function kill_nonstarters() for f in factions() do if f.lastturn==1 then kill_faction(f, true) end end end function kill_multis(multis, destructive) for idx, fno in ipairs(multis) do local f = get_faction(fno) if f~=nil and"" then kill_faction(f, destructive) end end end function mark_multis(multis, block) if multis~=nil then for idx, fno in ipairs(multis) do local f = get_faction(fno) if f~=nil and"" then print("* multi-player " .. tostring(f)) mark_multi(f, block) end end end end -- destroy a faction -- destructive: kill all of its buildings and the home region, too. function kill_faction(f, destructive) for u in f.units do local r = u.region local b = u.building unit.destroy(u) if destructive and b~=nil then building.destroy(b) local nuke = true for v in r.units do if then -- print("cannot nuke: " .. tostring(v.faction)) nuke = false break end end r.terrain_name = nil if nuke and num_oceans(r)<=1 then -- print("nuke!") r.terrain = "ocean" else -- print("cannot nuke: > 1 oceans") r.terrain = "glacier" r.peasants = 10 r:set_resource("money", 100) b = building.create(r, "monument") b.size = 1 = "Memento Mori" = "Eine kleine " .. translate("race::" .. f.race .."_x") .. "-Statue erinnert hier an ein verschwundenes Volk" end end end faction.destroy(f) end local function mark_multi(f, block) f.password = "doppelspieler" = "" f.banner = "Diese Partei steht wegen vermuteten Doppelspiels unter Beobachtung." for u in f.units do u.race_name = "toad" if block and u.building~=nil then local found = false for u2 in u.region.units do if then found = true break end end if not found then u.region.terrain_name = "firewall" u.region:set_flag(2) -- RF_BLOCKED end end end end local function num_oceans(r) local oceans = 0 local p = r:next(5) for d = 0,5 do local n = r:next(d) if p.terrain~="ocean" and n.terrain=="ocean" then oceans = oceans +1 end p = n end return oceans end