#!/usr/bin/env python import smtplib import MySQLdb import cgi import re # specify the filename of the template file scripturl='http://eressea.upb.de/~enno/cgi-bin/standin.py' TemplateFile = "vinyambar.html" DefaultTitle = "Vinyambar Parteibörse" dbname = "vinyambar" From = "accounts@vinyambar.de" Errors = "" db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname) smtpserver='localhost' # define a new function called Display # it takes one parameter - a string to Display def Display(Content, Title=DefaultTitle): TemplateHandle = open(TemplateFile, "r") # open in read only mode # read the entire file as a string TemplateInput = TemplateHandle.read() TemplateHandle.close() # close the file # for key in Form.keys(): # Content=Content+"
"+str(key)+"="+str(Form[key]) # this defines an exception string in case our # template file is messed up BadTemplateException = "There was a problem with the HTML template." SubResult = re.subn("", Title, TemplateInput) SubResult = re.subn("", Content, SubResult[0]) if SubResult[1] == 0: raise BadTemplateException print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" print SubResult[0] return def ShowPage(): cursor=db.cursor() maxturn = {} games = cursor.execute("SELECT max(lastturn), game from subscriptions GROUP by game") while games>0: games=games-1 lastturn, game = cursor.fetchone() maxturn[game] = lastturn output='

Um eine der folgenden Parteien zu übernehmen, musst du zuerst ein Spielerkonto anlegen. Wenn Du eines hast, markiere die Partei, die Du übernehmen willst, und trage Kundennummer und Kundenpasswort ein.' query = "SELECT g.id, g.name, s.faction, s.lastturn, s.id, r.name, s.info from games g, subscriptions s, races r where s.game=g.id and s.race=r.race and s.status='CANCELLED' order by s.lastturn DESC" results = cursor.execute(query) output=output+'

\n' output=output+'' while results>0: results=results-1 gid, game, faction, lastturn, sid, race, info = cursor.fetchone() if info==None: info='Keine Informationen' output=output+'' output=output+'\n' output=output+'
'+ race + ''+ game + '' + str(int(maxturn[gid]-lastturn)) + '' + info + ' übernehmen
' output=output+'

' output=output+'
' output=output+'

' Display(output) return Form = cgi.FieldStorage() custid=None password=None if Form.has_key("user"): custid = int(Form["user"].value) if Form.has_key("pass"): password = Form["pass"].value if (password!=None) & (custid!=None): cursor=db.cursor() output="" if cursor.execute("select email, id from users where password='"+password+"' and id="+str(int(custid)))==1: email, custid = cursor.fetchone() c = cursor.execute("SELECT id, game, password, faction from subscriptions where status='CANCELLED'") while c>0: c=c-1 sid, gid, newpass, faction = cursor.fetchone() if Form.has_key("accept_"+str(int(sid))): update = db.cursor() update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set user=" + str(int(custid)) + ", status='ACTIVE' where id=" + str(int(sid))) output=output+"Die Partei " + faction + " wurde Dir überschrieben. Eine Email mit dem Passwort und weiteren Hinweisen ist unterwegs zu Dir.
" Msg="From: "+From+"\nTo: "+email+"\nSubject: Vinambar Parteiuebernahme\n\n" Msg=Msg+"Das Passwort für deine neue Vinyambar-Partei "+faction+" lautet\n" Msg=Msg+" "+newpass+"\n" Msg=Msg+"\nUm den Report der letzten Woche zu erhalten, schicke eine Mail mit dem Betreff\n" Msg=Msg+"VIN"+str(int(gid))+" REPORT "+faction+" \""+newpass+"\" an die Adresse " Msg=Msg+"vinyambar@eressea.amber.kn-bremen.de" server=smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver) server.sendmail(From, email, Msg) server.close() else: output="Fehler in Passwort oder Kundennummer
" Display(output) else: ShowPage() db.close()