#include <platform.h> #include <kernel/config.h> #include "piracy.h" #include "direction.h" #include "keyword.h" #include "move.h" #include <kernel/ally.h> #include <kernel/faction.h> #include <kernel/messages.h> #include <kernel/order.h> #include <kernel/race.h> #include <kernel/region.h> #include <kernel/ship.h> #include <kernel/terrain.h> #include <kernel/unit.h> #include <util/attrib.h> #include <util/base36.h> #include <util/goodies.h> #include <util/language.h> #include <util/parser.h> #include <util/rng.h> #include <util/message.h> #include <attributes/otherfaction.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct piracy_data { const struct faction *pirate; const struct faction *target; direction_t dir; } piracy_data; static void piracy_init(struct attrib *a) { a->data.v = calloc(1, sizeof(piracy_data)); } static void piracy_done(struct attrib *a) { free(a->data.v); } static attrib_type at_piracy_direction = { "piracy_direction", piracy_init, piracy_done, DEFAULT_AGE, NO_WRITE, NO_READ }; static attrib *mk_piracy(const faction * pirate, const faction * target, direction_t target_dir) { attrib *a = a_new(&at_piracy_direction); piracy_data *data = a->data.v; data->pirate = pirate; data->target = target; data->dir = target_dir; return a; } static bool validate_pirate(unit *u, order *ord) { assert(u); assert(ord); if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_SWIM | RCF_FLY)) return true; if (!u->ship) { cmistake(u, ord, 144, MSG_MOVE); return false; } if (!u->ship || u != ship_owner(u->ship)) { cmistake(u, ord, 146, MSG_MOVE); return false; } return true; } int *parse_ids(const order *ord) { const char *s; int *il = NULL; init_order(ord); s = getstrtoken(); if (s != NULL && *s) { il = intlist_init(); while (s && *s) { il = intlist_add(il, atoi36(s)); s = getstrtoken(); } } return il; } direction_t find_piracy_target(unit *u, int *il) { attrib *a; region *r = u->region; for (a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_piracy_direction); a && a->type == &at_piracy_direction; a = a->next) { piracy_data *data = a->data.v; const faction *p = data->pirate; const faction *t = data->target; if (alliedunit(u, p, HELP_FIGHT)) { if (il == 0 || (t && intlist_find(il, t->no))) { return data->dir; } } } return NODIRECTION; } void piracy_cmd(unit * u) { order *ord; region *r = u->region; ship *sh = u->ship, *sh2; direction_t target_dir; struct { const faction *target; int value; } aff[MAXDIRECTIONS]; int saff = 0; int *il; assert(u->thisorder); if (!validate_pirate(u, u->thisorder)) { return; } il = parse_ids(u->thisorder); /* Feststellen, ob schon ein anderer alliierter Pirat ein * Ziel gefunden hat. */ target_dir = find_piracy_target(u, il); /* Wenn nicht, sehen wir, ob wir ein Ziel finden. */ if (target_dir == NODIRECTION) { direction_t dir; /* Einheit ist also Kapit�n. Jetzt gucken, in wievielen * Nachbarregionen potentielle Opfer sind. */ for (dir = 0; dir < MAXDIRECTIONS; dir++) { region *rc = rconnect(r, dir); aff[dir].value = 0; aff[dir].target = 0; /* TODO this could still result in an illegal movement order (through a wall or whatever) * which will be prevented by move_cmd below */ if (rc && ((sh && !fval(rc->terrain, FORBIDDEN_REGION) && can_takeoff(sh, r, rc)) || (canswim(u) && fval(rc->terrain, SWIM_INTO) && fval(rc->terrain, SEA_REGION)))) { for (sh2 = rc->ships; sh2; sh2 = sh2->next) { unit *cap = ship_owner(sh2); if (cap) { faction *f = visible_faction(cap->faction, cap); if (alliedunit(u, f, HELP_FIGHT)) continue; if (!il || intlist_find(il, cap->faction->no)) { /* TODO: shouldn't this be f->no? */ ++aff[dir].value; if (rng_int() % aff[dir].value == 0) { aff[dir].target = f; } } } } /* Und aufaddieren. */ saff += aff[dir].value; } } if (saff != 0) { saff = rng_int() % saff; for (dir = 0; dir != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++dir) { if (saff < aff[dir].value) { target_dir = dir; a_add(&r->attribs, mk_piracy(u->faction, aff[dir].target, target_dir)); break; } saff -= aff[dir].value; } } } free(il); /* Wenn kein Ziel gefunden, entsprechende Meldung generieren */ if (target_dir == NODIRECTION) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("piratenovictim", "ship unit region", sh, u, r)); return; } /* Meldung generieren */ ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("piratesawvictim", "ship unit region dir", sh, u, r, target_dir)); /* Befehl konstruieren */ /* TODO: why change u->thisorder? */ /* FIXME: when u->thisorder == ord, set_order calls free, destroys both. */ ord = create_order(K_MOVE, u->faction->locale, "%s", LOC(u->faction->locale, directions[target_dir])); /* Bewegung ausf�hren */ init_order(ord); move_cmd(u, ord); free_order(ord); } void age_piracy(region *r) { a_removeall(&r->attribs, &at_piracy_direction); }