#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import MySQLdb import cgi import re import smtplib # specify the filename of the template file scripturl="http://eressea.upb.de/~enno/cgi-bin/info.py" TemplateFile = "vinyambar.html" DefaultTitle = "Vinyambar Datenbank" dbname = "vinyambar" From = "accounts@vinyambar.de" smtpserver = 'localhost' Errors = "" # define a new function called Display # it takes one parameter - a string to Display def Display(Content, Title=DefaultTitle): TemplateHandle = open(TemplateFile, "r") # open in read only mode # read the entire file as a string TemplateInput = TemplateHandle.read() TemplateHandle.close() # close the file # for key in Form.keys(): # Content=Content+"
"+str(key)+"="+str(Form[key]) # this defines an exception string in case our # template file is messed up BadTemplateException = "There was a problem with the HTML template." SubResult = re.subn("", Title, TemplateInput) SubResult = re.subn("", Content, SubResult[0]) if SubResult[1] == 0: raise BadTemplateException print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" print SubResult[0] return def SendTransfer(userid, factionid, game): db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname) cursor=db.cursor() cursor.execute("select email, firstname from users where id="+str(userid)) email, firstname = cursor.fetchone() Msg="From: "+From+"\nTo: "+email+"\nSubject: Vinambar Passwort\n\n" Msg=Msg+"Hallo, "+firstname+"\n" Msg=Msg+"Ein Spieler hat Dir seine Partei " + factionid + " im Spiel " + game + "\n" Msg=Msg+"übertragen. Um die Partei zu übernehmen, gehe bitte auf die Webseite \n" Msg=Msg+"http://www.vinyambar.de/accounts.shtml, und akzeptiere dort den Transfer.\n" server=smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver) server.sendmail(From, email, Msg) server.close() db.close() return def SendPass(email): try: db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname) cursor=db.cursor() # print custid cursor.execute("select id, email, password from users where email='"+email+"'") custid, email, password = cursor.fetchone() Msg="From: "+From+"\nTo: "+email+"\nSubject: Vinambar Passwort\n\n" Msg=Msg+"Deine Kundennummer ist: "+str(int(custid))+"\n" Msg=Msg+"Dein Vinyambar-Passwort lautet: "+password+"\n" Msg=Msg+"\nDiese Mail wurde an Dich versandt, weil Du (oder jemand anders) \n" Msg=Msg+"es im Formular auf http://www.vinyambar.de/accounts.shtml angefordert hat.\n" server=smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver) server.sendmail(From, email, Msg) server.close() db.close() Display('
Das Passwort wurde verschickt
', 'Kundendaten #'+str(custid)) except: Display('
Beim Versenden des Passwortes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
Eventuell ist die email-Adresse unbekannt
', 'Kundendaten für '+email) def ShowInfo(custid, Password): global Errors db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("select max(date), max(id) from transactions") lastdate, id = cursor.fetchone() nraces = cursor.execute("select distinct race, name from races where locale='de'") races=[('', 'Keine Anmeldung')] while nraces>0: nraces = nraces - 1 races.append(cursor.fetchone()) query=("select firstname, lastname, email, address, city, country, phone, status "+ "from users "+ "where id="+str(custid)+" and password='"+Password+"' ") #print query results = cursor.execute(query); if results != 0: output = '
Letzter Buchungstag: '+str(lastdate)[0:10]+'
\n' firstname, lastname, email, address, city, country, phone, status = cursor.fetchone() query = "SELECT sum(balance) from transactions where user="+str(custid) transactions = cursor.execute(query) balance = 0.00 if transactions != 0: balance = cursor.fetchone()[0] if balance == None: balance=0.00 line = ""+Errors+"" line = line + "\n" line = line + "\n" if email==None: email="" line = line + "\n" if address==None: address="" line = line + "\n" if city==None: city="" line = line + "\n" if phone==None: phone="" line = line + "\n" line = line + "\n" line = line + "\n" output = output + line; output=output+"
EMail Adresse
Kontostand"+str(balance)+" EUR
" output=output+"


\n" games = cursor.execute("select id, name, status, info from games order by id") while games>0: games=games-1 gid, game, status, info = cursor.fetchone() cself = db.cursor(); sub = cself.execute("select s.race from subscriptions s, users u where game="+str(int(gid))+" and u.id=s.user and u.id="+str(int(custid))) prev="" if sub>0: prev=cself.fetchone()[0] if prev==None: prev="" line = '\n' if status=='WAITING': line = line+'' elif status=='RUNNING': query = ("select games.name, races.name, s.status, s.faction "+ "from races, games, subscriptions s "+ "where s.race=races.race and s.game="+str(int(gid))+" and s.game=games.id "+ "and s.user="+str(custid)+" ") fcursor = db.cursor() results = fcursor.execute(query) if results>0: while results>0: results = results - 1 game, race, status, faction = fcursor.fetchone() line = line + '" line = line + "' else: continue else: continue output=output+line+'
' + game + ': ' + info + '
' line = line + 'Ich möchte an diesem Spiel teilnehmen, und bevorzuge folgende Rasse:
\n' nraces=len(races) line = line + '' line = line+'
Partei ' + faction + ', ' + race + ", " + status + "
" if status=='ACTIVE': line = line + 'Ich möchte diese Partei aufgeben:
\n' line = line + 'Ich möchte die Partei an Spieler # übergeben.\n' elif status=='CANCELLED': line = line + 'Reaktivieren: \n' elif status=='TRANSFERED': line = line + 'Transfer akzeptieren: \n' line = line+'

