/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "spell.h" /* kernel includes */ #include "magic.h" #include "spellid.h" #include "unit.h" /* libc includes */ #include #include /* util includes */ #include #include #include /* Bitte die Sprüche nach Gebieten und Stufe ordnen, denn in derselben * Reihenfolge wie in Spelldaten tauchen sie auch im Report auf */ spell_list * spells = NULL; void register_spell(spell * sp) { #ifndef NDEBUG const char * name = mkname("spell", sp->sname); assert(name!=LOC(default_locale, name)); assert(strchr(sp->sname, ' ')==NULL); #endif if (sp->id==0) { sp->id = hashstring(sp->sname); } spelllist_add(&spells, sp); } /** versucht einen Spruch über gebiet + name zu identifizieren. * gibt ansonsten NULL zurück */ spell * find_spell(magic_t mtype, const char * name) { spell_list * slist = spells; spell * spx = NULL; while (slist) { spell * sp = slist->data; if (strcmp(name, sp->sname)==0) { if (sp->magietyp==mtype) return sp; spx = sp; } slist = slist->next; } if (spx==NULL) { log_error(("cannot find spell by name: %s\n", name)); } return spx; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Spruch identifizieren */ typedef struct spell_names { struct spell_names * next; const struct locale * lang; magic_t mtype; struct tnode names; } spell_names; static spell_names * spellnames; static spell_names * init_spellnames(const struct locale * lang, magic_t mtype) { spell_list * slist; spell_names * sn = calloc(sizeof(spell_names), 1); sn->next = spellnames; sn->lang = lang; sn->mtype = mtype; for (slist=spells;slist!=NULL;slist=slist->next) { spell * sp = slist->data; if (sp->magietyp==mtype) { const char * n = spell_name(sp, lang); variant token; token.v = sp; addtoken(&sn->names, n, token); } } return spellnames = sn; } static spell_names * get_spellnames(const struct locale * lang, magic_t mtype) { spell_names * sn = spellnames; while (sn) { if (sn->mtype==mtype && sn->lang==lang) break; sn=sn->next; } if (!sn) return init_spellnames(lang, mtype); return sn; } static spell * get_spellfromtoken_i(const xmlChar *name, const struct locale * lang, magic_t mtype) { variant token = { 0 }; spell_names * sn; sn = get_spellnames(lang, mtype); if (findtoken(&sn->names, name, &token)==E_TOK_NOMATCH) { magic_t mt; /* if we could not find it in the main magic type, we look through all the others */ for (mt=0;mt!=MAXMAGIETYP;++mt) { if (mt!=mtype) { sn = get_spellnames(lang, mt); if (findtoken(&sn->names, name, &token)!=E_TOK_NOMATCH) break; } } } if (token.v!=NULL) return (spell*)token.v; if (lang==default_locale) return NULL; return get_spellfromtoken_i(name, default_locale, mtype); } spell * get_spellfromtoken(unit *u, const xmlChar *name, const struct locale * lang) { sc_mage * m = get_mage(u); spell * sp; if (m==NULL) return NULL; sp = get_spellfromtoken_i(name, lang, m->magietyp); if (sp!=NULL) { spell_list * slist = m->spells; while (slist && slist->data->id<=sp->id) { if (sp==slist->data) return sp; slist = slist->next; } } return NULL; } spell * find_spellbyid(magic_t mtype, spellid_t id) { spell_list * slist; assert(id>=0); #ifndef SHOWASTRAL_NOT_BORKED /* disabled spells */ if (id==SPL_SHOWASTRAL) return NULL; #endif if (id==SPL_NOSPELL) return NULL; for (slist=spells;slist!=NULL;slist=slist->next) { spell* sp = slist->data; if (sp->id == id) return sp; } for (slist=spells;slist!=NULL;slist=slist->next) { spell* sp = slist->data; unsigned int hashid = hashstring(sp->sname); if (hashid==id) { if (sp->magietyp==mtype || mtype==M_GRAU) { return sp; } } } log_warning(("cannot find spell by id: %u\n", id)); return NULL; }