/* vi: set ts=2: * +-------------------+ Christian Schlittchen * | | Enno Rehling * | Eressea PBEM host | Katja Zedel * | (c) 1998 - 2006 | * | | This program may not be used, modified or distributed * +-------------------+ without prior permission by the authors of Eressea. * */ /* wenn config.h nicht vor curses included wird, kompiliert es unter windows nicht */ #include #include #include #include "gmtool.h" #include "gmtool_structs.h" #include "editing.h" #include "console.h" #include "curses/listbox.h" #include #include #if MUSEUM_MODULE #include #endif #if ARENA_MODULE #include #endif #if WORMHOLE_MODULE #include #endif #if DUNGEON_MODULE #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct window { boolean (*handlekey)(struct window * win, struct state * st, int key); void (*paint)(struct window * win, const struct state * st); WINDOW * handle; struct window * next; struct window * prev; boolean initialized; int update; } window; extern const char * g_reportdir; extern const char * g_datadir; extern const char * g_basedir; extern const char * g_resourcedir; static int g_quit; int force_color = 0; state * current_state = NULL; #define IFL_SHIPS (1<<0) #define IFL_UNITS (1<<1) #define IFL_FACTIONS (1<<2) #define IFL_BUILDINGS (1<<3) static WINDOW * hstatus; static void init_curses(void) { short fg, bg; initscr(); if (has_colors() || force_color) { short bcol = COLOR_BLACK; short hcol = COLOR_MAGENTA; start_color(); #ifdef WIN32 /* looks crap on putty with TERM=linux */ if (can_change_color()) { init_color(COLOR_YELLOW, 1000, 1000, 0); } #endif for (fg=0;fg!=8;++fg) { for (bg=0;bg!=2;++bg) { init_pair(fg+8*bg, fg, bg?hcol:bcol); } } attrset(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_BLACK)); bkgd(' ' | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_BLACK)); bkgdset(' ' | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_BLACK)); } keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */ meta(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */ cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ noecho(); /* don't echo input */ scrollok(stdscr, FALSE); refresh(); } map_region * mr_get(const view * vi, int xofs, int yofs) { return vi->regions + xofs + yofs * vi->size.width; } static point * coor2point(const coordinate * c, point * p) { assert(c && p); p->x = c->x * TWIDTH + c->y * TWIDTH / 2; p->y = c->y * THEIGHT; return p; } static window * wnd_first, * wnd_last; static window * win_create(WINDOW * hwin) { window * wnd = calloc(1, sizeof(window)); wnd->handle = hwin; if (wnd_first!=NULL) { wnd->next = wnd_first; wnd_first->prev = wnd; wnd_first = wnd; } else { wnd_first = wnd; wnd_last = wnd; } return wnd; } static void untag_region(selection * s, const coordinate * c) { unsigned int key = ((c->x << 12) ^ c->y); tag ** tp = &s->tags[key & (MAXTHASH-1)]; tag * t = NULL; while (*tp) { t = *tp; if (t->coord.p==c->p && t->coord.x==c->x && t->coord.y==c->y) break; tp=&t->nexthash; } if (!*tp) return; *tp = t->nexthash; free(t); return; } static void tag_region(selection * s, const coordinate * c) { unsigned int key = ((c->x << 12) ^ c->y); tag ** tp = &s->tags[key & (MAXTHASH-1)]; while (*tp) { tag * t = *tp; if (t->coord.p==c->p && t->coord.x==c->x && t->coord.y==c->y) return; tp=&t->nexthash; } *tp = calloc(1, sizeof(tag)); (*tp)->coord = *c; return; } static int tagged_region(selection * s, const coordinate * c) { unsigned int key = ((c->x << 12) ^ c->y); tag ** tp = &s->tags[key & (MAXTHASH-1)]; while (*tp) { tag * t = *tp; if (t->coord.x==c->x && t->coord.p==c->p && t->coord.y==c->y) return 1; tp=&t->nexthash; } return 0; } static int mr_tile(const map_region * mr, int highlight) { int hl = 8 * highlight; if (mr!=NULL && mr->r!=NULL) { const region * r = mr->r; switch (r->terrain->_name[0]) { case 'o' : return '.' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_CYAN); case 'd' : return 'D' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_YELLOW) | A_BOLD; case 't' : return '%' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_YELLOW) | A_BOLD; case 'f' : if (r->terrain->_name[1]=='o') { /* fog */ return '.' