/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ /* * Eressea Weather system. Compile with -DWEATHER to use this module */ #ifdef WEATHER #include #include #include "weather.h" /* libc includes */ #include weather * create_weather(region *r, weather_t type) { weather *w; w = calloc(1, sizeof(weather)); w->center[0] = r->x; w->center[1] = r->y; w->type = type; w->move[0] = (rand()%3) - 1; w->move[1] = (rand()%3) - 1; switch(type) { case WEATHER_STORM: w->radius = rand()%2+1; break; case WEATHER_HURRICANE: w->radius = 1; break; default: w->radius = 0; } addlist(&weathers, w); return w; } double distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { return sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); } /* Diese Funktion ermittelt für jede Region, welches Wetter in ihr herrscht. Die Wettertypen sind dabei nach ihrer Reihenfolge in der enumeration priorisiert. - Einladen set_weather(); - Eigentliche Auswertung - Veränderungen des Wetters set_weather(); - Report generieren - Abspeichern Diese Routine ist sehr rechenaufwendig! */ void set_weather(void) { weather_t i; weather *w; short x, y; int d; region *r; for(r=regions;r;r=r->next) { r->weathertype = WEATHER_NONE; } for(i = 0; i < MAXWEATHERS; i++) { for(w = weathers; w; w = w->next) { if(w->type == i) { for(x=w->center[0]-w->radius; x<=w->center[0]+w->radius; x++) { for(y=w->center[1]-w->radius; y<=w->center[1]+w->radius; y++) { d = distance(w->center[0], w->center[1], x, y); if(floor(d+0.5) <= w->radius) { r = findregion(x,y); if(r) { r->weathertype = w->type; } } } } } } } } void move_weather(void) { weather *w, *wnext; region *r; for(w = weathers; w;) { wnext = w->next; w->center[0] = w->center[0] + w->move[0]; w->center[1] = w->center[1] + w->move[1]; r = findregion(w->center[0], w->center[1]); if(!r || rand()%100 < 5) { removelist(&weathers, w); } w = wnext; } } #else #include static const char* copyright = "(c) Eressea PBEM 2000"; void init_weather(void) { fputs(copyright, stderr); /* TODO: Initialization */ } #endif