/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * based on: * * Atlantis v1.0 13 September 1993 Copyright 1993 by Russell Wallace * Atlantis v1.7 Copyright 1996 by Alex Schröder * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * This program may not be sold or used commercially without prior written * permission from the authors. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "plane.h" /* kernel includes */ #include "region.h" #include "faction.h" /* util includes */ #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include struct plane *planes; plane * getplane(const region *r) { if(r) return r->planep; return NULL; } plane * getplanebyid(int id) { plane *p; for (p=planes; p; p=p->next) if (p->id == id) return p; return NULL; } plane * getplanebyname(const char * name) { plane *p; for (p=planes; p; p=p->next) if (!strcasecmp(p->name, name)) return p; return NULL; } plane * findplane(short x, short y) { plane *pl; for(pl=planes;pl;pl=pl->next) { if(x >= pl->minx && x <= pl->maxx && y >= pl->miny && y <= pl->maxy) { return pl; } } return NULL; } int getplaneid(const region *r) { if(r) { plane * pl = getplane(r); if (pl) return pl->id; for(pl=planes;pl;pl=pl->next) { if(r->x >= pl->minx && r->x <= pl->maxx && r->y >= pl->miny && r->y <= pl->maxy) { return pl->id; } } } return 0; } static short ursprung_x(const faction *f, const plane *pl, const region * rdefault) { ursprung *ur; int id = 0; if(!f) return 0; if(pl) id = pl->id; for(ur = f->ursprung; ur; ur = ur->next) { if(ur->id == id) return ur->x; } if (!rdefault) return 0; set_ursprung((faction*)f, id, rdefault->x - plane_center_x(pl), rdefault->y - plane_center_y(pl)); return rdefault->x - plane_center_x(pl); } static short ursprung_y(const faction *f, const plane *pl, const region * rdefault) { ursprung *ur; int id = 0; if(!f) return 0; if(pl) id = pl->id; for(ur = f->ursprung; ur; ur = ur->next) { if(ur->id == id) return ur->y; } if (!rdefault) return 0; set_ursprung((faction*)f, id, rdefault->x - plane_center_x(pl), rdefault->y - plane_center_y(pl)); return rdefault->y - plane_center_y(pl); } short plane_center_x(const plane *pl) { if(pl == NULL) return 0; return(pl->minx + pl->maxx)/2; } short plane_center_y(const plane *pl) { if(pl == NULL) return 0; return(pl->miny + pl->maxy)/2; } short region_x(const region *r, const faction *f) { plane *pl = r->planep; return r->x - ursprung_x(f, pl, r) - plane_center_x(pl); } short region_y(const region *r, const faction *f) { plane *pl = r->planep; return r->y - plane_center_y(pl) - ursprung_y(f, pl, r); } void set_ursprung(faction *f, int id, short x, short y) { ursprung *ur; assert(f!=NULL); for(ur=f->ursprung;ur;ur=ur->next) { if (ur->id == id) { ur->x = ur->x + x; ur->y = ur->y + y; return; } } ur = calloc(1, sizeof(ursprung)); ur->id = id; ur->x = x; ur->y = y; addlist(&f->ursprung, ur); } plane * create_new_plane(int id, const char *name, short minx, short maxx, short miny, short maxy, int flags) { plane *pl = getplanebyid(id); if (pl) return pl; pl = calloc(1, sizeof(plane)); pl->next = NULL; pl->id = id; pl->name = strdup(name); pl->minx = minx; pl->maxx = maxx; pl->miny = miny; pl->maxy = maxy; pl->flags = flags; addlist(&planes, pl); return pl; } /* Umrechnung Relative-Absolute-Koordinaten */ short rel_to_abs(const struct plane *pl, const struct faction * f, short rel, unsigned char index) { assert(index == 0 || index == 1); if(index == 0) return (rel + ursprung_x(f, pl, NULL) + plane_center_x(pl)); return (rel + ursprung_y(f, pl, NULL) + plane_center_y(pl)); } void * resolve_plane(variant id) { return getplanebyid(id.i); } void write_plane_reference(const plane * u, FILE * F) { fprintf(F, "%d ", u?(u->id):0); } int read_plane_reference(plane ** pp, FILE * F) { variant id; fscanf(F, "%d", &id.i); if (id.i==0) { *pp = NULL; return AT_READ_FAIL; } *pp = getplanebyid(id.i); if (*pp==NULL) ur_add(id, (void**)pp, resolve_plane); return AT_READ_OK; } boolean is_watcher(const struct plane * p, const struct faction * f) { struct watcher * w; if (!p) return false; w = p->watchers; while (w && w->faction!=f) w=w->next; return (w!=NULL); }