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_YELLOW) | A_NORMAL; } else if (r->terrain->_name[1]=='i') { /* firewall */ return '%' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_RED) | A_BOLD; } case 'h' : return 'H' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_YELLOW) | A_NORMAL; case 'm' : return '^' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_WHITE) | A_NORMAL; case 'p' : if (r_isforest(r)) return '#' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_GREEN) | A_NORMAL; return '+' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_GREEN) | A_BOLD; case 'g' : return '*' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_WHITE) | A_BOLD; case 's' : return 'S' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_MAGENTA) | A_NORMAL; } return r->terrain->_name[0] | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_RED); } return ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(hl + COLOR_WHITE); } static void paint_map(window * wnd, const state * st) { WINDOW * win = wnd->handle; int lines = getmaxy(win); int cols = getmaxx(win); int x, y; lines = lines/THEIGHT; cols = cols/TWIDTH; for (y = 0; y!=lines; ++y) { int yp = (lines - y - 1) * THEIGHT; for (x = 0; x!=cols; ++x) { int attr = 0; int hl = 0; int xp = x * TWIDTH + (y & 1) * TWIDTH/2; map_region * mr = mr_get(&st->display, x, y); if (mr && st && tagged_region(st->selected, &mr->coord)) { attr |= A_REVERSE; } if (mr) { if (mr->r && mr->r->flags & RF_MAPPER_HIGHLIGHT) hl = 1; mvwaddch(win, yp, xp, mr_tile(mr, hl) | attr); } } } } map_region * cursor_region(const view * v, const coordinate * c) { coordinate relpos; int cx, cy; relpos.x = c->x - v->topleft.x; relpos.y = c->y - v->topleft.y; cy = relpos.y; cx = relpos.x + cy/2; return mr_get(v, cx, cy); } static void draw_cursor(WINDOW * win, selection * s, const view * v, const coordinate * c, int show) { int lines = getmaxy(win)/THEIGHT; int xp, yp; int attr = 0; map_region * mr = cursor_region(v, c); coordinate relpos; int cx, cy; relpos.x = c->x - v->topleft.x; relpos.y = c->y - v->topleft.y; cy = relpos.y; cx = relpos.x + cy/2; yp = (lines - cy - 1) * THEIGHT; xp = cx * TWIDTH + (cy & 1) * TWIDTH/2; if (s && tagged_region(s, &mr->coord)) attr = A_REVERSE; if (mr->r) { int hl = 0; if (mr->r->flags & RF_MAPPER_HIGHLIGHT) hl = 1; mvwaddch(win, yp, xp, mr_tile(mr, hl) | attr); } else mvwaddch(win, yp, xp, ' ' | attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); if (show) { attr = A_BOLD; mvwaddch(win, yp, xp-1, '<' | attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); mvwaddch(win, yp, xp+1, '>' | attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); } else { attr = A_NORMAL; mvwaddch(win, yp, xp-1, ' ' | attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_WHITE)); mvwaddch(win, yp, xp+1, ' ' | attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_WHITE)); } wmove(win, yp, xp); wnoutrefresh(win); } static void paint_status(window * wnd, const state * st) { WINDOW * win = wnd->handle; const char * name = ""; const char * terrain = "----"; map_region * mr = cursor_region(&st->display, &st->cursor); if (mr && mr->r) { if (mr->r->land) { name = (const char *)mr->r->land->name; } else { name = mr->r->terrain->_name; } terrain = mr->r->terrain->_name; } mvwprintw(win, 0, 0, "%4d %4d | %.4s | %.20s", st->cursor.x, st->cursor.y, terrain, name); wclrtoeol(win); } static boolean handle_info_region(window * wnd, state * st, int c) { return false; } static void paint_info_region(window * wnd, const state * st) { WINDOW * win = wnd->handle; int size = getmaxx(win)-2; int line = 0, maxline = getmaxy(win)-2; map_region * mr = cursor_region(&st->display, &st->cursor); unused(st); werase(win); wborder(win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (mr && mr->r) { const region * r = mr->r; if (r->land) { mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 1, (char *)r->land->name, size); } else { mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 1, r->terrain->_name, size); } line++; mvwprintw(win, line++, 1, "%s, age %d", r->terrain->_name, r->age); if (r->land) { mvwprintw(win, line++, 1, "$:%6d P:%5d", r->land->money, r->land->peasants); mvwprintw(win, line++, 1, "H:%6d %s:%5d", r->land->horses, (r->flags&RF_MALLORN)?"M":"T", r->land->trees[1]+r->land->trees[2]); } line++; if (r->ships && (st->info_flags & IFL_SHIPS)) { ship * sh; wattron(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 