/* vi: set ts=2: * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2003 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include <platform.h> #include <kernel/config.h> #include "unitcurse.h" /* kernel includes */ #include <kernel/curse.h> #include <kernel/message.h> #include <kernel/race.h> #include <kernel/skill.h> #include <kernel/unit.h> #include <kernel/faction.h> #include <kernel/objtypes.h> #include <kernel/version.h> /* util includes */ #include <util/language.h> #include <util/nrmessage.h> #include <util/message.h> #include <util/base36.h> #include <util/functions.h> #include <util/storage.h> /* libc includes */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_AURA */ /* erh�ht/senkt regeneration und maxaura um effect% */ static message *cinfo_auraboost(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { struct unit *u = (struct unit *)obj; unused(typ); assert(typ == TYP_UNIT); if (self != 0) { if (curse_geteffect(c) > 100) { return msg_message("curseinfo::auraboost_0", "unit id", u, c->no); } else { return msg_message("curseinfo::auraboost_1", "unit id", u, c->no); } } return NULL; } static struct curse_type ct_auraboost = { "auraboost", CURSETYP_NORM, CURSE_SPREADMODULO, (NO_MERGE), cinfo_auraboost }; /* Magic Boost - Gabe des Chaos */ static struct curse_type ct_magicboost = { "magicboost", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADMODULO | CURSE_IMMUNE, M_MEN, cinfo_simple }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_SLAVE */ static message *cinfo_slave(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { unit *u; unused(typ); assert(typ == TYP_UNIT); u = (unit *) obj; if (self != 0) { return msg_message("curseinfo::slave_1", "unit duration id", u, c->duration, c->no); } return NULL; } static struct curse_type ct_slavery = { "slavery", CURSETYP_NORM, 0, NO_MERGE, cinfo_slave }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_CALM */ static message *cinfo_calm(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { unused(typ); assert(typ == TYP_UNIT); if (c->magician && c->magician->faction) { faction *f = c->magician->faction; unit *u = (unit *) obj; if (f == NULL || self == 0) { const struct race *rc = u_irace(c->magician); return msg_message("curseinfo::calm_0", "unit race id", u, rc, c->no); } return msg_message("curseinfo::calm_1", "unit faction id", u, f, c->no); } return NULL; } static struct curse_type ct_calmmonster = { "calmmonster", CURSETYP_NORM, CURSE_SPREADNEVER | CURSE_ONLYONE, NO_MERGE, cinfo_calm }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_SPEED */ static message *cinfo_speed(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { unused(typ); assert(typ == TYP_UNIT); if (self != 0) { unit *u = (unit *) obj; return msg_message("curseinfo::speed_1", "unit number duration id", u, c->data.i, c->duration, c->no); } return NULL; } static struct curse_type ct_speed = { "speed", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADNEVER, M_MEN, cinfo_speed }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_ORC */ message *cinfo_unit(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { unused(typ); assert(typ == TYP_UNIT); if (self != 0) { unit *u = (unit *) obj; return msg_message(mkname("curseinfo", c->type->cname), "unit id", u, c->no); } return NULL; } static struct curse_type ct_orcish = { "orcish", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADMODULO | CURSE_ISNEW, M_MEN, cinfo_unit }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_KAELTESCHUTZ */ static message *cinfo_kaelteschutz(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { unused(typ); assert(typ == TYP_UNIT); if (self != 0) { unit *u = (unit *) obj; return msg_message("curseinfo::warmth_1", "unit number id", u, get_cursedmen(u, c), c->no); } return NULL; } static struct curse_type ct_insectfur = { "insectfur", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADMODULO, (M_MEN | M_DURATION), cinfo_kaelteschutz }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_SPARKLE */ static message *cinfo_sparkle(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { const char *effects[] = { NULL, /* end grau */ "sparkle_1", "sparkle_2", NULL, /* end traum */ "sparkle_3", "sparkle_4", NULL, /* end tybied */ "sparkle_5", "sparkle_6", "sparkle_7", "sparkle_8", NULL, /* end cerrdor */ "sparkle_9", "sparkle_10", "sparkle_11", "sparkle_12", NULL, /* end gwyrrd */ "sparkle_13", "sparkle_14", "sparkle_15", "sparkle_16", "sparkle_17", "sparkle_18", NULL, /* end draig */ }; int m, begin = 0, end = 0; unit *u; unused(typ); assert(typ == TYP_UNIT); u = (unit *) obj; if (!c->magician || !c->magician->faction) return NULL; for (m = 0; m != c->magician->faction->magiegebiet; ++m) { while (effects[end] != NULL) ++end; begin = end + 1; end = begin; } while (effects[end] != NULL) ++end; if (end == begin) return NULL; else { int index = begin + curse_geteffect_int(c) % (end - begin); return msg_message(mkname("curseinfo", effects[index]), "unit id", u, c->no); } } static struct curse_type ct_sparkle = { "sparkle", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADMODULO, (M_MEN | M_DURATION), cinfo_sparkle }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_STRENGTH */ static struct curse_type ct_strength = { "strength", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADMODULO, M_MEN, cinfo_simple }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_ALLSKILLS (Alp) */ static struct curse_type ct_worse = { "worse", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADMODULO | CURSE_NOAGE, M_MEN, cinfo_unit }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_ITEMCLOAK */ static struct curse_type ct_itemcloak = { "itemcloak", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADNEVER, M_DURATION, cinfo_unit }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct curse_type ct_fumble = { "fumble", CURSETYP_NORM, CURSE_SPREADNEVER | CURSE_ONLYONE, NO_MERGE, cinfo_unit }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct curse_type ct_oldrace = { "oldrace", CURSETYP_NORM, CURSE_SPREADALWAYS, NO_MERGE, NULL }; static struct curse_type ct_magicresistance = { "magicresistance", CURSETYP_UNIT, CURSE_SPREADMODULO, M_MEN, cinfo_simple }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * C_SKILL */ static int read_skill(struct storage *store, curse * c, void *target) { int skill; if (store->version < CURSETYPE_VERSION) { int men; skill = store->r_int(store); men = store->r_int(store); } else { skill = store->r_int(store); } c->data.i = skill; return 0; } static int write_skill(struct storage *store, const curse * c, const void *target) { store->w_int(store, c->data.i); return 0; } static message *cinfo_skillmod(const void *obj, typ_t typ, const curse * c, int self) { unused(typ); if (self != 0) { unit *u = (unit *) obj; int sk = c->data.i; if (c->effect > 0) { return msg_message("curseinfo::skill_1", "unit skill id", u, sk, c->no); } else if (c->effect < 0) { return msg_message("curseinfo::skill_2", "unit skill id", u, sk, c->no); } } return NULL; } static struct curse_type ct_skillmod = { "skillmod", CURSETYP_NORM, CURSE_SPREADMODULO, M_MEN, cinfo_skillmod, NULL, read_skill, write_skill }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ void register_unitcurse(void) { ct_register(&ct_auraboost); ct_register(&ct_magicboost); ct_register(&ct_slavery); ct_register(&ct_calmmonster); ct_register(&ct_speed); ct_register(&ct_orcish); ct_register(&ct_insectfur); ct_register(&ct_sparkle); ct_register(&ct_strength); ct_register(&ct_worse); ct_register(&ct_skillmod); ct_register(&ct_itemcloak); ct_register(&ct_fumble); ct_register(&ct_oldrace); ct_register(&ct_magicresistance); }