/* +-------------------+ | | Enno Rehling | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel | (c) 1998 - 2007 | Christian Schlittchen | | +-------------------+ This program may not be used, modified or distributed without prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #define INTPAK_VERSION 329 /* in binary, ints can get packed */ #define NOZEROIDS_VERSION 330 /* 2008-05-16 zero is not a valid ID for anything (including factions) */ #define NOBORDERATTRIBS_VERSION 331 /* 2008-05-17 connection::attribs has been moved to userdata */ #define UIDHASH_VERSION 332 /* 2008-05-22 borders use the region.uid to store */ #define REGIONOWNER_VERSION 333 /* 2009-05-14 regions have owners and morale */ #define ALLIANCELEADER_VERSION 333 /* alliances have a leader */ #define CURSEFLOAT_VERSION 334 /* all curse-effects are float */ #define MOURNING_VERSION 335 /* mourning peasants */ #define FOSS_VERSION 336 /* the open source release */ #define OWNER_2_VERSION 337 /* region owners contain an alliance */ #define FIX_WATCHERS_VERSION 338 /* fixed storage of watchers */ #define UNIQUE_SPELLS_VERSION 339 /* turn 775, spell names are now unique globally, not just per school */ #define SPELLBOOK_VERSION 340 /* turn 775, full spellbooks are stored for factions */ #define NOOVERRIDE_VERSION 341 /* turn 775, full spellbooks are stored for factions */ #define INTFLAGS_VERSION 342 /* turn 876, FFL_NPC is now bit 25, flags is an int */ #define SAVEGAMEID_VERSION 343 /* instead of XMLNAME, save the game.id parameter from the config */ #define BUILDNO_VERSION 344 /* storing the build number in the save */ #define AUTO_RACENAME_VERSION 345 /* NPC units with name==NULL will automatically get their race for a name */ #define JSON_REPORT_VERSION 346 /* bit 3 in f->options flags the json report */ #define EXPLICIT_CURSE_ISNEW_VERSION 347 /* CURSE_ISNEW is not reset in read/write, but in age() */ #define SPELL_LEVEL_VERSION 348 /* f->max_spelllevel gets stored, not calculated */ #define RELEASE_VERSION SPELL_LEVEL_VERSION /* current datafile */ #define MIN_VERSION INTPAK_VERSION /* minimal datafile we support */ #define MAX_VERSION RELEASE_VERSION /* change this if we can need to read the future datafile, and we can do so */ #define STREAM_VERSION 2 /* internal encoding of binary files */