1, "* ships:", size-5); wattroff(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); for (sh=r->ships;sh && linenext) { mvwprintw(win, line, 1, "%.4s ", itoa36(sh->no)); mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 6, (char*)sh->type->name[0], size-5); } } if (r->units && (st->info_flags & IFL_FACTIONS)) { unit * u; wattron(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 1, "* factions:", size-5); wattroff(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); for (u=r->units;u && linenext) { if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_MARK)) { mvwprintw(win, line, 1, "%.4s ", itoa36(u->faction->no)); mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 6, (char *)u->faction->name, size-5); fset(u->faction, FFL_MARK); } } for (u=r->units;u && linenext) { freset(u->faction, FFL_MARK); } } if (r->units && (st->info_flags & IFL_UNITS)) { unit * u; wattron(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 1, "* units:", size-5); wattroff(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_YELLOW)); for (u=r->units;u && linenext) { mvwprintw(win, line, 1, "%.4s ", itoa36(u->no)); mvwaddnstr(win, line++, 6, (char *)u->name, size-5); } } } } static char * askstring(WINDOW * win, const char * q, char * buffer, size_t size) { werase(win); mvwaddstr(win, 0, 0, (char*)q); wmove(win, 0, (int)(strlen(q)+1)); echo(); wgetnstr(win, buffer, (int)size); noecho(); return buffer; } static void statusline(WINDOW * win, const char * str) { mvwaddstr(win, 0, 0, (char*)str); wclrtoeol(win); wnoutrefresh(win); } static void terraform_at(coordinate * c, const terrain_type *terrain) { if (terrain!=NULL) { short x = (short)c->x, y = (short)c->y; region * r = findregion(x, y); if (r==NULL) r = new_region(x, y, 0); terraform_region(r, terrain); } } static void terraform_selection(selection * selected, const terrain_type *terrain) { int i; if (terrain==NULL) return; for (i=0;i!=MAXTHASH;++i) { tag ** tp = &selected->tags[i]; while (*tp) { tag * t = *tp; short x = (short)t->coord.x, y = (short)t->coord.y; region * r = findregion(x, y); if (r==NULL) r = new_region(x, y, 0); terraform_region(r, terrain); tp = &t->nexthash; } } } static faction * select_faction(state * st) { list_selection *prev, *ilist = NULL, **iinsert; list_selection *selected = NULL; faction * f = factions; if (!f) return NULL; iinsert = &ilist; prev = ilist; while (f) { char buffer[32]; sprintf(buffer, "%.4s %.26s", itoa36(f->no), f->name); insert_selection(iinsert, NULL, buffer, (void*)f); f = f->next; } selected = do_selection(ilist, "Select Faction", NULL, NULL); st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; if (selected==NULL) return NULL; return (faction*)selected->data; } static const terrain_type * select_terrain(state * st, const terrain_type * default_terrain) { list_selection *prev, *ilist = NULL, **iinsert; list_selection *selected = NULL; const terrain_type * terrain = terrains(); if (!terrain) return NULL; iinsert = &ilist; prev = ilist; while (terrain) { insert_selection(iinsert, NULL, terrain->_name, (void*)terrain); terrain = terrain->next; } selected = do_selection(ilist, "Terrain", NULL, NULL); st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; if (selected==NULL) return NULL; return (const terrain_type*)selected->data; } static coordinate * region2coord(const region * r, coordinate * c) { c->x = r->x; c->y = r->y; c->p = r->planep?r->planep->id:0; return c; } #ifdef __PDCURSES__ #define FAST_UP CTL_UP #define FAST_DOWN CTL_DOWN #define FAST_LEFT CTL_LEFT #define FAST_RIGHT CTL_RIGHT #else #define FAST_UP KEY_PPAGE #define FAST_DOWN KEY_NPAGE #define FAST_LEFT KEY_SLEFT #define FAST_RIGHT KEY_SRIGHT #endif void highlight_region(region *r) { if (r!=NULL) r->flags |= RF_MAPPER_HIGHLIGHT; } void select_coordinate(struct selection * selected, int x, int y) { coordinate coord = { 0 }; coord.x = x; coord.y = y; tag_region(selected, &coord); } enum { MODE_HIGHLIGHT = 0x0, MODE_SELECT = 0x1 }; static void select_regions(state * st, int selectmode) { char sbuffer[80]; int findmode; const char * statustext[] = { "mark-", "select-", "unmark-", "deselect-" }; const char * status = statustext[selectmode]; statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, status); doupdate(); findmode = getch(); if (findmode=='n') { /* none */ int i; sprintf(sbuffer, "%snone", status); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer); if (selectmode&MODE_SELECT) { for (i=0;i!