/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #define BOOL_DEFINED /* wenn config.h nicht vor curses included wird, kompiliert es unter windows nicht */ #include #include #include #include "mapper.h" /* kernel includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include #include #include #define findunit(f,r) findunitg(f,r) static region *shipregion; void SpecialFunctionUnit(unit *u) { WINDOW *win; win = openwin(60, 5, "< Specials Units >"); wmove(win, 1, 2); wAddstr("B - give balloon"); wmove(win, 2, 2); wrefresh(win); switch(getch()) { case 'b': case 'B': { ship *sh = new_ship(st_find("balloon"), u->region); addlist(&u->region->ships, sh); set_string(&sh->name, "Ballon"); set_string(&sh->display, "Eine große leuchtendrote Werbeaufschrift " "für den Xontormia Express prangt auf einer Seite des Luftgefährts."); freset(sh, FL_UNNAMED); sh->size = 5; leave(u->region, u); u->ship = sh; fset(u, FL_OWNER); } break; } delwin(win); } unit * make_new_unit(region * r) { unit *u; faction *f; WINDOW *win; char *fac_nr36; int i, p, anz, q, y; win = openwin(SX - 10, 8, "< Neue Einheit erschaffen >"); if (r->units) p = r->units->faction->no; else p = 0; do { fac_nr36 = my_input(win, 2, 1, "Parteinummer: ", itoa36(p)); if(fac_nr36 == NULL || *fac_nr36 == 0) { delwin(win); return 0; } f = findfaction(atoi36(fac_nr36)); } while (!f); wmove(win, 1, 2); wclrtoeol(win); wmove(win, 1, win->_maxx); waddch(win, '|'); wmove(win, 1, 2); wAddstr(factionname(f)); wrefresh(win); anz = map_input(win, 2, 2, "Anzahl Personen", 0, 9999, 1); if (anz > 0) { q = 0; y = 4; wmove(win, y, 4); for (i = 0; i < MAXRACES; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%d=%s; ", i, new_race[i]->_name[0]); q += strlen(buf); if (q > SX - 20) { q = strlen(buf); y++; wmove(win, y, 4); } wAddstr(buf); } q = map_input(win, 2, 3, "Rasse", 0, MAXRACES-1, old_race(f->race)); u = createunit(r, f, anz, new_race[q]); if (p==0) u->age = (short)map_input(win, 2, 4, "Alter", 1, 99, 1); else u->age = 0; for (; y > 3; y--) { wmove(win, y, 4); wclrtoeol(win); wrefresh(win); wmove(win, y, win->_maxx); waddch(win, '|'); wrefresh(win); } buf[0] = 0; strcpy(buf, my_input(win, 2, 4, "Name: ", NULL)); if (buf[0]) set_string(&u->name, buf); if (!strlen(u->name)) set_string(&u->name, buf); set_money(u, map_input(win, 2, 5, "Silber", 0, 999999, anz * 10)); } else u = NULL; delwin(win); return u; } void copy_unit(unit * from, unit * to) { memcpy(to, from, sizeof(unit)); } static int input_string(const char * text, char * result, size_t len) { WINDOW * wn; int res; wn = newwin(1, SX, SY-1, 0); werase(wn); wmove(wn, 0, 0); wattron(wn, A_BOLD); waddstr(wn, text); waddstr(wn, ": "); echo(); curs_set(1); res = wgetnstr(wn, result, len); curs_set(0); noecho(); delwin(wn); return res; } #ifdef NEW_ITEMS static boolean i_modif = false; static void chg_item(selection * s, void * data) { unit * u = (unit *)data; int i; i = input_string("Anzahl", buf, 80); if (i==ERR) return; i = atoi(buf); if (i) { const item_type * itype = (const item_type *)s->data; item * itm = i_change(&u->items, itype, i); int k = itm?itm->number:0; sprintf(buf, "%s: %d", locale_string(NULL, resourcename(itype->rtype, GR_PLURAL)), k); i_modif = true; free(s->str); s->str = strdup(buf); } } #endif boolean modify_items(unit * u) { selection *ilist = NULL, **ilast = &ilist; const item_type * itype = itemtypes; while (itype!