/* vi: set ts=2: * * * Eressea PB(E)M host Copyright (C) 1998-2000 * Christian Schlittchen (corwin@amber.kn-bremen.de) * Katja Zedel (katze@felidae.kn-bremen.de) * Henning Peters (faroul@beyond.kn-bremen.de) * Enno Rehling (enno@eressea-pbem.de) * Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) * * This program may not be used, modified or distributed without * prior permission by the authors of Eressea. */ #include #include "eressea.h" #include "ship.h" /* kernel includes */ #include "unit.h" #include "item.h" #include "region.h" #include "skill.h" /* util includes */ #include #include #include #include /* libc includes */ #include #include ship_typelist *shiptypes = NULL; static local_names * snames; const ship_type * findshiptype(const char * name, const locale * lang) { local_names * sn = snames; void * i; while (sn) { if (sn->lang==lang) break; sn=sn->next; } if (!sn) { struct ship_typelist * stl = shiptypes; sn = calloc(sizeof(local_names), 1); sn->next = snames; sn->lang = lang; while (stl) { const char * n = locale_string(lang, stl->type->name[0]); addtoken(&sn->names, n, (void*)stl->type); stl=stl->next; } snames = sn; } if (findtoken(&sn->names, name, &i)==E_TOK_NOMATCH) return NULL; return (const ship_type*)i; } const ship_type * st_find(const char* name) { const struct ship_typelist * stl = shiptypes; while (stl && strcasecmp(stl->type->name[0], name)) stl = stl->next; if (!stl) { /* compatibility for old datafiles */ stl = shiptypes; while (stl && strcasecmp(locale_string(default_locale, stl->type->name[0]), name)) stl = stl->next; } return stl?stl->type:NULL; } void st_register(const ship_type * type) { struct ship_typelist * stl = malloc(sizeof(ship_type)); stl->type = type; stl->next = shiptypes; shiptypes = stl; } #define SMAXHASH 8191 ship *shiphash[SMAXHASH]; void shash(ship * s) { ship *old = shiphash[s->no % SMAXHASH]; shiphash[s->no % SMAXHASH] = s; s->nexthash = old; } void sunhash(ship * s) { ship **show; for (show = &shiphash[s->no % SMAXHASH]; *show; show = &(*show)->nexthash) { if ((*show)->no == s->no) break; } if (*show) { assert(*show == s); *show = (*show)->nexthash; s->nexthash = 0; } } static ship * sfindhash(int i) { ship *old; for (old = shiphash[i % SMAXHASH]; old; old = old->nexthash) if (old->no == i) return old; return 0; } struct ship * findship(int i) { return sfindhash(i); } void damage_ship(ship * sh, double percent) { double damage = DAMAGE_SCALE * percent * sh->size + sh->damage; sh->damage = (int)damage; } unit * captain(ship *sh, region *r) { unit *u; for(u = r->units; u; u = u->next) if(u->ship == sh && fval(u, FL_OWNER)) return u; return NULL; } /* Alte Schiffstypen: */ #ifdef NOXMLBOATS static const terrain_t coast_large[] = { T_OCEAN, T_PLAIN, NOTERRAIN }; static terrain_t coast_small[] = { T_OCEAN, T_PLAIN, T_SWAMP, T_DESERT, T_HIGHLAND, T_MOUNTAIN, T_GLACIER, T_GRASSLAND, T_VOLCANO, T_VOLCANO_SMOKING, T_ICEBERG_SLEEP, T_ICEBERG, NOTERRAIN }; static requirement boat_req[] = { {I_WOOD, 1}, {0, 0} }; static const construction boat_bld = { SK_SHIPBUILDING, 1, 5, 1, boat_req, NULL }; const ship_type st_boat = { { "Boot", "ein Boot" }, 2, SFL_OPENSEA, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 5, 50*100, 1, 1, 2, coast_small, &boat_bld }; static requirement balloon_req[] = { {0, 0} }; static const construction balloon_bld = { SK_SHIPBUILDING, 100, 5, 1, balloon_req, NULL }; const ship_type st_balloon = { { "Ballon", "ein Ballon" }, 2, SFL_OPENSEA|SFL_FLY, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 5, 50*100, 6, 6, 6, coast_small, &balloon_bld }; static requirement longboat_req[] = { {I_WOOD, 1}, {0, 0} }; static const construction longboat_bld = { SK_SHIPBUILDING, 1, 50, 1, longboat_req, NULL }; const ship_type st_longboat = { { "Langboot", "ein Langboot" }, 3, SFL_OPENSEA, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 50, 500*100, 1, 1, 10, coast_large, &longboat_bld }; static requirement dragonship_req[] = { {I_WOOD, 1}, {0, 0} }; static const construction dragonship_bld = { SK_SHIPBUILDING, 2, 100, 1, dragonship_req, NULL }; const ship_type st_dragonship = { { "Drachenschiff", "ein Drachenschiff" }, 5, SFL_OPENSEA, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 100, 1000*100, 2, 1, 50, coast_large, &dragonship_bld }; static requirement caravelle_req[] = { {I_WOOD, 1}, {0, 0} }; static const construction caravelle_bld = { SK_SHIPBUILDING, 3, 250, 1, caravelle_req, NULL }; const ship_type st_caravelle = { { "Karavelle", "eine Karavelle" }, 5, SFL_OPENSEA, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 300, 3000*100, 3, 1, 30, coast_large, &caravelle_bld }; static requirement trireme_req[] = { {I_WOOD, 1}, {0, 0} }; static const construction trireme_bld = { SK_SHIPBUILDING, 4, 200, 1, trireme_req, NULL }; const ship_type st_trireme = { { "Trireme", "eine Trireme" }, 7, SFL_OPENSEA, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 200, 2000*100, 4, 1, 120, coast_large, &trireme_bld }; #endif ship * new_ship(const ship_type * stype, region * r) { static char buffer[7 + IDSIZE + 1]; ship *sh = (ship *) calloc(1, sizeof(ship)); sh->no = newcontainerid(); sh->coast = NODIRECTION; sh->type = stype; sh->region = r; sprintf(buffer, "Schiff %s", shipid(sh)); set_string(&sh->name, buffer); set_string(&sh->display, ""); fset(sh, FL_UNNAMED); shash(sh); return sh; } void destroy_ship(ship * s, region * r) { unit * u = r->units; if(!findship(s->no)) return; while (u) { if (u->ship == s) { leave_ship(u); } u = u->next; } sunhash(s); choplist(&r->ships, s); handle_event(&s->attribs, "destroy", s); } const char * shipname(const ship * sh) { typedef char name[OBJECTIDSIZE + 1]; static name idbuf[8]; static int nextbuf = 0; char *buf = idbuf[(++nextbuf) % 8]; sprintf(buf, "%s (%s)", strcheck(sh->name, NAMESIZE), itoa36(sh->no)); return buf; } unit * shipowner(const region * r, const ship * sh) { unit *u; unit *first = NULL; /* Prüfen ob Eigentümer am leben. */ for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (u->ship == sh) { if (!first && u->number > 0) first = u; if (fval(u, FL_OWNER) && u->number > 0) return u; if (u->number == 0) freset(u, FL_OWNER); } } /* Eigentümer tot oder kein Eigentümer vorhanden. Erste lebende Einheit * nehmen. */ if (first) fset(first, FL_OWNER); return first; } #ifdef NOXMLBOATS void xml_writeships(void) { FILE * F = fopen("ships.xml", "w"); ship_typelist *stl= shiptypes; while (stl) { int i; const ship_type * st = stl->type; fprintf(F, "name[0]), st->range, st->storm, st->damage, st->cabins, st->cargo, st->cptskill, st->minskill, st->sumskill); if (st->flags & SFL_OPENSEA) fputs(" opensea", F); if (st->flags & SFL_FLY) fputs(" fly", F); fputs(">\n", F); for (i=0;st->coast[i]!