=MAXTHASH;++i) { tag ** tp = &st->selected->tags[i]; while (*tp) { tag * t = *tp; *tp = t->nexthash; free(t); } } } else { region * r; for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { r->flags &= ~RF_MAPPER_HIGHLIGHT; } } } else if (findmode=='u') { region * r; sprintf(sbuffer, "%sunits", status); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer); for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { if (r->units) { if (selectmode&MODE_SELECT) { select_coordinate(st->selected, r->x, r->y); } else { highlight_region(r); } } } } else if (findmode=='s') { region * r; sprintf(sbuffer, "%sships", status); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer); for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { if (r->ships) { if (selectmode&MODE_SELECT) { select_coordinate(st->selected, r->x, r->y); } else { highlight_region(r); } } } } else if (findmode=='f') { char fbuffer[12]; sprintf(sbuffer, "%sfaction:", status); askstring(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer, fbuffer, 12); if (fbuffer[0]) { faction * f = findfaction(atoi36(fbuffer)); if (f!=NULL) { unit * u; sprintf(sbuffer, "%sfaction: %s", status, itoa36(f->no)); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer); for (u=f->units;u;u=u->nextF) { region * r = u->region; if (selectmode&MODE_SELECT) { select_coordinate(st->selected, r->x, r->y); } else { highlight_region(r); } } } else { statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "faction not found."); beep(); return; } } } else if (findmode=='t') { const struct terrain_type * terrain; sprintf(sbuffer, "%sterrain: ", status); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer); terrain = select_terrain(st, NULL); if (terrain!=NULL) { region * r; sprintf(sbuffer, "%sterrain: %s", status, terrain->_name); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer); for (r=regions;r;r=r->next) { if (r->terrain==terrain) { if (selectmode&MODE_SELECT) { select_coordinate(st->selected, r->x, r->y); } else { highlight_region(r); } } } } } else { statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "unknown command."); beep(); return; } st->wnd_info->update |= 3; st->wnd_status->update |= 3; st->wnd_map->update |= 3; } static void handlekey(state * st, int c) { window * wnd; coordinate * cursor = &st->cursor; static char locate[80]; static int findmode = 0; region *r; char sbuffer[80]; static char kbuffer[80]; switch(c) { case FAST_RIGHT: cursor->x+=10; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case FAST_LEFT: cursor->x-=10; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case FAST_UP: cursor->y+=10; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case FAST_DOWN: cursor->y-=10; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case KEY_UP: cursor->y++; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case KEY_DOWN: cursor->y--; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case KEY_RIGHT: cursor->x++; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case KEY_LEFT: cursor->x--; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; case 'S': case KEY_SAVE: case KEY_F(2): /* if (st->modified) */ { char datafile[MAX_PATH]; askstring(st->wnd_status->handle, "save as:", datafile, sizeof(datafile)); if (strlen(datafile)>0) { create_backup(datafile); remove_empty_units(); writegame(datafile, quiet); st->modified = 0; } } break; case 'B': make_block((short)st->cursor.x, (short)st->cursor.y, 6, select_terrain(st, NULL)); st->modified = 1; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; break; case 0x02: /* CTRL+b */ make_block((short)st->cursor.x, (short)st->cursor.y, 6, newterrain(T_OCEAN)); st->modified = 1; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; break; case 0x09: /* tab = next selected*/ if (regions!=NULL) { map_region * mr = cursor_region(&st->display, cursor); region * first = mr->r; region * r = (first&&first->next)?first->next:regions; while (r!=first) { coordinate coord; region2coord(r, &coord); if (tagged_region(st->selected, &coord)) { st->cursor = coord; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; break; } r = r->next; if (!r && first) r = regions; } } break; case 'a': if (regions!