_ALLY, &ally_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_PREFIX, &prefix_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_SETSTEALTH, &setstealth_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_STATUS, &status_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_COMBAT, &combatspell_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_DISPLAY, &display_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_NAME, &name_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_GUARD, &guard_off_cmd, 0, NULL); add_proc_order(p, K_RESHOW, &reshow_cmd, 0, NULL); #if KARMA_MODULE add_proc_order(p, K_WEREWOLF, &setwere_cmd, 0, NULL); #endif /* KARMA_MODULE */ if (alliances!=NULL) { p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &alliancekick, NULL); } p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &age_factions, "Parteienalter++"); add_proc_order(p, K_MAIL, &mail_cmd, 0, "Botschaften"); add_proc_order(p, K_CLAIM, &claim_cmd, 0, NULL); p+=10; /* all claims must be done before we can USE */ add_proc_region(p, &enter_1, "Kontaktieren & Betreten (1. Versuch)"); add_proc_order(p, K_USE, &use_cmd, 0, "Benutzen"); if (alliances!=NULL) { p+=10; /* in case USE changes it */ add_proc_global(p, &alliancevictory, "Testen der Allianzbedingungen"); } #if INFOCMD_MODULE add_proc_global(p, &infocommands, NULL); #endif add_proc_global(p, &gmcommands, "GM Kommandos"); p += 10; /* in case it has any effects on allincevictories */ add_proc_order(p, K_LEAVE, &leave_cmd, 0, "Verlassen"); if (!nobattle) { #if KARMA_MODULE p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &jihad_attacks, "Jihad-Angriffe"); #endif add_proc_region(p, &do_battle, "Attackieren"); } p+=10; /* after combat, reset rng */ add_proc_region(p, &do_siege, "Belagern"); p+=10; /* can't allow reserve before siege (weapons) */ add_proc_region(p, &enter_1, "Kontaktieren & Betreten (2. Versuch)"); add_proc_order(p, K_RESERVE, &reserve_cmd, 0, "Reservieren"); add_proc_unit(p, &follow_unit, "Folge auf Einheiten setzen"); p+=10; /* rest rng again before economics */ add_proc_region(p, &economics, "Zerstoeren, Geben, Rekrutieren, Vergessen"); p+=10; add_proc_region(p, &maintain_buildings_1, "Gebaeudeunterhalt (1. Versuch)"); p+=10; /* QUIT fuer sich alleine */ add_proc_global(p, &quit, "Sterben"); add_proc_global(p, &parse_restart, "Neustart"); p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &magic, "Zaubern"); p+=10; if (!global.disabled[K_TEACH]) { add_proc_order(p, K_TEACH, &teach_cmd, PROC_THISORDER|PROC_LONGORDER, "Lehren"); } p+=10; add_proc_order(p, K_STUDY, &learn_cmd, PROC_THISORDER|PROC_LONGORDER, "Lernen"); p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &produce, "Arbeiten, Handel, Rekruten"); add_proc_order(p, K_MAKE, &make_cmd, PROC_THISORDER|PROC_LONGORDER, "Produktion"); add_proc_postregion(p, &split_allocations, "Produktion II"); p+=10; add_proc_region(p, &enter_2, "Kontaktieren & Betreten (3. Versuch)"); p+=10; add_proc_region(p, &sinkships, "Schiffe sinken"); p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &movement, "Bewegungen"); p+=10; add_proc_order(p, K_GUARD, &guard_on_cmd, 0, "Bewache (an)"); #if XECMD_MODULE /* can do together with guard */ add_proc_order(p, K_LEAVE, &xecmd, 0, "Zeitung"); #endif p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &encounters, "Zufallsbegegnungen"); p+=10; add_proc_unit(p, &monsters_kill_peasants, "Monster fressen und vertreiben Bauern"); p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &randomevents, "Zufallsereignisse"); p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &monthly_healing, "Regeneration (HP)"); add_proc_global(p, ®eneration_magiepunkte, "Regeneration (Aura)"); add_proc_global(p, &defaultorders, "Defaults setzen"); add_proc_global(p, &demographics, "Nahrung, Seuchen, Wachstum, Wanderung"); p+=10; add_proc_region(p, &maintain_buildings_2, "Gebaeudeunterhalt (2. Versuch)"); p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &reorder, "Einheiten sortieren"); #if KARMA_MODULE p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &karma, "Jihads setzen"); #endif #ifdef ALLIANCEJOIN p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &alliancejoin, "Allianzen"); #endif #ifdef ENEMIES p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &declare_war, "Krieg & Frieden"); #endif add_proc_order(p, K_PROMOTION, &promotion_cmd, 0, "Heldenbefoerderung"); add_proc_order(p, K_NUMBER, &renumber_cmd, 0, "Neue Nummern (Einheiten)"); p+=10; add_proc_global(p, &renumber_factions, "Neue Nummern"); } void processorders (void) { static int init = 0; region *r; if (!init) { init_processor(); init = 1; } process(); /*************************************************/ for (r = regions;r;r=r->next) reorder_owners(r); puts(" - Attribute altern"); ageing(); remove_empty_units(); #if WORMHOLE_MODULE create_wormholes(); #endif /* immer ausführen, wenn neue Sprüche dazugekommen sind, oder sich * Beschreibungen geändert haben */ update_spells(); warn_password(); } int writepasswd(void) { FILE * F; char zText[128]; sprintf(zText, "%s/passwd", basepath()); F = cfopen(zText, "w"); if (F) { faction *f; puts("writing passwords..."); for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { fprintf(F, "%s:%s:%s:%s:%u\n", factionid(f), f->email, f->passw, f->override, f->subscription); } fclose(F); return 0; } return 1; }