=NOTERRAIN;++i) { fprintf(F, "\t\n", terrain[st->coast[i]].name); } fprintf(F, "\t\n", skillname(st->construction->skill, NULL), st->construction->minskill, st->construction->maxsize, st->construction->reqsize); for (i=0;st->construction->materials[i].number!=0;++i) { fprintf(F, "\t\t\n", oldresourcetype[st->construction->materials[i].type]->_name[0], st->construction->materials[i].number); } fputs("\t\n", F); fputs("\n\n", F); stl=stl->next; } fclose(F); } #endif static int tagend(struct xml_stack * stack) { const xml_tag * tag = stack->tag; if (strcmp(tag->name, "ship")==0) { st_register((ship_type*)stack->state); stack->state = 0; } return XML_OK; } static int tagbegin(struct xml_stack * stack) { ship_type * st = (ship_type *)stack->state; const xml_tag * tag = stack->tag; if (strcmp(tag->name, "ship")==0) { const char * name = xml_value(tag, "name"); if (name!=NULL) { st = stack->state = calloc(sizeof(ship_type), 1); st->name[0] = strdup(name); st->name[1] = strcat(strcpy(malloc(strlen(name)+3), name),"_a"); st->cabins = xml_ivalue(tag, "cabins"); st->cargo = xml_ivalue(tag, "cargo"); st->combat = xml_ivalue(tag, "combat"); st->cptskill = xml_ivalue(tag, "cptskill"); st->damage = xml_fvalue(tag, "damage"); if (xml_bvalue(tag, "fly")) st->flags |= SFL_FLY; if (xml_bvalue(tag, "opensea")) st->flags |= SFL_OPENSEA; st->minskill = xml_ivalue(tag, "minskill"); st->range = xml_ivalue(tag, "range"); st->storm = xml_fvalue(tag, "storm"); st->sumskill = xml_ivalue(tag, "sumskill"); } } else if (st!=NULL) { if (strcmp(tag->name, "coast")==0) { int size=0; terrain_t t; terrain_t * add; const char * tname = xml_value(tag, "terrain"); if (tname!=NULL) { if (st->coast) { terrain_t * tnew; for (;st->coast[size]!=NOTERRAIN;++size); tnew = malloc(sizeof(terrain_t) * (size+2)); memcpy(tnew, st->coast, size*sizeof(terrain_t)); free(st->coast); st->coast = tnew; add = st->coast+size; } else { st->coast = malloc(sizeof(terrain_t) * 2); add = st->coast; } add[0] = NOTERRAIN; for (t=0;t!=MAXTERRAINS;++t) if (strcmp(tname, terrain[t].name)==0) { add[0] = t; break; } add[1] = NOTERRAIN; } } else if (strcmp(tag->name, "construction")==0) { construction * con = st->construction = calloc(sizeof(construction), 1); con->maxsize = xml_ivalue(tag, "maxsize"); con->minskill = xml_ivalue(tag, "minskill"); con->reqsize = xml_ivalue(tag, "reqsize"); con->skill = sk_find(xml_value(tag, "skill")); } else if (strcmp(tag->name, "requirement")==0) { construction * con = st->construction; if (con!=NULL) { const resource_type * rtype; resource_t type = NORESOURCE; requirement * radd = con->materials; if (radd) { requirement * rnew; int size; for (size=0;radd[size++].number;); rnew = malloc(sizeof(requirement) * (size+2)); memcpy(rnew, radd, size*sizeof(requirement)); free(radd); con->materials = rnew; radd = rnew+size; } else { radd = con->materials = calloc(sizeof(requirement), 2); } radd[0].number = xml_ivalue(tag, "quantity"); rtype = rt_find(xml_value(tag, "type")); for (type=0;type!=MAX_RESOURCES;++type) { if (oldresourcetype[type]==rtype) { radd[0].type = type; break; } } radd[1].number = 0; radd[1].type = 0; } } } return XML_OK; } static xml_callbacks xml_ships = { tagbegin, tagend, NULL }; void register_ships(void) { #ifndef NOXMLBOATS xml_register(&xml_ships, "eressea ship", 0); #endif }