=NULL) { map_region * mr = cursor_region(&st->display, cursor); if (mr->r) { region * r = mr->r; if (r->planep==NULL) { r = r_standard_to_astral(r); } else if (r->planep==get_astralplane()) { r = r_astral_to_standard(r); } else { r = NULL; } if (r!=NULL) { region2coord(r, &st->cursor); } else { beep(); } } } break; case 'g': askstring(st->wnd_status->handle, "goto-x:", sbuffer, 12); if (sbuffer[0]) { askstring(st->wnd_status->handle, "goto-y:", sbuffer+16, 12); if (sbuffer[16]) { st->cursor.x = atoi(sbuffer); st->cursor.y = atoi(sbuffer+16); st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; } } break; case 0x14: /* C-t */ terraform_at(&st->cursor, select_terrain(st, NULL)); st->modified = 1; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; break; case 'I': statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-"); doupdate(); do { c = getch(); switch (c) { case 's': st->info_flags ^= IFL_SHIPS; if (st->info_flags & IFL_SHIPS) statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-ships true"); else statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-ships false"); break; case 'b': st->info_flags ^= IFL_BUILDINGS; if (st->info_flags & IFL_BUILDINGS) statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-buildings true"); else statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-buildings false"); case 'f': st->info_flags ^= IFL_FACTIONS; if (st->info_flags & IFL_FACTIONS) statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-factions true"); else statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-factions false"); break; case 'u': st->info_flags ^= IFL_UNITS; if (st->info_flags & IFL_UNITS) statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-units true"); else statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "info-units false"); break; case 27: /* esc */ break; default: beep(); c = 0; } } while (c==0); break; case 'L': if (global.vm_state) { move(0, 0); refresh(); lua_do((lua_State*)global.vm_state); /* todo: do this from inside the script */ clear(); st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; } break; case 12: /* Ctrl-L */ clear(); st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; break; case 'H': select_regions(st, MODE_HIGHLIGHT); break; case 'T': select_regions(st, MODE_SELECT); break; case ';': statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "tag-"); doupdate(); switch (getch()) { case 't': terraform_selection(st->selected, select_terrain(st, NULL)); st->modified = 1; st->wnd_info->update |= 1; st->wnd_status->update |= 1; st->wnd_map->update |= 1; break; case 'm': break; default: statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "unknown command."); beep(); } break; case 't': case ' ': if (tagged_region(st->selected, cursor)) untag_region(st->selected, cursor); else tag_region(st->selected, cursor); break; case 'A': sprintf(sbuffer, "%s/newfactions", basepath()); seed_players(sbuffer, false); st->wnd_map->update |= 1; break; case '/': statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "find-"); doupdate(); findmode = getch(); if (findmode=='r') { askstring(st->wnd_status->handle, "find-region:", locate, sizeof(locate)); } else if (findmode=='u') { askstring(st->wnd_status->handle, "find-unit:", locate, sizeof(locate)); } else if (findmode=='f') { askstring(st->wnd_status->handle, "find-faction:", locate, sizeof(locate)); } else if (findmode=='F') { faction * f = select_faction(st); if (f!=NULL) { strcpy(locate, itoa36(f->no)); findmode='f'; } else { break; } } else { statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "unknown command."); beep(); break; } /* achtung: fall-through ist absicht: */ if (!strlen(locate)) break; case 'n': if (findmode=='u') { unit * u = findunit(atoi36(locate)); r = u?u->region:NULL; } else if (findmode && regions!=NULL) { struct faction * f = NULL; map_region * mr = cursor_region(&st->display, cursor); region * first = (mr->r && mr->r->next)?mr->r->next:regions; if (findmode=='f') { sprintf(sbuffer, "find-faction: %s", locate); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, sbuffer); f = findfaction(atoi36(locate)); if (f==NULL) { statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "faction not found."); beep(); break; } } for (r=first;;) { if (findmode=='r' && r->land && r->land->name && strstr((const char*)r->land->name, locate)) { break; } else if (findmode=='f') { unit * u; for (u=r->units;u;u=u->next) { if (u->faction==f) { break; } } if (u) break; } r = r->next; if (r==NULL) r = regions; if (r==first) { r = NULL; statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, "not found."); beep(); break; } } } else { r = NULL; } if (r!