#!/usr/bin/env python
import smtplib
import MySQLdb
import cgi
import re
# specify the filename of the template file
TemplateFile = "vinyambar.html"
DefaultTitle = "Vinyambar Parteibörse"
dbname = "vinyambar"
From = "accounts@vinyambar.de"
Errors = ""
db = MySQLdb.connect(db=dbname)
# define a new function called Display
# it takes one parameter - a string to Display
def Display(Content, Title=DefaultTitle):
TemplateHandle = open(TemplateFile, "r") # open in read only mode
# read the entire file as a string
TemplateInput = TemplateHandle.read()
TemplateHandle.close() # close the file
# for key in Form.keys():
# Content=Content+"
# this defines an exception string in case our
# template file is messed up
BadTemplateException = "There was a problem with the HTML template."
SubResult = re.subn("", Title, TemplateInput)
SubResult = re.subn("", Content, SubResult[0])
if SubResult[1] == 0:
raise BadTemplateException
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
print SubResult[0]
def ShowPage():
maxturn = {}
games = cursor.execute("SELECT max(lastturn), game from subscriptions GROUP by game")
while games>0:
lastturn, game = cursor.fetchone()
maxturn[game] = lastturn
Um eine der folgenden Parteien zu übernehmen, musst du zuerst ein Spielerkonto anlegen. Wenn Du eines hast, markiere die Partei, die Du übernehmen willst, und trage Kundennummer und Kundenpasswort ein.' query = "SELECT g.id, g.name, s.faction, s.lastturn, s.id, r.name, s.info from games g, subscriptions s, races r where s.game=g.id and s.race=r.race and s.status='CANCELLED' order by s.lastturn DESC" results = cursor.execute(query) output=output+'
' Display(output) return Form = cgi.FieldStorage() custid=None password=None if Form.has_key("user"): custid = int(Form["user"].value) if Form.has_key("pass"): password = Form["pass"].value if (password!=None) & (custid!=None): cursor=db.cursor() output="" if cursor.execute("select firstname, lastname, email, id from users where password='"+password+"' and id="+str(int(custid)))==1: firstname, lastname, email, custid = cursor.fetchone() c = cursor.execute("SELECT id, game, password, faction from subscriptions where status='CANCELLED'") while c>0: c=c-1 sid, gid, newpass, faction = cursor.fetchone() if Form.has_key("accept_"+str(int(sid))): update = db.cursor() update.execute("UPDATE subscriptions set user=" + str(int(custid)) + ", status='ACTIVE' where id=" + str(int(sid))) output=output+"Die Partei " + faction + " wurde Dir überschrieben. Eine Email mit dem Passwort und weiteren Hinweisen ist unterwegs zu Dir.