\n' output=output+"

" query="select date, balance, text from transactions, descriptions where descriptions.handle=transactions.description and user="+str(custid)+" ORDER BY date" results = cursor.execute(query); if results>0: output=output+'


\n\n' output=output+"\n" while results>0: results = results - 1 row = cursor.fetchone() line = "" line = line + "\n" line = line + "\n" line = line + "\n" line = line + "\n" output=output+line output=output+"
"+str(row[0])[0:10]+""+str(row[1])+" EUR"+row[2]+"
" output=output+'

' output=output+'' output=output+'' output=output+"
" else: output = "Die Kundennummer oder das angegebene Passwort sind nicht korrekt." db.close() Display(output, "Kundendaten #"+str(custid)) Errors = "" def TransferFaction(sid, faction, newuser, game): db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname) update = db.cursor() exist = update.execute("select id from users where id="+str(newuser)) if exist==1: update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set status='TRANSFERED', user=" + str(newuser) + " where id="+str(sid)) SendTransfer(newuser, faction, game); db.close() return def Save(custid, Password): validkeys=['email','address','lastname','firstname','city','password','phone'] values='id='+str(custid) for key in Form.keys(): if key in validkeys: values=values+", "+key+"='"+Form[key].value+"'" db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname) cursor=db.cursor() cursor.execute('UPDATE users SET '+values+' where id='+str(custid)) ngames = cursor.execute("select id from games where status='WAITING'") while ngames > 0: ngames=ngames - 1 gid = cursor.fetchone()[0] key="race_"+str(int(gid)) if Form.has_key(key): update = db.cursor() newrace=Form[key].value if newrace=='': newrace=None if newrace==None: update.execute('delete from subscriptions where user='+str(int(custid))+' and game='+str(int(gid))) else: exist=update.execute('select id, race from subscriptions where game='+str(int(gid))+' and user='+str(int(custid))) if exist>0: sid, race = update.fetchone() if race!=newrace: update.execute("update subscriptions set race='"+newrace+"' where id="+str(int(sid))) else: update.execute("insert subscriptions (race, user, status, game) values ('"+newrace+"', "+str(int(custid))+", 'WAITING', "+str(int(gid))+") where id="+str(int(sid))) nfactions = cursor.execute("select g.name, s.id, faction from games g, subscriptions s where s.status='ACTIVE' and s.user="+str(custid) + " and s.game=g.id") while nfactions > 0: game, sid, faction = cursor.fetchone() if Form.has_key("cancel_"+faction): update = db.cursor() update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set status='CANCELLED' where id="+str(int(sid))) elif Form.has_key("transfer_"+faction): newuser = int(Form["transfer_"+faction].value) TransferFaction(sid, faction, newuser, game) nfactions = nfactions - 1 nfactions = cursor.execute("select g.name, s.id, faction from games g, subscriptions s where s.status='TRANSFERED' and s.user="+str(custid) + " and s.game=g.id") while nfactions > 0: game, sid, faction = cursor.fetchone() if Form.has_key("accept_"+faction): update = db.cursor() update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set status='ACTIVE' where id="+str(int(sid))) nfactions = nfactions - 1 nfactions = cursor.execute("select g.name, s.id, faction from games g, subscriptions s where s.status='CANCELLED' and s.user="+str(custid) + " and s.game=g.id") while nfactions > 0: game, sid, faction = cursor.fetchone() if Form.has_key("activate_"+faction): update = db.cursor() update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set status='ACTIVE' where id="+str(int(sid))) nfactions = nfactions - 1 db.close() ShowInfo(custid, Password) # Display("Noch nicht implementiert", "Daten speichern für Kunde #"+str(custid)) Form = cgi.FieldStorage() if Form.has_key("user"): custid = int(Form["user"].value) else: custid = 0 if Form.has_key("pass"): Password = Form["pass"].value else: Password="" if Form.has_key("sendpass"): if Form.has_key("email"): Email = Form["email"].value else: Email="" SendPass(Email) elif Form.has_key("save"): Save(custid, Password) else: ShowInfo(custid, Password)