=NULL) { region2coord(r, &st->cursor); } break; case 'Q': g_quit = 1; break; default: for (wnd=wnd_first;wnd!=NULL;wnd=wnd->next) { if (wnd->handlekey) { if (wnd->handlekey(wnd, st, c)) break; } } if (wnd==NULL) { if (kbuffer[0]==0) { strcpy(kbuffer, "getch:"); } sprintf(sbuffer, " 0x%x", c); strncat(kbuffer, sbuffer, sizeof(kbuffer)); statusline(st->wnd_status->handle, kbuffer); if (strlen(kbuffer)>70) kbuffer[0]=0; } break; } } static void init_view(view * display, WINDOW * win) { display->topleft.x = 1; display->topleft.y = 1; display->topleft.p = 0; display->plane = 0; display->size.width = getmaxx(win)/TWIDTH; display->size.height = getmaxy(win)/THEIGHT; display->regions = calloc(display->size.height * display->size.width, sizeof(map_region)); } static void update_view(view * vi) { int i, j; for (i=0;i!=vi->size.width;++i) { for (j=0;j!=vi->size.height;++j) { map_region * mr = mr_get(vi, i, j); mr->coord.x = vi->topleft.x + i - j/2; mr->coord.y = vi->topleft.y + j; mr->coord.p = vi->plane; mr->r = findregion((short)mr->coord.x, (short)mr->coord.y); } } } void run_mapper(void) { WINDOW * hwinstatus; WINDOW * hwininfo; WINDOW * hwinmap; int width, height, x, y; int split = 20, old_flags = log_flags; state st; point tl; log_flags &= ~(LOG_CPERROR|LOG_CPWARNING); init_curses(); curs_set(1); set_readline(curses_readline); getbegyx(stdscr, x, y); width = getmaxx(stdscr); height = getmaxy(stdscr); hwinmap = subwin(stdscr, getmaxy(stdscr)-1, getmaxx(stdscr)-split, y, x); hwininfo = subwin(stdscr, getmaxy(stdscr)-1, split, y, x+getmaxx(stdscr)-split); hwinstatus = subwin(stdscr, 1, width, height-1, x); st.wnd_map = win_create(hwinmap); st.wnd_map->paint = &paint_map; st.wnd_map->update = 1; st.wnd_info = win_create(hwininfo); st.wnd_info->paint = &paint_info_region; st.wnd_info->handlekey = &handle_info_region; st.wnd_info->update = 1; st.wnd_status = win_create(hwinstatus); st.wnd_status->paint = &paint_status; st.wnd_status->update = 1; st.display.plane = 0; st.cursor.p = 0; st.cursor.x = 0; st.cursor.y = 0; st.selected = calloc(1, sizeof(struct selection)); st.modified = 0; st.info_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF; init_view(&st.display, hwinmap); coor2point(&st.display.topleft, &tl); hstatus = st.wnd_status->handle; /* the lua console needs this */ current_state = &st; while (!g_quit) { int c; point p; window * wnd; view * vi = &st.display; getbegyx(hwinmap, x, y); width = getmaxx(hwinmap)-x; height = getmaxy(hwinmap)-y; coor2point(&st.cursor, &p); if (st.cursor.p != vi->plane) { vi->plane = st.cursor.p; st.wnd_map->update |= 1; } if (p.y < tl.y) { vi->topleft.y = st.cursor.y-vi->size.height/2; st.wnd_map->update |= 1; } else if (p.y >= tl.y + vi->size.height * THEIGHT) { vi->topleft.y = st.cursor.y-vi->size.height/2; st.wnd_map->update |= 1; } if (p.x <= tl.x) { vi->topleft.x = st.cursor.x+(st.cursor.y-vi->topleft.y)/2-vi->size.width / 2; st.wnd_map->update |= 1; } else if (p.x >= tl.x + vi->size.width * TWIDTH-1) { vi->topleft.x = st.cursor.x+(st.cursor.y-vi->topleft.y)/2-vi->size.width / 2; st.wnd_map->update |= 1; } if (st.wnd_map->update) { update_view(vi); coor2point(&vi->topleft, &tl); } for (wnd=wnd_last;wnd!=NULL;wnd=wnd->prev) { if (wnd->update && wnd->paint) { if (wnd->update & 1) { wnd->paint(wnd, &st); wnoutrefresh(wnd->handle); } if (wnd->update & 2) { touchwin(wnd->handle); } wnd->update = 0; } } draw_cursor(st.wnd_map->handle, st.selected, vi, &st.cursor, 1); doupdate(); c = getch(); draw_cursor(st.wnd_map->handle, st.selected, vi, &st.cursor, 0); handlekey(&st, c); } set_readline(NULL); curs_set(1); endwin(); log_flags = old_flags; current_state = NULL; } #define MAXINPUT 512 int curses_readline(lua_State * L, const char * prompt) { static char buffer[MAXINPUT]; askstring(hstatus, prompt, buffer, MAXINPUT); if (buffer[0]==0) { return 0; /* read fails */ } else { lua_pushstring(L, buffer); return 1; } }