=NULL) { selection * prev = NULL; item * itm = *i_find(&u->items, itype); int q = itm?itm->number:0; sprintf(buf, "%s: %d", locale_string(NULL, resourcename(itype->rtype, GR_PLURAL)), q); for (ilast = &ilist; *ilast; ilast=&(*ilast)->next) { if (strcmp((*ilast)->str, buf)>0) break; prev = *ilast; } insert_selection(ilast, prev, strdup(buf), (void*)itype); itype=itype->next; while (ilist->prev!=NULL) ilist=ilist->prev; } i_modif = false; do_selection(ilist, "Gegenstände", chg_item, (void*)u); while (ilist) { selection * s = ilist; ilist=ilist->next; free((void*)s->str); free(s); } return i_modif; } #if 0 char modify_zauber(unit * u) { int q, L; char i, x, modif = 0; WINDOW *wn; char *ZL[MAXSPELLS]; if (SY > MAXSPELLS + 2) L = MAXSPELLS; else L = 10; wn = newwin(L + 2, 50, (SY - L - 2) / 2, (SX - 50) / 2); wclear(wn); /* wborder(wn, '|', '|', '-', '-', '.', '.', '`', '\''); */ wborder(wn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wmove(wn, 0, 3); waddnstr(wn, "< Zauber >", -1); for (i = 0; i < MAXSPELLS; i++) { if (get_spell(u, i)) sprintf(buf, "%s", spellnames[i]); else sprintf(buf, " (%s)", spellnames[i]); ZL[i] = strdup(buf); modif = 1; if (L > 10) { wmove(wn, i + 1, 4); waddnstr(wn, ZL[i], -1); } } x = 0; do { if (L == 10) { for (i = 0; i < L && i + x < MAXSPELLS; i++) { wmove(wn, i + 1, 2); wclrtoeol(wn); if (i == 0) wattron(wn, A_BOLD); waddnstr(wn, ZL[i + x], -1); if (i == 0) wattroff(wn, A_BOLD); } if (i < L) for (; i < L; i++) { wmove(wn, i + 1, 2); wclrtoeol(wn); } /* wborder(wn, '|', '|', '-', '-', '.', '.', '`', '\''); */ wborder(wn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wmove(wn, 0, 3); waddnstr(wn, "< Zauber >", -1); } else { wmove(wn, x + 1, 1); waddnstr(wn, "-> ", -1); wattron(wn, A_BOLD); waddnstr(wn, ZL[x], -1); wattroff(wn, A_BOLD); wmove(wn, x + 1, 1); } wrefresh(wn); q = getch(); if (L > 10) { waddnstr(wn, " ", -1); waddnstr(wn, ZL[x], -1); } switch (q) { case KEY_DOWN: if (x < MAXSPELLS - 1) x++; else beep(); break; case KEY_UP: if (x > 0) x--; else beep(); break; case 10: case 13: if (get_spell(u, x)) { sprintf(buf, " (%s)", spellnames[x]); set_spell(u, x, false); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s", spellnames[x]); set_spell(u, x, true); } free(ZL[x]); ZL[x] = strdup(buf); modif = 1; break; } } while (q != 27 && q != 'q'); delwin(wn); return modif; } #endif char modify_talente(unit * u, region * r) { int q, L; item_t i; unsigned char x; char modif=0; WINDOW *wn; char *TL[MAXSKILLS]; if (SY > MAXSKILLS + 2) L = MAXSKILLS; else L = 10; wn = newwin(L + 2, 40, (SY - L - 2) / 2, (SX - 40) / 2); wclear(wn); /* wborder(wn, '|', '|', '-', '-', '.', '.', '`', '\''); */ wborder(wn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wmove(wn, 0, 3); waddnstr(wn, "< Talente >", -1); for (i = 0; i < MAXSKILLS; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%s %d", skillname(i, NULL), eff_skill(u, i, r)); TL[i] = strdup(buf); if (L > 10) { wmove(wn, i + 1, 4); waddnstr(wn, TL[i], -1); } } x = 0; do { if (L == 10) { for (i = 0; i < L && i + x < MAXSKILLS; i++) { wmove(wn, i + 1, 2); wclrtoeol(wn); if (i == 0) wattron(wn, A_BOLD); waddnstr(wn, TL[i + x], -1); if (i == 0) wattroff(wn, A_BOLD); } if (i < L) for (; i < L; i++) { wmove(wn, i + 1, 2); wclrtoeol(wn); } /* wborder(wn, '|', '|', '-', '-', '.', '.', '`', '\''); */ wborder(wn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); wmove(wn, 0, 3); waddnstr(wn, "< Talente >", -1); } else { wmove(wn, x + 1, 1); waddnstr(wn, "-> ", -1); wattron(wn, A_BOLD); waddnstr(wn, TL[x], -1); wattroff(wn, A_BOLD); wmove(wn, x + 1, 1); } wrefresh(wn); q = getch(); if (L > 10) { waddnstr(wn, " ", -1); waddnstr(wn, TL[x], -1); } switch (q) { case KEY_DOWN: if (x < MAXSKILLS - 1) x++; else beep(); break; case KEY_UP: if (x > 0) x--; else beep(); break; case 10: case 13: if (L == 10) { wmove(wn, x + 2, 2); wclrtoeol(wn); wmove(wn, x + 2, 39); waddch(wn, '|'); wrefresh(wn); q = map_input(wn, 2, 2, "Talentstufe", 0, 30, get_level(u, x)); } else { q = map_input(0, 0, 0, "Talentstufe", 0, 30, get_level(u, x)); touchwin(mywin); touchwin(wn); wrefresh(mywin); /* altes Fenster überbügeln */ } set_level(u, x, q); sprintf(buf, "%s %d", skillname(x, NULL), eff_skill(u, x, r)); free(TL[x]); modif = 1; TL[x] = strdup(buf); q = 0; /* sicherheitshalber, weil 27 oder 'q' -> Ende */ break; } } while (q != 27 && q != 'q'); delwin(wn); return modif; } boolean modify_unit(region * r, unit * modunit) { WINDOW *win; unit *u; int q, a, x, y, zt, zg; char modif = 0; int at; #ifdef NEW_ITEMS const item * itm; #endif wclear(mywin); sprintf(buf, "< Einheit modifizieren: %s,%s >", Unitid(modunit), factionname(modunit->faction)); movexy((SX - strlen(buf)) / 2, 1); addstr(buf); u = calloc(1, sizeof(unit)); copy_unit(modunit, u); do { skill_t sk; item_t i; y = 0; wclear(mywin); Movexy(3, y); wprintw(mywin, (NCURSES_CONST char*)"Rasse: %s", u->race->_name[0]); Movexy(3, ++y); wprintw(mywin, (NCURSES_CONST char*)"Anzahl: %d", u->number); Movexy(3, ++y); wprintw(mywin, (NCURSES_CONST char*)"Silber: %d", get_money(u)); Movexy(3, ++y); at = fval(modunit, FL_PARTEITARNUNG); wprintw(mywin, (NCURSES_CONST char*)"Parteitarnung: %s", at ? "an" : "aus"); Movexy(3, ++y); Addstr("Dämonentarnung: "); #if 0 /* ja, wie denn? */ if (u->race == new_race[RC_DAEMON] && u->itypus > 0 && u->typus != u->itypus) Addstr(typusdaten[u->itypus].name[0]); else { #endif Addstr("keine"); if (u->race != new_race[RC_DAEMON]) Addstr(" möglich"); #if 0 } #endif Movexy(3, ++y); zt = y; q = 11; x = 0; Addstr("Talente: "); for (sk = 0; sk != MAXSKILLS; sk++) { if (has_skill(u, sk)) { if (x) { Addstr(", "); q += 2; } sprintf(buf, "%s %d", skillname(sk, NULL), eff_skill(u, sk, r)); q += strlen(buf); if (q > SX - 8) { q = strlen(buf); y++; Movexy(5, y); } Addstr(buf); x = 1; } } if (!x) Addstr("keine"); y++; Movexy(3, y); q = 15; x = false; zg = y; Addstr("Gegenstände: "); for (itm=u->items;itm;itm=itm->next) { if (x) { Addstr(", "); q += 2; } sprintf(buf, "%d %s", itm->number, locale_string(NULL, resourcename(itm->type->rtype, GR_PLURAL))); q += strlen(buf); if (q > SX - 8) { q = strlen(buf); y++; Movexy(5, y); } Addstr(buf); x = true; } if (!x) Addstr("keine"); y++; y++; Movexy(3, y); Addstr("Anfangsbuchstabe, für Ende"); wrefresh(mywin); q = getch(); switch (tolower(q)) { case 't': modif = modify_talente(u, r); break; case 'g': modif = (char)modify_items(u); break; case 'r': win = openwin(SX - 10, 5, "< Rasse wählen >"); y = 2; q = 0; wmove(win, y, 4); for (i = 1; i < MAXRACES; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%d=%s; ", i, new_race[i]->_name[0]); q += strlen(buf); if (q > SX - 20) { q = strlen(buf); y++; wmove(win, y, 4); } wAddstr(buf); } u->race = new_race[map_input(win, 2, 1, "Rasse", 0, MAXRACES-1, old_race(modunit->faction->race))]; modif = 1; delwin(win); break; case 'd': if (u->race == new_race[RC_DAEMON]) { race_t rc; win = openwin(SX - 10, 5, "< Tarnrasse wählen >"); y = 2; q = 0; wmove(win, y, 4); for (rc = 1; rc != MAXRACES; rc++) { sprintf(buf, "%d=%s; ", rc, new_race[rc]->_name[0]); q += strlen(buf); if (q > SX - 20) { q = strlen(buf); y++; wmove(win, y, 4); } wAddstr(buf); } u->irace = new_race[map_input(win, 2, 1, "Tarnrasse", 0, MAXRACES, old_race(modunit->irace))]; modif = 1; delwin(win); } else beep(); break; case 'a': a = u->number; scale_number(u, map_input(0, 0, 0, "Anzahl Personen", 1, 9999, u->number)); if (a != u->number) modif = 1; break; case 's': set_money(u, map_input(0, 0, 0, "Silber", 0, 999999, get_money(u))); modif = 1; break; case 'p': q = (int) yes_no(0, "Parteitarnung?", (char) ((fval(modunit, FL_PARTEITARNUNG)) ? 'j' : 'n')); if (at && !q) { freset(modunit, FL_PARTEITARNUNG); modif = 1; } else if (!at && q) { fset(modunit, FL_PARTEITARNUNG); modif = 1; } break; } } while (q != 27 && q != 'q'); if (modif) { if (yes_no(0, "Änderungen übernehmen?", 'j')) { copy_unit(u, modunit); modified = 1; } } free(u); movexy(0, 1); hline('-', SX + 1); refresh(); return i2b(modif == 1); } dbllist *pointer; boolean isunit; void SetPointer(int dir) { dbllist *h = pointer; int pl = pline; switch (dir) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_PPAGE: case '/': case 'n': case '<': while (h) { if (h->s[0] < ' ') { if (h->s[0] == '\025') /* eine Einheit */ isunit = true; else isunit = false; pointer = h; pline = pl; return; } h = h->prev; pl--; } break; case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_NPAGE: case '>': while (h) { if (h->s[0] < ' ') { if (h->s[0] == '\025') /* eine Einheit */ isunit = true; else isunit = false; pointer = h; pline = pl; return; } h = h->next; pl++; } } /* Unten bzw. oben angekommen und nix gefunden? Dann andersrum */ h = pointer; pl = pline; switch (dir) { case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_NPAGE: case '>': while (h) { if (h->s[0] < ' ') { if (h->s[0] == '\025') /* eine Einheit */ isunit = true; else isunit = false; pointer = h; pline = pl; return; } h = h->prev; pl--; } break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_PPAGE: case KEY_LEFT: case '/': case 'n': case '<': while (h) { if (h->s[0] < ' ') { if (h->s[0] == '\025') /* eine Einheit */ isunit = true; else isunit = false; pointer = h; pline = pl; return; } h = h->next; pl++; } } return; } void Umark(int p) { Movexy(0, p); if (isunit) Addstr("=>"); else Addstr("->"); movexy(0, 1); hline('-', SX + 1); if (clipship) { sprintf(buf, "< Clipschiff: %s >", shipname(clipship)); movexy(SX - strlen(buf) - 2, 1); addstr(buf); } movexy(0, SY - 1); hline('-', SX + 1); if (clipunit) { sprintf(buf, "< Clipunit:%s >", Unitid(clipunit)); movexy(SX - strlen(buf) - 2, SY - 1); addstr(buf); } Movexy(0, p); wrefresh(mywin); } void sAddstr(char *s) { if (s[0] < ' ') s++; Addstr(s); } unit *clipunit; /* hierin kann eine Einheit gespeichert werden */ region *clipregion; /* hierher kommt die clipunit */ void dblparagraph(dbllist ** SP, char *s, int indent, char mark) { int i, j, width, delta = 0; int firstline; static char lbuf[128]; width = SX - 5 - indent; firstline = 1; for (;;) { i = 0; do { j = i; while (s[j] && s[j] != ' ') j++; if (j > width) { if (i == 0) i = width - 1; break; } i = j + 1; } while (s[j]); j = 0; if (firstline) { if (*s == '\025') { /* \023 ist ^U => Unit-Kennung */ lbuf[0] = '\025'; /* Kennung nach vorne * holen */ delta = 1; } } else delta = 0; for (j = 0; j != indent; j++) lbuf[j + delta] = ' '; if (firstline && mark) lbuf[indent - 2 + delta] = mark; for (j = 0; j != i - 1; j++) lbuf[indent + j + delta] = s[j + delta]; lbuf[indent + j + delta] = 0; adddbllist(SP, lbuf); if (!s[i - 1 + delta]) break; s += i; firstline = 0; } } void mapper_spunit(dbllist ** SP, unit * u, int indent) { int i, dh; skill_t sk; item * itm; strcpy(buf, "\025"); sncat(buf, unitname(u), BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, ", ", BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, factionname(u->faction), BUFSIZE); if (fval(u, FL_PARTEITARNUNG)) sncat(buf, " (getarnt)", BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, ", ", BUFSIZE); icat(u->number); sncat(buf, " ", BUFSIZE); i = old_race(u->race); if (u->irace != u->race) { sncat(buf, u->irace->_name[u->number != 1], BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, " (", BUFSIZE); if (u->race == new_race[RC_ILLUSION]) sncat(buf, u->faction->race->_name[u->number != 1], BUFSIZE); else sncat(buf, u->race->_name[u->number != 1], BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, ")", BUFSIZE); } else { if (u->race == new_race[RC_ILLUSION]) sncat(buf, u->faction->race->_name[u->number != 1], BUFSIZE); else sncat(buf, u->race->_name[u->number != 1], BUFSIZE); } switch (u->status) { case ST_FIGHT: sncat(buf, ", vorne", BUFSIZE); break; case ST_BEHIND: sncat(buf, ", hinten", BUFSIZE); break; case ST_AVOID: sncat(buf, ", kämpft nicht", BUFSIZE); break; case ST_FLEE: sncat(buf, ", flieht", BUFSIZE); break; default: sncat(buf, ", unbekannt", BUFSIZE); break; } sncat(buf, " (", BUFSIZE); icat(u->hp/u->number); sncat(buf, " HP)", BUFSIZE); if (fval(u, FL_GUARD)) sncat(buf, ", bewacht die Region", BUFSIZE); if (usiege(u)) { sncat(buf, ", belagert ", BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, buildingname(usiege(u)), BUFSIZE); } sncat(buf, ", ", BUFSIZE); icat(get_money(u)); sncat(buf, " Silber", BUFSIZE); dh = 0; for (sk = 0; sk != MAXSKILLS; sk++) spskill(find_locale("de"), u, sk, &dh, 1); dh = 0; for (itm = u->items;itm;itm=itm->next) { sncat(buf, ", ", BUFSIZE); if (!dh) { sncat(buf, "hat: ", BUFSIZE); dh = 1; } if (itm->number == 1) sncat(buf, locale_string(NULL, resourcename(itm->type->rtype, 0)), BUFSIZE); else { icat(itm->number); sncat(buf, " ", BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, locale_string(NULL, resourcename(itm->type->rtype, GR_PLURAL)), BUFSIZE); } } dh = 0; #if 0 for (spell = 0; spell != MAXSPELLS; spell++) if (get_spell(u, spell)) { sncat(buf, ", ", BUFSIZE); if (!dh) { sncat(buf, "Zauber: ", BUFSIZE); dh = 1; } sncat(buf, spellnames[spell], BUFSIZE); } #endif if (u->lastorder[0]) { scat(", \""); sncat(buf, u->lastorder, BUFSIZE); scat("\""); } #if 0 if (u->combatspell != NOSPELL) { sncat(buf, ", Kampfzauber: ", BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, spellnames[u->combatspell], BUFSIZE); } #endif if (uprivate(u)) { sncat(buf, " (Bem: ", BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, uprivate(u), BUFSIZE); sncat(buf, ")", BUFSIZE); } sncat(buf, ".", BUFSIZE); dblparagraph(SP, buf, indent, '-'); adddbllist(SP, " "); } int showunits(region * r) { unit *u, *x; building *b; ship *sh; dbllist *eh = NULL, *unten, *oben, *hlp = NULL, *such = NULL, *tmp; int line, ch, bottom, bot, f, f2; size_t lt; char *s = NULL, *txt, *suchtext = 0, str[45], lbuf[256]; clear(); strncpy(str, rname(r, NULL), 44); str[44] = 0; movexy(0, 0); printw((NCURSES_CONST char*)"Einheiten in %s (%d,%d):", str, r->x, r->y); movexy(0, SY); addstr("/,n: Suche; N: NewUnit; G: GetUnit; P: PutUnit; M: Modify; S: Schiff; B: Burg"); refresh(); for (b = r->buildings; b; b = b->next) { if (b->type == &bt_castle) { sprintf(lbuf, "\002%s, Größe %d, %s", buildingname(b), b->size, buildingtype(b, b->size /*, NULL */)); } else { sprintf(lbuf, "\002%s, Größe %d, %s", buildingname(b), b->size, buildingtype(b, b->size /*, NULL */)); if (b->type->maxsize > 0 && b->size < b->type->maxsize) { sncat(lbuf, " (im Bau)", BUFSIZE); } } adddbllist(&eh, lbuf); adddbllist(&eh, " "); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->building == b && fval(u, FL_OWNER)) { mapper_spunit(&eh, u, 4); break; } } for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->building == b && !fval(u, FL_OWNER)) { mapper_spunit(&eh, u, 4); } } } for (sh = r->ships; sh; sh = sh->next) { f=0; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) if (u->ship == sh) f += weight(u); sprintf(lbuf, "\023%s, %s, (%d/%d)", shipname(sh), sh->type->name[0], (f+99)/100, shipcapacity(sh)/100); if (sh->type->construction && sh->size!=sh->type->construction->maxsize) { f = 100 * (sh->size) / sh->type->construction->maxsize; sncat(lbuf, ", im Bau (", BUFSIZE); icat(f); sncat(lbuf, "%) ", BUFSIZE); } if (sh->damage) { sncat(lbuf, ", ", BUFSIZE); icat(sh->damage); sncat(lbuf, "% beschädigt", BUFSIZE); } adddbllist(&eh, lbuf); adddbllist(&eh, " "); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->ship == sh && fval(u, FL_OWNER)) { mapper_spunit(&eh, u, 4); break; } } for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->ship == sh && !fval(u, FL_OWNER)) mapper_spunit(&eh, u, 4); } } if (!r->units) { adddbllist(&eh, "keine Einheiten"); adddbllist(&eh, " "); } else { for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (!u->ship && !u->building) mapper_spunit(&eh, u, 2); } } mywin = newwin(SY - 3, SX, 2, 0); wclear(mywin); bot = mywin->_maxy + 1; if (!pointer) pointer = eh; else { pointer = eh; for (f = 0; f < pline && pointer->next; f++) pointer = pointer->next; } oben = pointer; f = 4; while (oben->prev && --f!=0) oben = oben->prev; /* Wenn dies ein "Fullredraw" ist, pointer dorthin, wo wir vorher ungefähr waren. */ for (line=0, unten=oben; linenext; line++, unten=unten->next) { Movexy(3, line); sAddstr(unten->s); } bottom = line - 1; tmp = oben; pline = 0; while (tmp != pointer) { pline++; tmp = tmp->next; } scrollok(mywin, TRUE); ch = KEY_DOWN; wrefresh(mywin); for (;;) { SetPointer(ch); if (pline < 0 || pline >= bot || !pointer) beep(); else Umark(pline); ch = getch(); if (pointer) Addstr(" "); switch (ch) { case KEY_DOWN: if (pointer->next) { pointer = pointer->next; pline++; } else beep(); if (pline > bot - 5 && unten->next) { line = bot - 5; while (line && unten->next) { unten = unten->next; oben = oben->next; pline--; line--; } f = -1; } break; case KEY_UP: if (pointer->prev) { pointer = pointer->prev; pline--; } else beep(); if (pline < 5 && oben != eh) { line = bot - 5; while (line && oben->prev) { unten = unten->prev; oben = oben->prev; pline++; line--; } f = -1; } break; case KEY_NPAGE: case KEY_RIGHT: for (line = 0; line < 20 && unten->next; line++) { oben = oben->next; unten = unten->next; if (pointer->next) pointer = pointer->next; } f = -1; break; case KEY_PPAGE: case KEY_LEFT: for (line = 0; line < 20 && oben->prev; line++) { oben = oben->prev; unten = unten->prev; if (pointer->prev) pointer = pointer->prev; } f = -1; break; case '/': suchtext = my_input(0, 0, 0, "Suchtext: ", NULL); such = eh; case 'n': if (suchtext) { line = 0; lt = strlen(suchtext); while (such->next && !line) { s = such->s; while (strlen(s) >= lt && !line) { if (strncasecmp(s, suchtext, lt) == 0) line = 1; s++; } if (!line) such = such->next; } if (line) { wclear(mywin); oben = such->prev ? such->prev : such; pline = 0; /* unten = hlp->prev; */ while (oben->prev && oben->s[0] != '\025') { /* eine Einheit */ oben = oben->prev; unten = unten->prev; } pointer = oben; Movexy(3, 0); for (line = 1, hlp = oben; line < bot && hlp->next; line++, hlp = hlp->next) { Movexy(3, line); if (hlp == such) { txt = such->s; s--; ch = *s; *s = 0; sAddstr(txt); wattron(mywin, A_REVERSE); *s = (char)ch; txt = s; ch = txt[lt]; txt[lt] = 0; Addstr(txt); wattroff(mywin, A_REVERSE); txt[lt] = (char)ch; txt += lt; Addstr(txt); } else sAddstr(hlp->s); } bottom = line - 1; } else { movexy(0, SY); beep(); clrtoeol(); printw((NCURSES_CONST char*)"'%s' nicht gefunden.", suchtext); refresh(); } } else beep(); break; case KEY_HELP: case '?': case 'h': movexy(0, SY); clrtoeol(); addstr("/,n:Suche; N:New; G:Get; P:Put; M:Modify; B:Burg; S:Schiff;"); refresh(); break; case '>': while (unten->next) { unten = unten->next; oben = oben->next; } while (pointer->next) pointer = pointer->next; pline = bot; f = -1; break; case '<': pointer = such = oben = eh; pline = 0; f = -1; break; case 'X': if(clipunit) { SpecialFunctionUnit(clipunit); modified = 1; clipunit = 0; clipregion = 0; for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ freelist(eh); delwin(mywin); return 1; } break; case 'N': if ((u = make_new_unit(r))!=NULL) { modified = 1; if ((s = strchr(pointer->s, '('))!=NULL) { s++; f = atoi(s); switch (pointer->s[0]) { case '\002': b = findbuilding(f); sprintf(lbuf, "Einheit in %s als Eigner?", BuildingName(b)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'j')) { for (x = r->units; x; x = x->next) if (x->building == b && fval(x, FL_OWNER)) { freset(x, FL_OWNER); break; } u->building = b; fset(u, FL_OWNER); } break; case '\023': sh = findship(f); sprintf(lbuf, "Einheit auf%s als Eigner?", shipname(sh)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'j')) { for (x = r->units; x; x = x->next) if (x->ship == sh && fval(x, FL_OWNER)) { freset(x, FL_OWNER); break; } u->ship = sh; fset(u, FL_OWNER); } break; case '\025': x = findunit(f, r); if(x) { if (x->building) { sprintf(lbuf, "Einheit in %s rein?", buildingname(x->building)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'j')) u->building = x->building; } else if (x->ship) { sprintf(lbuf, "Einheit auf%s rauf?", shipname(x->ship)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'j')) u->ship = x->ship; } } break; } } for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ delwin(mywin); freelist(eh); return 1; } case 12: /* ^L */ f = -1; break; case 'S': if (!clipship) beep(); else { sprintf(lbuf, "Schiff%s löschen?", shipname(clipship)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'n')) { modified = 1; for (x = shipregion->units; x; x = x->next) leave(shipregion, x); destroy_ship(clipship, shipregion); clipship = 0; shipregion = 0; for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ delwin(mywin); freelist(eh); return 1; } else wrefresh(mywin); } break; case 's': if (clipship && shipregion != r) { unit *un; sprintf(lbuf, "Schiff %s einfügen?", shipname(clipship)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'j')) { boolean owner_set = false; for (x = shipregion->units; x;) { un = x->next; if (x->ship == clipship) { f = (int) fval(x, FL_OWNER); leave(shipregion, x); translist(&shipregion->units, &r->units, x); x->ship = clipship; if (owner_set == false && f) { owner_set = true; fset(x, FL_OWNER); } else { freset(x, FL_OWNER); } } x = un; } move_ship(clipship, shipregion, r, NULL); clipship = NULL; shipregion = NULL; } } else NeuesSchiff(r); for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ freelist(eh); delwin(mywin); return 1; case 'b': NeueBurg(r); for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ freelist(eh); delwin(mywin); return 1; case 'B': if (pointer) { if ((s = strchr(pointer->s, '('))!=NULL) { s++; f = atoi36(s); if (f) { b = findbuilding(f); if (b) { sprintf(lbuf, "Gebäude %s löschen?", BuildingName(b)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'n')) { modified = 1; for (x = r->units; x; x = x->next) if (x->building == b) leave(r, x); destroy_building(b); for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ delwin(mywin); freelist(eh); return 1; } else wrefresh(mywin); } } } } break; case 'U': f = map_input(0, 0, 0, "Einheit Nummer", 0, 99999, 0); if (f) clipunit = findunit(f, r); break; case 'M': if (!isunit || !pointer) { movexy(0, SY); clrtoeol(); movexy(0, SY); addstr("keine Einheit hier"); refresh(); } else { s = strchr(pointer->s, '('); if (s) { s++; f = atoi36(s); x = findunit(f, r); if (x && modify_unit(r, findunit(f, r))) { for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ freelist(eh); delwin(mywin); clipunit = x; clipregion = r; return 1; } else f = -1; } } break; case 'P': case 'p': if (!clipunit) beep(); else { leave(clipregion, clipunit); if (r != clipregion) translist(&clipregion->units, &r->units, clipunit); modified = 1; if (pointer && (s = strchr(pointer->s, '('))!=NULL) { s++; f = atoi36(s); if (f) switch (pointer->s[0]) { case '\025': f = atoi36(s); x = findunit(f, r); clipunit->building = x->building; clipunit->ship = x->ship; clipregion = r; break; case '\002': f = atoi(s); b = findbuilding(f); for (x = r->units; x; x = x->next) if (x->building == b && fval(x, FL_OWNER)) freset(x, FL_OWNER); clipunit->building = b; fset(clipunit, FL_OWNER); break; case '\023': f = atoi(s); sh = findship(f); for (x = r->units; x; x = x->next) if (x->ship == sh && fval(x, FL_OWNER)) freset(x, FL_OWNER); clipunit->ship = sh; fset(clipunit, FL_OWNER); break; } } for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ delwin(mywin); freelist(eh); return 1; /* -> totaler Neuaufbau der * Liste */ } break; case 'E': clipunit = 0; clipregion = 0; break; case 'D': if (!clipunit) beep(); else { sprintf(lbuf, "Einheit %s löschen?", Unitid(clipunit)); if (yes_no(0, lbuf, 'n')) { modified = 1; destroy_unit(clipunit); clipunit = 0; clipregion = 0; for (pline = 0, tmp = eh; tmp != pointer; tmp = tmp->next) pline++; /* Stelle merken */ freelist(eh); delwin(mywin); return 1; } else wrefresh(mywin); } break; case 'G': case 'g': if (!pointer) { movexy(0, SY); addstr("kann hier nichts aufnehmen"); refresh(); } else { if ((s = strchr(pointer->s, '('))!=NULL) { s++; f = atoi36(s); f2 = atoi36(s); if (f || f2) switch (pointer->s[0]) { case '\025': clipunit = findunit(f, r); clipregion = r; break; case '\023': clipship = findship(f2); shipregion = r; break; } } } break; case 27: /* Esc */ case 'q': delwin(mywin); freelist(eh); pointer = NULL; return 0; } if (f < 0) { wclear(mywin); for (line = 0, unten = oben; line < bot && unten->next; line++, unten = unten->next) { Movexy(3, line); sAddstr(unten->s); } bottom = line - 1; f = 0; } } }